Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Hope you're not in too much pain mig!!

    Sleek left you a potion on your doorstep:

    Joan fingers crossed all will be well for Charley and her GF. I'm posting now so we can see Lucy tomorrow leaving at 6am 🙄😮We will not step inside just give them supplies. Loo rolls sanitary towel cat litter etc.

    Kath that is a lovely poem friends are the most important thing after family in my opinion. There are enough 'yous' in that poem for all of us café dwellers 😘

    I will pop in to creakies I promise not sure exactly when off to bed in a moment as we will be leaving for Scotland at 6am tomorrow that's why I'm posting early . Want to see Lucy before it's illegal. Will not step inside though just drop off supplies and see her.

    BTW well done for managing to do a poll!

    Love to Barbara and just don't anyone worry if I don't get in tomorrow.

    and Carol Chris and Christine ((()))

    Breakfast for tomorrow just heat them up

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((((())))) that is a true poem everyone needs a friend we had a good friend of 50 years all of a sudden it ended don't no why. love to Chris ((()))Anita(()) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) yes it's nice having a meal cooked for you. Love to MrB ((())) and your son ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend (((()))

    Toni ((())) I hope Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) are not feeling too bad (((())) love to Paul ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari (((())) and Pom ((()))

    love to Bill ((())) Chris (((()))) Carol ((())) Mig (((()))) Christine (((()))).

    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    I lost a friend like that too. Never found out why. Weird but you still have us Joan

    We passed this sign at 9.30

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (where is everybody)?

    What Friendship Is

    © Kaylee E Jones

    Published: February 2011

    You were there for me when I needed you.

    You cared for me when I cried to you.

    You fought for me when I couldn't stand.

    You held me up with a giving hand.

    You will die for me just like I will die for you.


    I was there for you when you needed me.

    I cared for you when you cried to me.

    I fought for you when you couldn't stand.

    I held you up with my giving hand.

    I will die for you, just like you will die for me.

    It looks like we are here alone Barbara. I hope all are well. It looks as though Aidan has settled down a bit. Still a bit breezy, but at least it's dry now. I bet Carol is looking forward to Cookie 2 moving in home. Sending hugs to Toni, Carol, mig, and all the children, GC and GGC.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all

    Going to keep my post short from now on eyes are deteriating day but day now so finding it really hard to focus..gosh I didn't think it would happen so fast..😪

    Tonight have a safe journey least you will get to see Lucy..xx

    Joan I love having meals cooked for me..😁 getting spoiled..but I have done enough cooking iver the years..and still do love yo sell of you xx

    Kath thank you for another good poem..yes Carol and mr T will be all excited 😁bless xx

    Love to everyone xxxx

  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Evening. All

    Well as you may have guessed our little holiday was cancelled we should be in the Isle of Wight right now. At least mr T will be collecting Cookie tomorrow afternoon. Instead of next Monday. So we will go into this lockdown with a furry friend.

    Did my 1st day of wearing my hearing aids outside oh my now I know why they say don’t wear them outside for the first 5 days. I managed ok though wasn’t too bad. Only annoy thing is combination of specs and hearing aids which I have Conquered but adding the mask as well that’s something else, difficult to say the least. But I managed.

    it is a pity we cannot get videos the post on here I have 2 little videos of Lillie and Graycie in their practice groups for baton twirling. And also one of Kian walking backwards. He really is a funny boy real comedian.

    Toni hope you managed your wave to Lucy ok. hope Toni and her gf are ok. Our GS partner was feeling a bit better yesterday so hopefully that continues.

    Eldest GD put a post on Facebook this morning said she got into the shower to find that her eldest (Lillie) had used up her favourite shower gel. But she also put but at least I like hers as well so I used hers instead.

    two more days until we are in lockdown again oh well just hope it is a short one this time. Those that were following mr t playing his keyboard Facebook when we were in lock down before he has resumed that again today for this lockdown.

    I think it is time I went for a move around my alarm on my watch tells me to move every hour and has just buzzed.

    so love and sparkles to you all


    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Carol I would love to see the video of the girls twirling! Is it on facebook?

    As for Lillie using up all her Mum's shower gel well I have lost count of the times I have lost shower gel shampoo etc having 3 girls - I'm sure it won't be the first/last time😁 You must have had the same problem too in the past.

    Well done using the hearing aids I wonder how bad the rain and wind sounded never mind trying to cope with hearing aids and glasses and masks🙄

    It was lovely seeing Lucy even if it was on the doorstep at least the rain stopped for that half an hour. We picked her up a subway from nearby and dropped off loo rolls etc etc...

    My fit bit gave up yesterday when I couldn't move being in the van so long🙄

    Kath another lovely poem about friends. Totally that's what it's all about and the photo made me want to meditate!

    We got hope for tea (just) young Sleek said she had been at yours all day? Her mackintosh and sou'wester were on the airer her galoshes nearby and her broomstick propped against the radiator.

    I was in briefly just to show you where I was yesterday, but at least i am home now. Not sure when i will next see Lucy- Lu 😔

    Barbara i am also getting worried about your need to be looking for software for your lap top now ASAP. I know someone who uses 'dragon' get your son to help it's getting quite urgent isn't it? Can we do anything to make it easier for you?

    In the meantime have you tried a very bright daylight bulb 💡I get mine from hobbycraft other places do sell them, (but not the ones in supermarkets) in a lamp by your chair?

    Sending ((()))

    Joan I am home it was lovely to see Lucy, but i feel very sad and unsure when i will see her next. She has a neurology apt in Dec, but who knows if that will happen. Everyone is pretty well ok Charley and her GF rough but hanging in there. Hope you and Sue are well and your carers ((()))

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) I hope you manage the month alright love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Carol (((())) I'm sorry you lost your holiday but you have cookie to look forward to good love to Mr T ((())) and the grandchildren ((()))

    Barbara ((())) your poor eyes do they ache love to Mr B ((())) your son ((())) and your Brother ((())) and his girlfriend (((()))

    Toni ((()) that's nice you saw Lucy ((())) love to Paul (((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and Pom ((()) and all the carers ((()))

    love to Bill (((())) Mig (((()))) Chris ((())) Christine ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (I think this poet is so cross, she's SHOUTING)

    My Computer

    by Burmah M. Teague

    My computer has a language

    That is foreign to me

    It speaks of RAM and Gigabytes

    And what could ROM be! 

    I don't understand the Windows

    My computer says are there

    Nor the Gem Clip at the side of my page

    Wth eyes that blink and stare! 

    I don't unerstand the cures

    That maintenance wizards do

    It's called defragmenter, span disk,

    And virus cleaning too! 

    Yet, computer and I work hand and eye

    With a mouse to translate

    The tasks that I want it to do

    While it points out my mistakes!

    The reason I chose this poem is because my PC is busy sorting itself out and not talking to me. It's hard whrn your laptop ignores you. 😪 😥 (sniff)

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154

    Just had a phone consult with haematologist I had bloods done last week he said they're all good and he will see me in 3 months time (hopefully ), next rheumy phone consult next week.

    Take care all Mig

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Toni so glad you had time with Lucy..even if it was outside.. but all that way..but it really was worth it like you say you don't know when the next time will be

    I have used dragon software..the main thing will be reading what on screen..just hope they don't go altogether for a while..xx

    Carol I can post videos on my phone so should think you can..glad you are getting used to the hearing aids..

    Can't wait for more pics of cookie when she arrives xx

    Joan my eyes don't ache but you get grey blobs for faces and words and they move about..but I will carry on hope you are all well xx

    Mig I am so pleased your nloids were good.. I really am..xx

    Kate now I could read that but still they move around. Can't you tell I am panicking..xx

    Love to everyone xxxxx

  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Evening all

    Cookie is resident here now mr t arrived back with her around half four. First move when the cat carrier was opened she straight away run into the cat bed. We left her 5mins later she had got herself behind the telly via the unit next to Rescued by Mr T because there are a lot of wires behind there. since then she had hidden under the sofa . The next escapade was when I left the room and went into the toilet mr t was in the kitchen. At this point she disappeared completely we hunted everywhere we knew she had to be in the house Somewhere As no windows or our front door we’re open we found her about in the end after searching all rooms behind my armchair sitting on top of a back that I think has knitting wool in it. I am now sitting in my nightwear ready for bed as I start to type this at around 8.30pm after holding her while mr T spoon fed her some cat food which yes she did eat it what didn’t land on me Mind you at one point she was licking it off my cardigan. 🤣🤣 so that lot of clothes went straight into the washing machine. Will get some more pictures when she is not so nervous. But I will say she is absolutely gorgeous. Hopefully she will soon get used to us.

    Toni we didn’t have much rain but we had the wind and yes that was loud and of course the noise of the traffic with the hearing aids . but I persevered with them. The mask 😷 glasses 👓 and hearing aids altogether is a bit of a problem because get hooked up on both the glasses 👓 and the aids you have to remove the 😷 very carefully. Glad you were able to see Lucy all be it at a distance. Yes the videos are on Facebook put on by Margate jet setters. And my Gd shared it that’s why I got the videos. Es and I did had have the same problem with my girls using up all my toiletries. When they lived at home.

    Joan yes we now have Cookie at the moment she is hiding under our sofa. Hope you and Sue are ok and of course Lexie and Pepper.

    Hi Mig glad your bloods were ok

    Barbara i am using my I pad so hopefully I can find away of posting it on here yep I am doing ok with the hearing aids I have had them a week tomorrow’s so not doing to bad at all. Will post more pictures of miss Cookie soon when she stops hiding.

    must go now and get the evening cuppa

    love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️And sparkles 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 to you all.

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Hi Joan yes I am still glad I saw Lucy anyway and good news! Charley and GF's tests came back negative!! Must just be normal chest infections so they can have ABs now. Love to you, Sue and the carers ((()))

    Oh dear me Kath what can I say? Technology can be just so frustrating 🙄I don't like it at all when it doesn't do what I want. I hope it's all sorted now though?

    How true that the computer points out your mistakes😁 and mine are many and glaring!!!!

    Sleek says she'll come and stand on it for you like she does mine🐱

    mig that's great news 😁I am so very pleased. Good luck with rheumatology consultation too I hope all is going well there. How is the crochet going?

    I know Barbara we were out 12 hours for half an hour's chat on the doorstep, but yes it was worth it to see Lucy definitely.

    Dragon is supposed to read the text for you I'm sure it is??? So you've had a go? Did you cope ok with it and how does it cope with smileys? Can it 'read' them too? think your grey blobs are like my migraine auras - they move about too so you can't read letters and words😕

    Try hard not to panic just get proactive ((())) sending Sleek over with some soothing eye gel (won't make the slightest difference, but she thinks it helps. I'm sending🌈

    Hi Carol bless Cookie! She is terrified just now, and many cats don't eat for a day or so she might eat when you have gone to bed and she can explore on her own bless her. Sleek says she'll be over to meet her new friend Cookie 2 after she has been to Kath's and Barbara's! Even Sleek hid in her house for 48 hours when we moved here and she knows us really well. They don't like change.

    I bet she is gorgeous and can't wait to see more pics when she is settled.😘no rush.

    Might have to peep on facebook to look at this vids 😊 I think you will soon have it all sussed hearing aids glasses and mask! it will not defeat you!

    I'm so exited to know you have your furr-ball. Aidan would be thrilled I know it and is probably looking down now and saying you had to wait - for this very pusskin!

    Today i am going to visit P outside for the last time before we get locked down. In her front garden, but aviist all the same.

    Ocado contacted me we have to do our orders earlier now for delivery🙄


    kippers so Cookie2 can have some. and a poached egg on top for Kath!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) yes I know how you feel it's all double Dutch to me. Love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Mig ((())) that is good news for you I hope your bloods are just as good.

    Carol ((())) I know how difficult it is wearing a mask and glasses and hearing aids wear a hat that covers my ears and does up under my chin with Velcro cookie has a good home there.((()))

    Barbara ((())) try not to worry we are here to help you. love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and your brother (((())) and is girlfriend (((())))

    Toni (((())) thats good Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) have not got the virus a chest infection makes you feel happy you have not got the virus love to Paul ((()) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) Pom (((())) and your lovely neighbour ((()))

    Love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Christine ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (we all know about this I think).

    Online Shopping

    Technology taking over

    Faster than we know

    Smart phones and pretty gadgets

    All these androids on the go

    Shops are closing faster

    Faster than we think

    More jobs gone tomorrow

    It’s an online shopping dream

    Online shopping dream

    Amazon, Ebay and Wal-Mart

    Just to name a few

    Online shopping for everyone

    Is the future scaring you

    You’ve got so many passwords

    You can’t remember them

    You’d rather stop but you need to shop

    It’s an online shopping trend

    Online shopping trend

    Sitting here waiting patiently

    For the parcel to come

    We’ve got the date just can’t wait

    But that parcel having fun

    Has it been left outside my door

    Because I never heard a ring

    It’s likely disappeared again

    That parcels’ a mystery

    I miss that window shopping

    The try before you buy

    I used to shop until I’d drop

    But you can kiss it all goodbye

    So link your card to your account

    Then you can do it too

    Start your shopping online now

    There’s not much else to do

    Big name shops are closing down

    They seem to follow suit

    Joining in the online crowd

    It’s an online shopping move

    Online shopping move

    Sitting here waiting patiently

    For the parcel to come

    We’ve got the date just can’t wait

    But that parcel having fun

    Has it been left outside my door

    Because I never heard a ring

    It’s likely disappeared again

    That parcels’ a mystery

    © Copyright KC.Leake

    mig, that is good news, I hope your rheumy call is successful too. I'm expecting one later this month.

    Toni, KIPPERS, and with an egg too, super, thank you. I hope the girls are all OK.

    Carol, aww, Cookie 2 will settle down in time. I bet she curls up on Mr T's lap. He'll love it.

    Barbara, I know I have problems seeing, but I can't imagine what it's like for you!!

    Joan, I only wear a mask when the DN comes, I'm so glad I don't go out for any reason.

    Just ordered some goodies from Iceland for Holly and the girls. They should arrive on Monday afternoon - all being well. I see there is a recipe thing now. I'll see how it goes.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Joan your a love..thank you.. sorry I am doing quite a bit if moaning ..🙄I hope all is well there and you are all warm xx

    Toni there weren't any smilies when I used dragon it had just come out I think but will look into talked and it pleased to hear Charlie and gf are negative xx

    Carol oh I am go happy Cookie us there.. they always hide for a couple of days but will soon come round..xx

    Kath I love the poem..I used to shop till I dropped.. and loved trying on clothes..but no more thank goodness for online..hope you are all doing okish xx

    Had a text from my friend that has covid.. she is doing OK but hubby was on oxygen in hospital..any how after large dose of steroids he is now home..the same that some in hheritage, I think dexomeathone..he said it was a life saver..

    Right thats me

    Love to everyone


  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 4. Nov 2020, 21:37

    Evening all

    Not a happy bunny today mr t is being very annoying, probably not looking forward to the new lockdown. He is being very nit picky I am playing the silent treatment at the moment. I think he is putting the loudest programs on the telly then turning it up saying he can’t hear it. Keeps telling me to let the cat go where she wants, and then he’s the one who keeps on getting her out of her hiding places because she only ate yesterday evening because het spoon fed her with me holding her. She favourite place to hide Is behind my armchair at the the moment. funny thing is this afternoon I was sitting In the armchair mr t was in the spare bedroom that he uses as an office. The telly was on at a reasonable volume and I was doing something on my I pad when Cookie 2 appeared on the arm of the chair beside me the first time she has come out of hiding on her own. So sat her on my lap gave her a stroke and some treats she sat there for a good 5 mins. Then off into her bed stayed there for a bit then back into hiding by my chair. Took this photo while she was in her bed you can just see her face

    think Sleek has given her a little talking too.

    Her dark nose and the lighter colour above her face 😀

    This was this morning. After she had scratched mr t

    it’s been a. Bit of a bad day today topped off with this I can only describe him as an arrogant idiot on the bus who got up to give me his seat near the disabled area then moaned because I asked him to move his shopping trolly so I could get my walker there, next stop a lady with a buggy gets on well he had to move again To let her in. Then because I asked the lady where she was getting off because her buggy wheels were in font of the walker he turns round and had the cheek to say you two need to compromise. I was so annoyed I just bit back and said that’s what we are doing stick you nose back in your mask and stop poking it in other peoples business. As you may have guessed he had a mask on below his nose. So not a very good day I just felt everyone was out to get at me today.

    was talking to my Gd by private message yesterday she was saying the parent of one of the children in Graycie’s nursery class has tested positive for Covid so the whole class have to isolate But if Lillie doesn’t go to school she will get fined how stupid can that be she is on her own with 3 kids. One I who is supposed to isolate. Luckily after complaining to the school and giving her reasons the school have agreed that some one from the school will collect Lillie and take her to school and also bring her home after school so than GD is not fined.

    just before I go 2 picture of Faye and Ashley taken exactly a year apart

    Talk about what a difference a year makes must go now

    love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️And sparkles 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 To all

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) I hope it's not to noisy there with the fireworks. Love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) the dragon seems good for you I hope it does what you want. Our boiler did not pass it's test we have carbon monoxide coming out of it but it's going out side he ordered the parts to come quick. Love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and your brother ((()) and his girlfriend ((())) and the lady ((()) and her husband ((())) you know.

    Carol ((())) there was no need for the man on the bus to be rude to you love to Mr T((())) and cookie.

    love to Toni ((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) and Lucy ((())) Tia (((())) Paul ((())) Kari ((())) and Pom ((()))

    Bill ((())) Mig ((())) Chris ((())) Christine ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    The only thing that annoys me about my new thinkpad is that it seems to **** down (low battery) without ⚠ old lap top the screen used to go dark. Twice in the last two weeks I have lost a post 😕😠

    I have my Ocado order coming any minute and a blown window being replaced also this morning so have been super-busy anyway ..... ah well...

    In the meantime I loved yesterday's poem Kath - am grateful for online shopping, but would love to do it myself🙄 Did you write that one?

    I hope that Holly and the girls' surprise arrives today too. You are so kind and thoughtful.

    Glad you enjoyed yesterday's breakfast😊Your poached eggs was perfectly done - still runny, but cooked through. Today is poached eggs on toast. You can have as many as you fancy!

    Joan I am so relieved that the girls do not have COVID and yes we are safe too for now at least 🤞 Thank you for thinking of P and my neighbour. I was with P yesterday outside (I know she is mad really!) making wreaths for people's doors to sell for the hospice!

    Carol I think that Cookie is doing really well bless her and she might just have chosen you because she is sitting behind your chair and it's your lap she chose to get on. Probably because you are being quiet. Sleek did indeed visit and will be over again today. She is offering reassurance to Cookie that this is her forever home and you won't send her anywhere else or abandon her. She is safe.

    She has a dear little face and looks so sweet on Mr T's lap and peeping out of her igloo🙂

    Naughty Mr T taking it out on you that he is worried about this lockdown. I'm sure you are too. I hope it doesn't hurt your ears that the TV is up so loud😕

    What a relief that the school have sorted out so someone can take Lillie in to school while everyone else has to isolate for however many days. That would have been wrong to find your GD if they had I would have been very cross indeed.

    yes what a difference a year makes look at Faye and Ashley! Still look adorable though don't they?😘

    Yes Barbara you must retry dragon 🐉 software before you need it so you know what you are doing. Not too long before you go to the specialist now less than a month.

    Dexamethasone is a really good drug (short term only - remember it is what caused Lucy to need a new shoulder and her hip surgery) and 7 times stronger than prednisone which we get for our Arthritis/asthma so super-strong. I am so very glad it helped your friend's husband.

    I would still love to shop till I dropped although i would drop sooner now!!


  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (the last one wasn't mine 😯).

    'Intimate Surprises'

    Intimate surprises


    from thin air.

    Precious metals


    to last an eternity.



    Unapologetically bold.

    Unlike anything else.

    The incomparable thrill

    of one-of-a-kind.*

                            / *Alexandra Mor

    Toni, I had two Dexamethasone twice a month after each round of chemo. I was so surprised when they announced they would use it for Covid. I take Pred now, to keep my Vasculitis under control, alongside a low dose of MTX. My Vasculitis is NOT under control. I can't increase Pred as it causes Osteoporosis - and it will make that worse. That is such a gorgeous poached egg on crunchy toast. Thank you. Holly's goodies are arriving Monday morning. Mainly chocs, sweets and a couple of sets of Frozen hair bobbles and ties (well they are from Iceland 🤣).

    Carol, Cookie 2 is making sure Mr T knows who is the boss.

    Joan, I hope you soon get your heating sorted out. You have this problem every year.

    Barbara, I'm so pleased your friend is better.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 5. Nov 2020, 20:36

    Evening all

    Carol i am pleased that Cookie came and sat with you bless her..Mr T not behaving..these time really are effecting people differently.. think it me in our house that gets ratty..lovely photos if the children..they really lift you..xx

    Joan glad the carbon monoxide is going out side ..we don't want you both poorly..glad you are all nice and warm though xx

    Toni a lovely breakfast..I do like my eggs..

    I didn't know that it was the same meds that caused Lucy's problems..gosh that puts a new light on it

    I will definitely try the dragon software..anything that helps

    What a lovely lady P is..and I suppose it also help her knowing she is helping others xx

    Kath I want that ring..l lost my wedding ring many years bought one from argos and lost that..🙄 a nice poem thankyou xx

    I sent my ex neighbour some flowers and chocolates today and a rainbow stone to keep ..she was thrilled and sent some pics

    Love to everyone


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Barbara yes it was the dex which did the damage to Lucy, (Avascular necrosis), but for a few reasons:

    1: it was long term

    2: in high doses

    and mostly 3: she was still growing and female (so I was told gender was relevant)

    So perfectly safe and life saving for COVID i knew it was a risk for Lucy when we agreed to the treatment, (thought of osteoporosis like Kath), but again it was life or death so you say 'yes'!

    Aidan could have explained all this no doubt.

    I LOVE the rainbow stone! What a wonderful gift and the flowers are just gorgeous🙂

    I am glad you will try the software we would miss you dreadfully on here if you couldn't post.😕

    Kath that's a sweet poem which sort of had me stumped until i saw the helpful photo you had posted💍

    Lucy had 2 dex every day for 2 years, but it was stopped before she finished her chemo once the AVN was spotted. I thought osteoporosis too as a consequence, but because she was still growing it was AVN. It's a balancing act and we have to presume your vasculitis would be far worse without your pred.🤔

    Steroids are a huge mixed blessing but with COVID perfect as it's short term i think you'll agree.

    Ooh Holly and the girls will love the treats. Very funny! the 'frozen' stuff because it was from Iceland😂😂 Are they for now or for Christmas?

    I am very glad you enjoyed your eggs. I am exited because I have a pack of vegan powdered 'scrambled eggs' to try. I normally have to make up my own and it's a total faff. I'll let you know what it's like later...

    Love of course to Carol, Mr T and Cookie🐱

    Joan we had that with our old boiler at the last house something to do with regulations changing and it being too close to the back door🙄so long as they are sorting it and you are both safe. ((()))

    Love to Chris and Christine too😘

    I feel chilly so going for ready brek this morning!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) how is Chris's leg ((())) it's cold and foggy to day. Love to Anita ((())) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) lovely flowers and rainbow stone I hope the dragon helps you. love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())))

    Toni ((())) Pom is good to make the wreaths when she is so ill but it would take her mind of that (((()))) yes I would like to shop our Sainsburys down town is closing in November so there is only Tesco left. love to Paul ((())) Lucy ((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((()))

    Bill ((())) Chris (((()) Carol (((())) Mig ((())) Christine ((())))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (Given the uncomfortable situation that Morrell's poem pictures, the pressure on people with disabilities to hide their differences if they can and appear "normal" can be overwhelming. The phenomenon of passing is familiar to most readers either in discussions of light-skinned African Americans in pre-Civil Rights days or Jews in the Hitler era world. It is a denial of identity in order to assimilate into the culture of the dominant society. Gritz, who has a mild form of cerebral palsy, describes her experience as a teenage girl at a dance.)


    She walks as if favoring a sore foot

    and her one hand can't distinguish

    coins from stones. Mostly, she imagines,

    no one knows. At last week's dance, a boy

    with sleek hair kissed her in the corner.

    Tonight, her youth group is doing a yearly

    good deed. Leaning on a wall, she watches

    guests crowd the gymnasium in wheelchairs.

    Skewed legs wrack with sudden currents.

    Arms lay folded and stiff like cooked wings.

    Her friends hold the twisted hands in their own

    then sway, grace among the wheels. She'll choose

    a partner among the palsied strangers

    when there's a song she can get lost in.

    It will be like dancing with her secret self.

    Toni, "Steroids are a huge mixed blessing but with COVID perfect as it's short term i think you'll agree." absolutely agree. That must have been a sleepless time with all that anxiety. But your treasure has become one amazing young lady. I'm so proud to know her. Holly and brood will get their pressies when I manage to sort them out.

    Barbara, lovely photos. Your friend must be very pleased with her gifts.

    Sending hugs to Joan, Sue, Carol and Cookie, mig, Christine and Chris.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Hello all a lovely sunny day here..I do like Autumn when it like this

    Toni Poor Lucy but she got there.. through thick and thin..its a good job we have these steroids..we have 2 friends now that have been helped with them..nice to know there is I love readybreak but I am the only one in this house...think I gave our sons to much of it when little ..I am trying readers out that are free but so far rubbish.. but will get there xx

    Joan I am trying a few free readers..but will find one I am to all of you xx

    Kath what a good poem..goes to show dance is for everyone...except me I am rubbish with the 😅xx
