Val's Cafe
Morning everyone!
Kitty me duck I am so pleased you two are getting things sorted. Nowhere near enough resources have been going into your house at all for you both. I agree with everything on the list. Let's hope between them all life can be made a lot easier 🤞
Sleek intends to join you for each appointment as it happens to ensure you get what you need.
I like miss Pond even if she is grumpy (maybe I relate to that?) and of course Bertie is a sweetheart.
Holly is like another daughter/grandaughter in some respects and has a lot on her plate hasn't she? with two of her own and fostering her younger sister.
Morning Reshmi I hope you are well enough for lunch today and that LLF and Roger are both ok too.
we did pancakes at the Church for all the villagers not for me though. I wonder whether they did proper English (and Cornish and welsh) ones because I suspect Lord A is more used to the American ones you get in supermarkets. Scots pancakes too 😋Unless I am misjudging your BIL and in fact he is a chef on the QT?
I'm glad you don't get too obsessed with things at least not often. My sister is a lot better if her meds are all stable.
I'm afraid the cake making and tea really is 'a thing' in our villages🙄I would love to make upma but might save that for the 'Safari Supper' which is happening this month now - help!
incase you don't know this is what a Safari supper is:
"A progressive dinner is simply a party where each course is eaten at a different host's house in the same evening. In other words, the guests progress from house to house. Think of it like a potluck but extended across three or four locations."
I am waiting in trepidation to see what i am cooking......
LA will love love love his brownies Reshmi bless him that should keep him going. Nope don't give LLF avocado brownies today. Although I once had courgette cake and it was lovely!
Great poem there for our virtual café yes please to the chai latte for me!!!
Morning Joan I hope you and Sue are both well today? Oh not your glasses! Have you got a plaster on them like Jack off coronation street? Blood results tomorrow then.🤞((())) xxx
Mike I am so glad (I expect you are too) that the Two Sues got on well with each other as they might want to keep in touch while you are on your treatment. They talked too much? as if🤐😁
Very sensible of you two arragne for two calls from Sue (HH) and good idea for her to be 'on call' if she lives nearest.
After all the they must have worn you if you slept till 7am!! What on earth must Vixen have thought about it all?🙀
Morning Toady!
Yesterday was a useless day I achieved NOTHING in the garden - the photo is stage one and i actually to the pic the day before as the weather wrote yesterday off
Some plant pots of the same size which you don't need and might otherwise go to landfill....
Tea and cake well it would be rude not to as Aidan would say.... sometimes that's all you can do when the day is rubbish. Today already looks a bit better.
I envy Bayleaf's plank of wood! I want it for my (non-existent) pond!! To help and small (non-existent) creatures out! I bet you sing his song now when you're outside! Puppet envy. Is that a thing? I used to love lam chop's eyelashes - still do actually....
I suppose we did as kids look at the 'old lady' next door, but she was probably not at all old rather our age - late 20's🤥 I really hope your neighbours do not change just yet. I hate change.
Hope the letter writing goes ok and please do call by for a much needed break.
Morning Barbara sadly the eye test confirms what you suspected anyway😕 ((())) I am sorry though. I hope your new glasses won't be too long?
It's not my birthday soon it's not till the end of next month, but maybe I shall - sing LOUD! I can sing loud😁as you know....
I presume no news on Mr B's date. You have to wonder why they do all these pre-ops when they can't fit the surgeries in. My lovely neighbour's husband had his at the end of the summer....say no more🙄
Take care now.
A quick wave to @Arthuritis if he happens nearby. Make the most of today and eat what you enjoy!
We are having some breakfast:
breakfast quesedillas
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I hope you are getting the help you need thinking about you both (()) love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your. Dad (())
Toady (()) have a good day it should get warmer soon I hope. That must have been good being able to fix your own glasses. I used to work in Garrards factory where they made record players I used to put the stylus together to play the record.
Toni (()) I’ve never seen a self watering one before I have heard of them. I hope you have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Barbara (()) are you having new glasses. How is your knee (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Rushmi ((()) good poem love to your mum (())) I hope she feels better (())
Mike (()) how are you getting on with all your problems have a good day and vixen
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi t. , how are you today? I know what you mean about some days being non-days I think that’s a great way of putting it when you’re just going through the motions waiting for a better day to come I understand 😄. I wouldn’t say that an avocado tastes like pear at least not to me, I didn’t really like the taste that much it tasted a bit slimy and strange but now I think it’s not too bad I wouldn’t say it’s my favourite taste in all the world but I think it’s a bit of an acquired taste perhaps that gets better after the first time at least that’s how it is for me my LLF or Long Lost friend is a big environmentalist which is fine of course but she goes on and on about avocados and how they’re grown artificially its the kind of thing that’s one of the many bees ring around her bonnet🐝 , lol. Tc. Xx
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Hi Barbara you’re Welcome about the sculpture I see so there was another part to the sculpture that’s interesting. I’m okay thank you bit tired but I saw my friends today LLF etc which was quite nice I was a bit careful with my food though because my stomach gets upset quite easily these days so I just had eggs on toast and left tasty but potentially dodgy items like baked beans and bubble and squeak alone. My Mum is in a good mood today she went out to lunch with my dad which she hardly ever does so I’m glad she went out and enjoyed she also walked a little bit today which was good how was your day been? take care Reshmi. Xx
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Hi to k and ar as well hope you are both having a nice day? X
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Hi Toni how are you today? I did indeed see LLF and Roger for lunch so I’m a bit tired now but it was enjoyable thank you my stomach is okay at the moment but I just had scrambled eggs on toast as too much roughage can upset my stomach unfortunately courgette cake I can see that that could taste good but again sometimes too much roughage or excess fibre can be an issue , excess fibre and excess family that would be at lethal combination, lol. That’s interesting about the different types of pancakes I didn’t know about that yes I think that LA is generally having store bought American style pancakes, you’re right there unless he made his own with the carers at the nursery I’m not really sure I’ll have to ask my sister at some point when she’s free. Thanks For liking the poem I didn’t initially think of VC when I was writing it you’re right it def could apply virtual drinks no calories in a sugar at least that’s what nutritionist Toni is telling me I believe her thousands wouldn’t, lol i’m really careful with my Chai latte intake these days I think that’s one good thing I’m doing despite doing millions of bad things diet - wise but it is true with me like most people I suppose I eat less sugary stuff if I’m in a good mood plus the COVID situ is so worrying isn’t it, we all try to take care of mental health physical health arthritis potential depression etc but it’s all a lot easier said than done like you said we do physio we exercise that we’re are physically capable of we try and talk to people without it becoming dangerous none of this is easy and sometimes people with different problems don’t understand that is fam members and friends anyway I didn’t really mean to get so serious but probably it was worth saying sorry Tony I’m getting really tired now I know I have not an answered everything oh yes just wanted to say Safari suppers that sounds quite terrifying who decides who is a guest and who is a hard-working cook? Oh dear me I think I prefer to be a guest generally speaking or I could brush up on my cooking skills but that might have to mean me driving several people out of the house like fish Fryers oh no 🐟🐠! I asked a family member can’t you just roast the fish in the oven please ! why do you have to fry it hurts my eyes so much? HV didn’t like that request oh no, I hope your day went well in general Toni? okay bye Tc xx
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Hi Joan how are you and Sue today? sorry I’m a bit tired so I can’t really send a proper message right now but I hope your day went okay? my mum is okay today thanks she went for a little walk so she’s was in a good mood take care have a nice afternoon. Xx
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Hello all 👋
Hi bosh thank you for the hello -both a bit tired tonight by the sound of it.. 😴 but glad you got out for your meet up. I got less done than I hoped - probably the (almost) worst part of RA for me is the tiredness, because what can you do about it, not all that much really.. so annoying isn't it. I have been writing letters as I mentioned which is not so easy as it used to be & you also do wonder if what you are writing makes sense! - how it reads to someone else I mean - because as you say, the Covid can't help but have a bit of an effect, plus you don't get as much feedback from others as usual (I speak to people on the phone but have not been going out & mixing much) so your sense of yourself isn't quite the same. Hopefully we'll both recoup a bit of energy tomorrow 😊 Yes an acquired taste is just what I would expect avocado to be, there's no real reason I've never had it - if I get invited onto that radio programme 'I've Never Seen Star Wars' I will have to put it on the list of things to try ha ha x
Frog THANK you for the pic 😊 I will come back to in next post because I will not do it justice now. Also have cat pics as I said so will save it all up. I have nearly finished the main of my letters but it's a bit like pulling teeth*, rather than dashing off the fine works of wit & interesting-ness one would like to produce! Well there is no news to put in one with things as they are so I suppose it's a bit of a stretch to expect miracles. I also have to pack ebay stuff tomorrow - people unerringly buy something when you don't much fancy doing the packaging! Will be back in time for Green Village cake 😄 (I am picturing the fete committee scene from Welcome to Our Village Please Invade Carefully, if you have heard it. Very funny.)
Joan, how interesting that you worked at Garrard's! Their turntables are still very well thought of aren't they. I like vinyl and I'm glad it's been making a comeback. I also have a boxful of 78's; 'Painting the Clouds with Sunshine', 'My Hat's on the Side of my Head', 'I Wonder Who's Under Her Window Tonight' all that sort of thing 😊 Hope you've had a good day, yes am looking forward to the beginning of next week, should be drier & brighter.
Barbara I messed up my own bold yesterday, I must give myself a lesson 😉 how nice you saved the sculpture, it would have been awful for her to just be thrown out, poor thing. All the best to you & Mr B xx
Hope Kitty is ok! xx
Love to all & see you soon xx
*talking of teeth does anyone know what the actual position is if you don't go to the dentist for a certain time - before the Covid mine used to say you MUST come within 2 years but I was never sure if they were just saying it - they are reminding me to come now and it's outside 2 years but they aren't saying I will be deregistered otherwise, I don't know if that's Covid special exception? I will talk to them as I don't feel confident to go yet but I'd like to know what to say to them & I can't find anything concrete online. Ta if anyone can help.
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Hi t you’re welcome, i’ll try and reply properly tomorrow but regarding dentists, I think that it depends on what type of dentist you go to is it an NHS dentist? If it’s NHS then I don’t think there’s any need to worry I don’t go to the dentist to myself a lot either I didn’t go for a long time around lockdown time possibly quite considerably over a year and they were fine about I used to go to a private dentist which was really expensive and also they used to hassle me a lot about checkups appointments this that late fees even if you have a good reason for being late but I would’ve thought that with the NHS dentists it’s up to you really how, I mentioned my fear of Covid to my particular NHS dentist they seem to understand hope that helps take care hope you get some rest. Xx
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Morning everyone
Today I have to help an ex family member complete her DLA forms. That'll be fun🙄Still it's nice to put old skills to some use isn't it?
Joan yes I didn't know how to do the planters until P taught me. She did a far better job that I will ever do of course, but still it will work. Are you and Sue venturing out today? ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi I am so glad to hear you managed lunch. Scrambled eggs on toast is an ideal light meal for iffy stomachs - good choice! Absolutely excess fibre is a no-no and it combined with excess family is a disaster waiting to happen😂 Such a shame to have to watch your chai latte intake they are just soooooo yum! But full of calories I know. I have been promoted to nutritionist todta thank you very much😁
If you remember I would be very interested to hear what Lord A made of 'English' pancakes over the store bought American ones if that's what he tried. I can imagine him being horrified😮
There is such a lot to think about and try to do as you say for the goodness of our physical and mental health. Those who are fortunate enough to have good health really don't understand our anxieties about things like COVID and they are lucky, but all we can do is what we are doing. Our very best. I think you do exceptionally well to be honest so should be pleased with yourself.
The bad news about Safari suppers is we all cook one course so I could get starter, main or dessert😯 I suspect I will have a main. I intend to do a variety of vegan indian dishes as they can be prepared easily and kept hot in the slow cooker while I am at someone else's house eating my starter. Upma is likely to be one I do because I love it even if it really is breakfast!
Toady avocado is YUM! Not sure it's good for the environment though, but it's yum!
If it's dry today i will try to attempt stage 2 of the self-watering planter. No rush luckily as it's for my lettuce.
Gosh no! We aren't doing anything so what can you say in a letter?✉ Oh dear. Waffling that's what I would be doing no doubt you were too. I used to have a friend who wrote one letter and printed us all off copies....he stopped writing them at all now just whatsapps...🙄
I had never heard of Welcome to Our Village, Please Invade Carefully so googled it and it looks like my kind of thing. Maybe to listen to while gardening!
Sorry about the large print not sure how I did that😳
Toady make an appointment for a check up that's what I have done it's not until June or July I can't remember which, but I did it to save my place too. When I booked they had amazing measures in place to protect us and of course themselves. They may even be happy to protect your status without and appointment if you tell them how you feel. Joan has been I think.
Mike I hope all is well with you or at least as well as possible. Are you still sleeping like a log? That would be amazing if you were so I suspect not. Hang on in there you will have a plan soon ((())) xxx
I hope all is well in the Barbara household? I apologise for the large print in the middle of my post to Toady no idea what happened there at all, but can't seem to 'undo' it.
Will you be seeing Niamh this weekend? How is she coping without Grandad's bacon butties🤨
Kitty me duck has there been any progress at all with any of the agencies/support which has been requested for you and Chris?
Sleek insists that she has it all under control and you don't need outside help, but I am not so sure. I think extra resources could be very helpful.
I am not at all happy ATM due to Coronation street being AWOL😠 ⚽ football? PAH!!!!!🤬🤬🤬yes I am swearing!
((())) for you and a few bush babies.
Breakfast anyone? Then I must get on I have a cake to bake🤔
breakfast burritto with a small amount of avocado - Toady please sample!
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Mike I hope all is well with you or at least as well as possible. Are you still sleeping like a log? That would be amazing if you were so I suspect not. Hang on in there you will have a plan soon ((())) xxx
Morning. I am not sleeping as long as I was on Tuesday night but I appear to be sleeping a bit deeper. It took ages to get off last night as my anxiety levels are going through the roof and strange things are going through my tiny mind. I had promised my baby sister that I was going to get my paperwork in order just in case but I have not done it yet as part of me thinks that if I do it is tempting fate. I really hope that I will know more on Monday with some sort of prognosis that I can get my head around properly. All of this going on on top of OA which has turned me into a right basket case. I need to go to the village shop today and am hoping to get a bit of hogs pudding as I want to have my last fry up before chemo on Sunday despite the fact that I don't know when it is going to start. Strangely enough I have actually gone off food in the past week or so, I do not fancy spicy or flavoursome foods and have been putting my dinner on a tea plate but 9 times out of 10 half of that goes in the bin. Anyway, roll on Monday, the wheelchair is charged. Have a good day.
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Good morning everyone
kitty (((())) I hope everything is going well for you both ((())) thinking about you (()) love to Chris and Anita (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady ((()) we have the record i will take you home again Kathleen and in a monastery garden.
have a good weekend.
Toni (()) Sue is going to town today I think it’s to cold so I’m taking the dogs for a walk. have a good weekend love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good weekend and your mum (())
Barbara (()) have a good weekend love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Mike (()) thinking of you don’t worry we are here for you and vixen (())
take care
joan xx1 -
Morning all yes its me very early and no rain so that's good 😁
Toni no news yet on you say all these preops but suppose they fave to be ready just un case
So you are helping with dla forms ..has you know they are a minefeild..I always think of our Aiden and how he was treated ..I am very interested in your self watering ..I already use plant pots for drainage ..not sure if Niamh is coming xx
Toady yes new glasses just for reading and my phone ..the weather has been awful fir gardening I just crave to he out there xx
Mike the waiting is the worse ..your brain will run riot ..we are all here don't forget xx
Joan I hope your glasses are mended ..I have broke quire a few since having to wear them .love to all of you xx
Reshmi hope your stomach behave today ..I wasn't keen on avocado till our son made it with chilli flakes has a spread on toast ..glad you mum us having a few hours out xx
Kitty I'm thinking about you both ..xx
Love yo all
Barbara1 -
Kitty us fine, tired and achy as lots of arrangements are being made. I need to get rid of my sofa soonish as Chris needs a bed downstairs. I booked an appointment at XRay for Chris and I need to book patient transport for him too. I also need to book home chiropodist for both of us. I have a list as long as Sleek’s tail, and umpteen phone calls to make. Our OT is smashing (Hannah). Now also got to book our carers.Sending love and Sparkles.
Kitty me duck XXXXXXXX
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi t how are you today are you feeling a bit less tired? I just wanted to ask one thing because I must admit I don’t always manage to read every single message on here, you said something about letters do you mean you writes letters to your friends or something like that? I used to like writing letters I like writing in general not saying I’m good at it, lol, but I do enjoy it it is such a shame that people don’t generally write letters anymore. Hope you’re having a nice day take care. Xx
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Hi Barbara how are you today? my stomach is okay at the moment thanks but I’m having methotrexate is roughly an hour so then it will probably be a different story, lol, there’s a bit of rain here today but luckily it’s not raining cats and dogs as they say or should that be almonds and avocados, lol? My mum likes avocado a lot too she also likes the same kind of thing I think sort of spicy seasoning with the avocado mashed up on toast, my dad is a really boring person and one of his favourite foods is lentil Dahl and rice, I know it’s healthy and everything else but he just doesn’t like new things or change he also really likes eating massive amounts of sausage rolls at times really he’s worse than a child these days, lol, he’s being difficult that’s all it is really but it’s stressful for me and especially for my mum okay have a good afternoon Barbara take care. Xx
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Hi Joan how are you and Sue today? I’m not too bad thank you bit of rain here but not extreme thankfully how’s the weather where you are? take care sorry in a bit of a rush need to have medicine soon have a nice afternoon. Xx
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hi Toni how are you today? this is going to be a quick one unfortunately as I need to some to do a few things fairly soon my sister doesn’t always keep in touch in a meaningful way so what kind of pancakes LA had I really don’t know at least sorry about that I do know that he has the biggest sweet tooth of anybody I’ve ever seen so anything sweet is good with him, lol, with the exception watermelons for some reason. Bill certainly does not know how to cook he may have fried some bacon in the 17th century or so the rumour goes but that’s about it, lol 🥓. My skin is Feeling a bit worse in this mild weather is is it the same with your skin? Ive done my neck physio by the way and it wasn’t sore as some of the days so that’s good. LLF meet up was good thanks but she was going on about silly things like how she can’t afford the most expensive conservatory in the catalogue or some kind of rubbish Roger just smiled patiently I endeavoured do the same. She sort of implied that I was being paranoid by sanitising my hands and wearing the mask quite a lot when outside, she’s not a bad person at heart but she can be quite verbally aggressive and I just don’t like that part of her at also be honest but like Roger I’m trying to be really “ Zen” about it as it were just grateful I don’t have to talk to her every day, haha. How are your pains today Toni? I’m not too bad thanks but I’ve only just started “Ipadding” and I have to watch that and I have to stop now methotrexate time soon yummy okay bye for now T , I Hope you’re well take care. Xx
PS. methotrexate cake photo attached well the closest I could find, lol.
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hi all I think I lost the picture of the methotrexate cake as it were I’m trying again. Xx
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Hello everyone - I'm not 'in' proper as I have to finish stuff off so just a quick tea & biccie break ☕️🍪
Thanks bosh yes things a bit better with me & have got a few things done; hope the mtx will go easy on you today. I do write letters to friends &c, partly because having moved a lot my older friends are mostly not local, partly because I keep in touch with some of my parents' old friends, and family (aunts & so on) that way - though there are fewer old family contacts left now. I don't like the phone much so I'd rather write than ring. It's nice to get letters but people certainly do write less now (& a stamp will be 95p in April! Gosh, I thought it was bad when it got to 50p.) Don't worry in the slightest about reading posts, you could safely skim through all mine & not miss anything it will be mostly gardening & grumbling about the neighbours. 😉 Thank you for the dentist advice good to know people's dentists (yes NHS) are being understanding, mine are always very nice & I've been with them for years, hopefully they will be flexible.
Joan I'm sure I have 'In a Monastery Garden' somewhere, not sure about '...Kathleen' but I know it of course and wouldn't be surprised if it's here. No sun was forecast today but it's actually been quite nice 🌞 maybe it brightened up for Sue & yourself too. Hope all's well xx
Kitty the pictures you post are lovely that one is an absolute beauty. Cat pics soon I promise. Thinking of you both xx
Barbara, yes horrid for gardening but better here today than they said it would be. Hope you can get out soon, & tell us what's coming up 😊 I think my neighbours may be on the move eek! watch this space.
Frog thanks too for the dentist advice, the thing is (I know I used 'deregistered' in my post, but..) since 2006 there isn't registration in the previous sense so that's why I wondered if you do need to 'keep your place', as such? I suppose if you don't go for ages they may just not prioritise you or you get to see your usual dentist, that kind of thing? 🤔 Anyway I suppose I will have to have a word but I don't want to keep making (& more than likely cancelling) appts as that won't go down well either. Will keep all other comments for the next instalment but just to mention, it's probably All Up for me where the neighbours are concerned - I suspect 'someone' is pretty much folding up their tent as it were 🙀 ..think I'll put something on the Euromillions tonight 😂 what's the worst that can happen, well I suppose the money could ruin my life.. oh wait, we've already had that bit 😂 'see you' soon hope you have had some sun too!
Mike; hog's pudding, now there's a reminder of my grandparents, being my Grandad's staple/favourite along with bread dipped in Oxo. Wishing you as decent a weekend as poss, will be in again before your Mon appt.
Love to all present & absent xx
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Hi t thanks, I’m glad things have gone a bit better for you today, you’re welcome come about the dentists thanks for your advice about the reading of posts. Stomach is a bit unsettled now but I was expecting that really otherwise mainly tired hope you have a good evening take care. Xx
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Hi all just a little poem from me on methotrexate day. Xx Alice in Wonderland Eat Me Cake pics made me too hungry and so these eat me substitute visuals will have to do instead. Tc.
3rd poem for VC called Methotrexate Day
Stomach ache and nausea are not my best friends
So I’m waiting for the metho sideside-effect ends,
My mind is craving cheese on toasted bread - greasy and filling,
But I’m afraid that boring old barley water and jelly are getting top billing.
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Gool Peran Lowen to any fellow Cornish or exiles on the forum, for the others this means Happy St Piran's Day who is the patron saint of Cornwall.
I managed to get some hogs pudding yesterday and rather than wait I had it this morning with a couple of has browns.
Have a nice day all.
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Morning everyone. Chilly here brrr!
Mike I absolutely think getting the paperwork done is a good idea. Just think if you are feeling rubbish (and you will quite likely) but something needs doing and your sister can't sort it. You are not tempting fate and won't it be another worry out of your busy busy mind?
I am very glad you are sleeping deeper you will need your rest Vixen is probably going to like it my puss lay with Lucy all the time bless her.
What a good idea eating your favourite food in case you go off it. You do rather sound like 'the last meal of a condemned man' but to be fair Lucy went off a lot. Spicy foods etc. Charging chair done - ✅
Oh have you got a thermometer? You will need a thermometer if you haven't got one for when you start chemo. You have to keep an eye on your temperature. You will probably not be allowed anti-inflams due to it being blood cancer (Lucy wasn't) so it was paracetamol for fevers along with those cool patches? On the upside you will likely get oral steroids (dexamethasone 7xs stronger than prednisone) which will very likely help with the OA pain while making the chemo more effective.
Sorry was that too much in one go? Tell me if I am making your anxiety worse and I'll shut up.
You'll get through this weekend Mike sending my usual strength and ((())) xxx
Morning Joan I think you are right it was cold yesterday, but well done Sue for going into town. The dogs probably enjoyed their walk with you. We have a green meeting at Church this morning so I have done my usual covid test. Nicely negative. Love to you both ((())) xxx
Morning Barbara
Shame there is no news for Mr B or my lovely neighbour it's just so tough waiting when you are in pain.
The DLA forms took 4 hours mainly because i was giving advice about things to make life safer such as shower seat and wheeled trolley for indoors carrying things around.
Aidan won the war didn't he though? Of all the people to turn down they are so naughty they really are and the forms are hard enough anyway!
I do hope you see your son and Niamh bless her.
Self watering is great you only need to top up once every 2/3 weeks even in the hottest weather.
Kitty I am so pleased to hear about all that is being put in place. It will help you no end Chris' bed downstairs and the OT Hannah sounds adorable just what you need. You have been without any real support for far too long.
Possibly the Xray will show something treatable yes don't forget his transport. Carers too that will help so much.
Sleek is ticking off your list an dis going to get a wipe board she says and some special pens which wipe off.
Don't you all look gorgeous in your dresses🤗
Morning Reshmi that made me laugh; 'BIL may have fried some bacon in the 17th century so legend has it.....' Oh that is classic bless him😁 I think he probably just fills little LA with anything sweet and unhealthy.
My skin doesn't like most weather one way or another to be fair, but I lather the E45 on daily. Oddly enough the worst times for me have often been when the weather really turns nice you know may/june time? I always though maybe allergy season no idea really just get through it you know what i mean! My knee is easing off a bit and your neck too well that is good isn't it?
You are absolutely right to keep up with teh masks and sanitiser LLF does not have medication or health conditions like all of us here🙄Zen is good Roger is right. I think he must be good at letting it all float above his head though it's not easy.
Oh no!! an MTX 🎂 😂 🤢 very well found though Reshmi 👏Ok ok I won't eat the carbs (maybe i will) the poem is totally SPOT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well done 😊
Morning Toady
I think the issue with the dentists is to do with lack of NHS ones so they kick us out if we don't go to free up places for new patients. Be brave give them a bell even if it's for a year away maybe??? I lost mine years ago when I had my back op because I was so out of it i actually forgot it and it took 2 more years to get back to one local.
I have two more geraniums but still only need another tomato so might need to plant more seeds there🙄 going to try the cucumbers somewhere warmer.....
I have done the next stage of the self waterer photo to follow, but you are right it has absolutely not been weather for gardening although today looks promising☺️there are loads of snowdrops up, but still no flowers yet.
Oh dear me yes! put a couple of quid on the lottery why not? I used to do it religiously now only do it like you when I think I need some 'hope'. I am sorry about those neighbours we must watch and see Toady watch and see🤔
A quick wave to Arthuritis if he happens 👋
saturday breakfast
1 -
Cut a bit of tube the length of the depth of the planter and cut an angle one end.
And a wee one too
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