Val's Cafe
Me too Chris! (er Broris!) Haircut at 9 so up early (well I usually am anyway!) I can't wait i know this will take 10 years off me as Aidan would have said😍
Did you sort the tension on your sewing machine then? I was youtubing vids for the motorhome they are so useful.
Hope you don't get heartburn eating fried food so late. I had to make extra eggs Kath ate them all she's mad about them!
Good luck with the COVID test I hope it goes well i don't see why it shouldn't. What time do we need the cloak ready on Wednesday?
Barbara if a patch might help you lose nothing at all by trying.....?
13th as in tomorrow for your 2nd vaccine? We are doing so well, but i saw on the TV about people in India and got cross where are their vaccines? Their centres were closed because they had run out, but they are actually making them there!???
My Hairdresser has had both of hers because she's been volunteering at her local vaccination centre.
Woken here to a reasonable dusting of snow which will not stop me getting my hair cut! No way!
So Kath you were like me then? rubbish at maths😕How embarrassing. Never mind quite a lot failed maths in my school I'm sure our teacher was rubbish it wasn't me - or you😉
I can imagine you'd be great at IQ tests yes definitely. As for Elizabeth I miss her very much she needs to pop in any time at all. You me Joan and Barbara would all remember her if she has time. She even lives in the same county as me now! Chris might know her too as she has been watching the forum for some years....
That is so sad seeing that area of Kuala Lumpur. Such a shame how some people have to live.
Help yourself to as many eggs as you like I soon knocked some more up 😋
Great news about your dera Dad's 2nd jab.
Joan I am very pleased to hear lexi is doing so well. Incredible how they bounce back it's just a shame they couldn't tell us sooner when they feel rough isn't it? Thank you Lucy is doing just fine🙂((())) xxx
Mike I hope all is well with you and Vixen and you have been enjoying having a complete shopping order. I bet you have almost got too much food now😁
Carol I expect you had a service yesterday? Sure it went just fine and hope family are ok. ((()))
Snow.....🤔does that mean I can get the ready brek out again?
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) that's good your Dad having his second jab ((())) he will feel safer now. We did are 11 plus at school.
Love to Chris ((())) How's is leg ((())) Anita ((())) Val ((()))
Barbara ((())) I'm sure your niece will feel happier after talking to you ((())) love to Mr B ((())) your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Chris (((())) have a good day I'm having my hair cut to day as well.
Mike ((())) that's good Elliott is home again ((())) yes he will enjoy his goodies ((()))
Love to Toni ((())) and her family ((())) Bill ((())) Carol ((())) Mig ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Morning all my special friends
Surprisingly, I am up to date with all the bits around the flat and have time to come on here early. See on the TV that people were queuing before 7 waiting for Primark to open. Are they that desperate to buy clothes, there was even on person with a toddler and a little baby in a buggy.
Toni will be at the hairdressers now getting that necessary treatment and cut. I have to wait till 11 for my hairdresser to come to me. Really I should have put her off till after my procedure on Wednesday, as I am again in isolation till then. I just couldn't wait a moment longer, my Boris hair will be banished and hopefully back to my usual normal.
Thanks Toni for the Ready Brek, greedy me I've had two portions but I added some prunes to mine for the hopeful results.
Very pleased Mike that Elliott is back again. I'm sure they will really appreciate your gift to them. Have you managed to venture out yet. Hope it will not be to overrun with tourist as it must make problems for all you locals.
That's my lot for today. Hurrah you all must be saying. I know I do go on some times. Sure it is an effect of me living alone and often don't see anyone sometimes for days. I am not moaning about this as I am a loner by nature and enjoy my days whether alone or with someone. I always have various crafts and art on the go all the time.
Gentle hugs to Toni, Kath Joan, Barbara, Carol and Mike. Hopefully I've not missed anyone.
Chris aka CatLady.
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Very pleased Mike that Elliott is back again. I'm sure they will really appreciate your gift to them. Have you managed to venture out yet. Hope it will not be to overrun with tourist as it must make problems for all you locals.
Strangely enough my OT has just visited and said that the roads were choker blocked with cars and my sister has said that there have been loads of second home owners down here throughout the so called lockdown when they should not have travelled. The OT came to measure me for a new riser/recliner and that is all I thought it was but she did a full assessment and natter about my condition; she asked if I had been out and I explained that basically I was anxious about it and fed up with all the numptys not wearing masks, social distancing etc (I have always been told that I do not suffer fools gladly) and she said that it was depression not anxiety. That's no surprise anyway as I was diagnosed with that and PTSD years ago! The long and the short of it is that I have no desire to go anywhere other than the village shop when I need a few bits in between my supermarket delivery. My baby sister has offered to take me out and I have turned her down more than once, now she doesn't ask but she would willingly if I did ask her.
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Afternoon all
Love and sunny here but not venturing out will let things settle down
Mike I'm so pleased Elliot is home..and what a good idea sending the Catterpillar hamper he will love it ..
I am sure you will be out with your sister when you feel you say to many idiots xx
Toni readybrek I can eat anytime 😊
So today's the day 10 years younger so you will look around how nice it will be..I need a new mobile hairdressers..xx
Joan I love having a chat with my neice you say it will help her through things ..thankyou xx
Chris I hope the procedure goes OK for you ..and having your hair cut before will make you feel much better 😁note to myself look for a new mobile hairdressers xx
Kath ooh an allotment I am sure your daughter will make the most of it..I know she loves to cook xx
We are waiting for a skip to arrive..all the old fencing and other stuff in the garage to go in..
Love to all
Barbara1 -
Hello everyone. I've pulled some muscles (or is it just fat?) 0n my right hand side. I think I did it climbing al those stairs in the Petronas Towers. I think I need some of Sleek's EMBROCATION to rub on it.
Mike, I don't fancy going out either. Mind you, I was housebound before the Pandemic. 🙄
Chris, I'm not saying hurrah. I can go on with the best of 'em. My youngest daughter has acquired an allotment just a few yards away from their house. So she, her pal Alex and eldest son Chester the forager are preparing it. They will move all the fruit and vegetables out of the house garden and replace them with flowers. The fruit an veg will be transplanted to the allotment. They will also rescue 3 battery hens and rehome them in the allotment too. She loves cooking and also making all her own toiletries, pickles, preserves and even soaps, perfumes and household cleaning products too. An example to us all i think.
Wishing everyone well, and sending hugs and love.
One of Emily's high teas, in her vintage dining room. Makes me hungry.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Morning everyone 🙂
Now Mike how did I miss the caterpillar hamper? I would love to see a pic of that. I am sure they all enjoyed that and am so very pleased to see Elliott home and doing well. Hurry up and finish chemo.
That OT talked a lot of sense methinks, but can anything be done to help? You say have no desire to go out, but do you need to or is it other people worrying that you aren't getting out? If you have to go say to the hospital and your sister picks you up you can go out can't you?🤔
When Mr Cummings travelled during the original lockdown he set the worst ever example didn't he? At least only those who do have their own accommodation are allowed to stay away from home ATM. I had to take Lucy to the Drs for a blood test yesterday and the roads were busier than normal. I think because people could go into shops other than supermarkets. Paul says get them back to work😮
Kath I would love to see the allotment before and after! I have always wanted one a place to escape to. Rescue hens would be brilliant to and such a lovely idea. The afternoon tea looks amazing I just love Emily's quirky vintage ideas 🙂
So you pulled your side? Sleek has brought over some embrocation for you and left it beside your bed she said you were still asleep?
She asked whether Emily could do a high tea for herself and the girls? That's her, Mrs Darcey, Miss Cookie, Rosie, Jessie and now (if she'll come) Winnie. So 6 in total.
Barbara Thank you hair all done, but I'm not sure Paul is too keen....the rest of us are though. He doesn't like change wants me stuck in 2002 when we first started seeing each other 🙄
You must get yourself a new mobile hairdresser like Chris has i think Joan and Sue too. Or else start doing a number 2 like our Kath?
I hope the skip has arrived and the men have filled it for you...that being husband and son.
There were so many cars out yesterday and the queues outside shops were mad. completely mad. Someone said queueing for 3 hours for a pair of £3 Primark leggings. A bit rude but still it's just not worth potentially spreading the virus again just as things are settling.
Morning Joan how are you and Sue doing? When are you both having your hair cut? I had mine done yesterday...very different I will try to get a pic on if I can.....maybe! Don't want to scare you all😁
Good morning Chris how are you today? Glad you enjoyed the ready brek with prunes (should do the job as it were!). Two bowls is always fine it being so chilly. I'm glad you hair is done too! Where shall we go now we look so good? Apart from tomorrow's procedure😉
I like time alone very much too Chris I like it quiet or just my audiobook on my Alexa or some music. the hairdresser used hers to time how long for my colour to stay on!
Having some art project to get to anytime you fancy is just lovely.
My house is tidy too I think although there is ironing to do....maybe Lucy will do me some.
It is Charley's fiancée's 30th birthday on Sunday so we will be doing a socially distanced takeaway outside I hope it's warm enough. I can open up the breeze house I suppose and put the heater on then it's totally open with just the roof with the heater. I don't normally with it being a waste of energy, but it is a special birthday.
Loe of course to Carol I hope all is well and you've just been busy with your knitting.
It's still cold so needs to be a hot breakfast:
After our trip to Malaysia I thought a Malaysian breakfast?
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Now Mike how did I miss the caterpillar hamper? I would love to see a pic of that. I am sure they all enjoyed that and am so very pleased to see Elliott home and doing well. Hurry up and finish chemo.
So far as I know he only has one chemo session left, don't know when that is though but it should not be too long. Here is the Colin the Caterpillar gift bag I sent them from the M&S websote:
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Good morning everyone
Kath I'm sorry you pulled some muscles I hope they don't take to long to heal they can take a while ((())) Good your daughter has an allotment ((())) love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) Val and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) we had a mobile hair dresser but she would not come because of Sue's carers coming 3 times a day sue goes to a shop now I had mine cut yesterday. How is your brother doing (((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son (((())) and Niamh (((())) and your brothers girlfriend (((()))
Chris (((()))) how is your ankle doing (((()))) I have not been to town since before Christmas has there is no toilets open.
Toni ((())) I can't wait for Sunday that is the day lexi finishes her tablets. Love to Paul ((())))) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia (((()))) Kari (())) and P (((()))) and your lovely neighbours (((())))) people are so desperate to by socks she's tights why.
Mike (((()))) I know how you feel don't worry ((()))) love to Elliott ((())) and vixen ((()))
love to Bill (((()))) Carol ((())) Mig (((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Just a quick visit today. I have downloaded a new PDF reader and an EPUB reader from
Both free to download and use, but are quite cheap if you wish to upgrade for more options.
the book reader was £17.94 and the pdf reader is £47.94.
Toni, tell Sleek et al Emily will arrange a tea party for them all as soon as the allotment is ready. Off to do some reading now.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Afternoon all second jab all done..😁
Toni a very different breakfast..I enjoyed it thankyou
What us it with men Mr B is the same likes my hair when we first met..😅he doesn't like it longer but I can just put it up .
The streets are very busy but we had a little potter after our jab ..Nice and queit in the gc ...😁how nice to have a afternoon tea fir Charleys fiance ..30 bless xx
Mike the caterpillar pack is brilliant ..xx
Joan I need my haircut badley..glad you and Sue have gad yours brother us doing ok thankyou ..the stent has really helped xx
Kath pulled muscles are awful ..I hope it easese very soon x
I am lovely Emily's tea and her house is brilliant so cosy ..I do like following her blogs..they will all be busy on there allotment nothing nice than growing your own food xx
Love ti all
Xx xxx
Barbara1 -
Is everyone ready to get under the cloak for Chris? she is having her procedure today I think 1pm. We are all thinking of you Chris I am sure it will go really well and 'they' will look after you.
Sleek is ready and waiting and will supervise the medics to make sure it's done properly.
Oh Mike what a lovely gift I am sure it will have lifted the whole family's spirits receiving that and knowing you are thinking about them all 🙂
Kath I wonder whether those readers will help Barbara at all? Are they working well for you? It would be wonderful if she can keep posting and reading our posts as her eyes get worse.
Sleek is ready
to help Emily so she can have her afternoon tea sooner!
Joan yes people are desperate to buy new things, but we can wait a week or so more until things settle down can't we? I bet Lexi will like finishing those tablets too!!! Love and (((()))) to you Sue and the dogs xxx
Morning Barbara our Tea rooms are like Emily's house i adore them and can't wait to get back there I can pretend I lived in a simpler time. BUT I will wait a bit longer until people have calmed down a bit.🙄
Any side effects after your jabs? I hope you are both ok. Not sure when l will get called for mine being via the GP. Still I can wait. Did you go in the GC then?
What can you do with men eh? Honestly they get stuck in a time warp don't they? Times have moved on now bless them.
Charley came round to show us how to do the free tests which arrived yesterday....she is trained to do them for work. Seemed easy enough and was negative!! But it was rather chilly outside. I hope it's sunny on Sunday for Annie's 30th
Right sending love to Carol I hope she is doing ok haven't heard from her for a while. she needs to nip to aidan's shed for her missing hours!
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) how are you feeling a bit easer today I hope ((())) love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) I don't change my hair because I get embarrassed a bout people saying you have changed it I go red thinking they are looking at me sue is the other way. I hope Kath's readers can help you ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your Son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) that's good he's doing alright ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Chris ((())) we are thinking about you ((((())) take care see you on here when you are ready ((()))
Mike ((())) I bet Elliott loves is caterpillar bag (((()))
Toni (((())) the Doctors let us know when we can have our jabs I think it's in May some time. We should feel a bit safer then. love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers (((())) Lucy (((())) Tia ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Love to Bill ((())) Carol (((())) and Mig ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Finally, I've been so busy today I thought I'd never get here! I've ordered Chris and myself some Lateral Flow Tests from the NHS website. It took ages. I can order 7 every day.
Sadly I don't think the readers will help Barbara. They ae for reading books or magazines that you can download in PF or EPUB format.
Emily will be delighted with all the help the puskins are giving her, but I expect Miss Pond will sit haughtily in the bird house. But Bertie will enjoy the company. Look at the way he handles that rake. And Madame Sleekipus has folded her parasol away and is watering the plants. Is that Tommy on he cycle?
Joan, people will be looking at you in admiration, just sit back and smile at them. They will admire you even more.
Yesterday Holly went to Derby, to Primark. But I don't know if she managed to get in, as she didn't leave until almost 2pm!
Mike, I'm loving the Caterpillar bag. I bet Elliott does too.
Barbara, so now you've ha your 2nd jab, you should feel safer going to have our hair cut.
Right, I'll just enjoy my breakfast then pop off. See you tomorrow. ❤️
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Oh dear No Barbara two days running I think time to send her a message 🤔let's hope it's just her eyes needed a rest maybe?
And I was also wondering if Chris (aka catlady) is doing ok after her procedure yesterday. Hopefully she got there ok on transport and her daughter was fetching her home. As you can imagine Sleek was there checking it was all done correctly and taking her sats every five minutes!
Joan yes I will be much happier after I have had my second jab like you I don't have a date yet, but it ought to be soon🤞Maybe it's been a blessing in some respects this pandemic because it has really made me appreciate the little things in life like a coffee with a friend. And oh! when i can hug Charley and Tia! Hugs to you and Sue (((()))) xxxx
Kath Miss Pond is not interested in hard work at all so Sleek says and yes well-spotted that was indeed Tommy on the bike! Did I tell you Winnie fancies him?! Well I never he is rather dashing i suppose, but he can be a bit naughty might lead her astray....
I also ordered my tests but struggled to order for Paul and Lucy yet so far will try again today. Did I tell you Charley taught us how to do them in the garden the other day? It's quite easy if a bit time consuming, but she assures me it will get easier. WEll done for doing it i think we all ought to.
Shame the readers won't help Barbara😕I just don't want us to lose her she is such an important person here in our little café
Sunny here but icy so far this morning.
Love to Carol and family hope all is well.
Mike will be recovering from talking too much yesterday and Mike - guess what? I have an Ocado order coming this morning with NO subs!!! It's obviously catching!
Right i really ought to get something done so will do breakfast first.....
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) there are so many people that are not interested in using a computer but they make doing things so much easer don't they and phones a lady at our Doctors who was 80 was told to get a mobile phone so has she could book her tabs she said I'm not going to that expense. love to Chris ((()))Anita ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Toni ((())) yes it will feel back to normal when you can cuddle everyone again. love to Paul ((())) Charley (((()))) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Love to Barbara (((())) and Mr B ((()))and your son ((()))) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) I hope all is well ((())))
Chris (((())) I hope it all went well yesterday.
love to Bill ((())) Carol (((()))) Mike ((())) and Mig (((())))
take care
joan xx1 -
I sent Barbara a message through fb yesterday and she replied. Anita took dad to the eye clinic at the hospital yesterday. On FB she posted that he had lazer treatment and now has wet Macula degeneration. So I rang him up and he said " I ant ad lazer treatment. Nobody tode me ad got macula, ave never erd of it" in his Nottingham voice. Anyway that's why I messaged Barbara. She seemed OK, but it's hard to tell really.
Joan, I can understand the lady's reasoning. Mobiles can be expensive if you're not likely to use it much. But the powers that be make it difficult to live without one.
Toni, Miss Pond is only interested in three things, eating, sleeping and annoying the birds by sleeping in the bir house. That was a lovely picture of the puskins in the allotment. I ordered my tests by using my NHS log in and Chris's by not using a log in. Thank you for all those eggs. 😛that's me licking my lips.
- #1 — LEMONGRASS (Cymbopogon) :
- #2 — VALERIAN (Valeriana officinalis, Caprifoliaceae) :
- #3 — CHAMOMILE (Matricaria recutita) :
- #5 LICORICE ROOT (Glycyrrhiza glabra) :
- #6 — PEPPERMINT (Mentha × piperita) :
- #7 — CATS CLAW (Una de Gato) :
Jus a suggestion or three. I'd better put pictures.
Emily will love those, did I tell you she intends to get 3 rescued battery hens?
A cat friendly garden
Sending love and hugs to all our friends, human and feline.
Oh by the way, tell Sleek her embrocation is helping muchly.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Thanks for the info about plants for cats, one word of warning though, I once planted 6 catmint plants and Vixen ate the whole lot within 24 hours and was loopy for days!
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Oh Mike that did make me laugh (sorry) Vixen overdid the cat mint! What is she like?! She is a character you pusskin no mistake. Hope all is well with you and the family.
Joan that lady is daft I think not trying a phone. I suppose it's a lot to learn suddenly if you haven't kept up with technology like you and Sue have all along. I cannot WAIT to hug my girls it will be wonderful. I wonder what all the new babies will think who haven't had the usual cuddles from strangers for over a year. I know Tia says a lot of dogs are struggling (especially young ones) with the lack of socialisation. ((())) to you and Sue xxx
Kath Sleek is very pleased to hear that the emrocation is working well. It's one she makes up from Tosca's spell book.
She says thank you very much for all the garden tips for Mummy. She knows the garden is being 'done' this summer. raised beds going in etc and is very keen that i should put some plants in especially for her and (maybe she 's not sure yet) Winnie. But definitely Rosie, Mrs Darcey, Miss Cookie and the others.... She says Miss Pond has the right idea even though she herself never stops. Flying here and there helping people.
You did say Emily is after rescuing some battery hens. She will love watching their feathers grow back in and how they thrive Kath. We will need photos both before during and after.
So your Dad had wet macular? I think Barbara said that type is treatable??? Oh it's all a bit confusing isn't it? I bet he did have laser but it doesn't hurt so maybe didn't think he had???
Thank you I think I need to order Paul and Lucy's tests via my own log in then? I'll give it a try later.
Please may we visit a bluebell wood soon?
Barbara our friend I hope all is well with you all at home. Sending love.
Chris I have heard from the procedure went well she is ok just got to wait for a follow up with the consultant like you do.
Love also of course to Carol and family.
Mushrooms on toast! (Kath there are plenty!)
1 -
Well, only Mike and Froggy today. Vixen's antics with the catmint made me laugh too. Did she have an upset tummy either before or after? Perhaps I'd better try some for my poorly tummy, after all I am a cat you know (KAThleen) one of my nicknames at Mundella was Tom Kat (my maiden name was Tomlin). The other was little bright eyes - nickname I mean, not maiden name..
Toni, I don't know where dad's head was saying all that about his hospital appointment. He probably was told everything, but because Anita was listening he probably switched off and didn't hear a thing. 🙄
Still no Barbara, oh dear. If I shout loud enough do you think she will venture in?
There, she might pop in now.
I'm hoping to do my first Covid test tomorrow.
Here's your Bluebell Wood Toni.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Good morning everyone
Kath (((()))) I'm sorry your Dad has has macular problems people get so used to how they are they don't know they have things wrong (((())) love to Chris (((()))) Anita (((()))) and Val ((())) and Holly (((()))) and her little girls ((())))
Mike ((())) love to Elliott (((())) and vixen how long have you to wait for the recliner to come.
Toni ((())) have a good weekend the weather is nice how is your back ((())) love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Barbara ((())) love to you I hope everything is alright (((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((()))Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
love to Bill ((())) Chris ((()))Carol ((())) Mig ((())
take care
joan xx1 -
Sorry I just give my eyes a rest ..everything fine after our second jab
Mike..that was so funny Vixen being 8n an high with cat nip 🤣 I have soft toys here that you put cat mint in the center the cats frim next door love them ..xx
Toni all well here thankyou mushroom on toast were delicious 😋
This lovely weather helps us all to get out and about hopefully you can get to your tearooms very soon xx
Kath thankyou I really hope dad's eyes keep going has long as he does bless him ..I am waiting for my bluebells to flower xx
Joan thankyou just readting my eyes ..I think you should go for it wuth your hair have a change and never mind others..saying that I blush easy ..xx
Off out for a little walk
Love to all xxxxx
Barbara0 -
Oops sorry I missed Chris out I hope all went well with you op.xxxxx
Barbara0 -
Mike ((())) love to Elliott (((())) and vixen how long have you to wait for the recliner to come.
The new recliner should be here in a couple of weeks hopefully.
Vixen didn't appear to have any effects from the cat mint other than going loopy for a few days. She has loads of toys with catnip in but she rarely plays with them, probably because there are too many creatures to play with outside! Mind you she does have two yellow and black mice which are her favourites and in bad weather she will play with them at night and then sit next to them miaowing until I go to see what is up and tell her she is a good girl!
On-line shopping delivered today and back to normal, items missing and substituted, I knew it was too good to last. Prescription delivered too. And if that is not enough excitement I have actually found a decorator who will be painting my lounge and porch tomorrow. It has taken me ages to find someone local willing to just paint the lounge walls as those that actually bothered to answer were only interested in bigger jobs. Found this chap through the My Builder website and as it is a small job he is willing to do it on a Saturday. For the inquisitive amongst us cream walls will be changing to yellow. 😊
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Hi to all you lovely people
My procedure went off very well. Had the usual problem with them trying first to take some blood then even more difficulty when it came to putting the cannula in. Ended up with 6plasters on. I feel for the nurses when they have to do it. The scope never found anything nasty. They did take six biopicies. 6-7 weeks before I get any results.
Had my normal haircut that I can easily do, Been really luck, I found a good hairdresser first time. I've booked my appointments until I go off on my cruise in August. Had a lovely surprise this evening, an email from P&O, they have reduced the cost of my cruise by £170. Very surprised.
You asked about my ankle Joan - it is going along really well but by tea time it has swollen up a lot. I rest it up whenever I sit down. Guess I should really get it checked. Might make an effort to make an appointment.
I am hoping when I get up tomorrow that the fatigue I have had since I had the sedation on Wednesday will be gone.
Oh heck. I'm going to have to close this post as I must of fallen asleep in the middle of this. Gentle hugs Toni ((())). Kath ((())) Joan. ((())) Barbara. ((())) Carol ((())) and Mike.((())).
Have a good night everyone, take care and stay safe.
Best wishes
Chris aka Catlady
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