Val's Cafe
Morning everyone, let's see if everything goes well today! I rang dad this morning, he's fine. If my rescheduled delivery is cancelled tomorrow (heaven forbid) I have made back up plans with a neighbour (Jackie) who has agreed to do a shop for us
It's lovely to look out of the window now there is nothing there.
<<<<<<<<POEM ALERT.>>>>>>>> One to remember
Gardeners Lament
We cleared out the garden today:
it really was time
as the weather was fine
and the grass was looking like hay.
The Roses were all overgrown:
while the Dandelion weeds
had spread all their seeds
among the Potatoes we’d sown.
The Slugs and Snails had a rave:
they all gobbled through
every plant they could chew.
There wasn't that much left to save.
And so we built a bonfire:
chucked everything on,
our gardens now gone.
One allotment, half acre, for hire!
Joan, LOL yes I am definitely used to waiting. 🤣
Antoinette, no the 2 hours was wasted by me trying to post and it going wrong. I hope I don't do the same today/ Sleek is out back now, examining all the nooks and crannies. She's spraying weed killer everywhere. She has a mask on, and a huge pair of rubber gloves. She's well protected.
Healthy bean salad
As A Main Or 6 As A SideEasy from Olive
Ready in just 20 minutes, this colourful salad is packed with green beans, kidney beans and cannellini beans, and comes finished with a green tahini dressing to boost the flavour
By Nadine Brown
- olive oil 2 tbsp
- tahini 20g
- flat-leaf parsley a small handful, plus extra to garnish
- coriander a small handful, plus extra to garnish
- garlic 2 cloves, chopped
- lemon 1, juiced
- ground cumin ¼ tsp
- green beans 200g, trimmed and cut into thirds
- red kidney beans 400g tin, rinsed and drained
- cannellini beans 400g tin, rinsed and drained
- red pepper 1, finely diced
- red onion 1, finely diced
- STEP 1
- Put the oil, tahini, parsley, coriander, garlic, lemon juice and cumin in a food processor or blender with 50ml water. Season and whizz until completely smooth and runny – if the dressing is still a little thick, add a splash more water. Taste and adjust the seasoning if necessary.
- STEP 2
- Bring a pan of salted water to the boil. Cook the green beans for 3 minutes until just tender. Immediately drain, rinse under cold water until cool and transfer to a large bowl. Add the tinned beans, pepper and onion, and season, tossing together. Drizzle over the dressing and toss again. If you have time, leave the salad to sit for an hour so the flavours develop. Otherwise, serve immediately, and garnish with the remaining herbs.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Tc Joan. Xx
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Well, after a couple of requests for photos of my latest model I have actually gotten around to it. It is a WWI battlefield diorama in 1/72 scale measuring about 2ft x 1ft, at this scale each of the figures is just under an inch tall. It took me about 3 months to complete doing 10-15 minutes at a time, hands depending!
Overall picture, the plane (Sopwith Camel "Trench Buster") is flying on a very thin piece of acrylic tube.
RHA Officer trying to control horse.
One officer leading a couple of men and two chatting in the trench.
A medic tending to a chap.
Germans surrendering.
A Type 4 tank in front and a Whippet medium tank behind.
Although the figures are really small I have still painted their eyes in and some even have whiskers!
Photos of the latest project - castle and knights - will probably not be available until the new year as there are a lot more figures in it,
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Really nice poem K . Xx
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Battlefield is amazing Mike.
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Omg!! Mike!
That is incredible! Really it is😮
You must be so pleased with it. The photo of the plane in flight looks like a photo.
The attention to detail that has needed and time and you have the tv or radio on while you are working on them?
Joan yes it's a long time until Tuesday but getting closer. Tomorrow it will be 'tomorrow ' 😊 hope you two are well ((())) xxx
Reshmi the MTX queasiness is helped by eating rubbish unfortunately. Just one day a week though. Savoury can be good but it seems to need to be unhealthy stuff that helps.
Your sister shouldn't worry about her weight cute that Lord A has decided to copy her though😂
BIL could walk easily enough covid or no covid 🙄 if we can he can! As his clothes 'shrink' he might take action himself.....
Maybe not though....😉
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Kitty I love the poem!
It is your garden to a tee! 😂😂
Sleek said she has weedkilkered anything that might come back and has been on catazon ordered herself one of those flame weed killer things?
She better be careful with that😮
I am glad you have a plan b for your shopping Jackie sounds a helpful sort of person.
The salad looks lovely thanks at least 3 of my five a day😋😋😋
Enjoy your day off.
Oh Mike did you get the mattress topper on the bed?
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Morning Froggie, thanks for your lovely comments. Yes I do have the TV on, in fact it is on for at least 20 hours a day for company whether I am watching it or not. I have a table on wheels, like they have to go over beds in hospital, and I keep my model and paints etc on that and just drag it over my recliner when I want to do a bit. Have a good day.
A mate came round yesterday so I was able to put the new topper on my mattress, I cannot say it helped me have a longer kip but I do think that I had a deeper kip until 4am. The only positive thing was that Vixen jumped up on it for a kip after the bed was made up, something which she has not done this year, and the other really positive was that she actually came to bed with me last night and spent ages washing my hand for me!! I have just been out in the kitchen to make my 3rd brew of the morning and there she is back on my bed!!
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Tesco have cancelled the order that was rescheduled for this afternoon. The air is blue here! Thank goodness for Jackie. We are in the middle of editing an Asds delivery we have booked for Tuesday. Let’s hope thy don’t let us down! 🙏🏽
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) I hope your Tesco's order Comes today that's good you have a back up ready. Love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and our Dad ((()))
Reshmi ((())) I hope you are all doing alright take care ((()))
Mike (((())) all your little figures must take a long time to do I remember we used to do some thing like that we had moulds you put the plaster in you left it to set. Love to vixen ((()))
Toni ((())) Tuesday is getting near now ((())) have a good day. Love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbour ((()))
KazandNoo ((())) welcome have a good day
Barbara ((())) Have a good day love to Mr B ((())) your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Love to Chris and Carol ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
hi T I see about methotrexate, thanks, when I walked today I did get a takeaway vegan gingerbread latte cookie from Costa which was very evil of me I must admit but it was a case of methotrexate hangover as it were, lol, and the female staff. Did taste amazing though it was a soft gingerbread cookie, which is one of my favourite things. Yes sis shouldn’t worry but she does unfortunately, oh well, there’s really anything I can do about that, cute of Lord A definitely, Lord A and the excess family were meant to join us today not an overnight stay just day- long, but unfortunately Lord A has got a temperature and isn’t feeling well, no Covid thank goodness my sister did a test on him, they’re not coming today, but at least that meant I’ve got enough sleep. True about Bill, I may start calling him Bill, as my less than intelligent voice control recognises that name easily, lol. Have a nice day Toni Jane Kathleen Barbara and turbogran, Voice control wanted me to call you turbo Graham, lol, an unwanted Apple directed gender change, lol. Bit too tired to answer any points I’ve missed out properly or to be fully polite but as you know I wish you well have a good Sunday. Xx
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Got so tired I pressed wrong button lol, was going to try a new type of veggie pasta idea but mum was getting a bit stressed about kitchen rights, so I tried to fade into background, lol, ok au revoir.
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Afternoon all
Toni Niamh tested negative thank goodness the test you send away si that's good..not long then till you see P and your other Neighbour ..that was some breakfast thankyou xx
Mike all I can say us wow ..the work you have put into the model is amazing, they could go to museums us something magical about Vixen likes the topper ..bless 😁xx
Joan thankyou I think we all get there in our own way to all of you xx
Reshmi I agree about sugar..I posted a few years ago now about my joints being better when I cut it right down ..I was on the atkins diet at the time ..note to myself cut it down again xx
Kath noo not cancelled again ,gosh I'm sorry but how kind of your neighbour to get some for you enjoy your skiing 🤣xx
Love to all
Barbara1 -
Hi Barbara nice to hear from you, that’s great that you Cut down on sugar, I didn’t have quite as much sugar as I do now before the arthritis was diagnosed, Atkins diet I see that’s interesting, I know my diet isn’t perfect at all, but lots of good points in it lots of veg and some protein and some red meat, which I really need to because I have a tendency to iron deficiency, sorry vegans, I suppose nothing is perfect in life at least I’m aware of my shortcomings diet wise and I’m gradually trying to deal with it. Other factor of course is when people aren’t living bye themselves and have little or no control over the kitchen and how much sweet rubbish is in the house and all that it’s different but then again nothing is really that perfect, at least I’m not actively working doing brain dead jobs anymore, because that really did damage to my soul. To tell the truth about the sugar thing, I could cut down a lot if I lived alone and all the rest of it, but that’s not the situation right now and we all need to do our best within the constraints of our circumstances, and mine could definitely be a lot worse in many ways , at least I don’t need to do those terrible brain-dead jobs I was doing for so many years, that really did damage to my soul, lol okay sorry I’ve finished this almost - monologue, have a nice afternoon guys and take care.
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Hi All
New to the cafe post but judging from the quick skim through, it’s going to be a fun place to be.
I recently got back into knitting cause my best friend encouraged me by “demanding” a scarf 🤣. So little by little each day, I’m knitting away. I’ve not felt this calm in a long time
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Hello @jennistewart442
A big welcome to the cafe!
We just chat in here about ourselves a little bit about our families and lives 😊👍
Turbogran/Carol she knits too so you already have something in common. Sounds like your friend's demands for a new scarf have done you good!
Mike I know the kind of tray you mean on wheels fit over a bet or chair. Good idea I imagine you with a side table for your tea the other side.
Drs apt? Did that happen? I am trying to remember when it was.
So the topper was a hit then for you if you got better sleep and a real hit with Vixen I'm glad she came to bed with you bless her😻
Kath that is terrible! Tesco should be ashamed 😕 Jackie can get the essentials and hopefully Asda will do the rest. I am most unimpressed.
Has Holly disappeared too?
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Joan yes I can see Pom tomorrow but must book to see my lovely neighbour at the home unfortunately. I'll get in somehow! How are you and Sue? ((())) xxxx
Barbara I am so pleased Niamh's PCR was negative thars the test I did - the most accurate one. Except I went to a drive in.
I cant believe Tesco let Kath down twice!
I will see P tomorrow and book in to see my neighbour when they have a slot!
I remember you cutting down on the sugar and how much it helped. Sure it cant be good for us.
Reshmi yes call him Bill! That works.😉
You have so much less control over your diet when you live with others...still I think. You did right to fade into the background and not upset Mum. The veggie pasta dish will wait for another day. MTX and the time of the month will not help any diet like it or not but you can only do your best as you are.
I'm so glad you aren't doing work which damages your mental health.
Gosh scary Lord A being suddenly ill. I am very relieved it's not COVID 👍Shame they couldn't visit and he feels so poorly but safety first. You and your Mum could be seriously ill if you got covid.
On that negative note!
I fancy pancakes (vegan ones for me normal for everyone else) 🤗
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Mike I know the kind of tray you mean on wheels fit over a bet or chair. Good idea I imagine you with a side table for your tea the other side. Drs apt? Did that happen? I am trying to remember when it was.
This is the table I have:
It is a kidney shaped over-chair table which is fully adjustable and fits over my recliner even when I have my legs raised, it is available from a number of suppliers and prices vary wildly from about £90 to £130 for the same thing! And yes I do have a table the other side of my chair for a brew, in fact I have side tables on both sides! The Dr is supposed to be phoning sometime between midday and 6pm today. I have to take Vixen to the vets this morning for her annual jab IF I CAN FIND HER! She had breakfast about 4am this morning and I have not seen her since, she obviously knows. Baby Sister is coming over about 09:30 to take us so hopefully Vixen will be home by then. If that isn't enough for one day my fridge was not as cold as it should be this morning, I have turned it up and just hope that it will sort itself out otherwise I will have to buy a new fridge freezer, I had a quick check on-line and the earliest I can get one delivered is Wednesday but they want £50 delivery, £30 to put it in place and another £20 to take the old one away; for a free delivery I have to wait until next Wednesday. Currys is my nearest supplier and they do not have the one within my price range in stock and it is they that want all the extra charges. Will just keep my fingers crossed as I cannot cope with the extra hassle today. With regards to the topper, I think I had a deeper sleep again last night but didn't get a longer kip and still woke up screaming with the pain! Have a good day.
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) I'm so sorry you have had Tesco's for a long time how can they cancel all the time. I would think about having someone else. ((())) love to Chris ((())) and Anita (()) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((())
Barbara ((())) have a good day yes we are alright thank you. That's good Niamh is OK ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni ((())) tomorrow is nearly come good go steady you don't want anything to stop you going ((())) love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbour ((()))
Mike ((())) I hope all goes well for you and vixen ((()))
Reshmi ((()) we don't have salt or sugar in anything have a good day ((()))
Jennistewart442 (((())) we are a happy lot here have a good day ((()))
Love to Chris ((()))) and Carol ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi Jenni nice to meet you. Thanks T, I did do the pasta thing but it wasn’t from scratch, but more than microwaving a ready meal or frying some bacon, lol. That’s true about being cautious. I like Pancakes but they can upset my stomach, so the really nice ones are generally avoid, tbh. Hi everyone else, I’m drawing a creative here, or really maybe just pretty tired, will trying to write more later, welcome to the group Jenni.Tc xx
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Now the hospital have cancelled my DEXA scan because the ambulance crew arrived too late to get me there. Let’s hope Asda don’t let us down tomorrow. Sorry I’ve been so negative recently, but things are getting me down now! I hope I don’t put our new members off.
Joan, Tesco (in fact all supermarkets) are having so many problems due partly to COVID and partly to Brexit. It won’t do any good changing to someone else, because they will probably have the same problems, but we’ll see how Asda performs, or Iceland. Jackie was a Godsend so we at least have the basics.
Sleek has done such a good job on our garden, I’ve given her a job as our full time gardener. She’s currently filling pots with bulbs for next spring, bless her.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Sorry Joan , just seen your message that’s great about the sugar and salt, must take lot of self control I’m trying to cut down a bit quite tired bye for now take care.
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Kathleen is no need to complain about being negative it’s very much part of life I often feel negative too, it doesn’t do anyone any good to pretend it’s not happening and bottle things up. I’m really sorry to hear that the ambulance couldn’t get to you to your scan, what is a DEXA scan by the way? Fully the hospital can re-schedule the Scan? Have a nice afternoon, Reshmi. Xx
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That's not quite the table I pictured Mike although it's similar the one I thought it was more like this:
I think this one goes over from the side. I knew you'd have side tables for other supplies.
Did you catch Vixen for her vaccinations? I hope so mind our vets are great if I can't catch my puss they never charge me if we fail to get there.
What about your appointment? I have everything crossed that you got referred at least?
How is the fridge? If it could hang on maybe you can go for the cheaper option of delivery next wednesday?
Hi Reshmi what a shame about pancakes upsetting your stomach although I am not at all surprised they do sadly.
Well done getting your veggie pasta cooked - yes even if it wasn't totally cooked from scratch it is still far better than a ready meal microwaved. They have their place though I think as long as it's healthy food. When I am up to it - and that had better be next week! I like to cook a lot of stuff and freeze it then it is healthier like pasta sauces, soups etc 😊
If you are trying to cut down your salt and sugar you are doing far more than the majority of the population so should be pleased with yourself!
Hi Joan I am FREE!!! I can see anyone now. I won't see P though as her daughter is here (I spoke to her yesterday) until at least Wednesday when the Hospice nurse comes. Now my lovely neighbour I have to ring the a slot and then go half an hour early to do one of their own covid tests. I will ring later and see what they have available. ((())) to you and Sue xxx
Kitty my lovely do not feel bad about feeling a bit negative at the moment it's no surprise, a lot has gone wrong for you. I am so upset with Tesco letting you down it's so unfair 😕 Thank goodness for Jackie. Yes a lot of this is COVID and maybe Brexit too. We need to eat more food grown and produced in the Uk don't you think?
Not getting your dexa scan through no fault of your own too I bet you just wanted to cry. You desperately need to know the state of your bones!
Can I talk lungs? I am sick to the back teeth of 'eckling' (Paul calls it that coughing really) in the night. Got up at 3.30 it's not fair on him. Did steam inhalation and am going to look into raised blocks for the top of the bed to help drain stuff downwards as it could be reflux. Just not sure.
Sleek is very proud of her pots and plans to do me some too so she says. Bless her little cotton paws.
Love to Barbara I hope your eyes are ok and we hear from you today ((()))
Reshmi what tea shall we have today do you think?
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I think this one goes over from the side. I knew you'd have side tables for other supplies. Did you catch Vixen for her vaccinations? I hope so mind our vets are great if I can't catch my puss they never charge me if we fail to get there. What about your appointment? I have everything crossed that you got referred at least? How is the fridge? If it could hang on maybe you can go for the cheaper option of delivery next wednesday?
Morning, standby for some long answers and some whinging!!
First off, I considered the table that you pictured but the bottom rail and wheels would not fit over my chair when reclined.
Vixen decided to go out and it took me 20 minutes to call her in to get her ready for the trip, she eventually came in and I locked the cat flap so she could not disappear again. Whenever I tried to grab her she ran off and sort of taunted me, bearing in mind I have been giving her anxiety pills for the past week to calm her down! When my baby sister arrived to take us to the vets Vixen was still being uncontrollable and was not in her carrying basket, Vixen has never let her pick her up in the past BUT this time sis put oven gloves on to prevent potential scratches and nibbles and went for it, Vixen just became totally cooperative and was put in her basket with no problems whatsoever. She only cried once on the way whereas she normally yells all the way. The vet managed to jab her and check her over without any problems and when we got home she jumped up for cuddles once I had made a brew!!
As for the phone appointment with the GP I have not calmed down yet!! He phoned just after 12 and his opening comment was "I have read some of your notes, how can I help you?" When I started it was obvious he had not read them and when I said that if the last x-ray showed no significant changes over 3 years how come my neck is so bad the only thing he could come up with was "that doesn't sound good" followed by "what do you think would help". That was a red rag to a bull so I went for it, explaining that the OA is now in every ruddy joint, lack of sleep, wake up literally screaming out loud, I use crutches round the house, wheelchair elsewhere, wear a cervical collar, live on my own, driving licence taken off me etc, etc. "Oh dear" was what he came back with and again said "what do you think would make it better?" Me being me followed that stupid question with "A strong rope and a stout tree branch!" he then started questioning me about having suicidal thoughts so my response was simply "I have a cat to look after", "good" he said! Anyway to cut an even longer story short he is now prescribing me Amitriptyline to take at night on top of my Morphine as he said that if I could sleep more than 2 or 3 hours it may help! No referrals or anything else! "Touch base with me in a couple of weeks" he said, I just muttered and put the phone down!!
As for the fridge, I cranked it up to full and by the time I got back from the Vets it was cooler. This morning it does not seem to be as cold as it should be but then I do not have an internal thermometer in it. I think that I had better replace it before it totally fails as that will pose loads of problems so I will be measuring up dreckly and ordering one.
All I can say is thank goodness it is Home Help day today, I need a decent natter!!
Have a good one,
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