Val's Cafe
Evening all
Toni the cats and one dog were in our from new neighbours ..and cats were Jakes half brother and sister ..wish he was still here..
Nice to get a walk in..before it least your neighbour is having test done..hopefully not long for his new hips xx
Joan you are welcome... we do worry about you and Sue..hopefully it will be mended soon to all of you xx
Mike I'm glad you and vixen are ok..I need to move to Cornwall were its warn ..xx
Kath ..New Zealand looks so lovely...I like the programme were they spend a week to see if they want to live there..xx
Sorry this us short but my eyes are squiffy
Love to all
Barbara1 -
WELCOME to any new visitors and love to friends who haven't been by for a while.
Mike Vixen is a wiley one sitting in the best seat by the radiator.😸 Now I saw the weather said snow for Devon and Cornwall! Waiting to hear what happens today!
Joan did they contact you about your rads yesterday? Just how long has this been going on? Aidan will be fuming up there. I think it might be time to get back on the radio😡 Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx
Barbara they came in! Did seeing Jake's siblings make you feel sad 😕 ((()))
It was the coldest walk I have ever done I did not enjoy it at all, but kept going as long as i could manage. I am not sure I can risk today it being so icy on top of the snow we had yesterday. Not too much like before but still snow. While I was out it started and it was actually horizontal!
I hope my neighbour won't have to wait too long, but worried about her😯 when he is in having it done. He will go for the spinal i'm sure but even then it will be a few days won't it? Might be one of the sons could come and stay though I am not sure. COVID as well as time of work. None live nearby.
Hope your eyes are slightly less squiffy today.
I have a flutter too Kath! Kari does as well. We are a bit lazy and don't always use it every day😳it helps you to huff. You know what l mean. I really hope it helps. It should. Do you still use the salt pipe? I am right it was you not Aidan with one?
I love the parrot Kakapo (sp)- he reminds me of Kenny my Pheasant who loves in the hedge here. I wonder why they can't fly.
You can try the herrings Sleek brought for lunch and the kedgeree for dinner/tea? Today she has tinned pilchards packed to bring over - sorry.
I think she was in awe of the seals she keeps talking about them and googling them on her catpad. Making notes as she goes. She reckons she and Pepe would have gone to Skeggie to see them released so she might take Mrs Darcey with her instead.
Posh baked beans on toast! obviously simple baked beans are available are just fried eggs!
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Mike Vixen is a wiley one sitting in the best seat by the radiator.😸 Now I saw the weather said snow for Devon and Cornwall! Waiting to hear what happens today!
There is a bit of snow up on the moors I hear but not even a frost down here, mind you it is overcast this morning if that counts!
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Good morning everyone
The radiator's are going to be fixed on the 25 Feb we had a phone call yesterday.
. Mike how is Elliott doing ((())) does vixen go for rides a round your flat with you.((()))
Kath ((())) love to you and Chris ((())) Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) I hope all is well there ((())) love to Mr B ((())) your son ((())) Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni ((())) I hope you haven't got more snow love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers (((())) and Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours (((()))
Love to Chris ((())) Carol (((())) and Mig (((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Joan, 25th February - I'm aghast! You want those radiators NOW! mutter mutter moan!!!!
Toni, I do still have the salt pipe, but it makes my mouth very ry so I'm not very keen on it. I remember Aidan having a chuckle when I told him about it. The flutter exhausts me, but Chris can notice the difference with my croaky voice sounding better. My new nebuliser is portable and so quiet, I even used it while Chris was having a nap and it idn't disturb. It means I can use it at any time and anywhere. The saline solution also helps keep my sinus's clear too. I don't fancy a netti pot.
Barbara, I'm so pleased you enjoyed New Zealand. I sometimes watch "Wanted Down Under" too.
I thought I'd lost my laptop last night, but it seems OK. So I've made a text file with all my passwords and saved it to 3 USB pen drives and two cloud drives.
How do you fancy Venice today? Although the city is facing some challenges (including an excessive number of tourists and problems caused by pollution, tide peaks and cruise ships sailing too close to buildings), Venice remains a very popular tourist destination, a major cultural centre, and has been ranked many times the most beautiful city in the world. It has been described by the Times Online as one of Europe's most romantic cities and by The New York Times as "undoubtedly the most beautiful city built by man.
By collection by DanieleDF1995 (talk), CC BY-SA 3.0,
Surprisingly Mute Swans do make a noise, here it is.
and the Rock Dove is common everywhere.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Mike how is Elliott doing ((())) does vixen go for rides a round your flat with you.((()))
Vixen will not travel around on the wheelchair with me, in fact I can only use it when she lets me as she gets grumpy if she is already on the seat!
Regrettably Elliott is back in hospital in Truro, his test results were OK in the main and his latest MRI scan is positive but he has some fluid on the brain which is causing concern. The Neurosurgeons in Truro and Bristol are having a zoom meeting today to discuss matters so fingers crossed,
p.s. You will be pleased to know that we had a brief flurry of snow this morning which lasted about half an hour, off and on, but nothing has stuck anywhere.
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Fingers firmly crossed @Mike1
for your lovely nephew Elliott ((())) for you all you will be so worried.
Snow flurries? HAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! finally🤣
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Afternoon all
Plenty of ice here but just a few snowflakes.. very slippy so can't change going out..
Mike I am think of Elliott bless hope the zoom meeting brings up some answers.. I see Vixen is in charge..🙂xx
Joan they had better come and do the heating when they say..our son is fuming for you ..he works with gas like his dad did take care and thankyou for all the hugs (((())) xx
Kath we were supposed to be visiting Venice them my hip started to give looks so beautiful and unique really ..the Swans that we take Niamg to feed are very noisy just wish I knew one from another xx
Toni thankyou for the posh breakfast....I have to cut back on eggs now well the yolks 😒the flutter gadget must have been what my late brother had..I couldn't for the life of me think of it..
A spinal us a must for the hips you are sedated has well but come round straight away and feel good ..I hope he can get help fir his wife because the carrying is hard with crutches ..
You be careful out there small steps and flat footed 🙂xx
Love to everyone
Barbara1 -
Hello All, Hope everyone are keeping warm ,we are having light snow flurries and its bitter cold.
I have just spoken to my haematologist my scan and blogs show no sign of any active disease,he asked if I had had my vaccine and when my next one is due and said fingers crossed he will see me after the next one.
Take care everyone love to all. Mig.
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Joan believe it or not we do have more snow. Tia is bringing the dog for a walk later hope she can get here safely 🤞 I hope the rads are fixed on 25th but gosh you've had yet another freezing winter without! Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx
Morning Kath I find the flutter exhausting as does Kari which is why i think we can be lazy, but you have got me back on it. If Chris can hear the difference you must keep at it 🙂
A so the salt pipe is dehydrating...I can believe that but was keen to try it. The new neb sounds amazing was it supplied or did you have to buy it? Are you using saline in it? Sorry i am nosey😳
The mute swan sounds like paul snoring only quieter!!!
We loved Venice. Sleek wasn't too sure about our Gondola ride, but settled down after a bit bless her.
Good idea saving everything in case your laptop goes permanently!
Babara did you get any snow overnight? We've had a real pile here 😕again. Enough for this year i think now! Tia is coming over later with the dog for a walk. I am a bit worried.
We were booked for Venice (Orient express trip) last April too. At least we have been now on Kath's trip!
I will make you a white egg omelette it tastes exactly the same but much safer for your kidneys and can also do scrambled eggs the same. Once it's cooked you can't tell.
My neighbour does have carers, but might need maybe to add extra time for meal prep I think to be on the safe side. A spinal is totally the way forward I have to agree.
Mig I couldn't be happier for you with your results. I think you have done it👍️I bet he's pleased you have had your vaccine. Take care ((()))
Now we have thick snow so I feel like something warming....🤔
central heating for kids!! and us!
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Now, there's a thought, I haven't had Ready Brek for years! Must put it on my next on-line shopping order ........ if they have any! Elliott was transferred to Bristol yesterday afternoon for the fluid to be drained.
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Good morning everyone
Kath (((())) you are kept busy with all that to do has long as it helps is all that matters love to Chris ((())) Anita ((()))Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((()))) how is your leg ((())) love to Mr B (((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni ((()))) you and Tia go steady in the snow (((())) I've to Paul ((())) and Charley (((()))) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Tia (((()))Lucy ((())) Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Mike ((())) and the best to Elliott (((())) he's been through such a lot (((())) pepper Sue's dog sits on her lap when she's in her wheel chair and goes with her for a ride
Mig (((())) you have done so well ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Toni, you and Kari are not lazy. The flutter is exhausting. But as you say, if it helps we must use it. I am using saline (on prescription) and the nebuliser cost £41.99.My other one cost over £100. The new one can be recharged by USB.
isn't it marvelous.
I'm very pleased that Sleek behaved in the Gondola.
Barbara, The UK is home to three types of swan: mute, Bewick’s and whooper. The latter two journey thousands of miles each year between their summer breeding grounds near the Arctic and the relative warmth of the UK winter. Mute swans stay here all year round. As you can see, they all have different beaks.
Mike, I hope Elliott's doctors can drain his brain safely.
Joan, yes, I have to do a lot of huffing and puffing to keep my lungs clear. I'm sure Toni an Kari have to as well.
mig, well done you, I'm so pleased for you.
Today we're off to the Florida Everglades. Toni, please keep Sleek safe from the Alligators.
The Everglades is a natural region of tropical wetlands in the southern portion of the U.S. state of Florida, comprising the southern half of a large drainage basin within the Neotropical realm. The ecosystem it forms is not presently found anywhere else on earth. The system begins near Orlando with the Kissimmee River, which discharges into the vast but shallow Lake Okeechobee. Water leaving the lake in the wet season forms a slow-moving river 60 miles (97 km) wide and over 100 miles (160 km) long, flowing southward across a limestone shelf to Florida Bay at the southern end of the state. The Everglades experience a wide range of weather patterns, from frequent flooding in the wet season to drought in the dry season. Throughout the 20th century, the Everglades suffered significant loss of habitat and environmental degradation.
Our lovely Manatees live here, along with Alligators
and many birds including the snail kite. Have fun. XXX
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Afternion all
Mig I am so pleased for must be scary going for the for your vaccine.. xx
Toni readybrek I my late mum gave it us and I gave it to ours...😁 no snow here and no ice bitterly cold though..
I hope Tia can get to take the dog for a walk ..something I used to love doing ..I need an old dog that can pick up after itself 🙂
My OH snores has well so we are not in single beds but separate rooms 😅when we go on holiday I take ear plugs..xx
Joan thankyou leg is still sore just waiting for another call from our gp..see if she has a letter.. hope you are managing to keep you get out on your scoiters with the little doggies xx
Kath now I know what to look for in the swans..thankyou..there are 100s on the waters nearby ..
Florida we have been once and what a nightmare driving that was before satnavs...we saw the lovely manatees but no alligators..thankyou for all the info xx
Mike I hope Elliott will be OK he is a little fighter xx
Love to everyone
Barbara1 -
Afternoon all
Blooming heck just realised I have not posted for 6 days. The only excuse I have is that I have started updating my family tree on ancestry and been so absorbed with it that the days just zip past. We are fine I signed up to the Let’s move with Leon exercise videos on the forum here. I received my 1st session last week. I should receive my second tomorrow. So will see how they go. The first lot seem ok.
Toni our church is closed still at present most of our congregation have no idea about computers or zoom thy are mostly the elderly type who don’t do computers. Also congregation very small. But one thug on the horizon is that our church leaders have been seeking a new pastor . Whilst being in lockdown by Skype meetings I believe and we are waiting for one of our leaders to find a way of getting a copy or video of a sermon by him and then if we all agree he will be asked to take up the post.
our youngest daughter is is still going to work as it’s a special needs school so they are not closed. At moment she has covid test kits at home which she has to do every Sunday and Wednesday and she gets the results within a short time before she leaves for work. So far all her tests have been negative.
Cookie says thank you for my chin scratch Aunty Toni.🐱🐱
Hi Joan glad to here your radiator will be fixed soon and that you and Sue will get your covid jabs soon. Hope the jabs go well.
Barbara Yes unfortunately small peeples kind of have a habit of spouting up very rapidly. The conversation with my great granddaughter not my daughter was nice because we don’t often get a chance to have long chat just the two of us.
We have not had a lot of snow mainly snow flurries and today no snow ⛄️ and quite bright but jolly cold. Our family in Kent have had more than us I have some pictures of the little peeples enjoying the snow. will post them tomorrow. As I have a some lovely ones of Lillie’s Birthday
wish l could do what Lillie’s doing in the picture above not that I have ever been able to do but this child will do the splits anywhere .
Well that’s about all from me for now
Love and Sparkles to you all
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Mike I hope Elliott will be OK he is a little fighter xx
Thanks for your continued good wishes. Elliott had the fluid drained from his brain yesterday and the good news is that no additional cancers have been detected, although the Consultants don't know why fluid built up as he has a stent and valve fitted to prevent it from happening. They now say that they may remove these two items once his chemo has finished. The bad news is that they gave him an eye test and have determined that he is blind in one eye. He is a fighter though and very mature for a nine year old.
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Florida was too hot when I went Barbara and that's where my back 'went' for the last time I ended up in hospital over there scary and cost a LOT of money too😣Had to claim it back from the insurance. Luckily I managed to get here for the surgery.
Tia's dog never poos when he is on the lead! He poos in the back garden or if he can run free. So he'd be ideal for you except he is big and MAD and jumps all over the place. He is work in progress!!!!
Mr B is a snorer too🙄bless....not!!!
I went out with P and her doggie but she didn't last long I hope because she had had her vaccine the day before ((()))
Joan i think it's adorable that Sue's dog sits on Sue's lap for a ride😍 Tia and i were extremely careful took the dog up part of 'The Staffordshire Way' next door but one from me and he could run off the lead and we could stay still!
Hi Mike I am pleased they are able to drain that fluid I wonder if they will leave the stent in. Do oder some ready brek it's perfect for this weather.
Kath wahay perfect time of year for the Everglades! What a day we had.
I loved seeing the manatees again and Sleek behaved in her life jacket rather well i thought!
She wasn't over impressed with her life vest was she? 😂 Luckily the alligators didn't pop up to see us I was worried they might grab her life vest and all!
Loads of birds to see and then off to collect Barbara from Disneyland 🙄
I really like your new nebulizer it's smart looking! Yes huffing away you, me and Kari 🙄
Have you seen Holly lately? I know we've all been out most days here and there, but I hope she's popped by?
It's -4 here and somehow we have had snow too😯 so I still need a warm breakfast of some sort
mini cooked breakfast in baps! and steaming hot tea
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I feel like I missed some photos from Carol ??? I can't find them🤔
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) all the things keep you busy you don't have time to do what you want to ((())) love to Chris ((())) Anita and Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) I hope you soon hear about your leg ((())) love to Mr B ((())) your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) how is he doing ((())) and his girl friend (((()))
Carol ((())) Lillie enjoyed her self on her birthday good lovely photo's
Toni ((())) have you still got snow love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) and P ((()))
Love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((()))
our jab is on the 17 Feb
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Toni yes I did post yesterday some photos of Lillie’s Birthday are these the ones you have not seen.❤️❤️🌈🌈
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Carol, lovely photos as usual. Lillie ha such a lot of presents.
Barbara, so you've already been to the Everglades, and Toni too. I'm not sure how Sleek was feeling about it.
Mike, good news for Elliott.
Joan, how are you keeping warm? Do you have heaters?
I've chosen Lake Baikal for our destination today. Lake Baikal is a rift lake located in southern Siberia, Russia, between Irkutsk Oblast to the northwest and the Buryat Republic to the southeast. Lake Baikal is the largest freshwater lake by volume in the world, containing 22 to 23% of the world's fresh surface water. With 23,615.39 km3 (5,670 cu mi) of fresh water, it contains more water than all of the North American Great Lakes combined. With a maximum depth of 1,642 m (5,387 ft), Baikal is the world's deepest lake. It is among the world's clearest lakes and is the world's oldest lake, at 25–30 million years. It is the seventh-largest lake in the world by surface area.
Baikal Seal
Mongolian Gulls
In winter Lake Baikal can support pedestrians and snowmobiles.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all
Carol what lovely photos of Lillie Birthday..they really cheer me up.. bless..I could never do the splits..😲sh
es amazing ..she makes it look so easy..and all those presents 😁xx
Oops sorry my photos went in the wrong place and can't delete them.
Joan thankyou .. my leg is getting there ..we had a nice walk today with Niamh feeding the Geece and swans..hope all is OK at yours xx
Mike I'm so please that things are going well for Elliot ..and hopefully the fluid will subside xx
Toni a nice walk with P but she was tired maybe it is the vaccine.. xx
The mini cooked baps look delicious..what a good idea thankyou
I was exhausted after Disney World..😅I remember you saying your back went when in scary that must have been..what operation did you have when you got home ..I'm so scared of back surgery.. 😒 xx
Kath we took Niamh somewhere similar today.. well not quite 😅but its nice and easy to get to for us ..Lake Baikal looks stunning thankyou xx
Love to everyone
Barbara1 -
Spotted this oyster catcher apparently there is onky one and it lives on cold water mussles xx
Barbara0 -
Right won't bore you anymore..😅
Barbara0 -
Just off to do my click and collect will post when I get back.
All photos are there after my lap top did a forced restart this morning and lost my post into the bargain !!
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