Val's Cafe



  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    It's the thousandth page!!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Kath I'm sorry you feel not right (((())) try not too worry do you feel worn out. love to Chris ((())) Anita (((())))

    and your dad (((()))Good he can go to his club.

    Barbara (((()))) thank you for asking about me I have a pain in my left hand arthritis carrying on I'm left handed

    Love to Mr B (((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend (((()))

    Mike ((())) I hope you have a good day

    Toni ((())) that's good for Charley I hope they have this house ((())) love to her girlfriend (((())) Lucy ((())) Paul ((())) Tia (((())) I hope it's not to bad for Pom tomorrow (((())))

    love to Bill (((()))Chris (((())) Carol ((())) Mig (((()))

    . Thank you Ellen ((())) it's thanks to all the moderators for a lovely forum (((())))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (in honour of us reaching our 100th page)

    100 Is a Lot

    Meish Goldish

    100 dogs, 100 cats,

    100 heads for 100 hats.

    100 women, 100 men,

    100's more than 5 or 10.

    100 buttons, 100 coats,

    100 sails for 100 boats.

    100 cookies, 100 cakes

    100 kids with bellyaches!

    100 shoes, 100 socks,

    100 keys for 100 locks.

    100 puddles mighty dirty,

    100's even more than 30.

    100 daughters, 100 sons,

    100 franks on 100 buns.

    100 trees, 100 plants,

    100 picnics, 100 ants!

    100 is a lot to count,

    100 is a LARGE AMOUNT!

    100 kisses, 100 hugs,

    100 bats, 100 bugs.

    100 bees, 100 birds,

    This poem has 100 words!

    Thank you Ellen, we will probably have a vegan party in celebration. You are invited of course. 💐

    Barbara, I also have difficulty with faces. I THINK the chap on the settee is Chris, but you never know. Mine is only cataracts though. the one on my right eye could be corrected, but not my right eye. I'm blind in that one.

    Toni, Rebecca 1 came and did the garden this morning. She was busy doing some glossing yesterday, and forgot. 🙄 She has made a good job of it.

    Sending hugs to Carol, Joan, Sue, Chris, mig and Mike.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • CatLady1
    CatLady1 Member Posts: 64

    Hi to all the happy café people

    I decided before I got up today that I would have a PJ day. It's a long time since I had one of them. Everything is done in the flat and tomorrow's dinner is in the slow cooker. I decided I would have a parsley box for lunch. Hadn't had one of these before - it was a roast beef dinner. Surprised at the amount of meat. It was delicious. Sat here wondering what my neighbour would think if she knew I was still in my PJs. She can be a bit uppity, and like us to think she is a PROPER lady. Doesn't wash with me. She's one of them that's seen it, heard it, done it or been there or one of her sons have. I just laugh to myself cos the different tales she comes out with. If she'd done it all she'd be near 200 years old.!! Really enjoying my lazy day, haven't done much. Been playing games on my tablet. Think I needed a relaxing day just to give my flares a chance to do one.

    At least we've got some sun now. It rained hard this morning, guess the gardens somewhere needed it.

    Hope you all are having a good Sunday. Take care. Stay safe.

    Gentle hugs to Toni, Kath, Joan, Barbara, Carol, and Mike and anyone else If missed or forgotten. Have a good evening.


  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Evening all
    We have sun on and off but not that warm..
    Mike I agree with what you say..apparently its just for the weekends and the roads will be closed for people to walk along or ride there scooters..hope you are well..
    Toni nice to have some time with Lucy even if it is over the phone..i hope she is happy thats all you can ask
    A lovely vegan
    breakfast thankyou....i quite got to like vegan when our gd was one..for all of 2 months..
    I will certainly be thinking if P tomorrow.. rhey are long days suppose it will be all bloods has well xx
    Joan what a shame you are left handed and that's the painful you have hand spints or straps..i use then and they really to all of you xx
    Chris a pj day is nice..and i know the neighbour you mean... there is always one has they say .you carry on as you please...i am going to have a look at this parsley box..its good that they don't have to be froze xx
    Kath thats a brilliant poem and it made me laugh...hahaha..i remember you had cataracts..oh I never thought i might have a fancy man sat on the settee and I wouldn't know...hahaha..not good is it ...i hope Anita is feeling okish after her last chemo xx
    Today has been a planning day we are changing the kitchen unit doors..i can't be doing with taking the units out..and getting new it will be nice and fresh
    Love to everyone
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Oooh! Party food Thanks Kath! 1000 pages is such an achievement! Wahay! Didn't we do well. Sure if we counted up all the pages from the previous forum it would be even more!

    Thanks Mike look it's 1001 now already! - maybe we talk too much in the café !!!

    Kath great poem very clever indeed you are - even got the word count to 100

    Glad to hear Rebecca 1 arrived and did a goo d job of the hedge that's lovely of her I found hedges very hard work when i used to do them. Glossing eh? One busy woman that Rebecca....

    Erm....I really hope the man on your settee is indeed Chris😮😕I'm pretty good with faces just not so great with names. If l met everyone in here in 'real life' the only one I might get is @Mike1 being a different gender!

    Joan yes all seems to be going well for Charley and Annie this time so ✌️I am sorry to read that your poor left hand is so sore ((())) being left-handed too😕

    Hi Chris hope you are well today and benefited from yesterday's pyjama day!! My kids like those I have never done one, but why not? Your neighbour sounds a right royal pain in the rear!!🙄 I know the type though why don't they just shut up and let other people have experiences to tell them about?

    Over your head. let it all go over your head and have a sneaky smile later!

    So you enjoyed your parsley box then? I am glad and tomorrow's dinner (today's now) is already cooked. Well what a great day.

    Paul took me a drive yesterday afternoon got me some top soil for the garden and some HUGE pots for two new rose bushes.

    Hi Barbara we had sun too, but gosh i was cold there was a chill wind AGAIN🙄

    Lovely new kitchen doors! That's all you need if the units are sound and where you want them! Maybe the men can move along all your s*****s too while they're at it?

    Must crack on I am taking Tia into work this morning her car is in the garage!

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Back from dropping Tia off

    We both wore masks and opened all windows too as you just never know do you? 

    I have anti-bacced the seat belt door handles etc she might have touched. feel really bad doing that - she's family, but not the same household and is mixing with the public.

    Just washed my favourite bag. It's a kipling pink rucksack so washable and now it's soaking in the dettol laundry stuff. Says it kills COVID.

    Realised I forgot our breakfast!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) you have so many problems I have cataracts he wants me to have them done but I don't have a problem seeing or reading so why should I. love to the strange man sat next to you ((())) love to Anita (((())) and your dad (((()))

    Barbara (((()))) it would be nice if we could have what we wanted for our bodies you need eyes (((()))

    my hands alright now it's osteoporosis thank you. love to Mr B ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend (((())

    Chris some people like to say that they have done things to make them seem better than you (((())) have a good day I remember some one saying if you get fed up with some one imagine them with nothing on.

    Toni (((())) your doing your good deed taking Tia ((())) to work. Love to Paul ((())) Good luck to Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) with the house love to Lucy ((()))

    . Love to Bill ((()) Mig ((())) Carol (((())) Mike ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (written at 11 O'clock this morning)

    I'm so fed up!

    I’m so fed up you know.

    I wish I could get up and go!

    But my get up and go has got up and gone,

    Oh I’m so fed up you know.

    I’m really so tired and bored.

    Or am I bored and tired?

    I need a tonic, a pick me up,

    Something to make me feel wired.

    My life is getting me down.

    I’m always wearing a frown.

    Oh please make me smile

    and laugh and be bright, but I’m so fed up you know.

    Well I've read all the posts. Firstly, it was radiotherapy the Anita had, not Chemo. Secondly, I'm pleased ou enjoyed the 100 poem, but I didn't write it. Wish I had.

    Joan, you have just as many problems as I have, I don't know how you cope with them all. BTW, did you see the little boy with CP who taught himself to play the piano, and he plays brilliantly. I think he is 10 year old.

    Toni, thank you for the omelet. Are there mushrooms too? ☺️

    Barbara, Carol, Chris and mig. hello lovelies.

    Easy, Dairy-Free Cashew Cheese

    5 hr, 5 min

    Skip the cow cheese and choose this easy and fast dairy-free cashew cheese recipe with only 5 ...


    • 1 tbsp Lemon juice
    • 1/8 tsp Cayenne pepper
    • 1/2 tsp Sea salt
    • 1 tbsp Olive oil, extra virgin
    • 1 1/2 cups Cashews, raw

    Avocado Cashew Cheese Toast: Smashed avocado and cashew cheese on toast with fresh tomatoes and black pepper. first smash the avocado into the cashew cheese, mixing the two together. Then spread it on toast, add the tomatoes, and ground some black pepper on top.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Afternoon all..the sun is trying to come out but not hard enough
    Kath i sometimes wonder what went wrong with life...its a bugger getting old...sorry suppose to be cheering you its raditherapy Anita had..good luck to her..
    I will pass the cheese recipe on to our gd she can't eat dairy..think i will try it myself...xx
    Joan that is brilliant and made me laugh..imagine them with no clothes on.. i am going to try this on one of our neighbours thst doesn't get on with anyone.. hahaha..hope you are all ok..dont forget the hands straps can help..xx
    Toni a lovely fluffy omelette ..thankyou .you did well making that before you dropped Tia off....or was it after...yes its best to be safe and wipe things down..we have wipes all over the house at the min..
    How nice having a ride out..i could have given you top soil from the digging if my pond..
    Hi to anyone that might pop in
    Love to all
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Morning everyone 🙂

    Sunny start to the day but will cloud over before it's warm enough to go out

    Hi Joan yes I'm doing my good deed, but haven't forgotten how much food Tia had brought me while I can't shop in supermarkets. It works both ways doesn't it? She would probably say l brought her up! Love to you and Sue ((())) hope your hand stays ok and I would delay having my eyes done unless I felt i needed

    Kath of course there are mushrooms especially for you 😊

    Loved the poem so impressive to write it like that almost off the cuff! it's spot on for these times with lockdown although I suspect it wasn't just that for you yesterday last hope today is better ((()))🌈🌈🌈

    My friend who had breast cancer just finished her tablets she was so glad (but nervous) to see the back of them🙄 Will be Pm-ing about P in a minute.

    Go the little boy with CP people can certainly overcome adversity can't they?

    Thanks for the cashew cheese spread. I ought really to have ago at this I have some 'fresh' (unsalted/uncooked!) cashews🤔 I tend to cheat and buy the vegan/free from.

    Sleek is coming over later to see what you are up to and to tidy up 'her' drugs cupboard....

    Hi Barbara how are you. I take it your bro is still doing ok?

    How was the lovely Niamh is she still in school? They will surely be/have broken up?

    I don't think I was to picture anyone without their clothes on😄mind you it would certainly take them down a peg or two. Joan is right when someone is too busy telling you about their own experience they aren't listening to you are they?🙄

    Yes please send the top soil over! is the pond all done?

    I did the omelette after I dropped Tia off. It's her day off today so a day off for me. Then I have to do weds Thurs and Fri till it's fixed.

    P'ming about P in a bit.

    Love as always to Carol Have you been out and about yet Carol? Is knitting back on or are there too many of you? How is Mr T's hand? All better I hope.

    Hi to Chris I hope all is well with you and your know-it-all neighbour still knows it all, but keeps her mouth shut😁

    Some breakfast...let me think.....

    Now that has to brighten Kath's day!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Kath I was told the other day a bout a man buying hearing aids for him and his wife it came to quite a bit of money e went and got the money from behind the toilet he did not trust banks (((())) love to Anita ((())) and Val ((((()))) and Chris ((())) and your dad (((()))

    . Barbara ((())) all the problems we have are sent to try us to see how we cope I think my mum is watching me.

    love to Mr B ((())) and your brother ((()))

    Toni (((()))) you are a good stepmother love to Paul ((()))Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) Tia ((())) Lucy ((())) love to Pom ((()))

    love to Bill ((())) Carol ((()))Chris ((())) Mig ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (For dear Pom for all her friends)



    Remember me when I am gone away,

             Gone far away into the silent land;

             When you can no more hold me by the hand,

    Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay.

    Remember me when no more day by day

             You tell me of our future that you plann'd:

             Only remember me; you understand

    It will be late to counsel then or pray.

    Yet if you should forget me for a while

             And afterwards remember, do not grieve:

             For if the darkness and corruption leave

             A vestige of the thoughts that once I had,

    Better by far you should forget and smile

             Than that you should remember and be sad.

    Toni, thank you for your message, and yes, the lovely meal did brighten my day. 😋

    Joan, BEHIND THE TOILET!!! I hope he didn't confuse it with toilet roll! That would have been an expensive wee!

    Love and hugs to all.

    10 Minute Edamame Spaghetti

    There are lots of great things about this dish... it's simple, very quick, tastes amazing AND it's high in protein! 

    Edamame pasta contains 24g protein per serving so it's a great way to make up your RDA.


    • 200g/7oz edamame spaghetti (you can find this in most health food shops, Holland & Barrett, The Vegan Kind and some supermarkets)
    • 1 clove garlic, finely chopped 
    • 200g/7oz mushrooms, sliced
    • 200g cherry tomatoes 
    • 2 large handfuls spinach
    • 200g (approx.) vegan pesto (eg Sacla, Zest, supermarket own brands. If you fancy making your own then check out our hazelnut pesto recipe
    • Optional extras: toasted pine nuts, a few tablespoons of nutritional yeast and a handful rocket per person

    Other ideas for serving: mushroom and white wine sauce, mixed mushrooms, fresh chilli, roast vegetables, toasted hazelnuts, avocado, artichokes, sundried tomatoes, olives, capers, fried aubergine, asparagus, vegan sausage, vegan chorizo, vegan bacon with brussels sprouts, caramelised onion, lemon juice, peas. vegan cheese, 


    1. In a large frying pan, cook the mushrooms in a little oil until soft. Add the garlic after a few minutes of cooking.  
    2. Add the cherry tomatoes and spinach, stirring occastionally. Heat for a few minutes until the spinach has wilted. 
    3. Whilst the veggies are cooking, place the spaghetti in a large saucepan, add water, bring to the boil and then simmer for around 5 minutes or until just soft.
    4. Drain the spaghetti and mix together with the vegetables and pesto. 
    5. Season then top with rocket, pine nuts and nutritional yeast.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Afternoon all..its a lovely day so been pottering..
    Joan i always think the same my mother is watching me and saying you never listened..hahaha yes things are sent to test us..i think there are many worse off..especially to all of you..xx
    Kath the first time I heard that poem was when my mum died..i still have it somewhere ..i hope things are not to bed today for you.. have you seen Holly..its been so long with the children off i feel for these mums and dads..xx
    Toni thankyou for the eggs and mushrooms..i do wonder if my brother tells us everything..he keeps a lot to himself...i have to check with his GF...Niamh dud a few weeks now they are off again..not sure when she us next coming..
    Yes it has to be give and take..its nice to help one another out..was Tia only young when you met Paul..
    Will check my pms they don't show like they used to..xx
    My house is upside down..our son and dad are moving cupboards around.. it seemed so simple changing the doors..anyhow we are getting there
    Love to everyone xxxxxxx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Evening all

    This wanderer has returned I have missed so much on here but my moods have been very up and down and it’s been hard to focus on very much. One day I’m happy and the next I am down and fed up just like your poem Kath. I am also having to deal with mr T and his moods it seems I can’t do anything right at the moment we spend most of the time in silence. I just hope our trip to Ramsgate next week cheers things up a bit. Luckily we are both getting out and about a bit more.

    I have now been doing 3 of the 11 exercises the physio lady sent me from this escape pain course she sent me after her phone call for a week today and today I added a Fourth one in. I am determined to keep the up because I don’t particularly want to resort to the knee replacement if at all possible.

    Toni Yes we are out and about now complete with masks. Knitting is not back on as yet, also we haven’t returned to church yet our church secretary has been holding informal meetings with our few members we have on the common at the top of the road the church for the last couple of weeks. But I don’t suppose he has very many there because most of our church peopl are over 70. We have said we will not go back until September.

    we have added three more garden ornaments meet mother O’Riely toadstool and pooh bear

    One of Pooh facing the right way

    thing that’s about it from me today

    love and sparkles to you all


    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Carol I love your new garden ornaments! They are not cheap you have been splashing out there. I love the name Mother O'Reily especially although I bet the GGC will love Pooh the best.

    Our Church is the same not open yet, but the Vicar will meet people now for private worship if they want to. She got special licence because really her time finished during lockdown as she was retiring.

    I do hope your break away will sort Mr T out - it probably will he's like Paul for his holidays isn't he?🙄 Glad you can at least 'get a break' from him now you can get out a bit. I'm sure you are staying as safe as you can.

    Doing well with your physio there Carol! Keep on going then you know you'll have done all you can ((()))

    Joan thank you i do do my best and treat all 3 girls the same as does Paul. Imagine choosing the loo to hide your money! I am so glad though that the chap and his wife have hearing aids each bless him. ((()))

    Hi Kath thanks for the poem - I will try to remember those words as things worsen. I hope she gets lots of good times now while she can. She loves flowers too so the house must be full of them now not after.

    Love the pasta! I could eat pasta forever if i was allowed, but Paul isn't keen. I make him eat it sometimes though and always shovel it down when he is on site!

    I t bet the meal did brighten the day. Little treats do it doesn't have to be much does it?

    Barbara Tia has 7 and 3/4 as was Charley and Lucy was 5 (just) when we started seeing each other. There are 6 weeks between Tia and Charl although it should have been that Tia was the eldest, but Charley came 2 and 1/2 months early so she beat her! We had some tough times settling together. Paul hadn't really parented Tia just let her stay up till all hours i was probably too routinised so we met in the middle.

    Are the boys getting the house ready for the kitchen?

    No news about when you'll see Niamh again soon? 😕 hopefully sooner rather than later she lights up everywhere she goes that one!

    Yes ask your bro's GF how he is - she will know.

    Love to Chris I hope all is well with you?

    Love to everyone I am off to take Tia in to work!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    . Kath (((())) I hope you have a good day today love to Chris ((())) Anita ((()) and Val ((())) and your dad ((()))

    . Barbara (((())) perhaps your brother does not want to worry you but you worry because of not knowing.

    Love to Mr B ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Carol it's better now we can go out more things get on top of us when we stay in (((())) love to Mr T ((()))

    Toni ((())) it's nice they are around the same age it must have been easer for them ((())) love to Charley (((())) and her friend (((())) Tia ((())) and Lucy and Paul (((()) I'm thinking about Pom (((()))

    love to Bill ((())) Mig (((())) Chris ((())) Mike ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • CatLady1
    CatLady1 Member Posts: 64

    Yesterday was a good day to start with and I got another project finished and one started. It went down hill in the afternoon, while I was checking my facebook. The cruise line that I had booked the trip for next April has gone into administration. I'm not too worried for myself cos I hopefully have one at Christmas. I feel really annoyed/upset for my daughter, she was coming with me, as she hasn't had a holiday for many years. Hasn't been able too afford it. I spent the afternoon and evening looking at cruises to see if there was anything I fancied.

    I just loved Joan (hopefully it was Joan) saying that when my neighbour is being the usual pain in the read, just imagine her with no clothes on. I found that so great, especially when she started on this morning. Trouble was I had a job to stop laughing.

    As always I love reading all your posts and looking at the food Toni and Kath post. Trouble is I have to wait to cook them as I don't have the ingredients in. I'm still shielding, not sure how I will feel when 1st August comes round whether or not I'll want to go out. Guess I'd best remember to check my w/chair so it is fully charged when and if I want to venture out. Hoping our only pub will still be doing their w/end meals then cos I've been looking at the ones they've been doing during lockdown. The landlady has only been here just a year and has fitted into the village well. They've done miracles with the pub because it had been shut for 3 years. She was the person behind all the village volunteers that deliver things to those of us shielding.

    Gentle hugs to Toni ((())) Kath ((())) Barbara ((())) Joan ((())) Carol ((())) Mike ((())) and anyone else I've missed.


  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (we all use them, some reluctantly though)

    Computer Room - Poem by Vera Sidhwa

    Computer Room

    The computer room was dark today.

    These computers had nothing to say.

    They just sat on this table

    But of communication they were unable.

    The computers keyboard didn't say anything.

    No one did any typing.

    The Internet didn't know what to do.

    Watching all this, I was blue.

    Suddenly a white screen popped up.

    My attention and concentration went up.

    I decided to write a poem on it.

    Then all the computers were all lit.

    The computer room was dark today.

    These computers had much to say.

    They just sat on this table

    They sat on the table and communicated their own way.

    CatLady, I always imagine someone who annoys me sitting on the loo. HAHAHAHA.

    Joan, I hope the weather stays nice, so you and Sue can go out for walks with the dogs. 😃

    Toni, I'm waiting for Chris's bad leg to explode over me. He has DVT and huge red sores which are weeping. He refuses to call someone as he is worried he might get taken in hospital and leave me alone. I couldn't feed myself or do any other things for myself. 🙄

    Carol, I'm so pleased that your garden ornaments now have company. I love Pooh, but I think Mother O'Reily is lovely.

    Barbara, Yes, I saw Holly yesterday. She had her legs out (in shorts) flashing her tattoos off. Her sister Eliane went to the shop with her. They are a lovely family.

    Hugs and sparkles to all.

    Kale & orange salad & poppy seed dressing

    Category: Salad, Snack/side dish, Main meal | Serves: 2–3 as a starter or serves 2 as a light lunch

    Prep time: 20 minutes | Cooking time: N/A


    1–2 oranges, depending on size

    85g (3oz) kale, large stalks removed, leaves finely shredded (see Anne’s tip)

    1½ tbsp extra-virgin olive oil

    1 tbsp freshly squeezed blood orange juice

    1 tsp clear (runny) honey

    ½ tsp Dijon mustard, or to taste

    ½–1 tsp poppy seeds, or to taste

    Freshly ground black pepper, to taste

    2–3 tbsp pomegranate seeds, to garnish

    1. Peel oranges and remove as much pith as possible.
    2. Break flesh into peeled segments; cut segments in half, if you like. Combine orange segments and shredded kale in a bowl.
    3. In a separate small bowl, whisk together all remaining ingredients (except pomegranate seeds), seasoning to taste with black pepper.
    4. Drizzle dressing over salad; toss gently to mix. Serve salad with pomegranate seeds sprinkled over to garnish.

    Cook's tips

    • If you prefer, lightly steam the shredded kale (for a couple of minutes, until just tender), then refresh in cold water, drain and pat dry before use.

    Cranberry Mojito

    Our Cranberry Mojito is the perfect party cocktail! It's super easy to make and you only need a few simple ingredients. It's light, fresh and paired with the tart pop of cranberry and zingy lime, this cocktail is such a yummy after-dinner treat!

    The colours of green and red, paired with the warmth of vodka makes this cocktail a great festive tipple at Christmas or equally as a refreshing summer delight. 


    • 4 tbsp cranberry sauce
    • 120ml vodka
    • 4-5 tbsp frozen cranberries (optional)
    • Juice of 4 limes
    • A big handful of mint leaves, plus extra for decoration
    • Sparkling water to top up each glass
    • Large handful of crunched ice per glass (you can do this in a food processor)


    1. Sieve the cranberry sauce into a large jug and then add the lime juice, vodka and mint leaves.
    2. Stir thoroughly and then evenly distribute between 4 glasses.
    3. Add the crushed ice and frozen cranberries before topping up with sparkling mineral water.
    4. Decorate with more fresh mint, a slice of lime and a couple of extra cranberries.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Evening all I did read all your post..but will try and keep thus short..
    Toni fancy Tia and Charley being the same age more or must have been hard.. but what a good job you did should be really proud of yourself..yes kitchen under way doors ordered and so are worktops..i have never had a new kitchen..not really new but what a change it will be...xx
    Chris..i hope the pub keeps going for you i do like to have a pub meal..or any meal come to that...hahaha..i have ordered the parsley box and can't wait...good for you finishing a project..and hope you find a nice cruise for you and your daughter cc
    Carol i hope your mood continues on the up..and Mr Ts men eh.....i love your new ornaments..especially mother O reiley.. hahaha xx
    Joan fancy the man putting money behind the toilet...ooh...yes my brother is like my eldest brother..suppose its what keeps him going he doesn't dwell on things ...hope you are all ok xx
    Kath how nice for Holly to have her legs out tattoo's and all....i never had the legs fir shorts.. love the strange poem about computers..on on earth they thought of it is beyond Me .....thankyou fir the unusual salad it does sound nice..and the Mojito xx
    Today I bought an hedgehog house..a man near by is making them...:)
    Love to everyone
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Evening all

    Toni yes your right at least I can get away from it all now we can get out a bit more. Mr t is quite happy to stay in when wants to not, but not when forced to like we all have been. I must admit he like me is making sure he has wipes hand sanitizer and his mask with him when out and about. I sometimes don’t know how we cope with the male species at times I really dont 🤔🤔. Some of the garden ornaments we have been lucky with mother O’riellly and the toadstool was on sale price. And Pooh was only £15 in the garden centre not far from us. I am trying Hard with the physio and I know I have to build up slowly and not try to do them all at once. Time will tell. I’m also aware that if I get pain doing any of them that it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is doing more damage to the joint, It’s all about pacing yourself but we are used to that anyway.

    Joan you are right there things do get on top of you when you are not able to get out and about.

    Kath that poem was good and I really must try some of the recipes you find for us.

    Chris I so love that thought about visualising people who know it all without clothes on I have a friend but thinks she knows it all I’ll have to try it when she starts.

    Barbara yes men what are they like. Mind you it has been at all nice with the lockdown for anyone think we have all had our awkward moods. The mother O’Rielly ornament was just called O’Rielly in the shop it was me who added the mother bit because it has a skirt on.😜😜

    time to move around a bit more before I go I must post this picture of GGDS recently received just love the words on Graycie’s and Rubie’s T-shirt’s.

    If you can’t see it all it says little miss Sassy pants.😂😂

    love and sparkles to you all and a few hugs too

    ❤️❤️❤️🌈🌈🌈 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222


    Oh yes Carol two little Misses sassy pants with big sis they look adorable as ever.❤️

    That's right with your physio slowly slowly and you should get there it's as much about building up muscle to protect your joints as you know well we all do we can quite easily let our muscles go when pain strikes.

    Pooh was only £15!!! That's a good price - i'd keep going to that GC if I were you.

    Being confined to base with no choice about it is quite quite different isn't it? I can see how Mr T feels I feel similar but happy enough to continue pretty well inside for now just out in my car or Paul's van. I am very pleased to hear he is doing all the hand hygiene things we are doing now and am sure he will be a mask wearer.

    Kath Chris is being very daft not getting that leg checked out!! Honestly men!!!!!!!!!!! You can heat up a meal can't you? If it on much longer you might have to make a call behind his back....🤫 mind you that's easier said than done.

    Loved the poem! was it about a school when it was the summer holidays do you think or is it actually asort of lockdown poem?

    Get Holly out in her shorts and why not while you're young?

    LOVE the sparkles you sent us thank you very much - I'll have a mojito thank you very much much not pop my mint in though🤔it will go rather well with the lovely fruity salad.

    Hi Joan I hope Sue is doing ok? saw my lovely neighbours yesterday it was his birthday we sat outside for an hour or so i was there when he opened all his presents and it was lovely to be part of.

    Charley and Tia were in the same class! that's how Paul and I met!

    Barbara hope all is well with you. Gosh turmoil in the kitchen, but worth oh yes totally worth it in the end you will love it. All we did here was to change the worktops. made a huge difference. Do they reckon it will take long?

    You must let me know how your parsley box is when it comes. Kath posted on facebook a vegan version so i am rather you I love food and especially food cooked well by someone else!!

    Ah well I think did ok with the girls they all turned out pretty well normal😁. You know how hard it is with girls as they get to teenage years.

    Chris well DONE you finishing a project! very proud of you🙂

    Oh I am sorry about your planned cruise for you and your daughter - I do hope you can find another one for both of you ((()))

    So you saw the proverbial pain in the rear. (You know what i think our CAROL has a friend rather like yours!) I bet she wondered why you had a grin on your face think of her in the raw!!!

    I know what you mean about ingredients for Katj;'s lovely recipes....I have most of the herbs and spices and sometimes swap some items if I can about and order things online ready just and paste the recipes into a word document and cook them a week or so later.

    Your new pub landlady sounds lovely. A real do-er! We all need someone like that. Sadly our village 'do-er' here is really very unwell at the moment.

    🤞 you get your meal. Yes get your chair charged up ready!


    crumpets or piklets!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) you could take the phone to the toilet with you it's better now than being rushed in to hospital (((()))

    Love to Anita ((())) and your dad ((()))

    Chris ((()) I'm sorry about your cruise I hope you can find another one soon

    Barbara ((())) how is your neighbour that moved ((())) love to your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Carol ((())) lovely photo of the 3 grandchildren ((())) love to Mr T ((()))

    Toni were Charley ((()) and Tia ((())) friends at school love to Paul ((()) and Charley's girlfriend ((()))

    love to Bill ((())) Mig ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (we all seem to have difficulties with our men - except Toni - this poem shows the difficulty of being a man)



    It's tough being a guy, having to be gruff

    and buff, the strong silent type, having to laugh

    it off—pain, loss, sorrow, betrayal—or leave in a huff

    and say No big deal, take a ride, listen to enough

    loud rock and roll that it scours out your head, if 

    not your heart. Or to be called a **** or a poof

    when you love something or someone, scuffing

    a shoe across the floor, hiding a smile in a muffler

    pulled up nose high, an eyebrow raised for the word quaff

    used in casual conversation—wine, air, oil change at the Jiffy

    Lube—gulping it down, a joke no one gets. It's rough,

    yes, the tie around the neck, the starched white cuffs

    too long, too short, frayed, frilled, rolled up. The self

    isn't an easy quest for a beast with balls, a cock, proof

    of something difficult to define or defend. Chief or chef,

    thief or roofer, serf or sheriff, feet on the earth or aloof.

    Son, brother, husband, lover, father, they are different

    from us, except when they fall or stand alone on a wharf.

    Joan, I do take the phone in the loo, in case it rings while I'm in there. I can't get back to it in time to answer it when in the sitting room. Chris won't answer it because it's usually for me anyway. 🙄😏

    Toni, I never know what to call them, but usually pikelets. Don't you just love them dripping with best butter. As for Chris, I just let him get on with it. He's always been like that, which is why he is well insured. 😕 we both are.

    Carol, what gorgeous grand girlies, they are going to be heart breakers when they are teenagers. 😉

    Barbara, I didn't wear shorts either, but I used to wear mini skirts - or belts as we laughingly called them. My legs were what attracted Chris to me. He tries not to look now. HAHAHA! I keep my knobbly knees well covered any way.

     Allotment cobbler

    Homemade comfort food at its best.

    Ingredients (serves 4)


    • 160g self-raising flour, plus extra for dusting
    • 1 tsp dried rosemary
    • ½ tsp dried thyme
    • Generous pinch of salt
    • 50g vegan butter
    • 100ml soya milk, plus 1 tbsp for glazing

    For the filling

    • 1 tbsp olive oil
    • 1 leek, finely chopped
    • 1 medium courgette, cut into even chunks
    • 1 red pepper, roughly chopped
    • 2 cloves of garlic, crushed
    • 1 tsp dried oregano
    • 1 tsp dried mixed herbs
    • 400g can chopped tomatoes
    • 4 rounded tbsp fresh broad beans, podded
    • 1 tbsp tomato ketchup
    • Juice of 1 unwaxed lemon


    1. Preheat the oven to 220°C/425°F/gas mark 7. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
    2. Start by making the scone dumplings. In a bowl, mix together the flour, rosemary, thyme and salt, then rub in the vegan butter until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Stir through the soya milk until a smooth dough is created. Use your hands to flatten the dough
    3. to 2.5cm (1in) thick on a lightly floured surface, then use a scone cutter to make eight scone-dumplings. Place them onto the prepared baking tray and brush with a little soya milk. Bake for 10–11 minutes until just golden.
    4. In the meantime, make the filling. In a stove-to-table pot, heat the olive oil over a medium–high heat and cook the leek for 2 minutes. Add the courgette and red pepper, and cook for a further 2 minutes until softened. Throw in the garlic, oregano and mixed herbs, and cook for a further minute.
    5. Pour in the chopped tomatoes, broad beans and ketchup, and cover with the lid. Bubble on high for 7–8 minutes until the vegetables are tender.
    6. Remove the pot from the heat and squeeze over the lemon juice.
    7. Remove the scones from the oven and carefully place them over the cooked filling, pressing them in gently to absorb some sauce. Serve hot.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    afternoon all dark and raining here..we have the lights on..:(
    Kath the poem made me Chris has a poorly leg..if he wont go to the drs he is like mr B...whatever can we do with them...
    The cobbler is just what I need in this weather not like July at all..xx
    Toni yes teenage girls..i have done that one and will have it again with Niamh..hopefully I'm still here...
    We biy lots of crumpets..not for me but everyone else..would you believe Niamh dosent like jam on anything...
    I am still thinking of P and hope her pain is controlled...xx
    Joan my neighbour is still here..she would have moved now but for the virus..anyway it is just weeks away now for her now...
    Love to all of you xx
    Carol what lovely photos if the children..they look so happy being out and about..
    MrB is the same for staying in..he comes with me for shopping has he drives..i think we all need our own space after this virus..tomorrow everyone has to wear mask in shops...i hope they do xx

    Love to everyone xxxxcx