Val's Cafe
Morning everyone Hoping for a better day weather-wise today🤞
Mike I am so very pleased you have done that for Vixen I thought of it, but didn't want you to think I was worried you might not do ok because you actually should be fine after 6 months of (admittedly nasty) treatment. You can relax about your precious puss' future now and put yourself first as much as possible.
For some reason weekends are the toughest to get through probably as the Drs are closed even though you probably wouldn't ring them anyway.
Sue will be over today I hope you are having some nice treat and will take time for a good natter ((()))
Joan best of luck with your bloods today I hope all is as well as possible. The medics so far have been rubbish with Mike, but I am hoping haematology will be much clearer and more organised. Saw my lovely neighbour yesterday afternoon she looks great he is still waiting to hear about his hip op, but they aren't pushy enough. ((())) for you and Sue xxx
Oh Kitty Bongy is sweet!! He looks just like Charley and Annie's Loki😻 his little face! You can see he is mischievous.
You actually want to see the constipation song? Leave it with me....
If you don't celebrate your birthday (which I quite understand) when do you get cake? I hope it's whenever you fancy it😋 Or choc ices.....
Loving the pasta dish and I know exactly how to veganise it so thank you very much indeed.
I am lucky I have 3 daughters all of whom would look after Sleekipaws as she is their sister too, but I totally agree with what Mike has done. He can relax now even though he will be absolutely fine there will be many days as we know when he will doubt that.
Ah yes Reshmi it was milder than expected wasn't it? I ditched my cardigan wen for vest blouse and coat and that was enough yesterday. I'll 'see' you later for today's constitutional😁
I am glad to hear your neck is ok just what happens when you sleep in a cold room. The physio will have put that right I hope. I read somewhere that 7,000 steps a day is actually the optimum number to decrease the risk of early death. Have you got a step counter/fitbit?
I will have a look and see if i can find any of the cancer poems/songs.
Not good having to spend a fortune on tights due to the eczema Reshmi you must take care not to tear them so they last a bit at least. Men don't have that problem if they have eczema do they? I do get eczema on the back of my knees at times and summer for some reason can be a key time for it? not sure why. If it's really bad along skirt and no tights is probably the best option. I have an avocado badge somewhere...
Oh dear fish you know if I cook it the smell gets in my hair? So I have to put a shower cap on😂 Let us hope HV did not erupt. 🌋
Hi Toady. there has been no new growth in my trays or garden in a whole day! * Wails pitifully*
But it is now March so outside will be viable very very very soon.
Naughty shower 🚿 deserves a bit of a kicking. Not too much though or it might come off the wall! You are entitled to have your own leaky issues you know it's important to fit in😉
I am trying desperately to find something to do on my own birthday when the neighbours are having her 60th (not on her birthday, but because she wants a Saturday) so I do sympathise totally. It is just so dispiriting. I know exactly what you mean about expanding and shrinking! What a great analogy. ((()))
The veggie bed location is new yes. I have decided that on the whole they might benefit from the wetter conditions unless they are veggies liable to rot. Given global warming i am going to go ahead. It's either grit to add or over time organic matter so that is what I shall do - plant some green manure in the winters.😊 Yes what a great idea the water raft! Not sure I will go that far, but the self watering planter. I shall go ahead when it stops raining (next week????) and take pics as i go so you can see.
Pots and containers are what I used to do before the garden was 'done' last year. They work perfectly well don't they? in fact can be easier to tend.
We were indeed talking Dill the dog and Parsley the Lion
I very often sing 'Oim Bayleaf Oim the Gardener Oi work from early dawn....' when I'm out there!
Hope you are well today Barbara and maybe you have news about Mr B's apt? sending ((())) to you both xxx
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Oops sorry is it shrove Tuesday?
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Baby sis Susan is coming over today as well as Sue the Home Help to change my bedroom around so that it will be easier when the chemo kicks in. Vixen will not be impressed as her kipping time will be reduced for the day. Quite a few treats in the fridge including Jaffa cake bars.
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Good morning everyone
Have a good day with not to much pain (()) the form for my blood test comes from the hospital but I can have it done at the doctors because its nearer.
love to everyone (())
take care
joan xx0 -
M9rning all sun is shining after a wet day yesterday
Now my snowdrops turns out to be a crocus 😅 blame my eyes 🤓
Toni how awful is the flooding never seemed to stop yesday glad you got your ride out and coffee though sorry you keep ask7ng about my brother he is doing ok ..thank god for the trial thankyou for the pancakes I had forgotten xx
Toady phew panic over and what was suppose to be a quiet bath ..hopefully neighbours will go away more often xx
Joan goid luck with the bloids hope all is well ..I hope your doggies are doing ok ..they must look forward to riding on the scooters xx
Reshmi I'm loving the socks or vesuvius yet thank goodness..hope you have a good day xx
Kath who does the lovey kitty belong to we have one next doir identical and the pose . Will post a pic xx
Mike getting organised will help ..I hope your sister can go with you ..please ask xx
Sorry for typos I only retype the naughty ones 😜 ie post
Barbara1 -
Next doors cat by our fire
Barbara2 -
Hi all 😊 sun is shining but I have too many things to do and not enough time to do them in, so I will leave a quick early hello and a couple of pics and restrain myself from burbling on. Neighbours disappeared again no idea what's what 🤔 could be SO much worse off of course but it's a last straw type of thing sometimes, when everything else 'in the garden' is not exactly lovely either, life & circumstances-wise. Frog sorry about the clash of birthdays 🙄 I wonder how often they would coincide, I mean in the sense she wants the Saturday & yours is one? typical for it to fall that way now. No new seedlings? Maybe twice as many tomorrow.🤞Well now that my mystery seedling has opened up - it was still 'hooped' over yesterday just emerging - I have cracked and looked it up 😂 I expect you thought I would not last long 😉 pic of mine below compared to a stock of Astrantia - I wonder. Maybe?! I love no end that you sing the Bayleaf song! I had to do a search as I can't remember it clearly but couldn't get a vid of the right bit. The one I clicked on had a Miss Jessop complaining about garden untidiness (in need of a husband according to Bayleaf), and Sir Basil was worried who would carry his guns and fishing rods if Bayleaf took umbrage and left. Very of its time 😂 (good on you Miss Jessop🤞well apart from the garden fussiness). Yes pictures of lettuce planter please 😊 and I hope March takes a half decent turn for your outdoor doings.
Barbara that is a snowdrop in your photo, isn't it, as well as the crocus? Well that's where I was looking.. see my crop of your pic, 3rd along. The first one is my Important Seedling (I hope), the one I mentioned that they say you have to be very patient about, the Astrantia. IF it is one! 2nd pic is a stock one for comparison. Love your neighbour's tabby 😍 in your house in front of your fire, that is cats all over - feet right up on the hearth, that's the life, isn't it! And your cat ornament looks like it quite likes the company. My neighbours are coming & going at random, went again later yesterday, my nerves are shot 😂 Glad your brother is doing well xx
Joan I hope the bloods went well at least the weather not too bad, glad you can go locally for them & not to the hosp. xx
Love to everyone else as & when they call in xx
My seedling..... Astrantia seedling (example)..... Barbara's snowdrop?
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Just a quick message to let you know we have had Paramedics and doctor out, but we are OK but tired. We have been assessed for care, occupational therapy and X-rays. Will let you know more as and when. XXXX😌
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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8 minutes 3ish seconds is Bayleaf's song Toady! You can imagine me singing can't you?🤭 that should annoy my neighbours anyway! My sister and I do 'Dill the dog' fairly often! We are just not normal!!
I am very pleased the neighbour's have gone again for the time being. Let's hope it's for a good while. As for mine well I suppose my birthday will not be on a Saturday again for several years and hers must have been last year. I will let it lie now I promise🤞
I have astrantia (I hope) c/o a neighbour who grew me a plant last year so let's hope. Yours could easily be I do hope so it looks nice and healthy.
Ok as I adapt the planter I shall take photos. I hope P isn't watching from Heaven because she used to do such a great job of making self watering containers around the village.😳
Joan I am glad you can have your bloods done locally at least that's easier. I sit teh calcium ones? ((())) xxx
Kitty me duck I am very very pleased you are both being assessed properly you have needs which are not being met and some support could really help. Sleek came home screeching (as you know she can) and worried me to death about paramedics and the like.. Take care now please you have my number ((())) xxx
Ah Barbara the snowdrop grew up into a crocus! How lovely. Sometimes they do take some identifying.
Thanks for the news about your brother I am pleased that has to be 3 years now? Incredible. I know Aidan will be thrilled watching down.
Love the pusskin pic china and real-life cats both enjoying the fire!
Sunshine and showers here today so the garden might be happy at least.
Take care of yourself ((())) xxx
Mike they will make or have made a good team the girls two-Sues. Vixen will adjust to the new position of the bed. Very sensible to ensure people can get around the bed if needs be and you can use a bowl if needs be. They will give you anti sickness meds hopefully you will be lucky and they will work really well for you. Ondasatron, domperidone (used to call it dom perignon!), metoclopramide to name a few gosh they are imprinted in my brain!
The two Sues deserve their jaffa cakes. I hope you are feeling supported at least by us and them ((())) xxx
Best get on!
Take care everyone shall we have cake?
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Hi t how are you today? I’m glad you like to wear strange novelty socks too, lo. The Face socks sound funny as well. Tc. Xx
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Hi Toni I did indeed go for my constitutional and met you there, as it were, lol. Glad you dressed properly for the mild weather. That’s interesting about the steps thanks for that information no I don’t have a Fitbit or anything like that I think that’s really just because for me personally I try to sort of get too obsessed by things like counting every calorie noting every step but that’s just how my mind works I’m not saying it’s bad I’m probably just lacking sufficient self-discipline 😄. I’m Glad that the Fitbit is helping you though well done. That’s interesting I too get eczema on the back of my knees sometimes, I may have been exaggerating a bit, lol, but I’ve got my collection of warm winter tights sorted out so that’s the main thing for me, in the summer I generally cover my legs with cotton leggings or something like that, because exposing your legs to sunlight can lead to the heat rash eczema etc, it’s just generally very bad for the skin.when I went go to the gym I used to find leggings quite handy as if I felt too warm I could just roll them up a bit if I felt I really needed too. Okay I’m leaving it there because I do need to take care of my neck as you reminded me so I’m just saying au revoir for now take care. Xx
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Hi Joan how are you and Sue doing today? that’s good that your blood test form has come I hope the blood test goes well I’m not in that much pain today thanks less than yesterday I think that’s because spent less time in the cold room at least that’s one of the factors how’s your pain today? take care, Reshmi. Xx
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Hi Barbara how are you today ? that’s a funny picture of the cat, lol, I like that sculpture of the woman it’s very stylish. There was a bit of an HV incident but that’s over now thankfully, bit of rain here today but not too much I didn’t get drenched just slightly wet ☔️Thanks For liking the avocado socks, lol. I hope you’re having a nice afternoon. Tc. Xx
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Hi Kitty I’m sorry to hear that you had the paramedics in I hope that things are okay now? you take care of yourself, love Reshmi. Xx
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Oh no Toni pancakes and carrot cake?? I may have to spend my whole life on the treadmill in more ways than one, lol. Take care and remember not to get obsessed with the Fitbit, lol. Xx
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Oh Reshmi no way are you Miss Piggy!! but the treadmill is ready for you:
I have had something exciting in the post! It's a vegan cake mix. Cooking cake without egg is just so unreliable I hope this mix will do the job for me. We have our 'Green Village' meeting on Saturday morning and I need to take a cake along, like you have to in villages like this one🙄 Honestly I must live in Midsomer 😁
Today we need a brolly or our hoods up for our walk, but I'll see you anyway maybe we'll just do a short walk?
Leggings are great aren't they? As soon as the weather is warm enough and I also roll mine up if it gets too hot!!! UPdate on the vegan kefir stuff it's really nice tasting, but really I wish shops were safer as the dates are quite short so I have given a bottle to Kari, my sister to try. She is like you can get very obsessed she lost 7 stone in 9 months once, but now is back to where she was. She can't help it everything is done to extreme or not at all.
Sending a very quick ((())) to Mike I posted a second time yesterday as you can probably see, but I need you to know I am continuing to think of you Mike xxx
posh scrambled eggs
vegan option available of course...
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Morning update on us.
Had Paramedics out
Had GP out
XRays for both arranged
Distyict Nurses arranged
Assessment for care
Assessment for Occupational Therapy
Don't know when it will happen.
Toady, just to explain that Holly isn't my daughter, she's a young (24) neighbour who picks a coupe of bits up for us every Tuesday. She's been a big hep to us, and we hope we have also helped her.
My daughter Emily has two cats, Miss Pond whp is a grumpy tortoiseshell, and Bertie.
Miss Pond
Bonkers Bertie
I will let you know what happens next.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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hi to Barbara K Joan t and Ar. How are you all today? Hi again Joan how are you and Sue doing today? Did You have pancakes yesterday? We didn’t but I’m pretty sure LA must’ve had them in the nursery I haven’t had the update yet lol, I really hope he didn’t eat a whole pan of them though, lol. Hi Barbara how are you doing today? How are you eyes? Hi Toni I’m glad that the kefir tastes good, shame quite expensive though. I wouldn’t say that I always get obsessed, but I know that I have a tendency to if I let myself, at least in some ways. I never knew the village cake making thing was a reality I thought it was maybe something just invented by ITV, lol, maybe you could Break from village mould and make something savoury, lol? Maybe even upma? Or maybe that would be a step too far, lol, 😁. Not walking today plan is I’m doing some low sugar brownies though not from scratch and I’m freezing half for LA and then just staying at home getting ready for tomorrow, I may have to make avocado and chocolate brownie for LLF, lol, but I know that if I do that she’ll never talk to me again, lol. Have you ever made Those? I’ve seen them on the Internet but haven’t made them as yet avocado can upset my stomach so I have to be careful, though I may have an avocado experiment at some point, but I’ll take it slowly, take one step at a time. Okay I’ll Leave it there for now have a good day everyone. XX
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Well thanks to the two Sues the bedroom is sorted and they even changed the sheets. BUT, one girl is bossy enough but when two of them get together look out! And by golly can they talk! I hardly got a word in. I have arranged for Sue the Home Help to come in twice a week once chemo starts, she will also take care of the laundry and has said she will be on call as well as she only lives a couple of roads away. Anyway they worked their magic and I did not wake up until 0700 this morning which is virtually unheard of for me. Have a good day y'all.
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Good morning everyone
Kitty ((())) I’m sorry you both have something wrong ((())) thinking of you both. Love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) we have rain I hope the weather’s good there.
Barbara (()) your neighbours cat is lovely. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) yes the blood was taken for calcium then I get a phone call from the Doctor at the hospital about it. The arm fell of my spectacles so I have to go to get it fixed on Friday.
how is your knee (()) and back ((()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (())
Mike ((())) you are well prepared for everything (()) thinking about you take care love to vixen
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi Joan Thanks for your nice message, oh no that must be a real nuisance about your glasses, I hate it when my glasses get damaged I hope you have a nice day too thanks a lot take care. Xx
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Hello everybody hi again Toni. I just thought I would share with you a tiny poem I’ve just written it’s a kind of statement on the modern age nothing remotely critical of this site which I think it is great and as k once said it’s definitely a sanity saver. Hope you enjoy.
2nd poem for VC called the virtual world
I cannot always write an ode,
Especially when in virtual mode
Tomorrow I meet up with real people not avatars on a screen
As long as my stomach doesn’t make me feel green
The Virtual world needs spicing up
It’s as real as the sugar and fat free Chai latte in an imaginary cup
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Well this was all a bit dismal, no sun I'm afraid Joan and a bit damp tomorrow but mustn't grumble.. not too cold anyway.. maybe sun next week. Sorry about your glasses, I used to have a mending kit for them but such tiny little fiddly screws etc so usually end up dropping them down a crack in the floorboards.
Kitty, like sleek I did a bit of a doubletake and a screech at the word paramedic, so sorry it's 'All Go' at yours and all the v best for what's next, whenever as you say that will be. And so sorry I made a logical wrong jump that it was all family pet pics 😳 I'm sure I should actually know from past time who is who but memory awful! I will remember now. Needless to say I love Miss Pond and Bertie, I don't care if Miss Pond is grumpy 💕 and is Bertie really bonkers? look at him putting his paws together so neatly like a good boy, you would never suspect. I promise I will find cat pics & post. Take care xx
Thank you for the cake frog, has been a bit of a non-day, and I did not get through my jobs, so to give in & have tea & cake was the only sensible course of action really 😉 Nothing to report in the garden.. maybe a hint of a wallflower thinking about flowering? Thank you for Bayleaf 😂 doing a sterling job there lucky thing, working from dawn to dusk, and I definitely could find a use or 2 for that nice handy plank of wood (envying puppets, this is what it's come to..). Wish I was brave enough to sing at the neighbours, it would be the final straw, they already couldn't be more disapproving if I planted japanese knotweed, always started a bonfire on washing day, and left piles of old tyres & scrap metal on the front lawn. Other side have been doing a bit more to-ing & fro-ing so I do feel something is Up - shan't go into details but (lowers voice discreetly) possibly one half has had to go into permanent care and it will be a matter of whether t'other half stays or sells up. Yikes. Well it will settle my hash for gardening if I do get a family & kids instead - kids looking out their bedroom windows at the odd lady next door? no thanks (and I've done the same myself as a child, when old people are just a fascinating novelty to spy on, so it will be the biter bit 😂). Hope all well with you - must write letters & things like that tomorrow but will pop in sometime for tea & a break and will bring biscuits.
bosh I have never had avocado believe it or not and therefore can't imagine what it's like.. I always think of it as being a bit like unripe normal pears, presumably not at all like that!
Hope Barbara is ok - when are the new specs due? We are singing extracts from Camberwick Green and The Herbs this week in the cafe, if you are wondering what all the noise is 😃 🎵 xx
Love to all & wish everyone a good night xx
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Evening all Had eye test today macular in noth now but I'm not surprised..Still I see out ine bit squishy
Toady so it is a snowdrop 😅glad someone knows these things 😅goodness know what I planted..neighbours away again so peace for you 😊 our new neighbours is opening a beauty salon in there garage 😯I bought the cat sculpture iff Facebook £8 I'm more a dog person but always had both till lately xx
Toni I love weekend birthdays so you make the most if it ..😁sing louder than your neighbour..😅..vegan cake mix hope it's good xx
Joan thankyou fir all the hugs bless you hope your blood's are OK xx
Reshmi thankyou the very large lady sculpture is pair boy and girl ..I had them given to ne because the boy is broken abd they were throwing them out..hope all is well with you abd your mum xx
Mike you are organised..all these women looking after you can't be bad abd wgat a lovely home help you have xx
Kitty I hope you are both OK and get the help you need..I really do ((()))xx
Love to all xxxxx
Barbara1 -
Part one of the self watering planter.... excuse the bird poo😳
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