Val's Cafe



  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,607

    Hi all 😊 nice day again, I think.. it is rather as you describe it frog, a bit motley, but can't complain. They've pencilled in Lucy for Monday? This Monday? 😮 I had to read that three times, gracious, surely not. Glad she's doing well of course she has to get better for her own sake not anything else, you can't hurry these things but will see what you update over the weekend. Have had a bit of a garden potter, mostly surveying the havoc of various chewings gnawings & peckings 😂 I can tell my runner beans alright, they're the ones being bitten down to the stalk (not all thankfully). The hollyhocks are all previous years, of course, I will have to wait for my newer ones for the full hollyhock experience 😀 so glad I snapped that pink rose 📸 as it's gone right 'over' now in only the day or so since. I will not feel too bad about my sunflowers now thank you haha, I did also put in some 'Garden Statement', surely they can only fail so much in the tallness department 😂. Super scarecrows!! I spy fancy peaky blinders man I think, I rather like faceless dog owner actually.. slightly sinister maybe 🤔 but I like him. I think my favourite is the garden gnome, with his lovely garden wall to sit on. I didn't realise you were up against so much competition in the Queen line, 3 at least, that can't be right can it, very unconstitutional or whatever the word is. Btw how's the honesty.. painfully slow if mine is anything to go by! hope yours is at least doing ok while you wait. Did I mention that having got so far with the painting I have artistic doubts about the colour 😂 I should assess as I go along of course but apart from checking as the workmanship is ok I hate then standing back for the overall effect, it's too nervewracking - like the Ancient Mariner, who having once turned round walks on and turns no more his head 😂 some poetry ref there for Kitty who I'm sure is partial to a bit of Coleridge. xx

    Speaking of Kitty hope all is as well as possible and hope to see you in the cafe again soon, tea, icecream or anything you fancy we will get it in on special 😘 xx

    and still speaking of poetry glad yours was appreciated on FB bosh 😀 nice when that happens and the internet is v good for that sort of thing, I find poetry and things you wouldn't normally by just buying a particular book because you come across things in a different way. (And books are expensive! - mostly I put things on lists but can't quite fork out the money haha although that's bad because it's what supports authors of course.) Too hot again to do much I have mostly just done odd chores and then had an afternoon rest, I might have a late evening walk. Oh well if you are just browsing at the market that's nice too 😊 hope EF's flight ok and goes without any hitches and waiting around &c. Have a good night :) xx

    Hello joan they are hollyhocks in the pictures I should have said, but they are all in the same mallow family I think? One stem of the pink one just grew taller & taller last year about 8ft by the end and of course they make so many seeds you would have plants by the hundred. 🌸 Have a good Sunday :) xx

    Love to Barbara if passing & hope family as well as possible, sorry things could be better in that line 😔 & hope the car won't be too much longer xx

    Have a good night everyone hope not too hot for sleep 😴 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,338

    Thanks toady 🐸hope you have a good night too, next blood test is Friday of next week by the way so that’s progress 😀,

    just wanted to say one thing I don’t know if you remember the skip the ad joke / skip phrases extended joke? Anyway well i thought of another one I was going out to eat hypothetical situation of course lol and I said “ nutritionist LA should I have the boiled rice or the pad Thai? What’s best for my stomach?” he said “skip that pad” that’s me put in my place I said “boiled rice is boring” he said “Auntie don’t be bad skip the pad” okay Ive finished on that topic now ha ha bye for now Tc, Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,338

    good night everybody from Red Fort New Delhi been there once extremely long time ago though just thought it would make a different type of good night pic, take care. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,231
    edited 10. Jul 2022, 06:54

    Morning everyone

    What a lovely start to the day although I am sure it will be unbearably hot before the end of the day....

    Mike if you call by we all check in every day hoping to see your name or even your little likes. Sending my usual ((())) and strength to you and Vixen xx

    Morning Joan. Lucy thinks she is on the mend😊 If so I am amazed and so pleased for her. I don't know how long she needs to keep away from me, but we will do another test today and see what it says. Thanks for caring and love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    If you call by Kitty I am hoping you are doing ok and not too badly affected by COVID I know you have had all 4 available jabs so all being well are doing ok ((())). Sleek reckons you're fine just'BOARD'!

    Morning to you Reshmi How are you today? How is that tum of yours? Not too bad I hope. Your Mum is right I think in general they ring when they've found something, but at the same time if the pain persists they may need to investigate even further. They will have ruled out the worst possibility that is good.

    100% BR for PM!!!!!!!!! He is the only person with any sense. He eats properly including veggies has, (rare or) no tantrums and is kind so yes I will vote for him😁

    I do hope BIL ate sensibly before the plane else the other passengers will be suffering won't they🤢 Seriously it will be nice to have them home and see some photos of the fun they had.

    Your poem about asexuality I'm so glad you wrote it and had some positive feedback from other people. It helped you and might just have helped some other people too struggling well done.👍️

    Yes my scarecrow was the first (and the first to go up too) I took the photo from a distance so my flags show. they are all staying up.

    Morning Toady.

    Thank you the honesty is painfully slow some very slight brown-ness (is that a word?) on the seed pods but not much I check regularly and am regularly disappointed. I have two hollyhocks the bottom two flowers are open not any higher up yet! The rose was lovely well worth that pic. The sun is out early today I have all windows open now cooling the house down.

    I know I thought the same about Lucy but apparently Maccies policy is 5 days! We will be doing a test later, but she felt as though she was maybe on the mend yesterday so we shall see. I am wondering about letting her in the actual house and they want her in work!!! Incredible!

    My main problem seems to be dry soil and fully grown weeds🤨fully grown! What is that about? fully grown?

    Not soo much pecking here a lot of poo and some infestations green fly and the like. Will have my SB invigorator out again today.

    As for the scarecrows I expected other and probably better versions of her Majesty I suppose it being jubilee year. The peaky blinder is very good and was made by the annoying neighbour really for her own birthday do if you remember which she had on my birthday? Her party was fancy dress peaky blinders. I am going to vote for the girl in uniform as a child made it. The gnome is fabulous and they are the couple who usually win.

    But I have a problem! I had post yesterday.....guess what post? Yup that parcel from ebay. It really does say on it 'deliver before 1.6.22' and here it is! I shall have to notify the seller at least we know she was honest if abrupt.😳

    If you pop by Barbara I am sending my love and hope all is well now get the pool out please ASAP it's tooooo hot!

    Best get on I am running behind today

    cooked breakfast before it gets too hot to want it:

    vegan option of course always available.

    Love to everyone

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,247

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope you are feeling a bit better take care. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) Hollyhock thank you I never knew what they looked like. Did you make some hours up yesterday. Have a good day

    Barbara (()) I hope all is alright there (()) I’m sorry you can’t get out in the car. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) How is Lucy (()) she comes first not Maccies every person is different. I hope you have your coffee today. Have a good day love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (())

    Mike (()) how are you can someone let us know please love to vixen

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,338

    hi toady 🐸 thanks for your nice message I know what you mean I also have list of books I’d like to read in an ideal world but like you said if we could buy them all we would be millionaires lol. Thanks about the poetry on FB it’s not so much people pressing like tho of course that is nice for what that’s worth its just good to have a sort of outlet I guess.

    Yes I’m just looking around the markets in A fictional manner lol.

    EF’s flight was delayed but it was under under an hour so that’s good 👍.

    okay I’ll go for now so I don’t run out of steam.

    Just wanted to mention it is horribly hot isn’t?

    okay I’m going to now toady take care. Xx

    Ps pic is a nice plane photo or is that my sisters hair after looking after her three kids on holiday? Lol. Tc. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,338

    Hi Toni 🌺how are you today? I’m melting gradually here in the south east, lol. You’re voting for BR as well? that’s good to know I’m in good company then haha. I agree about BR’s character he’s a v kind little guy and most of the time he’s hero - worshipping his bro but LA is being extra naughty and bullying him BR by making him pick up all of LA’s toys off floor, so my mum told him off and he v reluctantly listened to her listen well he listened once so that’s something I guess lol 😀.

    The flight went okay little bit late but not too late thanks and bill has of course sent millions of WhatsApp pics etc I’m so glad I have disconnected photos etc on WA from my iPad because bill is really going mad this stuff , had to delete 600 photos off my tablet the other day my goodness bill get a job as a director leave my storage space alone 😡 lol.

    thanks about the poetry Toni that’s very kind I know people obviously like different things and all that kind of thing but I think poetry is a great thing really whether we write it or read it because it helps so much with deep emotions even if it’s not always about struggling but maybe feeling a bit insecure thanks again 😀.

    yours was the first scarecrow I see I think it looked really good Toni and impressive👍.

    I Think I better stop there because the house could at any moment lol D has become a DV yet again anyway I wont comment on that otherwise it could become a rant lol, my mum seems to be more or less okay at the moment but it’s hard to say sometimes as she hides her probs often, oh yes forgot to mention stomach is not too bad thanks Toni but still mxt hangover day, so I’ll have to see in the next few days. Bye , You take care. Xx

    Just Wanted to say hi say hi to everyone else as well including Joan, I’m not too bad thanks J . stomach seems a bit more settled but I think I need to give it a bit more time before I can be sure that is fully settled take care Hope you and S have a nice afternoon. Xx

    ps Pic is winter hol pic lol. Xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all phew it's hot

    .but I did ask for it 😲

    Sorry cany type much .....

    car is still on the drive our garage are men down getting an hire car..

    Pool us out but no niamh ...😪but eldest gd and partner been in today..

    Toni sorry the bollard jump out at you we once had one in our boot 😅xx

    Toady plants are heing chewed away...same here 😒xx

    Reshmi the pic you put in was wonderful at cooling me down thankyou xx

    Joan we are fine thankyouhope you Sue and the doggies are xx

    Mike I'm still thinking of you xx

    And Kitty xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Haymaking at the back of our house..the only nice spot really 😅

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,338

    Hi Barbara

    Thanks for your nice message don’t worry I don’t think you could’ve caused the heat wave just by asking for it 😂, nasty hot weather where I am too that’s a nice picture of the haymaking glad the winter pic helped you lol, how’s Mr B doing? we’re not too bad here thanks tho LA was very naughty on holiday apparently haha have a nice night. Xx

    Ps another winter scene. Tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,607

    Hi all, just a late line from me - thought I'd come & sit in the shade with a cuppa. I have had to wash my 'mop' frog, you can imagine how much I felt like that this weather, when the hairdryer feels like it's running at 180 degrees 🔥 oh well at least it should tide me over for a few days/weeks/months (delete as applicable, as they say 😉). Very pleased to hear Lucy feels as well as she does 😊 will be interested to hear what happens this week, 5 days might be alright to be not infectious (and even then she must have had 2 neg tests I take it), but hardly to be completely recovered. Hope you're all managing and yes that you can demask very soon 🤞. Hope Kitty is doing ok too. Oh, the ebay situation!! 😬 Lumme, as my Dad used to say; what a turn-up (literally!) Ooer.. well the main thing is she has nothing to grumble about where you're concerned, you had to say you hadn't had it, obviously.. & as you say, you were polite (the stalking & the slander & the badmouthing her to everyone you know & the vendetta 😂 well, that will remain between ourselves). Will you keep the 2nd item you bought? No news from me, anyway - actually a quiet Sunday & very little noise for once, no strimming or mowing, even. I did remember that the peaky blinders 'scarecrow' was the neighbours, I would probably not have known what it was otherwise I don't know much about PB - except it would be too violent for me, and for anyone in my opinion (ie I don't think screen violence particularly does anyone any good and arguably does some harm, but it's an old old argument why do we like it, catharsis escapism is it thought-provoking etc 🤔 each to their own view I guess). Hope you all have a good start to the week :) xx

    Hello joan I caught up a bit yesterday timewise but I think I've slipped back today 😂 but I have had a quiet evening. Hollyhocks are lovely, they do tend to suffer from 'rust' fungus as Toni would tell you but they still survive pretty well. They were given the name Holyoke when they first arrived in England from China (Holy meaning blessed and oke from the Latin for mallow ('hoc') because the mallow family were valued in herbal medicine. I didn't know this I have just looked it up!) Have a good start to the week hope not too hot for the dear dogs :) xx

    Wave to Kitty who I hope is getting on well and can keep cool too xx

    Hi bosh, hot you say? yes it is definitely mosty toasty! 😮 My cup of tea I've just made is even too hot to pick up. Hope you're coping with it & glad you don't have to have bloods til Friday, going to be hot for a while yet but any days you don't have to go out is better than nothing 😬. Glad the EF are all ok, that amount of delay for the plane is do-able just about isn't it if you have to. I do remember the 'skip the' extended joke I keep meaning to slip it in somewhere but haven't found the right occasion haha 😂 oh well if LA is advising on your hypothetical meals that's you sorted isn't it 😄 🍚 what a multi-talented toddler he is, his nose will be well out of joint though when he finds he is only Chancellor LA to BR's PM. I am off for a last potter outdoors now it's cooler but I wish I had a view like the Red Fort to look at 😍 so many wonderful things out there one has never seen except in pictures. The Kailasa temple for example, what an amazing thing that must be to go & see. Hope you can get some sleep :) xx oh btw yes re your writing likes for likes' sake isn't the thing ofc, writing for your own sake is and if it 'speaks' to someone that's good but a different matter.

    Hello Barbara, yes my poor runner beans 😫, infamy infamy they've all got it infamy &c 😂 sorry you're being chewed as well 🙄. That hayfield is wonderful🌱 😍 yesterday I was watching a pigeon lean up to peck at ears of wheat that have selfsown from their own bird seed, very self-sufficient of them to grow their own 😂. Sorry the car is static, blasted covid, did it have to nobble your garagemen 😕 hope the hire car is ok & glad you've seen family today xx

    Love to all & a good night's sleep if you can get one xxx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,231

    Morning everyone

    Blimey that was a hot night although I do think I am getting slightly accustomed to it...🤔

    Mike if you pop by I do hope you are doing ok and recovering from your treatment. We all check in every day hoping for a post or a 'like' from you. Sending ((())) xxx

    Kitty if you have time to pop in I hope you are doing ok (Sleek says you are fine and had COVID way before they found out because she did a test on you while you were asleep. She reckons you caught it in the hospital and are nearly over it now. Anyway I send you some ((()))

    Morning Joan yes I agree it's not up to Maccies, but even Charley's place expect them in after 5 days. The first 5 it's covid leave after that it goes on their sickness record! I think some restrictions stopped too soon. Hope you and Sue and the dogs are doing ok? Oreo is playing now and should be allowed outside next week 😊 I just want to see Kari, but I daren't risk it with her having asthma😕

    Morning Reshmi hot enough for you? Phew

    I am starting to love mornings when I can open up all the windows and cool the bungalow down🙄

    Aha no need for Excess F to show you their holiday snaps it there? not if BIL has been filling up everyone's IPads with 600 photos! Good to know they had a good time though I'm not so sure about the delay. More opportunity for him to eat!!!

    How is your tum today? Has your MTX hangover subsided? any blood tests this week due - mind you can't ahve much left😁

    Poetry is a good way to work stuff through and express emotions and if it helps someone else and they relate to it that's just so good😊

    Hope DV did not erupt in the end or if so that you and your Mum coped ok. He's probably feeling the heat, mind you we all are.

    More cool pictures please

    Barbara it's lovely to see you.

    Thanks for getting the pool out shame no Niamh, but sounds like the 'big' girls got the benefit of it at least😊 Did you cause this weather??

    Lovely pic of hay bales. Don't you just love them?

    That was so naughty of that bollard to jump up behind you into your boot. They do that though you have to be on guard🤫🤭

    I hope the car gets sorted soon darn COVID. So annoying, but main thing is we all stay well and survive it.

    Morning Toady how are you today? Not too tired I hope.

    I messaged the ebay seller and decided to keep the item. It was only £6 if you remember and we will use it. She was so much less frosty with me so I feel a lot better. As for my stalking and cussing behind her back well...what can I say? I think you are right we had better keep it between ourselves 😳🤫

    I read what you said to Barbara about your birds eating the seeds they grew themselves! I love it!😁

    Well done washing the mop. I probably ought to do mine, but it's just so hot isn't it? Shame bubble perms and blue rinses have gone out of fashion they look like you could do them once a week and let them dry on their own🙄

    As for Maccies really! Lucy is now negative I am very pleased so she can jolly well go in tomorrow. She will loose a day's pay I think, but better safe than sorry. I might even let her out of her room today. We can do 2m apart and windows open masks on. She went in the garden yesterday while I was clearing out the motorhome for a trip this weekend. She enjoyed it very much just seeing something other than the 4 walls of her bedroom bless her.

    I can't believe it's been in this house twice and I haven't caught it! Careful Toni don't tempt fate.🤞

    We never watched Peaky blinders I like the era, but don't like gangster stuff if that's what it's about. I know it's based up here not far from me I'd like to see that aspect too, but it's just never appealed. My neighbour should win the scarecrow competition it really is a piece of art.

    Better get me washed and dressed I suppose.

    Breakfast anyone?

    something cool

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,247

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope you are feeling a bit better take care. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) how are you and your body doing (()) those bollards move around everywhere. I hope you don’t have to wait too long for your car. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) have a good day thank you for saying about the hollyhock. We have never watched peaky blinders.

    Toni (()) How is Lucy (()) have a good day all of you. When will the winner of the scarecrow’s be picked. That’s good Oreo can go out next week. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) where do you live we live in Wiltshire. Have a good day I’m pleased your tummy feels better love to your mum (())

    Mike (()) how are you and vixen doing.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,338

    hi everyone hope you’re all doing ok? house Vesuvius has erupted again oh dear…more later. Xx

    Ps 2 bookmark pics

    firstly teddy bears picnic day was yesterday toady 🐸. Xx

    secondly cooling down pic for Toni 🌺and Barbara . Xx

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Views from my room

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,338

    hi again Toni toady Joan and Babara how is everyone today? Heat is v much defeating me tbh.

    so I’ll make this extremely short at least that’s the plan lol

    hopefully everyone is well and is feeling okay? keeping hydrated etc?

    Toni 🌺 DV bought mint choc ice cream goodness only knows why…so I’m trying not to eat it…not quite succeeding.

    T how is L today?

    Im surviving but HV is erupting from time to time but Health wise we’re all more or less okay at the moment thank you.

    Id better go now before I melt into a bosh - flavoured puddle or poss a witch - flavoured puddle, lol. Tc everyone may write later. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,338

    Hi toady 🐸I’m feeling a bit more like a human now I’m sitting near the fan upstairs but it’s in one of the rooms which is not mine so just here on a very temp basis hiding from MV tbh lol.

    how are things going today toady ?

    it was really nasty heat here in the afternoon it’s cooled down a little bit now though thankfully .

    I started reading about the Kalisa temple on the web v interesting indeed i didn’t know about that before, thanks for that info magnificent carvings etc, also quite terrifying I wouldn’t like to fall off the top of one of those sculptures lol.

    I know what you mean lots of places we see on screen perhaps but not in real life shame in some ways but also safe in other ways with Covid and dodgy food etc ha ha.

    Yes LA seems to be an expert on everything and omnipresent lol.

    Have you been selling things on eBay for long? time I was just curious because I sometimes think about doing it but then I think maybe it’s too much hassle with regulations and overseas postage and that kind of thing or is it really easier than it seems? just curious that’s all hope your day didn’t go too badly and you didn’t drink too many cups of tea haha okay bye for now toady take care of yourself. Xx

    Ps saw this pic online entitled tea party. Tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,338

    hi Toni 🌺 how are you today?

    yes DV did explode yesterday he’s actually becoming more and more difficult to live with but at least its over now.

    MV also erupted today just now she has got in a massive mood as she’s trying to force me to go and see the EF on Thursday evening because it’s my sisters birthday Ive refused atm, its another stupid argument really, I wish I didn’t have to spend energy arguing about silly things…anyway I’ll leave that topic for now

    Good idea about windows Ive started doing that too 😀.

    i just wanted to say my mum doesn’t always realise I can’t always go and adapt to the peoples schedules arthritis makes us tired and she shouldn’t pile on the pressure like good old bill is piling on the thousand Island dressing on his lobster sauce I hope for goodness sake that he’s broken free of the lobster addiction for a while 😂.

    my stomach does seem to be okay now Toni at long last thank goodness but I’m still being a little bit wary of things like cheese not having it at all atm I think you’re very wise to avoid it completely I think I’m definitely going to do some cheese abstinence at least part time 😀.

    I probably should finish soon got a few things to do just wanted to say I may have a few hours to myself tomorrow this London business is continuing basically the family own a flat there and dad know is supervising plumber etc before next tenancy and mum is just keeping an eye on my dad making sure he doesn’t go like gallivanting all round London in 30° heat , anyway I’ll leave you for now methotrexate stomach has gone thanks 👍

    have a nice night’s sleep although I’m not sure that any of us will be able to sleep that well oh dear well do our best and then we can get up early and have a walk, good plan? tc Xx

    Ps pic is of winter tea Party lol. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,607

    Hello all 😊 lovely day.. not sure for what exactly, only really suitable for loafing about, but lovely all the same. I was not too tired thank you frog, although I would be even better if I had not been up v late repacking an ebay parcel because I suspected I'd packed my metal ruler in with it as I couldn't find it anywhere 🤔 it was quite a complicated packing job, a box inside a box, for Australia of all places; even after I'd unpacked it & there was no sign I couldn't convince myself I'd looked properly & had visions of having to ask someone to send it back from down under (I know, it's a ruler 😂 but I've had it for years it's like a part of me!). Anyway it turned up so all was well apart from being a twit who does their sellotaping at silly hours. Well all's well that ends well with your ebay saga too, give or take; you do wonder what proportion of people are honest and say something has arrived after having a refund (assuming there's no way it can be proven, tracking etc), don't know if it would be depressingly few or surprisingly high. I am really getting fed up with ebay mucking about with the site layout & listing features &c 🙄 the latest is changing the profile page for the worst including sticking your shop logo in a circle (what is the obsession with circles), so anyone's nicely designed logo now looks chopped off & silly. No warning 😕. Hope Lucy is feeling ok and all the best for if she does go in tomorrow. That really is an ungenerous sick leave allowance, heaven knows. On reflection I think I've come around to giving my scarecrow vote to either pigtail girl or the Camp Green Lake inmate, because they have the proper cross-post arms. In any case your neighbours can't win the competition, I'm afraid, I'll have to put my foot down there 😉. xx

    Hi bosh, having just been saying that ebay is annoying me haha, yes I have been there a long time & mostly I like it, it's just they keep changing things. It is good that you can sell stuff you couldn't easily do otherwise & sometimes I just like to find a good home for something rather than give it to charity & not know who's bought it. Overseas post isn't too bad because they have this thing called 'ebay global shipping' where you send your item to a central hub in the UK and they handle the international shipping bit for you, that means they deal with customs & insurance &c. I have done my own overseas post before but that is more trouble actually. Some things about selling can be hassle & like anything things can go wrong but I've never really had major problems or awkward customers etc - a courier once lost one of my parcels and I wasn't fully compensated, but that was my fault for not paying for enough insurance. Yes in terms of seeing overseas places oneself the covid would have put a major damper on that for sure even if there weren't already all the other reasons one can't go 😔 I guess the internet makes up for things a bit you can take virtual tours of art galleries etc but at the same time it's sad to not go in person. Sorry HV has been a bit combustible today but at least if it's on and off that's better than full scale lava flow, maybe choc chip ice cream acts like a minor fire extinguisher on volcanoes 🤔🍨. Funny that it was teddy bear's picnic day yesterday I wish I'd known! but I did have plenty of tea 😉 so I suppose I celebrated it by accident, unfortunately unlike the good little teddy bears I did not go to bed at 6 o'clock. Hope you can get some reasonable sleep even if it's not the room with the fan and it will be a touch cooler tomorrow maybe :) xx

    Hello joan very warm today the best bit was in the garden this evening, by then it's just a nice temperature but not much time before it gets dark. I saw Mrs Blackbird last thing before she went to roost I don't know if they are going to nest again it would be warm for sitting on eggs you would think! 🐣 Have a good day tomorrow :) xx

    Lovely to see you Kitty thank you for posting the picture 😊 xx

    Love to Barbara too & family 😘 xx

    Thinking of Mike & Vixen xx and anyone currently absent. 💕

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,231

    Morning everyone!

    It's supposed to be stifling and cloudy today - great combination that - NOT!!!😠

    Mike if you call by we are all still rooting for you and hoping that you are recovering well from your treatment and very very much that it has been successful sending strength and ((())) xxx

    Joan how are you two doing? It's rather hot here are you both coping ok in the heat? I drank over 3 litres yesterday which is good I think. Lucy is doing really well all clear now. She has done very well. Have a good day and stay cool ((())) xxx

    Kitty what a lovely view you can watch the comings and goings. ☺️Is that a pic from your new and better camera? Kitty rang me last night and told me that she is now testing negative so she has done so well! Even better than Lucy such a relief. Sleek is going over daily to check up on her and remove the mugs they keep leaving in her room. Sleek likes the place nice and tidy😸

    Morning Reshmi. I hope you are well today and if you manage a walk it is early.

    My Dad used to buy treats like ice cream or cakes when he was doing DV! On some level they must know they are being badly behaved and out of order don't you think? but in this weather it is rather nice.....

    Mum wants you to visit your family? Ah i see, but it's your quiet time on your own. She probably worries about you being alone and doesn't realise how much you need some space and peace at times. You can only do what you can - if this weekend's MTX belly is ok maybe go at the last minute if not I hope she will understand ((())) I would be interested to know how much BIL has grown while they are away and not in a good way like the boys!!!!

    I am so pleased to hear your stomach has settled a little. Just in case it helps mine doesn't like artificial sugars (stevia is ok) and normal anti-inflams like ibuprofen/aspirin. Just in case it helps. Cheese sadly is a definite no-no for me and I used to love it.

    I hope the London property gets sorted ASAP and Mum can stop worrying about your Dad in this heat. Temperatures are often far worse in London so she has a point. I bet he won't drink water either🙄

    Thank you for the cool photo it was lovely the night-time one and the little girl all wrapped up with her cup of hot chocolate awww.💜

    can't post photos today not sure why will try again later...

    If you call by Barbara I am sending my love and replied to you yesterday ((()))

    Morning Toady how are you today? All is well here Lucy is fine incredible and Kitty rang to say sh was negative already!! She can leave her room today yippee!

    That is me! I would have been convinced my ruler was on it's way to down under too! Typical it wasn't in there after your careful packing and unpacking and now repacking🙄I get it that ruler is precious. I would be exactly the same.

    Ebay is a great marketplace, but has a lot of competition now as you know with Vinted and others so maybe it's trying to 'modernise' itself? No idea why it would need to don't fix what ain't broken! Did you have a lovely logo which is now spoiled?😕 stoopid ebay. I very much hope most people are honest, but some are con merchants possibly both ways. I once left my mobile phone in the car of the lady in France who took us to the airport... she posted it (I know she did) and the box arrived empty! I was devastated it had all the pictures when Lucy was ill (none of her don't worry) just the hospital, views, drips, signs etc memories lost forever.

    The green thingy was done by children as was the girl in the dress and they must win to encourage them don't you think. As you said they are 'real' too much more authentic😊

    Overcast and hot today can't think of much worse. I am going to have some ice cream Reshmi's idea.

    Will start watering the garden soon no hoses just watering cans....

    Planted extra kale for Charley and Annie's bearded dragons and must get them to germinate.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,247

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) That’s good you are testing negative. Lovely photo from your room. Take care. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) have a good day. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) that’s good you found your ruler. Have a good day

    Toni (()) that’s good Lucy is better (()) Sue likes it hot I like it but not too hot it’s better than the cold. Thank you for saying about Kitty. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day that’s good your tummy is feeling better. Love to your mum (())

    Mike (()) we miss you I hope all is well there love to vixen

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,338

    Hello everybody welcome to tropical Tuesday ha ha just a quick one I think because I still haven’t got a lot of jobs done

    hi toady 🐸 I do actually have a fan in my room but the problem is that room is too hot to go in in the daytime so the room I’m in most of the time doesn’t really have a proper fan. Hows the day going so far? Thanks For the info about eBay it’s good to know ice cream acting as a buffer that’s a funny one ha ha okay I’ll leave it for now because it’s another yucky hot day and even though my stomach is more or less okay eczema is feeling nasty really okay take care I’ll try to write more later. Xx

    ps pic is of my tea in the front garden today lol, Tc. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,338

    Hi Toni 🌺how are you today ?

    I am not too bad thanks in general stomach is more or less okay eczema is playing up a bit but that’s normal

    i hate this kind of weather don’t you? however much I wash I’m sweating away in a most unladylike manner lol.

    yes i take your point about artificial sugar I’ve cut down 😀also can’t have ibuprofen could be fatal for me (ulcer).

    my mum is calmed down a bit now maybe she was feeling unwell I don’t know but she’s realise that me going out on a summers evening unnecessarily would be to difficult for me so that’s good.

    I see so your dad was a bit of DV sometimes too, that’s interesting lol.

    had similar car characteristics to mine when you were growing up that’s interesting,

    How are things with you today? how are Lucy and Paul ?

    I’m not too bad at the moment thank i think it’s cooled down a little so that’s good, yes London is definitely warmer than a lot of places but compare to Reading not a massive diff but the thing is that flat is not that big and fairly airless 🤢.

    I did manage a walk early this morning thanks Toni which was good

    Id better stop for now hope that your afternoon is going okay Toni and take care. Xx

    ps pic Winter coffee image for those who like partaking in this particular beverage, lol. Tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,338

    hi Joan how are you and Sue doing today? yes stomach is more or less normal thank so that’s really good after all this time hope you and Sue enjoy the day take care.xx

    hi Barbara how are you Mr B doing today? take care xx

    Ps pic of my ideal summer’s day lol.

    Tc. Xx

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    One of the lounges

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein