Val's Cafe
Morning you lot, I'm glad you liked the photo, but I'm not sure Anita would agree that she and I are alike. But she has put quite a lot of weight on, so she does look like me now. Jill and her sister Linda are t Uncle Bob and Aunty Kath's daughters. Uncle Bob was dad's next to eldest brother.
Aunty Kath with mum. Look at those 1950 style frocks.
Joan, I've never heard of a song called Denishen, did you perhaps mean this one?
Toni, yes I was chilly yesterday, Sleek made sure I was kept warm. I've found a posh teapot, It which would look smashing in the café.
Recipe extracted from Doctor’s Kitchen 3-2-1 by Dr Rupy Aujla (£16.99, Harper Thorsons)
Caribbean-style black bean curry
- coconut oil 2 tbsp
- onion 1 small, finely chopped
- ginger 20g, grated
- garlic 2 cloves, grated
- dried or fresh thyme leaves 1 tsp
- bay leaf 1
- cinnamon stick 1 small
- coriander seeds 1 tsp
- ground allspice ¼ tsp, or 3 allspice berries
- scotch bonnet chilli 1 (optional)
- soy sauce 1 tbsp
- maple syrup, honey or brown sugar 1 tbsp
- black beans 400g tin, drained and rinsed
- chopped tomatoes 400g tin
- roasted red peppers from a jar 160g, roughly chopped
- lime 1, juiced
- coriander leaves 15g, chopped
- STEP 1
- Melt the coconut oil in a frying pan over a low-medium heat, and gently fry the onion, ginger and garlic for 2-3 minutes or until softened. Add the thyme, bay leaf, spices (including the chilli, if using), soy sauce and maple syrup, honey or sugar, and cook for a further minute.
- STEP 2
- Add the beans, tomatoes and peppers, and simmer for 10 minutes until slightly reduced and sticky. Season to taste and serve with a good squeeze of lime juice and the coriander leaves.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi K , love your picture again and great frocks! Xx
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Morning everyone 😁
I had a scary time the last 24 hours. I got a call from my brother - he is COVID positive (via lateral flow his wife tested positive at work -Amazon) and I saw him on Friday 🙀. Was masked, but you cannot be too sure. So I rang 119 told them the story and about P they sent me for a proper PCR test. Came back negative at 3am! Today when my brother gets his PCR results I expect to be 'pinged' and hopefully talk to someone about whether I still need to isolate. Feels like a narrow escape.
Mike how's your voice today and what treats did you have with your cuppas? Hope Sue is ok and the bungalow is looking good I am sure it is 👍️
Kitty-Kat I LOVE the 1950s dresses just right for going out in Penelope! Your Mum and Aunty Kath look gorgeous and its that who you are named after?
Tell Anita like it or not I can see the likeness and so can Joan! So lovely for her to have met up with Jill like that in town 🙂
Another gorgeous teapot thank you.
Sleek's, but you've probably already seen it? If not had tea made out of it.
Thank you for the Caribbean-style black bean curry it looks lovely. I actually have all the ingredients too. Us Hungarians (albeit 2nd generation) crossed with French tend to have a lot of herbs and spices.
Joan all is well with my lovely neighbour she has been to that place before and likes it there they are good to her. Now I don't think I can safely visit 😕 waiting to hear from track and trace same for seeing P. See if they think it's safe with my test being negative. take care you and Sue ((())) xxx
Hi Reshmi As long as you get the blood test next time. That's all i can say.
You must teach Barbara to use voice typing! P does it actually she has an iphone not sure what Barbara has🤨
Shhh! Do not want BIL overhearing you talking about him and his jelly belly do we🤫😁
This teapot...has it got a genie in it?
Barbara I hope all is well and your eyes benefited from the rest yesterday? ((()))
Now breakfast -
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Mike how's your voice today and what treats did you have with your cuppas? Hope Sue is ok and the bungalow is looking good I am sure it is 👍️
Morning. No treats yesterday, I didn't get what I ordered from the supermarket and didn't manage to get to the village shop yesterday either. Just had to settle for a good natter and a few brews. Sue is fine and the bungalow sparkles thanks.
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) you have good memories from those photos good. No that’s not the singer sue says Craig Douglas. Love to Anita ((())) and Val (()) and Emily ((())) and your Dad (())
Toni (()) how is your back today (()) I’m writing this on my phone the tablet refused to work. love to Paul ((())) and Charley (()) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy (()) and Tia ((())) and Kari (())) and P (()) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Barbara ((()) I hope all is well ((()) love to Mr B ((())) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother and his girlfriend (())
Resumi (())) have a good day
Mike (()) sorry about your shopping love to vixen. (())
love to Chris (()) and Carol (())
take care
joan xx1 -
We're still waiting for the gardeners to contact us, but I expect they are busy.
Joan, I've done a search for Craig Douglas. Born a twin, in Newport, Isle of Wight the former Terence Perkins was employed as a milkman before becoming a professional singer, and was known to many as the 'Singing Milkman'. His manager was Bunny Lewis, who gave him the name Craig Douglas. Lewis saw the name outside a house in Scotland. Douglas said there were a number of Terrys around at the time and not many Craigs, and that was one of the reasons his name was changed. In 1963 he did record "Danke Schoen"
Antoinette, what a relief that your PCR test was negative. It would have been awful if you couldn't have visited P!
Vegan aubergine curry
from Olive thank you VA for introducing us.
- red lentils 100g
- onion 1 large, grated
- cherry tomatoes 400g tin
- ground turmeric 1 tsp
- aubergines 2 large, cut into 3cm chunks
- groundnut oil 2 tbsp
- cumin seeds 2 tsp
- ground coriander 2 tsp
- cardamom pods 4, split
- garlic 4 cloves, crushed
- coriander a small bunch, chopped
- garam masala 1 tsp
- rice and naans to serve
- STEP 1
- Put the lentils, onion, tomatoes, turmeric and 1 tsp of salt in a pan with a tomato tin full of water, and bring to a boil. Turn down the heat and simmer gently for 20 minutes or until the lentils are tender.
- STEP 2
- Meanwhile, put the aubergines in a bowl, and toss with the oil and some seasoning. Heat a large frying pan then cook half the aubergines until golden brown and softened. Tip out on a plate and do the next batch.
- STEP 3
- Tip all the aubergines back into the pan and cook for a minute, then add the spices (not the garam masala) and cook for 2 minutes. Stir in the garlic and cook for a few minutes then tip in the tomato and lentil mix, plus 200ml of water. Simmer for 20 minutes, stirring regularly, then stir in the coriander and garam masala and cook for another 2 minutes. Serve with rice and naans, if you like.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi T I really hope you and your brother are okay are okay, it must have been quite a shocking and scary experience. Thanks T I had my blood test today, I think it went okay in fact they seem to be testing thousands of things at the moment, lol, more than I was aware of still better than the other way round, hey? I didn’t mean to bother the blood test nurse too much but they’ve got a lot of the main details so I’m trying not to worry about it anymore. Hi Barbara, hope you’re okay today? About the voice control business well I have an iPad so the symbols may be different for yourself I’m not sure but on the iPads and iPhones you just need to press the microphone symbol and then talk into your device, symbol is below sorry this may not be very clear due to the purple background but it’s all that I could find easily. Lol T that’s funny about bil, but thankfully he doesn’t live here so unless he’s bugs the whole place with WebCams and so on - think I’m safe, just imagine if he had though, what a terrifying thought! All freedom would be gone. Great teapot, Tc. I forgot to mention I’ve bought a cookery book for people with Type 2 diabetes like my mum I’ve started reading it and it’s very interesting I’ll definitely do some recipes soon, I do the odd things now and then like scones from a packet and smoothies from scratch or whatever, but I do have to get properly into cooking and I need to eat a lot healthier and also trying to help my mum of course too. Thanks Joan you take care too. Hi Kathleen Hope you have a good day too. Morning Turbogran. Just one more thing I want to mention about the cookbook it had some general healthy eating tips in as well about about low-calorie snacks and all that kind of stuff one tip was really funny, it said if you get hungry, carry some hard-boiled eggs in your pockets while you’re out out and about, lol, I can’t imagine doing this in the summertime, I think it would make me slightly smelly and unpopular, lol. Other aspects of the cookbook seem good though so that’s the main thing, haha. Oh the meal out did take place by the way, yesterday lunch it was really nice indulgence fattening but a one off that we really needed its okay I’ve finished now, have a good one everyone. Xx.
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Evening all
Toni I'm do pleased to year you are negative..what a worry fir you..we know 8f quite a few people that have covid ,but thank goodness not hospitalise
Yes not a clue what will go in place if the tree.. I'm lovely the teapots especially the one on the frame xx
Mike its getting so hard here ti see a Dr, I honestly thought things would get back to normal..I am hoping you can get some help very soon, try a warm weather cushion..sorry think u have said this before xx
Reshmi thanks fir the info..I think I can talk to text on my phone..but must find some sort of reader..hope all is well wuth you ..I love a good meal out glad yours went well xx
Joan the charged us 450 fir the tree si wasn't to bad mind you oak are a lit harder to cut to all of you xx
Kath I like seeing old family photos even if I don't know the people..its the clothes and hair styles ..hope the gardeners turn uo xx
Love to all
Barbara1 -
Barbara0 -
You’re welcome Barbara, I hope u manage find the right reader, I’m not too bad at the moment thanks, was a nice meal out thanks with basic family not excess, lol. Someone behind us was smoking inside for a while though, which wasn’t great, but eventually they went outdoors so it was okay in the end. My sisters family lives in Maidenhead, last time my mum went there to look after the babies for the day, Lord A saw a delivery van and asked her “where is the ice cream van?”. She said that she didn’t know, so he looked very disgusted and said “don’t you have his number? You phone him now!!”. He’s such a funny character, lol. Nice pictures Barbara, you must have a very large garden, how large is it approximately? Have a nice night everybody. Xx
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Morning everyone 🙂
Joan thank you my back is settling down again nicely ATM. How about you? How are your pains? Even though my test is negative I have to avoid people who are extremely clinically vulnerable which obviously includes P my lovely neighbours too😕 ((())) xxx
Mike I hope all is going ok with you? How is your current creation going along? Well I hope. I take it no news at all about Elliott? I do hope he is recovering well.
Barbara that is so sad your lovely tree gone.😕 Devastating. I hope you will put something else in it's place a smaller acer maybe?
You really do need to source a reader asap so you don't become isolated. Maybe ask at the eye clinic when you go?
The tipping teapot is great really useful don't you think?
Yes good I am negative but i am still not allowed to visit P or my lovely neighbour for the full 10 days after seeing bro.....
Are you seeing Niamh this weekend?
Kitty Kat how are you doing? You rarely say. Sleek updates me a bit. She has a list for your gardeners when they come. Yes they will be busy ATM but it will settle down.
I am still not ok to visit P according to the information nor my lovely neighbour as they are extremely clinically vulnerable. Extra precautions I suppose. Have to go the full 10 days.
Thank you for the lovely aubergine curry I think I should try that they are so good for us.
The hedge cutter is coming here today the builders I put off.
Reshmi well done getting those bloods done! They can do as many as they want as long as you get the answers you need😊
I'm so pleased you had your meal out just the immediate family much nicer and safer and Dad did not come up with any silly B association events to scupper the plans 👍️ Very thoughtful of you to look into food which will help your Mum in future. Erm I am also a bit dubious about the egg in your pocket🤢great idea for energy, but not for keeping friends😁
Lord A has so much faith in your Mum's ability to contact anyone at all. Imagine that ice cream on tap!! What about deliveroo? I bet they would deliver him a Mcflurry at least😂
Best get on need to wash my hair before the man comes to do our hedges.
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Mike I hope all is going ok with you? How is your current creation going along? Well I hope. I take it no news at all about Elliott? I do hope he is recovering well.
Morning Froggie, have started making a castle and knights depicting the 100 years war and will be venturing to the garage later this morning to make the base before I do anything else; it's going to take ages to do but I hope it is this side of xmas. No news about Elliott, I even asked my baby sister if she had heard anything about his supposed emergency operation and she hasn't neither has she spotted anything on faceache. So, once again, we work on the premise that no news is good news. Have a good day.
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) thank you for looking all that up about Craig Douglas. I hope you have a good day how are you getting on with your frame. Love to Chris (())) and Anita (()) and Val ((())) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toni (())) sorry you can not see P and your neighbour I hope the days go quick. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) a d Tia (()) Kari ((()) and P (()) and your neighbours (())))
Barbara ((())) that was a big tree you have more light coming in now. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Nia hm (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (())
Reshmi that’s good you have had your blood pressure done (())
Mike (()) have a good day and Elliott (())
love to Chris (()) and Carol (())
take care
joan xx1 -
Just a quickie, the gardeners are here. Will update when I can.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi everyone. Hi T, well they tested for a lot of things, whether they’ve got it quite right, I’m not sure, but I’m sure they will in time so that’s the main thing. Thanks about the meal and the recipe book. Yes the egg in the pockets idea is definitely very strange, but my mum said once she had a colleague who actually used to do this and what was worse he would keep chopped onion in the other pocket, at least it wasn’t sushi, lol. I think you’ve got it right about Lord A, lol, I think the bil uses Deliveroo a lot, a bit of an obsession going on there I believe, don’t worry Lord A eats a lot of sweet stuff, I cannot discreetly say any more at this juncture, lol, he loves his sugar, the adorable little ghoul 🧛♂️, bugging devices are on, haha. Okay take care T. Xx
thanks Joan, how are you today ? have a nice day too. Hi Barbara, K and Turbogra, Hope you have a good day too. Xx
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Morning everyone
Mike yes here you go again - no news is good news🙄 all you can do is have everything crossed for Elliott. A castle! now that I really want to see. How very patient of you doing the base first I would want to get started on the exciting stuff first like the castle😳
Barbara I hope your eyes had a good rest yesterday and are benefiting today from the day off.
Do you have any news about your brother?
Mine is doing ok with COVID (I expect he will have got it at work being back casino managing now) lost his sense of taste and smell yesterday. I keep sniffing things to reassure myself and didn't go to choir last night just in case.
Kitty Kat - Sleek said she got the gardeners on the job for you she decided you would be priority and that was that. Did they do a good job? I really hope so and it's one less thing for you to worry about.
I missed our recipe yesterday, but quite understand how busy you were we had the hedge trimmers yesterday back again today. It's all hedges here not sure whether they are better than fence panels but at least they don't blow over I suppose....
Reshmi what a doting Auntie you are! I can tell Lord A had better grow up a bit healthier than his Daddy we know better these days well some of us try better. I got 6 of my 5 a-day yesterday was an effort but hope it helps. Deliveroo? You know when I am waiting outside Mcdonalds for Lucy is see so many of those cars collecting for people no wonder we are getting fatter we don't even make the effort to fetch the stuff!
Yes as long as all your tests are done in the end all will be well. It's amazing how much they can tell from our blood isn't it?
OMG! noooo! Not an onion in the other pocket 🤢 as you say fish would top the lot😂
Today's teapot!
Joan it's horrible being banned from seeing two people I care about, but just in case I would rather just phone for now it's not worth the risk. So far my own tests are all negative. I won't feel safe though until Tuesday. I hope you and Sue have a nice trip out today the weather is good🙂
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) I hope the gardeners do has you want. Love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Toni ((())) Do you remember when you had to go to the end of the road to the phone box there was no mobiles then. Have a good weekend love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours (((()))
Barbara ((())) I hope your eyes feel better to day ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Reshmi ((())) have a good weekend all of you ((()))
Mike ((())) have a good weekend and vixen and Elliott ((()))
Love to Chris ((())) and Carol ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Sorry, something has gone wrong and I've just wasted 2 hours....GRRRR
The Tesco delivery was cancelled due to driver problems and the garden has been cleared out. So I'll just post a recipe.
Vegan bolognese
1 Hour 15 Minutes Serves 6Easy
Make your bolognese meat-free with a rich ragu of dried porcini and chestnut mushrooms, and plenty of vegetables for a low-fat, vegan meal
Try this vegan twist on a bolognese, or make our classic spaghetti bolognese recipe.
For more meat-free options, check out our vegetarian bolognese, vegan mac and cheese, vegan carbonara and more vegan pasta recipes.
- dried porcini mushrooms 30g
- olive oil 2 tbsp
- chestnut mushrooms 500g, finely diced
- onions 2, chopped
- garlic 4 cloves, crushed
- carrots 2, grated
- celery 2 stalks, finely diced
- thyme leaves chopped to make 1 tsp
- rosemary leaves chopped to make 1 tsp
- celery salt 1 tsp
- star anise 1
- tomato purée 2 tbsp
- chopped tomatoes 2 x 400g tins
- basil ½ a small bunch, torn
- tagliatelle 400g
- STEP 1
- Put the porcini in a bowl and pour over 200ml boiling water. Leave to soak while you start the sauce.
- STEP 2
- Heat a large non-stick pan until hot and add 1 tbsp olive oil. Add the chestnut mushrooms and a pinch of salt, and fry, stirring, until they start to soften and give out liquid. Keep frying until all the moisture has disappeared and the mushrooms have coloured to a dark golden brown. Don’t skimp on this bit as this will ensure you get maximum flavour in the finished sauce. Scoop out the mushrooms then add the onions, garlic, carrots and celery to the same pan with another tbsp of olive oil and stir well. Put on a lid and cook for 10 minutes, stirring now and again, or until the veg has softened. Add the herbs, celery salt, star anise and tomato purée. Drain the porcini mushrooms, keeping the liquid. Chop the porcini well and add to the sauce, along with the strained liquid. Tip the cooked chestnut mushrooms back in.
- STEP 3
- Cook, stirring, for a minute then tip in the chopped tomatoes and bring to a simmer. Cook for 30 minutes until the sauce is rich and thick, and stir through the basil just before serving. Cook the tagliatelle following pack instructions, then drain and toss with the sauce before serving.
Finally, now after 2 hours of torture, I'll go and have a nervous breakdown. 😱
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi Joan turbo Gran Barbara Kathleen Toni hope you’re all okay today? Thanks T, yes thankfully Lortay seems to have the same kind of slim build as his mummy, lol, he really loves his sweets now but of course he’s only a toddler so I’m sure he’ll develop common sense when he grows up unlike his daddy! Careful, secret WebCams et cetera are switching on any minute this conversation is very much censored, lol. Used to be really physically active before he got married though, so it’s a bit weird really, maybe he’s just “let himself go”, as people say, but it’s sad to see him like this in some ways, maybe he just needs an extended adjustment period to the glories of kids and married life, lol! From what I can gather I think he thought, at the start, that married‘s life and kids and all the rest of it is a bit like a Disney movie, he didn’t seem to realise that giving birth isn’t pleasant for women, to put it mildly, kids never answer back, etc, well I think it needs to welcome himself to the real world, wake up and smell the coffee, or maybe, given his cough caffeine addiction, The herbal tea, lol. Good that you got to 6 of your five a day T, yes people can be very lazy and a lot of them live on takeaway is that’s true, even though if they saved enough money by cooking themselves or even partially preparing food, they could probably have a better quality of life in many ways. Yes blood test results info is very amazing. Nice Teapot. Hi Joan you have a nice weekend to. Take care guys. Xx
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Afternoon all
Another lovely day here
Mr B has still not got any further with being referred...
Toni what a shame you can't bist P but I'm sure you will facetime or ring her
No Niamh thus weekend there are so many with covid in her her class ..when will it ever go away 😕
Are we getting pics if your raised beds soon ..I'm not sure what to do with the corner maybe decking the composite type..I will ask at the eye hospital when I go rhankyou xx
Joan yes it was a big tree and you are right we gave so much more light xx
Reshmi Lord A sound so funny, rung the icecream man 🤣 not sure about him growing out of sweets though I never did..I get it off my late mum xx
Mike that is some project..Will keep you busy ,hope you can send pics when it's finished..and hopefully Elliott is doing ok xx
Kath I love bolognese ..never tried the veg one..I think I will get our sin to make way to get your 5 a day
Glad your garden is all tidy but no shopping 😢xx
Love to all
Barbara1 -
Forgot to mention that our delivery has been rescheduled for Sunday 2pm -3pm. Chris has fitted my skis to my Walker, so tell Sleek we’ll hit the slopes tomorrow. BFN.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Gosh yes Joan no mobiles. I had a favourite phone box to ring my boyfriend. My Dad used to chase us off the phone at home and we had to put money in the tin for the bill😁😁 ((())) xxx
Kath never mind at least the garden is cleared now.
Hope you can sort Tesco order? 2 hours?!! That's bad I do think there are food problems. 🤔
That bolognaise looks amazing!! Yes please I'm all over that !!!🤗
Sleek is in her way to inspect the garden.....
Reshmi yes be careful dictating walls have ears!
Lord A sounds just so funny let's hope he stays slim like his Mummy. As you said maybe he will eat less rubbish as he grows up fingers crossed 🤞
His Daddy will have let himself go now he has a wife a lot of men do. When they divorce they lose it again! Back down the gym!
Shame your bil doesn't appreciate how hard having children is for your sister.
Cooking from scratch is just so much nicer and healthier and maybe burn a few calories doing it unlike waiting for the delivery man!!!
Barbara poor Mr B. Mind you you know the system better than he does. Give it a while and try again?
Oh dear more covid at Niamh's school. I am not surprised at all though bless her.
I know I do miss P and would have loved to see my neighbour in respite. Still from Tuesday on I can go 👍🤗
Hi Mike. Hope the base is coming along nicely.
Yes Aidans breakfast!
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Hi Mike. Hope the base is coming along nicely.
Yes thanks, waiting for some more modroc - plaster bandages like they used to use for broken arms - to finish off the base, hopefully it will be here today. Also had a mattress topper delivered last night so have to try and get that on the bed today ....... hopefully I can get some help with that.
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Hi Barbara thanks about Lord A , lol, I understand yes a lot of people have quite a sweet tooth, my sweet tooth isn’t that bad compare to some, but the problem is with the arthritis I’m having more sugar than I normally would just to cope with things energy wise and happiness wise I know it’s not right, well anyway at least I’m walking more than I used to, that’s got to burn something off I hope. Have a nice day Barbara take care.
hi T, lol about the walls, yes hopefully, he’s recently started saying “I’m getting fat”, he copies his mummy, his mummy is not fat at all as I mentioned but she’s thinks she is a bit of a character really. Funny about bil, yes gym would be good for him, but due to Covid virus mayb walking or running would be better, he used to run but I think it’s more or less given it out now is a shame.
i know that I may not have answered all the points but I am practically asleep now, methotrexate plus heating plus morning, anyway bye everyone may try and write more later take care have a nice Saturday
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) I'm sorry you have to wait till tomorrow for your shopping at least your garden is done you are used to waiting aren't you. Love to Chris ((()) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) Do your eyes ache when you read ((())) Mr B ((())) must be in pain ((())) waiting all this time sorry Niamh ((())) is off school again ((())) we only wanted a few branches cut off the tree. Love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni ((())) it must be very frustrating that you can't go to see P ((())) and your neighbour ((())) Tuesday seems it will never come. Love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your neighbour ((())) enjoy your coffee
Reshmi have a good weekend ((()))
Mike ((()))) I hope you sleep better tonight love to vixen ((()))
love to Chris ((())) and Carol ((()))
take care
joan xx1
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