Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Morning everyone

    I broke a nail opening the door for Sleek to go out🙄 there was ice! The snow is very deep here and super chilly although there so hope of sunshine so a thaw today fingers crossed.

    P was so determined to go out yesterday that she went too, but just 50 yards into a field where her doggie could run around happily.

    Joan I am very pleased my neighbours are booked for their vaccine and hope yours won't be too long. P hasn't been called yet though it's the same surgery. Thinking it's maybe alphabetical as my neighbours surname starts with a 'B'. Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Kath Sleek's ears pricked up to the sound of the blackbird! That site is fabulous for information isn't it? Put a smile on my face with 4 inches of snow out there.

    Fancy a snowball fight?

    Great news Anita has had her first vaccine and your Dad is finally booked for his.

    2 weeks is a long time to wait for the roof so long as it stays remotely dry until then🤞

    Glad you enjoyed yesterday's breakfast it's so chilly today i might go ready brek. Those were the days eh?

    Barbara are you sure that's the last of your snow? We shall see....ours only stopped when the temp got too low so there may be more this morning, but I hope not. Then sunshine so a thaw please so P can get out safely.

    All gardens do look lovely in snow. The Church looks amazing. I am so lucky seeing it every day. I bet Niamh has had a great time at least!

    My Sis in law had to come home on the Amazon bus last night she was too scared to drive in it. Mind I won't drive in it for love nor money. I wail if I have to all the way. As bad as Sleek in the car...she howls the whole time.

    I bet the birds love your blueberries. Sleek doesn't trouble birds so much now (preferring small rodents) so maybe soon I can feed them again. The water bath had had to be defrosted ever day for ages.

    If others are hearing about their jab you will soon. I am thinking it's by GP practice, age group, then alphabetical.

    Carol has hers booked. Hope everything else is ok.

    I heard Devon and Cornwall had some - did that include Mike I wonder?

    Ready brek today

    and a cup of builder's

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Update form Lindalegs 3 months post op : She's doing well!

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    I heard Devon and Cornwall had some - did that include Mike I wonder?

    None down in the far West although we did have 5 minutes of hail yesterday afternoon!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) we have not had our injection's yet the Doctors said they would let us know when. that's good your Dad ((())) will soon have his. Love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((()))

    Love to Barbara ((())) Mr B ((())) your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((())) Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie (((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P ((()))

    Love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Carol ((())) Mig ((())) Mike ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Hello everyone, loads of snow here but the sun is melting it all and it;s falling like billy-o. I'm still anxious about Anita driving dad for his jab. It's quite a way from hers to his and then quite a drive to the old Central TV studios where the vaccination hub is. All the buses have stopped running round here, so I feel sorry for anyone stuck at their workplace and can't get home. I'm so pleased we're housebound at the moment asI've always been so afraid of going out in snow and ice.

    OOH Joan, that's a lovely long list of love and hugs messages. I hope you don't have to wail too long for your jabs. It annoys me when people say they are safe now they've had it. NO, you have to have the second one and even then there's no certainty.

    Toni, I knew the Blackbird song would go down well. I've ordered some new clothed from George online. They arrive on Wednesday.

    Barbara, yes the Blackbirds will be so grateful for their blueberries. They need all the calories they can get to keep warm. Soon the females will be looking for food that helps them develop shells for egg laying.

    Wild flowers

    The above link from the RSPB will show you how to make a wildlife friendly garden.

    Another bird song - Robin.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all

    Toni readybreak is just perfect for this weather.. we did get lots more snow over night..but its melting away now

    Don't blame you for not driving in it..we have had quite a few accidents nearby..

    Hopefully we will hear soon about our jab..just want it done with ..and then the second one..Amazon bus not heard of that one it related to amazon ...thankyou for Linda's update will go back abd read it xx

    Joan thankyou again for all the hugs.. bless you ...hope you are all doing ok xx

    Kath trust the snow to arrive when dad was suppose to have his jab...hope he gets another appointment soon..

    The Robin singing is lovely thankyou..and how interesting the the female blackbird is making shell for spring...😁..xx

    Better give these eyes a rest

    Love to everyone


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Morning everyone snow still lying here, but rumour has it we will have rain today so fingers crossed!

    Barbara the Amazon bus is because she is a supervisor at Amazon sorry Just because I know my sis in law works for Amazon doesn't mean you do😁Basically she left her car at work.

    The sooner you hear about your jab the better - well I suppose all of us but with your kidneys....

    Linda has done so well with her shoulder her story will really help others won't it?

    I still haven't ventured far and definitely not in the car i hope the rain washes it away today fingers 🤞 crossed.

    Have you heard from Niamh this week?

    Kath thank you for the wildlife garden information and the lovely robin...Sleek missed me playing that one. Dare i brave putting food out? Will she go after them if they start collecting in number? Bit of a worry and risk🤔

    I saw on facebook that Aniat couldn't get through the snow and ice to take Dad for his vaccine and neither could she get through to let anyone know! I bet he wasn't the only one who couldn't get there. I'm sure he will get another chance ((()))

    My sis in law has a work bus only had to walk about 15 mins from the drop off point. My nephew walked into work, Paul's apprentice left early and made it in. He's only 19! Paul was ringing them both to say don't worry!

    I may have to buy clothes online soon. My vests are getting holey😳 no one will claim me if i get run over !

    Mike hail?! HAIL!!! Blimey bet that was noisy made me shiver to think of it. Any news about Elliott?

    Hi Joan I'm sure it won't be too long before you hear from the Drs for your vaccine. The sooner the better for us all. Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Iv'e done us all a cuppa

    here's some breakfast to go with....

    and a fried egg for Kath!

    Hi to everyone who pops in

  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154

    Hi gang,Hope all are as well as can be everyone in the Mig household are well hubby had his jab at the weekend as he's 77 me at 73 is too young😂 .Been busy crocheting baby blankets lots of babies on the way lockdown baby boom ! and making squares for blankets our hospital hospices put out an appeal for blankets so its keeping me busy.Stay safe and well all lots of love Mig.

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 26. Jan 2021, 12:56

    Morning everyone. 😎 sunglasses as it's very bright at the moment - but we're supposed to get more sleet and rain later.

    Toni, did you see the news about Emily and Alex? They are self isolating as Alex tested positive for Covid. They are both working from home and the boys are too. I don't know whether they've split the house in two - one half for the girls and one for the boys. As Alex had the jab a week ago, I hope she doesn't get a bad dose. Emily and the boys haven't had one yet. Thank you for breakfast, yummy.

    mig, I'm not 70 until next month but I had my jab last Thursday. I thought the drugs you have for RA would have entitled you for one no matter your age!

    Barbara, all birds are starting to think about laying eggs soon and eat accordingly.

    Thought you would all like a virtual trip to somewhere warmer. The Seychelles.

    Sooty Terns above and below. I don't know what the beautiful orange bird is though.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154

    Hi Kath,Im not on any drugs for arthritis at the moment as chemo drugs seem to be still working but I think I will be back on something soon as Im getting very achy but Dr P has me on ibrupophen as and when I need them, my haematologist says I can go on rituxamab when it becomes necessary (it was in my chemo cocktail) he would be very reluctant for anything else.Off to have a routine scan tomorrow.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good afternoon everyone

    Kath ((())) i've been trying all morning to post on my tablet but i could not get the keyboard to come. sorry your Dad could not get there for is injection ((())) love to Chris ((())) Val (()) and Anita (())) sorry you have more snow thank you for the photo's.

    Barbara ((())) our snow is beginning to go i'm sorry you have more. love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh (()) and your brother (())) and his girlfriend (()))

    Toni ((())) sorry you have more snow love to Paul ((())) and Charley (()) and Annie (())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari (())) and P (())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Mig (()) you have done so well

    love to Bill ((())) Chris (()))) Carol (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Snow nearly gone 😁

    Toni cheese on toast and a builders.. perfect thankyou

    Oh i am with you thought Amazon were running busses.. going to say they could come up our rd....😅

    Paul has a good apprentice there, setting off early because of the snow..

    Linda really has done well and the way she described everything is brilliant..spoke to Niamh Friday.. and gd dropped some bits on there step today.. xx

    Mig how lovely to hear from you..and how kind to make the blankets for the hospice and all new babies..perfect for lockdown..hope your scan goes OK xx

    Joan what a shame you struggled to get the keyboard working on your tablet..but you got there in the to all of you..xx

    Kath I love the photos how nice in this awful weather to get transported..and see all the beautiful birds and sea life 😁

    I hope all will be well for Emily abd Alex and the boys..its so worrying..xx

    My eye appointment tomorrow the glaucoma clinic ...early has well 8.50...

    Love to everyone


  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Mike hail?! HAIL!!! Blimey bet that was noisy made me shiver to think of it. Any news about Elliott?

    Elliott went back up to Bristol on Sunday for yet another round of chemo!

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    I heard from BILL last night. He has a date for moving into his new home which will be a lovely new start for him. It's been tough though packing and packing up Aidan's bits all their memories must have been heart breaking.

    Oh poor Elliott Mike, but it is another step on the road to making him well long term so has to be got through. (((()))) for everyone.

    Hi Mig lovely to see you. Busy busy hope we see pics of some of these babies you know how we love to see them. I wonder whether the chemo has somehow put your RA into remission? If it has that would be one plus after what you've been through. You'll get called soon enough for your COVID jab, here the over 70s are being called now from one of the surgeries, but not the other.

    Barbara the cloak is ready (I suspect one or two of us will be in our jammies still) to join you for your eye test best of luck I hope all goes well.

    Legs does write well doesn't she? Very detailed information, but still very 'human' if you know what i mean.

    I was impressed with the apprentice too. A lot would take it as an excuse to have the day off the snow was so bad. He's on early every day so a good one.

    Amazon buses for us lot would be great I bet. I hope sis in law can get in ok now because finally the snow is thawing 🙂

    Kath you must be so 😯 worried. I hope Alex will do ok so many many do do just fine. I am praying that she is one ((())) for you. Keep us up to date won't you please😕🙏

    Now any news on Dad's vaccine?

    The Seychelles! WOW!!! Thank you! Look at the animals Aidan would have been in heaven! I had a lovely swim and the fish came right up to me! It was wonderful 🤗 The turtle joined me too.

    Love the bird pics and have no idea what the orange bird is either🤔 Still he is rather beautiful.

    Joan that is so frustrating I hope your IPAD doesn't play up again today 😡Good news is it started to rain yesterday late so the snow should go today I really hope some has gone already like yours. Love to you and Sue and the doggies ((())) xxx

    Sausage and egg burrito 🌯

    and a mug of builder's

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) is your arm feeling better today love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara (((())) I will be thinking about you having your eye test.((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son (((())) and Niamh (((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Mike ((())) all the best to Elliott ((()))

    Toni ((())) did you say Bill was moving abroad I wish him all the best (((()). Love to Paul ((())) Charley ((()) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbour's ((()))

    love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Carol ((())) Mig ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Appointments went OK glaucoma mo worse ..the macular is but that's to be expected

    Mike I will be thinking if Elliott and wishing him well xx

    Joan thankyou all done now for 6 months..I hope your tablet is behaving love to all if you xx

    Toni thankyou for cloak duties.. lovely seeing you all in your jim a sleep over ..😅thankyou for the egg and bacon burrito never had one but will try anything once ...

    I had the same message off Bill you say it must he so hard..but I really hope he will be happy in his new home.. he really deserves it..hope your back is holding up xx

    Hi to Kath xx

    Love to everyone


  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Evening all

    All is ok here Mr t and myself are ok and the rest of the family are ok to as far as I am aware. I know both eldest GD ad GS and both families are okay I have spoken to both today on messenger regarding Lillie and Faye upcoming birthdays and transferring money for them to get the little ones their birthday presents. Faye’s birthday is in 4 days time and Lillie’s is 5 days later. Faye will be 5 and Lillie will be 9. I just can’t believe Lillie will 9 time has gone so quickly

    well not long now before Mr T and me have our covid vaccination on Saturday. Youngest daughter has had to fill in a form at work to give consent for a covid jab she is a teaching assistant in a special needs school. So it looks like teachers maybe getting their vaccination in the not too distant future as well.

    Cookie has a new trick lately if she is sitting on the back of my chair and wants treats and or attention she nudges me with her head or taps her paws on mr head or my shoulder talk about a diva she is. And she certainly lets you know when it is food time. The meowing goes on and on and she will follow whoever picks up her dish. It doesn’t seem possible that she has been with us for 3 months in a weeks time.

    I had a call from the audiologist yesterday to do a check up and find out how I was getting on with the hearing Aids after a chat it was decided I may need the ones they need to do a mould of your ear for. I also said music sounded very tinny and she said they may be able to get one of the other audiologist to check weather he can adjust them. Apparently he is good on the music side as he deals with lots of musicians. This all will of course happen when things are a little lest restrictive.

    Mike I will be thinking of Elliot and hope his chemo goes well.

    Toni it must be hard for poor Bill to have to pack up all his and Aidens bits to move I wish him all the best For this. I am sitting here typing and being tapped on the head by the pusskin diva 😂😂

    I am really finding this lockdown harder than the first one I start the morning with very good intentions but I end up doing something else and before I know it it’s bedtime. 🙄🙄 and One of the reasons for my absence on here. I need to give myself a kick up the rear end.

    some pictures for you Ashley having a cuddle with mum.

    The mischievous Kian

    and the gorgeous Faye

    The next three are of Lillie Graycie and Rubie I love they wanted to be like mummy and wear a mask bless them

    Well it’s about time for me to do a little potter as Aidan would say

    so I will leave you with love a Sparkles for all


    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Morning everyone! the snow has finally all gone! I am so pleased about that it rained last night and that's it for a good while I hope.

    Kath I very much hope all is well if i don't see you today i will venture onto facebook to see if I can find you. I hope you aren't still asleep after yesterday's cloak duties for Barbara? Sleek enjoyed being on your lap very much she always does.

    Any news on Dad's vaccine?

    Joan Bill is moving quite close by to a cheaper and smaller place this time. BUT he did say he won't rule out moving back to France in the future. He and Aidan moved back when their parents started to need them, but now they've all died. Hope you and Sue are ok? ((())) xxx

    Barbara It must have been tough for Bill he will be sad looking round that last time, but must look forward mustn't he? It's what Aidan would have wanted he was a positive person our Matron.

    It was very interesting in the eye clinic we were all nice and warm in our jim jams. Kath was asleep quite a bit of the consultation though bless her very gently snoring with Sleek on her lap. Good the glaucoma is at least stable. Sorry about the MD 😕

    Glad you enjoyed the sausage and egg breakfast burrito. Nice for a change I thought.

    How is your bro doing now? and the lovely Niamh and the girls (eldest GD and her Fiancée) any news on their vaccines?

    Hello Carol lovely to see you. 🙂

    The photos are gorgeous your family are so good keeping you up to date with how they are all doing. I really cannot believe Lillie will be 9 - I remember us all waiting for her to arrive on the forum!

    The girls all copying Mum with masks on. They look really sweet and in case anyone is concerned I know they will be 100% supervised because they always are so well looked after.

    Ashley loves Mummy! Kian does look cheeky and Faye is of course gorgeous! You are so lucky having them all in your lives. One day soon I hope you will be allowed to safely visit.

    As for Miss Cookie I think she is really showing her character now! She politely lets you know what she wants doesn't she! I have taught Sleek to tap the ground for a treat too so maybe someone else taught her that. Or she cleverly thought it up herself. I can see it feels like she has been in the family much longer that 3 months!

    Mushroom and egg frittata with asparagus!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Carol ((())) that's good your both having your injection this weekend we have our letter just got to wait for the. date. Love to Mr T ((())) and cookie ((())) thank you for your lovely photo's.

    Barbara ((())) that's good your eye is no worse ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((())) yes I remember you saying. Bill was moving to a smaller place it must be hard for him ((())) love to Paul (((()))) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) Tia (((())) Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours (((()))

    Kath ((())) thinking of you and Chris ((())) Anita ((())) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Mig (((())) Mike (((())))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 28. Jan 2021, 13:03

    Carol, what adorable pictures of Ashley and the girls. Such a delight to see them. 💖

    Toni, yesterday I had some new clothes delivered so I didn't put my laptop on. You can rest assured as Anita rebooked dad's appointment for Sunday lunch time. She had to give him a good telling off as he went outside in the ice and snow to put his wheelie bin away after it had been emptied. His neighbour would have done it for him. 🙄😒

    I had an email from Emily, here it is.

    “We are fine Alex feels like she has a cold and we don’t know about spread yet but I started coughing today. We are both just working from home and staying away from the boys as much as possible. Xxxxxx”

    Thank you for the Frittata and mug of builders. yum.

    Joan, I'm sorry you couldn't get your keyboard to appear. very frustrating.

    mig, I'm glad the effects of your chemo is still helping your RA. I was meant to see her on December 19th but I was worried about using patient transport so I canceled.

    So today we are off to Perth, Australia.

    and here is a Kookaburra

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    EVERYONE Posting for Barbara in case she can't get in today she is shattered because she just spent hours at A&E.

    It seems she has a blood clot. They have given her blood thinners and she has to go back tomorrow for a scan.

    🌈🌈🌈 Get well soon Barbara

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 29. Jan 2021, 06:41

    Morning Everyone🙂

    I hope everyone is well and Barbara slept ok. CLOAK DUTIES for her scan on that clot today.

    Oooh Kath! I've always wanted to go to Perth 🙂 well all of Australia really since the days I watched Neighbours and Home and Away! That was so lovely listening to the Kookaburra's 'song'

    'Kookaburra sits in the Old gum tree-ee

    Merry merry king of the bush is he-e

    Laugh Kookaburra, laugh Kookaburra

    Gay your life must be!'

    Kath I am glad to hear that Alex and Emily are so far doing ok. Can the boys fend for themselves?

    My EX SIL has it (she had the vaccine 3 weeks ago as she works in the hospice) she is asymptomatic. Picked up on a routine test so should be ok shouldn't k be ill at all. Worried though about ex MIL who lives with her as she is in her 70s😕

    Joan I think it has been hard on Bill, but once the move is done it should be better - more affordable and easier to look after. How are you both doing? How is your pain at the moment you don't say much? ((())) xxx

    If you pop by Mike I am wondering how Elliott is and hoping he will be home for the weekend with good blood results.

    We haven't had crumpets for a while so let's have them today i melted cheese on them! Lo sodium for Barbara.

    Cup of coffee

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) I'm sorry Emily has a cold ((())) love to Alex ((())) Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and your Dad ((()) yes he was lucky not to slip ((())) and Chris ((()))

    Toni ((())) thank you for saying about Barbara ((())) we will be thinking about her to day ((()))

    Toni ((())) thank you for asking about me I just have the ache that's all. We are booked for a nurse to come and give our injection at home. love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) Annie ((())) and the carers (((()))) Lucy ((()))) Tia ((()))

    Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    love to Bill ((())) Carol ((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((())) Mike ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    If you pop by Mike I am wondering how Elliott is and hoping he will be home for the weekend with good blood results.

    So far as I know he is still in Bristol.

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 29. Jan 2021, 10:17

    Poor Barbara, Thrombosis is a nasty thing as I know, 'cos Chris has had it for years. Let's hope the blood thinners help. Chris had blood clots from his right foot, all up his right leg and on up to his arm pit. very painful.

    Toni, Chester is 21 and Campbell 19. They can look after themselves, but with a mum like Emily and big sister Alex (well she's almost a big sister) spoiling them rotten. I expect meals will be left outside their rooms and they are probably banned from the rest of the house. There are three bathrooms so that's not a problem. All four are working from home anyway,, although Chester can pop to the shop for a few bits and probably do a bit of foraging in the fields behind their house. The sisters from their congregation will probably also leave stuff in the porch if necessary.

    Joan, I am so pleased to hear the nurse will give you your jabs at home. Love to you both.

    All being well dad should have his on Sunday - that's if the weather doesn't turn again. 🙄😒

    Todays visit is to Sark. Channel Islands.

    Sark (French: Sercq, French pronunciation: ​[sɛʁ]SercquiaisSèr or Cerq) is a part of the Channel Islands in the southwestern English Channel, off the coast of NormandyFrance. It is a royal fief, which forms part of the Bailiwick of Guernsey, with its own set of laws based on Norman law and its own parliament. It has a population of about 500. Sark (including the nearby island of Brecqhou) has an area of 2.10 square miles (5.44 km2).

    Sark is one of the few remaining places in the world where cars are banned from roads and only tractors and horse-drawn vehicles are allowed.[citation needed] In 2011, Sark was designated as a Dark Sky Community and the first Dark Sky Island in the world.

     The Coupee

    Storks clap their beaks making loud clattering sound, especially during mating.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein