Val's Cafe
Good morning everyone
Barbara ((())) I hope your eyes are not too bad ((())) have a good day. Love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))
Reshmi ((())) I hope your cold does not last too long ((())) love to everyone
Toni ((())) how is your back to day ((())) yes the carers have got their petrol thanks. We had heavy rain yesterday evening. Love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Kath ((())) I hope all is well there ((())) love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad (()))
Mike ((())) are you feeling better after your good nights in bed ((())) love to vixen
Love to Chris ((())) and Carol ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Joan, no it was the electric meter which is on the outside., the gas is inside so we can read that one easily.
Mike, oh no, poor Elliott. He certainly is suffering, poor love. 😪 😥
Barbara, I bet Mr B needs a torch to read the meter, we do for our gas meter which is inside thank goodness. I expect Chris will soon want me to read that one too - we can't have him getting down on his knees can we! No, let me struggle with my hips and spine. Grrr! 😩
Reshmi, you should keep a collection of Lord A's funny sayings and put them in a book with some photos of hi at various stages of his life. My mum kept one for me and one of my funny sayings was "mummy, put a penny in the meter" when the sun went in.
Antoinette, you forgot Coleslaw, that has carrots in it too. I love Coleslaw, I have it with everything. Thank you for the frittata. I think we need a Samovar for our umpteen cuppas, will this one do? Perhaps Mike will approve. It's electric, so no nasty emissions.
By Nadine Brown From Olive magazine
Vegan gumbo
- rapeseed oil 2 tbsp
- gram flour 2 1⁄2 tbsp
- celery 2 stalks, finely diced
- red onion 1 large, finely chopped
- red pepper 1, roughly chopped
- garlic 2 cloves, crushed
- chopped tomatoes 400g tin
- fresh gluten-free vegetable stock 850ml
- sweet potato 500g, peeled and cut into 2-3cm chunks
- black-eyed peas 400g tin, drained and rinsed
- okra 175g, trimmed and roughly chopped into 2cm pieces
- bay leaves 2
- flat-leaf parsley a small handful, roughly chopped
- steamed brown rice 600g, to serve
- smoked paprika 2 1⁄2 tbsp
- onion powder 1 1⁄2 tbsp
- garlic powder 1 1⁄2 tbsp
- whole black peppercorns ground to make 1⁄2 tbsp
- ground white pepper 1⁄2 tbsp
- dried parsley 1⁄2 tbsp
- dried oregano 1⁄2 tbsp
- dried thyme 1⁄2 tbsp
- cayenne pepper 1⁄4 tsp
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi everybody I just realised I haven’t really signed in today as it were still got this cold had paracetamol taken rest so hopefully it shouldn’t last too long but couldn’t go outside in the fresh fresh air that’s a bit frustrating for me talked to my friend which was nice. That’s good that you wrap up warm Toni, hi Kathleen yeah that’s quite a nice idea about photos and sayings and things must be a nice thing to look back on, I know this sounds a bit odd but I am not so much a photo person which is perhaps quite a freakish thing these days, lol, I have lots of photos on my phone that my brother-in-law sends me and my parents of the kids and I’m constantly deleting things so I have enough space. I suppose i’m saying is that I’m not really an arts and crafty type of person but the sayings are in my head and maybe one day I’ll write them down in the kind of souvenir book I’ll see how it goes thanks for giving me that to think about Kathleen it is in principle a very good idea I’m just kind of not that organised at the moment with writing but it could happen in the future. Hi Barbara and Joan Hope you’re well. Almost complete voice control reliance today and commas have practically if not fully disappeared but that’s how it is at the moment sorry about that. Okay I’ll go for now and try not to think about chocolate biscuits and malted milk biscuits oh the pleasures of living with my dad. Take care everyone bye for now
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Oh no! Mike that's awful I am thinking of Elliott and sending love and strength to that little boy ((()))
A few of the kids got shingles when Lucy was ill - the chemo really weakens the immune system. 5 hours regularly is so good for you I am sure the two hours brain fog will lessen over time fingers crossed.
Lemon cake sounds nice!
Hi Joan rain in the evening isn't so bad as long as the dogs have been outside! Did I tell you P is back in the hospice? She is happy there though and very very well looked after. Glad the carers have their fuel ((())) xxx for you and Sue.
Ooh Kitty naughty Chris! You shouldn't be getting down you might not be able to get back up!! Men (present company excepted)!
A Samovar eh? Very very attractive I like it! If it makes a million cuppas it might just be enough for us lot!
Oh yes coleslaw I like coleslaw a lot and make my own vegan one either without mayo - a sweet vinegar one or with vegan coleslaw the hellmans one.
Niiiiiice gumbo! I might have to try that looks like nice warming wintery food there and it's getting colder for sure. We had nutty mushroom pilaf yesterday Lucy takes a load to work with her.
I expect Sleek is already at yours - she's not here..... and the bike is missing sidecar too so who is with her?
Morning Reshmi have you noticed how you wrap up warm for your walk and then end up too warm? Can't get it right!
I hope your cold is starting to improve today?((()))
It does sound hard trying not to eat sweet things living with your Dad who loves them 😔
I have a Lucy/English dictionary when she was little her words were amazing! Alar for onion and alarp for open for instance! Charley spoke normally form day one. Dermatology today for Lucy.
Love to Barbara I hope the eyes feel a little rested. Is every other day helping?
This ready brek is for you (well and the rest of us!)
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) a long time ago it seems a man used to come and read them we never have to give a reading of our electric meter why. I hope you have a good day ((())) love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val (())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Reshmi ((())) I hope you feel better to day ((())) love to your family ((()))
Toni ((())) I'm sorry P ((())) has gone back in the hospice can you still go and see her ((())) how is your back now ((())) love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours (((()))))
Barbara ((())) do you have difficulty doing things around the home ((())) take care love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé (((()))
Mike ((())) have a good day I'm sorry about Elliott ((())) love to vixen
Love to Chris ((())) and Carol ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Joan, yes we always had meter readers. I expect it’s all to do with companies saving money. But they still keep putting prices up!
Reshni, just write his little saying down but no photos.
Did anyone notice my second book of poems is available, with the option to donate a small amount for VA.
Antoinette, Sleek arrived on her bike this morning. The sidecar was full of plants, bulbs, watering cans? (It’s raining) and garden ornaments. She is really taking her job seriously.
I’m on my iPad, so I can’t post a recipe today. Hope all are well. 🙏🏽❤️🌈
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi Everybody hi Toni, yes actually I am feeling a lot better today thanks for asking I want out not be far , just to the local shop just to get some stuff for lunch. I’m feeling much more like a human being today as opposed to a slug, lol. Avoided C and the bakery so that’s my good deed for the day, lol. Yes T I do have a tendency to wrap up too warm but I find wearing layers helps so I can always take off a cardigan or something like that during the walk if I need to. It’s not that my dad loves The sweet things, he just likes to torment us, also there are times when Lord A comes to visit and he stuffs the poor child with all the sweet treats he can find which results in diarrhoea or vomiting. Admittedly sometimes he these things himself, but generally it’s for the reasons mentioned above. That’s sweet about Lucy hope her Dermo appointment goes well, I’ve got One coming up soon as well In roughly a week I need to check. Hi and Joan Barbara, hope you’re both okay ? hi Kathleen that’s a good idea but I think maybe I’ll wait a bit longer because he’s only three now and he’s just repeating a lot of things with confidence but not really knowing what they mean mostly , I’ll get round to it at some point but to be honest my fingers hurt if I write too much I’ll definitely bear it in mind thanks. I hope you have a nice day Kathleen. Not much time to report today really, ate cheese but no toasties and no cakes at least not at the unhealthy types, indulged in a bit of malt loaf.Okay, Take care guys. Xx
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Afternoon all we have none stop down pours 😲
Toni I used to get called ready breck at school due to my maiden it tho along with porridge
I hope Lucy's appointment goes ok ..I'm afraid I get very grumpy now with these eyes ..I will certainly ask about a reader xx
Mike I'm pleased you are getting a few hours sleep to Elliot..he has enough to deal with xx
Joan no I'm fine around the house..would be a goid excuse to di no housework ... just the TV reading abd my phone..xx
Reshmi I like your attitude ..can't quite put my finger on it ..strong minded I hope ... Wish I was ..hope you can get around to writing more..xx
Kath another good recipe frim Nadia thankyou
I will go and have a look for your book xx
Love to all
Barbara1 -
Hi Barbara thanks, I disagree, I think you seem very strong minded to me I know when my eyes are itching and annoying me just a little bit how irritating and depressing it is. Just thought I’d mention my mum has a got a kind of pre-op appointment on the 4th of October about her cataracts, she’s just heard, so I’m really glad for her. Oh by The way , got a little Lord A gem for you all here, last time he went to the park near our house he got scared of the dogs and he said that the big dogs would eat him, I told him that that wasn’t true then he said that the spiders in the house would eat him, I said that the spiders in the house are quite safe and that they don’t eat people he gave me a real “ killer look”, he’s got a bit of a temper, which he’s is inherited from his mum and my mum, lol, as if to say, “do you think you know everything auntie? when I say the spiders eat people THEY EAT PEOPLE!”sorry for caps, that wasn’t really my fault it was fiery little LA’s, bye for now.
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Aww Bless Lord A! Imagine thinking big dogs and sp****s would eat him Reshmi I bet you wanted to hug him and say he is safe. I know sp****s won't eat me but they still terrify me! You needed capitals to express his words we know you weren't shouting really.
Great news about your Mum's sort of pre-op. So it shouldn't be too long now for the real thing. I hope she feels better now knowing.
Glad you are on the mend and 10/10 for avoiding Costa and cakes! layers are good yes i reckon it's my age causing me to get far far too hot when I'm walking.
Lucy only needs to be on the roaccutane for another month!! Yippee she is thrilled as am i as she is losing her hair (don't tell her). She already lost it once to chemo. Let me know when your apt is and we will all come with you ☺️
Naughty Dad teasing you all with sweet treats😠
Kitty is this it?
Thanks for letting us know I will have a look and download my copy tomorrow we are in Yorkshire today after we drop Lucy at work.
Sleek said your garden is full of fairies and they need places to hide an dlive hence all the bulbs and ornaments. She loves gardening and had dug a small veggie patch for you. She said she got soaked but you made her a cockle buttie and a hot drink as well as a good rub down in a dry towel.
Barbara your surname was like brek then! I love the stuff and porridge but didn't like it when I was little to be fair I am not good eating too soon after getting up. After a couple of hours I can though - LOADS!!!
I bet you feel grumpy with those eyes it's just so unfair. I feel grumpy on your behalf myself🤬
Anyway the weekend is on it's way and soon Niamh will be here to brighten up the house with noise and laughter bless her.
Rained all day here yesterday and is still raining today
Joan thank you I will visit P not today though another friend is supposed to be going today and her sister went yesterday. I just have to do a COVID test first.
I hope this weather doesn't stop you and Sue getting out today😕 ((())) xxx
Mike I hope you are well and Vixen too I bet her towel is soaked with all this rain. My puss just does the 'essential rounds' and then comes back in! Take care.
all condiments available!
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I’ll begin with a recipe even though I’m on my iPad. Toni will love this, it’s Hungarian. Sorry, I can’t get the picture to post! And it looks so tasty.
- bacon fat or vegetable oil 2 tbsp
- onion 1 medium, thinly sliced
- Hungarian Hot Wax peppers 450g, cut into 5mm strips
- tomatoes 3 large and very ripe, peeled and chopped
- sugar 1½ tsp
- Hungarian sweet ground paprika 1 tbsp
- crusty bread to serve
- STEP 1
- Heat the bacon fat or oil in a large frying pan over a low heat and fry the onion for 5 minutes. Add the peppers and cook for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
- STEP 2
- Add the tomatoes, sugar, paprika and 1 ½ tsp of salt, and cook for 25-30 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the mixture resembles a thick, chunky tomato sauce. Serve with crusty bread for mopping up.
We are getting an Asda delivery today. Still not brave enough to give Tesco another chance.
Toni, yes that’s it. If you go to the community page, there’s a link to it.
We’ve had some really heavy rain this morning but the sun is shining again. Love to all.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((()) Are you having Asda today. You are clever writing another book of poems. Have a good weekend all of you. Love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) that's good you can see alright doing things around your home ((())) have a good weekend all of you ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))
Reshmi ((())) that's good your mum has her appointment ((())) have a good weekend all of you ((()))
Toni ((())) Lucy is doing so well she has been through such a lot does she give talks on how she has coped with it all ((())) have a good weekend all of you ((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Mike ((())) have a good weekend and vixen how is Elliott ((()))
love to Chris ((())) and Carol ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi guys hope you’re well I’m doing a short message here or shortish at any rate, lol, trying to do it from memory as well as using voice control of course so if I’ve left missed out loads of points it’s not because I’m being insensitive because I’ve just got a few things to do at my at the moment, on top of the usual sluggishness, so no offence meant and so on and so forth. Toni hi hope you’re okay glad that you are your daughter will be off the strong medicine soon, I And that her hair will grow back again again. A coffee and cake stall has opened in the park more or less right opposite my house oh dear bit of a problem, but the cake I had today was so nice there of course it’s not going to be a daily occurrence or even a weekly occurrence when I’ve got my act together that is, whenever that will be, lol. The Tea is quite nice to, as I’ve probably said before I don’t really like coffee so it’s a good change to have a nice cup of tea from outside. It’s Also fairly cheap as well which is good. I definitely don’t like coffee and all the fancy syrups and all that kind of thing so I suppose at least that’s one healthy option chosen for the day need to choose a lot more though really, lol Barbara Kathleen Joan turbo Gran Hope you’re all okay today? Yes very sweet about Lord a indeed sometimes he allows cuddles or hugs sometimes he doesn’t , like if I’ve stopped him watching his cartoons no hugs for me, lol. I can’t say I’m a great fan of spiders or dogs to be honest sorry if this causes controversy, lol, but I’m not above getting a newspaper and trying to whack a spider to death if need be, my sister won’t even do that she’s been through childbirth…but let’s leave that subject alone, lol, indeed. Appointment is seventh of October for me but it’s not such a big deal really it’s just getting some more some more advice on creams and things but I must admit my psoriasis is a lot better than it used to be, generally speaking. Thanks for Your support though. My cold is a lot better everyone, thanks for asking, just got a bit of a throat problem but nothing too severe. I hope that you all have a good day take care Reshmi
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Mike ((())) have a good weekend and vixen how is Elliott ((()))
Hi Joan. Regrettably Elliott was rushed to Treliske again a couple of days ago with Sepsis this time, yesterday they were going to do a lumbar puncture but the infection had spread fast and the medics were very worried about him and talking of transferring him to Bristol. Then they also suspected Epilepsy as well. My baby sister just phoned me to et me know that he woke up stable this morning with the lesions looking as if they have lessened so they are keeping an eye on him and investigating the suspected Epilepsy. Apparently they think that Wednesday will either be the day he goes to Bristol or comes home.
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Oh dear Mike I suppose being a brain tumour some damage causing epilepsy is quite possible? But not to worry Lucy has epilepsy and is doing just fine working. Elliott has the right attitude he will succeed in life I'm sure ((())) for you xxx
Kitty thank you for the recipe it is typical Hungarian 'peasant' food lovely! Peppers grow easily out there and sweet Hungarian paprika is the best. Pronounced Pap-ri-ka not pap-reeeeka like the English do!
We had a lovely day yesterday in the end the sun was so bright when driving it hurt my eyes. Sunglasses were in Penelope I was in Dudley. Never mind it was lovely for a change. Today is set to be wet again I think.
I am sure your Asda order will be all present and correct or at least arrive! I had Ocado on Thursday. Everything there nothing missing and they are so polite and helpful. I book a 'green' order when they are already delivering nearby.
If you are offline today enjoy the rest!
Barbara are you ok? How are the eyes? I do hope not too bad today. Are you doing anything special with Niamh this weekend?
Oh yes how is your brother doing?
I am trying to visit P but she is having a lot of visitors.
I am visiting Charley to talk weddings!
Joan Lucy is doing well (dentist after work yesterday) her dentist adores her! She has known her a long time and gives her extra care and attention and Tia too (Charley has a different one at the same practise) because she is Lucy's sister. Lucy doesn't do talks but she ought to. Love to you both ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi I hope you feel less sluggish today? I am also very glad Lucy will be off the roaccutane soon just a month to go bless her.
Oh my Goodness! Not a coffee and cake stall opposite your own house😮 that is just so dangerous!!! I know you can make sure you don't have it too often you have self control unlike most of us. The tea is good and the prices are too well that is rather nice. The coffees with the syrups are what contain the most calories so you should be safe enough.
Lord A really does sound sweet and quite right withholding hugs in Auntie is withholding cartoons😁
I am glad you are getting more advice about your psoriasis. It is a tough one lucy has used so many different lotions for her hair it's a nightmare isn't it? So uncomfortable. It does flare up and settle down though so definitely best still to go.
Carol I do hope all is well it's been a while since we heard from you. I hope everyone is ok🤔
Gosh it's Saturday already so time for Aidan's Saturday breakfast
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I managed to download Kathleen's latest poetry book
and made a donation to Versus Arthritis.
Brilliant choices Kitty I really enjoyed reading them. I actually think 'Anthem to Disability'
should be 'out there' for the world to hear! What do you think mods?Admins?
But of course really Sleek thinks the first two poems are the best😁
Thank you
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) I hope you have a good day and Asda turned up. Anthem for Arthritis is just right thank you. Love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Toni ((())) have a good time talking wedding with Charley ((())) sorry you can not see P ((())) yet ((())) love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Mike ((())) I'm so sorry about Elliott ((())) he's a fighter and he's strong willed good luck to him ((())) have a good day I will be thinking about you all ((())) love to vixen
Barbara ((())) I hope all is good there ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé (()))
Reshmi ((())) one of Sue's carers has psoriasis and she has to have a bath 3 times a day I can't remember what she put in it she got it from the hospital she has it all over her body and now it's all calmed down. Have a good day all of you ((())) Good luck with your appointment ((()))
Love to Chris ((())) and Carol ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Okay hi guys I started typing and then I don’t know what happened and I lost the whole thing so I’ll try and get on with things and be somewhat concise but not being abrupt okay Toni Barbara turbo Gran Kathleen Joan Hope you’re all well today? Yes I’m feeling a lot less sluggish today Toni thanks for asking got stomachache though I don’t think it was the cake tho, but some of the things I ate , I ate a load of rubbish basically because of the sluggish feeling and certain things must have disagreed with me but it’s not something I do all the time, it’s frustrating though, my tummy to get set very easily these days .Very glad about Lucy. I don’t have a loss of self-control but thanks for saying that I have certain times of it, but I am in general getting better at it though inspired by the great self control and self-discipline of my mum. I agree coffee does indeed indeed have a lot of calories sugar and fat. Thanks about lord a he is right about the hugs and cartoons but the thing is left to his own devices he’ll watch the cartoons all day long and his mum barely lets him watch them at all. Also about the coffee and cake store one good thing is that I can’t go there every day anyway because of the dog element but I’m sure that the stall will just be like Costa house of Candy Cheese and Horrors the novelty of it will soon wear off and then I’ll be in relative control the whole situation I hope 😄. Thanks about the psoriasis, it does get quite difficult to deal with yes definitely. I remember I saw a dermatologist just before the arthritis diagnosis but before that the last time I saw one was when I was a child so maybe when I was seven or something like that, really quite ridiculous but at least they’re trying now. Hi Joan how are you? that’s interesting about the psoriasis thanks. K , I had a quick look at your poems I’ll look properly later really interesting well done.I especially liked the feminist poem about the lady with the disability who went to Greenham Common et cetera feminist history such an interesting subject at least for me I was of course alive in the 70s but just a kid, I have to read up about feminism in the 70s et cetera must’ve been a very inspiring time, I wonder if any of you have seen this programme about 70s 60s feminism or something like that by Faye Wheldon? it’s called Big Women I think it’s on all four catch up was originally on Channel 4 as far as I remember it’s definitely not family viewing but it is quite funny and quite informative I remember studying FW in a school A-level English can’t remember the details now but she was great okay by everyone don’t need to much don’t get stomachache, lol, maybe I should heed my own advice ha ha okay bye take care. Xx
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Hi All
Toni Yes all is reasonably well with us.
I have just been taking some time out. And getting my self in a good place mentally as I said before the last lockdown really got to me and everything was becoming just too much, I was finding myself very much on the borders of depression and thinking of asking Dr for anti depressants, like I had a long while ago. Fortunately I have managed to pull myself out of it And get myself to a better place. I am now dealing with things a lot better. Mr T and myself have a new word now when things don’t go right it’s whatever as in whatever will be will be and we can’t change it.
we have our new pastor at our church now. He has been with us for about 5 weeks now. And hopefully our membership will increase. Mr T and myself are having open mornings there again and at the moment we are doing every week. And as before I have my charity cards up and running again. I have also been selling some at my favourite coffee place it’s actually a pub type place but they also sell food and tea and coffee. And since the last lockdown was relaxed they have a few new staff and the are all lovely caring people and I have sold quite a few cards to the staff.
Lillie and Graycie were both taking part in the National baton twirling competition 2day event last weekend. Lillie was placed 5th in one of her events up against 14 others. Graycie was placed 3rd in two of hers and 2nd in another but she was only up against 4 others. Cue for a couple of photos
Our Little Ava is now 11 weeks old can you believe it. oops sorry don’t know how the picture of Graycie got in there.
Our youngest Daughter was awarded quite a prestigious award in St John Ambulance last year. However because of C-19 they have been unable to have the investitures until this week, and on Wednesday we spent a lovely day attending the ceremony and finishing it off in the evening with a meal out together. Not many members receive these awards they have to be nominated by another person of the higher ranks and has to be sanctioned but the queen so you can imagine this was a very proud moment fo myself and mr T.
The three of us outside after the event.
our eldest daughter rang this afternoon to say she is not feeling too good and has had 2 positive lateral flow tests and has to take a pcr test so as she is not feeling to well she is thinking she may have Covid as symptoms seem to be those type of symptoms. So currently she is isolated from the rest of the household until she is sure.
Well that’s enough from me for now so I will leave you with
Love and Sparkles to you all
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Evening all
Will have to keep this short I'm afraid
Toni such good that Lucy will soon be 8ff the meds x
Yes Niamh has been so has our eldest hd and fiance so all is well here like you say they lift you xx
Reshmi I will have a look for the programme on feminism 😀 I remember it all well in the 70s you take care xx
Joan sometimes I wish I couldnt see the dust 😅hope you are all doing ok xx
Mike I'm so sorry to hear that Elliot has even another battle..I will be thinking of him xx
Kath thanks to Toni I have found your poems will now go and read them and make a donation xx
Love to all
Barbara1 -
Morning everyone 😊
Mike still sending positive thoughts and wishes down to Elliott (((()))) for you.
Kitty I hope your day off was restful and you feel ok. Sleek came over apologies that she was wearing a mask, but Lucy has a cold and she didn't want to pass it on.....can cats catch our colds?🤨I think she just wanted to join in the mask wearing
Carol lovely to see your name there. I am so sorry this COVID malarkey and especially that second lockdown did you so much harm. I think we could all see it coming here you were posting less and less. 'Whatever' is right we can't do much about things I am glad Mr T has supported you.
The open mornings and mixing will help you a lot you are naturally a people person and mixing is what you enjoy doing. New Pastor? We are sharing visiting Vicars with the next village so every other week.
The girls did well! I am very impressed they both look gorgeous bless them and I see Gracie has started school even if it was supposed to be a photo of baby Ava😁
Lovely photo of you both with your youngest daughter and her award I am so pleased all her ahrd word has been recognised you really are entitled to be proud.
But the eldest😕 she almost certainly has covid bless her. That's awful chances are the family might catch it too in spite of her efforts. I will be thinking of her/them and you ((()))
Joan we both enjoyed the wedding chat thank you and she has taken in another stray it's a tabby kitten the vets have checked him - no chip and they advertised to no avail. So we have another cat in the family my youngest grandkit! I'll see P tomorrow when the working visitors can't go we WhatsApp every day anyway. ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi. I am very glad to hear you are likely to go off the idea of the new cake and coffee stall after a while. I am like that too thank goodness else i would be too big to get in the front door!
I know children do love their cartoons and it isn't good for them to watch telly all day. Lord A would no doubt love to watch them constantly but his mummy is right sadly😕 they are useful in their place though don't you agree?🤫
I for one will definitely watch that film you mentioned because Greenham Common was part of my youth too very very interesting. I watched something interesting too last night but very upsetting too. Called 'Help' on the ITV hub?It was very painful to watch I'm not sure I recommend it - a drama about the COVID pandemic set in a nursing home. Made me think of Charley who had no masks or PPE and covid people were sent to them by the NHS. She saw 7 die in 7 days many more as well. Just dreadful. They wrote at the end that the NHS has 80% of teh PPE masks they needed and care homes just 10%
How lucky are we really to be here and well?
I very much hope your stomach settles down soon ((())) xxx
Barbara! So you have had Niamh and the girls! How lovely! Totally lifts your spirits 😊
Do you get to see the girls much now they are working? How is the job in the school going? Does she like it?
I'm glad the link to the poems helped to find Kath's poems easier. With your eyes you can't be trawling around searching can you?
That's funny! you can still see the dust😀 Is the cleaner still coming? I hope so.
Right take it steady I hope your brother is doing ok?
Oh it's Sunday! here we go I hope you all have good appetites!
fried bread available for Mike!
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Good morning everyone
Carol ((())) it's lovely hearing from you thank you for the photo's they are lovely and Lillie and Graycie are clever with their batons you must feel so proud of them ((())) and your youngest daughter getting awarded for her work in Saint John Ambulance ((())) that's good you got your self out of your depression ((())) sorry your daughter has COVID (((())) love to Mr T ((())) love to the rest of the family and cookie.
Barbara ((())) you close your eyes to the dust you don't want that in your eyes ((())) love to Mr B((())) and Niamh ((())) and your son ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))
Toni ((())) have a good day ((())) and enjoy your coffee. That's good you are seeing P tomorrow ((())) love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari (((()))) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours (((())))
Reshmi ((())) that's good your tummy is feeling a bit better ((())) love to everyone ((()))
Kath (((())) have a good day ((())) love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Love to Chris ((())) and Mike ((())) and Elliott ((())) and vixen.
take care
joan xx1 -
hi turbo gran great to hear from you glad you’re feeling better depression is indeed a terrible thing , I know, glad you found a way around it lovely cute pics of you and your grandkids really sweet. You must be so proud. Thanks Barbara the Big Women thing is a series as far as I remember actually not a film it’s really good. You know I was looking at some old feminist quotes and pictures the other day and I found a really great one, it was a woman getting ready to go out or something like that and she was talking to another woman saying, “ I don’t get it so they’ve put one man on the moon, why don’t they just put all of them there? It’d make life a lot easier!”sorry Mike, lol. Hi Joan my cold is getting better slowly thanks hope you’re okay? Hi Kathleen Hope you’re okay today. Hi T , how are you this morning? I’m not too bad thanks yes I agree with you completely about cartoons but there are some rare occasions when my mum and I find the only way to get LA to do something It’s to bribe him with either a jelly sweet or his favourite cartoons and the cartoons at least a low sugar or no sugar in fact presumably, lol. The help programme seems interesting but disturbing. Yes we are indeed lucky to be here so I know so many people who passed away young and old from all sorts of illnesses, not just Covid anyway I won’t well on this now and become morbid. Okay now I’ve actually put myself in a slightly bad mood when I mean bad I just actually started thinking about the deaths, but that’s my fault not yours, okay I need to get going now take care bye all have a good day. Xx
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I thought I'd posted this yesterday, but I must have just saved it as a draft. So, this is Saturday's bit.
Morning all, Didn't Yvonne do a good job of the link to the poetry book download. I know you will all have a copy by now, and generous bunch that you are, will have donated to VA. Thank you. XX
Our Asda delivery arrived at 12pm with just 2 substitutions.
We're still having heavy rain here, and it's ssssoooo cold.
Another Hungarian dish, but not Vegan.
Lamb and tomato stew with butter beans and feta
This one-pot lamb stew is a doddle to make – the oven does all the work for you. Serve with crusty bread to mop up the juices
Published: April 2, 2020 at 12:19 pm
- olive oil 1 tbsp
- lamb neck fillet 750g, cut into small chunks
- onion 1 large, chopped
- garlic 2 cloves, chopped
- smoked paprika 1 tsp
- plum tomatoes 400g tin
- sherry vinegar 1 tbsp
- chicken stock 750ml
- butter beans 2 x 400g tins, drained
- flat-leaf parsley a handful, chopped
- feta 100g, crumbled
- dried mint a pinch (optional)
- crusty baguette to serve
- STEP 1
- Heat the oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Heat the olive oil in a large, heavy lidded casserole and cook the lamb, in batches, until browned all over. Scoop out onto a plate with a slotted spoon. Add the onion and garlic to the same pan, and fry for 5 minutes until the onion has softened.
- STEP 2
- Stir in the paprika and cook for 1 minute then tip in the tomatoes (crushing them with your hands as you go), vinegar and stock. Return the lamb to the pot, season, then put on a lid and bake in the oven for 11/2 hours.
- STEP 3
- Stir in the beans and cook for another 15-20 minutes or until the beans are heated through. Stir in most of the parsley. Serve in warm bowls topped with crumbled feta, the rest of the parsley and a pinch of dried mint, if using, with crusty bread, if you like.
Now for Sunday's bit. I've given up wearing my patches, this is the first full day. I don't feel brilliant, but my pain is no worse without the patches than it was before, so the question has to be asked WHAT GOOD WERE THEY DOING ME? Zilch methinks.
Carol, lovely to see you and yours here. Well done your youngest daughter. Endorsed by Her Majesty. 😊
Joan, Reshmi and Barbara, have a good day, It's a beautiful sunny day her (have I said that already?)
Antoinette, Yes, Madame Sleepipus has quite a collection of masks doesn't she.
Kolamba’s parippu (lentil curry)
40 Minutes Serves 2 Or 4 As A SideEasy
The co-founder of Kolamba in London’s Soho shares this recipe with us from the restaurant's kitchen. A lentil curry spiced with mustard seeds, chilli powder, curry leaves and cinnamon, with layers of delicate flavour
By Eroshan Meewella from Olive magazine
- masoor dahl (red split lentils) 150g
- vegetable oil 1 tsp
- black mustard seeds ½ tsp
- red onion ½ small
- curry leaves 6-8, fresh, frozen or dried
- hot chilli powder ½ tsp
- Sri Lankan curry powder 1 tsp (or you can use 1 tsp ground coriander powder and ½ tsp ground cumin)
- ground turmeric ¼ tsp
- cinnamon stick 5cm
- coconut milk 125ml
- fried onions, fried garlic, fried curry leaves and fried chillies to garnish
- STEP 1
- Wash the lentils. Heat the oil in a pan over a medium heat and, when it’s hot, add the mustard seeds and let them start to pop. Add the onion and curry leaves, and mix in. Add the chilli powder, curry powder and turmeric, stir and cook for 5-10 seconds. Add the cinnamon stick and a pinch of salt. Mix to coat with the spices. Cook for about 3 minutes until fragrant.
- STEP 2
- Add the drained lentils to the pan with 250ml of water, partially cover the pan and cook for 10 minutes. Add the coconut milk and ¾ tsp of fine sea salt, and simmer for 12-15 minutes or until the lentils are cooked and tender. Taste and adjust the seasoning if needed.
- STEP 3
- Finish the lentils with fried onions, garlic, curry leaves and chillies, if you like.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hey Kathleen how are you? So is it cold is it hot? I got a bit than a bit confused , maybe started off cold and rainy got warmer during course of the day? Nice recipes thanks the lamb one looks good I was substitute with beef myself because I’m not a big fan of lamb in fact often I call it my nightmare food, lol, a good bit of red meat for energy on those cold days or cold mornings can’t be a bad idea in my opinion (sorry vegans). Okay I have waffled on here a lot today already, time is running out to do certain things bye for now have a good afternoon everyone
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