Val's Cafe



  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (I know this doesn't apply to you slim Jims, but it is funny).

    The Benefits Of Exercise

    © Alan Balter 

    Published: October 2017

    All my life I've been extra large, plus

      I'm known as a very large fellow.

    I would easily pass as a school district bus

      If somebody painted me yellow.

    "No secret to losing weight," I've been told.

      "Just cut the fat from your diet."

    "Get up and about even if it's cold."

      Once again, I decided to try it.

    But jogging was something senseless to me,

      And riding a bike seemed insane.

    Joining a gym involved a large fee,

      And lifting weights was a pain.

    So for exercise I choose horseback riding.

      It's fun and easier than it sounds.

    It's a very effective form of dieting

      'Cause my horse lost forty pounds.

    Toni, I have seen your PM, twice. It was sent by email and I also read it when I came on here. I'm very pleased P is so positive. I definitely helps. Sleek was very jolly company last night, we had a riot. 🐈️

    Joan, Anita seems to be doing well. She and Val are always posting on FaceBook about places they've visited and events they've been to. They are proper gad abouts. 🚗

    Barbara, it's definitely the weather for casseroles, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    Kale and Mushroom Toasted Quinoa Pilaf

    SERVES: 4


    120g (4.2oz) quinoa

    600ml (1.05 pint) hot chicken or vegetable stock

    200g (7oz) sliced mushrooms

    2 large handfuls of kale (woody stems torn out)

    1tbsp extra virgin olive oil

    1 clove garlic, crushed (or you can use dried garlic granules or ready made paste)

    To season:

    1tbsp lemon juice

    2tbsp parmesan cheese (or for a diary free version, try nutritional yeast)

    Black pepper to taste

    Recipe Summary

    Here’s a warming, super healthy, arthritis friendly dish to start your New Year with. Quinoa (pronounced keen-wa) is a small seed that is cooked and served like rice or couscous. It is gluten free with a nutty, mild flavour and is unusual in that it is a complete plant protein source, containing all 9 amino acids. It’s quite widely available in supermarkets and health food stores nowadays. I find the flavour best if it’s lightly toasted first in the pan before you add any fluid. If you struggle to find it or want a substitute this recipe will also work well with brown rice but you will need to adjust the cooking times accordingly.

    Enjoy vegetables at their seasonal best. Kale is available in abundance in the winter and is a wonderful source of vitamin K which some studies suggest can slow cartilage deterioration in osteoarthritis. It also contains sulphurous compounds that have an anti-inflammatory effect. Mushrooms add a good dose of healthy fibre and folate.

    A good tip for using lemon juice when you have arthritis in your fingers, is to pop the lemon in the microwave for 10 seconds before cutting open to squeeze. This makes it much easier to extract the juice. If you don’t have a microwave you can also just roll it on a board firmly a few times before slicing.


    Put the quinoa in a pan over a medium heat. Let it sit and toast until it begins to pop, then remove from the heat and stir in the olive oil, garlic, hot stock, mushrooms and kale.

    Cover the pan and simmer until all the stock has been absorbed and the little white edge of the quinoa seed has separated from the grain.

    Fluff up the quinoa and season with the lemon juice, parmesan and pepper. Serve immediately or allow cooling at room temperature. Enjoy as a warm salad.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all..thought I had bettet get on before Niamh comes ..

    Joan we have to whats best..and plod on has my late mum would say . And she always said there are many worse off ..and that was not long before she died..bless her...hope you are all keeping us Sue's mouth getting on xx

    Toni how nice to meet up with people for afternoon tea..or was it gin...hahaha..and today you have your friend round that have a motorhome..alwats best to get lots of info before buying..something to look forward to...:)...

    Thankyou for the porridge..i have already forgot the name.hahaha.but it was good..xx

    Kath i love that piem and it really made ne laugh...hahahaha the poor horse...

    I am glad to hear Anita is getting there..

    and thankyou for the pilaf recipe ...xx

    Love to everyone Xxxxxxx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Hi Joan - thank you we had a lovely conversation about motorhomes - Paul really wants one and I loved our holiday in the one we hired. Charley popped by, luckily early, to tell me the latest on the house move. They have signed the draft contracts so getting closer!

    Kath Sleek must have had a great time with you she came home exhausted straight to sleep she was. She informs me that you have got her a 'stayt ov thee art' cat litter! She may be over again later depends what's on TV. I think she understands now that you would rather have your drinks from Costa or Neros or Starbucks than where she gets hers from🤢

    I loved that poem I bet the poor horse did loose 40lb! You ought to put it on Sharon's new forum catergory!!! Hehehe! The picture is clever too - a play on these types of pics

    Arthritis friendly and vegan friendly dish there too and looks really tasty I shall take some for my lunch if I may? and some more for Kari....

    Good to hear how well Anita is doing I saw Anne Nolan ring her bell yesterday which is great. Nice quick treatment that I am pleased.

    Hi Barbara yes it was tea! I had fruit tea - my own pot and it was all so very pretty you would have loved it! proper china cups - Staffordshire as you know is all pottery! Quite a lot of chat about hot flushes🤣 Something about the company of other women I love you know.

    Roses1 always says if you ask her how she is that she is 'plodding along' I miss her posting. Must see how she is she lives near me as does Janie68.

    The porridge was lovely i had it every morning on Holiday and must make it here really. But today it's time for Aidan's Saturday special:

    Is Niamh due over the weekend ?

    Love to all our café friends

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (an old one, but I hope the mods don't think I'm swearing Ars is Latin for art).

    Ars Not A***

    A dead cow floats in Formaldehyde -

    is someone taking me for a ride?

    Rodin's "Lovers" tied up with string!

    Some people will pay to see anything.

    If you want to look at an unmade bed

    Come and visit my son's room instead.

    Bring back Waterhouse

    bring back Rossetti,

    don't show me displays

    made from cans of spaghetti.

    The art world is turning into a farce,

    What we all really want is Ars - not a*

    Barbara, my dad is always reminding me there's always someone worse off than we are. I rang him this morning, he went to the Friday club yesterday. As most of the helpers are on holiday, they were left to chat among themselves. I wondered if the others got a word in. LOL

    Toni, the super dooper pooper tray has a mini brush which automatically sweeps up and then disinfects itself. I found it on Catazon, special delivery. Marvellous. If she pops over around 7pm I will be tuned into Midsommer Murders. Emily calls it Cozy Crime, along with Murder In Paradise, Poirot and Marple.

    Sending hugs to Carol, mig, Joan and Sue and anyone I forgot

     Baked katlama

    Serves 4

    Dried soya mince is a budget-friendly protein-packed option.


    • 100 g strong white flour
    • 125 g wholemeal flour
    • 100 ml water
    • 50 g low fat vegan spread
    • 200 g frozen soya mince (60 g if rehydrating from dry)
    • Spray oil
    • 1 red onion, diced
    • 1 clove garlic, pureed
    • 1 carrot, peeled and grated
    • 2 tsp ground turmeric
    • 1 tsp ground cumin
    • 1 tsp ground coriander
    • 1 tbsp chopped fresh coriander
    • 250 g soya yoghurt (plain and fortified)
    • 50 g mango chutney
    • 250 g cauliflower florets
    • 250 g broccoli florets
    • 100 g brown basmati rice (dry weight), cooked, to serve


    For the dough

    1. To make the dough, mix the flours together and add the water and 25 g of vegan spread. Knead to form a dough and set aside to rest.

    For the filling

    1. If using dehydrated soya mince, rehydrate. Heat a saucepan, add the oil, and when hot, add the diced onion. Cook until the onion is soft and coloured. Add the garlic and grated carrot and cook for 2 minutes. Add 1 tsp turmeric, cumin and ground coriander and cook for a further 1 minute. Add the soya mince and chopped fresh coriander and mix thoroughly.

    For the sauce

    1. Blend together the soya yoghurt with the mango chutney.

    For the vegetables

    1. Spray the broccoli and cauliflower florets with oil and mix with 1 tsp turmeric. Roast in the oven on 180°C until golden and cooked through.

    For the katlama

    1. Roll the dough out in a large circle about 12" across (think pizza base).
    2. Place the filling into the middle of the dough. Gather the sides up and form them in the middle so you can press them all together to reform a ball with the filling in the middle. Put the ball onto a lined baking sheet and press down to start stretching it back out into a flat disc about 1.5 cm thick.
    3. Bake in the oven on 180°C until the dough has crisped up and coloured.
    4. Serve with the rice, roast vegetables and dressing.

    TIP: Swap to spray oil for a lower fat meal

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    afternoon all its raining again..but we had sun this morning..but boy its cold..

    Toni i hope Rosie is doing ok..people come and go for alk kinds of reasons ..but qe fo worry about them..i hope Chris is getting there...x

    Ooh croissants Aiden got me eating them..bless him ..he will be up there saying listen to them talking about me has though I'm not hear...,:)..

    I do like a proper china cup for taste better..mind you i have broke them all....yes Niamh is here...gosh that girl has a good appetite..hahahaha hope you get a campervan very soon xx dad loves a good chat...why the quiet one in our family.would you believe my dad I think mum loved a chat..

    Have you seem Holly lately..not long now for the children going back to school.. xx

    I see Joan is missing this morning jope they are all well xx

    My neighbour has been moving out...i am so sad to see them go..:( she is renting in the next town...its a young couple that have bought the house.. no children yet..but 2 parrots..

    Right better go..

    Love to everyone


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Aug 2020, 06:17

    Two parrots Barbara? unusual in a young couple....maybe it's getting more fashionable🤔It will be so sad seeing your neighbour go I do hope she keeps in touch bless them all. Still if the young couple have babies it could be fun again down the line 🙂

    You are the quiet one in your family?! Wow how chatty is your family then?😉 I reckon Aidan might have been talkative. Yes I think he's up there looking at us all and laughing with Cookie, Pepe Long-stockings and Tosca on his lap shoulder or next to him🐱

    I am a tiny bit worried about Joan that is very out of character.

    So Niamh was over yesterday? How lovely I hope she was ok - good sign if she's eating well and she is slim anyway. She will be back at school too next week Just like me says Sleek who keeps on reading over my shoulder bless her😁

    Kath that food looks different I love flat-types of bread and do indeed have some dried soya - Used to call it TVP when I first became veggie all those years ago.....too many to count!

    Funny poem! I know you don't really agree with it though being a bit arty yourself! The pencil head is fabulous isn't it? Very clever. I must tell Kari that's what they used to call ART!!! She probably knows it already she has her degree in Art.🤔

    Ah that's where the litter tray came from! Apparently no litter on your floor either she says....? She loves Midsomer Murders and Death in Paradise. She knows mummy has been on that actual Island and thinks I should have met everyone on the Telly. We and Sleek prefer cozy crime - much safer and better for the BP!

    So Dad is on the Olympic talking team is he? I just missed getting on the team myself. Bless him it must be so reassuring for you knowing he is doing so well physically.

    Barbara mentioned Holly i was thinking of her too and wondering if she is going to get a bit of break from some of her brood (and sister) going back to school. I am looking forward to the kids over the road being back it will be wonderful to hear the chatter again ☺️

    Joan I very much hope all is well with you and Sue as well as the carers....? Are you and Sue back going out on your scooters now to town weather permitting? I am having a takeaway Sunday lunch at my lovely neighbour's as Paul is working today.

    Love of course to Carol and Chris.

    Cornish English Scottish and Vegan options available!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    I'm sorry if my post was not on here yesterday I did it but it came up not permission o post sorry let's hope today's stay.

    Kath ((())) we like Vera. Love to Chris (((()))) Anita ((())) and Val (((())) and your Dad (((())) sue talks to the carers I have to wait for a gap to speak.

    Barbara (((()))) i 'm sorry your neighbour is moving I hope you keep in touch love to her and her children (((())))

    love to Mr B ((())) and your Son ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend (((())))

    Toni (((())) I hope my post stays on here today. Yes we go out every day on the scooters and the carers are well thank you. love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and her friend (((())))Tia (((())) Lucy (((())) Kari ((())) and Pom (((())))

    Love to Bill ((())) Chris (((())) Carol (((())) Mig (((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all..its been nice but chilly..

    Toni..thankyou for the mega breakfast..i did share it... i really will miss my neighbour.. i helped her with both babies when they were born..both cesarians..(.sp )my mind has gone you i love to hear the children chattering ...but like you say we might have more babies next door:)...

    Yes I am the quiet one..both my late brother and my youngest brother.. were and are like dad quiet..

    Niamh has just gone home..she us back at school wed..and looking forward to it..xx

    Joan its good to know you are pressure to post if you need a day or so off we are always neighbour us around 2 miles i am sure we will be in touch..and she has to pass to take the children to to all of you..xx

    No Kath..i think she was busy with her order...xx

    love to Chris ..Roses..mig...Carol..and everyone else that are missing..xxxx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Joan that is annoying! Hasn't that happened before when your post hasn't been 'allowed'? If it happens again i would ask Brymnor or Sharon - I remember she helped you in the past. I am pleased to hear you are both getting out and everyone is well.

    I had lunch with my lovely neighbours yesterday because Paul was working and we had it delivered.

    I am very pleased Barbara to hear that your neighbour has to pass your house to take the children to school I hope she will get into the habit of popping in at least on the days when Niamh is with you?????

    I bet she, Niamh, is really exited about being back in school with her friends. Just how frightened has she been about the virus? I don't have any young children in my orbit just now and have been worried about them being frightened 🤔

    I have new neighbours on the one side their daughter had to move in with them - she had twin baby boys during lockdown bless them.

    Today I am going to see a car! Really it's a bit mad. It's a classic Nissan Figaro (as you know Paul likes his cars🙄) and I have always loved Figaros. He has this idea to maybe buy one and convert it to electric because l want my next car to be electric. I just have to see if I can get in it!!!!!

    That's what they look like. - super cute? It's a nissan which my Juke is and I have had two micras before that so hope it will be ok.🤞

    It's supposed to be a secret, but l told P yesterday because l know she loves them and well it's P!

    Kath I very much hope you are ok and really just taking the day off the internet ((())) Sleek disturbed me in the night watching Perry reruns at something like 2am🙄and chomping cat treats. She had invited Mrs Darcey over who had to eat hers with her mouth open due to a lack of teeth.....

    She is sat in the middle of the grass waiting for a mole to pop up - be careful mr mole!

    I hope all is well with you and Chris and that his sores are all gone?

    Carol - I do hope you are ok and all the girls, gkids and the small people, as Aidan would say, too. Hoping Mr T is being a mood-free husband ATM 😉

    Chris (Catlady) We all miss you very muc and hope you are on the mend ((()))

    Mig if you look in how are you doing? How is your crochet getting on?

    Right breakfast...

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) I hope you both have a good day love to Chris (((())) and Anita ((()) Val (((())) and your Dad (((())))

    Barbara (((()))) perhaps your neighbour will pop in for coffee when she's dropped the children of at school (((()))) love to Mr B (((())) and your son ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend (((()))).

    Toni (((())) Good luck in finding the right I hope it's not to hard for you to get in it. Love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend (((()))) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and Pom ((()))) I hope she's not in too much pain ((()))

    Love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Carol ((())) Mig ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Nearly said morning of these day I will make it...

    Toni what a lovely car don't think I have seen one.. or not took clever if Paul can convert it..i am all in favour of cleaning up our atmosphere ..its got out of hand..cant imagine what we breath in..:( :(

    Oh thsnkyou for the fluffy omelette..cant beat them....

    Nice to enjoy lunch with your neighbour and even better delivered...

    Niamh has been really scared of the virus. We do talk to her about it...but the news comes on and she is all ears...her response when will covid 20 be here..bless her she is a worrier....

    .goid luck with the carxx

    Joan I am sure my neighbour will pop in...I think I have kniw her now foreground 18 years when she moved into what was her ex husband parents house....glad you and Sue are getting out and about..what a difference it makes, :) love to all of you xx

    .Better make a move

    Love to all


  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (from my cancer years)

    Heart Full Of Tears

    With dark hair and eyes

    I looked quite solemn

    when that photo was taken.



    Different to now.

    Bald, moon faced, alien.

    No tears in my eyes,

    but plenty in my heart

    Hello everyone. Anybody would think I enjoyed online shopping = NO. It's very stressful. But we managed to agree, then when the Amazon order was sent off (it should arrive Wednesday) I thought of at least 3 other things I needed. I wanted to get Chris a new watch. But it HAS to be Timex. It HAS to have a stretchy bracelet. It HAS to have a 5 year battery. Fussy, Chris? NOOOO! Although I have to agree with him about Timex. I love Timex watches. They are so classic and simple.

    We haven't seen Holly since she came back from Skeggy, so we'll wait until tomorrow.

    I have joined a new Poetry group and 3 of my old poems have been accepted. Again, we shall see if it gives me a kick up the behind. 😌


    Classic Beans & Rice gets a flavor-packed makeover with a satisfying blend of fiesta flavors in a simple creamy tomato sauce. Like a “fully-loaded” version of Spanish Rice! (Vegan, gluten-free, oil-free)

    Author:Kaitlin – The Garden Grazer

    Cook Time:

    50 minutes

    Total Time:

    50 minutes

    Category:Main Dish, Side Dish

    Cuisine:Gluten-Free, Mexican, Oil-Free, Vegan

    Servings: people (main dish)



    • 1 cup dry brown rice (uncooked)
    • 1 small onion
    • 1 orange bell pepper (or other color)
    • 3 cloves garlic
    • 2 Tbsp. taco seasoning
    • 15 oz. can tomato sauce
    • 1/4 cup nutritional yeast
    • 15 oz. can black beans
    • 1 cup sweet corn (frozen, canned, or freshly cooked)
    • 1 cup cherry tomatoes (or roma, etc.)
    • Salt to taste


    • Avocado, cilantro, fresh tomatoes, hot sauce, dairy-free cheese shreds, tortilla strips


    • Cook rice according to package instructions.*
    • Meanwhile, make the taco seasoning and set aside.
    • Finely dice onion and bell pepper.
    • In a large skillet over med-high heat, saute onion and bell pepper for 8-10 minutes. (For no-oil sauté method, I use 3 Tbsp. broth/water to sauté and add more as needed.)
    • Meanwhile, mince garlic and dice tomatoes.
    • When onion is translucent, add minced garlic and 2 Tbsp. taco seasoning. Cook 1-2 minutes.
    • Reduce heat. Add tomato sauce, nutritional yeast, black beans (rinsed and drained), corn, and tomatoes. Stir and let simmer on med-low heat for a few minutes (or longer if the rice isn’t finished cooking yet).
    • When rice is cooked, add to skillet and stir well. Heat for 5 minutes to let flavors combine. Salt to taste.
    • Serve with your favorite toppings. For an extra-cheesy version, add your favorite dairy-free shreds.


    * Feel free to cook the brown rice in advance and store in fridge until ready. Brown rice typically takes about 40 minutes to cook, and the dish only takes about 20 minutes until you need to add the rice, so you can wait 20-25 minutes to begin the rest of the steps. (Otherwise it’s totally fine to let the sauce gently simmer, stirring occasionally during that time until the rice is ready.)

    You could also substitute quinoa for the rice as it only takes about 20 minutes to cook and the timing would work very well here.

    This makes a fairly large batch so reduce/halve if desired.

    The homemade taco seasoning recipe yields 3 Tbsp. although you will only need 2 Tbsp. for this recipe. I like to make a double or triple batch and store in a sealed glass jar to have on hand.


    Calories: 309kcal | Carbohydrates: 64g | Protein: 12g | Fat: 2g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Potassium: 911mg | Fiber: 12g | Sugar: 9g | Vitamin A: 1895IU | Vitamin C: 52mg | Calcium: 65mg | Iron: 4mg

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Evening all

    Sorry it seems like I have abandoned you all, but that is not so I think about you all every day. It yes seems that they days are flying past and there is not enough hours in the day. Mind you internet has been a bit iffy the last few days especially in the evening. Hope you have all been ok whilst I have not been around and you have all been good.

    ok so I cannot remember all of your comments but to answer a few and I have no idea who made the comments but I will answer what I can remember.

    Yes Faye is 5 in February so is able to go into reception on the 7th September also on the 7 th I think it’s Lillie goes into year 4 then on the 8th again. I think Graycie goes into her second year at nursery these dates could be the other way round and then on the 12th believe it or not Rubie can go into her first year of nursery. And I believe Ashley we be back at nursery this week some time. And I know Joan asked this questions do any of them go to the same School. Graycie and Rubie’s nursery are in the grounds of .Lillie’s school although they are not Part of the school. Faye goes to a different school. And Ashley’s nursery is close by her school. Glad to here Pom is staying positive.

    youngest daughter has gone back to work today she works in a school a special needs school. She did go back just before the holiday be cause they went back with just children of key workers about 2/3weeks before the start of the summer holidays. But they will have all the children back next week I believe They are only teachers and teaching assistants which is what youngest daughter is In this week getting things ready.

    things are ok with both of us and we are off to Brighton for another few days tomorrow. We will be back on Friday this is just a few days away on our own. As we could not have our holidays this year. We has a seafront hotel and it’s one of the good hotels in Brighton. And I only about an hour or so buy train from us. Everything is packed. We will not be leaving to early because we can’t get into hotel before 3pm so not worth leaving too early

    Our Lillie was in hospital overnight last week every so often she wakes up with a very fast heartbeat (Palpitations) and feels quite poorly she has more tests coming up at the Evelina children’s hospital part of st thomas’s hospital I’n London. They are not sure if she has night terrors or not as when asked if she dreams nasty things she says no not that she remembers. She is fine at the moment though. And I don’t think it happens in the day time. She only wakes up like it. So we must wait and see if these tests coming up find a reason.

    well I can’t think of anything else to tell you except thank you for your nice comments about our garden. It is a pleasure to sit out there when weather allows now.

    it is now time for me to stop rambling I may get on again before Friday if we have internet available in the hotel. If not I will update you on Friday when I am back home .

    Love and sparkles to you all ❤️❤️🌈🌈

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Have a lovely holiday Carol. I know you will just time for you and Mr T 🙂

    I do love your little piece of tranquility it is a miracle to have it where you are I bet the neighbours are jealous!

    Do not tell me all those children are in school or nursery - one minute they were all babies!😮Lillie in year 4 I don't know which shocks me more. All of them will be glad to be in and their parents have done such a great job since March and deserve a rest! It will help them all.

    Poor Lillie 😕sounds very worrying.....I hope it's not anything to do with her health condition her palpitations🤔 Is she a worrier? Could it be that she is worrying about the virus. Barbara says Niamh is it's dreadful children having to contend with this isn't it?

    Joan P is doing ok and tells me she has very little pain at all just some breakthrough at night. She is more tired and gets a little bit more muddled. I could get in the car easy enough - and out maybe the trickier bit! The seat is very comfy so the car is MINE Paul is going to pay today and bring it back. Its nearly 30 years old J reg. I sent Bill a pic and he has always wanted one too! I reckon Aidan would have liked her!

    Kath your poem got me straight in the stomach. Yes spot on as ever only a survivor can get it just right like that ❤️. Of course 3 of your poems have been accepted. Which ones? Do we know them?

    Thank you for the cheesy fiesta beans and rice I love all of that. Although today i have belly ache I think i ate too much yesterday so will only have soup. Except for my virtual breakfast of course.

    So did Timex come to the rescue then? Did they have one to meet Chris' exacting criteria? My Dad used to swear by Timex too.

    I hope you see Holly soon probably when some of her charges are back in school and that she had a great holiday in Skeggy.

    Barbara Paul will not be doing the electric conversion on his own he knows a man in Wales l think🤔 She is lovely he is going to collect her today after he draws out the money. I can't wait to drive her into the village and take P a ride and Kari too.

    Imagine Naimh fearing COVID 20 already God bless her heart😕 I knew this must be terrifying our children. Something we can only try to keep them safe from.

    I think your neighbour will call in I'm sure she will after 18 years. The children will miss you both too and if she goes past.....

    I will try to post a pic of my new car everyone tonight and don't worry i will be keeping Dudley Juke too until Penelope (Pitstop) remember? is all electric which will likely not be for months and months....

    I WhatsApped Bill a pic last night and he loves her too says he always wanted a Figaro. He has had an offer on the bungalow and is starting to look for a smaller place . He sends his love to us all.

    Breakfast...porridge I think l feel chilly today

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Barbara ((())) yes the days go so quick and now it's September. love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) a d your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Kath ((())) I hope you find the time watch you want love to Chris (((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Carol (((())) sorry Lillie has palpitations perhaps they will calm down when she's with her friends at school ((())) love to Mr T ((()))

    Toni ((())) I bet you are excited bout the car coming. Love to Paul ((())) Lucy ((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) Tia (((()))) Prom ((()))

    love to Bill ((()))Chris (((())) Mig ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 1. Sep 2020, 12:51

    Daily Poem

    Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening


    Whose woods these are I think I know.   

    His house is in the village though;   

    He will not see me stopping here   

    To watch his woods fill up with snow.   

    My little horse must think it queer   

    To stop without a farmhouse near   

    Between the woods and frozen lake   

    The darkest evening of the year.   

    He gives his harness bells a shake   

    To ask if there is some mistake.   

    The only other sound’s the sweep   

    Of easy wind and downy flake.   

    The woods are lovely, dark and deep,  

    But I have promises to keep,   

    And miles to go before I sleep,   

    And miles to go before I sleep.

    Snowy Woods

    Carol, I do hope you have a good time in Brighton. That's quiet worrying about Lillie, hopefully they will get to the bottom of it. I'm sure all the others are excited about being back with their friends at school.

    Toni, we gave up on the watch search. He already has a spare one anyway. I thought of a couple of other things I could have added. Earplugs for a start. I like to listen to the bible reading through them, but mine have lost one earpiece. The three poems are ones you know. Stalker, I think of your smile, Memorial and The Road To Cushendall. I'm hoping it might kick start my writing "PROPER" poems again. Holly is off to the shop for us, Esme starts back at school on Thursday. 😯

    Tofu Tahini Stir Fry



    (if you'd like an even quicker version then use pre-marinated tofu and add it together with the vegetables)

    • 280g (approx.) firm tofu, cubed 
    • Sesame oil for frying (but any oil fine)
    • 1 tbsp soy sauce
    • 1 tbsp nutritional yeast


    • Either use 1 packet of your favourite stir fry mix or 3 handfuls of stir fry veg (eg broccoli, baby corn, carrot battons, pak choi, edamame beans etc)


    Either use 150g (approx.) straight-to-wok noodles or dry noodle nests (follow instructions on packet)... we used dry wholemeal noodles


    • 60g/¼ cup tahini
    • 2 tbsp syrup (eg maple or agave)
    • 1 tbsp soy sauce
    • 1 tbsp rice vinegar (use cider vinegar as an alternative)
    • 1 tbsp lime juice
    • 1-2 tbsp sriracha (depending on how hot you like it!)
    • 3-5 tbsp water


    NB if you'd rather keep the layers separate (like in the picture) then cook everything separately and layer noodles first, then veg, then tofu then sauce. 


    1. Fry the tofu in sesame oil until golden, stirring occasionally. 
    2. Add the soy sauce and nutritional yeast, stir through and fry for a further 1-2 minutes. Set aside. 

    Vegetables and noodles 

    1. Fry the vegetables on a medium-high heat for a few minutes. 
    2. Add the noodles and stir through. 
    3. Add the tofu and stir through. 


    1. In a small saucepan, heat all of the ingredients on a medium heat.
    2. Pour over the noodles, veg and tofu and decorate with toasted cashews, fresh chillies, seeds, fresh coriander and anything else you fancy.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening neighbour called in today to drops lots of clothes off for Niamh..her little girl is 11 but Niamh is so tall and in age was lovely to see them..and they are renting in a nice cul-de-sac..

    Carol you have a lovely relaxing time in Brighton ..i have only been there once and it was hard to didn't stay long.. .would love to go back..just wish we were nearer

    Poor Lillie..i hope she grows out of it.. or they can treat it..must he such a worry ..all the children at school or nursery.. hopefully it will all go to plan ..and no upsurge in covid xx

    Joan time flys when you are having fun they say....even when you are not...hahaha..i hope we have a nice Autumm..i love this time if the to all of you..xx

    Toni thankyou for letting us know Bill is doing ok and has sold his home..hopefully he will find just the right one

    Your lovely car won't be long..then off you go ..waving to everyone in the village...hahaha..its good to have something to look forwards enjoy..

    I'm am glad to hear P hasn't much pain..hopefully it stays that way bless her..xx

    Kath i am not surprised the poetry group like your poems..the one you wrote when you had cancer is so moving ...

    I like online shopping..thats till the credit card bill comes hahaha..its so helpful when you can't walk round shops...glad you got the right watch for Chris..xx

    Right that's my eyes done..

    Love to everyine xxxxcc

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    I just lost my post! My own fault entirely! and it was a LONG one too🙄

    So for now I will say hello to you all and sorry I will try again later when I get time. Grrrrr! silly TONI 😡

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) thank you for the poems. I wish Chris a happy birthday when it comes (((())) love to Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) that was a surprise seeing your neighbour love to her ((())) and her daughters ((())) and Mr B ((())) and your Son ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((()) lovely car is it cream colour. Love to Paul ((())) Lucy ((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and Pom ((()))

    love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((())) Carol ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all this will be very short.i have been transferring things to another phone..and my eyes are shot..

    Will be back tomorrow

    Love to everyone


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Weird day in the café yesterday then! No Kath and myself and Barbara being super-quick!

    Joan the car is baby pink! the roof (which can come down) is cream. I will take more pics when I can when it stops raining long enough to take the top down!

    Charley and Annie called in yesterday for an update on what is happening with the house move. I think it will be within 3 weeks maybe 2 🙂

    Barbara I have to transfer pics too, onto my new lap top but can't seem to get them off my phone. Should be possible to do blue tooth 🙄

    I am late on as my Ocado order arrived at 7.30 this morning. All unpacked and disinfected P's bagged ready an Kari's in the fridge I will take them over at a more civilised hour!

    Carol was off to Brighton wasn't she? I can't remember when she us due back....that was Aidan's territory he had such a good memory for things like that. I hope Lillie is on the mend now she will want to be in school.

    Kath when you get in I hope you are ok today. I am certain joining a poetry forum is the way to get your creative mojo back 🙂 Lovely to see Holly and Esme will be very happy to be back in school bless her.

    Early order for me this morning that was a bit odd. I am normally up 6ish but rarely 'decent' for visitors!

    We have a choir meeting at the community centre tonight at 8pm. No singing.

    Take care everyone if i can I will call back later.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Barbara (((())) Good Luck with your phone love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((())) you will recognise that car in a car park love to Paul ((()) Lucy ((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend Tia ((()))Kari (((())) and Pom ((())) I hope everything is going alright for her.

    Kath I hope you ((())) and Chris ((())) are alright ((()))

    Love to Chris (cat lady ) I hope you are feeling a bit better ((()))

    Love to Bill ((())) Carol ((()) Mig ((())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem

    Rain in Summer

    by William Stanley Braithwaite

    The afternoon grew darkening from the west;

    A hush fell on the air, and in the trees;

    The huddled birds pronounced their prophecies;

    The flowers bent their heads as if to rest

    Now that the tide of the sun's golden seas

    In one long wave swept off the earth's wide breast.

    Up sprung deft shadowy patterns by degrees,

    And nature's face her soul made manifest.

    I'm fed up. Yesterday I searched for a nice poem - found one. Searched for a nice picture - found one. Answered your comments, then searched for a recipe - found one. Was just about to post - It all vanished. 😤

    Anyway, grub up.

    Butternut Squash Risotto

    This is comfort food at its best! Sweet, caramelised butternut squash, white wine and sage create the perfect, indulgent dish :)


    • 1 butternut squash, cut into small bite-sized cubes
    • Olive oil for frying
    • 1 onion, finely diced 
    • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 
    • 300g risotto rice
    • 200ml dry white wine (vegan)
    • 1 litre vegan stock
    • 2 tbsp lemon juice
    • 100g vegan Parmesan (eg Violife Prosociano, Angel Food, supermarket own-brands), grated or shaved
    • Handful pine nuts (ideally toasted until golden)
    • Handful sage leaves, finely sliced
    • Handful vegan blue cheese, crumbled (optional)
    • 8 strips crispy vegan bacon (optional) 


    1. Pre-heat the oven to 180ºC (fan)/350ºF/Gas Mark 4. 
    2. Coat the butternut squash in a fine coat of olive oil and a sprinkle of salt and place in the oven, turning once, for 40 minutes or until soft and golden. 
    3. While the squash is roasting, fry the onion in a little oil until soft and golden, 
    4. Add the garlic, stir through and cook for a further minute. 
    5. Add the risotto rice, stir through thoroughly and cook for 1-2 minutes before adding the liquid. 
    6. Add the white wine and cook until all the liquid has been absorbed. 
    7. Add the stock a quarter at a time and stir through. Wait until each quarter has been absorbed before adding the next quarter. 
    8. Add the lemon juice, roasted butternut squash, sage leaves, vegan Parmesan, seasoning, pine nuts and (optional) blue cheese and bacon. 

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein