Val's Cafe
Evening all..
Carol many congratulation to you and Mr was ours last year haven't we done well...:):)
The photo is so nice..i do like looking at people's photos especially the old ones..not you the photo...hahaha
You do have a nice close nit family..and that is everything you had a bus us scary going out ..but good for you xx
Joan more rain today I'm afraid.. hope you all had nice least my garden us enjoying it..xx
Toni a new least it won't let you down..we would be lost without the net..i am the same for banking and bill's ..oh thankyou for breakfast..has you no i do like my eggs..xx
Is Kath OK not seen her on...xx
Nothing interesting to tell I'm afraid..
Live to everyone
Barbara0 -
Joan yes we were hoping 3rd time lucky too. They've found another one they like now so fingers crossed!!!🙄 Bless them they don't have much luck. P still hasn't heard back from her biopsy bless her.
Carol I love the wedding photo! Its gorgeous and how clever were you making all those dresses yourself! You both look very young indeed so was that 1970. Must have been. You certainly proved your doubters wrong 50 years is a wonderful achievement. All those little people from that day🙂
I think Mr T's generosity when it comes to essentials (and laptops are these days else how do you do your banking and online shopping etc?) must have rubbed off on Paul. Well you just proved the point if you can't bank online you have to go IN the bank and who wants to do that with this virus going around?
I hope you had the best day ever yesterday. I bet the phone was red hot!
Chris (AKA Catlady) I hope you are doing ok today and the weather is a bit better than it is here it's miserable again, but Paul reckons it's getting better.
Barbara Yes you did amazingly well too me and Paul will never make 50 as it was a second marriage I think we'd have to be in our 90s......well i suppose we might🤔
You and your husband have done so well too you must be proud of your lot especially your Gdaughters all of them and most of them more like daughters to you. Wonderful what you did.
I know you and Kath love your eggs so I thought..why not? I shall do a full 'English' this morning (or Scottish or Welsh) because it's Sunday so we can be greedy.
I can't believe how essential laptops are these days - even more so now with COVID-19! Who wants to go into a bank? Poor Carol had to.
Kath I hope you are ok? I shall need to check out facebook if you don't call in today this is very odd. Sending love and ((())) anyway
Now the bread is toasted, but anyone who wants fried the pan's on!?
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Would prefer fried bread to toast and swap the black pudding for a nice bit of Hogs pudding. 🍽️
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Good morning everyone
Carol that's a lovely photo's a lot of memories there (((()))) I hope you have a happy day spoil yourselves to day(((()))) love to Mr T ((((()))
love to Barbara (((())) and Mr B ((())) and her brother (((()))). Kath ((())) Anita ((((())) Chris (((())) and her Dad (((())) Toni ((())) Paul ((())) Tia ((()) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) Lucy (((()))
Bill ((())) and catlady (((())))
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem (still on the theme of pets).
My Mouse
by Christina Georgina Rossetti
A Venus seems my Mouse
Come safe ashore from foaming seas,
Which in a small way & at ease
Keeps house.
An Iris seems my Mouse,
Bright bow of that exhausted shower
Which made a world of sweet-herbs flower
And boughs.
A darling Mouse it is:—
Part hope not likely to take wing,
Part memory, part anything
You please.
Venus-cum-Iris Mouse
From shifting tides set safe apart,
In no mere bottle, in my heart
Hello everyone, sorry I didn't show yesterday, we were both so exhausted. Chris slept all day while I dozed. The box arrived late, so we were late giving stuff away. 😴
Esme went to school in her new silver trouser suit, she did look very glam for a 6-year old.
Chris (Cat Lady, such a shame you can't keep pets in your home. We have had cats in the past, but no longer.
Easy Strawberry Galette
This tart is so easy to make but will seriously impress... win win!
- 320g/1 sheet ready to use puff pastry (eg Jus-Rol or some supermarket own brands. Use gluten-free if necessary - Jus-Rol has a GF version)
- 800g fresh strawberries, hulled (if you leave them whole they look prettier but halving or quartering them makes them much easier and nicer to eat)
- 2 x 200ml tubs Oatly Creme Fraiche (or you can make our coconut cream whip or the sweet version of our cashew cream. If you make one of these other cream options you don't need to add the lemon juice, icing sugar and vanilla extract below)
- ½ tbsp lemon juice
- 6 tbsp icing sugar (plus a bit more for dusting), sieved
- ½ tsp vanilla extract or paste
- Optional decoration: fresh mint sprigs, dusting of icing sugar, chopped nuts
- Preheat the oven to 180ºC (fan)/350ºF/Gas Mark 4.
- Place the sheet of puff pastry on a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper, prick it with a fork and then pop in the oven for 15 minutes or until golden.
- Take the sheet out, turn it over, gently press it down to flatten it again and return it to the oven for another 5-10 minutes.
- Leave to cool for minimum 15 minutes.
- Liquidise 100g of the hulled strawberries and then push them through a sieve to create a smooth paste. Put in the fridge until needed.
- In a medium sized bowl, mix the Oatly, lemon juice, icing sugar and vanilla extract until smooth.
- Spread the cream evenly over the cooled puff pastry sheet.
- Place the fresh strawberries evenly over the layer of cream.
- Top off with the liquidised strawberry paste, a dusting of icing sugar and mint.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Wow. A full breakfast I haven't had one for a long while. Also fancy a piece of the strawberry galette. Shouldn't but then my next diabetic check won't be for a little while, so I'll have a small piece. Must leave enough for Toni. It's rather windy here today and not very warm. Nearly got blown over when I went for my usual walk round the outside of the scheme. Not doing a lot to day. I've started a project that the group I usually go to posts to us. This one is making a card. The inside pops up. Quite different to what I usually do. Take care all of you. Gentle hugs for you all. (((())))
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Evening all
We had a a unusual day yesterday it was a bit up and down we started the day just wishing each a happy anniversary and gave each other a card. Youngest daughter had already said she would be down. Now restrictions have lifted a bit as person living alone She has been able to form a social bubble without so much social distancing with us. So for the first time she came indoors. Our first up shall I call it was when we received a delivery of flowers with a little box of chocolates from one of my cousins on my dads side of the family. So things were improving .youngest daughter turns up around lunch time. With Hugh bouquet of flowers which she had purchase on behalf of Her and all our family down in Kent very nice yes but Problem we have only one One vase which was occupied by my cousins flowers . Picture of flowers
She then gave us a golden wedding anniversary scrapbook that she put together with lots of photo and messages from family. Then came a downer which is private to us Youngest and to the the folk on this forum only so don’t mention it to mr t joan as I know you have him as a friend on your face book because he dosen’t want any one knowing but he Managed to cut his thumb and little finger Quite nastily, and ended up at the hospital accompanied by daughter. having the one on his thumb glued and steri stripped Together. So I am now on washing up duty with him drying. He has to keep The thumb as dry as poss for the next few days. When they came back we had our meal which was delicious. Despite couple of downers the day was great.A very unusual Golden wedding anniversary to say the least. We also had loads of messages on Facebook from family and friends.
Toni it wasn’t too bad in the bank they were only allowing a few in at a time and making sure everyone was distancing properly. So you got a new laptop well perhaps Paul is learning. Mr t now has his laptop back. Glad you liked the photo I remember having all those 7 dresses hung up I my bedroom at one point. It’s hard. To believe that the youngest of the bridesmaid. Was only 4 years old. She is now 55. I was 22 mr t was almost 23 almost yes we were young.
glad you all liked the photo of our wedding here is another for you when signing the Register with the then minister of our church.
Sorry I Cant remember all the Other posts so may not have replied but it is now time for a little potter before I fall asleep typing I am shattered today.
Love and sparkles to you all ❤️❤️🌈🌈
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Evening all
Toni have I missed something are Charley and gf not getting the house..i am sorry if thats right but belive in what will be..the rught one will come along..
Wow I shared the breakfast was large but very good thankyou
I was 19 when we got married and Mr B was 21...gosh can't believe it..i was the sane age has our middle gd is now..who knows you and Paul might get to your 90s....why not...
I am still thinking about P...and hope she is not in to much pain..xx
Joan love to all of you ...i do love all the hugs you give ..i hope you are all doing ok.xx
Catlady it has been the same here today.. glad you didn't get blown away...i have seen the cards on the net they do look brilliant and certainly make people smile xx
Carol you had a good day then apart from poor Mr T..bless hope he is healing well..anothet lovely photo and all those was so kind of your cousin to do the memory book for a nice keep sake..x
Kath I am just glad you are OK and was just busy and having a nap these are good for you they say..
The poem reminded me of when we rescued 5 baby mice..the cat kept bringing them in..only to get up in the morning and they had all escaped.. hahaha
Thankyou for the easy Strawberry does look good and I like easy
Our gds gf has had a lump in her beast and never said anything..anyhow today it has opened up so they were at hospital.. our GD had to stay outside..they gave her ABs..dressed it.. she has to go to a breast clinic.. :(never ending is it..
Oh well I'm off to bed
Sleep well everyone
Barbara0 -
@Mike1 of course you can make substitutions with your full English/Scottish/Welsh. I change my sausages to veggie and ditch the bacon and black pudding myself.
Chris wow! The cards sound proper tricky to do but rather lovely. If you are clever enough can you post a photo of one when you have made one?
I'm pretty sure that strawberry Galette won't affect your blood sugar. Everything in the café is calorie-free so ought to be 'blood-sugar-affecting-free' too!
The wind yesterday was so blustery! Lookd better from inside so far.
Hi Joan I hope you and Sue are well and the carers too? Charley gets checked now weekly with the test do your girls?
Kath that galette!!!! WOW!!!! YES PLEASE! I am all over that myself! Is it one of those self replenishing ones? I hope so.
Loved the ickle mouse poem too
Imagine likening them to Venus mind you they are rather sweet ❤️
So the box finally arrived? Good i am glad and nothing was wasted too even better. I can imagine Esmé going to school in her silver outfit bless her!
I hope you and Chris both feel a good bit better now?
Well Carol I can hardly see you behind those flowers!!!!!! What a wonderful day what a thoughtful family you have (as for Mr T's accident - least said soonest mended glad he is all sewn up safe at any rate bless him ((())) ) I know the meal would have been just perfect and am so glad it was a lovely day!
You were babies! So pretty too! Mr T looked rather cheeky I bet he was? Imagine that your 4 year old bridesmaid 55 now. I bet it doesn't feel like 50 years at all 🙂
Glad to hear the laptop is back to be will be happy...ish if he can type??? Mine should be here on Tuesday.
Barbara 19 you were 19!! No way! Honestly your mum must have been worried for you. Nowt but a baby!
You are right a second house purchase fell through for Charley and her GF so they are now on their third. Offering today 🙄 Fingers crossed! As Joan said 3rd time lucky hopefully.
Glad you enjoyed the breakfast it's nice to be naughty on Sundays.
Hmmm....maybe we will get to 90 but we shall see. I would like to reach my 40th if possible. My parents did 42 then my Dad died at 66. Paul's parents similar made Ruby, but not Golden.
What? I very much hope all is well with your GD's fiancée😕 Hopefully an abscess everything is crossed🤞
WE'd best eat....
Not much healthier....hah!
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Good morning everyone
Kath I'm sorry you were tired ((((())) love to Chris and Anita (((())) and your Dad ((()))
Cat lady what cat did you have (((())) can you have a budgie
Barbara ((())) sorry about your. Granddaughter ((())) love to your brother (((()))
Carol ((())) sorry Mr T (((())) cut his thumb the years go so quick
Toni ((()))yes all the carers have been checked love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) Lucy ((()))Tia ((()))
love to Bill ((())) Mig ((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem (from "Zoo Poems for Cards and Scrapbooks"
Elephant Hugs
When God created elephants,
He thought, "Now, let me see ...
They must be big and loveable,
And as huggable as can be."
He experimented first with ants,
Then moved up, in size, to bugs ...
"They won't do at all," He said,
"They give such tiny hugs."
Next He worked on cats and dogs,
Then walruses and whales;
He even went as far,
As dinosaurs with tails.
He finally worked up to elephants,
Then, smiled and said with glee ...
"Elephant hugs are the greatest,
And not only that, they are free!"
"So, kids and folks can copy them,
And learn to hug their way ...
An elephant hug is an "elegant" hug,
Have you had yours today?
Author: Virginia Ellis
Hello everyone. I'm not feeling very sociable today, I'm worn out, in pain and thoroughly fed up. So I'll just leave something good to eat and see you soon. Love to everybody. 🐘
Celebration White Nut Roast with Herb Stuffing
Here is the answer to the question people always ask vegetarians and vegans: ‘what on earth do you eat for Christmas dinner?’, and as far as I’m concerned, it’s a really delicious nut roast – in particular, this beautiful white one with parsley stuffing. My daughter loves it so much that she chose it for the main course at her wedding reception, and it tasted just as good eaten in a marquee in a beautiful garden on a perfect midsummer’s evening, as the sun set and the stars began to shine.
- Vegan butter or spread, for greasing and topping
- Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
For the white nut mixture
- 40g/3 tbsp Vegan Butter or vegan spread
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 2 onions, finely chopped
- 300g/2½ cups cashews, finely ground
- 175g/3 cups soft white breadcrumbs
- 8–10 tbsp water or vegetable stock
- Whole nutmeg, grated, to taste
For the green stuffing mixture
- 175g/3 cups soft white breadcrumbs
- Zest and juice of 1 lemon
- 2 tsp dried Herbes de Provence
- 6 tbsp chopped flat-leaf parsley
- 50g/3½ tbsp vegan butter or spread
- Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/gas mark 4. Grease and line a 900g (2lb) loaf tin (pan) with baking paper.
- To make the white nut mixture, melt the butter and oil in a large saucepan over a low-medium heat and cook the onions for 10–15 minutes until they are soft and tender. Remove from the heat, then stir in all the other ingredients. Season with salt and pepper and set aside.
- To make the green stuffing mixture, simply blend all the ingredients together in a food processor, then season.
- To assemble, put half of the white mixture into the tin, then top with the green stuffing mixture, ensuring the white layer is covered. Spread the rest of the white mixture on top and press down lightly. Dot the surface of the loaf with vegan butter and top with baking paper.
- Bake for 45 minutes, then remove the paper and bake for a further 15 minutes, until golden brown.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Where does the day go. At least it is not so windy today. I managed to get my walk in after lunch. It was still coldish and was pleased to get back inside. I'm really lucky - I have a door in my lounge so I can go out that way. It was very handy when the virus was at its peak, I didn't have to go out into the communal areas. I had great ideas of all I was going to do today. Have done more of my card and started another project that Arts Together sent out on Saturday. It's a picture with a very short story about where I might like to go. Oh well what isn't done today there's the rest of the week. I have a photo of my two cats, will have to transfer it from the phone onto this tablet. I think I can sync the photos on the phone to here. Hope you are all having a good day. Take care and stay safe. ((()))s to you all. I must try and get on the Facebook page.
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Evening all
Toni sorry about Charleys house falling through..yes fingers crossed for them..whatever they yet will be the right one
Thankyou our GDs gf is in agony bless it does look nasty.. but she has started the ABs so hopefully...
Another hearty breakfast thankyou xx
Catlady how good you have your own door in the complex.. it has made things easier for you..nice to do a story about places you want to visit.. and i would love to see your photos xx
Joan thankyou for the hugs..both our gd and her gf have now had breadt problem' akk OK with you Sue and the doggies..please tell us if its not..xx
Kath the poem is lovely..i adore elephants ..especially how they stick together when in need did Esme get on at school or gave you not heard yet...the nut roast sound tasty i did have one many years ago...that was down to our gd being vegie for 2 week's..hahaha
Love to
Barbara0 -
2 weeks? 2 weeks Barbara no staying power that girl here and I over 30 years a veggie now vegan too!!!!
I can see your eyes were bad yesterday I am sorry I hope today is better ((()))
I'm sure your GD's Fiancée will feel more comfortable soon. 😕They should keep an eye on the pair of them too to nip any future problems in the bud. I'm sure Charley and her GF will have luck with this house🤞
My new laptop arrives today I am exited, but sort of dreading it too. At least the letters will be on the keyboard even if I will have NONE of my passwords🙄
Joan it's reassuring for the carers that they can be tested now and for those using their help. No news on the house except the offer was accepted now reapply for mortgage again🙄
Kath you probably would feel flat after the other day when you and Chris were so washed out.
That Elephant poem was so sweet. Elephants do give such adorable hugs don't they? I love the photo too - made me smile.
I hope Dad and Anita and Val are doing ok. I imagine Anita is starting to get nervous about now. ((()))
Thank you for the nut roast it looks yum. I think I had better do something with mushies in to cheer you up!
Chris (Catlady) hello to you again. Please if you can work out how to it would be lovely to see the pics of your pusskins 🐱
My sister Kari is arty too like you she does projects. She has just done the snail trail? Someone sends her some bits and pieces and she has to use them in a collage she sends some to someone else and so on. All done via snail mail ie. Royal Mail 🙂
I am very pleased to hear you can get outside safely no need to go near anyone else. Safety first.
Love to Carol I hope all is well and you are recovered from your Anniversary. I hope Mr T is recovered from his mishap too bless him.
There's your mushrooms Kath have them for lunch 😘
Oh I heard from P still no news about biopsy it will be 2 weeks tomorrow.🙄
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Good morning everyone
Kath I'm sorry you are in pain ((())) Chris (((()))) I hope you will soon feel a bit better ((())) love to Anita ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Chris catlady ((())) what kind of Arthritis have you got ((())) I bet you miss your cats ((()))
Barbara ((())) I'm sorry about your granddaughter (((())) and her friend (((())) lumps I hope they can be seen soon (((())) love to Mr B((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni ((())) Good luck to Charley ((())) and her friend ((())) for this house ((())) love to Paul ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Good luck putting everything in your new laptop (((())) love to Kari (((()))
. Love to Bill ((()))Carol (((())) Mig ((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem (an old one, hope you don't mind)
Moderate Visibility
When I was a child long ago,
listening to the radio
with my grandma, sipping tea,
tuning in to the BBC
for the shipping forecast every day,
taking in each word they'd say.
Dogger, Fisher, German Bight;
precipitation within sight
away from land and out to sea
with moderate visibility.
Force four South, veering South West later,
warm winds coming from the Equator.
Bailey, Malin, Hebrides;
fog clearing in the gentle breeze.
Winds freshen in Finisterre
blowing rain clouds here and there.
Dover, Wight and Portland Bill,
gale force winds are raging still.
Lundy, Fastnet, Irish Sea
have moderate visibility.
Heavy rain in Tyne and Forth
and a good force nine is moving North
to Cromarty, where waves are high,
almost reaching for the sky.
While down in Plymouth the
seas are calm the
forecast says it's turning warm,
over a thousand millibars
In clearing skies you'll see the stars.
Grandma, peering over her tea
says "moderate visibility".
by Kathleen
Boy, is it raining out there. Holly has just gone to the shop for us. Esme only goed to school on Friday at the moment (until September) She really enjoyed being back with her friends.
Joan, thank you. the rain is making it worse at the moment. Blummin' RA, not to mention my OA. 😥
Toni, thank you for the mushrooms. Chris gave me ham and mushroom Tagliatelle. I'm sure the girls will get lucky with a nice house soon. I hope your new laptop works well.
Barbara, I love elephants too, I remember as a child feeding them sticky buns, which we now know is very wrong. Poor jumbos. 🐘
Chris, It must have been a boon having a door to the outside world from your living room. It would also be ideal if you were ever allowed to have a puskin. 🐈️
Mock Duck Seitan and Shiitake Skewers
Another lovely recipe from Chava Eichner of Flavour Photos - from her feature in Viva!Life magazine issue 59. She shows how easy it is to make home-made seitan.
However, if you're stuck for ingredients or time, mock duck can be bought in tins.
Shopping Tips
- Vital Gluten flour: some health food shops. Realfoods online sell an organic version. Or try Amazon
- Ready-made seitan in tins or jars: Granovita Mock Duck (health food shops) or look in Oriental supermarkets for brands such as Companion, Mong Lee Shang or Maple. Yakso or Lima is sold in jars, in health food shops but isn't so flavoured as the other varieties
- Chinese Pancakes: look for Blue Dragon brand - Spring Roll Wrappers - or else Waitrose sell them, as do Oriental supermarkets
Praise Seitan! But what is it?!
Seitan or gluten is an ancient meat alternative that has been made in Eastern countries like China and Japan for thousands of years. It is high in protein and low in fat and delicious. However, it is not suitable for coeliacs or those with a wheat or gluten intolerance.
Seitan dry ingredients
- 150g vital gluten flour
- 2 heaped tbsp nutritional yeast flakes (Engevita brand, health food shops and some Tesco)
- 1 tsp onion salt or granules
- 1 tsp garlic salt or granules
- 1 tsp Thai 7 spice blend
Seitan liquid ingredients
- 200ml vegan stock
- 2 tbsp ketchup manis (sweet soya sauce) Alternatively, use regular soya sauce with a dash of sugar or agave syrup
- 1 tbsp tomato puree
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil
Veg for skewers
- 16 fresh shiitake mushrooms
- 2-3 small red onions
- 2 yellow or orange peppers
Glaze - mix together
- 3 tbsp Hoisin sauce
- 2 tbsp vegetable oil
PLUS 8 wooden or metal skewers - if using wooden, soak in cold water first, before you start the cooking
For the seitan
- If using ready-made seitan, skip this section and go to Skewers section!
- Preheat the oven to 180°C/Gas Mark 4.
- Combine all dry ingredients in a large bowl. Mix all liquid ingredients together and stir into the bowl with a large spoon until the mixture comes together. Tip the seitan onto a clean worktop or large clean chopping board and knead for 2-3 minutes.
- Cut the seitan into small pieces, to fit the skewers.
- Line a baking tray with baking parchment/greaseproof paper and brush it with a little oil. Place all the pieces of seitan in a single layer and cover with tinfoil.
- Bake for 30 minutes. Done!
Now the skewers
- Turn on the grill.
- Cut onions into wedges and the peppers into bite-sized pieces.
- Alternate shiitake mushrooms with seitan, pepper and onion for each skewer.
- Brush each skewer with the glaze.
- Grill until cooked on all sides.
- Serve with cucumber and spring onion on thin Chinese pancakes or as part of a BBQ feast.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all it has mot stopped pouring down today..even washed lots of soil out of my pots.
Toni a new laptop will be fun ..not sure what browser you use but Firefox can remember all your password even on a new comp because you can sign in ...
Oh sorry thankyou for breakfast..pasta and mushrooms I saved it for lunch..
Yip eyes do let me ignore the typos...
Gd gf has been to the breast clinic today and they told her off..and said she could have got sepsis from the abscess...i am still thinking of P and hope she hears something very soon..positive vibes xxx
Joan its odd that both our gd and friend have abcesses and they do eat well ...but at least she is being seen by the clinic to all of you xx
Kath the poem made me feel all cosy like I was home again ...the names used to fascinate me but I knew it was somewhere out at are little Esme only goes to school on a Friday.. bless at least she can see her friends..i see you had the same weather has we did...xx
Today I have been selling again on Facebook.. we have so much stuff collected from over the years we need to get rid.. we don't come into contact with people has they stand outside..
Right better go
Love to all
Barbara0 -
New laptop is great but as I need all my passwords I will need to get sorted asap while I can still get on this one......It's chucked me off once already so i lost my post.
So briefly:
Kath I loves Elephants too they are so gentle here is your giraffe
I was going to ask where you get the pictures to go with the poems they are always so perfect.
The weather one...that reminds me of a dim and distant childhood. My dad used to listen for some reason.
Esmé will just be happy to get into school and see her friends bless her❤️
Chris knows what you like to eat right enough!
Barbara your poor eyes I think you do really well anyway. I do use firefox, but zoom seems to work best on Chrome as do a fair few other things. That has given me an idea though.....🤔
Well done safely selling stuff on ebay I'm all in favour of that. Extra cash a tidier house and recycling too!
My bro set up my lap top I dropped it off with my niece's birthday card then went to Kari's to drop something off and have a socially distant chat. When I do back it was all done!
I am so glad your GD and her Fiancée are now in the system and will be looked after. Kids eh?🙄 My Niece-in-law finally came home yesterday after just short of 3 weeks in hospital with that burst appendix!!! She still has a drain in🤢
Joan my brother sorted the laptop for me bless him I just need to recover all my passwords via this one before I can't get online EVER!! This seller is desperate to sell and so things seem to be moving along quickly thanks.
Hi to Chris I hope all is well with you and at the scheme.
Carol I must start my sister's Sloth soon. I know there's a video online somewhere.....
Food for us all:
Mushroom omelette should please Kath and Barbara too
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Good morning everyone
Kath I remember hearing the weather like that memories ((((())) love to Chris (((())) Anita ((())) and your Dad ((())
Barbara that's good everyone is being looked after now (((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your brother (((())) and his girlfriend (((()))
Toni (((())) Good luck with the passwords (((())) I hope Charley ((())) and her girl friend (((())) get this house ((()))
Love to Pom (((())) and Paul (((())) Lucy ((())) Tia (((())) and Kari ((((())
love to Bill ((())) Carol ((())) Mig (((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem
I'm A Person Too
© Dawn Mazzola
Published: December 2010
Here I lie in bed again, Awaiting my next meal.
A worker barges in my room, As if it's no big deal.
What ever happened to courtesy? Just a little knock.
Do you think I'm just a vegetable, Laying here like a rock?
What ever happened to manners? I haven't got a clue.
I know I can not talk, Or even joke around.
But I'm well aware of everything, and also every sound.
If you have another worker help, change me during rounds.
Please don't talk about me, as if I'm not around.
Treat me with respect, the same I'd give to you.
My bones are stiff and achy, I hear you say I'm contracted.
My belly hurts, I haven't pooped, I hope I'm not impacted.
I'm sorry I may drool, and at times I even stare.
It's not easy being old, aging isn't fair.
These are the cards God dealt me, There's nothing I can do.
I used to be a lively one, just like your pretty self.
I traveled, married, and worked long hours until I lost my health.
I press my light to see a face, Or just for company.
For someone just to look inside, and realize that I'm ME.
You walked past my light, what am I to do?
I'm sorry that I messed the bed, I feel like such a baby.
I'm so embarrassed, and ashamed, that I'm doing this at eighty.
I'm sorry I couldn't hold it, I didn't know what to do.
I wish that I was able, to communicate some way.
So finally I'd get the chance, to say what I want to say.
I hear you talk with other patients, so please don't walk away.
If everyone showed a little compassion, I wouldn't feel this way.
My name is Helen, and I'm all alone.
Cancer took my husband, he had it in his bones.
We had one child, our precious son.
Until his life was taken by a gun.
So here I am, no family left, as loneliness weighs heavy on my chest.
I may be sad, I may be blue.
Next time my light is on, come and see if I'm OK.
I'm a retired nurse of thirty years, and would love to hear about your day.
Well, I'm still feeling rough, but tummy is a bit better. Thank you to the Creakies for their FB coments this morning.
Toni, mushroom omelette will do nicely thank you. I find the pics on Google. I'm pleased you think they are appropriate.
Oh dear, I'm so tired.
Mr Organic Vegan Jambalaya
This one pot rice dish is full of flavours and definitely easier to make than saying it’s name. Using a few fresh veggies, a big handful of spices and a couple of cupboard staples, it can help you create a wonder dinner in no-time.
- 1.5 cup of basmati rice
- 1 red onion chopped
- 3 cloves of garlic, minced
- 2 red peppers, sliced in to bite size chunks
- 2 stalks of celery, chopped
- 1 tin of Mr Organi Chopped Tomatoes
- 1 tin of Mr Organic Kidney Beans
- 2 Tsp dried oregano,
- 1 Tsp dried basil
- 1 Tsp turmeric
- 1 Tsp smoked paprika
- 2 Tbsp soy sauce or tamari
- 1 Tsp tabasco
- Cayanne pepper
- 1 spring onion, cut to rings
- (Optional) parsley, chopped
- Cook the rice according the packaging. Set aside.
- In a large pan heat some oil and saute the red onion for about 2-3 minutes. Add the garlic and cook for another minute.
- Add the bell peppers and the celery. Cook for another 3 minutes.
- Stir in the cooked rice, the kidney beans, the chopped tomatoes, the spices, the soy sauce, and the Tabasco. Cook for about 5 minutes.
- Season with salt and cayenne pepper and stir in the green onions & parsley
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all..
Toni its Facebook selling I do... no fees....:).i have just net a lovely lady and guess what 2 miles outside of clithero ...our Aidan keeps sending signs i am sure..she bought some German ornaments off me..1940s a present from type of my house us looking tidier by the min..i dint think....hahaha..
Bet you are enjoying your social distancing chats with Kari....some normality...
Thankyou fir breakfast.. do love a good fluffy poor neice..i do know that a burst appendix can be very dangerous.. bless she is glad to be home..xx
Joan yes thank goodness for our NHS...have you got the same carers...i take my hat off to them ..they have carried on through this virus..same has my GD and Tonis daughter xx
Kath what a good poem...i always think you don't always know the person worries me that some people don't get to know there patients or elderly....just to chat and listen means a lot..
Anyhow glad you are feeling a little better.. xxx
Thankyou for the Jambalaya..only ever had it frim the supermarket...
No rain today but its very dark....
Love to everyine
Barbara0 -
Evening all
not been on for couple of days internet Is on and off at the moment and. As we can’t save on the forum now when it goes off I loose my post. Just a quick update mr T injury is healing nicely I have been redressing it every day for him. I also have been able to change the skin closures due to my St. John training. as they always come off when you Change the plaster. We are both ok as I hope you all are. Glad to hear the tummy feels a bit better Kath. Had a call from physio at the hospital who I was supposed to see in April after the flare up in my knee in January. Of course the April appt was cancelled due to the virus but after a phone consultation with physio on Monday I am awaiting a printed brochure of hip and knee exercises to do, and an educational booklet on how to do the regime safely at home . And she will check on me again in 3/4 months. I will post now in case we loose the internet again I have lost so many post over the last couple of days days it’s unbelievable.
love and sparkles ❤️❤️🌈🌈 to all
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Poor Carol I hope the internet settles soon.. Is tis torrential rain doing it? So frustrating. I initially thought mine was the net,but it turned out to be my laptop on it's way out after 9 years something in the hard drive.
OptionB: write your post on a word document before cutting and pasting over until the weather settles?
I'm so glad Mr T is on the mend now bless him. Good job you can dress and redo the steri strips for him. Won't be long now before he can let the air to it.
That's good the physio is reallly doing his/her best to help you🙂
Joan all seems to be going well so far with Chraley and her GF's house🤞Passwords are all sorted! A very nice friend suggested I synch my gmail accounts on both laptops and voila they all arrived safely! Love to you and Sue ((()))
Kath I LOVE that poem. If they get to the end they will see why they should jolly well communicate. Having said that we are ALL people and deserve communication and respect. Luckily Joan and Sue have a good bunch as does my neighbour. Oh and of course my Charley and Barbara's GD and their OH's are all very caring too.
That must take you some time sourcing the perfect pic for each poem! Thank you for making such effort for us.
Tis good your belly has settled a bit you didn't need that!
Have a little snoozy on the sofa in the corner of the café
Thank you for the Jambalaya I can't wait to have a big pile of it!
Barbara I have done my passwords! I synched my google accounts between both laptops. Thank you for your tip 😘
We see signs for Clitheroe when we go to see Lucy like you I think of our dear friend. This weekend I am 'working' again with Paul on a job in Gloucester. It's sort of true he has to work I am going for the ride 🙂 Well done anyway selling what you don't want and someone else does. Win-win!
Still no news for P🙄 Not fair is it?
Yes my niece had sepsis so it was very serious she is go happy to be home bless her. Hope all is well with bro and wonder when will you see Niamh again?
Chris (catlady) I hope all is well with you? The weather here has been grotty not fun to walk in at all I hope it's been better with you.
Right can I post food with my new laptop?
a 'large' plate of pancakes maple syrup and blueberries for one of our 5-a-day!
0 -
Good morning everyone
Kath that's good you are feeling a bit better (((()))) love to Anita ((())) and Chris ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara that's good you can sell things (((())) we are grateful to the carers sue would be in bed all day if it was left to me once she's out of bed it's normal. love to your brother ((())) and his girlfriend (((())))
Carol ((())) that's good you can change the dressings for Mr T ((())) love to everyone.
Toni ((())) have a good working with Paul (((())) to morrow love to Charley (((())) and her friend (((())) Lucy (((())) Tia (((())) and Kari (((()))
love to Bill (((()))Mig (((())) Chris (((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem (very thought provoking)
On Pain - Poem by Khalil Gibran
Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses
your understanding.
Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its
heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain.
And could you keep your heart in wonder at the
daily miracles of your life, your pain would not seem
less wondrous than your joy;
And you would accept the seasons of your heart,
even as you have always accepted the seasons that
pass over your fields.
And you would watch with serenity through the
winters of your grief.
Much of your pain is self-chosen.
It is the bitter potion by which the physician within
you heals your sick self.
Therefore trust the physician, and drink his remedy
in silence and tranquillity:
For his hand, though heavy and hard, is guided by
the tender hand of the Unseen,
And the cup he brings, though it burn your lips, has
been fashioned of the clay which the Potter has
moistened with His own sacred tears.
I'm feeling much better today you'll be happy to know. It's been drizzling all day.
Toni, thank you for the pancakes, how are the girl's getting on with the house?
Barbara, I hope your brother is still doing well.
Carol, I can't even cut my own toe nails, let alone change a dressing/ Totally useless, that's me. 😫
Joan, are you able to take the doggies a walk if it's raining?
Tomato and onion salad
2 large, firm, ripe tomatoes
1 medium onion
1/2 teaspoon fresh coriander, finely chopped
1/2 teaspoon red chilli powder
1 teaspoon lemon juice
- Chop the tomatoes into 2.5cm or 1in pieces, and the onion into 1cm or 1/2/in pieces.
- Mix the coriander with the tomatoes and onions.
- Just before serving add the chilli powder and lemon juice.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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