Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233

    Good morning everyone

    I'm not being nosey I just wondered what jobs everyone had I worked in a factory that made record players (it was called Garards ) I put the stylus together that played the record I was paid 7 pound a week a lot of money in those days I gave 5 pound to my mum.

    Kath ((())) that's good you are both alright. I'm pleased your brother is getting help (((())) love to Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((((()))) you do well texting on here with your eye problem ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and your brother ((())) and is girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((())) lovely photo's nice motor home plenty of room I saw the vegan sign. Love to Paul (((())) Lucy ((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) Tia ((())) and Kari ((()))

    love to Bill ((())) Mig ((())) Chris ((())) thinking of Aidan

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (thank you Joan, your question helped me find a suitable poem for the day 😃)

    Career Choice - Poem by Aman Hussain

    What is happening

    To the lovely and young sapling

    These saplings are the truth

    Who are the nations youth

    Still not thought of their career choice

    Just using their non sensical words as their voice

    Earlier the situation was different

    The choice of youth was eminent

    They were the horse of long race

    But now the youth of today loves to graze

    Just sleeping and dreaming

    As if their life is buffering

    'Who will come to wake them up? ' Is it god?

    'I think to the god also they will give a nod.'

    What is the real need

    Is to wake them up from the long sleep

    This is the time

    When their one choice can make them their life's prime

    They can become one of the noble in the rendezvous

    Or also a CEO or MD too

    But the situation can change

    If they still think career choice strange

    Then they may become a chauffer

    Who lives in a hut as small as a locker

    So the choice is yours

    Whether to sleep

    or to achieve the goal which is very steep.

    Joan, I've had several jobs. When I left school I started to work at Boots in the offices. Then I worked in a solicitor's office. Next I was a copy typist in a company that made industrial boilers. Then I had my family. After they had grown, I began to work in special schools with children of various ages who had Cerebral Palsy. Although eventually I was working with all types of disabilities. I enjoyed those with CP best.

    Sending love an hugs to Toni, Barbara, mig, Carol, P and of course Bill.

    Spinach & 'Ricotta' Cannelloni



    • 14 -16 cannelloni tubes (use GF if necessary)
    • Extra virgin olive oil  
    • 400g/14 oz spinach 
    • ½ tsp nutmeg 
    • 1 onion, finely diced
    • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 
    • 2 x 400g/14 oz tins plum tomatoes (or use chopped tomatoes) 
    • Zest of ½ lemon 
    • Handful fresh basil 
    • ½ tsp sugar or syrup (eg agave or maple – optional)
    • Salt and black pepper, to taste
    • 200g melting vegan cheese (we used Bute Island Sheese Greek Style)
    • Vegan parmesan (eg Violife Prosociano or use pre-grated eg Angel Food, Flavour Fusion or Follow Your Heart)


    • 35g/¼ cup sunflower seeds 
    • 425g/15 oz firm tofu, drained and patted dry
    • 2 tbsp lemon juice
    • 1 tbsp olive oil 
    • ¾ tsp salt 
    • Pinch black pepper 
    • 1 clove garlic, crushed 
    • 20g/⅓ cup nutritional yeast 



    1. Preheat the oven to 180°C (fan)/350°F/Gas Mark 5. 
    2. In a large saucepan, add the spinach, a drizzle of olive oil, half the nutmeg (¼ teaspoon), a pinch of salt and pepper. Cover the pan and leave the spinach to sweat and wilt down, stirring occasionally. Pop in a bowl and set aside. 
    3. In a large pan fry the onion until soft and golden. Add the garlic and fry for a further minute. 
    4. Add the plum tomatoes and break them up with a spoon (or with your hands as you add them!). 
    5. Add the sugar, lemon zest and a few basil leaves. Simmer for around 20 minutes until the sauce has thickened. Add salt and pepper, try the sauce and add more until you get the desired seasoning. 
    6. While the spinach is sweating and the tomato sauce is simmering, make the 'ricotta'. 


    1. Blend the sunflower seeds in a food processor or using the milling blade on your blender. 
    2. Add the tofu and blend with the sunflower seeds until smooth. 
    3. In a medium sized bowl, combine the tofu/sunflower seed mix with all other ingredients and stir thoroughly. 
    4. Once the wilted spinach has cooled, squeeze the liquid out of it and cut it up into small pieces. Add it to the 'ricotta' along with the rest of the nutmeg (¼ teaspoon) and stir thoroughly. 
    5. There are a couple options for getting the 'ricotta' mix into the cannelloni tubes... either pipe it in using a piping bag or if you fancy having a bit more fun then stuff the mixture in using your hands (after washing them)... kids love doing this! 
    6. Place the stuffed cannelloni tubes onto the bottom of an oven dish (12"x10"x2" approx.). Pour the tomato sauce over the top and spread evenly. Add a layer of basil leaves then sprinkle over your preferred melting vegan cheese and top off with vegan Parmesan and a drizzle of olive oil. 
    7. Cover the top of the dish with a sheet of foil and tuck in around the edges. Place in the oven for 30 minutes, then remove the foil and pop back in the oven for another 15 minutes. 
    8. Enjoy with a green salad and garlic bread :) 

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 22. Aug 2020, 18:37

    Evening all we have had storm's today ..more floods down the rd...

    Joan you are not being noisy at all ..gosh we have an old wind up gramophone here...i have seen the name Gerrards on many we had a few at one time

    Now first was at littlewouds..then i went making electrical stuff..then car carpets ..then bottling fizzy drinks at the bottom of our Rd ..then i worked at a special school has an assistant.. i loved that but they closed them down with many others ..there are other i think..hahaha

    Love to all if you xx

    Toni i think buying your own motor home would be could take off whenever you want.. and just imagine touring France...i bet you are busy with Lucy..but loving it....Aidan was so good at supporting people wasnt he.. and was so thoughtful bless him xx

    Kath i like that poem reminds me of my godson hes hasn't a clue what he wants to that rhymes hahaha..

    You and me had many could in those days..i really feel for the young today ..the cannelloni sounds so delicious and nearly healthy xx..

    Love to everyone


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219

    Morning everyone 🙂

    I have left a message for Chris on facebook she might feel up to popping in herself, but in case she doesn't I will let us all know when l hear from her. Hang on I have heard!

    She says to let you all know she will be back and she sends everyone lots of love and gentle hugs. Bless her she will need rehab after she is well enough to be discharged. She doesn't deserve this does she 😕

    Joan I started life working in a life assurance society then moved on to work in a boarding school. Then with people with disablities. MS, then what was then called 'The spastic's Society' now better named as Scope. I LOVED it there and went from the Midlands down to Essex to be part of their first ever independent living scheme. After that I did my training as a Social Worker and then worked in a special school on the residential side before finally doing actual Social Work.

    One of the best parts of all my jobs was my colleagues Was that the same for you? I miss many to this day.

    Kath I am definitely going to cook the cannelloni I LOVED the stuff so will give that a go for sure. Thank you for the recipe.

    Your career has some similarities with mine. I also think people with cerebral palsy are fabulous to know and work with. Determination. That's what it is.

    The poem is great and sums up what is going on today it's so silly the Govt sending all kids to 'university' to do useless courses with no jobs at the end, but it seemed (at least prior to COVID) to be the latest 'industry'. A way of giving them something to do and of course to the kids a way of getting money without being an adult and working.🙄 Gosh Toni what an opinionated woman you are!!!😮

    Hi Barbara your career path has been completely eclectic! Mind you you have also brought up your won kids then a your GDs too so amazing you found any time to work at all!

    Your Godson might end up at 'University'! That's what the poor kids are encouraged to do if they have no idea bless them.

    This morning we will be visiting a couple of motorhome dealerships to see what is out there and how much😫 Lucy wants to come along too to see.

    I am going to miss her tomorrow will be our last day with her and Kari's birthday too.

    Sunday breakfast:

    Cornish, English, Scottish...maybe Welsh @Brynmor ? also Vegan option available!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233

    Good morning everyone

    Thank you everyone for saying about your jobs interesting worth while jobs.

    Kath (((())) I hope everyone is well ((())) love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and your Dad (((()))

    Barbara ((())) that was good working down the end of your road. Love to Mr B ((())) and your Son ((()) and your brother (((()))) and his girlfriend (((()))

    Toni ((())) Good luck finding a motor home ((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley (((()))) and her girlfriend ((())) Tia ((((()))) and Lucy (((())) have a good journey taking her back to Scotland ((())) Happy Birthday to Kari (((())) for tomorrow.

    love lo Bill (((())) Mig (((())) Chris (((())))

    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all..more proper storm's today..wonder if summer will be back..

    51 years anniversary today oh my goodness..we just had our Sunday dinner at our pub...

    Joan i used to go from job to job ..i worked bottling pop whem my sons were was handy but didn't like evenings..but needs must ....when I started with arthritis I was training has a personal trainer at our lady's to all of you xx

    Toni.. boy that breakfast was filling but so good...thankyou..

    So glad you are looking at motorhomes apparently they have never been has popular.. along with caravans..most people are staying in this country..

    So Lucy is going back..gosh I know it will be hard..just hope she is happy ...but I am sure she will be back again for a visit..

    Yes I always worked..we had to i finished school on the Friday and started work on the Monday.. not nice when you have just come out of school.thankyou for passing our good wishes on to Chris...i hope she us recovering well xx

    Hope Kath is OK xx

    Right I'm off to bed

    Sleep well everyone


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219

    Barbara that's how it should be leaving school one day and working the next week! None of this 'gap years' and doing nothing. Now though with the pandemic Youngsters will really struggle to find work😕. The basic jobs waitering, shop work etc a lot have been lost some permanently. That does upset me a lot. Apprenticeships too replaced initially by the YT scheme? That was the start of the downfall. Britain used to be a country with a skilled work-force didn't it? 😕 Someone get me off this soap box!

    My Mum told me of a time when you could walk out of one job and into another that must have been amazing. Now you have hundreds competing to work in Macdonalds🙄

    Hope your 51st anniversary was wonderful and the food excellent. Well done to both of you

    Joan Paul is taking Lucy back up to Scotland on his own later today. I will miss her, but college starts in September. She will be doing beauty which is right for Lucy. Didn't we all do great jobs?

    I heard from Chris she is doing ok but will have to go to rehab before going home because of her broken ankle. Bless her she only fell!

    Love to you and Sue ((()))

    I hope Kath is ok and was maybe just tired we missed her yesterday very unusual for her to be missing. ((()))🌈I shall send Sleek over later (might be where she is now actually!) to check on her if we don't hear from her.

    I also heard from Bill yesterday he is doing ok his and Aidan's bungalow is sadly on the market. He doesn't need such a big place now it's only him and the ground rent is huge and goes on the size of the actual property. He sends his love to us all 🙂

    Monday morning and sunny so far Kari's birthday we are all meeting in my brother's garden later on for brunch....after my car goes for MOT and service.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233

    Good morning everyone

    Barbara ((())). and Mr B(((()))) Happy Anniversary to both of you 🎂. Did you have free bottles of pop.

    . Love to your Son (((()))) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((())) Happy Birthday to Kari (((()))) 🎂 Love to Paul (((())) and Lucy (((())) Ave a good journey to Scotland

    love o Charley ((())). and her girlfriend (((() and Tia (((())) thank you for saying about Chris ((())) sorry about her ankle that's painful thinking of her. love to Pom (((()))) Bill has a lot of memories of Aidan they will stay with him ((((()))

    Love to Kath ((((())) and Chris (((())) and Anita and Val (((()))) and her Dad (((()))

    love to Mig Carol (((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 24. Aug 2020, 13:06

    Daily Poem

    Inside My Garden Gate

    © Susan C Walkinshaw-Kelly 

    Published: April 20, 2020

    How I love my little garden, where I sit and contemplate.

    My perfect piece of paradise inside my garden gate.

    Hanging baskets, pretty pots, the flowers are brimming over.

    The grass so green, the buttercups, the daisies, and the clover.

    Honeysuckle and jasmine giving off its sweet perfume.

    Pretty lilies open wide, rose bushes in full bloom.

    In summer they stand tall and proud as the buds turn into flowers.

    I sit and watch as they all flourish and while away the hours.

    I see the little fledglings nesting high up in the trees.

    Bees in and out the bushes with their variegated leaves,

    Where they gather all the pollen, then soar into the sky.

    They're heading home at speed, returning to the hive.

    The melody of the wind chimes as they tinkle in the breeze

    Interwoven with gossamer cobwebs, at night the spider weaves.

    The sunshine sparkles on the pond where the water lilies grow.

    Golden fish and tadpoles swimming safely down below.

    It's all so very peaceful relaxing in the sun

    Where the butterflies flutter by having so much fun.

    The sun goes down and darkness falls, the moon is big and bold,

    Where all that live in the garden have a story to be told.

    The little gnomes are watching the pixies and the sprites

    Dancing by the wishing well, aglow with fairy lights.

    I can sit here contemplating until it's very late

    In this magical piece of paradise, inside my garden gate.

    Aidan is in this picture somewhere. Let's see who finds him first. 😺

    We had a problem with our Tesco order due this Thursday - IT HAD VANISHED!!! and there were no suitable delivery slots left . We popped over to Iceland, where I nabbed a slot for Friday 28th. It took us all afternoon of arguing. 🙄 but its coming between 10am - 12 noon. So now you know why I didn't appear yesterday. Love to everybody.

    Easy Vegan Turkey-less Roast

    Oh wow! This roast is just heavenly and the ultimate centrepiece for your Christmas dinner! It's actually very straightforward to make and is sure to impress friends and family... not to mention saving some beautiful turkeys in the process :) 

    Someone else went wild for this roast and just couldn't wait to get her paws on it! 

    Don't forget... vital gluten flour contains 75g of protein per 100g so a great way to meet your RDA! 


    Wet ingredients for the roast

    • 1 onion, finely diced
    • 2-3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
    • 200ml/scant cup soya milk or other plant milk of your choice
    • 160ml/⅔ cup vegan white wine (use equivalent in plant milk if you want an alcohol-free version)
    • 1 tbsp syrup (eg maple or agave)
    • 1 tbsp dried or fresh sage, finely chopped
    • 1 tbsp dried or fresh rosemary, finely chopped
    • ½ tsp smoked paprika 
    • 1 tsp salt
    • 4 tsp vegan stock powder (eg Marigold), dissolved in 1 tbsp boiling water and stirred thoroughly
    • 2-3 tbsp white miso paste 
    • 100g/3½ oz firm tofu, drained
    • 60g/⅓ heaped cup chickpeas, drained and rinsed 
    • 1 tsp Dijon mustard (optional)
    • 2 tsp lemon juice (optional)
    • Pinch freshly ground nutmeg (optional)

    Dry ingredients for the roast

    • 285g vital gluten flour 
    • 3 tbsp nutritional yeast 
    • 70g chickpea/gram flour 


    • 130g (approx.) of your favourite dry stuffing mix (make according to the packet but set aside and don't bake it yet!) OR use 1 batch of our Apricot & Chestnut Stuffing recipe (again don't complete the baking stage)


    • 3 large sheets of dried yuba (dried bean curd skin – buy this online or from Asian supermarkets. Make sure you get the spongy bean curd skin and not the hard crispy sheets). This stage is optional


    1. Preheat the oven to 180ºC (fan)/350ºF/Gas Mark 4.
    2. Fry the onion until soft and golden then add the garlic and fry for a further minute. 
    3. Add the garlic and onion to a blender and then add all the other wet ingredients. Blend until smooth. 
    4. In a large mixing bowl, thoroughly combine all of the dry ingredients, mix well.  
    5. Pour the blended wet ingredients into the bowl of dry ingredients and combine with your hands until you have a dough. This is your seitan dough. 
    6. On a floured surface, knead the dough for a minimum of 10 minutes. 
    7. With your hands, stretch the dough into a rectangle around 1 inch deep. 
    8. Fill the middle of the seitan dough with your stuffing, fold up each end of the dough around it and then roll it up lengthways so that it's fully sealed. 
    9. If using yuba skin, run each sheet underneath the tap to rehydrate. Wrap them around the seitan until it's fully covered and then tie in three different places with baking string (it will look a bit of a soggy mess at this stage but don't worry it soon crisps up in the oven!). 
    10. Wrap a large piece of foil around the seitan roll and twist at both ends to seal tightly, making sure it's watertight. 
    11. Place the seitan, wrapped in the foil, onto a deep baking tray with about half an inch of water. Place in the oven and cook for 45 minutes, turning once halfway through. Add more water to the pan if it's dried out. 
    12. Open the foil and check to see if the roast is golden. If not, put it back in until it's crisp and golden. 
    13. Once the roast is crisp and golden, remove from the oven, take off the foil and transfer into a dry baking tray. Brush with a little oil and put back in the oven for 5-10 minutes. 
    14. Serve with roast potatoes and all the trimmings! 

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all..its been a really lovely day today..:)

    Toni thankyou we did enjoy our lunch..51 years its scary.....hahaha.

    Poor Chris that is awful she has broke her ankle..bless ..send her my love and hope she makes a good recovery.. xx

    How nice to meet up in your brothers garden...dont we just appreciate things more...

    Poor Bill ..but i know its for the best is still so surreal...but Bill sounds like a strong person who knows were he is going xx

    Joan thankyou ...yes we did get free pop..the works has been knocked down now for house's it was started in the 1800s making pills and alsorts ..then went on to pop..i hope you Sue and the doggies are OK.. xx

    Kath what a beautiful poem and picture I could see Aidan behind the tree..with all the sparkles in his hand......x

    glad you got sorted with Iceland...oh by the way i have my parsley box food.. this is my second lot ..really enjoying having them in ..ready to cook..Niamh loves the.lasagne ..

    Thankyou for the none turkey roast..the doggy made me laugh...hahaha

    Right im off to bed

    Love to everyone


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 25. Aug 2020, 06:18

    Hi All

    Hope everyone is well.

    After that lovely day yesterday it's proper piddling down today🙄 what a day! Sleek has been out and back in in minutes she is planning to use gates only today bless her.

    Barbara - food. Parsley boxes and the treat of a meal out or getting together with family in back gardens. COVID has done that much for us and made us appreciate the simpler things in life hasn't it?

    So Niamh likes the parsley box lasagne? I have been looking at the vegan equivalent to Parsley boxes and might just try them. Wondering how prices compare.

    I couldn't see Aidan i was busy looking for a butterfly though🤔 I certainly saw Silver of course Aidan can talk to Silver now can't he? Bill is doing amazingly well I have to agree and so sweet of him to keep in touch with us knowing how much Aidan meant to us all.

    Kath what a day! I am going to try to check on my Tesco's ok as far as I can see, but it's a click and collect this Thursday. Thank goodness Iceland came to your rescue. They did for lucy once too when her Sainsbury order when awol🙄

    If you get a minute look at your PMs there's an update from me about P and your idea.

    That roast looks phenomenal! Thank you very much I might just have to have a go. It must be good if the dog is after half-inching it!!!

    Loved the gardening poem it is so garden is my piece of paradise too. So lucky again I am thinking of the lockdown months almost can't believe it happened and is still going on..... STOP it Toni don't be getting maudlin. Lucy went back up to scotland yesterday Paul took her, but I will see her again soon and her college course should be perfect for her.

    Hi Joan I hope you and Sue are well? ((())) Paul took Lucy up to Scotland I stayed here with Sleek on my own. I know poor Chris eh? She must be in pain with that ankle. You are right Bill's memories of Aidan will always be in his heart.

    I am on Church Porch duty today what a miserable day it is I don't expect to get much money.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) i''m sorry you had that worry that's good you got an Iceland delivery. love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and your Dad ((())) I could see Aidan with Silver ((()))

    Barbara ((())) 51 years without a row but plenty of laughs yes ((())) love to Mr B ((())) your Son ((())) and your Brother ((())) and his girl friend (((()))

    Toni ((())) did you have good weather for Kari's (((())) birthday. Love to Paul (((()))) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend (((())) Tia ((())) Lucy ((())) she has done so well after all she's been through ((())) love to Pom (((()))

    love to Bill Chris (((())) Mig ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem

    Whispering Waves

    © Edel T. Copeland 

    Published: June 2018

    Waves come crashing to grey sullen shores.

    Powerful and strong, it breathes and roars.

    Cascading and caressing each grain of sand,

    A warm embrace between sea and land.

    High above, a seagull soars high.

    Wings of purity it spreads to fly.

    Battling high against darkened cloud,

    In a wind that blows fiercely, flying graceful and proud.

    Beneath, the sand is soft and warm.

    Sculpted by nature, it's weathered the storm.

    A passionate battle between calmness and rage,

    A new chapter's beginning; don't turn the last page.

    I listen again to the whispering waves,

    Music of nature calming and brave.

    Its power unknown, its stillness untamed,

    Mysterious and magical, a treasure earth claims

    Every time I looked at that picture,

    Aidan had moved.

    I saw him on a Lily Pad,

    I saw him next to Silver.

    One time he'd hid behind a bush,

    perhaps to hide our blushes.

    And yes, he carried sparkles

    then turned into a butterfly

    until he disappeared,

    as sadly, but so slowly

    he floated through the air.. 😥

    I had a telephone appointment with my GP this morning. I wanted to find out if I could change my Matrifen for tablets. But as I'd had side effects with Morphine tablets previously, she is going to look at other types of patch.

    The Meatless Feast Pizza

    This is a hand-stretched artisan pizza with homemade tomato sauce, red onion, pulled jackfruit, plant-based meats in a BBQ sauce mix, topped with melty vegan cheeze... yum!  


    For the dough (to make 2 medium pizzas)

    • 280g strong white bread flour
    • 4g fast-action dried yeast
    • ½ tsp ground flaxseed (optional)
    • 120ml water (preferably filtered) mixed with 50ml boiling water (also preferably filtered)
    • 1 tbsp of rapeseed oil (ideally cold-pressed)
    • ¼ tsp freshly ground salt 

    For the sauce 

    • 200g can chopped tomatoes (ideally Italian)
    • 1 garlic clove
    • 1 tsp chia seeds
    • ½ tsp dried basil 
    • ½ tsp dried oregano

    For the toppings

    • 75g vegan cheese of choice
    • 25g diced red onion
    • 25g pulled jackfruit 
    • 25g vegan meat of choice
    • 2 tbsp barbeque sauce 



    1. Add the flour, salt, yeast and flax seeds into a large mixing bowl. Next, stir the oil into your lukewarm measured water. 
    2. Pour the liquid mix into the flour mix. Use your hands to mix and knead into a soft dough that doesn’t stick to the sides of the bowl. Cover the bowl with a damp tea towel and leave in a warm place for at least 1 hour until the dough has doubled in size. 
    3. Preheat the oven to 280ºC/530ºF/Gas Mark 10.
    4. Split your dough into 2 balls (or 1 large ball). Knead for up to 2 minutes on a floured surface, then stretch or roll it out to the desired size. Transfer each base to a baking sheet and part-bake for 3 minutes. 


    1. Blend the sauce ingredients in a blender or food processor until smooth. 
    2. When the part-baking time has ended, remove your bases from the oven and spread the sauce as desired. 


    1. Mix the toppings together and spread as desired, then finish by topping with cheeze. 
    2. Return to the oven and cook for a further 10 minutes, until fully cooked. Serve and enjoy. 

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all..pouring down after a lovey day yesterday

    Toni i see you have the same weather...

    Thankyou for the cheese in it but can't have much due to the salt...

    Has Lucy gone back now...all ready for college x..there are a couple of PB meals I wasn't keen now I know what we will order they average 2.99..just nice has a back up..xx

    Joan we have had plenty of rows..and still do...hahaha..but we keeo plodding in..thankyou again for all the hugs to alk if you xx

    Kath i have answered your post on CC...

    Another good piem thankyou..i hope you can get your meds sorted...

    I think Aidan was moving around the pic...ti keep us on our toes..xx

    love to everyone



  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Evening all

    Barbara I see you have had the same weather as we had all morning until about midday. Rain rain and more ☔️ 🌧☔️🌧☔️🌧☔️It did brighten up a bit this afternoon but was very windy. Decided on Saturday that I would try my old favourite coffee place. Well it’s a pub really but they serve tea and coffee as well. Just to see how the have re arranged in there to meet covid safe opening. They are really good you are greeted at the door and your name And telephone no are taken for track and trace if you refuse your details they refuse to serve you. And then you tell them what you want and they serve you at your table and they only take card payments. So all very organised. You sound like me and mr T with the rows. 50years married and plenty of rows in those years believe me. But it’s more disagreements nowadays than rows. Can’t be bothered these days getting too old to row. 😀😀

    Kath great poem as usual could just imagine Aidan and Silver with the sparkles and butterfly’s (Earth angels.) I love the sound of the waves when near the coast. It so calming.

    Toni hope your Tesco order was ok. I have my Ocado shopping tomorrow morning. Then it’s out with mr t for dinner. Then I will stay in the same place for a coffee with youngest daughter who will come along later. This will be our last chance as she returns to work on Wednesday she works in a special needs school.

    Joan Hope you and Sue and doggies are well.

    On Saturday our new garden bench or love seat as it is called arrived mr T spent Sunday putting it together cue pictures of said bench as you can see we now have a bird bath too. And a few more ornaments.

    Cannot believe our Faye starts school proper on the 7th of September i received these this morning from her mummy.

    Her new school uniform being tried on.

    Next week we are having another few days away just us two and not with family we are going to Brighton.

    we are also getting very lazy it seems we got a new tower type Fan when it was really hot and it works with a remote control as well as the buttons on top. We have also brought 3 special light bulbs which are link up to Alexa so we can turn lights on and off from the armchair as it gets dusk, 😂😂 so yes getting proper lazy. Mind you it’s will be very useful if we are out in the evening we can turn the lights on from our phones so we don’t need to walk into a dark house.

    ok time for me to stop rambling on.

    Love and Sparkles to you all.


    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219

    Now Carol that's the only thing I must do get some of those light bulbs for my Alexa will be useful when we are out and late back or away to look like you aren't🙂 My Alexa can already turn off my dyson fan like yours and yes I do use her sometimes!

    Faye looks adorable! I can't believe she is ready to start school what a big girl!

    The garden looks spot on and almost exactly as i imagined it would be! Now you just need a couple of butterflies for Aidan and you are set. No mowing as Mr T gets older just enjoyment of the outside🤗 and a trip to Brighton the two of you will do you good - as you say rows do stop disagreements don't as time goes by.

    Glad to hear your coffee place is so well organised and you felt safe in there. I am really pleased you are getting out. You will enjoy your meal with Mr T and cuppa with your daughter. It will do her good to go back to work.

    My shop is coming tomorrow same as you!

    Kath yes that explains it I kept thinking I had found Aidan then looked closer I hadn't. the lily-pad was one as was next to Silver then Mrs Silver's head near her horn. The poem you wrote yesterday was really lovely. That is totally how it feels:

    "....And yes, he carried sparkles

    then turned into a butterfly

    until he disappeared,

    as sadly, but so slowly

    he floated through the air....."

    Thanks for the pizza - now pizza I miss from time to time very much and jack fruit is an excellent replacement for it :)

    I don't know what to say about the patches. I have weaned myself off mine, but can't really find a perfect replacement so they are still on my repeat. Yesterday was a dreadful day shooting pains in my right foot that burned outwards coming every 3/4 minutes. Very hard to get any sleep. Ah well. Such is life eh?

    Joan Kari had AMAZING weather for her birthday! She was so lucky well we all were. Next year she will be 60 so she is hoping for a garden party at hers - theme 1960s :) You and Sue have a special one next year too i think I am right?

    Barbara I think the vegan meals were much more expensive than that! £2.99 is good. I will have to look again🤔 I got you reduced salt cheese for your cheese on toast especially 🙂

    Any news on your kitchen?

    The weather was atrocious wasn't it? Then that wind in the afternoon! Crikey I thought my sun flower would snap in half, but she's still standing 👍️

    Yes Lucy back ready for college I treated her to some new clothes and a bag and winter coat ready for those Scottish rains and winds and snows 🙄

    Right I am very busy at the moment doing things for P. I will try to post you some pics when I can although some of it is secret as you'll know from the PM chat. Collecting the metal sculpture of a standing soldier for our memorial area is one. He is 2m tall and Paul has to collect him in the trailer.

    Now breakfast:

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233

    Good morning everyone

    Kath I hope the Doctor can change your medicine (((()))) how is Chris (((())) love to Anita (((())) and Val (((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Carol (((())) lovely photo's exciting going to a new school (((())) do any of them go to the same school. Love to Mr T (((())) your garden looks lovely.

    Barbara (((()))) I think rows bring you closer together you realise you love the person (((()))) love to Mr B((())) and your brother (((()))) and his girlfriend (((())).

    Toni (((())) I hope your foot has calmed down now (((())) love to Paul ((((())) and Charley (((())) and her girlfriend (((())) how are they now they still have the side effects of the virus ((())) love to. Tia ((())) and Lucy (((())) love to Pom ((()))

    love to Bill (((())) Chris (((())) Mig ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (a long one, but a delightful one in honour of all our Children/grandchildren)

    The Children's Hour

    By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 

    Between the dark and the daylight,

     When the night is beginning to lower,

    Comes a pause in the day's occupations,

    That is known as the Children's Hour.

    I hear in the chamber above me

     The patter of little feet,

    The sound of a door that is opened,

     And voices soft and sweet.

    From my study I see in the lamplight,

     Descending the broad hall stair,

    Grave Alice, and laughing Allegra,

     And Edith with golden hair.

    A whisper, and then a silence:

     Yet I know by their merry eyes

    They are plotting and planning together

     To take me by surprise.

    A sudden rush from the stairway,

     A sudden raid from the hall!

    By three doors left unguarded

     They enter my castle wall!

    They climb up into my turret

     O'er the arms and back of my chair;

    If I try to escape, they surround me;

     They seem to be everywhere.

    They almost devour me with kisses,

     Their arms about me entwine,

    Till I think of the Bishop of Bingen

     In his Mouse-Tower on the Rhine!

    Do you think, O blue-eyed banditti,

     Because you have scaled the wall,

    Such an old mustache as I am

     Is not a match for you all!

    I have you fast in my fortress,

     And will not let you depart,

    But put you down into the dungeon

     In the round-tower of my heart.

    And there will I keep you forever,

     Yes, forever and a day,

    Till the walls shall crumble to ruin,

     And moulder in dust away!

    Joan, thank you. She might change me to Butrans if she is allowed. They cost more than Fentanyl. 🙄

    Carol, thank you for the photos of your fantastic garden, and even more fantastic GD.

    There has been a slight change to our group name on FB. Pop over and see what you think. ☺️

    Creamy Cashew & Tofu Curry

    This is a lovely rich and creamy curry, full of flavour and protein. It's easy to make and could be one for the weekly staples.


    • 6 tbsp cashews, soaked in 500ml/2 cups boiling water for 10-15 minutes
    • 1 onion, finely diced
    • 1 fresh chilli, finely chopped
    • 2 thumbnails of ginger, peeled and grated
    • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
    • 2 tins chopped tomatoes
    • 1 tbsp tomato puree
    • 1 tbsp sugar or syrup (optional) 
    • 2 stock cubes (or 3 tsp stock powder), dissolved and mixed well in 2 tbsp boiling water
    • 1 tbsp lemon juice
    • 200g firm tofu, cut into 2cm cubes
    • 2-3 tbsp soya sauce
    • 2 tbsp nutritional yeast (optional) 
    • Salt and pepper, to taste


    • 1 cinnamon stick or ½ tsp ground cinnamon
    • ½ tsp ground cardamom 
    • 1 tsp chilli powder 
    • 2 tsp ground coriander 
    • 1 tsp ground fenugreek
    • Pinch ground cloves 

    Serving suggestions: fresh coriander, fresh chilli, toasted cashews, vegan natural yoghurt, rice, vegan naan, onion bhajis, vegetable samosas


    1. Soak the cashews in 500ml boiling water for 10-15 minutes and set aside. 
    2. Fry the onion in a little oil until soft. 
    3. Add the chilli and ginger and fry for a couple of minutes, stirring frequently. 
    4. Stir in the garlic and fry for a further minute. 
    5. Add the spices and fry for another minute. You might need to add a bit more oil at this stage. 
    6. Blend the cashews thoroughly, along with the water they are soaking in. 
    7. Add them to the mix along with the tomato puree, tinned tomatoes, stock and sugar. 
    8. Simmer for 10-15 minutes or until reduced slightly and thickened. 
    9. Whilst the curry is simmering, make the tofu. 
    10. Fry the tofu in a little oil unti slightly crisp and golden. 
    11. Add the soya sauce and the nutritional yeast and stir. 
    12. Add the fried tofu and lemon juice to the curry and stir through. 
    13. Taste the curry and adjust the seasoning where necessary. 

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all after heavy rain we have a bit of sun...

    Carol i know the pub you mean..i like there coffee..especially the refills..:)you enjoy its one place i didn't mind going on my own.. i need a lift there now so hubby comes to

    Your garden looks so lovely..and private..wish mine was...

    Little Faye looks adorable in her uniform she is excited...xx

    Joan you are right ..i suppose after 51 years we have done something right...hahaha...i had the patches but they started to cause skin problems.. hooe you are all ok xx

    Toni how nice to be able to treat least you know she has warm winter clothes you are must tell me if you have pmed... i don't look the same..not easy to find....thankyou for the porridge..very nice with all that fruit..xx

    Kath i had the brutran patches after the fentenyl..i hope they work for you. Don't forget the surgical tape to keep them on

    Another brilliant poem...thankyou..and for the curry recipe xx

    Now my kitchen is still a mess but most doors on..poor Mr B is struggling though i did say get the man that did the worktops to do them..but eh..

    Love to everyone Xxxxxxx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219

    Barbara yes I have Pm'd it's about P because it's a secret! A few of us are meeting up with her this afternoon for a cuppa and natter so hope we get good weather.

    Poor husband.....those doors are a nightmare especially the hingey bits. Get your lad to help him out if he'll let him🤞

    I should be on butrans (now butec, but am trying off them. Not sure whether it's a good idea or not yet. I must warn Kath to be careful they start you on such a low dose it felt lower than the lowest co-codamol when I started.

    Hi Joan thank you for asking the girls feel as though they got off light because theydidn not have any lasting effects from the virus. Just really scary at the time, but then they are young aren't they? ((())) for you and Sue xx

    Kath that is the sweetest poem no doubt a doting Grandpa❤️thank you ((()))

    Sleek is coming over later to watch some Perry with you and do an 'invan tree' of your meds cupboard. She reckons you should try the Butec (new name for Butrans) they were on me. I didn't need to tape mine on unlike Barbara! They are still on my repeat as you know, but I am trying off them.

    That curry was lovely thank you I have taken some for Kari I need to see her today if i can squeeze her in to collect something she has done for my lovely neighbour for P. Something arty. Have you seen my PM?

    I should be able to nip into facebook today as Paul is away overnight working and I will have time later.

    Tesco order this morning and Ocado one for next week booked when is your iceland coming?

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233

    Good morning everyone

    Kath good luck with your patches ((())) thank you for the poems and the recipes. Love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara (((())) yes I have a problem with the patches they make my skin blister. Mr B is good putting the doors on ((())) love to your son ((())) and your brother (((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((())) that's good Charley ((())) and her girlfriend (((())) have no side effects from the virus some people are bad love to Paul (((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and Pom ((()))Good luck for this afternoon.

    love to Bill (((()))Carol ((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem

    The Prodigal Returns

    by Kathleen

    'Rupert's home' you softly called,

    a smile upon your face

    'won't it be nice to see again

    the one whom we lost trace'.

    Beneath your smile, I was aware

    of pain still fresh, still raw,

    Burning through the man outside,

    the 'you' that others saw.

    I couldn't speak because I knew

    what courage those words took,

    'Rupert's home' - who else could hear

    the way your quiet voice shook?

    For Rupert took your pride away,

    the reason that you live

    and yet to me it's no surprise

    to see that you forgive.

    Forgive the shattered heart he caused,

    the ruin of your life.

    Forgive the Brother you adored

    who stole away your wife.

    Barbara, I always use microporous tape, I bought a boxful from Amazon.

    Toni, as I am on Fentanyl already, I think she will put me on a dose close to the one I already take, but thanks for the warning.

    Joan, my GP might no be able to change my patches, like everything else, it's all down to money, 🙄

     Aubergine, olive and butter bean cassoulet

    Aubergine soaks up the wonderful flavours of oregano and cinnamon in this moreish cassoulet. Serve straight to the table in its cooking pot for a simple, rustic meal. A true crowd-pleaser.

    Ingredients (serves 4)

    • 2 tbsp olive oil
    • 1 large aubergine, cut into even bite-sized cubes
    • 1 tsp dried oregano
    • 1 tsp dried mixed herbs
    • ½ tsp ground cinnamon
    • 1 red onion, finely diced
    • 1 red (bell) pepper, sliced
    • 400g can chopped tomatoes
    • 1 tbsp tomato ketchup
    • 2 tbsp green olives
    • 400g can butterbeans, drained and rinsed
    • Handful of fresh flat-leaf parsley, roughly chopped
    • Pinch of sea salt


    1. Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan over a high heat, then add the aubergine, oregano, mixed herbs and cinnamon. Cook for 3 minutes, stirring frequently.
    2. Add the onion and red pepper, and cook for a further 2 minutes until the onion begins to soften.
    3. Pour in the chopped tomatoes, 150ml of water and ketchup, followed by the olives and butter beans.
    4. Reduce the heat to medium, partially cover with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes,
    5. stirring occasionally.
    6. Scatter with the parsley and season with sea salt just before serving.


    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    evening all

    Toni i found the PM..why are they so hard to find...??

    I think all that you do will mean so much to really will

    I was terrible coming off the patches.. the doc ended up giving me extra codien to take with the cocodamols..thankyou for the perfect egg on toast love my eggs...:).i think our son is fitting my flooring and the plinth on you say will he be allowed...xx

    Joan i was fine when first on the patches...then my skin was so itchi and blistered just like yours..its a shame cause they don't hurt your stomach like the cocodamols....thankyou again for the hugs..heres some back for all of ypu..(((((()))))

    Kath a really interesting poem..glad you have the tape i wounder why I got sore skin with the patches..and stomach is shot with tablets....thankyou for the cassoulet..its coming into casserole weather.....xx

    Not stop raining again today..finger's crossed for a lovely Autumn

    Love to everyone


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219

    Joan thank you I had a lovely afternoon tea with P and some other ladies it was YUM! Today wehen Paul is home we will be having some friends over in the summer house with doors open to talk about motorhomes! They already have one.

    Kath I love that poem it's what you do - or should do - forgive family, but gosh that must have been tough. The ultimate breaking of trust and loyalty and heart......

    Thanks for the cassoulet it looks yum and actually with all this rain and leaves falling i actually fancy something warming like that!🙄

    You haven't seen my PM have you you need to - it's about P but it's relevant to YOU!

    Barbara you never know with some men especially Dads with sons. They have their pride you know! I am glad your son is allowed to so the floor and plinth, but two heads are always better than one and two pairs of hands....ah well we'll see eh?😉

    I think the idea will really be lovely for P too. We had afternoon tea at another friends yesterday 6 of us which we think is the maximum allowed. All measured out safely by the hostess! It was lovely we had such a laugh!

    I liked the patches because you could still take a parecetamol fo a headache! and less breakthrough in the night, but I felt i got used to them and my skin definitely needed a rest. I'm sure they are better for men as they want them on your upper body - I don't like sticking them near my boobs. Hope that's ok to say mods.🤔

    Hoping Carol is doing ok. She was having a meal out with Mr T and coffee with her daughter too if I remember.

    Chris too fingers crossed she's on the mend. Must look in on facebook.

    now breakfast.....

    upma we had this in the Maldives it was YUM! Porridge from Sri Lanka I think.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) is Anita getting on alright ((())) love to Val (((())) and your Dad ((())) and Chris (((()))

    Barbara ((())) yes I liked the patches never mind love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and your Brother ((()))

    Toni ((())) Good luck this afternoon talk. Love to Paul ((()) Charley ((())) and her friend ((((()))) Lucy (((())) Tia ((())) and Kari (((())) and Pom (((())))

    love to Bill (((())) Chris ((())) Mig (((())))Carol ((()))

    take care
    joan xx