Val's Cafe
Morning everyone Sunny start here hope it lasts.....
There we go!
Morning to our missing friend Mike. I think we are all very worried about you Mike and hoping that you are doing ok and recovering from your treatment. Sending much love and strength ((())) xxx
Joan I expect Kitty is desperate to get back to her own independence the nursing home is mostly full of people who have dementia so no-one to communicate with. Shouldn't be too long now surely. How dreadful that poor little girl. What a vile person that Grandmother is😠 Hope you and Sue are ok at least? ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi how are you feeling today? How quickly will you feel a bit better? Glad the bloods went ok I expect they will see improvement before you do in your bloods.
How lovely Waitrose! i like Waitrose a lot if only we had one nearby. OUr nearest is about 15 miles away i reckon....You 'skipped' the 🧀 well done you.
I think you're right BIL will not be able to resist the fancy toppings on his pancakes it will be his downfall.....he's young yet, but I can see his belly growing in my crystal ball....
I am sure your boxing gloves got you into that bathroom first Reshmi I rather liked the little pink bear he could sit in my little pink car.
Have a good day and take it steady ((())
Kitty me ducky lovely to see your name on the board! I'm so glad that you were able to get in yesterday and that you are not in hospital anymore. Us lungies must be careful you are 100% right.
Doxycycline? that'll do the job.
Sleek is back here ATM checking in on us lot making sure Lucy got off to work ok. Bad news was a dollop of cat sick on the kitchen floor🤢I came that close to joining in! Sorted now. She reckoned the
Morning Toady - you have had rain? I am so, so covetous I am exhausted with watering. My water buts are running low.....
Apparently we are due some rain this afternoon so l must get busy this morning myself....
Still feeling queasy after cleaning up cat sick though.😕
Bird watch is still going well? Being in the garden until 9pm is just lovely I am smiling just thinking about it and will help protect your 🐦 baby birdies.
It rather sounds as though you needed that sleep you know sometimes it's best to just let our bodies decide and not keep on powering through.
A quick wave to Barbara I hope you have had a good day? How are they eyes doing?
My neighbours are outside screaming (they are 2 the twin boys) at 6.30am!!!!!!!! Wow!
Takes all sorts doesn't it?🙄
Will you see Niamh this weekend?
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Good morning everyone
Kitty ()) It’s good to see you I’m pleased the fans are helping you take care. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your dad (())
Toady (()) I know what you mean about the weather it gets so cloudy they say heavy rain we don’t know how far to go with the dogs.
Barbara (()) I hope all is well with you and your family. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) how is your back now. Yes I remember Bessy bot your lawnmower. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) how are you getting on with your tablets I hope they are working better. Love to your mum (())
Mike (()) how are you love to vixen
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Toni 🌺 toady 🐸 Joan Barbara and everyone hope you’re all doing okay or okay-ish?
im not Too bad thanks T just a bit shattered really time of the month plus metho hangover and also of course not taking lithium at the moment as instructed basically I’m not feeling too great physically mentally I got a bit emotional yesterday but then I often do at this time as a lot of ladies do, it didn’t help that my dad was being a DV yest even more than usual my mum told him off and defended me bless her.
I haven’t quite finished doing my medicine charting activities etc so I’ll try to keep this fairly short.
it was indeed nice to go to Waitrose if only v quickly, managed to resist hot choc ☕️ etc tho and just ended up buying a relatively innocent takeaway sandwich and a juice 😇.
last night i was feeling pretty bad though my arm felt really bruised I think it was due to partly them time of month plus wrong posture.
anyway is it’s a lot better today though still not fully gone
I’ve slept a lot today but still not really feeling refreshed I suppose it’s one of those things that will get better with time.
glad you enjoyed Goodwood sorry about the hip, bills tummy is already pretty huge lol sshh private lol 🤐.have a nice day Toni take care. Xx
Hi toady 🐸 how are you doing today I’m glad you’ve got some sleep that’s good news I’m not too bad I guess it’s just physical things not really the arthritis so much today like bad posture etc.I hope your day goes well take care. Xx
hi Joan we’re all not too bad I guess thanks, hope you have a nice afternoon. Tc. Xx
Ps Pic is Bill’s breakfast pride cake only joking just about lol, Tc all. Xx
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Hello everyone and thank you as always for asking after me - not the happiest bunny this evening as I spotted my Mrs Blackbird had a gammy leg as of this morning so am worried about her 😔 I thought it was her wing at first but she was just using that to help compensate for what the problem is with her claw or leg. She has been eating and a bit of fluttering/hopping but not her usual self, I have no proof it's cat-related but of course no proof it isn't 😕 I've mostly been worried for the chicks because the parents are very savvy, also I would be surprised if she could have only a slight run-in with a cat? so it could be something else. Not going off to bed in a happy frame of mind for what I'll find in the morning - sigh, something every day at the moment.
Sorry you had a bad start to the day too frog, less said the better, not my forte 😬 same goes for the screaming kids needless to say. Ugh. Sorry it rained on you yesterday too, even if you are happy to have it for the garden, afraid I am lightweight enough to put me (hates rain) before the garden (loves it). I'll just lump the watering myself, mind you I don't have your square footage to do or I might think differently. I was very glad of a sleep yesterday & could have done with one today but couldn't really settle - obviously I'm worried now that Mrs B will be an easy target for any cat, so kept an eye out as much as possible. What will be will be overnight. Thanks for the update on Kitty, sorry to hear she doesn't have very good company 😧 that's unfortunate & not very conducive is it. Hope everything else as well as poss with you & will catch up soon when (if!) am less like a bit of chewed string 🙄 xx
Hello to bosh & thank you for asking after me, not the best day but ok as can be in other ways well ok-ish, as you say. Hope things stay steady for you over the next few days with the med change, I expect you're right that other factors are affecting how you feel just now & that it's not necessarily the meds and in fact the change will help overall. Hope HV simmers down too for you especially DV.. aren't people are hard work.. tempting sometimes to just get the haircut as per your picture and go off to a monastery - except they wouldn't have me would they, I'd have to be a nun.. may have to rethink that plan. I haven't tried those carob bars but I will look out for them they look nice, I do avoid gluten sort of (I'm not intolerant but I don't get on with it 100% either); I did actually go through a health food type stage years ago but for the life of me can't remember why now 🤔 I mean specifically, as I didn't have digestive problems then or anything. I would definitely try that cake anyway :) well the carob one, the rainbow one is a bit lurid for me! Hope you have a good night quite chilly so not too bad hopefully for you xx
Joan yes exactly it's hard to know what you're in for with the weather even from hour to hour to plan anything. I gave up today and stayed in pretty much tomorrow it's fairly similar just mixed. 🤔 Hope you can get a decent little interval to take the dogs out in. Have a good Sunday xx
Love to all, Barbara, Kitty, Mike & Vixen and anyone who calls in xx
I expect to be making tea at odd hours so feel free anyone to shove your cup towards me for refills x
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What a rainy day we finally had yesterday hail it was😲at least i didn't have to water the garden.
Still no sign of our Mike? Every day I log on in the hope we'll see his name here or a 'like' from him. Mike if you call by I am sending my usual strength hope it's helping your recovery a little ((())) xxx
Morning Joan thank you for asking my back is not too bad at all just now how about your pains though? How are you doing? Sleek got soaked yesterday in the rain it doesn't normally catch her out like that! ((())) xxx
Morning Kitty if you get a chance to call by. I hope all is going well and maybe someone from Church has been to see you I am sure they will have been which will do you good. The family too I know they will have been you are inundated with visitors now I know ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi how are you doing? I hope the time of the month emotion is easing. It won't help if Dad is being DV good old Mum supporting you.
Having to stay off your Lithium suddenly won't be good either when do you restart at the lower dose? You've had a lot to contend with you really have. These are from me ((())) and a chill 💊 to pop in Dad's tea so he doesn't erupt again today.
Are the parents babysitting this weekend at all? A couple of hours peace would do you good that's all.
Even better some funny LA and BR stories will lift your spirits. A good laugh always does mine and those two are priceless🤭 Oh dear me he already has a belly or maybe BIL is cooking the next baby?
He needs to be careful you need to be able to see over his belly to safely smite paneer for your lady😁
Morning Barbara Haven't seen you for a few days I expect those eyes are playing you up again😕
Did you get the rain and hail yesterday I think you will have done if we did.
No chance of getting the pool out for Niamh. We need some consistently nice weather.
Any news about your brother? I hope he is still doing well.
Take care
Morning Toady. We had torrential rain and hail yesterday so no watering yippee!!! This morning has started out breezy and bright at least I am going to do a quick litter pick in a bit.
I rarely see this but this morning taking Lu to work at 4.30am I saw quite a few youngsters doing 'the walk of shame' still drunk in their nightclub finery not looking so fine.
I am so glad it's not me or one of my girls.
Oh no poor Mrs Blackbird. Let's hope she has just temporarily hurt her foot and maybe feels a bit better today. As you said unlikely she was got by a cat but who actually knows? You can only keep an eye when you can. You must get enough sleep yourself Toady! Else this will be you!
Better pull myself together I think I am going to be wrecked by bedtime I am too old for this silly early starts.
Did I tell you that Tia's husband ran over one of their cats this week? I will tell you the story if you are interested....
Right I'd better get on but first some unhealthy breakfast:
vegan/veg option:
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Good morning everyone
Kitty ((())) I hope you have a good day. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) I’m sorry about Mrs blackbird do birds fight. Have a good day we got wet yesterday we sheltered under a tree.
Barbara (()) how are you feeling. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) I’m sorry Tia’s husband ran over her cat. I wondered if those youngsters regret what they did last night. Enjoy your coffee Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) I hope you feel better today a hot water bottle on your tummy helps tummy ache. Love to your mum (())
Mike (()) I hope you feel a bit better love to vixen
take care
joan xx0 -
How to Toni 🌺 toady🐸 Joan and Barbara and everyone else of course hope you’re all doing more or less okay today?
Hi toady how are you feeling today? are you having a better day than yesterday? That wasn’t a particularly good for me either but atm I’m not feeling extremely bad just really tired right foot is feeling is hurting a bit but not extreme.
hair - now thats a complex thing isn’t really? lol I wouldn’t like to wear a nuns coif though tbh is that The right word? I hope so. def a breeding ground for eczema feeling itchy just thinking about it lol. Hopefully you are right about the lithium thanks for your kind wishes the thing is I know when it goes wrong it can go horrifically wrong but anyway like everyone else just have to take one day at a time I guess 😀. That’s it for now unfortunately sorry about that, just i haven’t really got very many jobs done yet and feeling a bit weak hope your day is not going to badly despite it not being so warm I would send you a teddy bear if I could take care. Xx
ps don’t worry this teddy bear has had his antihistamines, lol. Tc. Xx
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Hi again Toni 🌺 how’s things with you today? I love that picture of the pregnant man ha ha I have no idea what Bill is playing at really stuffing his face like a four-year-old lol definitely not my place to ask haha i Remember though once, can’t remember if I told you or not, but when once LA asked his dad if he had a little one in his stomach his dad was taken one of the 600 videos of the kids at the time but after a few secs the vid mysteriously ended oh dear Bill’s answer was fairly honest tho he said “lack of exercise eating too much of the wrong stuff” so knows what he’s doing lol.
I really don’t know how the labyrinth of bills glorious mind works, at least he’s no Vesuvius that’s the main thing really.
that’s for the hugs and the chill pill Toni lol, know to be honest I’ve never known my dad to be chilled out he definitely was a much more bearable person that one point in life I don’t know maybe 25 years ago 30 years ago something like that these days is just getting more and more and getting into more and more of a grump anyway best to leave that subject there 😀.
no babysitting duties for parents today unfortunately
Saw LA on very tiny video call yesterday LA didn’t even say hi to his auntie goddess Mima just showed me his toys and said “dinosaurs eat hippos”, oh well each to their own I guess lol, I may be having too many sweet things overall but hippo is a bit much isn’t it? Also honestly I’ve never yet heard of a creature which is part goddess part auntie part hippo unless Ive been eating the wrong antibiotics of course lol.
Also saw little BR v briefly he was very pleased when I said hi and waved but he felt a bit shy bless him aww. Hope Lucy and Paul are doing okay? Toni am feeling quite tired today haven’t got many jobs done either yet so I’ll leave you with a cuddly hippo or is it a Reshmi? nobody really knows, need to consult LA imp rheumo and cuddly toy consultant what a job. You have a nice evening Sunday afternoon Toni take care. Xx
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Hi Joan and Barbara sorry a bit busy but we’re all more or less ok thanks hope you’re all okay and have a good Sunday afternoon take care. Xx
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Hello all sorry meant to get on yesterday but both my neices and family's visited ...lovey to see them and they dud warn me abd brought food
Toni it's a shame you had rain at Goodword..I can imagine the noise with a.ll the sports cars ..we dud see Niamh but j6st wish thus weather would settle for the pool ..How's our Lycy doing us she on the move yet xx
Toady I love it ...nice to know there are others that are glad it's a cold caller 🤣I do hope the black bird will he OK nless dint you just worry about of ours goes on the worktop now and helps its self to rasins 😅did I swear di you mean bugger I would gave minded on the grass but my stone that ine of our sons has just put diwn..😩xx
Rubix sorry can't rambert the rest of your name bit how brilliant to see that in the art gallery 😀 bagpuss I just remembered 😅xx
Joan I hope the foxes won't attacked your little dogs...thankyou for asking about us all xx
Reshmi I love the pride cake ..hope Bill didn't eat it all 😅not good if he looks pregnant ...hope thoes meds help you xx
Kitty lovey to hear from you and fingers crossed you get in your own place very soon ..then you can relax xx
Love to all xxx if you can read it I gave up checking it
Barbara0 -
Hi Barbara
Really nice to hear from you the pride cake was just something I found online but bill eats any cake going there can be no doubt about that, lol, that’s Really Nice that your relatives came to visit.
Yes The Rubiks cube guy , I’ve also forgotten his username sorry about that, meant to say that was a lovely image sorry just got a bit busy.
All’s going okay at the moment thanks with the lithium atm the only prob is that I only know the medication plan for the next two weeks also I have had no face to face or even phone contact whatsoever w mental health team, which is a bit odd to put it politely anyway as toady said maybe it will work out for the best I certainly hope so 😀.
glad you had a nice weekend. Hope you have a good night its meant to be a cool night at least down here in the south anyway take care of yourself. Xx
ps pic is of healthy pride skewers not sure of all the ingredients looks good tho, bill won’t touch it with a bargepole of course, lol. Tc. Xx
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Hello all :) good news, so far, Mrs B came straight out from cover to see me this morning for some food, I can tell her foot is not right but she is hopping pretty well & if anything looked a little more steady. She is v. much just eating a little something & burrowing herself back in the shrubbery so hopefully she is in recuperative mode, main thing is it doesn't seem like she's had an injury of the sort you worry would get infected, a cut or scratch etc. Obviously I'd be happier to see her fly she should be able as long as her wing isn't a problem too but if it is I can't tell. Early days but fingers crossed. At least I had a decent night so I could be on guard again without it being too wearing, but there is a definite resemblance between me and that piece of string frog 😂 talking of which I have been amusing myself putting out bits of string for sparrows & watching them take them, they will literally pinch the very last strand of anything holding canes etc together - wish I could see their nests. Terribly windy out there still today, getting on my wick now as otherwise it would be nice! hope not too bad for your litter pick. Yes no interest at all in tottering home in the early hours the worse for wear, it would be good if the pendulum swung the other way and drinking like that became less of a norm, especially when it's still seen as boring not to which is such an insidious pressure on kids. Then again I don't know what it's like to be fizzing with youth & energy and want an outlet for it, & never did really. Do I want the cat story, um is the cat ok? If yes then yes, put it that way. Hope everyone else ok and your Sunday is relatively quiet (have just been disturbed by an unexpected amazon man lobbing a parcel over the gate that should have been coming by Royal Mail) xx (btw any sign yet of shady ebay woman? 🕵️) late edit: Mrs B has managed to get to her nest :)🤞happier she's there than at ground level, fingers crossed overnight.
bosh that teddy bear is the best perfect bear for me I love him 😍 and those are both favourite flowers, I have them growing in a border together, when they are out properly I will take a picture. Thank you :) my day is/was ok so far hope things still not too bad with you, as when you posted, even if a bit tired etc yes one day at a time definitely.🤞The nun's coif would put me off in fact the whole habit would tbh, monks seem to come off slightly better on the whole but either would be hot you'd think - I can't cope with long sleeves for some reason I roll them up regardless of how cold I am I hate anything round my wrists, rolling your habit sleeves up would probably be sacrilegious 🤐. Have a good evening, and if you have to be a hippo, well that's a groovy hippo to be very 'hip' in fact (groan). 😄 xx
Hello joan, yes blackbirds will fight over territory etc and the females are quite fierce too, I have a good book written in the 1950s Birds As Individuals you may have come across it - very interesting about bird behaviour, the author studied great tits among others and a number roosted in & around the house - one bird in particular used to tap out a number with its beak for a reward, in fact was very keen on its lessons and liked to tap for its own sake not just for the nut she gave it. Sorry you and the dogs had to shelter yesterday, some rain tomorrow I think in the morning do hope the wind dies down a bit. Have a good beginning to the week :) xx
Love to Barbara yes that was what I meant, but not that you swore so much as that I thought the filter would be even stricter 🤐 sorry about your stone the moles naturally would go where you don't want, everything does! 😕 Mrs B still with us fingers crossed I love yours coming on the worktop 😊 wish we could keep them safe indoors. No cold phone-callers today just a delivery I wasn't expecting, I was smirking to myself earlier because my neighbours missed a Royal Mail van man.. so I was smirking on the other side of my face when it was me 🙄😂 Love to both & family xx
Hello to @Rubikscubeboy sorry not to say hello when you posted, am a bit not quite with it at the moment with one thing & another & bit short of sleep, excuse manners - kettle going on for tea shortly if interested :) have never been to Ipswich sadly and all I can tell you is it has a football team, which is shocking ignorance 😳 hope you are well or tolerably so given where we are xx
Love & best to Kitty 😘
and Mike of course & anyone else in out of the cold this evening xx
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Morning everyone who calls by old or new visitors...
Morning Mike I do hope you are doing ok and just recovering from your chemo. 6 weeks is along time for you to be AWOL, but i still send you daily strength and ((())) as do all your friends here in the café 😽
No Kitty right I shall get in touch with her myself today she's been missing too long as well. Kitty if you pop by I hope you are ok and not too bored ((())) xxx
Morning Joan I suspect a lot of those youngsters regret what they've done or will do when they get home and their parents get them!!! Very upsetting to see it was. Glad mine have never done that. Tia's pusskin is doing very well indeed at home on cage rest with a cone round his neck. She gives him a rest from it when she is watching him, but they do werret at injuries don't they? ((())) xxx for you and Sue.
Reshmi I love the little bear with his gorgeous bunch of lavender so sweet. Glad to note he had his antihistamines.
How are you doing? Did you say when you are allowed back on the (lower dose of) your lithium? Are you starting to feel better?
Now as for LA talking about 🦕 eating hippopotamuses I'm sure they would, (if they were around at the same time??), but what makes you think he was linking you? Auntie Goddess Mimas are not hippos, ( Are there hippo consultants you can speak too I wonder?), or was he trying to be cheeky in his usual LA kind of way? The pic of that hippo though❤️adorable! As is BR with is shy wave at you. They are so entertaining. Shame parents didn't give you a little time alone though never mind maybe next weekend??
So BIL has insight into his bad habits, but just cannot stop himself that video suggests as much🤔I don't know that anyone can help him although I imagine your sister tries.
I have to go back to yours and your Mum's original theory about your Dad maybe being not quite right and him feeling angry because on some level he knows he isn't the man he was? There is no other explanation is there for him changing. Anyway let's hope DV isn't erupting today at least ((()))
Barbara how lovely to see you 😊
Your lovely niece has been? That is nice and worth missing posting for and Niamh too💕shame it's too bad to get the pool out mind there is plenty of summer left even though it doesn't look like it.....
Lucy is getting very close to moving still trying to locate a bedside cabinet or two and a chest of drawers. She is getting quite excited, but I also think nervous.
Did you swear about the moles? I missed that or maybe it just seemed appropriate so I didn't notice it🤭
Ours will be out today after yesterday's ☔ rain...
Take care of yourself
Good morning Toady I am very pleased to read that Mrs Blackbird is still doing ok. Maybe she needs some raisins like Barbara's? Sounds like she is recuperating and safe enough which is all you can hope for.
Hopefully her injury will heal adequately that's the main thing and her up in her nest well that makes me feel much happier for her future.
How cute are your sparrows pinching string. As long as they don't pinch bits of you if you felt like wrung out string..... Yesterday we went for a drive, (I know very spendthrift with the price of fuel), and noticed lots of people have already cut their hedges like my annoying neighbours...Monty will tell us when we are allowed most definitely NOT when the birds are still nesting!
I have flowers on my cucumber plants already😊 and did some 'stringing' yesterday to help them along and to strengthen the tomato canes too. If i get time I'll take some pics and one of the most beautiful blue delphinium even Paul noticed it yesterday.
I got Paul to train the wisteria more over the pergola too and mowed the little grass patch. I like to get it mowed when it's going to rain and I have woken up and it has 👌
Tia's cat is doing ok and her husband is feeling slightly better (did I say it was his birthday when it happened?) well not fine, but he is recovering ok on cage rest with a 'cone of shame'. His breathing is still heavy but the vet said he will be incredibly bruised inside after the injury and subsequent surgery. He is sleeping most of the day and only gets up for the loo, a drink or a bit of food. He has his check up tomorrow. You would like him he is a bit dopey and 'catches' only feathers and brings them home.
Naughty amazon man! 'lobbing' is not safely delivering is it?🙄
Well let's hope the wind has dropped after that rain I want to be outside properly not just in the greenhouse!
Better get some clothes on today Lucy is on 9-5. All very odd....
Take care everyone!
the best vegan butter available should anyone desire...... I do miss my French butter ah well.....
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) how is your chest feeling take care. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) that’s good Mrs blackbird has gone back to her nest.
Barbara (()) that’s nice you had visitors you take care. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) I’m sorry Tia’s (()) cat has one of those cones but it’s for the best I thought he had died. I hope Lucy finds what furniture she wants. How is Charley (()) and Annie doing (())love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) how is your tummy ache now love to your mum (())
Mike (()) I hope you are feeling a bit better (()) love to vixen
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Toni 🌺
How are you today? don’t worry I don’t eat butter myself either generally, As for the dad issue I’m not saying that there is no truth in your opinion but it’s a complex matter and tbh v much shocking and depressing also if I wrote about it properly I would end up writing a thesis on here lol so I wont go into it now 😀. I have blood tests all this week well all the weekdays poss same next wk walks not happening but poss can walk in weekend hope so.
LA is a cheeky monkey so there’s a good he was calling me a hippo anyway I’ve been called a lot worse things by much worse people so that’s ok lol, gtg now Toni because still a bit tired. Tc xx
pic is receptionist’s evil eye(s) lol. Xx
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Hi toady 🐸 Barbara and Joan sorry a bit tired can’t reply properly hope you’re all doing more or less ok? I’m relatively okay thank you 😀. Hi again toady hope you’re well? I also don’t like cuffs if they’re even remotely itchy. Tc, i’ll try and post again later. Xx
ps pic of one of the green faced witches who scare LA into eating broccoli lol. Xx
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hi again Toni🌺 how are you doing?
Lady who did the blood test today was the same young lady who gave my blood to the lab with no form initially. Pierced my skin three times before she could find blood and cackled just like the veg Monitoring witches but I ate all my veggies so in that respect I’m a very auntie goddess mima lol so not sure what was going on there lol.
The receptionist was a lady I knew and she was polite but I failed to recognise her at first due to mask oh dear also she has put enormous amount of false hair on her head of course Ive got nothing against that but not sure why she did it as her own hair is so nice oh well some people aren’t satisfied with anything I guess lol, I must admit she was looking a bit monstrous to be honest with you so no wonder LA is afraid of GP surgery at times both witches and monsters there oh no spooky 👻 !
Also phlebotomist gave me no lollipops, but Ive got a feeling thanks she’s hidden them in her handbag lol.
I’m back on the lower dose now it’s only for two weeks and then what happens next I have no idea unfortunately. Whether babysitting is happening soon not sure atm hope so tho I would’ve written more but then I will spend all day on this thing just wanted to say have not spoken to mht (mental health team) face-to-face on the phone that’s a bit odd isn’t it really? anyway won’t brood take care. Xx
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Hi all, this will be v v quick - I may evn wrt it in abbrevs - Mrs B has led me a bit of a merry dance today but all well as can be, she has been more active and hopping well, around more of the garden than yesterday - then near roosting time she flew very determinedly to the top of the shed! and from there to the flat side roof, and I hope she has maybe gone to the front garden to roost in a higher tree than her nesting one. 🤔 If so she will be much safer at the front, at least until morning - so am going to bed now to be up for the Forenoon Watch or eight bells or whatever it is in the early hours ⚓️🔔. Anyway full story tomorrow assuming she & I are still here by then to tell the tale (at least I got some gardening done while I was birdminding!)
Love to everyone 😘 and look forward to a proper reply tomorrow but for now love to frog, joan & sue, bosh, Kitty (hope she is ok), Barbara & Mike & Vixen plus Carol, mig & anyone who drops in past present or future, if I'm draped half-asleep over the tea counter in an untidy manner give me a nudge. xx
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Good night toady 🐸xx
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Morning everyone who pops by 'old' or new...
Still no sign of our Mike I do hope you are ok Mike and recovering from your cancer treatment. We all still think of you here and send our love I add some strength too every day ((())) xxx
Kitty I am so sorry I failed to ring you yesterday as I meant to. The day was one of those which ran away with me and before I knew it I was doing tea and Paul was home. Sending ((())) and hope you are still doing well and enjoying seeing the family so much😊 Madame La Sleekipuss has been over to see you I know and informs me that you are fine and she is providing you with purrfectly adequate mental stimulation! That's me told!
Morning Joan I also thought that would be the end of Oreo. I never expected to be able to stroke him again so this is all wonderful even if he does have to wear his cone. When they are with him Tia and her husband take the cone off and only put it on when he is on his own. He is on cage rest too and sees the vet for a check up today paws crossed. How are you and Sue doing? I hope ok and are the carers ok? My lovely neighbour has had to have a different company so all new for them at the moment. ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi how are you doing today? Blood tests daily this week so clearly the lithium must stay in our systems for a long time before it's broken down. Well I do hope you have a chance for a walk this weekend.
Have you ever read Alexander Mcall Smith's 44 Scotland Street books? They are just adorable and based in Scotland in a lovely posh area I think in Edinburgh. There is a little boy called Bertie who is one of his characters he calls his Mummy a 'cow'. It' so funny because she is pretty bossy. A new age pushy Mother who makes him have Italian lessons and go for therapy he is only about 6😁
So today's nurse was the rubbish one who cackles, but isn't toooooo 🧙♀️ Witchy....the receptionist was wearing a hairpiece but has nice hair how odd. I hope she is well and nothing has gone wrong for her. The biiiiiig montser and the wee child is just how I feel when I go to the Drs I wonder whether they understand that. I think not everyone feels that way, but us sensitive people do. Poor LA is scared just like me.
You are very good eating all your vegetables. I did too yesterday, but i did let some vegan chocolate (Nomo) pass my lips😳
Ok I am glad you are back on your meds at the lower dose I suspect it will be monitored and adjusted again if needs be. The MHT are a bit naughty really not communicating with you directly when you think about it. I mean this is quite important!
Toady well done for the update even though you are clearly exhausted. I think Mrs B's flying sounds very very positive and hope she is still with us this morning. I think she will be you know. It sounds as though she did just injure that foot temporarily and she will make it👍️
Well done doing some gardening I did very little yesterday was just stupidly busy not sure why, but it was.
I managed to take you some pics of my teeny weeny tomato and a teeny weeny cucumber to be. The delphinium also (slightly rain/hail bashed).
the cucumber will have to be on another post it's on a WhatsApp.
A quick wave to Barbara in case she pops 👋 today.
How is your brother doing Barbara?
and some breakfast for all of us:
one or two of our 5 a day added to make it appear healthy....
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Hi Toni 🌺?
how are you today? Thanks for the recommendation I’ll look out for those books 😀. Have a blood test today feeling a bit weak but that’s understandable will reply properly later just doing a quick little post while energy levels are relatively high, Receptionist is also a hairdresser and is known for her strange styles but yeah of course hope she’s not unwell if that is indeed the case, DV did erupt that day but then again wasn’t exactly unexpected I guess. Bfn will post again later Toni take care. Xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) how are you getting on thinking about you. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) I hope you had a good nights sleep. That’s good Mrs Blackbird is alright.
Barbara (()) have a good day. How is Mr B (() feeling now. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) I did not know Wimbledon was starting yesterday we saw it. How bad is Oreo. I bet it shook Tia’s husband up (()) I’m glad your lovely neighbours have got carers now (()) yes Sue’s carers are well. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) if you drink plenty of water the nurse will get the blood easier. Love to your mum (())
Mike (()) we are thinking about you and vixen take care
take care
joan xx0 -
hi Joan thanks thats good to know about water, mum’s not too bad atm I hope you and Sue also have a nice day too bit tired now, Tc xx
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Hi Toni 🌺still trying to reply properly not sure when it will be yet haha, quite tired atm but just wanted to say I also have a book recommendation for you author is Rachel Joyce Book title is “the unlikely pilgrimage of Harold Fry” v well written and also very funny, about how a man goes on a massive walk to see a friend who is not well but really more about him acting out of character which includes leaving his wife, his wife is worried that he’s drinking but it’s in actual fact he’s had a lemonade lol hard to sort of explaining briefly and concisely best to read it if it’s poss your kind of thing, hope your day is going well? Another friendly- ish kind of monster pic, bfn. Xx
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