Val's Cafe
I was just preparing a tour of Natureland in Skegness, but I lost it. GRRRR
Here's a few photos anyway.
"Here at Natureland, we are known worldwide for rescuing and rehabilitating orphaned and injured seal pups along the Lincolnshire coast. Our visitors are able to see every step in their rehabilitation process, and hear about our rescue work when feeding our seal pups in the rearing pool!
There is so much more to see than just our seals! Our tropical butterfly exhibit is always a favourite, along with our penguins, meerkats, alpacas and lots more! "
One of the seals.
The pets corner is always popular with both younger and older children, with its collection of tame domestic animals including Goats, chickens, rabbits and guinea-pigs it’s a great opportunity for the kids to get involved.
Not forgetting the Meerkats.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Afternoon all I was convinced it was Saturday 🤔
Toni thankyou for the breakfast.. I'm a little full 😅
I agree they should take the adverts off they are horrible..our lucky hens is only 3 miles away ..she rescue the battery ones and boy so they thrive....thinking of P..xx
Joan I'm so pleased Lexi has some relief..I bet she slept well 💗
Yes I whatch the program on scams gosh talk about easy money..we are very carful you have to be these days to all if you xx
Kath when we used to go ti Butlins we akwats visited nature land they have so many poorly penguins..and do a brilliant job releasing them ..loving the pets corner photos.. 😁xx
Live to all
Barbara0 -
Hello to all my friends on this page
I have been AWOL for quite a while. I have at last managed to sort my new tablet out and to get into this forum. I have had a rather bad start to this year, but it has got better now. Oops I hope I haven't put a jinx on it by saying that. In January I lost my brother, he was my only brother and 6 years younger than me. His service at the cream wasn't until 7 weeks after he died.
I am feeling great now. Loving my new, not that new now been here 5 months now. Since I have had my vaccination I have felt happier and have been out on my mobility scooter 4 times. Before I only went out for appointments. It is surprising how just having the first jab has given me the confidence to go out. It is lovely here as I have shops. It will be great when all the shops are open and the indoor market will get back to "normal". It is really good to get back on here and to read your news etc.
I love all the various photos I've seen as I just have had a quick through a few pages. I look forward to coming on here more regularly now. Gentle hugs to you all.
Chris (CatLady1)
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A huge tree came down in the lane last night and took a power cable out so the whole village lost electricity again🙄 Gave up and went to bed early!
Joan thank you Winnie isn't in any pain I reckon just a birth defect, but she jumps and climbs as well as Slek so all should be well. I am glad Lexi is in less pain I wonder if they do steroid injections in joints for dogs like they do for us🤔 We can use the motorhome after the 12th April I think.
Kath we loved Natureland and went anyway.
Sleek as you know especially likes meerkats. She went in and had a cat chat not sure what about.....I love them all every one of them!
The eyes on that seal they are so huge and innocent.💜
Then a quick nip in to Butlins for a go on the slot machines before coming home 😊
How much did she win!
Welcome back Chris (catlady) I am so pleased you are loving your new flat. Sounds like a really good move to me. Am I right it is a bit nearer to one of your daughters? and there is more to do nearby?
Well done getting out on your scooter since your vaccination.
You have had a tough year health wise and now your tablet will let you into the site I hope we see a lot more of you 🙂
Barbara I agree today should be Sunday! We have been conned!😁
Did you see we nipped into Butlins and Sleek did really well bought us all chips on the way home....must air the motorhome out!🙊
The adverts are just too upsetting i think it's not fair event if they have to do that to raise money for the poor animals . Battery hens do so well once they are safe and allowed sunshine how lovely to be so nearby.
How is your bro doing?
A quick hello to Mike I wonder if there will be any news about the new battery today....
and of course love to Carol.💛
What shall we have this morning for breakfast...?
Sausage butty?
vegan/veggie available and anyone who might neeeeed one (Kath) eggs too!
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A quick hello to Mike I wonder if there will be any news about the new battery today....
Morning Toni, I am not holding my breath!
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((()))) thank you for the photo's some people can be so cruel to animals they should not have them.
Love to Chris ((())) Anita ((()))and Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) we don't put the TV on till 5 o clock to see the Chase see how many questions we can get right.
Love to Mr B ((())) your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Chris (cat lady) it's lovely seeing you on here a gain I'm sorry you had your accident what did you do ((())) and I'm sorry your brother passed a way ((())))
Toni (((()))) yes it's all go from the 12 of April let's hope everyone behaves their selves. Love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((()))) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P (((())) and your lovely neighbours (((()))
Mike ((())) Good luck I hope your batteries come today love to Elliott ((()))
love to Bill ((())) Carol ((()) and Mig (((())))
take care
joan xx1 -
Morning everyone!
We were quiet here yesterday😮
I joined P in her back garden with two other ladies from the village for a ribbon bow making lesson! It was lovely and felt almost 'normal' We spaced the chairs around her large garden table 2m apart and brought our own drinks. It felt fabulous we had such a laugh 🙂
I hope this doesn't mean Barbara's eyes were too bad to post😕 sending love anyway and hopes for a better day today.((()))
Kath this isn't like our kath to be AWOL at all so I am sending 🌈 as well as ((())) to you and hope you and Chris are ok.
Mike it's a good job you haven't been holding your breath. How long before Elliott does his walk for teh lifeboats?
Joan you are right I do not understand why evil people have animals.....maybe it's a power-thing? they like having control over something more vulnerable than themselves? Gosh yes I do hope everyone behaves themselves and doesn't go mad. Is Lexi walking more normally now? ((())) to you and Sue xxx
Love to Chris (catlady) I knwo you had blood tests yesterday I hope they went ok and the results are good.🤞
and of course love to Carol how is the knitting going?
I fancy and omelette today (although mine will be chickpea - gram flour)
and I think coffee would go well......
Do you like my swirls?
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Mike it's a good job you haven't been holding your breath. How long before Elliott does his walk for teh lifeboats?
Still no news on the wheelchair battery, so far as I know Elliott will be doing his walk at the end of May, he has another round of chemo to get through first.
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Good morning everyone
Hello Toni ((())) I miss Kath (()))) and Barbara ((())) I glad you enjoyed yourselves yesterday how is P I think about her((())) I bet it was nice for her yesterday. yes Lexi is happier her tablets finish on Sunday but she can have the meloxicam the vet gave me more of that I give it when she has pain you give it by a syringe thank you for asking about her. Love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((()))Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Mike ((())) I hope your battery comes today love to Elliott ((())) I hope is Chemotherapy goes has well as it can for him ((()))
love to Kath ((())) and family ((()))
Barbara ((())) and family (((())))
love to Bill ((())) Chris (((())) Carol (((())) Mig ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Hello to all my lovely friends here in the cafe. I missed our Monday meeting because we ere waiting for our GP to come and give us our second Covid jab. So that's that until the autumn - possibly. My second news is that I'm no longer a member of the Creakies. Issues with the other admin. I felt pushed out, so I left. But all of you who also joined, Pease continue as members if you feel comfortable and you are helped by them. Now I've joined a group for Asthma and one for Osteoporosis. Just an ordinary member with no pressures. It's lovely.
Joan, aww you missed me. I missed you too. How is Lexi doing, improving I hope.
Barbara, have you heard anything about your MRI yet? Hope you are coping well. Holly had to take Vay to a clinic to be tested for Autism. I'm expecting her back soon.
Toni, actually that's only half her winnings. We had a few donkey rides on the beach, then got into a spot of bother trying to smuggle a couple of Meerkats out. The fine was ASTRA GNOMINAL and Sleek wanted to know if that was related to Astra Zennika. We had a quiet chat about it as we stood by the cockle bar. I love your swirls, and that mushroom omelet is to die for, thank you.
Cat Lady, so nice to have you back. You've missed a few trips while you were away.
Mike, wishing Elliott well with the next round of chemo, then the walk- he's a complete star.
Now, time for a short trip to Wainfleet All Saints, is an ancient port and market town on the east coast of England, in the East Lindsey district of Lincolnshire, on the A52 road 5 miles (8 km) south-west of Skegness and 14 miles (23 km) north-east of Boston. It stands on two small rivers, the Steeping and Limb (or Lymn), that form Wainfleet Haven. The town is close to the Lincolnshire Wolds. The village of Wainfleet St Mary is to the south
A listed building
Magdalen College School building, now a museum
Wainfleet St Mary is a village and civil parish in the East Lindsey district of Lincolnshire, England. It is situated directly south of Wainfleet All Saints on the A52 road, 5 miles (8 km) south-west from Skegness and 14 miles (23 km) north-east from Boston. The 2001 Census recorded a population of 1,106, reducing to 1,025 at the 2011 census. It includes the hamlet of Wainfleet Bank.
St Mary's parish church, Wainfleet St Mary, Lincolnshire, seen from the southwest
Wainfleet St.Mary Community Hall - Also known as St Michael's Chapel
The Maud Foster Windmill
One of the tallest windmills in the country. There is an admission charge to climb the 7 floors and see flour being milled in the traditional way by wind power. The mill shop sells a range of organic flour, oats and muesli.
Sibsey Trader Windmill
Built in 1877 by Saundersons of Louth. Another local working flourmill with a tearoom serving homemade food including soup, sandwiches and Millers' lunches and cakes. Organic flour, souvenirs, art, bygones and preserves are all on sale in the mill. Please visit their website for up-to-date opening times.
Heckington Windmill
This is the only eight sailed windmill left in the country producing wholemeal and white flour. It was originally built as a five sailed mill in 1830 but was converted to eight sails in 1892 after the cap and sails were blown off in a storm. Their opening times can be seen on the visit lincolnshire webpage.
Miss Sleek, come down this minute. You won't catch any mice on those sails. 🙄 What's she like mummy?
Dungarees and straw hats.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Afternoon all
I completely forgot yesterday I posted in creakies abd thought I had here 🤔
Kath I am so sorry you have left..but I can understand did so much researched and it was really appreciated by some of us ❤
Wainfleet look so nice we must have skipped round it xx
Joan I would have the TV off till teatime but Mr b has it on first thing Lexi doing ok on her meds bless her xx
Mike hope that battery arrives soon for goodness sake especially with this nice weather..abd hope all goes OK for Elliot xx
Cat lady its lovely to hear from you and so pleased you have settled into your new are right it feels so much better when you have had your vaccine xx
Toni..iv forgotten what breakfast was but it was good😅
I can imagine how normal it felt all sat in the garden..especially for P
My brother is doing ok thankyou and still waiting for the pubs to open..more fir the chinwag to everyone theyhoth no rather than the drink xx
Love to all
Barbara1 -
Nearly time for a cuppa. Just thought I would do a little post on here first.
Thank you all for your kind words. I intended to post yesterday but the timeouts ran away. Think it was because I had a quite busy day. The morning was spent waiting at the surgery for my blood test. Then it was the queue at the pharmacy for my tablets. I found it was rather chilly yesterday..
Today I've had a zoom meeting at 11 by the time that was finished it was my lunch time. Had a small deep pizza, don't often have pizza but I keep a couple in the freezer in case fancy one.. After lunch and the washing up, I had to go out and pick up my 2nd pair of glasses. I had varifocals for the first time so had to get used to them before they'd do the second pair. It was lovely out and I nearly went down to the canal but thought I had a bit to do at home. That will be my next trip out.
My accident was last August, Joan, happened when I collapsed at home. I ended up with a very badly fractured right ankle. Luckily I was taken to hospital as they found problems with my pancreas and there was an infection. I am fine now. I just feel I was so very lucky as I was very seriously ill.
Loving your posts with the details of different towns. You make them so interesting.
Thank you Toni for the lovely omelette it was delicious.
So much for a little post. Gentle hugs to you all, Joan, Toni, Barbara, Kath, Carol, Mike and anyone I have forgotten.
Chris aka CatLady
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Yippee, they are coming to fit new batteries in my wheelchair next Tuesday. 😀
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Morning everyone🙂 Hoping for another sunny day today fingers 🤞
Ah Mike end of May for Elliott well let's hope the chemo goes well and he is as fit as possible for his walk. Surely the battery will be here by then🙄
Joan yes I forgot meloxicam! Sleek has had that in the past. It's like our anti-inflammatories so we know it will help Lexi. Yes P really enjoyed her cuppa in the garden and yesterday she had another! With my lovely neighbours! ((())) xxx
Kath that's great both vaccinations all done for you both. Well worth missing a day on here for.
As for trouble with Creakies admin l often felt you input wasn't valued and as a highly valued member here wasn't too pleased which was one of the reasons I rarely posted. That's it. Stick to being an 'ordinary' (extraordinary!) member it's much better.
Great trip out yesterday to Wainfleet St Mary we really enjoyed it and slept like logs last nigh!
I knew something had happened! Sleek tried to take some Meerkats again?😫 she so loves them! I am sorry thanks for sorting it out and fair enough if she had to pay the fine out of her winnings. She is so interested Astrazeneca so sweet she mixed it up with astronomical! Didn't she look good in her dungarees and hat?
It's that song about mice and stairs...everytime she sees a windmill🙄
Barbara I am dreading Paul retiring he is telly mad and moans there's nothing on, but the minute he walks through that door it's on! men eh? Present company excepted Mike of course.
I hope the pubs open soon for your brother alcohol has calories in it and it will do him good to get out and have a natter wont it? So amazing how well he has done!
We had omelette yesterday for breakfast today we will have cheese on toast. Now that i miss!
P really enjoyed her time in the garden yes i am sure of it. we all laughed so much. 😊
Hi Chris. Well the canal can do for another trip out I think yesterday was busy enough! It sounds as though you live in a much better area. Glad you get on with your varifocals one day i may try them. Kari has a pair reading and just glass I think. Is that bifocals though??
I love pizza 🍕 but like you it's a rare treat I found a nice vegan one and have it maybe once a month.
The day you had your bloods and had to fetch stuff from the chemist was chilly it was that wind! It gives me earache which makes me look silly as I often wear a wooly had when the sun is out☺️I have discovered headband ear warmers and sent off for two so I looks slightly less 'odd'
You were indeed seriously ill there Chris last year and I bet you are only really getting over it now.
Today's breakfast cheese on toast:
lo salt for Barbara!
Take care everyone!
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((()))you started the creakies it was your idea that lady takes over after you've done the hard work you did the right thing your help is valued on here (((())) thats good you've had your second jab. Love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((()))and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) that's good your brother is getting on alright ((())) yes Lexi is happy thank you. Love to your son (((())) and Niamh (((())) and your brother's girlfriend ((()))
Chris ((())) I'm sorry about your accident I bet it was painful and worrying (((()))) Good you have a nice flat.
Mike ((())) at last your batteries are coming on Tuesday good (((()))love to Elliott ((()))
Toni ((())) the days go so quick don't they love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Love to Bill (((())) Carol ((()))Mig ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Oh you are all so kind, it feels good to be appreciated. This is my home forever (rubbish hips and all)
Joan, the Creakies were once called the RA Mobsters. Debbie set it up, but her previous admin left her in the lurch. which is when I stepped up to help, but I changed the name and opened it up for OA as well as RA. The rest you know. Thank you for your support. ❤️
Barbara, I'm so pleased your brother is doing well, his GF must be delighted.
Mike, such brilliant news, you'll soon be mobile again. just in time for the nice weather and the endig of shielding.
Chris, A trip to the canal sounds good, we are surrounded by rivers and canals, but we can't walk properly now so they are in the dim and distant past. Ah well.
Toni, Madame Sleekipus looked delightful in her dungarees and straw hats. Yes, I'd forgotten about those mice on the stairs. But cheeky Sleek fancied a spin on the mill sail and those pesky Meerkats egged her on!!
I registered with our GP's surgery's online services. I can now book my own prescriptions online. Anyway. All those beauty spots we visited have ha to be cleaned up, because people have gone mad holding events and litter everywhere. So, here's a peaceful photo of Lake Conison.
Steam yacht Gondola at Coniston Pier.
Coniston Water in the English county of Cumbria is the third-largest lake in the Lake District by volume (after Windermere and Ullswater), and the fifth-largest by area.[1] It is five miles long by half a mile wide (8 km by 800 m), has a maximum depth of 184 feet (56 m), and covers an area of 1.89 square miles (4.9 km2). The lake has an elevation of 143 feet (44 m) above sea level. It drains to the sea via the River Crake.
View from Peel Island facing north with Helvellyn in the distant background
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all what a lovely day 😊
Chris you were lucky that the found the problem with your your ankle all mended or do you have ti be really carful on it....hopefully you will get your canal trip very soon xx
Toni cheese on toast and low salt thankyou..
Like you say beer is high calories for my brother,but ge can't drink much..and his gf dosent drink at all ...
I glad it not just mr b with the telly ..I like the peace and quiet when it's off😁xx
Mike at last ..a new battery..hopefully you can now have a little ride to Elliot xx
Joan don't you just worry about our dogs and cats they are family members so glad Lexi is OK ..hugs back to uou all xx
Kath I posted on creakies today to say what a good help you were ..doing all the googling for seemed like they were taking over..but anyway we have you company here..
Thanks for taking us to the refreshing xx
Love to all
Barbara1 -
Hello to all my lovely friends on here.
Was going out today but it became dull and cloudy. So I thought I would stay in and do some of things on my to do list. I've managed to do two of the big things - hoovering right through and dusting, albeit with the old faithful feather duster, changed the bed, printed out the paperwork for my extra holiday. I've got the washing to do tomorrow and must remember I've a video chat at lunchtime. Also I must remember that the rubbish and salvage must go out.
I have been trying to organise my travel insurance but the site I want had been down 3 days now. The holiday I've booked is a cruise round Britain's coastline. It doesn't call into any port so I can have a really relaxing time. It's 7 days on PandO's newest ship. My trip will only be it's second one. I just feel that the last year has been very hard not only for me, but for everyone. As Toni said I certainly still have hard days, they are getting further apart but I get so fatigued and tired. I've also not got my crafting moods going yet. I am managing to do some sketching, drawing and a little bit of painting which I am enjoying. I am doing an online course on illustrating and drawing which I am enjoying.
Kathy's photos of Coniston Lake brought back many happy memories of the times I visited the Lake District with my late husband. I found the countryside in that area stunning.
Yes Joan those 8 weeks in hospital were very worrying not so much for me but for my two daughters. I got really bored in the last few days but I must say the nurses and other staff were really amazing. Nothing was too much trouble. But no way to I want to go through that experience again.
Fingers crossed for you Mike that they do come and sort your wheelchair batteries out on Tuesday. Then you may be able to get out for short periods of time.
Guess I should go and do my washing up and tidying the kitchen. Enjoyed Toni's cheese on toast, one of my favourites.
Gentle hugs to Toni ((())). Kath ((())) Joan ((())) Barbara, ((())). Mike ((())) and Carol.((())) and anyone I've missed.
Have a relaxing evening. Take care and stay safe.
Chris (CatLady).
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Evening all
Blooming heck where do the days go. I really don’t know. I thing a big black void whisks them away before we know it. We are all ok as are the family. Mr T continues to drive me insane but then I am probably driving him insane during this virus lockdowns. We are reopening the church for Sunday worship as from this Sunday with an Easter service. So hopefully that will go well.
Toni my knitting is going ok I had to laugh though I stared knitting what I though was 0-3 months size hadn’t got far when I though well as she is a summer baby perhaps a hooded cardigan might be better in a 3-6 months size as by the time it was needed in the autumn time she would be 3 months old. So undid it and started again only to realise that not only had I been doing the bigger size already anyway. I then think we’ll this looks very small for this bigger size only to realise I was knitting the left front and not the back as I thought I was doing . In all my years knitting I have never done that ever.
Kath how were you both after your second jabs. I did ask on creakies but hear today that you have left the group. As per your post on here today I will continue on both sites. I love all the beautiful places you post on here
sorry about this picture I don’t know how to get rid of it.
This was what I meant to post
And the 2 monsters that is supposed to be Rubies smiling face. The tops say it all.
I am trying to be positive and get back into my usual happy self. Hopefully this will happen when I can get out more. I can’t go far at the moment because you can guarantee that I will at some point need the loo, and all the public loos around us are closed. Even the shopping centre that is open because it houses essential shops have their loos closed . When non essential shops are open the loos should reopen they did last time.
Miss Cookie makes us laugh she sits on my chair back quietly , and when mr t comes into living room and I turn to talk to him she touches me on the head as much as to say talk to me not him. She is quite a character now.
Taken by our youngest daughter seems she is taking up a new hobby of photography.
we have had three days on nice weather warm enough to lunch in the garden again. We have even more ornaments out there now. We are so glad we spent all that money last year and had it done. It so nice especially for me to be able to get out there again. I will have to take some more photos out there
well it’s time I moved from this chair before I get glued to it.
love a sparkles to you all.
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Good morning everyone😁
Mike that is great news I'm sure you will wear your mask when you go out.
Kath Coniston yes! Sleek loves a boat trip as do we all and we got our boat just for us no strangers just the cafe-crew.
Oh no! She shot off in a speed boat!
Meerkats can be very mischievous indeed encouraging my pusskin to take risks like that! swinging on the sails would have been very dangerous.
I heard that Helvellyn was covered in rubbish due to all the extra visitors with this nice weather grrrrr.... We have had 6 pick up sticks and biliners delivered from the council (at our request) for all our extra village rubbish.
Well done registering for online prescriptions etc. I need to do the same for myself and Paul and Lucy. I bet it helps and you might be able to read your notes too now.
Joan the time really does fly by. Saw my lovely neighbours yesterday trapped in the garden as the paths were done yesterday (for the 1st time in 39 YEARS!!!!). They were ok really happily pottering in the garden and the workmen put ramps over for the carers to get in. ((())) for you and Sue.
Chris it does take a long time to get over something as major as you went through. I can't imagine how awful it must have been for your girls worrying about you when visitors are not allowed at the moment.
A holiday!! How wonderful! Sounds pretty safe too if you aren't getting off and mixing. I'm sure everyone will be checked before they get on board. Might do the 30 minute lateral flow tests too to be on the safe-side. When are you off - did you say?
Chris - you have a video chat today don't forget.
I love the lakes too lovely memories for you of times up there with your husband - and the girls??
Well done starting a course online. I feel like I've done nothing at all this past year I am pretty ashamed of myself really 😉
Barbara a few extra calories will do your brother good! I expect the bubbles in drinks fill him up quickly though maybe?
The telly is for after your evening meal Paul! never mind if it keeps them happy eh?🙄 To be fair I will watch something sometimes in the afternoon at the weekends, but not all day.
Glad you enjoyed the breakfast yesterday.
Today I have a busy day. Got to put in shopping order for tomorrow, a video chat and then choir zoom tonight. All too much!
I thought the new admins were taking over after all Kath's work!
Carol it's lovely to see you.
I am glad you are making the most of the garden now it's so lovely. That will be me next year i hope this year it will be being done so i must be patient.
The odd photo was put up by Miss Cookie she wanted us to see all her belongings! As you know she is the most important person in the house. Your chair back is her space too🧡 Lovely pic c/o your daughter.
Soon you will be able to get out a bit and have some space from each other and something to talk about I expect that will help. we have a Church service this Sunday too. We are trying to organise a loo for in there we don't have one. Not a problem for me being opposite. I agree we need conveniences open!
So all along you were knitting the right size! and then mixed up after you restarted😫 oh no!!! Bless you. They will appreciate it and she will look adorable in it.
Nice to see pics of the girls too Rubie's 'smile' has to make everyone smile😀 #toddlerlife indeed!!!
Right breakfast anyone?
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) I 'm online with the Doctor's as well. Yes I remember you changed the name to the creakies. Love to Chris ((())) Anita ((()))Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Chris ((())) I was told when I had my ankle op it's one of the most painful places on your body. Have a good day.
Carol ((())) I don't know why cookie was not wanted by anyone was she in a cattery she's a lovely looking cat but you have to be boss not them. Lovely photo's ((()))
Barbara ((())) do you still see your old neighbour ((())) I'm pleased your brother is getting on alright ((())) love to his girlfriend ((())) love to your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and Mr B ((()))
Toni ((())) have you heard how Chris with the horses is ((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((()))) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Love to Bill ((())) Mike ((())) Mig ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Morning all, waiting for the bin men. After they've been I have to pop out and swap th bins over. At least I don't have to walk to the car park to fetch them.
Barbara, I bet none of the creakies made a comment after your post. I'm pleased you are staying with them if the group helps you. But I would be interested to know if any other members post any helpful information the way that I did.
Carol, yes I left. I've been fine after my 2nd jab. Chris just had a painful arm, but he has that after the flu jab anyway. Cookie wanted to show us her scratching post and feeding tray as if she's reassuring us "Mummy's looking after me" as if we doubted it. Lovely photo of the GGCs.
Joan, being able to order your own prescriptions makes life a lot easier, doesn't it.
Chris, I'm so pleased I brought back some happy memories with your late husband.
Toni, It's shocking the things people get up to when given their freedom. Thank you for the piklets.
This is the Forest recreation ground in Nottingham. Nottm Forest used to have their matches here before they moved to the City Ground, where they play now.
I thought I'd better buy Sleek a swimming costume in case she fell in.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all quite chilly here..
Chris the cruise will be a lovely way to do more sounds so nice I must say..sorry these are short but me eyes are not good xx
Toni crumpets 😁thankyou
The only thing I watch in the afternoon are the old coronation St.. I love them much better then the ones you say if it keeps our men happy 😅xx
Joan my old neighbours will be calling for the easter eggs i have for the children ..can't wait to see them xx
Carol I love the photos of the little ones ..they must be so much fun..hopefully you can hug them very soon xx
Kath I think Debbie said how helpful your post were to us all..and I agree ..thankyou xx
Rught my eyes are going
Love to all
Barbara1 -
Evening everyone
not so nice today cooler than yesterday but I wouldn’t say cold not really a garden day. But went for a walk that was a bit longer today.
Toni I order my prescriptions from my dr online too have done so for ages.during the lockdowns the pharmacy have been delivering them for me too. Yes Cookie thinks she is the most important person in the house but she has been told she is not, Don’t think she liked it by the look I got. 😂. Yes the toddler life made me laugh too. Rubie is sure the comedian you can’t help laughing at her she is so funny. Can’t wait till I can see them all. our church has toilets so we are ok there. but yes we do need toilets open especially in shopping centres that are open anyway.
Joan Cookie was in a small rescue and refuge centre run by an fantastic lady in her own home we have no idea how Cookie came to be there as she takes them in for all manner of reasons and finds homes for them. And she is very careful to home the right cat with the right family
Kath I can assure you madam Cookie is well looked after that scratching post was twice the height she ruined the bottom half with over use so we had to take that bit off so now that is the remaining top half you can see. And as for food she would eat all day if you let her. 😂 glad you are ok after your second jab.still go ours to come between now and next 3 weeks. love the picture of sleek in her swimming costume.
well it’s time for me to go
love and sparkles to everyone
Stay positive always👍xx1 -
Today is P's birthday. I have flowers for her I expect she has loads but she does love them.
Carol Kari my sister reckons we can repair our cat scratch posts by re-gluing the string back on.....if so I will repair Sleek's she has two but one was a super-duper one she had for Christmas a year or so back and it was pricey.
Glad you have a loo in Church I just hope we do too soon. then other things can happen there for the older people in the village to enjoy. Cuppas and the like. I think they daren't ATM!
Won't it be wonderful when you can see all your little people properly. The youngest is very often the comedian on the family because they get away with murder!!!! This virus honestly it's been dreadful 😕
Aha! Barbara you got me I do sometimes watch the old coronation streets (I'm sure I was happier in those days) when I do my ironing or something i've recorded, but l don't just have the telly on for the sake of it. and then moan there's nothing on! Men eh?!
I am sorry your eyes are being naughty sending ((())) that today is a better day for you.
You are right the cruise will help Chris recuperate more! Good thinking.
Joan Cris (skezier) is doing ok much the same as ever she will never stop! I will tell her you asked after her. Funnily enough i was talking about her yesterday to someone else!. Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx
Kath Sleek loves her new costume and says she will wear the hat because of her hair 🤔She loves swimming apparently....
Oh my goodness what an absolute mess! people are just so selfish. We were brought up to take our rubbish home with us always. I don't think kids are these days. So that was the old 'Forest' ground was it?
Mrs Darcey Sleek Miss Cookie Rosie Tommy Thumb Jessie and Oreo and VIXEN! are all going out to pick litter up. they are not impressed with hoomans behayvier.
Glad you've had no side effects from your vaccine and yes I am like Chris I always get a sore arm.
Your bin men do a good job don't they? as you say at least you don't have to trek down to the car-park.
They are doing more on our paths here today....should be good but a tractor has already squashed the stuff they laid on Wednesday outside my wall 🙄
Morning to you Mike. I hope all is well in Cornwall.
Love to Chris too of course. I think we need to hear the itinerary for your cruise when you have time.
red/brown sauce/mustard/mayo available of course and a cup of builder's
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