Val's Cafe



  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Hello pals of Arthur 😏 not really. I know we would all wave him cheerio mi duck.

    Toni, Aidan would have loved our trip to Nottingham as he knew it so well. Actually I think I'mather sick of ice cream after all that licking. Give me an egg butty any day. I have toadmit to trying to target Miss Sleek (plus or minus parasol) on all our trips, an I like to ensure there is nice cool water to dip her paws in.

    Joan, I would love a chiropodist to visit me, but any attention to my poor tootsies would make them sore.

    Babara, I've been trying those stretches you suggested. It does ease my sciatica a little. But my back won't let me do it too long.

    So Madame Sleekipus, grab yer brolly, we're off to - Newstead Abbey

    Newstead Abbey, in Nottinghamshire, England, was formerly an Augustinian priory. Converted to a domestic home following the Dissolution of the Monasteries, it is now best known as the ancestral home of Lord Byron.

    Medieval Newstead

    Founded as a monastic house in the twelfth century, Newstead retains its medieval character. Dating from the late thirteenth century, marvel at the surviving church structure of the West Front. See the cloisters, Chapter House (now Chapel), stone carvings and manuscripts.

    Walled Gardens

    Explore the Walled Gardens’ lush ferns and rockeries as well as the sunken Japanese Oasis; boasting streams and stepping stones, bamboo groves and wild crayfish.

    The Fort, constructed in 1749 by the fifth Lord Byron, served as a vantage point for miniature naval reenactments and cannons firing across the lake. On such occasions, the expanse of water became his mini ‘Mediterranean Sea’. In 1877, the Webbs converted the building into a boathouse.

    Explore sixteen distinct oases within the grounds; from the Garden Lake and Byron’s Oak and Boatswain’s Monument to the Stew Pond, Fernery and numerous herbaceous borders. Beautiful themed gardens include the Japanese, American, Small Walled, Rose, Sub-Tropical, Venetian, Spanish, French, Monks and Great Gardens.

    Experience the romance and mystery of Newstead’s grounds with a range of woodland walks.

    Explore Newstead’s gardens with our exciting family trails. Hunt for clues, find the answers and claim a prize at the end! Each trail has other fun activities to complete inside. Indoor and outdoor trails are available from the shop.

    That should keep us happy for a while. 🤗

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all

    Mike my donation has gone to Elliott..the lifeboat people are very lucky to have Elliott on board..did I really say that xx

    Joan I am si glad the carer has had a decent asked anot Niamh she has gone if the I am going to try her on gardening 😅I will get her some peas to grow 😀xx

    Toni toast us nice in amorung I have lemon cheese on mine

    So you lived in does look lovely must say ..we have been to Lincoln many times ..

    Yes the GC but would gave loved a cuppa but hopefully not long now..xx

    Kath I have trouble doing the stretches can't really pull my knee far enough..but they are worth it..hope it helps

    How beautiful is Newstead..I love woodlands and forest..just so peaceful ..and the lake is idyllic xx

    Love to all


  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Evening all

    Yes as Kath says I am fine as is mr t and miss Cookie. Thanks for that Toni I like to think I’m just a bit crazy not mad 🤣🤣🤣 well it dose help in lockdown. Over the last couple of weeks We have been getting up later. Then I have have been doing jobs in the morning and after lunch I have been going for a walk. And time just seems to run away with me.

    But yes I am fine as is the whole family. The knitting is going ok must have it done by then end of May as if all goes well we have a few days holiday booked in Ramsgate. To see the family. And granddaughter will be able to have it before baby is born. At the present moment I am looking forward To two things having my hair cut on the 12th of April when the hairdresser is open and my second Covid jab in April. So finger crossed that things happen as Boris has planned them.

    on thing I must do is give myself a kick up the rear end and gat back to eating healthily again as I am afraid this past year I have not and my weight has gone up and I must get it under control again

    Miss Cookie has found another place she likes to sit and that is on the seat of my walker which is in the hallway.

    well today is One year of lockdowns and restrictions. And we are still under lockdown now. I am amazed at how I have coped with this past year many times I have thought I can’t take anymore but I have . I think this probably applies to many people. Not only me.

    I have been reading all your posts by the way whilst I have not been posting yesterday the weather was so nice we had our lunch in the garden and then sat chatting for a bit yes I did say chatting. I enjoyed that.

    Cannot believe our eldest daughter will be 50 in April where did that time go.

    Hope you are all going along ok.

    I will say bye for now

    love and sparkles to you all


    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Bet that makes you feel 'old' Carol it did when my eldest was 25!

    I am so glad you are making the most of the new patio area it was definitely worth it!.

    Mike's Vixen sits on his wheelchair seat. They are funny cats Miss Cookie and Vixen they know what is important to us and smells of us bless them. Sleek's favourite place is in my bed between Paul and my pillows! I lay a hand towel in there to catch (some of ) her fluff!.

    We have all gained weight during this last 12 months and Carol you've done it before so you'll do it again. You can and will shift it. Yes it's been hard very hard we've probably all had our moments (or days) when it's felt like too much, but we're still here😊

    You should get your trip to see the family. We have one or two small trips like that booked too, but cautiously. I hope we will see a photo of the finished article once it's all knitted and sewn up?

    Joan that is good news about the carer being back I am so pleased. Just shows how vulnerable diabetes makes us. Will try to post a photo of Lucy's cat later. ((())) for youa dn sue xxx

    Kath Sleekiness loved that garden! Did you see her strolling along the edge of the lake twirling it?

    apparently this one is vintage! get her!

    She's watching Brideshead revisited now🙄her and Mrs Darcey cockle jars open on their laps. facetiming Rosie and Miss Cookie who are watching it at theirs! Thank you for looking out for places she will enjoy!

    Newstead is fabulous so gorgeous we loved our day out thank you too much to detail....the garden, the much more.

    Have an egg butty lass I'll get the frying pan on in a minute. Ice cream is lovely though on a hot day. You must try the Swedish glace it's amazing and vegan!

    Barbara typical Niamh has gone off hoovering just when she's old enough to be really useful😂 Gardening she might continue for longer - Lucy certainly did.

    You will get your cuppa at the GC soon. I am pretty sure we'll have a decent summer even if we have to be careful again in the Autumn/winter. I want the vegan breakfast at our GC I miss it so much.

    I never lived in Nottingham sadly although I spent half of my life there even had a BF there for a good while and loads of friends over there.

    No toast today - Kath needs a fried egg butty!

    and egg banjo for Mike!

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Lucy's pusskin Winnie

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) lovely photo's again thank you. How are your pain's getting on. Love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Carol ((()))) yes it will be nice for hit to be normal again it got worse because people did not do has they were told they did not believe there was a virus until they got it. love to Mr T ((())) and family ((()))

    Barbara ((())) any news of your mri yet I hope the pains not too bad ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh (((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((())) Lucy's winnie is lovely is she friends with miss sleek yet ((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((((())) we will remember all this for a long time ((()))

    love to Bill Chris ((())) Mig ((())) Mike ((())) and Elliott ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Dear all (I'm being posh today) one must from time to time, as Madame Sleekipus reassured me whilst we shared a cockle jar beneath her vintage parasol yesterday. We were bowsing Catazon and I ordered her this little beauty. I wonder what mummy thinks?

    She says it is the hite of lucksurry aunty Kaff. Bless. I do like Winnie's little jacket. I did indeed see Sleek twirling. And many thanks for the egg sandwich.

    Barbara, We have to try these things for ourselves to see if they work.

    Joan, pain is not too bad at the moment. But when I first get up - oh my goodness.

    Carol, I am please you are enjoying you walks, but don't neglect your knitting for the new baby.

    If you don't mind. I think we'll have a rest from our travels today.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Well, I will have to make sure that my Vixen does not see the bed with parasol or she will be moaning that she wants one, mid you if I got one for her she would probably only use it once!

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Carol I bet you are so glad you got the patio come garden finished.. like you say 1 year how on earth have we managed..a walk is a nice way to pass some time..

    Our eldest son will be 50 next January..gosh uts scary..xx

    Toni a lovely runny egg butty...thankyou

    Yes Niamh is off hoovering and when I mention growing some veg like peas because they grow quickly.. I got but I only like cabbage and broccoli cabbage it us when my raised wooden bed are ready..oh how cute is Winnie bless 😻😻

    Joan my letter came to book online only to be told it another call back 😒but I will persevere..I hope you Sue and the doggies are ok xx

    Kath I think miss sleek is loving the parasol ..a proper little show off 😅and loving the bed..xx

    Mike cats do like there luxurious 😅xx

    Love to all


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Morning Everyone welcome anyone new who would like a cuppa

    I forgot to say that yesterday was our 2nd lockdown wedding anniversary! I bet not a lot of people can say that....yet!🙄

    We had a lovely takeaway curry a proper treat.

    Mike yes Vixen would love the bed once! Sleek is the same. Prefers to sleep in 'illegal places' like boxes and my chair😁

    Joan you are right it's been people misbehaving and of course the virus mutating which have dragged it all on so long for us. So far Sleek and Winnie have only seen each other through glass doors. Have you got sunshine? we have🙂

    Kath of course you must take the day off organising trips out! It's a lot of work for you. How happy is Madame Sleekipuss! She adores her new parasols especially the one with the bed. Mummy approves 100% with your catazon purchases👍️ Tesco order is looming and plenty of jars of cockles are in my trolley😁

    Winnie is an over-groomer and gives herself bald patches if she is naked! She has an outfit ready for Easter so watch this space!!

    How are the family doing Kath?

    Glad you enjoyed your egg butty. Sometimes it's eggstactly what you need😉

    Morning Barbara.

    How frustrating the ring and book being another call-back. Don't let up this needs sorting. I managed a walk with P and her doggie yesterday. We we just go in the field and let him run about that's about it for her now.

    Doesn't Sleek love her parasols - very posh indeed.

    So Niamh doesn't like peas prefers cabbage? I would plant both and tell her the peas are for daddy and Grandad. She'll grow them then. 😉

    Glad you enjoyed your egg butty.

    Love of course to Carol and Chris (aka Catlady).

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) how is Chris's leg ((())) I hope you have sun. Love to Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Mike ((())) how old is vixen love to Elliott ((()))

    Barbara ((())) yes the years go quick don't they. Don't the Doctors realise you are worried about your leg (()))

    love to Mr B ((())) your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((())) Sue's carer who's deaf can lip read with the other carers if they have a clear face mask on and when we talk to he she puts her thumbs up if she under stands us clever. I hope you are OK ((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours (()))

    love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Carol ((())) Mig ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Mike ((())) how old is vixen 

    She is 5 😺, 6 in May.

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Hello everyone. My eldest daughter was 50 in August 2020, her sister will be 50 this coming July. They are the same age for 6 weeks of the year.

    Marie Claire, my eldest.

    Helen (the younger of the two).

    Helen left Aged 2, and Marie Claire aged 3. with me and their brother Richard a few weeks old. Look at those legs. LOLOL.

    Joan, yes we have sun thank you.

    Barbara, perhaps Niamh could grow Sweet Peas, they smell lovely and you can start them in a pot or give her a pot ready started.

    Just a short tip today, but we can linger as I'm sure you will have been there before. Chatsworth House is a stately home in Derbyshire, England, in the Derbyshire Dales 3.5 miles (5.6 km) north-east of Bakewell and 9 miles (14 km) west of Chesterfield. The seat of the Duke of Devonshire, it has been home to the Cavendish family since 1549. It stands on the east bank of the River Derwent and looks across to low hills between the Derwent and Wye valleys. The house is set in expansive parkland and backed by wooded, rocky hills that rise to heather moorland. It contains major collections of paintings, furniture, Old Master drawings, neoclassical sculptures, books and other artefacts. Chatsworth has been chosen in several surveys as Britain's favourite country house.

    The Cascade

    The South Front and the South Lawn with the Seahorse Fountain. The exterior steps are a 19th-century replacement for the original horseshoe-shaped steps.

    Is that Sleek twirling her parasol?

    The Emperor Fountain.

    Too much to see in one day, so we will come back. But just one final photo.

    The Hunting Tower, where Sleek could play Rapunzel all afternoon.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Kath a lovely photo of you and your lovely family ..don't you just wonder were time has gone..I do like sweethpeas might give them a go..

    We have visited Chatsworth house many years ago ..its stunning the other half live 😅xx

    Joan how clever that the carer can lip read must take some practice ..I suppose with covid many have not had treatment for more serious things then I have ..xx

    Toni hotcross buns I like the really fruits one one from marks😁

    2 anniversary in lockdown least you had a nice curry to celebrate ...happy anniversary for yesterday 🍾🥂xx

    Love to all


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222


    Vixen will be 6 soon Mike! She is so pretty. Sleek is 11 and now Winnie is 1 - 2 in December.

    Joan I am impressed with the carer who is hearing impaired. Seems like she can do her job just as well as those with full hearing! Excellent 🙂 I think it's going to rain today 🙄love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Barbara I know others may be having delays seeing someone with their health issues too, but that doesn't stop you from being in pain so ((())) Hang on in there and chase up that call!

    Thank you we had a great anniversary - somehow it's better in lockdown? No need to see everyone or arrange anything just a lovely curry! Last night salad and baked spuds to make up for it😁

    I like the marks ones too I think the ones which are vegan very fruity they are 😋

    Kath Sleek loves Chatsworth! So much parasol twirling to do outside in the gardens she loved it it was so sunny and then she dashed inside to come down that staircase (quick clothes change!) in this:

    It trailed behind her all the way down.......

    Outside again to the tower

    Rapunzel Rapunzel throw down your hair!

    Finally she got in a boat and went to the emperor fountain and got soaked🙄

    Love the photo of the girls! They were close together that must have been hard work like for Joan and Sue's Mum like twins. You look fabulous legs all the way up to your....!!!

    I bet you cannot believe the girls are /will be 50😯

    Love of course to Carol and Chris (catlady)

    Breakfast today....hmmmm🤔

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    I'm sorry this is short I have an appointment to take Lexi to the vet she's lame at quarter past 10 15

    love to everyone ((())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Joan, oh no - poor Lexi. I hope the vet can find what the problem is and put it right. (((Lexi)))

    Barbara, yes Chatsworth is stunning, but I can't imagine how long it takes to clean it!

    Toni, Miss Sleek looks a proper princess in the veil and tiara. I'm so glad she enjoyed herself. 11! She only looks like a kitten. I think we'd better take her back to Chatsworth as there is so much more for her to see.

    The name 'Chatsworth' is a corruption of Chetel's-worth, meaning "the Court of Chetel". In the reign of Edward the Confessor, a man of Norse origin named Chetel held lands jointly with a Saxon named Leotnoth in three townships: Ednesoure to the west of the Derwent, and Langoleie and Chetesuorde to the east. Chetel was deposed after the Norman Conquest and in the Domesday Book the Manor of Chetesuorde is listed as the property of the Crown in the custody of William de Peverel.

    The 6th Duke's dining room

    Library 1694–1700 plaster work by Edward Goudge, ceiling paintings by James Thornhill, bookcases and fireplace by Jeffry Wyatville 1824

    Flora's Temple (Sleek's Temple)

    The Rockeries

    We thought she ought to have a new ball gown 'just in case' This is the model wearing it so she can get a proper look. She was very stuck up though.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all

    Had a call and they are arranging an mri ..not a clue when but things are moving on

    Tonii am loving the breakfast.. especially all the berry's I eat them most days

    I think Muss Sleek would be at home in Chatsworth...really looking the part

    I agree about lockdown..most things I have enjoyed ..peace and quiet especially on our rd .and like you say not having to arrange things ..glad you enjoyed yourselves 😁

    Thinking of P...xx

    Joan I pray that Lexi will be OK bless ..xxxxxxx

    Kath you come up with some very interesting facts..I needs staff here never mind Chatsworth 😉xx

    Love to all


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Oh No Joan😯 Is everything ok with Lexi? I can't remember her age now - I know Peppa is the younger of the two. Sending ((())) xxx

    Morning Mike. Worries us when someone else's animal is ill doesn't it?

    Barbara that's great news shouldn't be too long then if they have been in touch for your MRI. Finally some action!

    I have enjoyed the peace and quiet, but not so much down the lane we get people coming in who don't live here to walk so it can get crowded. I know who Mike feels now 🙄We are on the 'Staffordshire Way'

    You need staff😂how are you getting on with having cleaning help? I bet it helps a lot. I can send Lucy she's pretty useful.

    I have frozen fruit in my freezer do you? Blueberries, mango, pineapple and strawberries. To go in my gin!!! Only joking to go on porridge and smoothie bowls Lucy makes with chia seeds.

    Kath Sleek has ordered the new dress she says Arnty Kaff has good taste😉she has ordered some heels to 'go with' too🙄 Apparently she knows the model (having worked with her?) and that is just her resting bitch face she's actually quite nice.

    Not sure she can eat cockles in that grand dining room😮She reckons Mrs darcey would enjoy a meal there and intends to sort it for Mrs Darcey's birthday.

    Sleek's temple indeed😁 so true!!!

    I replied on that young lass's thread about MTX too I hope she braves it and it helps her.

    Hope Dad is doing ok? Behaving for Anita too?

    How quickly has Saturday come round again?

    The sun is out and yesterday we had rain hail and sun so might walk early!!!

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Morning Mike. Worries us when someone else's animal is ill doesn't it?

    Yes it does, I get more worried about animals than I do humans. I cannot watch the large number of adverts on the TV begging for money for injured and maltreated animals, it actually makes a grown man cry! I give to the Cats Protection League and I give to Water Aid but I have not got the dosh to spread it further.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Thank you for caring about lexi the vet gave her Tramadol tablets she said she has arthritis she is 11 in June sue had one that lived to 16.

    Kath ((())) thank you for the lovely places you take us to ((())) love to Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) that's good I hope you don't have to wait too long for the Mri at least they have not forgot you ((())) love to your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and Mr B ((()))

    Mike ((())) when you have an animal you do the best you can. a lot of people say they are a tie but not to us. Love to Elliott ((()))

    Toni ((())) do you feel has if the lane as been invaded by strangers. Love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    love to Bill ((())) Chris (((())) Carol ((())) Mig ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Hello all

    Joan I really hope the meds help little jack Russel Susie was nearly 17...hopefully Lexie will feel much better very to all of you xxxxx

    Toni thankyou for the croissants..I do have frozen berries now..but it took me a long time to realise how much better they were than buying fresh.. they weren't lasting long at all ..

    I can imagine how busy it gets ..there are so many walkers..we go down a lane that we have to drive to..mind you we don't have much choice xx

    Mike we are the same with the awful adverts about animal suffering, I give to a donkey sanctuary and happy hens..she rescue them xx

    Love to all


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 28. Mar 2021, 06:40

    Morning everyone an hour lost 😴 I was tired anyway! Sleek was up with the larks.

    Kath i hope you enjoyed your day off the web😁

    Mike I am the same I only said to Paul last night I would pay £50 a year to not see those adverts it's cruel I bet loads of us would and they could share it amongst the charities. I can't cope with them it breaks my heart. My charities are Scope (I used to work for the then Spastic's Society) Macmillan, Teenage cancer trust and Cat's protection I have no choice I think Sleek would insist. The girls sponsor donkeys as part of their Christmas pressies from me. I also add food to my shop for our local food-bank always a few tins.

    Joan poor Lexi she is 11 (same as Sleek) doggie tramadol eh? Bless her i hope it helps her. Poor old girl. We need the supervet to replace her sore joints 😕 ((())) xxx

    Barbara Those adverts honestly they break my heart. Paul says the older he gets the more things upset him, but I remember reading about a lady who killed herself because of all the charity letters and calls she was getting.

    It is annoying when strangers come to your village (Mike knows far better than me of course), but I suppose we all need to share this lovely countryside. There are other walks here, but with stiles which are much harder for those of us less fit.

    Yes frozen fruit is part of the answer I believe it's just as good for us, less waste and tastes as good - oh and cheaper!

    Sleek is 11 now, but as you know cats can go on forever and seems not to be in any pain at all. Lucy's little cat though. I am taking her to our vet when things are more normal she seems knock-kneed on her back paws 🐾

    Right I am off to the bank now while it's quiet, but breakfast first:

    Take care everyone

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Thank you for caring about lexi I think she's a bit better and happier her tablets last till next Sunday.

    Barbara ((())) did you see that programme where people just give their bank details to anyone who asked for it and then wondered where their money had gone. Love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni (())) when can you go for a ride in your motor home. I'm sorry winnie has got a problem with her back legs.

    Love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((()))) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Kari (((()))) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    love to Bill (((())) Carol ((())) Chris ((()))) Kath ((()))) Mig ((())) Mike (((())))

    take care
    joan xx