Val's Cafe
hi to also to Ar And K . You’re all hope you’re both okay. Xx
hi Joan how are you and Sue doing today? I hope the breeze isn’t too horribly cold where you are it’s was a little bit nasty this morning you take care. Xx
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Hi all - nice bit of sun today 😊 bit on & off for the next few days (how come there's always rain predicted for the week ahead and none for the week after.. then they move the rain along when you get there? 😕) Anyway the forecast for toady is I have my Tesco shop and other deliveries to sort out this week, so will be in & out here a bit 'intermittently'. I *may* also have a delivery of extra pots & gardening whatnot if I can fit it in 😉 and if one wants to buy oneself stuff, one could do with selling something on ebay (are you listening, buyers?) Thanks frog for the added planter instructions, note made of the liner, and I assumed the pipe was input-y or output-y but that's about it, beyond that wasn't sure! glad to know what stage you add it in. Paul is about to head North (taking the good spade bits with him I presume) is he, ooh, hope you can squeak in first. By the way I had a late night wander round the forum and I suppose I should really post gardening in the gardening bit, that I didn't realize was there, hope nobody minds. I don't usually have the energy to totter too far afield from the kettle here (as in life!) but if something's appropriate I could pop in there as well maybe. As far as tomcats go, now I think about it, the ideal plan is for any new people to bring one with them, then it can keep the naughty cat off, and I can borrow it. I shall get the cat gods to bring it about. Or, hang about, is there a patron saint of toads? (goes to look up) - haha, yes! well of amphibians, that will do. Saint Ulphia - 'depicted as a young nun seated in prayer on a rock with a frog in the pool near her'. Right, sorted. 😊🐸
bosh seronegative just means you test negative for certain antibodies in blood tests, it helps (ish!) diagnose what sort of inflammatory thing you've got - about 80% of people with rheumatoid test positive for RF (rheumatoid factor) for example, some don't like me (and Toni). Yes it took a while for me to get a diagnosis, they wondered about lupus for a while because I was borderline positive for something associated with that. But I was clearly inflammatory so they had to treat me in much the same way anyway. What held me up most was having a horrid consultant early on, well that and I was very resistant to taking mtx etc so some of it was in my own (stubborn) hands. 😉 I have had this for a long time, longer than Toni, longer than I like to think about! Sorry to have asked you something boring and medical! Hope you have a good week as possible (and I had to laugh at the idea of kicking people as physio, oh I have a lovely long list of deserving cases! 😂).
Joan thank you I have had a quiet day, I did not get much done but it was quite nice, as I am a bit busier after this. The garden is busy with birds I saw the pair of robins today and Mrs Blackbird is disappearing into a fir tree so is thinking about nest-building. Love to you both xx
Barbara hope you are doing ok 😘 -
and Kitty too - I have been bolding some of yours and then reverting back, for no good reason - I hope you can sort out your hoovering and Chris will not worry too much over the small things, but we all do, me anyway. You can get backlit keyboards and ones with larger keys etc as you'll know.. whether they're any much better.. I eat and sleep a bit out of normal hours too, you have to do what fits with your circumstances and symptoms don't you. All the best for your new stuff xx
By the way Kitty you mentioned the Ukraine situation, I have a friend with Ukrainian origins, they could easily have been born over there it is just the twists & turns of fate. Ebay are taking Red X donations at the checkout which is easy and very good for people like me who shop quite a lot (too much ). I just noticed today I had booked my grocery shop for tomorrow and I felt sure it was the 9th. Fridge not defrosted or anything! I was v lucky to get a slot on the Weds!
Thinking of Mike🤞and love to all xx
Also just wanted to say (there's probably a thread for this sort of thing too, but I had just mentioned her here recently) - I am very sad about Nurse Gladys Emmanuel :(
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Morning everyone!
Gosh it's cold out there today proper brrrrr!
I hope yesterday was informative for you Mike and you have your treatment plan now so you know what will be happening and when. In the main they do not shift from the regime if they can help it so that should help make life a bit more predictable. Maybe they did let baby sis Susan in with you if not bet she had a few anxious cuppas waiting. Home help Sue will be with you today any treats in store for you both? Sending my usual ((())) and strength to you.
Joan it is great my neighbour has a date for his operation he will soon be mobile again, but probably not able to help much with Mrs neighbour for a while after that I expect. The through lift will help him not have to use the stairs at least. She has asked herself to go into respite instead of having night carers while he is in. My knee is definitely on the mend thanks. Have you had your blood results yet? Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx
Kitty I am typing big for you too if your eyes are being so naughty we can't have that.
Things are actually happening quite quickly Chris' life has maybe become quite small so worrying about things is understandable bless him. You are still able to see the bigger picture (like Ukraine) and just shrug and say we will solve it - get a cleaner or whatever has to be done.
Your lives are too upside down I can see that, but imagine it has happened over time out of necessity - just trying to get as much rest as you possibly can ((()))
I can't wait to read Kitty's memoires. I hope they won't be your last because life might get easier a bit once your care package is all sorted and in place ((())) Sleek is even more excited than me! Bless her she is prone to vanity.
Thanks for the butternut squash salad. I love a warm salad you know nothing like them even Paul eats salad if it's warm!
Morning Reshmi I hope today is a good day for you it's very cold but Paul said it is the last dry day for a bit🙄he'd better be wrong.
Oh dear me LA is being a tad naughty ATM. Saying sorry isn't easy is it especially at 3 years of age. I suspect he is not the only one at nursery who has kicked a carer and not apologised. Your poor Mum having 'stinky sock' 📚 books being demanded from her. Her knowing nothing about it too, but still being reprimanded for her 'misdemeanor'🤭
I am glad you don't kick LLF when she annoys you i think it might require more than a reluctant/non-existent apology to get you out of trouble😂 Physio as an excuse just wouldn't work🤨
I have been using some tubigrip on y knee right over it from the bottom of thigh to the top of my calf when I go for a walk. I try not to use any support the rest of the time so my muscles get used properly. I haven't invested in a brace although I did think about it. Let's hope your knee twinges don't happen too often.
Poor little LA protecting his brownies from 'Naughty' daddy trying to pinch them😄. Sounds like you will have to make more next time they have become quite a hit.
Toady I bought a 'sustainable' vegan T shirt off ebay and they sent me an extra one FREE!!!!!!!!! how great is that? I hope you manage to sell lots so you can buy plenty more 😁
I know what you mean about there being a gardening thread over there and have actively thought about posting, BUT if i do I will have to check in there too and well is there time? Not sure there is just yet......maybe when Lucy moves out later this year and I save 3 hours a day running her to work and back.🙄
Our very own saint Toady! How lucky are we? The amphibians will eat all our slugs for us so our plants do well this year.
I hope all goes well with Tesco and what not pop in pop out as you can manage as long as you are well that's all that matters. If you're like me a sit down while meds kick in or or rest between bouts of activity can be good, but maybe not for too long.
We have a new cat visiting our garden - Sleek is keeping an eye not sure whether she is happy yet or not. Visitor cat (may be a Tom who knows?) is respectful so far so should be ok.
A quick wave to Arthuritis if he is reading👋
and of course Barbara I hope you can find my reply to you from yesterday and that all is well with you all ((()))
vegan and veg options available of course.
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Morning froggie, thanks for the PM it is greatly appreciated. Yesterday turned into a 5 hour round trip which was exhausting and painful as I cannot get comfortable in my folding wheelchair. Before my appointment I had to have bloods taken and, once again, it took two nurses and several holes to do the job. Anyway, the Consultant is a very nice chap and baby sis has researched him to discover he is the top bloke down here. He did an examination but cannot determine the stage I am at until a PET test has been done where they inject a mildly radioactive substance which adheres to the cancerous nodes before a machine similar to an MRI scanner discovers where they are; once that is done they can work out the chemo regime. The PET machine only operates on a Monday or Tuesday and the Dr was hopeful that it would be next week. I also have to have a PICC line put in which will stay in until the end of the chemo so they do not have to keep finding a vein. He was very reassuring that the treatment will work. So a couple of steps forward. I should have an asda order around 9am so there will be cream doughnuts for Sue dreckly. Thanks again and have a good day. xx
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Mike, the pic line will be an absolute boon, as they can take blood samples through it and IV antibiotics if needed. Which is quite likely while you are on chemo. Have they said anything about MTX? I had to stop taking it while I was on FEC-T (5FU, Epirubicin and Cyclophosphamide plus Taxotere). 3 cycles of FEC and 3 of Tax. After each session, you will have a meeting with your Oncologist where you can tell them of any nasty side effects and they will give you the essential drugs to combat those. Wishing you well. XXXXX
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) how are you feeling today don’t worry about things you have not got the strength to do things so you need help. Take care(()) love to Chris (())) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (())) the weather man said the hole country is having snow this week. Take care.
Toni ((())) that’s good your knee is not so painful (()) love to Paul (())) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Barbara (()) I hope all is well there take care love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and is girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (())
Mike (()) sorry that was a long day good you have got things started take care enjoy your cake love to vixen.
take care
joan xx1 -
I've been a member of the forums since 2019 but havent reall posted much however focusing on using the computer seems to take my mind off the pain for a bit.
Stumbled across this thread whilst nosing around and sees like a friendly place. What tends to go on aroung here?
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Aha! @Jason1972 this is the Community's virtual café. People just pop in and have a friendly chat and sometimes post a recipe or a photo of something they've done or get support from each other. You would be very welcome I am certain to pop in for a virtual cuppa or slice of cake anytime.
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Mike I'm so glad to see you! It sounds as though you had a very productive appointment. Lucy had a picc line too and later on (they last 6-9 months before they need replacing) and then a hickman line. They are fabulous as Kitty says no need for all those needles; bloods tests meds and chemo can all be administered that way. Do let us know when you get the date for your PET scan. We will all be there is spirit. Baby sis is a good 'un researching for you only the best will do. I hope the order arrived dreckly and you and Sue had your cream doughnuts 😊 Take care Mike ((())).
Morning Kitty Lucy has cylcophosphamide! She had one of Mikes too I think doxarubicin and vincristine or cytarabin, aspariginase mercaptopurine and MTX lots of that oh and dex of course. Did your picc last for the whole of your treatment?
Thanks Joan yes my knee is under control as is my back at the moment. All is well. The decorator is in painting the bathroom. Not much fun but it will look nice afterwards. ((())) xxx
Hello @Jason1972 This cafe has been running for a very long time everyone in it is very friendly you are very welcome to join us every day if you want or just pop in when you are passing.
Our regulars are Kitty (who writes poetry and posts great recipes) and is from Nottinghamshire, Mike who is from Cornwall and makes historical dioramas, Joan (Dacshund) who is a twin and has two dachshunds. Then there is Toady who loves gardening and selling stuff on ebay, Reshmi (Bosh) who lives in Berkshire and tells us funny stories about her gorgeous little nephews. Then there is Barbara who's husband is about to have hip surgery (she's already had it herself) and is struggling with her eyesight and me.... erm I have been here forever mother of 3 girls in their 20's now the youngest had leukaemia and the support i had from this community was amazing. That's the regulars anyway others pop in as and when.
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Thanks @Ellen and @frogmorton for the warm welcome.
A little about me - I'm 49, I live in Knebworth (stones throw from the house and in earshot of their concerts), father to two daughters and a son (was a daughter but is transgender - that's a whole post in itself) also granddad to two boys (will be three boys in June) and a girl. I cannot work anymore so am a house husband taking care of all cooking, cleaning and other general duties required of a butler (the kids nickname me Jeeves). I can just about manage to clean one room a day!
I have a progressive, degenerative neurological condition (spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 - quite a high score in Scrabble), type 2 diabetes and of course OA in both knees and one hip. Quite a good chance of punching out early unfortunately.
My wife is a nursery nurse and works 10hr days. My son is at uni in Aberdeen, my youngest is in year 10 at school and my eldest lives about 30 mins away and is the mother to the grandkids and current incubator of my grandchild!
Further info available on request! Looking forward to meeting you all over a virtual latte and slice of virtual carrot cake!
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Wow thank you Jason for your excellent and full reply. My eldest daughter got married in January to her wife and my nephew's wife is trans too so you will fit in here perfectly. We just want everyone to be happy people are what they are.
I hope Jeeves looks after his wife really well 10 hour days aren't great bless her.
Are you 'on the list' for your knees then? Things have just started moving here (Staffordshire) as far as surgeries are concerned. Knebworth is a bit South - Stevenage way? and wow imagine hearing all the concerts free or is it actually annoying?
I don't like the sound of your other condition at all you had better do your best not to 'punch out early'.
Welcome to the cafe and
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Yes, Stevenage is a couple of miles away - we can see it from the back garden.
And it's only annoying if the band is no good! They've got Liam Gallagher in June and he's not bad so that'll be another afternoon sitting out back listening.
I'm on the list for one knee - the other knee and hip are recent additions so whether that'll change their plans I don't know. I'm trying hard to prevent clocking off early!
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Hi Jason, welcome to this warm and friendly group. I have to tell you that I am half cat and Toni has exaggerated about the poetry, although two books are available to download on VA as fundraisers and third waits in the wings. I have RA, OA and Vasculitis, and other non arthritis related conditions. I have 5 children and 7 grandchildren. We have been assessed for carers, but OH (Chris) is having X-rays next week.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi t nice to hear from you that’s okay about the medical question don’t worry about that, lol, I hope your day is going okay. Tc. Xx
hi Jason nice to “meet” you welcome to the group.
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hi k thanks about liking my posts, I hope you’re okay today. Reshmi xx
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Hi Toni how are you today? This will be an incomplete and short type of reply, I fear as I had v slow and stuck sluggish start low moods and low energy I think it’s partly related to me being bipolar, the Day I went out to see my friends both mood and energy were too high, I knew that it wasn’t right, and to expect to “compensating low day” as it were to balance it out, anyway I’m not too bad now apart from feeling a bit stuffy so I’ll go and have a shower in a min, yes I agree with you there Toni, It can’t be an easy job being three year old LA, first of all far too many lady admirers, lol, plus a full time being job being everybody’s best friend, with overtime being completely unpaid, he also told me that I have stinky socks and but they were brand-new socks in a packet, lol. Thanks for the info regarding Brace, I might buy one or appropriate type of compression bandage at some point. Okay that’s it from me for now unfortunately have to get on with things before dad Vesuvius erupts , lol, Tc, Mbbl. Xx hi everyone else. Xx
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Afternoon all sorry th8s will he short eyes terrible
Mr B has a date fir his op thank god the 24th this month
Toni yes me B has his date just l7ke your neighbour xx
Welcome to Jason its lovely to have you in the cafe x
Mike thinks are moving fast ..I'm so pleased you have a good consultant makes such a difference xx
Sorry Kitty I forgot how to do large typing can I do that on my phone to you and Chris xx
Toady I'm loving the photos daffs have not flowered yet cold here today xx
Joan thanks fir alk the hugs Mr Bs not long to wait xx
Love to all x xx
Barbara1 -
Hi Barbara how are you? sorry forgot to mention you before I was busy running from Dad Vesuvius, lol, have a good afternoon. Xx
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Oh my goodness Reshmi I was just popping back because I had forgotten you so sorry I did read your post but have forgotten now ..hope your day has been a decent one xx
Barbara0 -
Don’t worry Barbara it’s easy enough to do lol, I’ve done it myself many times, it wasn’t too bad thanks Barbara my right foot is hurting a bit though but probably just a Sprain, bye for now have a good night. Xx
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Hello all.. not stopping, just a quick pitstop for tea.. hello & welcome Jason, gosh what a view that is! I am rather an on & off poster but when here I am usually over by the kettle ☕️ I have nothing to really add to frogmorton's intro 😊 (being a 'quite cagey on the internet' type) and in any case no spouses/children &c to mention; I mostly come in for the non-arthritis chat, whilst knowing I can talk about my RA if I do want/need to. Hope your op does start to move up the list and sorry the Covid put the mockers on things for you, as for many. 😕
Hello frog, St Ulphia has sent the cat to the wrong house 😂 never mind she's fabulous isn't she, I don't care if some or all of her story is just legend, I love that image of her. Back soon with news of neighbours 😬 & garden doings (am hovering over my seed trays from the 25th, as you can imagine). xx
Hope everyone else as well as poss - waves to bosh :) bit of a funny old day but ok thanks, you too I hope, & that after your up/down days the rest of the week will be on an even keel. xx
Joan - snow, you say?! oh no. mind you has certainly been a very cold one today. Too soon to think about last frost dates to plan gardening for a while yet then! Hope you've had a good day. xx
Kitty, Barbara, hope ok too and anyone else waiting for tests - what's the position now with Mr B's pre-op 🤔 will post more when next in xx
Glad to hear Mike has the top man looking after things - proper job. 👌
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Morning everyone😊
Jason that it a fabulous view! What a perfect place to live imagine that sitting outside glass of wine (or cuppa) in hand listening to top artists FREE! What more could anyone want!
I hope you get a date for your surgery soon it's really tough waiting when you are in agony a lot on the forum (not in the café) have had to resort to going private and some felt very very guilty about doing so.
I forgot to say we are a bit 'cat mad' here my cat (nicknamed Sleek) is regularly mentioned. She is a 12 year old white tummied tabby. Quite a character. We lost a beloved member 2 years ago (Aidan username Bubbles) he also had cats and made up such tales (tails?) about their abilities to fly, do magic etc Sleek has retained that ability and has a motorbike and sidecar, a broomstick (as you'd expect) and a car (like the hogwarts carr). Mike has a cat called Vixen who is a black and white girl. His cat is sensible probably as she has a more sensible owner!!!
Have you got any pets?
Kitty you are far too modest you write wonderful poetry! Your Chris could well find himself joining Jason on the list for surgery after he has those X-rays couldn't he?
You are indeed half cat and in some way related to Sleek I believe?
Any news about your services yet?
Ah Reshmi yesterday was a down day. I am sorry that's so tough, but you know how to get through such days don't you? You are so self aware. Like my sister. I very much hope today will be better for you and am sending you some ((())) Probably was good that lunch with Roger and LLF was a good day at least so you and they were able to enjoy time together.
Well being 3 years old and a lady-magnet as Lord A is must be exhausting mustn't it? Add to thet the responsibility of all of you best friends. Clearly his sense of smell is acute too if brand new socks can give someone smelly feet😁Oh he us just fabulous isn't he?!
I hope Dad vesuvius did not erupt yesterday in the end?
Take care of yourself and come a walk later today it will do us both good.
Barbara such fabulous news for Mr B the 24th for his hip op finally! My neighbour is the 28th we will be able to monitor their progress together and encourage them along.
Now plans need to be put in place for him. Son will try to get time off work no doubt and I can imagine Niamh looking for her nurse uniform!
Large writing on your phone? Can she do that @Brynmor ? He seems to be the admin techie person and might know what to do so you can write big for Kitty.
Toady you can be as private a poster as you like in here it can after all be read by anyone it is a public forum. I also come in for the non-arthritis chat although we do do the arthritis talks if needs be don't we?
You do some fabulous gardening chat too which I love because i love gardening too. With mine being 'done' last year I didn't have a garden so this year is soooo exciting!
St Ulphia is our very own saint and I love that image of her. I'm sure she'll send you a cat in time.
I read somewhere that slugs are no longer 'the enemy' to be seen as 'pests' 🤔 we just need more frogs and toads don't we to eat them they are after all part of the ecosystem.
I am planting MORE seeds today. Not enough tomatoes up and still no cucumber seedlings and it's been at least 4 weeks🙄
Mike I hope all is well with you today - well as well as possible. Keep eating lots pre-chemo so you have some weight to fall back on when you lose your appetite. As ever sending you strength and ((()))
Joan i am not sure but think i might have replied to you yesterday, but just in case I hope you and Sue are ok and the doggies? If you can you must post a pic of them so jason can see how cute they are. ((())) xxx
italian breakfast casserole
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I too have a cat. A lovely looking ginger boy. However, don’t let the looks fool you - he’s a monster! I think the paddock behind our house is now devoid of life thanks to him! In the summer, he regularly kills at least twice - I’ve lost count of how many tiny mangled corpses get bestowed on us as ‘gifts’!
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And I’m sure I’ll get to know everyone in time but please bear with me! Hope you’re all ok this fine Wednesday morning.
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I hope the both of you are has well has can be. You have been through a lot now your having help good (()) love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Barbara (()) that’s good Mr B (()) having his date all the best to him love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toady (()) have a good day when is it the clocks go back soon I think.
Toni (()) you are good explaining things. I have tried to put photos on it says they are to big. That’s good your back and knee have calmed down. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) Kari (()) and Tia (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Mike (()) I hope you are not feeling to bad just rest love to vixen
Jason (()) It’s nice to meet you sorry about all your problems. We put the world to rights on here. You have a lovely cat.
Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum.
Sue just back from a walk. Lexi cream nearly 12 years pepper chocolate dapple 8 years old
take care
joan xx2
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