Val's Cafe
Well I on't know what to do now! I found Barbara's post with Niamh, refreshed, then lost Barbara but found Toni saying she was off for her click and collect.Oh well, as it's a Tesco delivery for us, So I'll give our travels a rest today. Just a nice picture of our famous power station.
and a couple of swans
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Kath I'm not the only one losing everything then! That's reassuring😂
Those are gorgeous pics of the power station you know really very impressive. Ours near here is being demolished I may be able to find the video I think it's on Youtube....
Very upsetting it happened maybe 3 weeks ago this part.
I wanted to post this pic of Sleek skating on the lake in Siberia
Saw a siberian seal and Sleek wasn't even bothered as she was too busy ice skating!
I hope your Tesco order is all complete. Ours was; just one substitution.
Carol I found the photos and they are just lovely bless Lillie she had lots of presents and clearly appreciated each and every one of them. That's good. As for her splits! WOW!
I still remember us on here waiting for her birth!
There's a memory for you.
Please give Miss Cookie another chin scratch form Aunty Toni and one on her back near her tail too 😍
It's good your daughter has the tests regularly working as she does through this lockdown even better she's already had her vaccine.
Barbara what a lovely day you clearly had yesterday I hope you managed to walk a bit? Or did you need the chariot too?
Well done the photo of the Oyster Catcher was amazing!
How fabulous to see Niamh there too being safely outside and part of your bubble. I am smiling for you 🙂 She's brave feeding the birds isn't she?
I think maybe it was the vaccine for P well I hope so anyway.
Joan luckily most of the snow has gone here what a relief. Icy though and sunny. How about your weather? Love to you and Sue and the dogs ((())) xxx
Hi to Mike I hope the news with Elliott is still good I am thinking of him and you all very much ((()))
We are having hot crossed buns because breakfast is so late I am HUNGRY!!!
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) it is only my bedroom that has no heating I don't have a heater on at night because lexi dose'nt like the noise of it and I'm warm in bed. How is Chris's leg ((())) love to Anita ((())) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) they are lovely photos how old is Niamh ((())) with the Canada geese. I hope your leg was not more painful after your walk. love to your son ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni ((())) I hope all is well there love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P ((()))
love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Carol ((())) Mig ((())) Mike ((())) and Elliott ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi to Mike I hope the news with Elliott is still good I am thinking of him and you all very much ((()))
Elliott was transferred from Bristol to Truro yesterday, we do not know how long before he returns home. They have decided that his body is rejecting the shunt and ommaya (a plastic device that's implanted under your scalp. It's used to deliver medication to your cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), a clear fluid in your brain and spinal cord. It also allows your doctor to take samples of your CSF without doing a spinal tap.) so he may need another operation to remove them but the consultants are bemused at the moment as this does not happen!
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Evenng all
Toni I do walk now my hips are replaced.. not far because the knees want doing and the back.. 😅 so I use the was cold but so nice to be there and with Niamh
Hope you got all your shopping ..miss sleek is having a good time on the ice..😁 hot cross buns yum and it means its nearly Easter 😁xx
Kath it's fascinating watching the powers station chimneys come down.. I think they should have kept them though..the power stations I mean.. not the smoke from them xx
Joan does Lexi sleep on your bed..or on the floor ..our Susie used to sneak on our bed I loved it.😁xx
Mike I see.. hopefully that is better news than it could have been and they will be able try a new shunt..xx
Had a call from our gp today they think the pain in my leg us polyarticular gout...think that's it..the bloods showed crystals..anyhow it is easing I just have to be careful how I stand or move..
Love to everyone
Barbara1 -
Morning everyone 🙂 no snow and only a bit of ice and the car windscreens so much warmer today only -3.
Mike that's a bit odd if rejection 'doesn't happen' isn't it🤔 Poor Elliott everything has been chucked at him. It's so unfair, but he does have a good medical team who are clearly keeping a very close eye on him. Wonderful not having to keep doing spinal aspirations they are dreadful. I imagine they knock him out for them being so young, but still they are vile. (((()))) thinking of you all.
Joan we are all doing ok, but supposed to go for a COVID test all of us here because someone in Staffordshire was found (asymptomatic) with the South African strain! I am trying to book one for myself and Paul online no way am i queueing up for one l don't go out normally. Seems odd the figures are coming down nicely here, but still if it helps.
Barbara I hope your eyes are ok and that leg and you didn't overdo it with your trip to the lake with Niamh the other day😕((()))
Now Kath might not be on today she did say she'd have Saturdays off if I remember rightly, but if you get on I hope your Tesco shop was all present and correct!
Right now what shall we have for breakfast?
Oh it's Saturday so really it's croissants - Aidan's French breakfast. Must ask Bill if he has kept up the tradition....
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Mike that's a bit odd if rejection 'doesn't happen' isn't it🤔 Poor Elliott everything has been chucked at him. It's so unfair, but he does have a good medical team who are clearly keeping a very close eye on him. Wonderful not having to keep doing spinal aspirations they are dreadful. I imagine they knock him out for them being so young, but still they are vile. (((()))) thinking of you all.
Thanks Toni, the boy came home yesterday and is no doubt snuggled up with his kitten. Hopefully he will regain some physical and mental strength before his next round of chemo in a couple of weeks.
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Awww that is great Mike I am sure kitten and Mum therapy is exactly what he needs 💜
I have booked our community COVID-19 tests for Friday half an hour apart. All the in between ones went while I was doing mine so hopefully it means plenty of us are happy to help keep our community safe. It's a 30 minute lateral flow test whatever that means!
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Lateral flow antigen tests work by taking a sample from the nose or back of the throat and testing that sample for the presence of antigens, the signature proteins of the virus. They show results visually, in the same way as many pregnancy tests.
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Good morning everyone
Barbara ((())) I thought people only had gout in their big toe. Good luck with it you need a new body ((())) Lexi sleeps on my bed I have a double bed just for me so there is plenty of room for her.
Love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni ((())) Good luck with the test and Paul ((())) sue just said the UK has more snow coming to day. Love to Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
love to Bill ((()))Kath ((())) and her family ((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((())) Mike ((())) and Elliott ((())
take care
joan xx1 -
Evening all
Toni we did our test at home..but boy its not easy you haven't to touch any part of your mouth or tongue just the tonsils..I have an awful gag reflex..🤑
Any how I hope all is OK..
Croissants thankyou it reminds me it's Saturday.. xx
Mike I can just imagine Elliott all snuggled up with his kitten..nothing nicer..I do hope he can sleep lots..sleep heals my late mum used to say xx
Joan yes I thought that about gout ..I'm not so sure it is because there is no heat or swelling..anyhow its feeling better thankyou oh how nice for you and Lexi...they do like the warmth and comfort 😀xx
Not done much today apart from my stretches..
Love to everyone
Barbara1 -
Morning everyone 🙂HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY
Thanks Mike that's really interesting to know. I'll tell Paul! I am so pleased i won't be worrying for 3 days at least. they must have released more slots because Tia and her husband got one for Tuesday so are beating us to it. Ours are Friday lunchtime so I shall be sure to report back.
Barbara my gag reflex is pretty bad too. I can heave cleaning my teeth sometimes😯 Keep your tongue down. OK believe we can do the test on ourselves or let the staff do it I think it had better be me.
I agree about sleep being healing too. I used to say that when Lucy was on her treatment, but someone needs to tell her she can stop now😉
Well done doing your stretches. Such good news that the pain is easing now.
We recce'd where the test centre is for Friday and fetched a starbucks coffee and shared a vegan wrap.
Today - it being valentine's day I am cooking curry for dinner and have a vegan key lime pie for dessert😋apart from a short walk I think we will watch 'It's a sin' in one go!
Joan I had a lovely long chat to my neighbour on the phone last night. I did their shopping in with my Ocado one then we have to wait 11 days for the next one. Are you still doing ok for your shopping? Please say hello to Sue and give the doggies a scratch for me under their chins🐶
Hi To Kath who hopefully is recharged after her day off the net yesterday?
and to Carol who I hope is well along with all the family and Cookie ((()))
Well it's Sunday again already! so we can be greedy😋
Of course vegan.veg/Cornish options available!
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Good morning everyone
Barbara (((())) that's good I hope your leg is not so painful ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) how is your brother I hope he's not into much pain ((()))
Toni ((())) Good luck with your tests (((())) yes I gag as well. is it a small village you live in lovely. Love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P ((()))
Love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Carol ((())) Kath ((())) and family ((())) Mig ((())) Mike ((())) and Elliott ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Barbara, it isn't smoke you can see coming from the cooling towers of the power station, it's steam.
Mike, poor Elliott. I do hope things improve for him.
Toni, what a super photo of Sleek skating on Lake Baikal.
Joan, we don't have our heating on overnight ,the boiler is in the landing cupboard next to our bedroom - it sounds awful.
I've just wasted an hour trying to arrange a trip for us, I had Cowes in mind, but couldn't find any interesting willife, so I've had to give up - sorry. Here's a picture of some of our Meerkats watching Sleek through the window.
Is she scared - NAH!
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all
Kath I am glad to hear the smoke is steam..I know someone that used to work at power station and they said get organised for power cut when they are all gone.. I hope not..Cowes would have nice maybe tomorrow xx
Joan my leg is getting there thankyou ..abd my brother us doing really well since he had the stent to all of you ((((())))) xxxx
Toni a Sunday breakfast love the heart shape strawberry and heart crumpets I think they were..
So Lucy like her sleep bless ,so does our middle gd..she is working at tesco for now but on her days off.. its bed..😅😅
I ordered our test online for home they came the next day..but not sure if I did it right my tounge shot up..😅..goid luck..xx
Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
Morning Everyone😁Regulars and New visitors alike
Raining not snowing!!!!!!!!!!!! Hoorah 😍
I've had a right old night with shooting pains in my foot every 5 minutes or so😫Then at 2am Sleek decided to see if I was awake. I pretended not to be🤫
Joan yes this is a very small village, no shop no pub only a tiny school (very old) and the Church. Not even a community centre. We share the community centre which is in the next village.Much warmer today so shouldn't be too bad with the lack of radiator.
Kath it's so annoying when your careful research turns up nothing isn't it? I love the pic of the meerkats though with Sleek - they clearly like each other their tails are right up in the air😘
Sleek said thank you she is quite a good skater - taught by Pepe Longstockings apparently back in the day bless her.
We don't have our heating on overnight here either I prefer to keep warm under the covers.
Have you watched 'It's a Sin' we watched it all through yesterday (moved every hour though, but wonder whether that caused my foot pains last night🤔) Cried my eyes out, but it took me back to the 80s when I was young. Lots of famous people in it including Stephen Fry, Keeley Hawes, Shaun Dooley and Tracey Ann Oberman.
Hi Barbara we are having power cuts here already heaven help us when all the power stations are closed down. We were wondering why we have them when we have solar panels.
I am very pleased to hear that your leg is on the mend I hope that never happens again even if you don't know what happened.
That stent has been a life saver for your brother hasn't it? Your big brother up there will be watching and so pleased how well he is doing.
I think kids do sleep when there is nothing to keep them up. At the moment there isn't much they can do is there with us being in lockdown. Still a week today we shall here what the next part of the plan is. Can't come soon enough for me 🙄I am happy enough inside ATM, but want to know the plan that's all.
I will do my best to keep my tongue down I think yours was ok else it comes back 'inconclusive'. Charley rang last night and she said to let the staff do it. I'm not so sure at all😯
Sending love to Mike Elliott and family ((()))
Hope all is well with Carol Mr T and Cookie-paws.🐾
Breakfast today.....due some welsh rarebit i reckon
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) have a good day how is Chris ((())) love to Anita ((())) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) that's good your leg has stopped hurting now ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni ((()) that his a small village but it must be a very friendly place where you know everyone. Love to Paul ((())) and Charley and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((())) I have only been out about twice since Christmas because I'm cold all the time I have my thermal vest on I think it's because we are in a bungalow and my bedroom door is open f it's closed it's colder in there if I have a heater in there it makes a noise and Lexi barks never mind it's not long to the 25 'th. Sorry to go on.
love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((())) Carol ((()))Mike ((())) and Elliott ((())))
take care
joan xx1 -
Quite mild today, I've only got one jumper on with a vest beneath it. The sun is streaming through our window.
Joan, it's a difficult situation .Would Lexi sleep in your bed? You could keep each other warm. When I was a child my cat Smutty would wake me up by sitting on my pillow purring. In winter, mum would put our hibernating tortoise under my bed. But one year it began to smell, so mum fished it out of the box to see why - it had died! ugh! I never had a tortoise under my bed again.
Later mum had another tortoise which disappeared from the garden. The following year mum saw a disturbance in the soil - it was Tommy digging himself out of the hole he'd spent the whole winter in.
I see Mike is encouraging us to write a book on here. Sorry Mike, my writing days are over. I hope Elliott is as well as can be expected - or better than expected.
I'm a bit disillusioned with traveling, so staying at home today in the hope that Sleek will visit as it's such pleasant weather. She might bring a Meerkat or three with her.
Toni, we are in bed by 7pm so I haven't seen It's a sin. But we have been watching Marigold Hotel on Sunday afternoons. Isn't it good news that Harry and Meghan are having another baby. Thank you for the Welsh Rarebit.
I told you I was staying home today, here's a picture of our local marina. Sawley Marina is located off the River Trent close to the town of Long Eaton, Nottingham. Sawley Marina is the largest Inland Marina in the UK with space for up to 120 boats covering a water area of 23 acres.
Scroll own the page below to watch a video
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Afternoon all
It's been a lovely sunny day..and mych warmer I'm shocked 😲but happy 😊
Joan don't you apologise I am glad you can talk to us ..we are here for one another.. I have an oil filled radiator I'n in my bedroom on a timer.. but I know what you mean you here it click on and and hugs to all of you (((())) xx
Toni oh welsh rarebit thankyou..😁yes I'm sure my brother is looking down and helping ..
Sorry to here your feet have kept you awake..shooting pains are horrible ..hopefully tonight will be better..maybe its your back ..its so hard when we don't know what is causing the pain xx
My leg has eased alot thank goodness it certainly feel like some sort of inflammation..🤔
Hope Lucy is doing ok up in Scotland hopefully not long now before you can see her..just in time for your motorhome 🙂 xx
Kath what a lovely it nearby..??
I use to keep tortoises amongst many other pets..😅I can only imagine what tge one under your bed smelled like...😳 nice to see the sun with a bit of warmth..xx
Our new neighbours are putting up new fence panels..they asked if we had any preference to they have bought 5ft ones to stop there dog from jumping over ..I said I didn't mind one bit I have a bag of doggy chews for him😅
Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
Joan you have every right to 'go on'! It's a bad situation and I would leave the bedroom door open too else your bedroom would be even colder! The 25th is very soon now just hang on a tiny bit longer ((())) Our village is a very friendly place for definite I think I do know most people yes I honestly do! I have a cheque to bank, but think i will get Paul to do it for me. ((())) love to Sue xxx
Kath we loved the video of Sawley Marina. Sleek went and had a look on her way to yours. Did she tell you? She came in her motorbike and side-car so the meerkats were comfy. They can't hold on to broomsticks so well......
Sorry about the
apparently it's the smelliest fish out there🤢she thought you'd like to try it.
I love the tortoise stories! So did Sleek. She wants one now though🙄 honestly what is she like?
Yes I expect Harry and Meghan are very very happy indeed with another little one on the way 🙂
We loved the Marigold hotel too I want to retire there! The Good Karma Hospital too I loved that programme when it was on. That got me through the first lockdown you know.
Mike I hope all is well with you and Vixen and that any news about Elliott is positive ((()))
I think you are right it must be my back Barbara which caused the shooting pains in the foot and the numbness in the leg too. Last night was much better I made sure i took all available pain relief (at the correct dosage of course).
I think big bro is looking down on his younger bro and helping. Definitely and probably Aidan is too.
Your neighbours are putting up new fence panels! Great that's fabulous and 5" are an ideal size not too high, but hopefully high enough to keep their dog in. I imagine it's a pain having to come and fetch him home. You love all animals so i am sure it's not a problem for you!
We have an oil-filled radiator too which comes out whenever any of us are in trouble. It's virtually silent isn't it? All the girls have had to borrow it from time to time, but no-one has had trouble as long as our Joan. I hope Aidan doesn't send bolts of lightening down on the company!
Love to Carol, Mr T and Cookie! Hope the family are all well.
it's pancake day i think so here we go!
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Mike I hope all is well with you and Vixen and that any news about Elliott is positive
Thanks Toni. Vixen is being Vixen, staying on my wheelchair beside the radiator in my bedroom:
I have not heard anything about Elliott so I work on the basis that no news is good news. My Home Help is coming today which is a bit of a relief as I have not seen or spoken to anyone since she came last Tuesday, apart from the cat of course, I talk to her quite a lot as she does not answer back and is non-judgmental!!
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) how is Chris's leg ((())) and all your pains have you had Arthritis a long time ((())) love to Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and your Dad ((())) Lexi does sleep on my bed
I don't understand Harry and Megan they moved over there for a quiet life now they are going on TV to talk about it all
Barbara ((())) what kind of dog have your neighbours got perhaps you will be asked to dog sit. love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni ((())) yes oil filled radiators are good love to Paul ((()) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
love to Mike and Elliott ((()))
love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Carol ((())) Mig ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Joan, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in 1987, age 36, that's 34 years ago. I've had OA for about 10 years. As far as Harry and Meghan are concerned they can afford to live anywhere in the world. Although I have a nephew in New York and grandson in Columbia, Missouri, I wouldn't want to live there.
Mike, Vixen looks so comfy in your wheelchair. She's not daft.
Toni, I think I'll give the Surströmming a miss. It's fermented (put in a salty brine for two months) before the tins are sealed up and sold. Yuck. Thanks Sleek but no thanks.🤮 I' rather sniff Chris's socks!
Barbara, Sawley Marina is around one to two miles away. We used to walk there regularly back in the day. It has a chandlery and a restaurant, but I don't suppose either are used much at the moment.
I think I'll take you to visit my grandson Reece and his wife Rheehann. Here they are on their wedding day with their beloved doggy.
The University of Misouri
The iconic rock bridge of Rock Bridge Memorial State Park
Reece by Lake Michigan
Columbia is a city in the U.S. state of Missouri. It is the county seat of Boone County and home to the University of Missouri. Founded in 1821, it is the principal city of the five-county Columbia metropolitan area. It is Missouri's fourth most-populous and fastest growing city, with an estimated 123,195 residents in 2019.
When we get back to the UK, remember to book into a hotel to self isolate.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evenung all..its been lovely and sunny till around 5 pouring down now
Mike look at playful she you say they don't judge..just love you for what you are..xx
Joan next doors dig is a mixture..he trust me ..but I think that is down to the doggy chews..🤣I am hoping that rad will get sorted in the 25th was it xx
Toni I love pancakes..but only sweet ones..I was showing Nuamh hiw to tissue one today.. it just missed her head..😅
I plugged my oil filled radiator into a smart I can set a schedule it on my phone so it is on when I get up for a wee..😁I am in an extension bedroom over the garage and its very cold.. but my favorite room 🙂
How did the test go today xx
Kath what a nice photo of your GS and wife and doggy of course ..have you met his wife or have they not been back to Britain
Michigan looks stunning especially the University..thankyou for the photos xx
Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
Morning Friends 'old' and welcome anyone new who fancies popping by. We are very friendly and would love to get to know you🙂
Barbara the COVID test is Friday, but has been overtaken now by my VACCINE this afternoon!! I am so excited😁 Tia and Mikey had their tests yesterday though both negative as expected.
Well done you still able to teach Niamh (sort of) how to flip pancakes!
We had a lovely day too here it rained briefly around 2 then properly around 4.30🙄
Mixture dogs are the right kind bless 'em anything can happen😀
Morning Vixen! Look at her she looks so comfy and fluffy! I hope you didn't need your chair Mike I talk to my pusskin too all day long, but oddly enough she does answer😮 Glad you saw your home help I hope she was well. I take it she comes weekly.
I agree about Elliott no news is usually good news.(((()))) xxx
Morning to you Joan. I am having my vaccination this very afternoon😮I am so excited! Oil filled ras are the best because you can safely unplug them and wheel them into the bathroom to warm up in there if the heating is off. ((())) xxx
Good Morning Kath. Sleek ate the fish on her way home.....her breath🤢😷🙀I think you were very wise to decline her kind offer.
She will be over later this morning she wants to be here for my cacination this afternoon. She has got the cloak out if anyone wants to come and watch.🙄 She thinks she will be 'nursing' me later😲
Oh gosh! do we have to self isolate after Missouri? I really enjoyed that seeing all the sights including the University which I hadn't heard of.
Reece and his wife look so happy and the doggie looks adoring bless them both. So far away though😮
Absolutely Harry and Meghan can live wherever they want to. I'm sure all we are hearing about divisions in the Royal family are hyped up.
Right breakfast.....hmmmm🤔
triple layer fried egg butties!
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