Val's Cafe
Evening all
Internet seems ok today how is everyone coping with this new lockdown. One week down 3 To go. I am ok at the moment I go out for a short walk each day for exercise or i will be having problems with my knee. I can’t go far walking. I’m only out about half hour at the most. Mr T goes out for longer walks as her is able to walk a lot further than me. For the past week he has been posting songs and hymns again on Facebook for those who were following it before.
Barbara We are all entitled to a moan now and then. yes Cookie is settling in nicely now.
Kath yes I’m fine just a tad fed up having to spend most of my time indoors. Basically on my own because mr t spends most of the day shut in his office (our spare bedroom). I don’t go in and disturb him or he moans so I just stay out. He dose spend the evening in the living room but then he is watching the telly and gives you dagger looks if you speak. But well that’s men for you. 😂😂🤫 ssh I never said that. 🤫
Joan sorry about your friend (((((()))))) to both you and Sue. Thank you for all your hugs for us.
Toni The cart looks great hope you did well. For the hospice. So Lucy has a kitten now that’s nice. Hope they are doing ok . I am coping ok with the hearing aids except in the evening when Mr T is in the room watching what he wants on tv and he turns it right up. Told him tonight either he needed to wear his hearing aids and turn it down, or I will take mine of and if I don’t hear him when he speaks It’s his fault. His answer I’d better put them on then. Haha 😂 😂😂. but it got the desired result he went and put them. The family are all ok youngest daughter visited last Saturday she can because living on her own she is in our social bubble so she can come In the house.
my sister works her last shift tonight with the lady she is carer for from tomorrow at 8.00am she joins the world of the retired. She is 65 on her birthday next week.
have some pictures for you the first one is Gds girls outside their front door for the 2 mins silence for Remembrance Sunday
Graycie has her hands covering her ears because the usually fire the Life boat cannon after the silence .
then we have Faye and Kian
Who loves Peppa pig.
at lastly a couple of Cookie
She loves the back of my arm chair and the arms of the chair. She is getting a lot more used to us. Still a little nervous The slightest Usual noise has her launching herself onto the arm of me armchair and down the back behind it.
well I must leave you now with lots of love❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️And Sparkles 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 to you all
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
This is the latest article in my local paper about my Great Nephew, I am extremely proud of him and have not mentioned him on here before. Since he had his tumour removed he has been diagnosed with Posterior Fossa Syndrome so he has a long slog ahead of him and the future is not clear at all. My Niece has four other children to look after as well and her hubby Chris is a self-employed wedding photographer so currently has no work. They are currently taking him to various appointments all over Cornwall and he has to go back to Bristol Children's Hospital next week for further chemo treatment.
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Hi Kath
Love the poem it's so funny! It's obviously about a young 'un! Made me ☺ Sleek said it wasn't much good not about cats🙄
I like your new water bottle much better than buying filled water bottles in plastic which go in the recycling afterwards. Yours is permanently reusable.
Aha so their pressies are here 🤫
I thought of Beverley Alitt too 😕
Barbara I hope your eyes haven't changed to wet fingers crossed 🤞 Poor Mr B let's hope you can keep your independence and he doesn't have to learn new secretarial skills!
Of course all your cheese is low salt for your kidneys.
There was 77 in the tin last night from the Christmas 'cart'! Doubt that it will be that much again but even 5 aday would add up over the 5 weeks.
cake Friday today!
Carol you got on ok 👍
Cookie looks to be a mummie's girl if it's your chair she has chosen bless her she looks so sweet. Sleek is checking in on her daily.
Kian is growing so fast! and Faye is a pretty little girl nice outfit!
Lovely pic of the girls outside for teh 2 minutes silence. They really are a cute trio aren't they? I know how proud you are of them all and rightly so.
I am glad your youngest can visit she woudl be lonely otherwise bless her.
Well done getting Mr T to wear HIS hearing aids - I bet Cookie prefers it too much more peaceful. You adjusted very well indeed I hope they really help you.
@Mike1 What a lovely looking boy your Great Nephew is bless him. Tough recovery ahead of him then after his surgery. I ahve no doubt your niece will see to it that he does well. You have mentioned him only rarely in relation to his mum giving you a lift somewhere once in spite of all she has on.
What a lovely lovely boy to be proud of with his own health issues to cope with. Of course you are very proud of him🙂
Thanks for letting is see Elliott.
Breakfast anyone?
Fried egg butties:
white or brown bread both available as well as tomato/brown sauce 🙂
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Hi Toni, you have a better memory than me! My Niece gave me a lift to hospital after I had sliced my thumb with a circular saw! 👍️
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Daily Poem
A Whisper Of Sunshine - Poem by Sandra Fowler
We drink the evening in a frosted glass.
Nothing about the music is profane.
Your eyes hold all emotion very quiet.
Fey Shadows stretch landscapes beyond belief.
A whisper of sunshine behind the hill
Keeps back a little winter for the soul.
Smoke from the old house writes our names in space.
Just by a breath our time is blown away.
The boat of twilight is ephemeral.
One fragile touch destroys its frail, blue sail.
The fate of longing is a memory.
Friend, flesh and blood cannot inherit dusk.
Mike, how wonderful of your great nephew Elliot, putting others first, even though he is suffering himself. I'm not surprised you are so proud of him.
Carol, oh Cookie 2 looks quite at home on mummy's chair and the grandchildren are so cute. Peppa Pig is a major feature in your household.
Toni, thank you for the runny egg butties. I've just booked two Tesco orders for December (one week apart) They are putting extra slots on for us priority shoppers, and earlier than usual. I'm a double priority shopper as we have Delivery Saver too.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Good morning everyone
Toni ((())) I hope all of you have a good weekend. Love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P ((()))
Kath ((())) I have a drinking one like that mine has a plastic straw. How are you feeling now. Love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) Val ((())) and your dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) Good luck for your appointment I hope they explain it to you. Love to Mr B ((())) your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Love to Bill ((())) Mig ((())) Chris ((())) Carol sorry about your posts ((())) Christine ((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Evening all..Mr B has gone fir his scan..he said it was for his back ..but then says I haven't to eat anything so either he knows something or us in fir a shock were they scan...😳
Mike what a lovely young man your great nephew is..bless him..yes a long road in front of him but I'm sure he will get there..xx
Carol cookie really looks at home bless..and I hope your sister enjoys her retirement she deserves it...🙂
The children are so adorable..bless the little one covering her must be loud..I forget your in London..xx
Toni the cart is doing well then especially in these times..
I hope for Ps sake you collect loads she is so brave..I will have to teach Mr B to text mind you I have been doing fir a few years now xc
Kath thank-you for the poem..I do like to read them..I hope today is a better one fir you xx
Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
Exactly I was impressed that she dropped everything to help you in spite of what she's got on. That means Elliott will be given the best support to make a good recovery 🙂
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Paul can text Barbara , but it's usually 'ok' or 'yes'😂
The cart is doing well only problem is a lot of this stuff can get wet/damp so i am bringing some inside at night. Paul has hooked up tarpaulins to try to protect if we know it will rain overnight. Now we have our village calendars too P had printed they look fabulous.
I wonder what Mr B is up to with that scan. Can anyone find out? He is a sneaky one isn't he? 🤞it's not serious anyway ((()))
Kath I love the poem it's one of those atmospheric ones....makes me think if home and warm hearths you know 🙂
I have two Tescos booked and one Ocado so far so doing ok for food ATM. Good job as i shop for my lovely neighbours as well as me. Don't need to shop for P now as her daughter is here and she does their's. Glad you are doubly safe for food🙂
Glad you enjoyed your butties how is the belly Sleek reckons she's cured you....I was hoping the flare is subsiding? ((()))
Hi Joan we have some drinking cups too not as good as yours and Kath's though and Kari gave me a really good washable straw. Replaced my cardboard ones. I hope the rain eases off I don't want the stuff on the cart getting too wet. Paul is away next week for work so one of the ladies in the village help me set up and close down.Have a good day both of you ((()))
It's Saturday and we are due Aidan's breakfast:
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Good morning everyone
Carol ((())) lovely photo's of the g children ((())) and cookie she looks contented. It's sounds so different when you put your hearing aids in I know.
Mike ((())) Good luck to your great nephew ((())) sorry about your thumb ((()))
Kath ((())) have a good weekend love to Chris (((()))Anita ((())) how is she doing Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) Good luck to Mr B for his scan (((())) love to your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((()) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni ((())) have a good weekend love to Paul ((())). Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) and all the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia (((()))) Kari ((())) and P ((()))
love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((())) Christine (((())))
take care
joan xx1 -
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Remembering when Aidan applied for PIP 😢
By Kath, in memory of our dear Aidan
We’re in a pickle with pip.
Not a sandwich or salad in sight,
the sight of those forms - oh what a fright!
And then the one to one!
Let’s hope the assessor is kind
for a nasty one would be a bind.
So we’ll all be under the cape
to comfort our Aidan
(we’ll take many cakes)
and the pusscats will help,
they won’t even yelp
if someone stands on their tail,
So let’s just make sure Aidan won’t fail
That's one Kath you must be so upset
I wonder whether our Admins can help
@Brynmor ????
Don't worry it may take time, but we should find them all. Now we need more information. That one was his PIP application. More words in them so we can search please.
Hi Joan thank you the weekend is going ok made lots of money for the Hospice on the cart even though the rain made us close early yesterday . Love to you, Sue the doggies and Sue's carers ((()))
I hope our Barbara is ok and her eyes aren't being too naughty ((())) Hopefully just busy seeing Niamh I hope not outside in this weather! She is in your BUBBLE Barbara I know you worry.
Love to Carol thinking of you all.
Chris and Christine too ((()))
Sunday fry up coming up!
Beans available to order along with vegan sausage and bacon extra eggs...Kath😁
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Good morning everyone
Kath I'm sorry you've lost Aidan's poems I'm sure you will find them (((()))) love to Chris ((())) Anita (((())) and Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Toni ((())) will you be able to see Lucy at Christmas ((())) I hope the vaccine they've got will help to clear the virus. Love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) and all the carers ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P ((()))
Barbara I hope all is well with you and you ((())) and Mr B ((())) your son ((())) Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
love to Bill ((()))Chris ((())) Mig (((())) Carol ((())) Christine ((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Bless you all. Brynmor, One went
I wish I could write a poem for you
our dear friend Aidan
But I can't remember the other. I'll try searching myself.
Toni, thank you for the PIP one. Much appreciated.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Afternoon all
I'm here..just gave my eyes a resdt yesterday,not that it makes much difference so ignore any typos
Toni..that is Mr B yes and no..mind you he managed a text to our eldest gd so that was something
His scan was all his lumber and hips but I am sure an ultrasound will be grainy🤔
thank you fir the croissants And hearty breakfast this morning xx
Joan Mr B had his scan so we will least he to all of you and some extra ((((())))) xx
Kath..I hope you find your piens especially our Aidans ...I love the one Toni put in about his pip..bless they put him through the wringer with that xx
Talking of pip I got a letter to say its extended to Sept 21..because if I can relax a little..
Love to everyone xxxxx
Barbara1 -
The Cafe
By Kathleen
The door to the cafe is open,
but when you look inside,
the faces you see are unhappy.
Most of them tear stained
for all of those inside have cried.
The pusskins are upset and dejected
as their daddy is no longer there
His chair stands empty
the cakes are neglected
the coffee pot empty and dry.
So as we remember
our Matron, our Bubbles,
who left us alone and bereft,
we say thanks for his memory
thanks for his cheerfulness
and thanks for his gentleness.
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How I wish
How I wish I could write a poem for you
our dear friend Aidan,
to tell of the sorrow and pain with which
our hearts are laden.
You nursed us,
you fed us,
you made us laugh.
Your love always welcomed all
here in Val’s cafe.
Yes, I wish I could write a poem for you
our beloved friend Aidan.
We‘ll miss you each day
you are gone away
and will always remember our
dear friend Aidan
RIP Aidan, from your family here in Val's Cafe.
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There you go Kath two more I hope that helps a little is that all of them now? Young Sleek was reading over my shoulder (as she has habit of doing 🙄) and she had a tear running down her face for her Uncle Aidan.
I LOVED the heart of hearts picture so sweet and cheery.😘
Barbara ah maybe it's a man thing this one word texting😁 Paul can do better he did when we were 'courting'🙄
Ultrasound on his lumber ? Oh well we shall see I expect. I bet he doesn't now himself really🤔
How are the girls all doing the GDs? Including of course the lovely Niamh. Have ur eldest and her GF been given their Christmas rotas yet?
I hope your eyes aren't too bad today.
Joan i am not sure whether i will be able to see Lucy for Christmas yet or even on 14th December IF her apt goes ahead down here with the neurologist . Fingers crossed eh for the vaccine to work. 🤞Hope you are both well and the carers too ((()))
Miserable morning i am thinking we should have eggy bread for breakfast:
Have put all the stock for the hospice fundraiser into clear plastic boxes to keep it watertight.
Yesterday one of our 4 village Drs wife made samosas - they were sold out in 5 minutes!!!!!! YUMMMY I managed to get one ech for myself and Paul and my lovely neighbours by the skin of my teeth and they were on my drive!
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) how are you are you feeling a bit better. Love to Chris ((()) Anita ((()) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
I remember Aidan used to walk tippy toes he had a lot he could complain about but he didn't he was kind and helpful lovely man (((()))
Barbara (((())) can you make the text any bigger to help you. Has Mr B got about 3 weeks to wait for his results ((())) Good luck love to your son ((())) and Niamh (((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend (((())))
Toni ((())) it must be hard for you not seeing Lucy ((())) but we have to all be safe. Love to Paul ((()))Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((()) and P ((())) and your nice neighbours ((()))
Love to Bill (())) Chris ((())) Mig ((())) Carol ((())) Christine ((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Afternoon all..see i can be early 🤣
Ooh Toni our lovely gentle kind Aidan 😪i know he wouldn't want us to be sad,but how can we not he lifted our days..bless him🌈🌈 🌥🌥🌟
The poems of Kaths really pulls at the heart strings..
thank you for the eggy bread something I never nake and irs so good
our ex Neighbour used to make veggie samosas.. she wasn't veggie but her mum and dad were..gosh they were good.. she is calling today and leaving a tray of food from her mum for that how you spell it..gds all OK we bought a mattress for our oldest one and gf...and they love it..from arg## we did our homework between us xx
Joan how are you all doing don't forget we are all here for one another you are always so kind to us all..I can make the text bigger but it just disappears..proper frustrating ..are Pepper and Lexi doing OK xx
L8ve to Kath and everyone else xxxxxx
Barbara0 -
Daily Poem (just for Toni)
Lost Poems
I was lost,
didn’t know what to do.
My heart was breaking,
yes breaking in two.
Then along came Toni,
my lovely girl,
oh how she set my heart in a whirl.
She’d hunted them out
although I suspect
she’d kept them safe
in her treasure chest.
So thank you so much
my Vegan pal,
you really are our very best gal.
Toni, I hope my new poem says it all. I am so grateful to you for finding my treasured poems about Aidan. I now have another treasured poem. I must back them all up in the cloud.
Joan, yes I remember Aidan struggling to walk in slippy weather.
Barbara, awww what a lovely thing to say about my poems. Yw, Aidan did lift our days.
Right, I'm off to scoff my eggy bread while my old (and vey fat) tum is up to it.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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I did a search using Aidan as subject & @kathleenT as author - came up with 74 pages of results... Link:
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Evening all
I am so mad at the moment it’s been a bad day today looking at Facebook this morning and see a message on there from a cousin saying her youngest son has tested positive for Covid -19 at uni no symptoms at the moment. Her eldest son is just getting over it. Get a a bit further down the news feed and there’s my eldest saying she feels so lonely this was because she is having problems at work (she works in an essential shop) because of rude abusive customers. The further down my sister who has just started her 1st week as a retired lady has a text from nhs to say she should isolate for 14 days as she has been in contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid. And tonight had a bit of a barney with mr T who is being absolutely b***dy minded over Christmas obviously we will not be going to Kent As usual with any presents this year My idea was to transfer money into relevant accounts for presents. He was saying we will get presents and take them in January. So I agreed that’s if another lockdown is not forthcoming after Christmas. we decided who was gonna buy whose presents. And this afternoon he kindly tells He has started buying his on line. I made a comment and got yelled at. Tonight I said are we sending card this year cos I wanted to order some from the card people and his answer was just send an e card well at that I exploded. And of course I’m to blame for it all. He is worse this time round on lockdown than he was before. The putting his hearing aids in lasted one night and one night only. I have taken mine out Tonight as I can’t stand the loud television it any longer in a minute I am going to do my little jobs and then I am going to bed. It’s really been one of those days. Sorry about the rant but it’s only on this group that I can say what I am feeling. Without getting shot down.
done me little jobs now so I will sign off now Will post more tomorrow
love❤️❤️❤️And sparkles 🌈🌈🌈 to everyone
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Although I get miserable and depressed living alone at times I would much rather that than face confrontation and walk on eggshells like I used to when I was married, There is something to be said for swapping a spouse for a cat! Hope you have a better day today.
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Oh my goodness me Carol that is not good at all😕 What a couple of days you've had! How many people in the family haveCOVID/isolating/being tested - in ONE family! No wonder it all feels a bit much and your poor daughter struggling so much bless her. I hope she is letting you support her? ((()))
Now I can understand Mr T struggling with this 2nd lockdown, but it really is not as bad as the 1st is it? You know that and I know that, but having ago at you isn't fair at all. Feel free to say how YOU feel in here that's what friends are for.🌈
As for his hearing aid - the neighbours will complain about the TV one day and that should sort him, but when they do let HIM speak to them!
It's just not sensible to plan trips this year - you know that I know that, but it sounds very much as though he needs to believe he can go somewhere soon. Paul is the same he's been super down the last two weekends because it says essential travel only. Whatever that means🙄 certainly doesn't men to Kent does it? ((()))
Kath it was an absolute pleasure. One of yours remember was used at Aidan's funeral so I suddenly knew how to find them for you. All safely backed up now I hope 🙂
and look at this! I have my very own poem now!! Thank you so very very much! I absolutely love it!😘😘😘
Sleek has been peeping over my shoulder (again!) and said oh Mum I had those all along you should have asked!🙄
Glad you enjoyed your eggy bread too and your belly allowed it.
Barbara a new mattress for the eldest GD? Good idea I bet that helps their backs after work.
So bits of text are invisible ? That's not good no wonder you struggle. Best eat more spinach and orange peppers I read! I like both.
It's Diwali. Lucky lucky you! Isn't it a lovely tradition sharing food with friends and family at this time. Samosas are usually vegan anyway lucky me.
Aidan really did lift our spirits he was so kind and had such an imagination....ah well I'm sure he's keeping an eye on us all.🌈
Yes Joan!! Aidan and his 'Ninny-walking' I had forgotten he would be doing that now with all the soggy leaves.🙄You are right safety first as far as visiting people is concerned. Love to you, Sue and the carers ((())) I saw my neighbour's yesterday with their shopping.
Today is my Ex SIL's birthday so I will drop of her card and alittle present when I take Kari's shopping they live nearby. Doubt that counts as essential, but i will only know the door and then step away to wave Birthday Wishes.
Now breakfast...
choose your topping....
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