Val's Cafe



  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,607
    edited 12. Jul 2022, 17:25

    Hello lovely people 😊 nice day for those of us that can stand it, although even I wonder why I have been ironing curtains, painting, and researching a new kitchen hob 🤔 all the hottest themed jobs I can find, why don't I just go up & do some sorting in the attic while it's like a furnace 🔥😂. Nice out of doors though because it's overcast, this morning was lovely I sat out and chatted to Mrs B 😀 how is the watering frog, and why no hoses.. there's not a ban is there.. I always use my watering can I don't have a hose, a workman once expressed shock & horror I don't have an outside tap, like it was tantamount to living in the Dark Ages 🤨. Does take a bit of keeping up with at the moment doesn't it (maybe you will get rain like me). So glad to hear about Lucy and Kitty haven't the girls done fantastically 😊 and lovely to see Kitty's surroundings. Sorry about your lost phone I do think I remember that happening 😕 you always wonder where is it now, somebody knows. The other way round, I bought a laptop with all someone's stuff still on, contacted them to check it hadn't been stolen or something; no reply (but they were alive & well, were on linkedin etc). Honest or not, people are odd. I don't have an especially fab ebay logo, no, just as well, but it will still need redoing. Also it now people how many items you've ever sold, don't think there was anyway way to see that before (mind your own business, frankly! 🙄). No news from me so have a pic or 2 of one of the blackbird chicks (think I can risk it now 🤞) - the one perched on the bench was its first day out of the nest, look at that tiny tail 😍 the other a little older. And one of the resident bold little mice 🐀.

    Hi to bosh hope you're doing ok, sorry the eczema is being a nuisance 😕 it would be much nicer for you in the garden with the tea and the lovely things, hope it's at least a bit better over the next few days. The frosty river is a bit cold for me but that's why I can look at it today and appreciate the beautiful sunset, and that view - how fabulous to see into the distance like that 😍 instead of someone mowing their lawn 20 feet away out of the window in their back garden. (Everyone has been quite quiet lately actually so better not grumble!) Have a good evening and glad to read that you might have been able to call a truce over your sister's birthday 👍️ xx

    Hello Kitty lovely to see more of where you are, I noticed afterwards that that's buddleia on the left of the view from your window, that grows so fast you'll have been able see it grow while you watch, I expect! So pleased to hear you have tested negative 😊👍️ xx

    Hello to joan too hope things are ok with you both not too hot, I was awake early and the sparrows were being very loud and squeaky, flying to the gutters and the windowsills, one perched on the sill of my open top window I was sure it was going to come in 😮 they are so bold this year I would not be surprised at all. Have a good evening :) xx

    Love to Barbara 👋 it has just started raining.. some washing, a dozen plant pots and a paint roller wetter than when they went out.. that's because I was just saying how lovely it is to get things dry so quickly, silly me 😂 xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

    Mrs B's chicks :)

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,607

    Mouse likes the bricks too (lots of mouseholes!)

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,338

    Hi Kitty

    its nice to hear from you how are you feeling today? that looks like a nice lounge 😀. Tc. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,338

    Hi toady 🐸nice to hear from you just a quick message for now because my sleep was interrupted by the doctor phoning 😡so annoying she didn’t really say much apart from the stomach was okay-ish I’ll go into details tomorrow but she really chose the time to ring I just about managed to miss the call but Id also more or less fallen asleep so thanks for that doctor! anyway you have a good night I’ll chat with you tomorrow, glad you liked the sunset pic. Tc. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,338

    Hi all a little poetic effort by me while I have the energy. Xx

    Poem for VC- Ode to the receptionist?

    Here I wait making something out of nothing,

    A moth with its own flame

    A glowing ember hidden beneath the dark coal,

    A Quiet mouse in your eyes,

    But I am steadily reaching my own goal,

    Oh sacred receptionist - You will not take my spirit this time,

    Nor will you swallow it whole.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,231
    edited 13. Jul 2022, 06:47

    Morning everyone

    Today so far seems a tiny bit cooler but it's early yet.

    Morning Mike I checked again yesterday and you haven't been in since 15th May I do hope all is well sending you ((())) and know we haven't forgotten you xxx

    Morning Joan yes warm weather is nice and sunshine is too, but this is a bit much isn't it?!! Lucy is feeling fine now and in work as I type. Hope you have a good day today ((())) xxx

    Kitty great photos your new phone is taking it's nice for us to be able to picture where you are. It looks really nice there. I had to catch mistress sleekipuss yesterday and de-flea her she hates it! The good things is she now has the 3 month treatment so she gets a rest from me hassling her every month😻

    Well Reshmi that afternoon tea outside actually looks like bliss at the moment! I have the patio doors open here which is cooler but smells of cow poo because of where we live. Still far better than petrol fumes I suppose.

    Of course no ibuprofen for you after the ulcer gosh no far too risky! me and lucy get belly ache on it as well as some artificial sweeteners Charley and Tia are fine like Paul. Such is life some of us are sensitive in the stomach area; just are aren't we?

    My Dad could really do DV! wow yes and my Mum could do MV which I think looking back might have been more to do with DV and some underlying depression. Looking back Kari and me can see she was depressed a lot of the time. I can well imagine the eggshells you sometimes tread on so carefully ((()))

    I hope you managed a walk this morning I was out after I came back from dropping Lucy off at work so about half 5. I saw deer! about 5 of them so pretty! One day I will get a good photo. Have you managed to get to either of the groups so far this week?

    I am so sorry the flat is like an oven for you it's so tough at the moment although I think today is a bit better I am sort of dreading the weekend when we are in the motorhome. Paul won't cancel though his breaks are vital for his mental health so I'll cope somehow!🙄

    BTW I love the receptionist poem that is so spot on! The receptionists will not defeat us!!!! and the picture is perfect too.

    Oh Toady those chicks!!!! I just love them no wonder you had to protect them at all costs. Quite a cost too - you were exhausted.😴 They are the sweetest little things and your mouse is also at risk from visiting felines you know.

    It was far too hot yesterday it really was. I did do something not ironing curtains (for the room? Is it nearly ready?), but I collected prescriptions, de-flea'd Sleek (a 3 monthly torture for us both), packed up some of P's cards for the cart and cleaned the shower out.

    I think you should use one of your chicks for your shop logo on ebay😊 Seriously a lot of you must be very annoyed about the changes. Cheeky things why does anyone need to know how many items you sold???

    I presume you deleted all mr LinkedIn's stuff from you laptop when he didn't reply honestly people are odd.

    No hosepipe ban yet just warnings there will be if we aren't careful so i am being frugal with my water. Just the seeds, hanging baskets and pots. Everything else should🤞be ok. An outside tap is great, but I also have two large waterbuts which I use where possible the water is a better temperature. My Dad always used to fill his cans early to warm the water up....

    Well have a good day everyone

    Barbara👋 if your eyes let you pop in.((()))

    Breakfast quesadilla😋

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,338

    hi toady 🐸how are you today?

    forecast said it was cooler this morning but when I went outside it was a bit warmer actually, it’s not too bad inside I guess but outside looks terrible🤢. thanks about the mum and sisters birthday issue I think it’s okay now in fact I remember now that mum said she’s not going on Thursday either because there’s no point going almost every day in that terrible heat and also she’s going on Saturday to do some babysitting it may not be a whole day of babysitting but any solitude for me is of course more than welcome 😀. Okay I’ll keep this one fairly short instead of repeating things that’ll be i. Toni’s message, is today any cooler for you compare to yesterday? Or was the forecast lying to us again? Lol. I hope you Enjoy the day and that neighbours stay reasonably quiet take care. Xx

    Ps pic is a celebratory one because it’s of course bastille day tomorrow as well as being my little sisters birthday😀.Tc. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,338

    Hi Toni 🌺how are you today? thanks for liking my poem and the pic

    I hope the motorhome break goes okay in the end I’m not too bad thanks stomach has not as settled as I thought it was a lot better but still not quite ok need to phone the doc again tomorrow tried today but Its a training day or something like that 😡.

    i agree some people stomachs are definitely stronger than others like bills I know he upset his own stomach recently but given the things he eats I’m quite surprised that he hasn’t had a serious stomach problem yet…i think Bill should borrow a few brain cells from receptionist lol.

    Eczema is still annoying me a bit but it usually does at this time of year unfortunately.

    Sister‘s birthday today so that will be nice for her even though she’s working no day off prob working far too late knowing her little innocent sibling workaholic self ☹️.

    On Saturday and parents are doing babysitting probably only for part of the day but def better than nothing because bill is graduating from his part-time finance - buzz Masters course he was doing or something like that.

    I just hope my mum doesn’t get too tired on Saturday and that her diabetes stays under control its a constant worry tho of course I know we all have our own worries one sort or another 😀.

    didn’t go to groups this week to be honest with the heat is like this I don’t go out unless really necessary.

    the groups are fairly casual thing anyway so no one really minds if you don’t turn up temporarily.

    how is L doing today? Is her cough is getting a little bit

    just thought I’d say I am watching “unforgettable” on Amazon Prime video it may be quite an old programme I don’t know but it’s not too bad at all quite relaxing at the end of the day for example it’s just about this lady with a photographic memory works for a crime department but it’s better than it seems something a little bit different worth trying perhaps.

    i see so when you were growing up there there were a few eggshell / lava type situations of your own I understand.

    walk was okay thanks though as I said to toady warmer than the forecast told me which was annoying but at least it’s over now. You saw some deer how lovely. I think I’ll go for now or otherwise won’t get things done hope you have a lovely afternoon and take care. Xx

    Ps pic is Renoir Woman at the garden in honour of bastille day and my sisters birthday. Tc. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,338

    Hi Joan

    how are you and Sue today? I’m not too bad thank you stomach hasn’t quite settled thought it had but it’s not quite there yet so need to phone the doc soon - ish, is it a bit cooler today where you are? It was meant to be cooler here but no signs of it really mum is ok thanks take care bye for now.xx

    hi Barbara how are things with you? how is Mr B? Tc. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,607
    edited 13. Jul 2022, 17:42

    Hi all, another lovely day 😊 sorry to revel in it for the heat-hating people but lord knows it's not for long compared to amount of time I'll be miserable as sin once the temps drop. No they aren't nice little curtains for the small room frog, they're huge great things 😂 for the 'office' (aka dining room I never dine in), hence the stupidly large ironing job. The small bedroom is coming on 😀 one wall to go, and then it's a matter of to ceiling or not to ceiling, well I will have to in the end, but when, is the question. I have done enough of that sort of thing for the moment so I am internet shopping today instead 😉. Some fun, some boring. The ebay changes do annoy the heck out of people but they never listen to complaints needless to say 🙄 one of the very worst things they ever did was bring in 'good til cancelled', which (as you may know) means your items roll on & renew automatically every 30 days unless you end them manually, rather than just 'dropping off' if unsold. Awful for so so many reasons 😕 I did look into Vinted and may well give it a go but doubt I'd get the ebay traffic especially overseas. Much more attractive fee structure than Depop etc though, well for the seller anyway. The person's laptop, I removed the hard drive & sold the machine back eventually, I could (should?) wipe the drive I suppose. Yes I see that being careful with water now is a good preventive move, hope things are surviving ok - hoping to go out & get a few things done this evening so had better get my Tesco shop done asap (yawn). All birdies fine, yes mrs cat next door would certainly (and has) like to get her paws on the mice too, I do my best with plenty of safe hideyholes for them but apart from that the most I can do is carry on trying to keep her away 😔. Have a good evening and all the best with prep for the upcoming weekend away xx

    No Joan today? (unless I can't see a post for a funny reason), I don't think I missed mention of any appointments to go to etc, do hope everything is ok! 😧xx

    Hello bosh, hmm, Bastille Day tomorrow 🗼 what do I know about it.. just the details vaguely.. and that Wordsworth was there shortly after the fall and wrote about it.. and, um, what else, not a lot apparently, oh dear how little one knows about stuff 😳. Better look at Wikipedia! Allons-y, as Doctor Who would say (well the 10th Doctor, anyway, or is that the 14th 🤨 ).Talking of other languages, did you mention you speak any by the way? A little cooler here I'd say, yes, but I haven't been out in it much; cooler again tomorrow though, but a bit hot-weather-gone-mad by the beginning of the week (oh just stay at a nice sensible temps, for heaven's sake, no need to be silly ). Glad you can have some quiet time Sat and hope stomach settles &c xx

    Love to Barbara and Kitty and everybody, will say hello properly soon must get myself out of Tesco & tidy up a bit! 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,338

    hi again

    toady thanks for your nice message you’re right summer never last long even though it definitely feels like it that the time for me ha ha.

    used to speak French and German well did them at uni but that was a long time ago now and speak a bit of Bengali because that’s my origin but I can’t write it and it’s conversational Bengali really.

    dad pretends he can speak French really he can just say bonjour lol.

    Don’t Worry Im no great expert on bastille day in fact I’m sure you know more about it than me one of the few things I know about it is that Toni was alive during that time oh no sorry that was a different Antoinette my mistake lol, only joking of course my lovely Toni 🌺 haha.

    thanks about the quiet time I hope it really happens it just seems to be so little quiet time on balance anyway some is def better than nothing.

    stomach prob is v annoying thing not serious but just restricting and irritating 🤢but thanks for asking about it 😀

    The doctor surgery has a training day today but maybe it’s not really a training day but a crêpe eating day? Perhaps Crepes gateaus with Croissants and whipped cream? So a kind of high sat fats and sugar eating day? Oh dear Receptionists and their kin time to practice what you preach

    oh well hope you have a good night and that may be it’s it’s the right temp for you to go out more in the garden tomorrow take care t and sweet dreams. Xx

    Ps nice cup of herbal tea for you lol. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,231
    edited 14. Jul 2022, 06:18

    Morning everyone who calls in 'old' or new😊

    The kettle is on

    Mike if you call by it's been two months since we saw you I hope you are doing ok and have finished your treatment sending you strength and ((())) xxx

    No Joan?? Gosh I hope everything is ok Joan this is unusual😕 Hopefully just a technology blip. Sending you both my best ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi thank you for that lovely tea☕️ How are you today? My eczema doesn't like heat or allergy weather either so ((()))) for you.

    Definitely some stomachs are stronger than others although I do think BIL ought to be careful about his in the longer term he's putting his under a lot of pressure.

    I hope your sister had a good birthday even if she did go to work. I don't know many parents who take time off for their own birthdays once they have their own children although I bet the world stops on BIL's birthday😉. I don't think in my working life I ever took my birthday off. That's not the same these days is it younger people even have 'birthday weekends'😁

    I can't unlock the motorhome door!! Paul is away and I can't open it. I am a bit scared to try manually as it might set the alarm off I hate alarms they frighten me.😥 I think I had better ring the motorhome company later where we bought it.....reluctantly and probably it is something simple I will feel stupid 😳

    Probably sensible to doge the groups this week hopefully next week will be better good is casual at least. Parents are babysitting this weekend? Aha I hope you get some alone time then that will be nice. I know you worry about your Mum (and she you!), but she is a strong woman (like you!) and should be ok.

    I have celebrated Bastille day in France many times you know it is just gorgeous there teh fireworks the dancing music singing and food 😊 You can't ever forget it then being your sister's 🎂

    My walk was lovely today i am more disorganised and not even dressed at 7am. shameful😂

    Have you read Kitty's poem book? kitty's memories some of her poems are really good.

    Better get on too have a good day!

    Morning to Kitty if you call by I hope you are ahem.....'enjoying' your new found freedom able to go into a lounge.....where no-one is verbal apart from the staff. At least its a change of scene. Sleek is just back reckons she's been to the bungalow and it needs a few jobs before you move in ((())) xxx

    Morning Toadster

    HUGE curtains eh? That's no good. What posessed you to wash them and start a job like that?🤭 mind you I had ours dry cleaned once and the cost!!!!!!!!!!! Ludicrous it was. Never again so i do do them myself now though not that often😳 Good to hear your room is coming along albeit not as fast as you want. In this heat we should pace ourselves.

    I have bought me some new snippers for my garden😊They were recommended by a lady off youtube (small gardens) they were recommended to her for my dead heading and pruning. We must enjoy this weather for what it is of course it doesn't last long does it? Mind you September can be a lovely month can't it? Plenty still to look forward to. Potter later or early i say no point at other times is there too hot and not safe really.

    You know I really am quite worried about Mike and wondering what to do. I could sending him a PM maybe it would then hopefully (if his settings are right) alert his email????

    Good to hear all wildlife is safe and sound for now all good👍️hidey holes are perfect just what they need small creatures. All is well here no recent murders apart from me killing potentially 100s of fleas on Sleek.

    ERm I can't get in the motorhome! No idea what I might have done wrong, but I can't get in it 😕 Paul is away so can't help me either.

    Hi to Barbara if you call by I hope the pool is still out?

    The kids break up this week so expect Niamh to come and make a splash!!

    Sending ((())) to you and Mr B

    Hope you have a vehicle for now at least?

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,247

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) have a good day how is your breathing now (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) have a good day i hope everyone is alright (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) lovely photo’s sorry everything got wet. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) that’s good Lucy being back at work there still seems to be a lot of people who have not had their injections. Have a good time when you go away. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours.

    take care
    joan xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,247

    Good morning everyone Thank you for thinking about me.

    When I came to post this morning I found yesterday’s post still in the comment box.

    Kitty (()) I hope everything is alright there. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) have a good day thinking of you love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) I sorry all the problems you are having.

    Toni (()) yes I’m worried about Mike (()) Sorry you can’t get in your motor home. Have a good day we don’t have this weather for long some places have had rain. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I hope you get the Doctor to day. Love to your mum (())

    Mike (()) how are you we are getting worried about you and vixen

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,338

    Hi Toni 🌺toady 🐸Joan Barbara etc how are you all doing today?

    I am ok - ish thanks but do have GP appointment later about my stomach. I’ll try to post properly later.

    Toni don’t stay locked in motor home phone the number or just open door and risk setting off alarm you’ll boil otherwise!

    bye for now, Tc. Xx

    ps pic is of my sis on her special day haha. Tc xx

  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,917

    Oh gosh Bosh that made me smile🤭

    Thanks for that


  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,338

    hi toady 🐸how are you this evening ?

    it must indeed to be annoying to have a garden that’s so overlooked

    I’m okay at the moment thank you bit sleepy but okay was a bit of a stressful day tho really I went to walk early then got so tired I had to have a bit of Lucozade so I could phone the doctors in time and then I had to go and see the GP in the burning heat 🥵

    anyway so doc is going to do some more tests to check that the stomach problem is not inflammation related or something like that tomorrow is just bloods so that’s good from my perspective

    hope your day went well? take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,338
    edited 14. Jul 2022, 19:44

    Hey Toni how are you?

    sorry I’m just sending a message this late in the day been quite a hectic day in the end I did walk then got so tired i had Lucozade so i could phone gp in time got appointment face-to-face with the GP she examined the stomach and said she’ll do some more tests in case it’s information related

    it was so hot in the car anyway that’s over now for today just a blood test tomorrow at 10:45 not 315

    That’s good that you enjoyed bastille day in France so many times were you living there? Or were you on holiday at the time?

    bill took his wife out for lunch in their lunch break but I think that there was no real romantic gesture no flowers no chocs he didn’t even get LA to “sign” a card yeah that was quite naughty really wasn’t it? and like you said when it’s his birthday whole world stops if not the universe🪐lol.

    I bought a gingerbread man for king of baked goods LA lol.

    Are you okay Toni? did you get the code or whatever for the motorhome door in the end? I hope you Had a nice day I think I have to leave it there because I’m in danger of falling asleep take care Toni enjoy the evening. Xx

    hi Joan how are you and Sue today? I did get doc appointment but they need to do some more tests and got bloods tomorrow hope you both have a good evening / night take care. Xx

    ps pic is of bill the gingerbread man lol. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,607
    edited 14. Jul 2022, 21:52

    Hi all, running late so had better be just a line - but don't worry about me frog I'm not overtired, just a few extra things what with Tesco delivery etc - I will see you tomorrow for a proper post & birdies & garden news 👍️ (if you got into the van ok, do you think you could get have a look at my favourite ratchet screwdriver - I've just got the bit stuck in it, and I'm so cross 😣 😂) love to all xx

    and Joan don't worry about me either my problems are just everyday ones and if I post about some little day to day thing that happens it's probably just for something to write about, or if I think there's a slightly funny side like washing getting wet, it doesn't matter 😊 (I should have thought you probably had a tech reason for not posting but I was not as bright as Toni 💡) glad all's well have a good Friday xx

    and bosh don't worry about Toni, I thought the same as you but re-reading again I think she was probably locked out of the van not locked in, hopefully! and my neighbours aren't so very awful certainly compared to some 😱 I at least have trees on 2 sides and will be growing some more haha, like I said to joan it's mostly passing grumbles (or enjoying having a little catty swipe at people that I can't do to their faces 😉). Back for a proper hello tomorrow well done getting to the drs today in the heat and bloods again tomorrow, eek 😬 hope nurse is on good form🤞. Thank you for all the lovely teas the herbal one last night was ideal :) & what a lovely pink tea table, don't think I even own a tablecloth 😳😂 sleep well xx

    ..and whatever I say we'll all probably worry about each other it's human nature and especially about Mike 😔 I'm not sure what the best thing is to do frog.. you could send a pm it wouldn't hurt would it, though if he isn't well enough to post then you would sort of think that will go for answering pms, I suppose yes he might read an email rather than if he doesn't feel like logging in here. Personally if he is unwell I'd lean to the theory he has 'gone to ground' as I would tend to, and is just in coping / self-protection mode or can't face interacting.. it's a shame there isn't a way to hear news discreetly from someone else, but even then he may not want to be talked about.. oh dear, difficult isn't it. 😟

    Love to Kitty and Barbara and everyone 😘 goodnight all xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,231
    edited 15. Jul 2022, 05:55

    Yes locked out!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reshmi and Toady Locked out I am quite safe my goodness I would have a panic attack if I was locked in😯a real one I do if I get trapped in somewhere. Good news is Paul called the AA last night it was a flat battery in the actual vehicle and is all fixed now😊

    Morning everyone who calls by 'old' and new.

    Mike if you call in I hope you are feeling a bit better and that the treatment has worked. Even if you don't call in I hope the same and that you are doing well now Huge ((())) for you and Vixen xxx

    That's where you were Joan - in your in-box! At least you're ok. Motorhome all sorted we are both looking forward to the break and should be home before it gets terribly hot (on Sunday). Sending you both ((())) xxx

    Morning to you Kitty too if you call by. We are off out in the motorhome soon to Shrewsbury to an 80s festival (will keep well away from other people and take my mask) in this heat! Hopefully we'll be ok and not roast! Any news yet about your bungalow? How are the family are Dawn and Jonathan recovering ok? xxx

    Morning Reshmi I love, love, love the pic of your sister enjoying her birthday celebrations😁

    Well done getting a face to face! Even better that the GP is looking into inflammation. I do think a lot of us with arthritis do seem to have delicate stomachs too don't you? Another blood test? bless you at least it's in the morning not afternoon.

    I didn't live in France (Aidan did though who used to come here quite near where we stay too I saw his old house and met the new people one year) but I did actually want to until Lucy got cancer then I thought no. Not sensible I need to be able to communicate my emotions and my French is good but not that good. Probably like your Bengali more conversational.

    Well I am not impressed with BIL's 'effort' for his wife's birthday. He gets a D- hmmmmph!

    Absolutely LA should have done a card and even BR could have done a scribble on it. She would treasure that for life. I have cards like that from Lucy and charley at a similar age (Tia was nearly 8 when Paul and I got together) and I still look at them.

    Men eh?

    The gingerbread man is adorable isn't he totally stuffed like BIL (temporarily of course!) after he has stuffed hinself🤭

    Thank you for caring about he locked out of the motorhome I was safe and all is well now.

    Morning Barbara I do hope you are all making the most of the weather I can see them all at yours in the pool.

    I will be roast beef by the end of the weekend away in the motorhome😉

    Toady I am glad to hear it's just a bit of overdoing it tired nothing too serious and you will be back on form soon. I am going to water this morning and leave full watering cans for Tia for tomorrow back on Sunday so all should be well. Will leave the greenhouse door open and the tomato and cucumber planters are self watering too will show a pic another time.

    You'll know by now that the motorhome is all sorted so ready to go after lunch today. Sorry i didn't personally fix it it was the AA I wish I could fix your lovely ratchet screwdriver for you😕 there was a time when you could have got a local 'man' to repair it for you...

    Yesterday I had an exciting evening! A friend has moored his boat about 3 miles from here arrived the day before yesterday so I 'hopped' into Penelope and wizzed over to see him. I've been on a boat! Left Paul to wait for the AA.

    Re Mike I think he comes across as being private so am loathe to interfere. I am hoping he has gone to ground and is recuperating quietly and may reappear when he's up to it. I just hope he's ok that's all. I thought I might send a PM then he should get an email alert.

    You take care and enjoy the weather while it's hear someone (cheerful!) told me it's rain and wind from wednesday🙄

    Breakfast anyone?

    minus eggs for vegans of course!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,247

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) have a good weekend they come around quick. I hope you are feeling better. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) have a good weekend I hope you can fix your ratchet.

    Barbara (()) how are you doing love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) that’s good your motor home is fixed have a nice time a way. I read Monty Don is coming back on tv. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) that’s good you had a face to face with your Doctor love to your mum (())

    Mike (()) we hope you are feeling better have a good weekend love to vixen

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,338

    Good morning

    hi all hope you’re all okay?

    Off to the doctors surgery for blood test yay!

    so this is a very quick one will post again later tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,607
    edited 15. Jul 2022, 11:00

    Hello all, oh look, the sun isn't even over the yardarm & toady is up, wonders will never cease 😉 it's so nice out there that before the heat gets up after the weekend I intend to get out and do all my odd fun little gardening jobs so I am getting on with 'any other business' early. All fine in the garden, Mrs B is still coming and going from her nest (sitting? 🤔😬), robin is moulting and looks gorgeous, a fluffy raggledy little bundle; young pigeons are mobbing Dad for food and practically smothering him, poor Dad. Frog is not locked in 😂 and I have freed my screwdriver with the help of some elderly bike oil overnight 😀 so all's right with the world (ish). Actually being locked out is no fun at all if it's your house, have had a few nasty narrow squeaks there 😱 but no comparison to being locked in, no. The opening mechanism is linked to the battery? that doesn't sound a brilliant system. Have you got the new snippers or are they on way in post? I wanted to buy a pot from Dunelm but annoyingly they won't deliver, didn't you mention Lucy had a similar problem or was that for a different reason, out of stock or something? Has she found her extra bits of furniture now? Hope everything going well anyway and she is feeling ok being back at work. I expect you are nearly on way by now so hope not too madly hot for travelling. Ooh, a boat yesterday, lovely! I bet you got a little breeze off the water and everything, how nice. Btw the big curtains were not washed ones, they were what I bought new the other day and confusingly didn't specify, I do need new small bedroom ones but anytime will do for them. These office ones just happened to be cheap so were a casual purchase type thing. Have a good weekend and give my love to the '80s :) xx

    Hope bosh getting on ok at the Drs and that you get a bit of a break from them before they want to start doing the followup stomach checks, and you'll get a bit of time to yourself tomorrow if that's still all on 👍️. Ah I thought you had mentioned having studied German as well as French but wasn't sure I'd remembered correctly, another language would be good not sure I could master one now but I suppose a bit of something is still worth having. Would you say German is as difficult in terms of masculine and feminine &c, or worse for that matter, as French? Have a good as day as poss and 'see' you over the weekend I expect :) xx

    Hello Joan I have fixed my screwdriver thank you, it was my Dad's and a useful one so it's nice to have it working 😀. Have a good day both and the dear dogs. xx

    Love to Barbara, hope you and Mr B able to get out in the car if you want to, do you have an idea when you might get your own xx

    and love to Kitty, hope things going well xx

    and to anyone who calls in xx

    if anyone wants me I will be sitting at bosh's nice shady table with a drink and some 'lemon drizzle cake' cookies, which I have never had before and may be horrible for all I know but were also cheap/on offer 😂 review to follow or just help yourself and live dangerously. xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,338

    Hi Toni toady J and Barbara Hope you’re all doing okay? Sorry really quick message now at least that’s my aim as I can’t really delay having the delicious methotrexate anymore, feeling quite weak these days as well maybe result of the stomach problem. Glad you got locked out and not locked in Toni 👍. Hi again toady never too late to learn as they say they mind you I can imagine learning after a long gap would may involve a lot of effort and hassle. Hi Joan I hope that you and S are okay today? Hi Barbara how are you and mr B? I’m not too bad Thanks everyone but my parents are doing a massive vegetable frying session or something house is just hotter than my sisters forehead after a lack of proper gift from husband ha ha.

    I think that’s it for now otherwise I won’t have methotrexate or get everything done in time sorry about that may post again later on today depending on energy levels take care. Xx

    I think its National spinach day or something like that but since spinach is not very photogenic I’ve called it national folic acid day here some sunflowers whose seeds are v nutritious lol. Tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,338


    how are you are? Are you having a nice evening / night? I didn’t have vampire nurse today so that was a good thing, as for languages I have always found German more difficult grammar, genders, word order etc, is pretty terrible but I took it as a challenge lol.

    don’t worry no harm about venting about neighbours from time to time ha ha.

    hope you have a good night, Tc. X

    Ps It’s a spinach dragon in honour of national spinach day. Xx