Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    Re Chris
    Aka catlady.
    I have heard from Chris on Facebook. She is in hospital and has shattered her ankle bless her but she is ok we mustn't worry.
    She'll pop in here I'm sure when she's up to it.
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) your Dad looks good at that age and he cuts the grass ((())) love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((()) and Val ((()))

    Barbara ((())) you must have a job seeing with blue blobs floating a bout ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and your Brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((((()))

    Toni ((())) yes Lucy ((())) is sensible not driving too much of a risk to take it's a pity others don't think like that ((())) love to Paul ((()))Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) Tia (((()))

    love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Carol ((())) Mig ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (I chose this one because my son Jonathan is suffering from the most awful depression. He feels unloved by everyone, even his beloved Dawn. I hurt for him so much, because of course we all adore him).


    © Pat A. Fleming

    Published: August 3, 2019

    Depression is a monster

    That destroys both heart and soul.

    It tortures without mercy

    And consumes its victim whole.

    It cripples and disables,

    Making life too hard to cope.

    It can make each day a nightmare

    And leave a person without hope.

    Some people feel this sadness

    From the time that they are young,

    And believe that they are different

    And can't be loved by anyone.

    It's reinforced by parents

    Too depressed themselves to care

    For that child they're supposed to love,

    But instead forget is there.

    Depression can be nurtured

    Through violence and neglect

    And fists used only to degrade

    And words used to reject.

    It's hidden in those bullies

    Who torture and demean,

    Who use their words like weapons

    To destroy all self-esteem.

    It's fueled by those substances,

    That are used to help escape.

    From that endless pain depression brings

    And that unbearable heartache.

    It can cause someone to just give up,

    To lose all strength to fight.

    It can annihilate one's very soul

    And make them take their life.

    Yes, Depression is a vulture

    That will make anyone its prey.

    There is no one who deserves it,

    And there is no one to blame.

    We don't need to make a judgment,

    But we need to be aware

    That those who suffer through this pain

    Just need the world to care.

    Sorry, but I'm feeling thoroughly miserable as I can't help him.

    Pitta Pizza

    This is the quickest, easiest pizza ever! Enjoy choosing from a range of toppings or just keep it simple with 'cheese' and tomato. Perfect for lunchboxes too :)


    • 2 pitta breads or flatbreads (use GF if required)
    • 5 tbsp passata or dairy-free pesto (eg Sacla, Zest or supermarket free-from)
    • Vegan cheese of your choice (our favourite for melting is Sheese Greek Style but any will work)
    • Choose from the following toppings: artichokes, broccoli, capers, chilli, fresh herbs, mushrooms, nuts (pine nuts and walnuts), olives, onion, peppers, pineapple, rocket, spinach, sweetcorn, tomatoes, vegan mock meat


    1. Spread the passata or pesto evenly over the pittas.
    2. Add the vegan cheese and toppings of your choice.
    3. Either: pre-heat the oven to 220ºC (fan)/430ºF/Gas Mark 7 and cook the pizzas in the oven for 7-10 minutes OR pop them in the microwave for 2 minutes OR pop them under a medium grill for around 5 minutes or until the cheese has melted.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Afternoon all..very warm but cloudy here..
    Toni my oarent were reverse to yours mum was 65 and dad is far to young..especially has im 70 and oh 72...
    I am please that Lucy is on better terms with her natural father....good for her..i hope he keeps it up..xx
    No Joan i hope all is well
    We have just been shopping with our mask on but there are a few without them..not good..
    Love to everyone
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Well DONE Barbara going in a shop! That is so brave. Did you feel pretty safe? I hope you did and found what you wanted?

    Its not Joan who is injured it's Chris (catlady) she's in hospital, but should be ok in time bless her she was due to viist her daughter. Probably a good idea to go anyway and recuperate there bless her 😕

    Lucy's father is a taker he won't keep it up, but she still has me and Paul so should be ok I'm sure.

    I know what you mean you do actually think you'll die at the same age as your parents! But we should live longer. We eat better, don't smoke and don't drink etc ((()))

    Hi Joan yes Lucy is being sensible. When her seizures are totally under control I think she may reconsider driving maybe after she has gone years and years without. Love to you and Sue.

    Kath that poem is really clever it's speed belies it's meaning which is deep serious and desperately sad. Thank you and the pic is perfect too. I do hope your boy's depression lifts again soon God bless him and that dawn is strong enough to cope just now.

    Thanks for the pizza I love pizza!!

    Lovely to be home Sleek says 'thankz fur having me' and she will be over to sit on your lap later for Perry and to purr your BP down ((()))

    Lucy is here and going to be busy visiting the family now and get her hair cut etc. College starts on 7th September for her.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    I'm sorry Chris (cat lady ) was in hospital ((()))

    Kath I'm sorry your son has depression it drags you down and you need help (((())) love to Chris (()) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and your Dad ((())

    Barbara ((())) you were good doing your shopping love to Mr B ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((())) is your back any worse after your travelling I hope not. Love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) and Kari ((()))

    love to Bill ((())) Carol ((())) Mig ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (an old one, but I noticed the leaves have begun to fall, so I'm all prepared).

    Autumn's Purpose.

    Watch the trees bend and bow

    as swirling leaves fly high and low.

    Autumn’s perfume fills the air. 

    Horse Chestnuts, acorns everywhere.

    With twitching nose, the squirrel leaps. 

    Searching for pine cones among the heaps, 

    of fallen leaves: gold, brown and red, 

    to hide away in his secret bed.

    Before the start of winter's cold, 

    this glorious season must unfold 

    to fulfil the summer's story, 

    so spring can awaken in new glory.

    Barbara, as you know my dad is still going strong at 89. Mum passed on when she was 80, after 2 strokes.

    Toni, I'm afraid Jonathan has suffered depression on and off since he was 16. I was unaware until recently. I do hope he makes an appointment with his GP to receive treatment. 😥

    Joan, thank you for your kindness. It's a blessing to know you. 💕

    Love to Cat Lady, get well soon Chris. Love to Carol and mig.

    Sweet Potato, Spicy Black Beans & Guacamole

    This is a great mid-week meal as it's easy, healthy and delicious. You can cheat all the way with this recipe by buying ready-made refried beans and guacamole so it can be even quicker and easier. If you do the full version, it's still simple and the combination of flavours is amazing! 


    • 2 medium-sized sweet potatoes

    Bean mix (for a really quick meal, buy pre-cooked refried beans)

    • 1 tin (400g) black beans, drained and rinsed
    • 1 tsp paprika
    • 1 tsp ground coriander
    • ½ tsp ground cumin
    • 1 tbsp lime juice
    • 1 tsp brown sugar or vegan syrup (eg agave or maple etc)

    Guacamole (for a really quick meal, buy pre-prepared guacamole or a plain avocado)

    • 2 small ripe avocados
    • 1 red chilli, de-seeded and finely diced
    • ½ red onion, finely diced
    • Bunch of fresh coriander, roughly chopped including stalks
    • Juice of 1 lime
    • Extra virgin olive oil
    • Pinch of salt

    Serving suggestions: fresh chilli, fresh coriander, vegan sour cream, nachos, salsa, grated vegan cheese, lime 



    1. Preheat the oven to 180º/350ºF/Gas Mark 4. 
    2. Stab the potatoes a couple times with a fork and then pop them in the oven for around 45 mins or until soft in the middle. 

    Spicy bean mix

    1. Heat a little oil in a small saucepan on a medium heat and add the spices. Lightly fry for 30 seconds - 1 minute and then add the black beans.
    2. Cook the beans for around 5 minutes, stirring throughout.
    3. Add the lime juice and sugar, then cook for a further couple of minutes.


    1. Mash the avocado to the consistency of your choice.
    2. Mix all ingredients together in a small bowl and season to taste.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Evening all..a really nice day today ..
    Toni so you are home sweet home ...:)thankyou for the perfect egg in toast..i have missed them.
    Aww poor Chris..i didn't know..bless her hope she recovers soon ..i know she was looking forward to seeing her daughter.. what life throws at us ...
    Is Lucy there with you ...sorry if she isn't ..i miss things xx
    Joan did I miss you yesterday..sorry if I did..hope you are all well...and that boiler is ready for Autumn xx
    Kath my youngest son suffers from depression and we didn't i really understand some of what you are going through..we do have it in the family...i just hope your son gets some don't like talking about it..bless him..hope you are getting there..
    Thankyou for the loveot poem..i like Autum...its never to warm...just nice ..xx
    Our muddke gd is coing ti ckwam my cupboards out ready for the new doors when they come...
    Love to everyone
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Morning everyone - a sunny bright start to the day today ☀️

    Yes Barbara Lucy is here with us until Monday when Paul is working in Aberdeen so he can take her there on his way. College opens on 7th September.

    Lovely your GDs pay you back in so many ways for you bringing them up don't they? You don't have to worry about your cupboards being tidy ready middle GD will sort that for you. Any idea when the doors will arrive yet?

    I am thinking Chris would do well to recuperate at her daughter's don't you think? She wouldn't have to get up to make a sandwich or anything. So unfair when she was just getting back out.

    Kath poor Jonathan how dreadful he has kept it a secret all this time. I expect it explains a fair amount though. Will he go to his GP that is difficult to be sure, but I 🙏 so too ((())) for you xxx

    Those sweet potatoes look fabulous I love them and refried beans anyway so that recipe is a definite for me thank you.

    Poor Chris eh? I don't know what happened, but I'm sure she'll fill us all in when she can. I was just worried we would all panic - last time I said someone was ill it was Aidan and he never came back😓

    Talking of Aidan I think he used to love Autumn as it cooled down, but was still nice. Oh yes you are right some leaves have fallen. Lovely poem thank you and the picture is gorgeous.

    Morning Joan You know what my back was very cross to start with with the different seats in the motorhome, but once I got used to it it carried on improving. The mattress on the bed was fabulous! I took my walking poles too. thank you for asking ((()))

    I must work out how to put my photos onto this computer so I can show you all!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Kath (((()))) I'm sure Jonathan will do it with your help and the Doctor's (((())) love to Chris (((())) and Anita ((()) and Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) we have rain to day. love to Mr ((())) and your Son ((())) and Brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Nobody thinks they have depression they just feel miserable it's hard but once you get help it's better good luck to everyone who has it. I had shaking when my mother died I could not stand in a queue it left me feeling I was not has good as anyone else but now I think my money is just has good as there's. Sorry to go on.

    Toni that's good your back behaved it's self ((())) love to Paul ((()) charley ((()) and her girlfriend ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and Lucy ((())) Good luck to her in September.

    love to Bill ((()))Mig ((())) and Chris (((())) I hope you were not too sore.

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem ( I think this is so soothing, I hope you do too).

    The Peace Of Wild Things - Poem by Wendell Berry

    When despair grows in me

    and I wake in the night at the least sound

    in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,

    I go and lie down where the wood drake

    rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.

    I come into the peace of wild things

    who do not tax their lives with forethought

    of grief. I come into the presence of still water.

    And I feel above me the day-blind stars

    waiting for their light. For a time

    I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

    Barbara, I'm so sorry your son has depression too. Yes you will understand my anguish. I hope Dawn will convince hi to go to see his GP. Apart from Dawn, her children and myself of course, he has lots of friends supporting him. I pray he will listen to us all.

    Toni, it's been raining here, quite a lot. Holly and the children are going to Skegness for the week, so we gave her some extra spending money for the girls. hose piklets look very moreish, can I have 3 please?

    Joan, oh my goodness, that must have been dreadful. Of course you are as good as other people. Actually you are far better than most, because you are so kind and have compassion for others. Which is why we all love you.

    Herby Quinoa Salad with Pomegranate and 'Feta'

    This mezze bowl is so easy, fresh and delicious... be prepared to eat it all in one sitting! 



    • 200g/1 cup quinoa 
    • 375ml/1½ cup water 

    Other ingredients 

    • ½ red onion, finely diced
    • 2 large tomatoes, de-seeded and diced
    • 1 clove garlic, crushed
    • 30g/1 cup fresh parsley, stalks removed and finely chopped 
    • 30g/1 cup fresh mint, stalks removed and finely chopped
    • 80g-100g vegan feta (our absolute favourites are Violife Greek White Block or Green Vie Greek Style), cut into small bite-sized cubes
    • 100g/½ cup (approx.) pomegranate seeds 
    • Juice of 1 lemon
    • 2 tbsp olive oil
    • 1 tsp pomegranate molasses or syrup (eg agave or maple) or sugar
    • ½ tsp - 1 tsp salt (depending on your personal preference)
    • Light sprinkling black pepper 


    1. Place the quinoa in a sieve then rinse it really well. 
    2. Add the quinoa to a medium-sized saucepan with the water. Bring to the boil then cover and simmer on a very low heat until all the water is absorbed (approx. 15-20 minutes but do keep checking). Set aside, with the lid off, to cool.
    3. Whilst the quinoa is cooking and cooling, chop all the veg and place them in a large salad bowl. 
    4. Combine all of the ingredients together and set aside a little bit of feta, pomegranate seeds and a sprig of mint for decoration.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Evening all

    A quick post sent to let you know we are ok I have just had a lot of problems to sort out at the moment. And some still Not have properly sorted. I have just spent 2 days with visits to the bank over my account being blocked by the fraud department. It all because some over zealous clerk in my internet security company decided to attempt taking the yearly payment out not just once but 5 times on an old card number. Instead of contacting me after the 1st or 2nd time. sick of it at the moment. I have got to go back into the bank tomorrow with another form of ID ie my passport and they can take the block off hopefully. At least I got my shopping delivery this morning but I have yet to pay for it I have got to ring them when my bank has sorted things out. At the moment I have had my card stopped and have about £15.00 for emergencies. And Mr T is not being helpful either he just shrugs his shoulders as says what can I do. He is just not interested I My problems but I am supposed to be interested in his 🤔🤔 Hmm Interesting that. Relationships are supposed to work both ways I always thought.

    sorry for the rant I am feeling very fragile this evening but I just needed to get this off my chest. This is what becomes of not being able to go to my normal groups so not really got anyone to talk with about things like this. I am in tears with it all as I type this (pull yourself together Carol) or even think about it.

    On a brighter note my youngest granddaughter put this picture on Facebook of her and her boyfriend. It really cheered me up yesterday.,

    It’s my current favourite photo. They have been together as a couple for 6 months yesterday.

    love and sparkles to all


    Stay positive always👍xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Sorry I'm late the man turned up to start the wirktops just jas our gd stated to clean.. anyhow its under way..

    Toni I'm so glad that Lucy is there for a few day you are loving it and Lucy of course ..mum and daughter...thankyou for breakfast what would we do without you..

    how is P doing..just hoping she hasn't to much pain ..X

    Our gd carried on cleaning and did a really good job..xx

    Carol sorry you have had so many problems with the will do you good to get it off your chest..its awful when they block your card..yet they want us to stop using cash..... what a lovey couple your GD and her boyfriend make...hee true love..i hope tomorrow feels easier..xx

    Joan you are right about must have been awful for you after your mum died..something we don't get over but it get easier always helps to talk about to all of you xx

    Kath our youngest son has suffered in silence like your lovely or women don't like to admit they have depression ..i really hope he gets the help he needs ..sometimes it only short term..such a nice poem..and it was you that got me adding pomegranate to my salads..thankyou xx

    Right I had better try and get to sleep

    Night everyone


  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Ooh just found i can now do pics on my phone..thankyou pond by the way..xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Pond look amazing Barbara! Really fabulous! Now all we need is before pics of the kitchen......then AFTER!

    That's all we did to this kitchen you know new work surface, but you are having doors too! So exiting. I am sure middle GD has done an excellent job on the cupboards bless her 🙂

    P is doing rather well still ATM thanks not sure whether it is gradually get worse or suddenly no-one knows not even the medics.

    Lucy is having her hair done today and Tia visiting in the summerhouse tomorrow.

    Now Carol do not apologise for 'ranting' that's what friends are for. Horrible when things are going wrong and losing access to your money has to be one of the worst things to happen 🙄Naughty Mr T being unsupportive he could have offered to pay for the shopping himself although that might not have been so easy to be fair🤔 At least Ocado still delivered. I had mine yesterday too. Nice to have Lucy to help put it all away.

    I hope things get sorted quickly at the bank and they help you out as much as they can then you will feel much calmer. Try not to get too upset with Mr T you do love each other very much really he's just being a little uncaring over this issue. ((()))

    Love the pic of your GD how sweet are they. Happy 6 month anniversary to them.

    Hi Joan I have to agree none of us like to admit to any sort of mental ill-health. I bet you felt like that after you lost your Mum not at all surprising. Did Sue look after you? I will wish Lucy luck for you thanks ((()))

    Hi Kath I hope Jonathan listens, but he may have his male pride to contend with I'm afraid. for some depression can be cyclic maybe that is him if so it might pass - for now, but I agree it would be much better if he visits his GP or contacts an organisation such as this one: ((()))

    That salad looks amazing we must make that tonight me and Lucy to go with dinner. Her flatmate is polsih and they eat salad alongside every single meal so she is used to it!

    You are sweet giving Holly some cash for her hols I am sure she and the girls will all have a lovely time, but you will miss her 😕

    The poem is so right animals live in the now don't they? So much better than us and so much calmer as a result. We worry far too much and can learn a lot from them. Great poem thank you.

    Of course you must have 3 piklets as you know the plate just refills itself 😉

    I am taking Lucy to the hairdresser's today, but can't go in will have to wait in the car🙄 that will be odd!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) thank you life can be hard at times we all cope has well as we can you have so much to cope with ((())) love to Chris ((())) Anita ((()) and Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Carol ((())) I'm sorry I hope it's soon put right for you lovely photo of your granddaughter and her boyfriend ((())) love to Mr T (((()))

    Barbara ((()) thank you for the photo of your garden ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((())) sue always talks to people I didn't then I would think people only spoke to me if they wanted to.

    love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) Lucy ((()) and Tia (((())) and Pom ((()))

    love to Bill ((()))Mig (((())) Chris ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (memories of Aidan)

    Butterfly Laughter

    In the middle of our porridge plates

    There was a blue butterfly painted

    And each morning we tried who should reach the

    butterfly first.

    Then the Grandmother said: "Do not eat the poor


    That made us laugh.

    Always she said it and always it started us laughing.

    It seemed such a sweet little joke.

    I was certain that one fine morning

    The butterfly would fly out of our plates,

    Laughing the teeniest laugh in the world,

    And perch on the Grandmother's lap.

    Katherine Mansfield

    Remember how Aidan loved butterflies, and called the Earth Angels? Reading this poem and thinking of our Matron, I was moved to write this. I hope you all like it.

    Earth Angels

    Our dear friend Aidan

    loved Butterflies.

    Earth Angels he called them,

    his mind was full of beautiful images.

    Anything natural

    anything wild,

    that was Aidan.

    How we adored him,

    how we miss him, and always will.

    Now he is an Earth Angel

    Floating through our thoughts

    drifting into our minds

    and lingering there, 

    for our peace lingers with him.

    Still in memory of Aidan, here is his favourite chocolate cake.

    For 3 vegan chocolate sponges:

    • 415 g flour all-purpose
    • 110 g cacao powder
    • 50 g chai latte vegan
    • 2, 5 tsp baking soda
    • 1, 5 tsp baking powder
    • 150 g Muscovado sugar
    • 675 ml coconut-rice milk
    • 240 g coconut oil melted
    • 170 g sunflower oil
    • 3 tsp vanilla extract
    • 2,5 tsp grape vinegar

    Vegan chocolate ganache:

    • 270 g vegan dark chocolate
    • 150 ml coconut milk
    • 1 tsp coconut oil

    For decoration:

    • 500 g fresh strawberries
    • 1 tbsp dried strawberry pieced optional
    • 1 tbsp leaves mint, arugula or lemon balm


    Chocolate sponges:

    • Preheat oven to 325 F / 160 C. Layer 3 cake pans with parchment paper*
    • Sift flour, cacao, baking powder, soda and chai in a small bowl. Mix together.
    • In a big bowl add milk, oils, vanilla and vinegar. Whisk until combined. Sift in mixed dried ingredients in 2-3 batches. Combine well.
    • Add sugar and mix until combined.
    • Divide batter in three. Distribute batter to the prepared baking pans.
    • Bake each sponge for 20-25 minutes until inserted wooden skewer comes out with few crumbs on it.
    • Let the chocolate cake cool a little, then run the knife around the edges. And let it cool completely at room temperature on a wire rack.

    Chocolate ganache:

    • Prepare Bain- Marie or water bath. Place a small pot with a little bit of water on a small heat.
    • Roughly chop dark chocolate and place it in a heat-proof bowl. Add vegan milk. Put a bowl with chocolate and milk on top of small pot with simmering water. Make sure the bottom doesn’t touch the water. Melt the chocolate, mixing with a spatula.
    • You can microwave milk with chocolate for 20 seconds 3 times, mixing with a spatula just until melted.
    • Let the chocolate ganache cool for 30-40 minutes, but don’t refrigerate.


    • Carefully remove the baking paper from the chocolate sponge and place it on the cake stand or serving plate. Spread 1/3 of chocolate ganache on top. Cut strawberries and place them around the cake in one layer.
    • Repeat with another sponge and layer of ganache and strawberries. Put the 3rd chocolate sponge on top.
    • Spread the ganache and let some of it drop around the edges. Make sure your cake is even from different corners. If not, you can insert more pieces of strawberries between the layers.
    • Decorate with fresh strawberries, micro leaves and sprinkle dried strawberries.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all electric will be off soon to do the switches..something like will be quick ...

    Joan you are so lovely and supportive of everyone..thankyou..glad you like the pond I will take a pic if the you all of you xx

    Kath thankyou for that poem . We all loved Aidan and he adored butterflies..bless his cotton socks..

    How lovely of you treating Holly for her holiday.. it really will help her and the children...and we have chocolate cake..anothet favorite if to you son and you xx

    Toni Lucy having her hair done.. i know how much she enjoys that..its hard having to sit outside.. but needs must for now..thankyou for the porrige I had 2 bowls it...

    I suppose each day at a time for P....she has some good people around her thank goodness...

    I hope our Chris is revering well xxxx

    better go

    Love to all


  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Evening all

    Well I feel better today last nights rant relived the pressure a bit. The problems with the bank are now sorted the blocked has now been taken off my account. Still need to sort out my internet security company to give them the new card number but not having much success at the moment I might have to e-mail them rather contact them by phone.But every thing else has been sorted out.

    It’s amazing what loosing your cool can do Last night just before I posted on here I really lost it with mr t . And I said a good few things about his attitude lately. This afternoon he went out and came back with a second Alexa for me (which I was going to purchase next month ) his excuse for buying it now was he didn’t think it was fair he had one and I didn’t.🤔 I think 💭 maybe it was a sort of peace offering after row last night. 🤫🤫

    It has been a nice day here after 2 very dull and showery days. Yesterday I had a main meal out with youngest daughter. ( As mr t was having a sort of working mans lunch with the other church leaders.) had told daughter I would pay for the meals but thought I was going have to cancel due to account problems at the bank but she said she would pay and I could pay her back when the bank problem was sorted out. She’s a good girl really.

    hope Chris is recovering well

    Toni Thank you that’s the lovely thing about this group you are all so caring no matter what anyone is ranting about. Your right about Mr t being insensitive and I am sure that the reason is he is not coping with all this virus situation Very well. Like lots of us , but.he won’t talk about It and share his concerns so just makes himself worse by bottling it up. I do try to be patient with him. Honestly I do but oh boy it’s hard sometimes. To be honest I found out yesterday that Ocado will not take anyone else’s card number that is not on the account because if there had been a problem getting the delivery he would have used his card until I had got it all sorted out.

    Glad Lucy is able to spend sometime with you after all this staying away from one another that we have had to do lately. I am sure she is enjoying the Time with you.

    Joan thank you bank is now sorted. yes it’s a lovely picture of Gd and her bf. it’s now one of my favourite photos.

    Kath that’s a lovey memory of our Aidan we all miss him dearly he always knew the right thing to say when anyone had problems did he. That poem about the earth angels was beautiful . Well it’s time for a potter around and some little jobs to do. If I have missed you in my reply’s I am sorry. But before I go look at this beautiful little lady Our gorgeous GGD Rubie

    love and sparkles for you all


    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Well Carol it rather sounds as though what you said to Mr T needed saying and paid off he heard you. He needed to hear it and you said it! The Alexa....definitely his olive branch and lovely too 🙂 We are all worried about the virus, but not taking it out on each other. men eh?🙄

    Glad the bank is pretty well sorted now don't forget internet security then you are all done. Such a faff though.

    What an adorable photo of Rubie so innocent looking you wonder what she is thinking bless her ❤️

    Kath loved the butterfly plate poem what sweet plates! Aidan would indeed have loved them. He was very much on your mind yesterday wasn't he our dear friend? Missed very much but never forgotten. 😕🌈🌈🌈Your poem is lovey just lovely sums him up he was just such a kind and good soul he did love nature and always tried to help anyone 🙏 He would have helped somehow with P's issues he would have had some ideas.

    That chocolate cake! Definitely Aidan and we will all enjoy a slice or two. Can you do another for monday? It's Kari's birthday on Monday.

    Barbara loosing your electricity for a few hours is a small price to pay fora lovely new kitchen I can't wait to see it done 🙂I bet you can't wait either. You deserve a nice environment we all do.

    Lucy looks lovely as usual, but the colour is new🤔 it's called chocolate and is apparently ahead of the game as it will be a 'huge' colour for autumn!

    I saw P yesterday she is doing ok. I may add to my PM conversation with you all later.

    Ah Joan imagine you not talking to people you are such a lovely person anyone would want to talk to you. Not now though I hope? it's important for us to talk to each other especially about such dreadful things as losing someone we love. ((()))

    Friday....what shall we have for breakfast?

    I know!

    Currant buns!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Kath lovely poem just right about Aidan ((())) how are you and Chris ((())) doing. Love to Anita ((()) and Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Carol ((())) that's good you have your card right now. Love to Mr T (((())) another lovely photo thank you.

    Barbara ((())) it will all be worth it when it's done love to Mr B ((())) and your Son ((())) and your brother (((()))) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((())) I hope Kari ((())) has a good birthday on Monday. Love to Paul ((())) Lucy ((())) Charley (((())) and her girlfriend ((())) Tia ((())) and Pom ((()))

    . Love to Bill((())) Mig ((())) Chris ((()))) I hope you feel a bit better.

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 21. Aug 2020, 12:35

    Daily Poem (short and sweet)

    Eternity By: William Blake

    He who binds to himself a joy

    Does the winged life destroy;

    But he who kisses the joy as it flies

    Lives in eternity’s sun rise.

    Carol, talking about a thing of beauty, any of your GC or GGC come under that description. Even their names, Graycie, Rubie and Kian. I'm pleased you cleared the air with Mr T. and gained an Alexa too (or should that be two?)

    Joan, I'm very happy that you enjoyed Earth Angel, thank you. Chris and I are tired, yesterday was Tesco day and it always takes it out of us. Love to Sue.

    Toni, yes for some reason Aidan was totally in my mental arena yesterday. Those plates are sweet. The one was in line with the first poem but my favourite was the other one. Of course we can have a chocolate cake on Sunday. There are 8 in the cafe fridge. Some with strawberries, some with raspberries. I hope Lucy enjoyed having her hair done.

    Barbara, good news about my son, he seems to be on an upwards turn. He and Dawn celebrated 4 years together yesterday and he is definitely sounding more positive. I love the photo of your pond. An idyll to soothe and relax.

    Jerk Tofu with Rice & Peas

    Bring the carnival to your kitchen with this hearty, protein-rich and delicious dish! Comfort food at it's best...



    • 600g tofu (approx — doesn't matter if it's a bit more or less), sliced around 0.5cm thick, drained and pressed (or just pat down with kitchen roll or clean tea towel to remove water)
    • Soy sauce (not needed until the frying stage)
    • Nutritional yeast (not needed until the frying stage)

    Jerk marinade

    If you're short of time you can pour over a shop-bought jerk marinade, making sure the tofu is covered on both sides

    • 2-3 cloves garlic, peeled
    • ½ onion, peeled and roughly chopped
    • Thumbnail of ginger, peeled
    • 1 bunch spring onions, ends removed
    • Juice of 1 lime
    • 2 tbsp soy sauce
    • 2 tbsp veg oil
    • 2-3 tbsp brown sugar
    • 2 tsp allspice
    • ¼ tsp cinnamon (optional)

    Rice & Peas 

    • 300g basmati rice
    • 1 x 400g tin coconut milk
    • 450ml cold water
    • ¼ tsp ground allspice 
    • 2 sprigs thyme 
    • 1 tin kidney beans, drained and rinsed 
    • ½ tsp salt 
    • 1 bunch spring onions, ends removed and finely sliced


    Jerk marinade 

    1. Blitz all the ingredients in a high powered blender or food processor until smooth. Don't be tempted to add water as the sauce needs to be thick.  
    2. Try the marinade and then add more sugar, soy sauce or lime juice if necessary, until the flavours are balanced.

    Tofu (marinate)

    1. Cover the sliced tofu in the marinade (on both sides) and rub it in. Leave in the fridge for a minimum of an hour, ideally. 

    Rice and Peas

    1. Put the rice in a medium sized saucepan then rinse in cold water. 
    2. Add all of the ingredients to the pan apart from the kidney beans.
    3.  Put the lid on the pan, bring to the boil and then simmer for 10 minutes. 
    4. Add the kidney beans after 10 minutes and then simmer for another 5 minutes with the lid off. 

    Tofu (fry)

    1. Whilst the rice is cooking, heat some oil in a large frying pan on medium heat and then add the marinated tofu slices to the pan. 
    2. Drizzle over a little soy sauce and a sprinkling of nutritional yeast. 
    3. Fry on both sides until golden. 

    Serve with rice and peas, mango salsa, fresh thyme leaves and fried plantain (fry slices of ripe plantain on either side in a little oil and salt). 

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all do you mind if I keep this energy is zilch..due to this kitchen..all the units that our gd cleaned out are now full if sawdust.. never mind..

    Carol so glad alk is now sorted including mr T..nice you got an alexa..i need to play my cards right here..hahaha..a gorgeous photo of little Rubie..she is so sweet..x

    Toni I am loveing your pics of your holiday..see you found a chippy that would be Mr Bs first stop...hahaha..the camper looks really cosy...nothing nicer than have your bed ready were ever...if you have already pmed I might have missed it sorry..they don't show up the same..xx

    Joan all is well here thankyou

    yes my kitchen will be nice when its done..i know its not all new but will look to all if you xx

    Kath i am so please to hear your son is feeling a littie better..they do have highs and lows..hopefully he will have more highs.bless him..thankyou gor another lovely poem

    And jerk rice and peas sounds interesting..

    anyone heard how Chris is..

    Love to everyone


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Barbara I shall check how Chris is.... leave it with me.

    Did you notice the chippy did VEGAN food? That's why we stopped! I had a sausage and burger both really yum. That was on Skye. What did you think of the inside of the motorhome? Fabulous isn't it? Paul wants to buy one now 🙄 He's checked it fits on the drive out of sight of the road.

    There's no need to have new units in the kitchen if they are solid and in the right places for you. New doors and work surface will make it look fabulous and to all intents and purposes it will be new.😊 I bet you are exhausted , but it will be so worth it.

    I haven't PMd yet. Having Lucy here is keeping me far too busy.

    Kath gimme that jerk tofu straight away! Looks amazing😛

    It sounds as though your boy might have the cyclic depression (which my sister has) he can learn to cope with that as can Dawn. Bless them both. 4 yeras! Time flies I am so pleased for them both.

    Sometimes I have an Aidan day or days...especially have over this P business I know he would ahve helped in some way. Reassurance, information whatever he always knew what to say didn't he? Such a gentle gentleman😓

    Hi Joan We have plans for Kari's birthday! shhh! we are all going to meet in my brother's garden. I just have to get her there 😉

    I hope you and Sue are both well and the carers and the doggies too ((()))

    Croissants Aidan's saturday treat:

    straight out of the oven!