Val's Cafe
Hi all - will be quick again sorry - update on Mrs B, did not see her all day til around 6pm and suddenly there she was in the back garden. Had something to eat and went to her nest within an hour or so. Good news is she was definitely putting her foot down a little better, opening it out flat rather than holding the foot up and with the toes bunched together - so even if she was only lightly resting her weight on it, she must have feeling in the toes & control over them. Thanks all for the good wishes & for bearing with me especially as it's not guaranteed to be a happy story, but I have also seen all 3 chicks today too so they all made it this far as well. I was up at half four again as the cat was sighted, thank you Mr B for the 'alarm', I will go round tomorrow and see if I can rework a couple of my cat deterring obstacles - I'd be happier if Mrs B was at the front because the cat, well next door's at least, doesn't go out there as far as I know. It's raining at the moment and I hope it keeps it up in a bizarre twist for me, heavy rain all night would be a dream come true haha.
Lovely to see your baby veg frog 😊 those first tiny green toms, aren't they great. Mine are behind, like everything this year but it's hardly surprising really, I've had a lot of harassment as Frank Spencer would say! For the same reason I didn't take much notice of the peat free compost feel, too busy just chucking it frenziedly into pots (my internet search history is 90% 'how late can you plant....' 😂), also I don't have any hanging baskets so I wouldn't notice the draining out effect. I love your delphinium, is it a Lavender White Bee perchance? Poor old Oreo, and he sounds so lovely! 😟 and poor Tia's husband, oh gosh I feel for him, what a terrible tale. (have never wanted to drive I don't mind a bit of risk-taking but not that sort, doesn't bear thinking about). Do hope kitty goes on steady! Hope all well today and I guess you are getting later starts which, even if odd, must be something. Sorry if I've missed much I'm not quite the full shilling obviously and have had ebay odds to do &c, have a good day all xx
Hi bosh thank you for the nice goodnight post and glad you're not too bad today, very very good luck with the reduced dose and I hope they get a move on with telling you what's next, you want to know what's what obviously, anyone would. Certainly a spooky sounding surgery 😱, my nurses are mostly ok but the doctors are all super sporty cycling runners etc and frankly I suspect them of being undead or maybe AI doctors or something along those lines, they're just a bit too perfect 🤨. Still, pleased to say I have kale today so the veg-monitoring witches won't get me either 😄. Hope you have an ok night and a good day tomorrow. Love all the pictures btw such nice quiet neighbourhoods nobody putting in double glazing like they have been here all day a few houses up 🙄 and especially the pretty one with the fox, very peaceful xx
Hope you have a good day tomorrow Joan, Sue & doggies, enjoy the tennis if you are watching, it must have changed the course of things when they couldn't hold it and disappointing for anyone who was maybe destined to win that year.
Love to Kitty & Barbara and all fellow cafe-ers xx
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Morning anyone who pops into the cafe 'old or new' visitors all welcome
the kettle is always on
Oh dear me still no Mike. I think that treatment must have really taken it out of you our friend. I am sending you some 💪 strength and ((())) xxx
Morning Joan nope the good news is that Oreo is still here by some miracle😊. He had his check up at the vet yesterday and is allowed out of the cage more and cone off under supervision not outside yet though. The worst thing was it was Tia's husband's birthday the day it happened! I must see if my lovely neighbours are up to visitors yet. carers 4 times a day is a lot ((())) xxx This is important look
Kitty me duck if you get online (I know you struggle a lot with it in the home) we all still talk about you. Sleek insists that all is well you are fine and she has it 'in paw'. I better butt out
Morning Reshmi I would be feeling washed out if my meds were being altered so radically too and all the blood tests no peace for you is it? Be warned Sleek thinks she can do bloods.....
DV blew then? I hope his steam has run out by now ((())) for you and your Mum.
So the receptionist is also a hairdresser? That is quite some diverse skill set there😉Maybe not if she listens....hairdressers listen don't they?
Have you seen this?
Our admins are leaving. I know they won't leave us without any, but I will miss them they've always been so helpful.
I love your little 'monster' looks very friendly. Thanks for the book recommendation I will certainly give it a go it sounds different which I like.
Hoping today you feel a lot more yourself ((()))
Morning Toady I am so glad that Mrs Blackbird is looking better. What a relief that is! Sounds very promising from your description and 3 chicks all safe and sound.❤️ OUr birds shout peep peep peep when there's a cat too here. 4.30 you are almost up as early as me at the moment. I hope you aren't too washed out and goood luck with the cat deterrent obstacles I hope you can change things enough again to put him off.
Oreo is doing very well the vets can't believe it, he is now allowed limited time out of the cage. Mikey will remember it every year on his birthday bless him. If I ever hit anything I can't see me driving again even in my little pink car. Nope.
Have you seen that Yvonne and Bryn are leaving? I am really quite upset Yvonne has been around as long as me I'm sure. They will be missed. I put the link above in case you wanted to say goodbye.
My delphinium is Aurora light blue (one of my nieces is Aurora) another is coming into flower now the other failed sadly....I bet that baby tom has shed it's flower by now I must check later. The rain came last night and it looks nice out there today. Hopefully yours will catch up very soon. Then I need pics of your baby 🍅 toms.
Barbara I hope all is well with you and yours I expect those eyes are making it very very hard to get on now. I do hope you can get some tech to help with reading soon sending ((())) xxx
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good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I hope you are getting on all right. Love to everyone (())
Toady (()) that’s good mrs blackbird foot is a bit better. Have a good day
Barbara (()) have a good day love to your big family (())
Toni (()) I’m sorry Yvonne and Bryn are leaving good luck to them. Thant is a lot of times that your neighbour has the carers sue has them 3 times a day. They give sue her life they put her on her scooter so she can walk her dog. That’s good Oreo can stay out of his cage longer. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) I hope your tablets are working better now. Love to your mum (())
Mike (()) how are you feeling now love to vixen
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Toni 🌺toady 🐸 Barbara Joan all okay?
I’m sweating much like a Peppa Pig over here tbh lol, feeling a bit washed out today too tbh T but thanks so much for asking, prob yesterday was that it was a afternoon appointment practically noon so isn’t that just a lovely time for us some hot weather haters? Hmm.
b set today was morning as per usual so thank goodness for that
just still not feeling too good Tony physically mentally okay at least as far as I can judge
how’s things with you? I must admit I’ve not really got the time to write a proper message right now but thanks so much for your kind wishes hope the day goes ok
Hairdressers are good at listening this is true.
Just wanted to add quickly I live near Waitrose so I’m lucky in that respect well it’s near for drivers. Is poss to walk it but quite hard walk only did it pre PsA.
Hi again t how are you doing today? glad you like the pics, I hope things are more or less okay with you today I’m feeling a bit better than yesterday thanks but not really hundred percent physically at all but no doubt I’ll perk up as the day goes on hope today is an okay one for you healthwise and generally take care. Xx
hi Joan I’m feeling somewhat better in some ways thank you , mum is ok atm
yes Toni sad about the mods
okay got to go now pic is pride smoothie to celebrate last day of pride month everybody Tc. Xx
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Hello all sorry can only read so much ..had my hair done today colored and cut instread if me doing it..she let me stand iver the sink becase my head dosent go back 🙃
Toni hiw sad that our admin are leaving they have been wonderful and will be sorely missed
Sorry I have missed what happened to Tias husband hope ge us OK I think Lucy is a star ..she will be nervous bless xx
Toady it's so kind if you to watch out for the birds. Especially in the early hours...thank goodness they have a good alarm system ..and lovely to hear Mrs B is recovering..the 2 that come in the house know were the rasins are kept ..😅can't get a pic becase they panic bless xx
Reshmi what a strange nurse cackling...must say the ine that does myblidds us very good or I would dread it..hope they mange to get your meds just right xx
Joan I'm sorry they are still cloung the underpass was a good cut through..have you still got the ring abd ride ..we have lost ours xx
Love to all xxxxx
Barbara0 -
Hi Barbara
nice to hear from you I’m not too bad thanks just tired, that was nice that you got your hair done I also have problems to some extent leaning into the basins when I get my haircuts I don’t know why they have to be designed like that I’m usually gritting my teeth until I can position my neck normally as well haha, yeah The nurse is an odd character there is no doubt there she also said that I get a prettier nurse tomorrow lol I almost said I don’t really care care about the aesthetic qualities of the nurse as long as he or she does the job properly - my arm took v long to stop bleeding today - far from ideal. Hope you have a nice evening Barbara take care. Xx
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Hello all 😊 bit of a drizzly old day but at least the wind not so constant. All well on the Mrs B front at present, hopping around and quite active today, definitely using her foot more, and more properly balanced. Have kept a good eye on her today but not sure when she went to roost, hopefully will be ok overnight - I slept til later today so will go off shortly now and if it's an early start tomorrow I've had a better day to prepare for it. Have been doing some more painting including the window recess, which I was going to leave for now but thought better of it. Ideally I'd like to get the main wall as you go in done next but there's a rather fiddly boxed in slopey bit in the roof angle that I ought to do first.. will need some sanding and filling at an awkward angle for us non bendy neck people, and let's not even mention ceilings 🙄 but I suppose I'll have to bite the bullet & get on with it (being naturally lazy but don't like to cut corners is not a good combination of personality to have, I don't recommend it haha). Anyway will have to leave it here and hope everyone as well as poss this evening, and will write a proper post tomorrow so hold that thought as they say & will look forward to catching up with my today's replies then. Thanks as always for the hellos & good wishes & encouragement 😘 and best to bosh for tomorrow's blood test as I probably won't be in til after your appointment, hope it goes better and have a good morning everyone else xx
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Morning everyone
The kettle is
Mike we are all still very much thinking of you and rooting for you. I hope you are at least recovering now from your treatment. Sending yo my daily supply of strength and ((())) xxx
Joan yes 4 times a day is a lot for my neighbours, but she has a very bad pressure sore and requires bed rest during the day so that's partly why. He isn't really capable of lifting her too often though he does of course. Where would we be without carers eh? Oreo is a miracle cat though that must be about 8 of his 9 lives he used up there! ((())) xxx
I got hold of Kitty yesterday. She is doing ok no news about the flat and is waiting to hear from her Social Worker. They have moved her into a better room at the home, much bigger and away from some of the noise. It sounds like a hotel suite. The staff all sound like they love her I'm not surprised she is so appreciative of everything they do for her.
Morning Reshmi how are you today? I'm so glad you seem ok mental health wise on the lower dose and hope 'they' are pleased with how your bloods are doing. Bloods in the middle of the day at this time of year - not so good - in the winter good😉 early in the winter can be tooooo cold!
Thank you for the smoothie I will have it today pride month is ending. Do I need to take my flag down tomorrow do you think? I love it it's so pretty as well as having such inclusive meaning.
How lovely being withing (fairly long) walking distance of a Waitrose. I think I said ours is miles away.I can so an ocado shop which used to be linked with Waitrose now it's M&S. Mind some of M&S's vegan food is rather nice.....
Thank you for asking I am not so bad at all. We are going up to Newbiggin tomorrow for the weekend it will be a nice change my friends have a caravan up there, but we will be in a bungalow on the beachfront! I can't wait.
Will there be an excess family visit this weekend for you I wonder🤔
Morning Barbara I barely recognised you there! You look 10 years younger 😉or was it 20 Aidan used to say? How lovely and what a good idea getting a professional in at home. Much better.
Mikey Tia's husband is ok (sort of) he ran over one of their Cats, Oreo, ast week. After emergency surgery at a veterinary hospital in Crewe he is doing well recovering at home. The worst of it was it was Mike's birthday.
I am quite upset our admin are going they have been around for uscha long time and their tech experience has been invaluable.
I hope all is well will everyone? Including your brother?
Morning Toadster how the diddly are you today?
I can't do ceilings like you my neck gets set off and can be trouble for a long time after that....maybe a long pole and standing well back so you don't look up too much more over and slightly upwards🤔 The fiddly slopey corner...hmmm sounds tricky. Well done doing the recess though I am impressed.
I am glad to hear Mrs Blackbird is still looking well so we know she and the babies should be ok for now at least. While cat watch (you) are still there to help guard them all. You are doing a sterling job there.
Sometimes a short message is just fine. You must be shattered living such odd hours as you are ATM, but it's working and worth it.
Oh I must check how is the arch doing???
We have done no more with ours yet.... Thinking roses maybe not i have such trouble with sawfly here for osme reason.
Less windy yes, but still those random showers🙄
Shall I get some food on?
'proper' pancakes none of your American ones here!
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) that’s nice you have been given your own room. Thinking of you take care. Love to Anita (()) Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) that’s good Mrs blackbird is getting on alright. I cannot climb ladder’s any more. Have a good day.
Barbara (()) you feel better when your hair is done don’t you. Yes we still have dial a ride. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) Thank you for saying about Kitty it’s nice to know how she is. Have a good weekend away. Bed sores are not good. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy ((()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) I hope you have a good day and your mum (())
Mike (()) How are you we care about you (()) love to vixen
take care
joan xx0 -
hi Toni 🌺 toady 🐸 Barbara and Joan i hope that you’re all reasonably ok today?
hi Toni I’m not too bad thanks practically asleep but not too bad ha ha another day another dollar sorry blood test for me lol, diff Nurse today much more experience knew what she was doing didn’t stab me several times like a pincushion lol.
No EF not visiting soon they’re going on hol soon to island of Spain as far as I remember whether planned in advance or impulsive no one really knows thats how secretive my sister is goodness knows why lol, she rang my mum recently asking if she’s got a spare suitcase as she doesn’t have any suitcases what were they going to do otherwise go on holiday with bin bags?
By the way LA day mentioned recently that Slough is also a holiday place for him that’s because his parents took him there to buy his bicycle, so he said he’s going on two holidays one to Reading and one to Slough such glamorous tourist destinations my goodness locations that indeed to speak to the poetry in my soul haha or perhaps not 😀.
hope you have a nice time in the bungalow on the beachfront that sounds lovely.
Nice colours in the pride flag indeed, No need to take it down if you don’t want to 😀.
My stomach was really not okay this morning I was wondering if I’d be able to make it to the blood test but just about managed it.
DV has erupted already ☹️. MV is spurting lava from time to time I can understand that I know She doesn’t feel well all the time at all so I’m just trying to keep out of their way as much as poss.
I keep getting emails about just eat regarding cheeky Tuesday discounts etc almost replied back well to be honest for me it’s more like diarrhoea doomsday rather cheeky Tuesday (sorry if that’s offensive mods by all means delete if necessary).
bye for now Toni really need to rest and I’ll try and write another instalment later on take care everybody. Xx
Ps saw this pic T and thought of you lol. Xx
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hi toady 🐸
how are things going with you today? I’m not too bad at the moment thank you very sleepy but in a good way after a nice hot shower my mum bought these new back cushions for me from B&Q bless her and they’re so nice and comfortable like a bed so basically and I’m a bit over comfortable right now but don’t worry first sign but I’m on the verge of snoring 💤 I will of course detach myself from my tablet lol, Isn’t it odd in a way that we are so much in the hands of the people that the schedule hospital and doctors appointments etc? I’m not sure why my blood test had to be so late in the day yesterday by late in the day I mean noonish not early morn sorry not being v clear but of course I needed to go and I went but it just made such a difference to everything in a bad way for me anyway today was a normal one so thank goodness for that what have you been up to today?
how’s the weather? where I am there’s been a lot of rain which I don’t personally mind too much but I know you don’t like rain and of course definitely not good to a good day for being in the garden did you say that you get migraines in the damp weather? I can’t quite remember. I hope you enjoy what’s left of the day it’s later than I thought actually ha ha save a cup of tea for me 😀 my stomach is it’s a bit dodgy to be honest It was really dodgy this morning so I had a packet of crisps just now and I pretended it was a carob cake or lurid pride cake or to be honest any cake 🎂 lol.
toady hope you have a good night. Xx
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Hello people, bit earlier today as I was up early - the unholy half four again, seems to be letting-out time for certain cats mentioning no names at least there seems to be a pattern as it's the third time that Mr B has squawked up then almost to the minute, even if not every day. Therefore aiming to wind my whole day towards going to bed early for obvious reasons 🙄 we were supposed to have rain overnight but it never really materialized which is a shame. Anyway all birdies well and Mrs B hopping nicely and using her foot to perch with etc, slightly favouring the other still but if I didn't know she had had a problem with it I probably would not look at her and think anything of it. Hopefully the better she is the more safe she will be which is a relief. The chicks are still pestering Dad for food but have been out of the nest a good fortnight - and one was helping themselves to my redcurrants 🍒(< artistic licence) so if that counts as learning to fend for yourself then hopefully will be soon off to their own territory. It was nice enough to sit out with them earlier for a while, but did not get much done, and the arch has taken a bit of a back seat as you can imagine frog but will pick up again soon I hope. Yes I have rose sawfly too, and various other fairly interesting beetles etc, which I have been taking an interest in lately (covid boredom!) but I expect you would rather the sawflies went somewhere else to be interesting haha - how are your insect hotels, I can't remember where you were at as regards occupancy 🐞🐝. Ah, lovely Aurora delphinium thanks, don't your family have good names! I have chucked myself into the painting today in the hopes that I am so befuddled at the moment I will barely realize I have done it, a la Scott Fitzgerald's The Lost Decade 😂 at least it will then be a nice surprise to think I don't still have it to do. As far as ceilings go it's such a small room there isn't much scope for standing well back with a pole! but yes it will have to be something of that sort. Glad to hear Oreo is able to have some time out & collarless I remember vividly my cat being able to take hers off, oh joy. Poor Mikey it could have been worse that's all you can say but it must have given him the absolute horrors. Sorry to hear your neighbour has a pressure sore 😔 but good news that Kitty has a better room, the less noise the better hugely affects wellbeing. Lovely to see the pdf archive of Kitty's Memories too today 😀. Love to all and have a lovely break, give my regards to the North xx
Hello Joan, no I'm not very happy on ladders but luckily the ceiling that needs painting is low, at most you would only need to go up one step and I can probably just paint it from the ground somehow. I do miss being able to look up properly though! But at least my neck isn't painful that's the main thing. Sorry to hear it is coming up to the time when your subway will be closed, the people who take these decisions, it never affects them does it. 🙄 Hope you have had a good day thank you for your good wishes to Mrs B 🐦️ :) xx
Hi bosh and glad to hear you were not used as a pincushion today it reminded me of this Calvin & Hobbes cartoon (I love Calvin & Hobbes haha) I imagine there is some similarity between Calvin & LA except if he had a stripey tiger he may have liberated it from BR, just a theory. How long do you have to have the daily bloods, (sorry if you've said) ..sorry HV is rumbling away hope not too much steam and ash about the place 😬. Thank you for the picture, now if I could just train this cat to train its owner maybe it could coerce them to move house then we could all live happily ever after. Apart from the poor people that got them as new neighbours 😉. Joining in on the Waitrose subject, I used to have one about 3 miles away but it closed, so like Toni I could only shop online now.. well if she switched from Ocado.. but it's not the same, it's the stores I liked 😕. Hmm EF are going away, well no excess cooking & visits but no babysitting visits either so it's swings & roundabouts I guess 🤔 ⚖️ Have a good evening hope not feeling too bad at this end of day :) x
Waves at Barbara 👋 hopefully there will not be too many more early mornings once the chicks have flown shouldn't be long now, mind you I don't really want the cat in the garden at all chasing my mice & whatnot if I can help it.. oh I love yours coming in to see you & find their raisins, birds are so clever.. people don't realize, well silly people don't 🙄. Glad you had a nice haircut I can't bend backwards either, or look up much, I probably miss all sorts there could be martian spaceships hovering above when I'm in the garden, who'd know 👽️😂. Hope both as well as poss love to all xx
Love to Kitty too either if she calls or if Toni passes messages on, am going to look at Kitty's Memories tomorrow when I'm more awake 😺👍️ xx
and love, tea, good wishes and all that sort of thing to Mike & Vixen and anyone else currently absent xx
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Just a p.s. because as will be apparent I missed bosh's post, my fault I took awhile writing mine while I stopped & looked at another couple of things then I posted without refreshing. Anyway thank you for the goodnight pic, it wasn't a bad day but short on sleep as I didn't have a brilliant night & then was up early but still got some things done. Very wet here 🌧️ I'm only still up because I'm choosing my moment to take the bin out haha, I don't get migraines thankfully, just when it's very overcast get that oppressive/atmospheric pressure feeling but that's like most people probably. I don't like the rain but currently being fixated with next door's cat I'll take any weather that keeps it indoors lol. Hopefully the EF will get better holiday weather than this! & you will get a nice postcard from Spain and/or Slough 🌞😄✉️. Anyway I most certainly did save you a cup of tea and I hope in combo with the nice back cushions it helped make for a bit of a relaxing time & hope too your stomach is better tomorrow :) x
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Morning everyone
Brrrr it's chilly this morning I think I'll put the kettle on
Morning you you Mike I hope you see our messages soon and know how much we have all been rooting for you. I hope the treatment is over and you are recovering well. Love to you and Vixen ((())) xxx
Joan you are right pressure sores are very dangerous indeed so a lie down on the airbed is essential for my neighbour. Kitty is going to be very happy when she finds out that one of @Brynmor's last activities was to print her latest poetry book. Are you two out today? If so take your brolleys or raincoats! ((())) xxx
Kitty me duck I hope if you get on you are thrilled to see you book has been sorted out by our Admins a final job before they retired yesterday. Maybe they didn't retire, but have gone on to do something different. Wherever they are our loss will be someone else's gain. I hope you aren't getting lost in your big room! Sleek is bringing you some sweet peas from the garden
See you soon love and ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi how are you doing today? I hope a little less tired. What a pleasant surprise a nurse who can take bloods!🤭
My goodness me LA has been to Slough on his holidays as well as Reading?! He is such a traveller isn't he? I love him so much! What will he make of Spain I wonder I hope BR will be ok on the plane still it's a fairly quick flight. As you say your sister could have had it booked for months. I think she probably has as they are full for school hols already. Bin bags on a plane? I don't think so do you😂BIL needs to get his body beach ready!!!
I will take some pics of the bungalow we are leaving about lunchtime - one of the advantages of holidaying in the UK no rush! and if I wanted to I could use a bin-bag!!!
So no EF visit for you due....hmmmm, but imagine the stories of LAs ADVENTURES IN ESPANIA!!!
I think Sleek has a copy of that book you know....she has me wrapped around her paw! Open the door, give me treats, feed me, get up it's morning!
I am very sorry to hear about DV that's not good MV I do understand as you say to an extent, but I bet DV must make MV erupt sometimes too? You keep out of their way.
Not sure about cheap Tuesday offers on just look after your poor stomach and just forward the links to BIL he will appreciate them😊
A quick wave to Barbara if she pops by.
Barbara who looks at least 10 years younger with her hair done!
Sending love and ((())) hope everyone is well.
Morning Toady how are you doing today?
Half 4 is a bit early I sympathise with you there. Indeed cats like early starts I'm afraid as soon as it gets light. What fabulous news that MRs B is using her foot so well and the babies are now eating your cherries - ahem - redcurrants. Artistic license permitted 100%.
Bugs are interesting they really are. Kari loves them, but I don't think she'd like swafly any more than me. They can go somewhere else. Liberal doses of SB invigorator are being sprayed. Hope it doesn't invigorate them too much though🤔
I think we may have a wasps nest in the garage.....looks like it (outside wall). I don't think anyone has moved into my birthday present bug houses which Tia got for my birthday sadly...maybe over the winter eh?
My brother favours unusual names I do NOT! Tia would not have been Tia if she were mine. Nope I hated being unusual as did Kari. We wanted to be 'normal'. Hence Charley and Lucy. Kari did the same with my nephew. It's still going on in my bro's family too my niece (Aurora) has a wee un called Daphne after our Mum.
Aha I do hope your neck will survive the ceiling painting. Good idea to paint while you are a bit out of it. Just try not to go over the edges!
It is upsetting when your pet is in pain poor Mikey knowing he caused it too bless him. Still Oreo is doing well even finally poo'd 💩
I've downloaded Kitty's memories it's really good. She will be thrilled.
Better get my act together hope there is rain this weekend AT NIGHT!
vegan/veggie option.
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Hi a Very quick Howdy to Toni 🌺toady🐸 Barbara Joan etc lol
Hows everyone today? I am okay-ish at the moment thanks back is aching a bit but I’ve got my trusty back cushions to hand 😀, lovely morning blood test for me I’m setting off fairly soon, hopefully I won’t have to have any next week but need to wait for news on that from the nurse may even have to phone the receptionist again I really hope not but my GP surgery is not the most organised lol.
Did of course check my iPad early this morning but more importantly I wrote things down in my new posh notebook with my new posh pen I found that a satisfying experience. Toni My sister is quite capable of taking bin bags onto the plane lol, toady I enjoyed that link about the comics very much thanks for that that’s it for now, will try to report further later. Tc xx.
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) have a good weekend take care love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) have a good weekend it must be difficult watching the birds and the cat.
Barbara (()) have a good weekend love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) have a lovely. time how is miss sleeke’s back. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) I’m sorry you have a bad tummy (()) love to your mum (()) have a good weekend
Mike (()) have a good weekend how are you love to vixen
take care
joan xx0 -
Afternoon all ..just had an awful storm..our rd looks like a river 😲
Toni I'm so glad Oreo is doing ok ..poor Mike and on his birthday
Thankyou I do feel younger 😅I actually went to an hairdresser in town..iv had a dry cut there but never this anxiety was through the roof..anyhow she has put ne on her Facebook page just the back of my head ..cant believe what a mess it was 😔..oh and thankyou fir the update on our Kitty xx
Toady 🤣don't think you are missing much up there ..mine doesn't go sideways very well could you imagine us alk toghther like zombies
Glad your blackbird seems to be doing OK carful doing that ceiling ..I might want mine doing after 😅xx
Reshmi we get the cheeky Tuesday offers but rarely get takeaway ..usually Indian or fish and chips if we do..hope you and mum are doing ok xx
Joan I'm pleased you still have your ring and ride...our nearest bus is 20 mins walk for us...but Mr B can drive now thank goodness xx
Love to Mike hope you read our messages now and then and are doing ok xx
Barbara0 -
Hi toady 🐸
how you feeling today? Im not too bad atm thanks bit tired but got some energy the wrong kind of stuff really bit of choc this and that but hopefully this blood test lark of whatever you choose may choose to call it lol and consequent “bad eating’” can’t last forever. Im really not sure what’s happening yet about next week’s bloods etc unfortunately the GP in charge of analysing bloods is off sick today so nurse said she’d try and remember to ask a doc and text me today Not v reassuring but at least it’s a blood vampire nurse free weekend lol.
cats controlling humans especially annoying neighbours that’s definitely food for thought isn’t it toady? lol
I’d better go now before I run out of steam, hope you’re having a nice Friday has the rain eased off a bit? it’s not raining here yet but I see grey clouds in the sky time oh fear time to call in top weather god LA no that’s not his his title or is it? Tc Xx
ps pic of the first ever annoying mobile phone user or perhaps not lol. Xx
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Hi again Toni 🌺
sorry I meant to send a message earlier but caught caught up in things are still pretty tired tbh blood test went okay today I guess well My poor arm was bleeding a lot longer than it should’ve been but eventually stopped lovely 🤢 what’s happening next week is anybody’s guess i know the cackling witch nurse said that she’d try and remember to find out and text me not really that reassuring but at least no weekend blood tests hurray!
methotrexate Friday in about 1 1/2 hours ☹️.
LA told mum that black cats also eat naughty boys, not just witches, veg - monitoring felines apparently lol ok will stop there running out of energy sorry
Hope you enjoy the break Tc xx
ps pic is elephant art as its National zoo day.xx
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hi Joan thanks for your nice message I am okay-ish thank tho a bit nauseous and tired but will have to have good old methotrexate at some point might delay it half an hour so 😄 mum isn’t too bad at the moment I think a bit angry about then that’s nothing new ☹️, hope you and Sue are doing okay? take care. Xx
hi Barbara how are you? nice to hear from you the back of your head is famous wow that’s good 😄. I like fish and chips too but the way my stomach is at the moment that’s very much fantasy food unfortunately there’s a good fish and chip shop near my house but the problem is they don’t deliver and it’s a very small shop only open at certain time so I don’t like the idea of squashing in there in the queue due to Covid etc at least not on busy days. LA is learning bits of Bengali well he’s repeating words really he doesn’t understand them yet he said something like ‘you evil father-in-law” to my mum, that’s a new insult if ever I’ve heard one lol, Excess Family going on holiday somewhere near Spain on Sunday what will they do there I wonder ? no food parcels, bill may have to cook some eggs my goodness what is going on? Lol. I hope you and Mr B are both doing okay and have a nice afternoon. Tc xx
Ps rainy day pic I found online. Xx
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Hello all, will definitely be a quick line in the interests of getting to bed, had a decent night's sleep no early cat panic but I was tireder today, on more sleep, than yesterday on not much - but that's the way of things, did quite a lot yesterday and also things catch you up don't they. So just to wish frog a good night's sleep in the bungalow by the sea 🏘️ 🌊 hope it was a good trip up, and hope everyone else has a decent night too; back tomorrow for a proper chat & update :) xx
Glad bosh has a vampire free weekend and hope the nurse manages to 'remember' to pass the message to the doc and they actually did text you, sorry your poor arm is being put through it too 🩹 I think you jolly well ought to get a lollipop for all you've had to put up with this week (well done for getting through it). Maybe (after mtx day is well behind you) buy yourself one 🍭 just a little one anyway. Hope you don't feel too bad this evening and I like the sound of your posh notebook, is it for your med schedule or other nicer things; I always seem to just have bits of paper, or notebooks that are too nice to write in. No rain here except a little earlier then it all went to Barbara apparently. Good picture :) I have to start moving things over to a different mobile phone I hate new phones lol I would just use my old one forever, how are you with new things do you not mind them? Have as good a night as poss :) xx
'Night to Barbara too, yes we would make excellent zombies how right you are, I can't turn far to the side either 😂 it's not a certainty the ceiling will even get done after all I won't be looking up at it will I 😂 but if it does I will put you on the list next. Fancy taking a picture of the back of your hairdo 😮 I've just run into yet another thing I wanted to do where you need photo id, which I don't have, it's very annoying they ask for it - I don't suppose they'd accept one of the back of my head 🤔 (well done for going by the way 👍️). Have a good weekend hope the deluge stopped! xx
Hello joan, you & Sue have a good weekend too :) Mrs Blackbird was hopping well today and the chicks are getting bigger all the time but still with their lovely speckly feathers 😊 I know you can't protect them from everything but I didn't want to not even try, some people just say it's what cats do you won't stop them, but you don't have to just stand by either (and there are harmless ways to stop cats getting over fences &c if owners can be bothered).
Love to Kitty and hope things going along alright 😘 xx
and thinking of everyone here & not here xx
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Morning everyone apologies this will be a rubbish message. It is trickier on the phone isnt it?
Mike we are all still here very much thinking about you and hoping that you are recovering well from your treatment and that it has worked. Love to you and Vixen xxx
Kitty had news!!!! The previous resident of the bungalow have the keys back yesterday. Now it should be inspected and any repairs done👍😊
Joan thank you for asking Sleek seems to be doing fine with her back (she must take after me!!) How about you both? And the dogs are they doing ok?
Barbara I'm so glad having your hair done has made you feel so good 😍 that's what we all need I think.
Fame at last! She must have been proud of your new 'do'
Oreo is doing better and better should be back at the vet again soon bless him
Reshmi I hope your back pain is a little easier today with the aid of your trusty back cushions 😉 I want some!
But how is the MTX hangover😒 l hope not so bad today. Maybe just maybe not so bad. Make sure you get plenty of rest.
I missed national zoo day😕 loved the picture though so pretty thanks for that.
It was vampire nurse again was it? I wouldn't hold out to much hope of her finding out about more blood tests.....maybe she will maybe she won't🙄
I have eaten my veggies I promise and ny cat has chased no birds to all good here!
Maybe if your sister used Waitrose bin bags in the plane they might survive.....😁
Toady.....what a day eh? I reckon you need a good rest with bird watch....its been tough on you mentally and physically.
I am sitting in the huge window in his beachfront property hoping to see a seal....
Its gorgeous, rubbish weather if course, but still fabulous to be here.
I will attach a pic
Did it work?
I slept really well...why is that at the sea???
I see some clear sky si am optimistic that today will turn out well🤞
No rush with the arch Mrs B and her chicks come first!!
Some breakfast?
Take care everyone
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) How are you I hope things are going on alright. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) that’s good mrs blackbird is happy and busy. You take care with the ladder.
Barbara (()) the hairdresser was pleased with your hair good has long as you like it. Love to Mr B (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) that’s a nice photo thank you it looks cold there. That’s good both your backs are alright. We are well thank you. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) I hope your tummy ache calm’s down soon. Love to your mum (())
Mike (()) we are thinking about you take care. Love to vixen (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Toni 🌺 how are you? will post properly later but just wanted to say about the back cushions I didn’t buy them myself but been I’ve been looking online couldn’t find the exact thing but this is a close image only it’s plain light blue no pattern and it was bought from B&Q hope that helps chat later. Xx
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