Val's Cafe
Hi Joan hope you are well today and Sue too? P is good she is lovely we are trying to raise money for the hospice making the wreaths. She wasn't so good yesterday though😕 hope today is better.
Terrible people feeling they need to hide their disabilities/difference Kath, but in this society today especially probably for the young I understand some might want to.
Everyone can enjoy dance if they throw themselves into it can't they? (pain allowing of course) it's so freeing. I loved the photo, but the poem made me feel a little sad as did the explanation of it - the need to fit into dominant society's 'norms'. 😕
Yes I am very proud of all my girls, but Lucy has been through so very much bless her. You of all people understand 😘
Barbara I think the 'free' readers are probably not in the same league at all as the stuff you have to pay for unfortunately.🙄 Would advice from a professional be an idea? Maybe you can ask at your appointment in December??
I was out the other day before lockdown and walked along (2m behind a friend) I crunched some leaves it was fabulous fun!
I bet Kath's Holly's kids love them!
So you overdosed your kids on readybrek well they'll get back into it I was the same with porridge my Mum gave us so much of it!
Will you be able to see Niamh outside (she's only 1 person and in your bubble) this weekend?
Love to Chris and Christine
and to Cookie2 who is hopefully coming out of her shell now bless her and sitting on her new Mummy Carol's lap all day if she can!
Aidan's Saturday breakfast:
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Good morning everyone
. Kath ((()))) I hope you have a good weekend love to Chris ((()))Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) I would fall over my feet if I did any dancing. Love to Mr B (((())) and you son ((())) and your brother ((())) he is doing well and his girlfriend ((())) have a good weekend all of you.
Toni ((())) Paul ((())) Lucy (())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) Pom ((())) have a good weekend all of you.
. thank you to all the carers
Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((()))Carol ((())) Christine (((())))
take care
joan xx0 -
Afternoon all
Joan same here 😅😅i just tread on people mum and dad were good dancers but most people learned in the 40s..thankyou again for all the hugs..same back to all of you ((((()))) xx
Toni thankyou for he croissants..a nice change from porridge..
I thought I would try the free readers that come with I now I have the jist....good thinking about asking when I have my appoiment though..I will write it on my list 😁
I don't hope today is a better day for P..I am always thinking if her..
Oh leaf crunching is has good has new snow😁glad you had a nice walk..we have to drive first them walk.🙄.no Niamh today but dad will take her to feed the ducksxx
Hi to Kath and anyone else that pops in xxxxxx
Barbara0 -
Remembrance Sunday and the oddest one in my lifetime . Kari says we can stand on our porches at 11 for the silence.
I would have loved to be able to dance Joan I think it's lovely, but am rubbish at it☹️ always was. Chilly morning, but not icy I think it will rain today or drizzle at least.
Barbara I bet Niamh loves crunching and kicking up the leaves. Main thing is she sees her Dad isn't it? I couldn't find a cosgan with leaves on it that I thought Kath used to love🙄
You are right people used to learn to dance - did they learn at school? I bet girls used to practise at home with their siblings. I would LOVE to be able to hold my own on the dance floor.💃 We watch Strictly every week avidly.
P said yesterday was a bit better except when the painkillers wore off thank you for asking. How is your brother getting on I hope he and his GF are doing ok?
I am glad you are starting to suss out the readers - yes windows has free readers I think. I just thought the specialists would maybe know the most useful ones for your particular eye issues.
Kath I hope all is well we missed you yesterday. Sleek is on her way over now she decided on her motorbike and side-car and has Darcey in the side-car with Tommy on her lap so be warned!🌈
Hi to Carol how are you and your hearing aids getting on with each other? Is it wonderful to be able to hear better?
I hope all the family are doing well. I still haven't found time to get on facebook to look at the twirling videos😕
Chris I wonder how you are doing in your flat? are you all organised and feeling much stronger now? I bet you are. I am looking forward to a very lazy day today inside watching some of the new James Herriots on catch-up while it rains outside. Might even light the fire.
Christine how is your eye? I hope the 'line' has gone or is going by now and you are already thinking of the next one being done.🧐
Mig Hope Rheumatology went well and everyone is pleased with you. How is the crochet going?
Well it's Sunday so our excuse for stuffing ourselves with Cooked breakfast 🙂
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Good morning everyone
. Barbara (((()))) I remember my mum saying when she went dancing she did a brown line down her leg to make it look has if she had stocking on you could not do that today. love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and Niamh (())). and the couple with the virus ((())) you know.
Toni ((())) you both have a rest today. Love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and her girl friend ((())) and all the carers (()) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P (((())) and your neighbour ((()))
love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((())) Carol ((())) Christine ((()))
Kath ((())) Chris ((())) Anita ((()))Val ((())) and your dad ((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
I can't think of a poem today, sorry so here's a nursery rhyme instead.
Pussycat Pussycat Rhyme
Nursery Rhyme & History
The origins of the nursery rhyme "Pussycat pussycat"!
The origins of the "Pussycat pussycat" rhyme dates back to the history of 16th century Tudor England. One of the waiting ladies of Queen Elizabeth 1 had an old cat which roamed throughout Windsor castle. On one particular occasion the cat ran beneath the throne where its tail brushed against the Queen's foot, startling her. Luckily 'Good Queen Bess' had a sense of humour and decreed that the cat could wander about the throne room, on condition it kept it free of mice!
Pussycat Pussycat poem
"Pussycat pussycat, where have you been?"
"I've been up to London to visit the Queen."
"Pussycat pussycat, what did you there?"
"I frightened a little mouse under her chair"
Windsor Castle
Toni, I'm so pleased Sleek bought Darcy and Tommy I wasn't too good yesterday or today because my IBS is playing me up. Stomach ache, bloating and all the rest of it. I think I'll give that amazing breakfast a miss today.
Barbara, do you mean free book readers? I use Foxit reader, but you can only read PDF files through it, like Acrobat Reader (also free). I used to dance a lot. Tap and ballet aged 5. Ballroom from 8 until 16. For that I won medals, Bronze, Silver, Gold, National Award. In Waltz, Quickstep, Foxtrot, Tango, Viennese Waltz, Pasa doble, Square tango, Jive, Pasa Madrid. And I also did display dances. Oh I am a show off. Now, I can barely walk
😪 😥
Joan, during the war, stockings were scarce so most young women drew a brown line down their leg. They used gravy browning if they didn't have a brown pencil. Now of course fully fashioned stockings are very rarely used.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all
Joan my mum used to draw lines for stocking.. I remember wearing stocking with the suspender belt..what a palaver that was 😅love to all of you..xx
Toni it was a quiet armistice.but apparently many turned up at our cenotaph wearing mask..although it was banned..
Thanks for brother posted on Facebook the little bonfire his gf and him had last year..and he thought it was his last..
Gosh that breakfast was filling 😅thankyou
Yes Niamh sees daddy but then he has to come here..I am using packets of antibacterial wipes..
Glad P had a better day bless her..I suppose she has slow release meds xx
Kath that was interesting ..explaining how the poem came about..we used to sing it when little
Its readers that tell me whats on screen..thanks fir the info
Wow so you can really do all those good and all those medals 😁xx
Better go love to everyone xxxxxx
Barbara0 -
Barbara P is on oramorph, but is thinking about Slow-release now. She is a tough lady. I just don't want her to suffer.
It is amazing we thought your brother wouldn't see Christmas last year - he did and this one is on the horizon now too.
I know it is a worry knowing what to do, but your son lives with you and Niamh needs to see her Daddy. I thinks wipes handwashing and common sense outdoor activities surely are as safe as you can get🤔
It was a quiet Armistice. We were expecting people outside their doors at 11 but no-one did it. Very surprsising for this village.
Joan we did have a quiet day thank you. We did some improvements on Penelope Figaro - a new boot rack and lock on her glove box etc....then our lovely neighbour's husband (he is lovely too!) fetched us all a takeaway Sunday dinner! Lovely to hear bout your Mum doing the brown line on her legs! I suppose today's version is the kids with their 'fake tans'!
Kath Sleek told me you were a bit rough yesterday and that she left you some of Tosca's special tummy potion? Did it help I know it has some peppermint in it so should have and some ginger too. P shared her (very large) ginger root with me the other day and I have been enjoying real ginger teas this week. yes best to doge the breakfast yesterday.
That is one of Sleek's favourite Rhymes (The Owl and the Pussycat being another) she has printed it off like she does for her ickle house.
Of course the Queen would love her cat just like we do😻
Love the picture of the 'proper' stockings and a lovely pair of pins. Almost as good as mine😁
Right breakfast for today.... might go scrambled eggs they are pretty well ok for iffy tums
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) I'm sorry you have ibs I hope it does not last too long I've heard of it but never had it. Love to Chris ((()) Anita ((()) Val ((()))) and your dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) it must be hard for you to read the small writing a pity you cannot get a magnifier on your phone. The masks remind me of the sanitary towels with the loops and you had a belt to hook them on . Love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh (((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni ((())) that was nice you had a cooked dinner bought for you from your lovely neighbours (((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) Lucy ((()))Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P ((())) and all the carers ((()))
love to Bill ((())) Chris (((())) Carol ((())) Mig ((())) Christine ((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem For Sleek
The Owl and the ****-Cat
The Owl and the ****-cat went to sea
In a beautiful pea-green boat,
They took some honey, and plenty of money,
Wrapped up in a five-pound note.
The Owl looked up to the stars above,
And sang to a small guitar,
"O lovely ****! O ****, my love,
What a beautiful **** you are,
You are,
You are!
What a beautiful **** you are!"
**** said to the Owl, "You elegant fowl!
How charmingly sweet you sing!
O let us be married! too long we have tarried:
But what shall we do for a ring?"
They sailed away, for a year and a day,
To the land where the Bong-Tree grows
And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood
With a ring at the end of his nose,
His nose,
His nose,
With a ring at the end of his nose.
"Dear Pig, are you willing to sell for one shilling
Your ring?" Said the Piggy, "I will."
So they took it away, and were married next day
By the Turkey who lives on the hill.
They dined on mince, and slices of quince,
Which they ate with a runcible spoon;
And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand,
They danced by the light of the moon,
The moon,
The moon,
They danced by the light of the moon.
Joan, thank you. The IBS comes and goes. I have to watch what I eat, and stress also makes it worse.
Toni, Oooh, scrambled egg. My stomach is well enough for that thank you. I know Sleek has probably got a copy of the Owl and the **** cat, but it's such a lovely rhyme I thought she'd like another.
Barbara, one of our neighbours is ex army and he is so proud of his army background. H and his family watched the Armistice on line and had a drink for lost comrades. How wonderful that you have more hope for your brother this coming Christmas.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all
Joan I do have a magnifier but it's strange Macula D.. all the words move around ..apparently it the central vision that goes.hee you make me laugh you are right about the mask and sanitary towels.😅love to all of you xx
Toni my dad and my brother had slow release does you say we don't want P to suffer..but she will know when its right..
How lovely if uou neighbour to pick up meals for you all..
So you are getting Penelope up to you are really enjoying that..xx
Kath lovely takes me back to being little.. 😁it must be so sad for your neighbour.. only they have seen what goes on..😪
Yes my brother is up and down but like you say he didn't think he would see last Christmas.. I remember the dr saying about my dad that he didn't like putting a time on life.. everyone is different xx
Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
Morning Joan. You made me laugh about the masks - you are right😁We have a shop in the next village but one which does sunday dinner take-aways. We take it in turns fetching the dinners it's such a lovely treat.
Kath Sleek is very excited and printing off another copy of 'The Owl and the Pussycat' hope the printer doesn't wake Paul up it's early yet!
She's dancing with pleasure!
We had it at our wedding. The girls read out a verse each bless them.
Oh dear IBS playing up is it? 😕 ((())) 🌈I am trying P's real ginger tea at the moment and really quite like it. Must be better than coffee and tea even though i only drink decaf now.
I will stick to eggs today again for your stomach best to keep things light for a while....
Hi Barbara I think it is the strangeness of Macular degeneration which makes it so difficult to live with. I liken it to my migraine auras as they are areas of blurriness which move around as i try to read. They get bigger and bigger before they luckily go away. Yours don't do they they stay😠
Yes slow release morphine is good and should help P she will know what to do. She has bought some sunsweet prune juice on my recommendation - it's for the best you'll agree. I hope your bro isn't in too much pain and is still enjoying time with his beloved?
I am busy preparing the cart for it's imminent opening on Thursday until just before Christmas - cakes on Friday as we always do in this village. I'm hoping for mince pies. Sleek is hoping for mice pies🤢
I wonder how Cookie is settling in at Carol's now? I bet she is much happier than she was and probably eating well. She is a beautiful cat. Sleek has been including her in on her rounds.
Love also to Chris and Christine hope both still recovering well.
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) how long does the irritable bowel pain last for as well has all the symptoms you have. love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) I'm sorry your eyes are like that ((())) is it all the time or just with writing. Your brother ((())) is doing so well did you say he's on a different drug. Love to his girlfriend ((())) and to your Son (((())) and Niamh ((()))
Toni ((())) Our neighbour saw a couple come out of the shop with trolleys full of toilet rolls. love to Paul ((())) Charley (())) and her girlfriend (((())) and all the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari (((())) and P (((())) thinking about her ((())) and your good neighbours ((()))
love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Carol ((())) Mig ((())) Christine ((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Evening al
Toni thank-you fir the perfect eggs on toast..I added my brown sauce to 😁
talking of ginger tea.. when I was poorly with was my lovely ex neighbour that made it for me...its something Indian's use all the time..perfect for tummy probs
yes macula is like you eye Is really bad and everyone's faces are grey blobs...just praying the other takes its time
I'm getting quite used to having takeaway meals...😅 you put things in the dart and leave an honesty box xx
Joan its all the time sadly but one eyes is not has bad for now
Yes my brother has done really well thank-you..whatever the trial is he is on..has worked well ..and unlike some poor people has hasn't had a break in his treatment because of to all of you xx
Love to kath I hope that tummy is a little better xx
And love to everyone else
Barbara0 -
Joan not again people panic buying loo rolls 🙄they are so stupid! Lucy's kitten is being spayed this morning so they will be on edge. 😕 Love to you all ((()))
Barbara let's hope your other eye gives you a break and takes it's time yes! 🤞
I rather like P's gingers tea it makes a pleasant change for my usual decaf with soya milk and is probably calorie free🤔 Did you think it helped with the ecoli?
They can't take a break in treatment when they are on a trial almost whatever otherwise they can get accurate results. The Drs at the QE rarely took a break anyway with the kids. Even when Lucy was yellow after one chemo as soon as her bloods started to stop being luminous yellow - straight back on it! I am so sorry for those who have had delays.
Yes that's what we do with the cart - we have an honesty box. Today it will be being set up as tomorrow we open! I just hope it's legal. I am a little worried, but if I get told off we will stop. It's for the hospice and P wants to do it so we will.
Glad you enjoyed your eggs!
Now I am a little worried about Kath....suspect Sleek is too as she is AWOL probably over there. My piece of ginger has shrunk so perhaps she's trying that now too.
Love to you Kath you can have poached eggs again.
Will make us all an omelette:
Lucy's kitten is being spayed this morning 😕 ((()))
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Good morning everyone
Barbara ((())) you do well on here with one eye thank you for coming on ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni ((())) yes I know what you and Lucy's ((())) going through with the kitten it's for the best. Love to Charley ((()))and her girlfriend (((())) Paul ((())) Tia (((())) and all the carers (((())) Kari ((()) and P (((())) Good luck with the trolley,
Love to Bill ((())) Chris (((())) Mig (((()))Carol ((())) Christine ((())) Kath ((())) I hope your tummy is feeling a bit better love to Chris ((())) Anita (((())) Val ((())) and your Dad (((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem (another one for Sleek's ickle house).
Emily Dickinson
She sights a Bird—she chuckles—
She flattens—then she crawls—
She runs without the look of feet—
Her eyes increase to Balls—
Her Jaws stir—twitching—hungry—
Her Teeth can hardly stand—
She leaps, but Robin leaped the first—
Ah, ****, of the Sand,
The Hopes so juicy ripening—
You almost bathed your Tongue—
When Bliss disclosed a hundred Toes—
And fled with every one—
Two bits of news. I've has my shielding letter. My surgery rang to see about flu jabs. They will ring me again tomorrow, so hopefully we'll have one booked each. 🤗
Love to all. 💗
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Afternoon all
Joan i will come on the forum has long as i can evenif I have to get Mr B to read it out and type..😅
I always admire you and just get on with things no matter what is thrown at to you all xx
Toni i am sure its not illegal..and hopefully you will raise lots for the hospice..I suppose my brother is lucky he's on a trial like you say many have missed treatment..
Thankyou fir the omelette i hope Katherine got some and her tummy is a little better
Lucy will be worried for her kitten..bless..they are family we always worry about them..
I rang about my results again today..the dr has looked at them and I have to have the bloods repeated..
Right will leave you for now
Barbara0 -
Evening all
Sorry for the lack of posts I am having internet problems it keeps chucking me out and of course I loose my post. Although it has been better today. So this is a quick post to let you know we are all ok. Will see if it is better tomorrow. Then I can update you more. So will leave you with
love ad sparkles ❤️❤️❤️❤️🌈🌈🌈🌈
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
That's the cart and ➕ ➕ out yesterday with lots of help from ladies from the village all came to do their bit to help. Laminating posters, bringing bits to sell, putting cards in packets etc. Paul hung up the HUGE banner and lights for me.
I think it looks great and hope we make lots of money for the hospice - that's what P wants 👍️
Carol it's so annoying when our internet plays up! Grrrr! Hope you can get on soon and give us all your news. How are the hearing aids? Are you doing ok with this new lockdown and how are all the children/Great and Grand!🙂
Joan thank you I think the cart should do well it usually does. Hoping we get the village calendars and new Christmas cards which P and her daughter have been getting printed today🙂(((()))) to you Sue doggies and your carers.
Barbara will Mr B be happy to read and scribe for you if needs be? If so then I am very impressed. Paul would do it reluctantly I think😁 Let's hope something can be found to keep your independence.
Yes I am very thankful that your bro and a chap in the village still had their cancer treatment in spite of COVID. P got diagnosed too and is getting great support from the D. nurses and the Hospice.
Lucy's Winnie is fine and home safe and sound bless her eating well too. Hopefully she'll gain weight now maybe😊
Hope your results are ok 🤨bets of luck and get the retest done ASAP.
Kath I was so pleased to see you. Sleek has had the printer going again! Good pusskin poem and pic. She reckons Robins are really tricky to catch. Darcey is going to do a cross stitch of the first verse of the Owl and the Pussycat for her fro Christmas so Kari tells me
About time you had your flu jabs - I know you are reasonably safe being inside anyway, but it is NOVEMBER!! The shielding letters are taking their time again🙄
Did the treats arrive for Holly and the girls? If so have they had them yet? I love giving people little surprise pressies don't you?
Love to Chris and Christine. I heard from Chris she is doing really well physio has been and said the movement she has in her ankle is way better than most people after her type of injury 🙂
What about the nurse in Cheshire then being charged with killing all those poor babies😕dreadful for them all and her family too must be devastated. What on earth would Aidan say?
Welsh rarebit...
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) it's lovely seeing you are you feeling better now. Love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Carol ((((())) yes it's maddening when the Internet goes. Love to Mr T(((()))) and all your children and grandchildren and great grandchildren ((())) and cookie
Barbara ((())) you are a fighter you cope with all you have and you don't moan about how you feel ((())) love to Mr B (((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother (((())) and his girlfriend (((()))
Toni (((())) the trolley looks good I hope it all goes well for the hospice ((())) love to Paul (((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari (((())) p ((()))
our friend of 30 years died on Monday of Al I cannot spell it and a stroke she was 86 years old.
love to Bill (((())) Mig ((())) Christine ((())) Chris (((())) you are doing very well (((())))
take care
joan xx0 -
Aww Joan I am so sorry to hear about your friend she did well (((()))) to you both. I'm sure we will do ok for the hospice 🤞 thank you XX
0 -
Daily Poem (short and sweet)
A. E. Housman (1859–1936).
Oh, when I was in love with you
OH, when I was in love with you,
Then I was clean and brave,
And miles around the wonder grew
How well did I behave.
And now the fancy passes by,
And nothing will remain
,And miles around they ’ll say that I
Am quite myself again.
Barbara, that egg yesterday was super. I've discovered that bananas start my tummy off. So I'll have to go carefully with them as I need the potassium for my rubbish bones. I've posted a piece about WET Macular on the Creakies that might interest you. 👀
Toni, Hollys stuff is here, but I haven't given them to her yet. Yesterday she got me a drinking glass similae to this one. It has a spout that flips up for you to drink from.
I immediately thought of Beverley Allitt. Our Matron would have been horrified at the news.
Joan, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. I hope she didn't suffer too much.
Carol, what a nuisance to lose your post. Glad you're OK though.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Evening all
Joan i am so sorry to hear about your friend passing away.. hope she was very peaceful xx
I think I moan a bit to much..but you are always so kind thankyou to all of you xx
Carol sorry you keep getting thrown out..hope tomorrow will be Cookie settled in now bless xx
Toni the stand looks lovely and how nice that everyone helps...nothing better..
Thank you for the Welsh rarebit..really filling and low salt cheese..😁
No I don't think Mr B would be at all pleased to read and type things 😅fir a start he doesn't text...🙄xx
Kath thank you for the info on MD..I think that is what my appointment is next month to see if it has changed to wet..
How nice to buy Hollie and family presents..would love to see there faces..
And thank you for another good poem xx
Love to everyone xxxxxx
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