Val's Cafe



  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Toni thankyou fir Niamhs cake she was thrilled ..she is si grateful for what she gets..her words dreams do come true..😅

    I feel so much for P but sleeping us good m6ch better than pain bless her xx

    Joan thankyou Yes we get hugs 🤗hope all is well at yours xx

    Mike Vixen must pick up you are in pain ..I hope tomorrow is a little better xx

    Reshmi it's not nice that your friend dropped you like that ..depression can hit any any time take care xx

    Kath your poor dad I hope he is being looked after ..Will be thinking about you xx

    Love to all


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 6. Aug 2021, 05:48

    Reshmi thank you so much earl grey and soya milk is perfect🙂 Friends can be like that you know when Lucy got Leukaemia we certainly found out how few 'real' friends a person has! It's a shame your nice friend who has moved has an inferiority complex for her because she might never feel happy. I am not at all sure Bangor is the same as Cambridge😁

    Now a question.....when your sister goes back to work, who will look after her children? Will it be your mum🤨

    I hope you feel less run down today ((()))

    Kitty Kat how are you? You must be so worried about your dad at his age. What is he like? I think he still thinks he's 60! No more swinging heavy watering cans no bless him. Take care and try not to worry not easy i know.((())) 🤞

    Mike Vixen is looking after you just like Sleek did me when I was deadheading! Bless them they are so sweet and loyal. Dog owners do not know what they are missing do they?

    I hope the screws are off today and the rain has eased. It chucked it down here too yesterday though not until the afternoon about 3pm.

    Joan thank you Lucy's appointment went very well except they had to reduce her meds as it has shot her cholesterol right up and she's 22 and veggie! They've reduced it back down now so it should sort. Oddly enough it's a chemo drug she's on for her skin. Here she is at the hairdressers a week or so back.

    Sleep was giving me a cat kiss where she closes her eyes bless her. Are you and Sue going out today? ((())) xxx

    Aw I love Niamh! Barbara how sweet is she? 'Dreams really do come true' with that attitude she should be happy all her life!

    You are so right anyone who thinks depression can't hit even them is sadly mistaken.

    P feel so queasy and tired sleep is much better for her, but i think she fears she won't get up at all, which is suppose will happen one day 😕

    Looked like a lovely morning but it's going to rain again for sure today.

    Love to everyone

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Morning Froggie et al. Still got the screws especially in my neck today, at least I had a letter from the hospital yesterday with a booking for an x-ray for 1st September so that is 7 weeks after phone consultation with GP, good job the x-ray was requested urgently!! I really feel sorry for hospital staff, especially the medics obviously, but I have a problem wondering why there is such a delay for an x-ray. An whilst I am having a moan there have been people on the news this morning whinging about coming back to the UK from holiday in Mexico before it goes on the red list on Monday. Apparently there are 6000 out there who will be coming back without having to isolate! So watch out for another huge rise in Covid cases! Vixen didn't leave me alone yesterday and came in again as soon as I got up at 3am this morning. I had a delivery of bird food yesterday and the tub of mealworms had broken inside the box due to it being crushed by a big bag of bird seed, there were even mealworms dropping out of the cardboard box as the delivery chap was walking to my door. At least I have now discovered that Vixen loves mealworms! She already asks me for fish food when I feed the goldfish in the pond! What a well balanced diet😸

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,299

    Hi Toni , I went to a grammar school v long time ago, so my friend sometimes think I went to C , not a lot of logic to it, I know, lol. Babies will b in nursery and mum will look after them one day a wk, that’s the plan anyway I think. Glad u like the tea, lol. Nice pic of your daughter, hope her cholesterol gets properly sorted out. Thanks about the cold etc. My cholesterol got v high once when arthritis was v bad and GP said was because i didn’t eat enough porridge , I eat it all the time, lol, it was because i could barely move. Have a nice Friday and thanks. Tc.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,299

    Hi Barbara, thanks for your kind words, sky looks grey and ominous here, like a thunderstorm is approaching, at least it’s not one of my sister’s temper - storms, hope the weather is ok - is where you are? Have a nice Friday, Tc.

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992
    edited 6. Aug 2021, 08:02

    A friend's cat went blind all of a sudden and the Vet charged him over £800 for a variety of tests; it turns out that the cat had vastly increased levels of salt which caused the blindness. Fortunately the cat's eyesight returned within a few days of being taken off the dried food which came from Pets at Home. I believe that he is now looking into suing the company. The cat celebrated by going out and catching a couple of mice!!

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Morning everyone, I know you will be relieved to know that dad is home again, on strict instructions from Anita NOT to leave the house. He has an appointment on Wednesday to have his stitches removed. Anita has swapped her hours at work to accommodate him. So no Friday club today, but that's a small price to pay for him to be able to sit in his sun lounge listening to the radio (BBC Nottingham of course). I'm not too worried about the silly sausage as long as he does as my bossy sister tells him.

    Mike, Gosh that must have been a scary time for your friend. An expensive lesson for them too!

    Reshima, If not eating enough porridge was a reason for Arthritis, then we'd all better start eating it. I love it, but I can't do ot myself (even instant) and Chris can't either. 😯

    My Antoinette, poor Lucy, she has certainly had a rough time - cholesterol at her age! Tesco sell a yoghurt drink that lowers cholesterol if that's any help? Also Apricot and Strawberry.

    Sun is shining ATM but it's sure to rain just as Tesco arrives. 🙄

    Herb tabbouleh with roasted courgettes

    Vegan and Cholesterol busting

    Category: Main meal | Serves: 2 as a main dish, or 4 as a side

    Prep time: 20 minutes | Cooking time: 25 minutes


    2 courgettes cut into 1cm (1/2 inch slices)

    2 tsp plus two tbsp olive oil

    Freshly ground black pepper, to taste

    125g (4 1/2oz) bulgur wheat

    2 plum or vine-ripened tomatoes, chopped

    4 spring onions, chopped

    100g (3 1/2oz) cucumber, deseeded and chopped

    10g (1/4oz) fresh flat parsley, roughly chopped

    10g (1/4oz) fresh mint leaves, roughly chopped

    1 tsp finely grated lemon zest

    1 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice

    1. Preheat oven to 220°C/fan 220°C/gas mark 7. Place courgettes in a bowl; add 2 teaspoons olive oil and black pepper; toss to mix. Spread courgettes out in a single layer in a small, non-stick roasting tin. Roast in oven for about 25 minutes or until courgettes are tinged brown at the edges, turning once.
    2. Meanwhile, rinse and drain bulgur wheat. Put into a saucepan; add 600ml (1 pint) cold water. Bring to the boil; reduce heat, cover and simmer for about 15 minutes or until cooked and most of water is absorbed. Drain; place in a serving bowl.
    3. Add tomatoes, spring onions, cucumber, herbs and black pepper to hot bulgur wheat; mix well. Add roasted courgettes; stir gently. Whisk remaining 2 tablespoons of olive oil, the lemon zest and juice in a bowl; add to salad and toss together. Serve immediately or cool, then chill before serving

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) how is your Dad ((())) thank you for the link ((())) love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((())) have a good weekend all of you.

    Barbara I bet Niamh ((())) loved her cake I hope you have a good weekend love to Mr B (((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((())) that's a lovely photo of Lucy ((())) you would never know she had had cancer would you ((())) we were going to go to town but the rain stopped us. Love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours. ((())) have a good weekend all of you.

    Reshmi ((())) yes people can be strange at times have a good weekend ((()))

    Mike ((())) vixen wants to be a fish do you think have a good weekend

    love rto Chris ((())) Carol ((())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Shell_H
    Shell_H Member Posts: 548

    Hi @kathleenT - just thought I'd help with citing the source of the wonderful Herb tabbouleh with roasted courgettes recipe you have shared. This resipe seems to come from:

    As a reminder, we would like everyone who uses content from elsewhere online to link to the original site. Please feel free to keep sharing - I love reading the recipes and suggestions you share - but it's polite to share where it comes from 😊

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,299

    Hi @kathleenT , sorry to hear about your dad, hope he’s ok. Roughly how old is he by the way? Take care Kathleen. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,299

    Hi @barbara12 , thank you, that’s very true about depression I’ve lost a lot of friends over the years due to them not understanding, or perhaps more accurately not wanting to understand, about depression etc, but it hurts less as time passes, one of my sister’s friends was really nasty about the arthritis, she seemed to take a malicious glee in finding out which painkillers I was on and exactly how much agony I was in, I hate people like that, don’t care what my sister thinks, lol. I hope you’re having a good Friday. Tc.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,299

    Hi Kathleen , thats very true, lol, I was eating porridge, but could barely make it down the stairs, was I supposed to starting my career as an Olympic athlete? Lol, that’s a shame about not being able to porridge in morning, vegan diet is v healthy though, lots of fibre etc, thats the main thing. Horrible day here, cloudy sky, but still sweaty and nasty. Nice recipe. Have a nice afternoon. Tc.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,299

    Hi Joan, yes , they can indeed. I hope you enjoy this rainy sticky day too, lol, don’t worry, Toni is making the tea, lol. Take care.

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Hi all

    Reshmi we had storms all day ..I agree ignore what people think about your illness, I have a neighbour that laugh because I use a crutch have 2 new hips now she says ..I do but use it for my back take care xx

    Toni I understand P being frightened of sleeping and not waking 😪..bless her xx..Lucy look very well and hapoy to he at the hairdressers 🙂Niamh had a brilliant day ..she us here tonight xx

    Joan thankyou for all the hugs here's some for all of you ((((()))) xx

    Kath i hope dad does has he us told ..its good of your sister to change shifts

    Thankyou fir the recipe to bring cholesterol runs in our family xx

    Mike I had to laugh at vixens diet..especially the meal worms ..suppose they are protein 😅xx

    Love to all xxx x

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Tipping down here today, Vixen has assumed position between my legs on my recliner so I guess I am stuck here for the day! No change there then!!

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,299

    Hi Barbara , oh dear, storms sound nasty, thanks, yes, I agree, there’s no use worrying about cruel ignorant people, my mum and I had to put loads of really heavy shopping back yesterday, as I my dad has mismanaged things, as usual, I was in a lot of pain, anyway hopefully today will be better, why would anyone laugh you using crutch? That’s terrible and I suppose your neighbour thinks she’ll be in perfect health for the rest of her life? Anyway, I hope you have a nice day and that it’s not too stormy. Tc, Reshmi.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Mike 1st September is probably the best you could hope for in these times🙄how will you get there? Is baby sis able to help out? Let's hope it shows something treatable that's all we can hope for.((())) We want the screws gone 😕 Vixen knows Daddy isn't right ATM doesn't she? Bless her staying close by....or it might be the rain🤔

    That's awful about your friend's cat but i am so very very glad that his/her cat is ok now and able to catch mice again🤭Good idea to try and get the vets costs back if possible. Terrifying.

    Meal worms?🤢 Do NOT let Vixen tell Sleek about them!!

    @Shell_H pretty well all of Kathleen's recipe's come from trusted UK health sources, but just to be sure are my photos ok or should I be linking them too? thanks.

    Morning Barbara you keep using that stick for your back girl ignore any uneducated (and luckily for them) ignorant neighbours giving ther unasked for opinions!

    I'm so glad Niamh has had a lovely time and is will you. Bacon butties please Grandad when you're ready!!!

    I did a video for P of the back garden so she can see what's happening here. She won't come out (probably can't to be fair) now and only accepting a few trusted visitors.

    Morning Kitty! It's the medication roaccutane which is upping Lucy's cholesterol, but I think we will get some of those yoghurts in my next tesco order for definite. Thank you. The does has been dropped by 33% too so fingers crossed next month will be better.

    The Herb tabbouleh with roasted courgettes will definitely be cooked this weekend vegan AND cholesterol busrting it says! Thank you for posting so kind to think of Lucy she loves blueberries anyway.

    I think your lovely, bossy, sister is quite right Dad must behave himself and get his priorities right just now! Honestly!!! It's fabulous news that he is home and your sister can take him to have his stitches out ((()))

    Enjoy your day off!

    Morning Reshmi I hope you are feeling a bit more yourself today? ((()))

    I love porridge too and actually Lucy likes chilled overnight oats....i will mention it although i am pretty sure it's not the only thing which helps!!! Your Dr is funny.

    Glad the children are catered for and it's not going to fall all on your Mum much as i am sure she loves them.

    Have you got plans for the weekend?

    Morning Joan thank you Lucy does look so well doesn't she? How the young ones bounce back. She is back on her feet too after the broken ankle. the only thing is that her hair hasn't grown back 100% around the hairline that's all, but it really isn't noticeable.

    Oh the rain! at least you were planning on going into town - let's hope it dries up over the week before next Friday eh? ((())) xxx for you and Sue xxx

    Love of course to Chris and Carol

    and hopefully Reshmi will makes some Earl Grey too?

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Mike 1st September is probably the best you could hope for in these times🙄how will you get there?

    Morning, as it is a Wednesday my Baby Sister will be working so I have no option but to get a taxi both ways which will set me back about £60 and probably take me half the day waiting round for the return trip because there is only one taxi firm down here that can take a passenger in a wheelchair.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    This is my second go I was not login before

    Kath ((())) that's good your Dad is out of hospital ((())) love to everyone

    Barbara ((())) that is nasty of your neighbour to be like that when I had crutches a boy said what is wrong with your arm love to everyone ((()))

    Reshmi (((())) have a good day and try not to worry ((()))

    Toni ((()))Lucy is a fighter and a winner.((())) that's good doing a video of your garden for P ((())) love to everyone it's our big day on Monday

    Mike ((())) have a good day and vixen ((()))

    Love to Chris ((())) Carol ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Morning all, just a quickie as I’m on my iPad. Just rang dad, didn’t chat long as he was very grumpy. But then he does have 12 stitches in his head. He said he couldn’t get up off the floor, and I think he’s had a nasty scare.

    Toni, I always try to include things that might help my friends here. I’m glad Lucy’s cholesterol is gradually going down.

    Barbara, so that recipe will help you too.

    Joan, some times the forum does strange things. I’m so relieved you were able to log in.

    Sending hugs to our Reshmi, by the way, my dad is 90.

    take care everybody. 🙏🏽

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,299

    Hi Toni I’m not feeling too bad today thanks, sleep and paracetamol helped a lot. That’s good about porridge, yes she was quite odd. Thanks about my mum. One of the baby nephews said that he’s going to get granny married! That’ll come as a shock to dad, lol. No plans, you? I am indeed doing the Earl grey tea- making duties. Take care.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,299

    Thanks Joan , I hope you have a nice Saturday too and that the weather isn’t too bad. Take care.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,299

    Hi Kathleen, so sorry your dad had such a terrible accident, great that he’s just turned 90 though, ty for the hugs, not feeling too bad today thank goodness, you have a good Saturday too and take care. X

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 7. Aug 2021, 16:07

    Hello all more heavy rain here and my brother and fiance have gone to Wales ..he was told at Christies that ge was 8ne if the first people on the trial for his really has worked

    Reshmi that is so true no one knows what they have to face be carful with heavy shopping especially with your back..xx

    Joan arnt some people daft..but i don't mind if they are kids ..but the lady near ys is older than me .is it nearly yours and Sue's birthday to all of you xx

    Toni our Saturday croissants ..thankyou

    What a goid idea recording things fir P and keeping her in the loop 🙂I bet she appreciates it..yes it was bacon butties and gd got 10 out of 10 😅xx

    Mike its awful you gave to pay for taxis ,can you not claim the money back or us it to much hassle xx

    Kath your dad looks so well for 90 he really does ..hope his head heads well xx

    Love to all xxxxxx
