Val's Cafe
Morning all
Ok first a little update on my audiology appointment last night. I do have hearing loss which she say has probably been happening slowly for around 5/6 years. She asked me before doing the test did I want aids if it was necessary. My answer was if that’s what it takes so be it I am not worried about having to wear them. So result is I have a pair at the moment that she thinks is right. She is going to ring me in 2 months to see it I am still happy with these ones, if ok I will not have to see her for 6 months. I have to wear them only indoors for the first 5 days while I get used to them then I can wear them all the time. She has Said I might need a different type In about a years time.
We are really looking forward to welcoming our new Pusskin to our home on the Monday after we get back from the Isle of Wight
Its a pity we cannot put videos on here our Lillie made her own video on tik tok about how many tablets she has to take For her pku instead of her supplement drink she has taken since very small, she has always hated the drink with an absolute passion and has struggled with, because it is so foul tasting so she has recently changed to the tablets. The video was totally her idea and she did it all by herself. She is one amazing 8 year old who has a very good knowledge of her problems.
just got to show you this picture of Graycie practicing her hand stands on the sofa 😀😀 total nutcase this child Is such a comedienne she really is.
I must leave you now but will be back later I hope watch this space 😀😀
love and sparkles toYou all
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Daily Poem (Another one of mine, bringing back memories I'd rather forget).
I wrote about my stalker once,
the cancer cells that hover.
Are they all still in there?
I really shouldn’t bother.
Floating through my lymph nodes
and possibly my blood.
There lurks in every corner,
in every nook and cranny
several stalkers closing in
upon this fragile granny.
Creeping through my brittle bones
like moss strewn rocks and grimy stones
And then of course, my poor old chest.
I keep it hidden in a vest
to keep at bay old Pneumonia
and poisonous Pseudomonas
that gives me coughs and wheezes
not to mention sneezes.
Vasculitis Did I mention ?
Those inflamed vessels sole intention
is causing pain and inflammation
with itchy spots and nasty rashes.
I wish they all would go away.
That's all for today. I had my blood test this morning, and I still hurt all over. ☹️
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all..
Toni I am sorry I forgot to thank you yesterday for Lindas post...she writes brilliantly and I am sure it will help people facing the same..she is one strong lady..I must pop in lwa and have a look at the photos she has posted
I am glad you contacted Bill and passed on our good wishes, I didn't have a drink but lit a candle..x
Lucy is amazing ..can't believe how well she has done with her new shoulder.. another strong lady..and her mum of course..xx
Carol I am sure you will soon get used to the hearing aid..xit will be lovely to welcome Cookie when you come home.. if she is anything like the 2 we adopted quite a few years ago ..she will hide for a few days..but what a good home she is going to..I adore the photo of Graycie..a proper cheeky face..xx
Joan yes we have many memories here..our youngest son was just 3 months old and our eldest was 3..but the house was a struggle.. it was in such a state..we put a new light up and the ceiling came in🙄😅..amongst other things..but so many happy memories 🙂
Kath you put everything into the poem..I too wish they would all go away and leave you alone ..xx
Love to everyone
Barbara1 -
Hi Joan thank you it's great Lucy's shoulder and her hip too of course, the scar hardly shows and the arm works so well. My neighbour is really well we had our last cup of socially distanced tea together yesterday as i think we will be in tier 2 after the weekend😕 Love to you and Sue and the carers ((()))
Well Carol that is all very positive. I am sorry you need hearing aids, but glad we are lucky enough to be able to have them in this country. I bet you do better with yours than Mr T! For a start you will wear them properly!
Interesting that you can hear your youngest so easily she must speak really clearly and well. Maybe she should work with deaf children😉
Go Lillie. Lucy did the same with her epilepsy meds when she got to a certain age the liquid was just too much and nauseating. So she went on to the tablets and never looked back. Stood her in good stead too when she has her Leukaemia treatment. A lot of the kids struggle to take tablets these days. I am sure she will help other children going through the same bless her.
As for Graycie she is the funniest little thing she really is! They are all at such lovely ages ❤️🤸
Hi Kath I hope you are much less sore today ((()))🌈good your bloods are done though.
I can see from your picture that it was a tough day and your poem which is as usual spot on and totally relatable. 😘
Barbara Legs will post her last instalment later today she said then less frequent updates. She is a very strong lady yes as is Lucy. I just get on with it and suspect they both do too as do you, Joan, Kath Chris Christine and Carol and of course mig!
I love the wedding photos 😍
Good idea to have mentioned that cats in new homes often hide for a day or two. Strategically placed litter and food is necessary, but soon Cookie2 will be on Carol's lap🐱
Gosh the ceiling came in!! What memories you have done wonders with the house haven't you! Such fabulous memories with the kids so little too they grew up there then it made a home for your GDs.🏡
How is Niamh and your bro and his GF?
Today Kari is coming over to cook with her DIL both have been shielding so I am not worried. Will have the windws open too including the ones in the ceiling....antibaccing this morning for THEM!
Love to everyone
mushroom frittata for Kath especially eggs and mushrooms!
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Good morning everyone
Carol (((())) you will notice a difference with the earing aids things seem clearer and you hear noise's you haven't heard for a long time love to Mr T ((())) Good photo of Gracie I did that when I was young.
Kath ((())) sorry you have pain from your blood test love to Chris ((())) Anita ((()))Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) you have had fun in your house haven't you. Love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni ((())) yes Lucy ((())) has done so well she has had a lot a lot of problems but she has shown she can beat them as well as. the epilepsy ((())) love to Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) Paul ((()))Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and Pom ((()))
Love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((())) Christine ((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem (there are many types of pain. This is just one).
Here and There
We alternate between here
and there. You see,
there is a line, crooked and cracked,
an emaciated demarcation,
a highlight in air, breathlessly coughing
and smelling of phlegm.
It would be very painful
to cross it, this line.
Unable to be broken,
we wax in and out.
How to describe such a thing?
Mind-numbing and distracting,
distasteful, unpleasant, depressing and miserable.
Regret, helplessness, extreme
sadness. Sick,
like you’re sick.
What pulls us along is an anti-happiness,
it drags us past the line,
it is an anger and an envy, a struggle for
God knows how long.
It nests in suicidal thoughts,
family problems, rolled-up eyes, severe
shock, pain.
Pain, it’s like,
it’s a…
A scar, a feeling I couldn’t recognize,
a breaking of the arm, a finger cut off,
a scrape of the knee,
a ball to the head, hurt jaw, appendicitis, unbearable
distress, tears, a scream, almost
dying. Well,
I don’t like pain.
You can’t think, can’t do anything. Panic,
confusion. There is a leaving behind,
a change of identity—
you lend a hand
because you have to. You are supposed to do that.
To help. The pity, the obligatory sad eyes.
I wanted to stay away, I was really
annoyed at the hack of her cough,
her eyes, feverish.
I actually wanted to avoid her, avoid
crossing the line.
The millionth tripping from one side
to another sounds like fish scales,
feels like rain, the starting
and stopping, the forgetting and remembering
of hoarse throat, runny nose,
seasonal allergies, itchy and flushed.
Forget about it,
concentrate on something else, calm down,
try to ignore it for
telling people won’t change anything,
screaming and shouting won’t do anything,
It’s like no one understands, I deal with it
myself, I can kinda block it out.
Everyone does things to alleviate it.
I’ll pray, but the only thing
that really makes it go away is time.
Halos of stars plaster the sky
and the constellations only appear
when a story is made for them. Let us figure then
a way to line everything up against this thin mark
between two vast caverns. The body flung
from here to there
is yours and mine. As it will always be
your body, our pain.
Our pain, my body.
Stephanie Wang Zuo
Joan, it was pain from arthur, not the blood test. In my poor swollen hand and wrist (RA). In my hip and spine OA and OP.
Toni, thank you for the frittata, I really savoured it.
Carol we had a cat once who found a hidey hole underneath the back of our then gas fire. I was scared she'd get burned, but she didn't.
Barbara, I haven't been reading Linda's writing about her operation. I never knew her.
Another terrorist attack on Paris. 😟
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all another dark wet day..and there ne looking forward to sunny autumn days 🙂
Toni.. ooh mushroom frittata looks yummy.. thank you
Its will be nice to have Kari round and her you said they have been shielding so should be safe...
My brother us plodding on thankyou..its not easy that we can't visit them..Niamh us here but we still wear mask....its finding things to do that don't involve the net..domino's for one ..she us getting to good tho 🤣xx
Joan we did have fun..but we had good neighbours that helped to all of you xx
Kath the poem is spot on ..everyone's pain is there own...sometimes we do all we can to get away from it..😪xx
Right I'm off
Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
Evening everyone. 4 weeks since my eye op and my sight is improving. Still a bit blurry and there's a black line though words so still difficult reading. My glasses are three years old so help very slightly with my right eye but make the left much worse now but not much pain and only a little irritation.
I think we'll be going in to tier 3 any day now. It's for the best as our cases are still going up and one of our hospitals has had to take over another ward for covid patients.
I had a quick look over previous posts. Has Lucy got a new shoulder? The photo looks like she's recovered well.
Has it just been Aiden's anniversary? I hope Bill is coping ok. Still seems strange to come in here and not find him looking after someone.
Hope you are all staying safe. X
Christine0 -
Christine well done you! P had her eyes done about 2 years ago and one of them had a line for a good while when she looked down then up, but it's gone now. You will need new specs soon.
Yes it was Aidan's birthday his Anniversary won't be until December, but that is fast approaching 🙄
We will be moving into tier 2 on Sunday. I think we should all be in tier 6 if there was such thing - actual lockdown just out for work food and medical needs again. Ah well.
Yes Lucy had a new shoulder about 3 years ago (in January) she has recovered really well thank you 🙂
How are the family doing?
Barbara so Niamh can play dominoes now? scrabble and monopoly will be next. Such fun all these games I am glad she enjoys that sort of thing bless her 🙂
It's not god not being able to nip over to see your brother, but so long as he is doing ok that's all we can wish for ((()))
It was lovely to see my sister and her DIL we had some lovely food to share after we had finished. We all wore our face shields, but whipped them off for one quick photo.😳
Kath my poor France dreadful dreadful to do that to innocent people. Aidan would be so upset about it I know as am I 😕 I can't bear to think about it.
How are your bones today I hope a little easier?🌈 Sleek has put down her Halloween preparations to bring one of Tosca's potions over and some sparkles for your pillow and slippers. She will probably have left some bush-babies? ((()))
The poem was really good - totally relatable and the picture you chose is just perfect . Glad the frittata helped a little.
Thank you Joan, Lucy has done amazingly well hasn't she bless her. I sent her a little letter yesterday and had a video-call. I didn't know you had hearing aids I am very glad they help so much 🙂
Today I have my Tesco click and collect at 8am!!! So i am up early just got to get dressed yet and be there waiting.
fried egg butties
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Can you help this lady at all with some reassurance/experience?
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Good morning everyone
. Kath I'm sorry you have so many problems ((()) you cope well with them. Love to Chdris ((())) Anita ((())) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Christine ((())) you are doing well. Love to all
Barbara ((())) I'm sorry you cannot see your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()) has Niamh ((())) learnt to knit. Love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((()))
Toni ((())) that's good you could see kari ((())) and her daughter in law ((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) Pom ((()))
love to Bill (())) Chris ((())) Carol (((()))Mig ((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem (I don't know who William Worthless is, but I like his poem).
the animals in the zoo they were getting bored
no one came too see them thy just felt ignored
so they planned a breakout decided to break free
go back to the jungle where they all should be
waited for the dark to escape at night
waiting for the moment when the time was right
the fences they were high all around the ground
the gates were all locked up and securely bound
so they dug a hole underneath the fence
taking it in turn the digging was immense
everyone escaped now the animals were free
headed for the jungle where they all should be
they boarded on a ship and hidden out of view
they had stowed away no one ever knew
the reached the shores of Africa home again once more
now they all were free just like they were before
Written by
Toni, I hope I gave some help to the lady. I've even invited her to our Creakies group. What do I see? runny eggy sarnie. Are there more? I'll have them all please. Yes, our Aidan would be very upset at he events EN FRANCAIS Forgive the fact I don't know how to put a Cedilla in.
Joan, I'm sorry I keep moaning. But thank you for putting up with me.
My spine is playing up, I need to take a break
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all
We took Niamh to feed the swans and ducks ..gosh it was busy i suppose most people want to be out in the fresh air..
Toni the fried egg butty was lovely ..we had that today with chips and beans..😁
I totally agree we need a proper lock down..we now have a rest home near by with 18 staff and 26 patients with covid..🙄
Glad you enjoyed meeting Kari and Dil.. xx
Christine hopefully the line will go very soon..then new glasses will make such a you have to have your other eyes done..or is that OK xx
Joan what a good idea... I don't really knit well but can make scarves😅 I will see if Niamh is interested.. love to all of you xx
Kath I was so relieved the animals got away...and were free 😁😁love it..please Jath you are not moaning..but talking to us and hopefully it helps a little bit...hope that back ease you have a body pillow in bed..mine helps me get comfy..xx
Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
Evening all
it’s been a bit busy lately we have both been getting things for our pusskins who we will be getting soon. As we are away from Monday to Friday next week. If we had not been away we would have been having her today. Still not much longer. I think the only thing I think we have to get now is food for her. Today we went a brought a cat carrier and a cat bed.
grandson tell me today that his partner has tested positive for Covid she was with her mum who also tested positive Symptoms. So they were both tested in case grandson test came back negative but he hadn’t actually been with her mum. He was actually glad because 2 days before he had been with his mum and dad. His partner is ok at the moment just has headache and a slight cough. No temperature. Or change in smell and taste.
he did make me laugh though we were talking about some Baby fish he has in his tank he was saying no matter how much he tells Kian they are fishies he insists they are titties the mind boggles. 🤣🤣
sorry this post is short but I have only just got around to looking at the ipad
I am adapting to the hearing aids quite well I think at the moment I am not allowed to wear them outside at the moment until Monday. Then the problem starts hearing aids, glasses, and masks on all at once. Not sure how I will manage it to be honest. I can manage the glasses with them if I am careful when I take the glasses off.
not a photo of the little people but this photo of me was take on my camera by Lillie when she about 4 years old. I was staying with my daughter at the time
I will leave you now with love and sparkles to all ❤️❤️❤️❤️🌈🌈🌈🌈
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Last one Barbara and anyone else who knows legs/or is interested.
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Hi Carol you are doing well with your hearing aids. Knowing you you will soon get used to the specs glasses and hearing aid puzzle!!!😁 Then you can show Mr T a thing or two!
I am so excited about your pusskin coming home soon too. Cookie2 is a very lucky girl having all these new bits and pieces to welcome her to her furrever home😘 Just enjoy the break away with her to look forward to on your return.
Great photo Lillie! 4 years ago she is a good little photographer.
I do hope your GS stays well and is careful now I have heard of the tests being negative and then people going on to retest positive later on. good luck to his partner I hope she makes a swift recovery bless her ((()))🌈
Kids are funny! I remember Lucy at about 4. I was teaching her to draw birds you know how you do like a sort of letter 'M' and we drew a row and she started singing ti**y b*m b*m b*m pointing at the row of 'birds'!
Barbara I am sure Niamh had a great time out with you and even if there were lots of people outside is still safer isn't it?
Ooh chips!!! Mr B didn't make me any😓I love my 'real' chips too😓hehe.
Those poor people in the nursing home that's dreadful I do hope they all do better than people did first time around.((())) Lock us down Govt for heaven's sake then maybe we could see family at Christmas!
You are right Kath doesn't moan and none of us really do here we just give and receive support.
Joan good idea teaching Niamh to knit. I like that. I feel the crochet hook might come out soon it's getting to you and Sue and the carers ((()))
Kath I LOVE the pic of all the animals they remind me of our sanctuary. I think Aidan is still looking after them all with the help of Johnny and the supervet!
Go those animals escaping from the Zoo! Great poem.
Thanks for helping the lady . She accepted both or answers so i think we helped her. If I spot something I think we can help with it saves us all trawling every day. I look at 'recent posts' while my meds kick in and I have my coffees.
Yes runny egg!!!!!!!!!! for you. Aidan loved France like me I am also not sure how to do my French 'C'🤔 I wonder if any clever admins do???
On that subject French breakfast croissants
pain au chocolat too!
Love to Chris and Christine - I heard from her yesterday she is starting to feel a little stronger 🙂
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) you are not moaning we help one another by saying how we feel it helps us feel better because we've spoke about it. Love to Chris ((()))Anita ((()) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Our heating stopped working in the night it needed water our neighbour comes at 800 we have the door open a bit ready for him 730 we heard his voice he said did you send the dogs to get me they were by my door we just laughed they were cold.
Carol ((())) I hope you and Mr T ((())) have Nice time away then you will come back to cookie she will have a good home
Barbara ((())) I'm sorry about the people in the rest home ((())) some thing needs to be done to stop it. love to Mr B ((())) your Son ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni ((())) i hope Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) don't catch it again. Love to Paul ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and Pom ((()))
love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((())) Christine ((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi all 😊
With regards to the Cedilla I'm afraid I don't know how to enter it normally, but the easiest way is to copy and paste it from something which does have it in:
Hope this helps!
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Toni, that shows how out of the loop I am. 😕I agree with you. We need a hard lockdown. Boris is holding a press conference any minute now. Fingers crossed.
Joan, hope you are ok. Is your heating fixed? Don't want you being cold.
Kath, hope your spine feels better after a break.
Barbara, those poor people in the care homes. It was terrible sending the ill ones back from hospital. Some must feel they have been abandoned. Yes, I am on the waiting list to have my other eye done. At least 4 months to wait but depends on covid then 4 months after before new glasses. Glad you got out to feed the swans with Niamh.
Carol, oh a new kitty. How lovely. Hope your grandson's partner is ok and your grandson doesn't catch it.
My son has spent hours decorating their garden for Halloween and it got battered with strong winds. Think he managed to salvage some of it this afternoon. I've got a witch and cauldrons in the window but not giving out sweets this year. I usually dress as a witch ready for the kids coming round. I'm busy making poppies to replace the Halloween things.
Christine0 -
Evening all
We lockdown it us not before time..he should have done it weeks ago because people will want to go out on mass in December Christmas shopping🙄
Toni thankyou for the French breakfast.. still thinking if the poor people there...x
Yes it certainly feels safe outside and everyone was staying clear of others..
Thankyou for Copying Linda post..shes us lovely trying to help others..xx
Christine hopefully you eye op will go ahead soon..I understand some of what you are going through.. your poor son what a shame his efforts have been wrecked..🙄xx
Joan your lovely little doggies going to meet your neighbour.. you say they know why he was there...😅xx
Carol you enjoy your break ..Cookie will be very happy in its new bed..bless..I hope your grandson.. was it..will be OK xx
Is that everyone..sorry if I have missed you out..
Love to all
Barbara0 -
Charley and her GF have had COVID tests yesterday afternoon at 2pm. Charley's GF has a temp 39.6 no sense of taste/smell. Carley starting afterwards was up to 38.2. Both WITH paracetamol.
Remember I took her into work last weekend.😯
Joan I can't believe you hoped the girls would not catch it again on the very day they got ill. Bless them this is scary. The heating working now? The dogs knew your neighbour fixes the heating 😁🐶
Christine my little great niece my bro's Grandaughter (2 in December) came round dressed as a dinosaur she just stayed on the doorstep and I had some soft sweets ready for her in a bowl to add to her little plastic cauldron. No-one came in - safety first😕 Your poor son! He must have been devastated. Was it Storm Aiden?
Shame for the kids but you are right not to encourage them out in these times.
This is really scary as far as I am concerned I am very very glad we are finally locked down. You'll see above it's too late for me and MUCH too late for those who have lost their lives through it.
I hope COVID does not delay your 2nd eye operation ✌️won't it be great when both are done ?
Too right Barbara should have locked down weeks ago never mind this silly tier this or that business! Ih hadn't thought of Christmas shopping.🙄
Another shooting of a priest in France I see. It does seem to be religiously motivated the attacks though.
I am trying to see If i can go up to see Lucy I have loads of stuff for her - cat litter, loo rolls sanitary towels etc, but it's going to be tricky before Thursday Paul only has Tuesday free I think. I would NOT enter the building just drop everything on the step and wave to her honestly.
Legs has done so well I think don't you Barbara? She was always a lovely kind forum member.
KATH I do hope you are ok I am a bit worried about you Sleek is on her way with supplies she has some of Tosca's potions. Sending love and ((())) and lots of 🌈🌈🌈
Thank you @Shell_H hell for your suggestion we shall have to keep a
'français' nearby!
3 dippy eggs Kath!
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Sorry didn't get round to everyones places had a bit of an accident.
Stay safe everyone. X Mig
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Good morning everyone storm Aidan was very strong and very windy
Christine ((())) you are doing well. Was the op for cataracts I was told I needed that op but I can see alright
Yes thank you are boiler has to be topped up every few days. Sorry about your son's hard work wasted((()))
She'll H ((())) thank you.
Barbara ((())) yes we needed the lockdown earlier. You take care love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and your brother (((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni (((())) I'm sorry I would not wish that on Charley ((())) or her girlfriend ((())) take care all of you I hope you can see Lucy ((())) love to Paul (((()))) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) Pom ((()))
Love to Kath (((()) and Chris (((()))Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and your Dad ((())) take care
love to Bill((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((()))Carol ((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem (another of mine, so you've possibly seen it before).
A friend stands by me when I'm right
And also when I'm wrong.
A friend supports me when I'm weak
But needs me when I'm strong.
A friend is worth their weight in Gold
And now I know it's true,
There's no-one in the whole wide world
As good a friend as you, and you, and you and you and you.
So we are to go into lockdown again!
mig, how many trees did you fly into?
I was so busy trying to create a poll for the Creakies yesterday (which failed, I ran out of time - SORRY. Will members please help me out by popping in and posting which of the drugs I've listed you have either taken in the past, or are still taking now.
Love to everyone. ❤️
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all
Yes Joan storm Aidan or Aiden has they spell it..I am sure he is saying I am here watching..glad your boiler is now topped up.hope you are all snug xx
Toni that is awful, poor Charley and GF was it you say they were in work..there is not much chance of stopping it really ..its rife here were we live..I will be thinking about them😻 hopefully it will be mild..xxits a proper worry like you say,I do hope you will get to see Lucy..xx
Oh thankyou for the mega breakfast..breakfast dinner and tea it did xx
Mig poor you..I did wonder why we hadn't got the cauldron I know why xx
Kath another good poem..yes good true friend can be few sometimes.. but we all have one another xx
had our dinner today hubby picked it up.
Gosh I am spoiled..😄
Love to everyone
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