Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,249

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) have a good day thinking of you take care love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) sorry you found that spider. Have a good day we have foxes and hedgehog’s.

    Barbara (()) I’m sorry about your brother (()) and your car you don’t need all that worry (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I remember when the bollard came at you from no where that’s good news about Oreo (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I’m sorry you have tummy ache don’t worry love to your mum (())

    Mike (()) thinking of you and vixen take care love to sue and sue (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,343

    To Toni 🌺toady 🐸 Joan and Barbara just to let you know that I am okay-ish at the moment thank you haven’t got news of any more blood tests so far so that’s a good thing in my opinion 😀.

    Toni I think you’re right eating is very much a vocation for good old bill in fact Ive got some news that good old bill actually who overindulged in seafood and was rather sick, he was vomiting basically but he’s better now and then he told his wife he was planning to eat the same seafood today but I believe she dispensed one of her legendary killer looks lol.

    Toni 🌺 I’m not sure if I’ve told you about the killer looks but they run in the family me excluded of course ha ha basically my sister when she’s angry you can see in her eyes out and it’s quite terrifying I believe that she’s inherited this with from our mum and little LA as I have mentioned at some point I think also gets this rather petrifying look in his eyes from time to time so basically we can disobey these people young or older but when the eyes look at you in that particular way lethal way you know you’ve reached the limit of your disobedience ha ha , it’s a kind of medusa affect I guess, was there a male Medusa? goodness knows my knowledge of classical mythology isn’t good enough for me to know this lol but you get the general idea ha ha and to be honest I’ve never been scared of a four-year-old before 😂.

    How are you feeling today Toni sorry about your hip that must be very annoying indeed I am not feeling too bad right at this moment thanks even though getting out of the house this morning was difficult because my mum had got v stressed over my stomach bless her, so I told her that might the stomach situation is being investigated by the doc so there’s no need for her to worry too much.I know I’m not really feeling that bad at the moment I’m eating a lot less rubbish before than before but that can only be good for my health really 😄 and also the stomach pains are not constant.

    parents have gone into London today not for the whole day but I’ve got some hours alone which is always good it’s sort of family related stuff but I can’t be bothered to go into all the details here haha at least it’s a nice change for me even though Im mainly eating jellies, ham sandwiches and exciting fare like that oh well it is better than the methotrexate diet isn’t it really? Although that will be upon us soon enough I believe.

    hi again toady 🐸 how are things with you today did you get a good nights sleep lettuce since people to sleep that’s interesting to know that I’m fine with lettuce don’t mind it at all in fact I like most green veg tbh even though some of my family members disagree vehemently with my taste lol, bill ate so much lobster that he made himself sick by the way something along those lines basically went mad on the seafood silly bill anyway he’s recovered now just hope he tries to eat sensibly today hmm the pigs or maybe bacon sandwiches, sorry crab sandwiches lol are flying in the sky toady lol.

    hi Joan I am okay today more or less thank you mum is okay too she’s gone out for the day for some family stuff hope you and Sue have a nice afternoon take care xx

    hi to Barbara too of course

    ok everyone I’d better go for now hope you all have a good afternoon and take care of yourselves. Xx

    Ps pic is of green veg related fashion not sure whether it will catch on ha ha at least not in Spain where are the tourists only wear clothing made of high sugar and saturated fats apparently lol. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,609

    Hello folks - where does the time go, I'm sure I've only had half the hours I'm entitled to today - still, have got a few things done I suppose, even if certain jobs just seem to stay on The List and however fast you go you never get to them, like Alice in Wonderland & the Red Queen, to continue the Alice theme ♥️♦️♣️♠️. Hope everyone as well as possible and I will call in properly early tomorrow but I mustn't get lured onto the internet this evening much as I'd like to so I am going to be Good and just leave it here, wishing everyone a good night & see you soon 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,343

    Thanks toady 🐸 good night. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,232

    Morning everyone

    The kettle is on

    Morning to Mike I hope you are doing ok and recovering and will soon feel well enough to call in and say hello. Continuing to send love and ((())) and hoping for a speedy recovery form your treatment. xxx

    I had iffy news....LUCY has COVID.

    Not the best news I've ever had as her immune system isn't great and obviously I got pinged last night. She came home dizzy and with a bright red face so we did a test ASAP. I have kept my mask on even though it feels rude and of course she is in her room bless her.

    Morning Joan you'll have seen Lucy has the virus so I wasn't able to visit my neighbours yesterday afternoon as we had got planned. Can't risk it nor the planned visit to some others in the village who are moving house😓That bollard was really naughty doing that to me🤭 Hope you two are still well? ((())) xxx

    Kitty me duck I don't think we'll see you today for some reason not sure why....perhaps soon. I know you struggle to get online in the home. Hopefully things are progressing now as far as the bungalow is concerned🤞

    Morning Reshmi. Spell check wants me to change your name to Rashmi very annoying. Mind it used to change Aidan's to 'sudan'!

    You'll have seen that Lucy has COVID so that's me very stressed, but trying not to show it. To be fair I've been through Leukaemia with her so worse, but that wasn't infectious! MInd the C-difficile she caught twice in hospital was🤨Windows open mask on won't be as easy as with Paul her window is not accessible from outside the bungalow as it's above the garage.

    How lovely some time off of bloods and possibly even better a break from parents who went off to deal with family stuff in the City😊 I hope you made the most of it. Your Mum will worry about you we always worry about our children even when they are adults. In fact until the doctor says what's wrong she will keep worrying, but you are doing well to try to reassure her.

    Well done eating your bland diet it can only be a good thing I hope the Dr does get the answers soon really though.

    I can picture the family 'evil eyes'

    imagine a 4 year old learning how to so it maybe it's genetic, but of course it skipped a generation with you😉

    I found a male medusa this one appears to have eaten Spanish fish...

    Imagine BIL wanting to eat it again?!! The man is mad🙄

    I found you a dress

    better than a saturated fats and sugar one. Gross thought eh?

    Oh Toady not the best day for you eh?

    Missing hours? This has been known to happen Aidan used to say they collected in the shed to @Turbogran

    Feel free to go and fetch some back.

    Serioulsy 'bird watch' has taken it out of you hasn't it?

    I do hope you slept well and had some overnight rain for your garden ((())).


  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,249

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) have a good day thinking of you. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) the days goes so quick have a good day.

    Barbara (()) you take care how is your brother (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I’m sorry about Lucy has COVID I hope she is not too bad and it does not last to long (()) and you don’t catch it. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day. I hope your mum has a good day sorting family things out.(())

    Mike (()) I hope all is well there (()) love to both Sue’s and vixen (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,609

    Morning all - see, I can get in early if I discipline myself. Frog, so sorry to hear about Lucy! oh no 😣 😥 do hope things are as well as they can be and she recovers with all speed🤞🤞xx

    Won't dribble on too much about anything else but just to say I am ok thanks.. even though tiredness is always a variable factor mostly I'm just an appalling time manager & always have been, so if I'm late posting or short posting that's pretty much what it is (but now I know my missing hours are in my own blue shed! cheers Aidan 😘 ..let's hope a relative of the new owner/occupier of my garage has not got there first, or I won't dare go in & reclaim them 😬 yes please do send Kitty to my rescue as I would like my garage back - and thank you for the backup help too). Birdies all fine, cat situation has been quiet for a day or two no early alarms 👍️ garden & other news as & when, mainly just look after yourselves and don't you worry about posting of course. We will all man the kettle ☕️ take care xx

    Hi bosh, hope you are doing ok today, cooler isn't it or hopefully is where you are too, hope your stomach and therefore your mum are relatively calm. Hope EF having a better time too, I'm afraid BIL would be flying home without me after that, or I would be without him, one or the other 🙄(honestly with all the hanging about & hassle at airports & stress, and dodgy food, wonder how many people can truly say they enjoyed themselves or do they just tell themselves it's fun because it's meant to be 🤔 - then again I don't even have a passport so that's the other extreme. I just want to travel when they invent proper Star Trek teleportation 😄). Love the green leafy veg dresses! 💚 you'd be v. popular with rabbits in one of those which would be fine by me 😀 🐰. Have a good day and thank you for the goodnight post :) xx

    Hello joan, I have organized myself a bit better today so should have more spare time hopefully. Glad to hear you get hedgehogs in the garden I never see any, although sometimes there are rustlings and you aren't sure what might be at the end in the undergrowth. 🦔 Hope you have a good day :) xx

    Love to dear Kitty and Barbara 💕 xx

    and to all xx

    I am off to finish the awkward slanty bits of paintwork, probably bumping my head along the way and getting my hair in the paint (it's decorating Jim, but not as we know it 😂 good old Star Trek again 🖖) so I will be back for tea & a kitkat in a bit, in spirit if not in person. xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,343

    Hi Toni how are you this afternoon? so sorry to hear about Lucy having Covid very difficult situation to deal with but as you say you’ve been through worse together I’m really hoping that it’s a mild Covid and that Lucy gets through it relatively easily from what you’ve told me about her Lucy has a strong mind and is very brave I’ve a very good feeling it will be okay in the end hugs🤗.

    It’s nice to have a little bit of time without parents didn’t seem like enough couldn’t really eat anything that nice as I sometimes do when I have time to myself ha ha stomach is it’s a bit more settled right at this moment but it’s the end of the day that usually causes the problem somehow.

    I had a lovely afternoon trying to get a blood test booked, anyway got there in the end and without vampire receptionist 🧛‍♀️.

    I passed Costa but didn’t enter their diabolical premises of course, lol, anyway I think the stomach prob is doing some good to my waistline lol. I can’t to fit into the cabbage dress though Toni looks good tho lol. Love the killer eyes 👀 and Medusa man haha.

    a long time ago when LA was much tinier he gave me the killer eyes once he could only have been a little bit older than BR at the time

    it was Christmas Eve and and I was eating a naughty dessert in the kitchen somehow he seem to sense it and from doorway he said in very low and aggressive voice his own equivalent of “auntie Goddess mima!” I was terrified I thought a stranger had broken into kitchen to reprimand me about festive sweet food eating!

    his natural voice was of course a high baby one but somehow he managed to modify it to sound like the ogre of Christmas present lol.

    sorry need to go now and have a shower etc otherwise HV May erupt.

    Also wanted to say hi to toady 🐸 Joan Barbara hope you’re all ok? Mum and I are more or less ok thanks, same for rest of family, will try to post again later today tc. Xx

    pic was possibly Bills breakfast…oh dear. Xx

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Hello all, I'm on my beautiful new phone which Jonathan ordered for me. And to tell you about my new huge room, much more private as it is up in the lift. Sorry to hear that Mike is still not posting. But pleased that Kiittys memories is online. Sending love to all of you.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,343

    Hi toady 🐸

    how are you this evening?

    I do indeed agree that hols can be v stressful and that a lot of people blindly go on them without thinking of all the poss disasters that could occur I find holidays are a bit like Christmas stressful as you’re stuck with your family and there’s not much possibility of escape lol.

    In the past I really went on holiday to please other people but they can be nice elements sometimes, I agree with you over food caution though and that bill is really quite a silly person for overindulging in the lobsters etc. I wouldn’t have touched the seafood at all i can eat one prawn but any more than that causes allergies for me so I just avoid them 😀

    i remember that when he went on holiday with my sister to L Vegas quite a long time ago he ate seven seafood meals I think they were all seafood anyway but SEVEN meals can you believe that? (Sorry for caps.) Also for someone who loves eating so much I don’t he’s even so much as boiled a pan of pasta in his life lol Deliveroo should be called Billaroo mind you that’s not quite as catchy. I hope You have a good night toady take care. Xx

    ps pic is teddy bears’ prawn - free picnic lol. Tc. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,232
    edited 8. Jul 2022, 06:05

    Morning everyone

    the kettle is on!

    Mike if you call by we are all still thinking about you and hoping you are doing ok. That the treatment is finished and you are now recovering. Love to you and Vixen ((())) xxx

    Joan thank you for asking after Lucy so far so good but I can hear her coughing at night bless her. She is pretty well isolated in her room. I am wearing my mask windows open etc. So keep your fingers crossed for us. If you go out for lunch have a good time ((())) xxx

    Kitty you made it! Lovely that the new phone works so well I was worried when the number didn't work while they were changing your number over to the new phone. Did you see we all check in on YOU every day as well as Mike. No he isn't posting yet I hope soon🤞Sleek will be over later don't worry she is fully Vax- eee- nayt-edd!

    Morning Toady go to the shed and help yourself. You really do sound tired at the moment is it a flare trying to take hold or are you overdoing it? I sort of hope the latter as you could rest up more and sort it a bit.

    Sleek reckons she had doughnuts again the other day and yesterday they appeared on my emergency Ocado delivery too🙄 she'll end up like Reshmi's BIL!

    I am very glad to hear that the birds seem happy enough ATM no emergency calls that is excellent news. Good to see Kitty posting Barbara is hopefully fine but her eyes of course are not😓 I saw an advert for a reader that you hold a sort of pen thing over I googled them they are great but not cheap 😮

    Lucy is doing ok but as I was saying to Joan I can hear her coughing in the night it sounds an annoying cough so i am keeping a close a distance if you know what I mean?

    Morning Reshmi thank you Lucy is strong and has been through worse so thank you very much nice to know we all care about each other so much isn't it? I can hear her coughing in the night but apart from that she is eating well. I am running in with food and my mask on and running back out!

    So far I feel fine🤞

    Absolutely the stomach issue will be doing your waistline good which is fine as long as it gets sorted out for you soon. You avoided Costa 10/10 for you!!!🤗 I would love one! I do think they are a waste of calories though don't you?

    So sorry you daren't have anything yum while parents were out😓that's a shame and that it wasn't a bit longer. we all need time on our own especially away from any HV!

    Those killer eyes

    must be genetic if LA could do them at BR's age wow!!!

    Bless him being able to do a grown up voice like that😮 a tiny picture of his potential for the future...

    I take it its bloods today? If so good luck!

    If you're in today Barbara hello!!!!🥰👍


  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,249

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) its lovely to see you I hope everything is going alright for you (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (()) have a good weekend

    Toady (()) I hope you have a good day perhaps you could save a few hours. Have a good weekend

    Barbara (()) how are things with you. How is your brother (()) have a good weekend love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) his Lucy’s immune system alright to fight it quick all that she’s been through (()) Oreo has done so well. Have a good weekend it was nice seeing Kitty on here. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good weekend I hope your tummy ache is not too bad love to your mum (())

    Mike have a good weekend we hope to see you on here soon love to vixen (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,343

    hi toady 🐸how are you today? It’s already burning hot at least it is where I am

    so you like Star Trek? that’s interesting I saw the recent Star Trek series on Amazon prime video ST Picard really liked that and then that inspired me to start watching the original 1968 series also very good, my friend the megabrain is a big Trekkie, when I was young I saw some repeats Of original series but I was really too young to understand it properly

    it is quite nice though isn’t it ? Somehow nostalgic too? Of Course I don’t think every episode can be a gem but it’s a different type of viewing experience compare to the piles of rubbish that often on Netflix etc, not all of NF is fully bad but a lot of it is to be honest.

    hows your day going today? are you spending some nice time in the garden? I’m not too bad at the moment thanks apart from this hot weather of course stomach usually plays up at the end of the day so I’m not sure as yet whether it’s fully settled hope you enjoy the day take care I’m teleporting myself to the North Pole by the way lol. xx

    Ps pic of German Christmas market that I’m stopping off at, lol. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,343

    Hi Tony how are you today how is Lucy feeling?

    yes Costa empty calories indeed tho as you once said I think nice for the mind sometimes

    Atm my stomach is not too bad thanks but it’s tending to play up at the end of the day

    just need to wait for test results I guess ☹️

    doctor is doing some tests so I’ll give her some time to get back to me or not as the case may be I suppose you’re right mums worry listen

    sister‘s birthday is coming up soon 14th of July I will be seeing her next weekend basically whether they’re coming here what’s happening I don’t know this yet

    I bought a present quite a long time ago but some of its handcream and I think it might have melted lol but other present is jewellery so that’s safe lol.

    my portable fans aren’t working properly so I’m sitting here with a Indian wedding fan basically an old-fashioned wooden fan lol., but don’t worry I’m not planning to get married it’s just an accessory 😂.

    LA has succeeded into manipulating his mummy apparently he’s on a diet of ice cream and chips over there in Spain if given anything else such as porridge fish or anything vaguely nutritious he threatens a tantrum and mummy is so afraid of the other guests in the hotel that he’s allowed whatever he likes oh my goodness me what a naughty little lord!

    but the hol is almost over the coming back tomorrow evening so I guess it’s back to normal eating for the lovely Lord then even though he may be cream craving chip flavoured ice cream or whatever lol

    i hope you and Paul are both doing ok?

    I leave it there for now Toni as my hand is aching from using this fan

    bye for now Toni take care of yourself. Xx

    Ps. Pic is of the wise man of the woods or perhaps the woods themselves come to Warn LA that ice cream and chips diet will def mean another blood test oh yes that reminds me I’m not having any more blood test this week , no doc’s texts etc 😀.

    I’m obviously a little bit worried about blood test results and this and that results but anyway all that will become clear in the fullness of time Im hoping bye for now take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,343

    Hi Joan and Barbara and kitty I am okay at the moment thanks more or less and mum is okay too which is good news I’m just a bit tired now so not replying properly et cetera hope you all have a good Friday everyone and that you’re more or less okay? take care. Xx

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Tested positive for Covid this morning so confined to my room

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,343

    Sorry to hear that Kitty you take care🤗

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,609
    edited 8. Jul 2022, 17:59

    Hi all 😊 lovely morning. Mrs B was on the shed waiting for her breakfast just like she is used to doing, which was lovely to see.

    Glad to hear Lucy is as good as can be expected frog & keeping everything crossed she dispatches the virus asap 🤞so sorry you're having to go through the whole mask & isolation business again do hope it's for as little time as possible! I have a friend who has recovered well & they have a dicey immune system so I'm sure all will be fine xx (btw don't worry about me - I'm truly no tireder than normal 👍️ with RA you can't have everything, at least tiredness & me are used to each other, it's a fair price for being mobile pain-free etc - not to mention if I want to be less tired I could always rest more as you say.. and chuck a dozen or so bad habits... 😉). Have had a good run now of better cat-free nights and oh yes I do have plenty of bird pics for later posting; I did think the chicks had flown but spotted one yesterday - must be very nearly time for moving on though. I went for a late walk yesterday first time for a while and encountered a young seagull wandering the streets, looking like it was on the wrong side of where it wanted to be, worried me no end it was going to run over the road as it was just trotting along a bit lost-looking - thankfully it finally did take off & fly, so relieved! Not much doing in the garden apart from watering; couple of quick pics, including one from a little while back of my dwarf broad beans.. flowering, but will they produce pods.. 🤔 not if this year's trend of disasters continues true to form 😂. I have lessons to learn so there will have to be no shirking away from them unfortunately. Next year, buy enough cloches! and do I need more pots, you say? let me think, now, do I? 😉 oh, we are incurable pot purchasers, let's face it.

    Kitty! 😔 in my draft I had just written that it was lovely to see you and glad to hear you have a super private room, but NOT so you can be isolated in it that was not the idea 😫 get well very soon! xx

    Hi bosh and glad things not too bad, good luck with the bloods (is the next Monday now?) & the other tests of course you'll be glad not to have to go out over the weekend if it's warm. It has been too hot for me in the garden except earlier & later, sun too hot overhead any other time especially with not much cloud. Probably even too hot for a teddy bears picnic but you definitely hit the nail on the head with the contrast between a nice simple picnic and things on continental restaurant menus, well you never hear of a teddy with food poisoning so it just goes to show how superior they are to us 🐻😀. Yes I'm an original series Star Trek fan I tried to get into the later series and so on but it's just not the same, like you I watched some of Picard on Amazon too, but although the effects and sets and so on are so much less sophisticated in the original I still believe it more somehow.. 🤔 probably because of watching it when younger when there was no CGI anyway & things make more of an impression.. & I suppose those characters are the proper 'iconic' ones for me like they are for a lot of people. It's nostalgia too, you are right. I never somehow get around to watching much tv, or series, now I suppose it is too much screen time doing other things. Have a good time at the market and bring us something nice 😀 gingerbread maybe? Have a good weekend :) xx

    Love to Barbara and hope your garden is surviving the hot weather - I get out of my (low!) dining room window with a watering can when I'm sick of going round the side way & seeing my neighbours sitting under their parasol 😂 xx

    Hello joan I have managed to get time to slow down today it is too hot to do much anyway, I have a parcel to finish packing that's all now. What do you make of all the goings-on in Parliament it is like a farce or a bad dream, how did we manage to end up with such silly people in charge 🙄 hope you all have a nice quiet weekend. xx

    & love to everyone 😘

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,343

    Hi toady 🐸 thanks for your nice message I’ll write a proper reply tomorrow just wanted to say good night and unfortunately no gingerbread purchases going on right now due to my dodgy tummy lol just thought I’d say good night with some lobster artwork in honour of bills dubious eating habits haha, take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,343

    Good night all, Tc. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,232
    edited 9. Jul 2022, 06:08

    Morning everyone old and new visitors...

    the kettle is on

    Mike we all miss seeing your name on here very much😕 Really hope you are on the mend and continue to send love and ((())) to you and Vixen xxx It's getting close to 2 months since we last heard from you.

    Oh my Kitty what will we do with you? Whatever next? I hope that you test clear very very soon. I also hope the isolation is not too lengthy. Out here it's only 5 days so maybe it will be similar for you ((()))

    Morning Joan it was lovely to hear from Kitty wasn't it - not so good yesterday her having COVID🙄 Quite a few seem to have it at the moment. Thanks for asking Lucy is doing well her immune system is a bit worse than kids of her age should be, but I think she's doing fine. They have her on the rota for work on Monday so we'll see eh? At least you and Sue and the carers are ok. Did you get out yesterday? ((())) xxx

    Barbara if you get in what is going on with this weather? The kids break up this week and there is still no reliable's hot, but not at all nice. There is wind out there still and the only sun happens about 7 or 8 coclock at night🙄 I am moaning today!

    I shall send some strength to your brother and his GF. How long have they been together now?

    Take care hope Mr B is behaving. ((()))

    Good morning Reshmi how are you doing today MTX manhover like a few of us? So your stomach is worse at the end of the day mine is worse in the morning, but eases off a bit in the day - a bit. Mum's do worry and always will Kitty was saying she worries about her son, Jonathon, even now so not much hope for me is there?🤭I hope the Dr has some ideas what might help. Try hard not to worry about the test results I know it's not easy but ((())) no bloods this week yay!!!!!!!

    Yes Costa is good for our mental health we should speak to other people and it's good for doing that so not all bad by any means. Just chose wisely as i say to Paul. Tea not hot chocolate husband!

    Cheeky LA has your sister over a barrel she has no choice if she doesn't want him to show her up. To be fair I imagine a lot of children out there are being naughty too. What a 'Lord' he is!! I expect BR is eating his porridge. Your sister will love her gifts - the hand cream may well be alright you know unless it smells 'off'. I am trying to find one of mine from the body shop. It's called hardworking hands and I put it on before gardening it protects your hands from soil a bit.

    there you go I will give you this fan to cool you down. I have a portable little aircon in the bedroom which I put on before bed. I hate being too hot, but being in a bungalow I have to keep the windows shut overnight sadly 😔

    I love the wise man of the woods picture (he and the veggie witch) will get LA back on the straight and narrow) and the beautiful lit stairs you posted for Toady I want to go there.🤗

    Morning Toady I see your dwarf beans with flowers! Are those hollyhocks I see? So pretty Kari loves those i do too. I am going to post pics of the village scarecrows for everyone to see. Mine is the worst but was the first and I never win the competition anyway.

    I think Lucy will do well I was just saying to Joan i think they have Lucy on the work rpta for Monday so she'd better be ok by then! I hope that means I am safe too and can return to normal.🤞 Good to hear your friends did ok thanks for that. You could rest more, but like me are thankful that the bones aren't as bad as they are for some of us a bit of fatigue is bearable in exchange for a bit of a life.

    Mrs B is fully back to normal how fabulous is that? Well done her and I'm so pleased for you too😊

    I need to see chick pics yes now that the danger seems to be past. You did well keeping them all safe. I would also have had to check on the seagull. Took a pigeon to the vets once too I'm not sure the vet was over pleased, but i don't care all life has value to me (and you). Even the greenfly on my lettuces get taken back outside😳

    How can I tell which of my beans are runner beans and which are broad beans or maybe peas? I can't remember which I planted!!! Help!!!

    Right better get the breakfast on. Aidan's this morning:

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,232

    Our village scarecrows

    Mine should be first and is the most amateur!

    Made sure you can see the Fig too! And my flags.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,232
    edited 9. Jul 2022, 07:51

    I want the last one to win because a child made it xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,249

    Good morning everyone

    kitty (()) I’m sorry you have tested positive for COVID I hope you don’t feel too bad. A nice room. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) was one of your plants a lavertera I’m not sure it’s spelt right. Have a good day nice Mrs blackbird comes for her food.

    Barbara (()) thinking about you love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) How is Lucy (()) is she still coughing. Are you alright and Paul (()) the scarecrow’s are lovely very well done. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day so you will soon know about your tummy good. Love to your mum (())

    Mike (()) we miss you and we are worried about you and vixen

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,343

    To Toni 🌺toady 🐸kitty Barbara and Joan just a quick from memory message today at least that’s my intention

    love the scarecrows T was yours the first one? sorry I got a bit confused I think they’re all good in diff ways

    my mum said the way things work with the GPs and the results is that unless they tell you there is a problem there is no prob so that’s reassuring as haven’t contacted me recently 😀.

    I’m Glad You liked the pictures too, alright of course LA is definitely not the only naughty child around but he’s such an expert at being naughty and does so with such a charming face mostly lol

    I wrote a poem recently about ase*uality on FB, some people liked it which was good but more importantly it’s a kind of release for me writing poetry sometimes to express things I can’t talk about.

    EF are flying back this evening so hopefully the flight will go okay and bill hasn’t been stuffing his face with lobsters again 🦞🦞.

    thanks for the fan Toni lol I’ve got one portable fan that is half working AC unit sounds good idea but I’m trying to economise atm 😄.

    btw Toni I’m thinking of nominating BR fr PM what do you think? Lol. Bye Tc. Xx

    hi again toady 🐸nice flower pics I’m not buying anything from the market just looking around lol yes I know what you mean programmes we watched in childhood definitely still have a magical charm about them to some extent when we watch them later on, teddy bears picnic food is def much better than a lobster fest ha ha but all those cakes not really good for us apart from maybe on a Saturday lol.

    Hi to kitty Joan and Barbara Hope you are all more or less okay? Kitty it was it was so nice to hear from you tho shame about the circumstances of course I hope you will beat Covid soon take care. Xx

    Hi Joan I’m ok thanks and mum yes reassuring that doc is looking into it, Tc xx

    ps pic is LA and his beloved ice cream cone lol. Tc. Xx

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