Val's Cafe
Toni, I'm double drooling, once for the egg butties and again over your beautiful motorhome. It is gorgeous. Can we use it on our next trip?
Well, what a day yesterday. Mr man arrived about 2.30, suitably masked. He didn't change any boiler settings, but when we had the boiler fitted in 2009, they didn't fit the flue in safely. It wad just hanging on the inside of the roof. Kind Mr man fetched two very strong bars to fix the flue to the roof joists. He took photos of before and after to show us. He told us that if we had a heavy fall of snow on the roof, the weight would have crushed the flue and damaged the roof. And it had been like that for 12 years!!!
Today we are off up the Lincolnshire coast to Sutton On Sea. An unspoiled village on the Lincolnshire Coast with Blue Flag award winning sandy beaches. Sutton on Sea is the ideal destination for families and couples looking to explore the East Coast and Lincolnshire Wolds away from the bright lights and attractions of the nearby resorts.
The village has a good range of independent shops and is a popular place to retire to after a busy life. This site also covers the adjoined village of Trusthorpe to the North and the neighbourhood know as Sandilands to the South. At very low tides it is possible to view the remains of an ancient mixed forest on the beaches of Mablethorpe and Sutton on Sea. It was submerged by rising sea levels about 3000 years ago.Sea flooding was a periodic problem in the Middle Ages. The village was last flooded on 31 January 1953, when a ten-foot storm surge broke through the flood defences.
Kite buggy on Mablethorpe beach
Sutton On Sea Beach
A beach hut on Sandilands foreshore
Sand Train, Mablethorpe
One of Britain's most renowned historical poets, Alfred, Lord Tennyson, once frequented Mablethorpe. It is said that he used to shout his poetry aloud towards the sea.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Afternoon all
Sorry about yesterday just giving these eyes a rest
Toni thankyou for the egg sarnies..😁
The motor home looks lovely and will be perfect for here and France..fingers crossed that Lucy comes home ..I know she needs to live her life..but nice ti have her back for a while..xx
Mike why do some GPs not listen..sleep is so important working or not..xx
Joan leg is not much different ..not sure if its my knee or you say we need new bodies..and a face come to that 😅hope you are all OK xx
Karh when we used to go ti skeggy...we would visit Mablethorpe..ts so 1950s..I di love the East Coast.. glad that Boiler us all done xx
Quite cold here today after some nice weather..
Love to all
Barbara1 -
Aha Mike I hope the works passed Vixen's inspection. No doubt she had her clipboard with her😁and hard hat
Glad you actually got into bed yesterday 🙂I think you're right about Elliott no news is usually good news and poor Arlo!
Joan yes the motorhome has a kitchen sink - when the sun comes out I'll take some inside pics for you. There is a tank which you fill up with a hose most sites have the water or you can fill up before you leave home.Love to Sue and yourself ((())) xxxx Lucy has her vaccine today.
Barbara Lucy is having her vaccine this morning and is definitely saying she wants to come home for a good while - all this independence has been a bit much!!. I think Scotland was a bit far! All we have to do is get her stuff - Paul is working that way next week....
We didn't get any sunshine at all here yesterday sadly all dull and overcast.
Yes we can go to France because we can go on the tunnel no need to even get out of the motorhome at all. But we will wait they are not doing as well as us with COVID nor their vaccine programme 😕
I hope your poor eyes are a little better. Soon you must talk to the Dr about that leg if it's no better. Time for X rays and the like.
Kath well that sounds like a saga but a positive one if the boiler man spotted a potential safety risk and put it right for you without having to come back another time! great!
Yes we must all go out in the motorhome for our trips now 🙂 I'm happy to drive we can all sing along:
"We're all going on a summer holiday" Who will be in charge of the kettle?
Loved our trip yesterday - so did Sleek who had cockles! Yes cockles🤢
Mablethorpe, Sandilands (which sounds adorable!) and Sutton on Sea. I think we ought to retire to Sutton on Sea it says it's a good place to retire. We can have an apartment block to ourselves fully serviced. Cream teas delivered daily! See we worry about excess rainfall and the like but 10ft waves in the middle ages. It has all happened before.
I wonder whether the story about Tennyson is true.....🤔
Love to Carol and Miss Cookie and Mr T ((())) xxx
Now breakfast....
Best french butter for you all!
I'm having the vegan stuff😁
1 -
Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) that was a kind and helpful man you had and he did a good job we need more like him. love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) Val ((())) and your dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) sorry you still have your painful leg ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Mike ((())) you need your sleep ((())) poor Arlo ((()))) love to Elliott ((()))
Toni ((())) it will be nice having Lucy ((())) back home she's done well ((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P ((()) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
love to Bill Carol ((()) Chris ((())) Mig ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Joan, yes he was. Just think what could have happened in all the years it wasn't fitted properly. Almost as bad as your radiator saga. 🤔
Barbara, I hope your eyes are well rested and working well today. ☺️
Toni, that motor home is deluxe. Cockles, I love them. Next time Sleek pops over I'll make sure we have some in.
Tennyson is one of my favourite poets. I can just imagine him shouting his "The Charge of the Light Brigade" out to sea. All 6 verses. Here's one.
Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
“Forward, the Light Brigade!
Charge for the guns!” he said.
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
Then there's Lady of Shallott, Mariana.
With blackest moss the flower-plots
Were thickly crusted, one and all:
The rusted nails fell from the knots
That held the pear to the gable-wall.
The broken sheds look'd sad and strange:
Unlifted was the clinking latch;
Weeded and worn the ancient thatch
Upon the lonely moated grange.
She only said, "My life is dreary,
He cometh not," she said;
She said, "I am aweary, aweary,
I would that I were dead!"
Her tears fell with the dews at even;
Her tears fell ere the dews were dried;
She could not look on the sweet heaven,
Either at morn or eventide.
After the flitting of the bats,
When thickest dark did trance the sky,
She drew her casement-curtain by,
And glanced athwart the glooming flats.
She only said, "The night is dreary,
He cometh not," she said;
She said, "I am aweary, aweary,
I would that I were dead!"
Upon the middle of the night,
Waking she heard the night-fowl crow:
The cock sung out an hour ere light:
From the dark fen the oxen's low
Came to her: without hope of change,
In sleep she seem'd to walk forlorn,
Till cold winds woke the gray-eyed morn
About the lonely moated grange.
She only said, "The day is dreary,
He cometh not," she said;
She said, "I am aweary, aweary,
I would that I were dead!"
About a stone-cast from the wall
A sluice with blacken'd waters slept,
And o'er it many, round and small,
The cluster'd marish-mosses crept.
Hard by a poplar shook alway,
All silver-green with gnarled bark:
For leagues no other tree did mark
The level waste, the rounding gray.
She only said, "My life is dreary,
He cometh not," she said;
She said "I am aweary, aweary
I would that I were dead!"
And ever when the moon was low,
And the shrill winds were up and away,
In the white curtain, to and fro,
She saw the gusty shadow sway.
But when the moon was very low
And wild winds bound within their cell,
The shadow of the poplar fell
Upon her bed, across her brow.
She only said, "The night is dreary,
He cometh not," she said;
She said "I am aweary, aweary,
I would that I were dead!"
All day within the dreamy house,
The doors upon their hinges creak'd;
The blue fly sung in the pane; the mouse
Behind the mouldering wainscot shriek'd,
Or from the crevice peer'd about.
Old faces glimmer'd thro' the doors
Old footsteps trod the upper floors,
Old voices called her from without.
She only said, "My life is dreary,
He cometh not," she said;
She said, "I am aweary, aweary,
I would that I were dead!"
The sparrow's chirrup on the roof,
The slow clock ticking, and the sound
Which to the wooing wind aloof
The poplar made, did all confound
Her sense; but most she loathed the hour
When the thick-moted sunbeam lay
Athwart the chambers, and the day
Was sloping toward his western bower.
Then said she, "I am very dreary,
He will not come," she said;
She wept, "I am aweary, aweary,
Oh God, that I were dead!"
A bit dreary, but nice to sit and eat cockles to.
Painting by Sir John Everett Millais
Tennyson's poem was inspired by the character of Mariana in Shakespeare's Measure for Measure. Rejected by her fiancé, Angelo, after her dowry was lost in a shipwreck, she leads a lonely existence in a moated grange. She is still in love with Angelo - now Deputy to the Duke of Vienna - and longs to be reunited with him.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Toni hotcross buns yum and it means Easter abd spring us on the way
I'm so pleased Lucy is coming home must be so relieved like you say irs so far away..welcome home Lucy 😁xxxx
The doctor us ring on Tuesday..but ti be honest I am getting nowhere..I have asked 3 times fir and xray or mri..but its strange times..
How nice to be able to travel to France and stay in your mobile home..can't wait to see more pics xx
Joan your a love...I will get we all have to do...I hope you are all doing ok and nice and cosy warm xx
Kath can you imagine Tennison starting to write clever I wouldn't know were to start.. and thankyou for the story behind it..xx
Niamh Is on her way..she starts school full time on Monday so think we will miss a couple of weeks after to be on the safe side
Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
Hope everyone is well today. Is the garden finished Mike? I won't nag about Elliott but know I am thinking of him every day.
Joan yes it's lovely to have Lucy home. Her temp got up to 39 last night bless her very achy and shivery she was, but she's tucked up in bed here and I will look after her. Se has done well you are right. Now all we have to do is introduce her cat to Miss Sleek this I am NOT looking forward to! Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx
Oh Barbara will they not be testing the children? Was that only secondary?😕I am so sorry of you can't see Niamh after this weekend for a while. You have all missed out on so much 😔
There isn't much you can do really is there if the GP won't send you for images on your leg/hip/knee/back? Just don't let it lie things will settle soon in the NHS and you need to be close to the front of the queue to see what's what. If you said that maybe when the Dr rings?
It is lovely to have Lucy home. She's really rough after her vaccine bless her temp got up to 39 so shivery and cold achy.
Definitely dreary Kath! but the first verse so well known is just so 'rousing' isn't it? Poor Mariana bless her waiting for her true love. Imagine having to pay a man to marry you though!? Glad those time shave gone now.
Sleek is so excited that she can have more cockles with Arnty kaff. I have a feeling that she may come alone though so she doesn't have to share with her pusskin friends😁
That flue issue could have really ended in disaster i wonder if anyone else's in the street hasn't been done properly too🤔Thank goodness for a good boiler man!
Sending love to Carol. I hope all is well with Miss Cookie and Mr T. Have you started knitting yet? I know what i'd like to see! some pics of your babies in outfits you have knitted!
Well today I shall be mostly nursing Lucy-Lu I expect along with if i am lucky a drive through starbucks as my treat. Thanks Paul in advance!
Oh yes Aidan's breakfast this morning:
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Is the garden finished Mike?
The fencing is finished and he did a reasonably good job, now I have the task of trying to move planters around and generally tidying. I spent a whole half hour in the garden yesterday cutting back a couple of brambles and trimming the olive tree I have in a raised bed, not easy when trying to balance on crutches at the same time (I couldn't be bothered to get the wheelchair out), that was enough to exhaust me to the point that I felt sick so I gave in and had a brew. I am going to have to try to venture out in the garden again today, this time I am planning on crawling around to do a bit of weeding around the edges of my plastic grass. I think I will have to redistribute my gnomes around the place too. I will post photos when I have eventually finished.
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) I remember that poem. Yes it's a good job the gas man looked on your roof ((())) love to Chris ((())) Anita (()) Val ((())) and your dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) could you send a photo to the Doctor's of your leg or take a photo to the surgery and put it through the letter box. Love to your son (()) and Niamh ((())) and Mr B ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni (((())) it's good Lucy ((())) had her jab when she was with you ((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((())))))
Mike ((())) it's hard work moving planters around. Love to Elliott ((())))
love to Bill ((())) Chris ((()))Carol ((())) Mig ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Evening all
Toni poor Lucy suffering with the vaccine bless her hope she feels better you have to introduce Lucy's cat ti miss sleek never know they might be bestist friends ..I will get my point across about this leg on Tuesday ..don't worry
Thankyou for the croissants love them warm xx
Mike you did well in the garden..I have just bought long a handled fork and trowel from wilkos...only £5 each then I can sit on my movable seat and do the weeding xx
Joan I have taken a pic of my if all else will go through the gp's letter box are you and you are looking forward to getting out on your scooters..especially when it warms up xx
The fence us finished next seems so strange after seeing my old neighbour for all thoes years..but at least its tidier..
love to everyone
Barbara1 -
Well poor old Lucy! Her temp peeked at well over 40 degrees, last time i saw those figures she was in hospital on her cancer treatment so a bit scary, but I knew why. Get those antibodies made vaccine!
By the time she went to bed at 8.30pm it was down to 38 something so much better. She was good ate a little and drank fluids expecting her back on form today.
Kath i hope you enjoyed your web-free saturday?
Mike well done doing so much outside yesterday and still being determined to go outside again today. My only 'rule' for myself is to always have my mobile with me in case I ever need help. Yes please move the gnomes and take us some photos I would love to see the finished result.
Hi Joan you are right it is a good job Lucy had her jab at home she has been really poorly temp over 40 degrees (maybe 104 in old money?) More or less under control now though thank goodness as you know we've coped with far worse! Hope you are well and Sue and the carers too ((())) xxx
Barbara good girl you be firm! Tell the Dr you can post a photo if it helps of that leg. I hope to hear that something anything will be happening.
P and I have been distributing inspiring leaves again! You know the kind with lovely words on them 🙂
I think you'll get used to the fence in time and if it looks better....Niamh won't like it she must miss the girls from next door anyway.
Poor Sleek she is most definitely an only cat hopefully she will be ok. Lucy's cat is an indoor cat and I think may have a slight disability - she walks oddly🤔but has a sweet nature.
Love to Carol Cookie and Mr T. Hope you will be able to pop in soon.
Now of course today is Sunday so we can be naughty!
extra eggs and veg/vegan options available of course.
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Good morning everyone
Barbara ((())) you are the only one who knows how your leg feels and how much it hurts did you see Sue's message about showing your leg to a pharmacist they know about things like a Doctor. love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend (((())))
Toni ((())) that's good Lucy's ((())) temperature has come down ((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Love to Bill ((())) Carol ((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((()))Kath ((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Toni, we are the only ones on our court whose boiler has been put in the old airing cupboard upstairs. Everyone else has theirs in the kitchen and the flue comes out of the wall at the front of the house. We couldn't have ours there as the law has changes regarding clearance around the boiler and we don't have enough room in the kitchen. As we no longer need a hot water tank. the one in the airing cupboard was taken out and the boiler was put in there instead. Oh lovely, Sleek knows she is welcome any time. And I'm so pleased that Lucy is home again. Now you can make sure she is looked after properly.
Holly has turned red. Shame about her eyebrows.🤣
Joan, what a good idea, advising Barbara to show her leg to the pharmacist. They are very underused, and you are now the wise woman of Val's Café. Although I believe you always have been.
Barbara, now you can't see your neighbor, there'll be no more cuppas over the fence.
Ever been here? Ashbourne is a market town in the Derbyshire Dales, England, with a population of 8,377 in the 2011 census, estimated at 9,163 in 2019. It contains many historical buildings and independent shops, and offers a historic annual Shrovetide football match. Its position near the southern edge of the Peak District makes it the closest town to Dovedale, to which it is sometimes referred as the gateway.
Ashbourne was granted a market charter in 1257. In medieval times it was a frequent rest stop for pilgrims walking "St Non's Way" to the shrine at Dunstable in Bedfordshire.
The forces of Charles Edward Stuart passed through Ashbourne during the Jacobite rising of 1745.
Ashbourne currently has eleven public houses and two social clubs. The most famous, the Green Man & Black's Head Royal Hotel, closed in 2011 and underwent a change of ownership in 2013, before reopening in 2018. The rare gallows sign across St John's Street remains a meeting point in the town. In June 2020, the caricature of a black man's head atop the sign became the focus of racial debate. It was removed after a petition had gathered more than 40,000 signatures, but it is being preserved locally.
Market Hall
Dovedale Stepping tones
The Royal Shrovetide Football Match is a "Medieval football" game played annually on Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday in the town of Ashbourne in Derbyshire, England. Shrovetide ball games have been played in England since at least the 12th century from the reign of Henry II (1154–89). The Ashbourne game also known as "hugball" has been played from at least c.1667 although the exact origins of the game are unknown due to a fire at the Royal Shrovetide Committee office in the 1890s which destroyed the earliest records One of the most popular origin theories suggests the macabre notion that the 'ball' was originally a severed head tossed into the waiting crowd following an execution. Although this may have happened, it is more likely that games such as the Winchelsea Streete Game, reputedly played during the Hundred Years' War with France, were adaptations of an original ball game intended to show contempt for the enemy.
One of the earliest references to football in the county of Derbyshire comes in a poem called "Burlesque upon the Great Frost" from 1683, written after the English Civil War by Charles Cotton, cousin to Aston Cockayne, Baronet of Ashbourne (1608–84):
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all
Oh Joan I saw you had rang me but forgot to ring back I am sorry..I can't for some reason get my voucemails and Sue are both so kind and I think I will visit the chemist..I hadn't thought if doing that ..thankyou xx
Toni oh gosh Lucy must have felt rotten ..its a good job you know what to do and don't panic bless her... hope she us feeling much better...I think it will be a good sign that Lucy has a good immune system..💕
Oh so you are doing the nice for people to come across ..have you and P done them..😁
Thankyou for breakfast boy it was filling 😅our neighbours came round today could he go and tidy our side if the garden..because of the soil they took out lovely is that xx
Kath no cuppas or chats over the fence..but they are lovely neighbours so I can't complain and can see them at the front
I love Holly's hair.. it reminds me of our eldest gd when she did hers red...only young once is what I say..😁
Thakyou for the lovely pics of Derbyshire ..and all the info I would love to visit there..xx
Love to all
Barbara0 -
I totally agree I also went read in my youth Barbara and well almost any colour Lucy used to do it loads too didn't she? 😁
The pharmacist might well have an idea if you get out that far they are so much more accessible than Drs aren't they? Good call Sue and Joan!
Yes I can look after Lucy the best of all having had a bit too much experience🙄😀Not braved introducing the cats yet😯
That is very kind of your new neighbours offering to clear up after themselves.
Glad you enjoyed the breakfast - did you share? Back to school for Niamh today?
Now Kath I have of course been to Ashbourne what a lovely place to go. Sleek was full of it when we got home. Ner ner ner neeeer nering poor Winnie (Lucy's cat) through the bedroom door. She wants to go back when they all play shovetide football🙄 Well she is a master quiditch player remember? She thinks she might take mrs Darcey to do 'St Non's way' Using the motorbike and side car luckily! She'll be over again later she was up early fetching cockles.....bringing Cookie I think.
We love Holly's hair why not? I totally agree with Barbara you are only young once and she should enjoy herself😊
Well it's good I suppose that no-one else has their boiler in the airing cupboard. Ours is in the garage which is fine until it stops working and you have to trek outside....
Lucy is being looked after properly now. Back with us all. She was on the phone to Charley for over an hour last night😁
Joan My neighbour came round to have a look at the motorhome yesterday afternoon. His hips need doing, but he got in ok there is a good handle up with a low step. I then did a video for him to show his wife so she can see inside too 😊
Mike raised beds is one of the things we are having put in when we have the garden done this summer/late spring. I hope it will help a lot.
Love to Carol Mr T and Cookie bless her. Hope the family are all well and you have started your knitting?
Icy this morning so making some porridge:
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Mike raised beds is one of the things we are having put in when we have the garden done this summer/late spring. I hope it will help a lot.
I had raised beds installed when I first moved into my bungalow 6 years ago, don't make the same mistake I made though. As the bed is massive, basically the whole width of my back garden and over 2 ft high (perching height), I realised that after it was built that it would take an awful lot of soil to fill it; to save money I got the bottom filled with all sorts of junk that was destined for the tip including an old microwave and all sorts, which seems to have made a decent home for slugs and snails. I had intended to use it as a veg bed but as a result all I can grow in there are woody and/or highly scented plants as these are most resistant to the little critters. It doesn't matter now as I can't garden like I used to anyway. At least it is full of greenery and Vixen loves lying under the Olive tree in the shade when it is sunny so it was well worth putting in. Got to keep the cat happy 😺
Excitement today, I have a supermarket delivery and technicians are coming to service my big electric wheelchair! How sad when that is all I have to look forward to today!
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Good morning everyone
Last year the ache in my legs got worse I phoned the pharmacist she said ask the Doctor if you can go on Zamadol tramadol that melts in your mouth had them by the afternoon.
Kath ((())) as long as your boiler works that's the main thing. Love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) that's nice your neighbour is helping you I hope you can get help for your leg ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) she will enjoy going back to school ((())) love to your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni ((())) Lucy ((())) knew the best place was at home with her mum ((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Tia ((())) Kari (((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Mike we have a raised bed not has big as yours ((()))) yes we have little things to look forward to as well.
Love to Elliott ((()))))
love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Carol ((())) Mig ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Joan, that was superb service from your pharmacist. Let's hope Barbara does too.
Barbara, when things get back to normal, I would advise a trip to Derbyshire, especially the Peak District. It's beautiful.
Toni, I love Holly's hair. I used to colour mine dark red. Being a brunette I had to use a dark colour for it to show.
Just a short visit today because my internals are playing up. Bloating, tummy ache aaaaaargh.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Afternoon all
Not a bad day here wether wise it is cloudy no sun and a bit chilly. Have just been for a little walk I will be glad when all the shops are open again. Both mr T and myself both need our hair cut. Mine is completely out of control. We are both ok. But will be ok when this covid restrictions are better. We both need some time away I think . Hopefully if all goes well we will be going to Ramsgate to see the family in May just before the late bank holiday. Youngest granddaughter had her 20 Week scan today and baby decided to behave and reveal the gender . We will be having another great granddaughter due in July. They are calling her Ava-Mae I think that how they are going to spell it . Waiting for scan pictures later. That will make 5 great granddaughters and 2great grandsons.
While I am typing I am being tapped on the shoulder and head by Miss Cookie I think she is wanting treats. I now have her head on my shoulder. 🤣🤣🤣 silly cat.
Kids are back to school today or at least Faye and Lillie the other three have been back since January as nursery schools have been closed. I know Lillie was happy as you can see by this picture.
this one will make you laugh
Sorry upside down. Will try it again but this is what I have to put up with sorry cannot get it to turn round
love and sparkles to you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️🌈🌈🌈🌈
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Evening all
Mike I have just ordered 2 raised bed planters off a man that makes them nearby..what a good idea filling the bottoms with rubbish.thabkyou fir that...I had to laugh at the microwave going in ..its good to get excited at anything these days.. xx
Carol I hope you get to Ramsgate in May..something to look forward to..Cookie has quickly learned how to get round you bless 😁 jake the cat from next door used to tap me on the shoulder....what a lovely smile Lillie has xx
Joan tomorrow the Dr rings so I will have my say..if not then its the chemist ..we are so please our neighbours are nice..abd only young I am hoping they have children soon to all if you xx
Toni thankyou for breakfast ..I do like porridge any time of the day
I am so pleased Lucy is home and having a good chat with Charley..😁..I always tell the young ones to enjoy life.. I would dye my hair and my mum never told me off bless her ..and I was still at school 😅
How nice that your neighbour could get a look inside your mobile you can't wait to get going xx
Kath I hope your tummy is feeling better..I take peppermint capsules..they are a miracle cure..
I will certainly try and visit Derbyshire ..xx
Love to all
Barbara0 -
Morning everyone 😁
A bit bigger than I planned but still!! I found this other pink Figaro like mine less than two miles from my house. The owner works in the nursing home and she came out (with half the staff) to have a look! Mine is on the right.
Right Mike do NOT fill the beds with rubbish first!. Got it! Our land needs levelling first so hope I can use (they can use!) some of that. Thanks for the tip i had wanted them for veggies and hardy plants. At least Vixen is happy and yes our cats are the most important people in the house and garden!
Glad your electric chair is getting serviced and hope that means soon you will be able to get out carefully even if it's not to do anything other than take the air. Hope all your shopping was present and correct. Biccies for your home help today?
Joan yes your pharmacist sounds as lovely and clever as mine is. Lucy does indeed know her mum looks after her best😉 Hope all is well with you and Sue? carers all well? ((())) xxx
Kath yes it's harder to dye darker hair, but nothing like red in rich dark hair is there? We had a trip booked to try out the motorhome in Buxton but it's 8th of April so too soon for us sadly due to restrictions had to book early though as places were booking up too fast. I think Derbyshire is half way between you and me.
((())) poor belly😫
Carol good to see you - Cookie certainly has character doesn't she?! Head on your shoulder that is adorable bless her heart. Love the upside down pic of her tapping Mr T's cheek.🐱
So you have another Great Grandaughter on the way. That is wonderful news. A July due date too🙂 Something to look forward to that isn't it?
Lovely pic of Lillie bless her she will be one happy girl along with Faye seeing all their friends. Bless them all. I hope the figures all stay down and this is them back in school now for good🤞
Won't it be wonderful to be able to get to ramsgate to see them all? I bet you can't wait. It should do Mr T good to have a break (you too, but you cope better) and of course café trips might be back on again soon. too.
Barbara today we will all be with you for your telephone consultation with the Dr. Sleek says she will be in the Drs consulting room poking her/him with her wand! Let's hope you get some action this time.
Your Mum was good not telling you off for dying your hair! Mine went mad but once I was an adult nothing stopped me!
The neighbours were keen to see inside the mobile home because they have one too which they bought last year. They were most impressed and most useful too with tips and advice.
Now what shall we have for breakfast today?
For a change as on the whole I am not over keen on waffles! They go well with a cup of tea
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Morning. Had toast and golden syrup with a strong brew for brekkers. Home Help day today so plenty of nattering dreckly.
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) I hope your tummy feels better today ((()) I never dyed my hair it would bother me if I looked different I would get embarrassed. Love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Carol ((())) that must have been difficult getting getting cookie to stand up side down ((())) lovely photo's love to Mr T ((())) and family ((()))
Barbara ((())) Good luck with the doctor I hope he helps you ((())) love to Mr B((())) your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni ((())) your car looks the best. You did good finding it. Love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((()) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Mike ((())) was your wheelchair fixed ((())) love to Elliott ((())) and vixen
love to Bill ((())) Chris (((())) Mig ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Mike ((())) was your wheelchair fixed
It was serviced, he came 2 hours late, but it needs new batteries he said that that was normal as I have had it for 4 years and they only last about 3 HOWEVER even knowing that he did not bring any with him so has had to order them!
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Barbara, peppermint makes me worse. I have IBS and nothing really helps. I have to try and eat more slowly.
Joan, I'm all for looking different, but my hair colouring days are over - can't reach my head properly any more, so it's grey all the way.
Carol, I use a free program called Irfanview which makes it very easy to turn photos around. Either side to side or top to bottom.
Toni, I live in Derbyshire, but very close to the border with Nottinghamshire. So I'll take you to Mansfield today. Mansfield is a large market town and the administrative centre of the Mansfield District in Nottinghamshire, England. Including being the biggest town in the wider Mansfield Urban Area. Mansfield gained the Royal Charter of a market town in 1227. The town lies in the Maun Valley, 12 miles (19 km) north of Nottingham, and is near Sutton-in-Ashfield. Most of the 106,556 population live within the town proper (including Mansfield Woodhouse), with Warsop as a secondary centre. Mansfield is the only local authority in Nottinghamshire with a publicly elected mayor.
A bright morning for Mansfield's Tuesday market, showing the Bentinck Memorial in the centre of the picture.
Clipstone Colliery headstocks stated to be the highest in Europe and surrounding cleared pit-head site
The Mansfield and Pinxton Railway viaduct over the River Maun outfall from King's Mill reservoir
The Maun Valley Trail, Mansfield
A few miles outside Mansfield lies Sherwood Forest. Mansfield had an oak tree and a plaque in West Gate to mark what was the centre of Sherwood Forest. Now the tree has been felled and a giant metallic feather has replaced it as a marker. Some residents of the town feel this is an eyesore, and the feather sculpture has been plagued by health and safety problems.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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