Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,231

    Morning everyone 😊

    Managed my walk after dropping Lucy off and saw the deer again the whole family🦌

    I've got the kettle on

    First of all a very quick hello to @Mike1 mike we are all still here rooting for you and checking in every day hoping you feel up to posting ((())) xxx

    Morning Joan thank you for saying that about Lucy, but still you are so kind everyone was when she was ill I won't ever forget the support.

    Kari put a deposit down on the 🚙 now they will service and MOT it as well as give her 6 months warranty.☺️ ((())) to you and Sue xxx

    Morning Kitty how are you today? It's rained here overnight but now the sun is out I wonder what the day will bring. I heard sun south lots of rain North so being in the middle I think we will get sunshine and showers 🙄I hope all is well with you any news yet about the bungalow? Might be time to chase it up or get the social worker on it for you. Sleek has been over nipped through your window she said. ((())) xxx

    Hi Reshmi I managed my walk this morning it was dry although I reckon it has rained overnight. Fed the ponies a carrot too I will post a pic in a minute.

    Half a cup of tea in case you need the loo🤭 you do make me smile, but very good to dodge the delectable but unhealthy hot choc😕

    Did you say you had MV yesterday? Oh dear I hope the lava isn't spitting today too much. Do we ever get RV? I think not, but an exhaustion panic attack is not at all good😥It is still muggy even if it's not anywhere near as bad as it was but still too warm for doing too much. These are for you ((())) xxx

    Love the gingerbread men pic - so would your boy LA no doubt bet he'd rather have more in real life!

    I wouldn't brave the new insoles outdoors until they are really comfortable inside. That could be a week or so.

    Well done booking your hair in. In this weather it needs keeping under control. Mine is booked in for the 3rd I think just before our 'proper' holiday. We are touring France in the motorhome so nice and safe.

    Take it easy if you can today and EF this weekend or hopefully parents maybe babysitting🤞

    Hello Barbara lovely to see you.

    Lucy is doing well hopefully that's all the bad luck she is due in her life over and done with eh?

    So your blackbirds might also be nesting again? Gosh and we do need to trim our hedges soon here they are going a bit mad.

    Ice in a hot water bottle🤔 now that's an 💡 idea!

    Take care both of you ((())) xxx

    Toady P's honesty seeds are ready!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is a tiny bit late to plant for next year but i am going to give it a go!!! Oh happy days!!!! I will keep some for next year just in case too. Belt and braces.

    Your nurtured that cup and saucer back from the brink and should be proud of yourself. Of course we must all have cucumber sandwiches soon. Now I I can chop of the leaves so Monty says (from my tomato plants) if that's the case do I need to rub off the shady stuff🙄all that effort😁 Windowlene was great wasn't it? No smears after that just more elbow grease required.

    I get my COVID stats from the Zoe app? Have you heard of it? It's Tim Spector's app you log in daily and say how you are. It's more accurate I think than the Govt as no-one is really testing much now except those of us who get free tests. Also err on the side of caution and I would be more likely to trust the 6% figure. For the vast majority though it is fairly mild hence the spread as they just carry on.....spreading it willy nilly🙄Remember though I have had Paul and Lucy infected at different times in the same house as me and I have not yet caught it.

    My SB doesn't say any 'icides' but it does say it's safe for animals and pets and kids etc? icide means death doesn't it? Are vegans allowed to kill things eating their veggies😥 oh dear this warrants investigation.

    Kari is having the car! She put her deposit down. I think I might be as far as she drives (5miles) but that will be fabulous and she wants to come and feed Sleek when I am away as Lucy will be in her flat soon😒

    To be fair I am better with cardys over jumpers (hot flushes) but i used to love them. Nothing can be on my neck or I panic scarf is ok if it's loose and in winter outside. The respiratory nurse says I must so I do.

    Have a lovely day I hope you can get in your garden.😊

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,231

    Ponies this morning

    Kari's car😊👍

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,248

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) have a good day love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) have a good day that’s good putting ice in a hot water bottle. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) have a good day we do Microsoft solitaire on the computer in the afternoons after the carers have been. In the morning we take the dogs for their walks.

    Toni (()) I will always remember you saying that Lucy had collapsed in Primarks and she had Cancer. Thank you for putting the photos on. Kari’s car nice. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I’m sorry you have a lot to put up with. Love to your mum (())

    Mike (()) we care about you can you let us know how you are please.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,340

    Hi all burst water pipe off to stay with EF Mother Nature give me strength...Tc xx.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,608
    edited 23. Jul 2022, 19:42

    Eek, bosh! 😬💧💧🐳 is it just you I wonder or burst main, oh dear hope everything ok in terms of personal possessions and stuff, and obviously hope having to decamp to EF is not going to be for long 🤞thinking of you, & the cafe will round you up a few J-cloths and sponges to help if needs be I'm sure. xx

    Anyway a quickish one from me as I've been on the internet too much today and I really should write an email or two but I don't see me even getting those done tbh - did have a walk earlier so I haven't been bad all day - hoped to do a bit of gardening too but it's been a bit blowy & dank, hopefully will get a better day or two soon. The honesty has made it, oh good 😊 do hope it's a success! Are the new people actually in? Mine (the honesty) is in the border with the knee-high sweet peas and knee-high sunflowers 😂 oh well plenty of other things in there and the bees are happy just to have lavender and oregano. Haven't you done well for your garden to bring it back from such an insect-less environment, so nice to hear what's there now. I didn't know about taking off tomato leaves especially, aside of pinching side shoots, or any older yellowed leaves, I must read up. Mine are being given nice seaweed fertilizer at the moment and playing catch-up, like a lot of things, but look pretty good. Nice looking car! I didn't know the model but I like it, and the colour. Hope all's well with it. Thank you for the gorgeous ponies 😍. Have a good Sunday xx and oh yes, give me cardies rather than jumpers any day 🧥.

    Hello joan yes I like solitaire, I used to play more computer games than now, I don't think my head likes them that much especially if you have to do anything quickly but at least solitaire is not like that. I remember playing clock solitaire with cards when I was younger or patience as I think we called it. Used to have quite a few board and card games here still but a mouse got in and had a fair nibble at a few of them, nothing important or old/sentimental luckily. Have a good Sunday :) xx

    Love to Kitty and Barbara 😘 xx

    and thinking of Mike and Vixen along with the cafe xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,231
    edited 24. Jul 2022, 05:26

    Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Poor poor Reshmi! How will you cope? I do hope they get that pipe fixed ASAP😫

    I also hope you have some space there and can get your much needed rest and exercise.

    The boys will be so excited and pleased, but

    I'm really not so sure about you so sending some ((())) and the above potion.

    Morning to everyone else!

    the kettle is on

    Mike I am sending you my daily supply of strength and ((())) hoping you are doing ok and recovering from your treatment. xxx

    Kitty me duck if you get on I hope you are doing ok? It's still raining here although we did have some sunshine (a fair bit) yesterday. Sleek is with you ATM I believe that's what the note she left says anyway. I feel a fair bit cooler today although it is also oddly very oddly muggy? I bet it's the same for you being fairly nearby. My lungs are not great ATM how about yours? Sending ((())) xxx

    Well Toady we are going to miss our Reshmi posts and pictures. I hope she can manage to get online in peace!

    What a nightmare at least they have family fairly nearby happy to help in an emergency like this just hope not too much damage has been done.

    I finished weeding my veggie bed yesterday - the onions and garlic are almost there and the peas😋well I tested them (to make sure they were safe of course) are just yum!

    I will add a pic of the honesty seeds nice and juicy don't you think?

    Glad yours is ok it's pretty tough stuff isn't it once you've got it. My sweet peas are also knee high but they do smell lovely☺️shame about the sunflower, but remember mine aren't even here! Did I tell you one of the farmers has actually planted a field full of them? So pretty.

    Kari's car is a citroen C1 just so you know. Plenty of room inside less in the boot but that's ok she is on her own. The blue is so cheerful. She is going to call him Hue (as in Hugh) his number-plate lends itself to Hugh, but she is an artist hence Hue.

    The ponies are so sweet and friendly I give them half a carrot each (I have permission from the owner) so they know me now.

    Seaweed fertilizer is excellent for tomatoes they will be very happy mine are having (smelly) bokashi juice from my bokashi which they like as are the cucumbers. I've done the leaf removing before, it conserves energy for the plant and also lets the sun ripen them (hence wondering about wiping off the shade stuff). Have pruned the cucumbers too. with gloves on I don't like the prickles much.

    I hope you got your emails done in time and that the weather is a bit better for you today😊

    Just in case you get in Barbara I hope all is well. I expect you also have ☔ and plenty of it.

    No chance of putting the pool out.

    Can you believe the difference a week has made🙄

    Breakfast anyone?

    vegan option available

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,231

    Gosh I thought Joan was missing there you are Joan! Yes Lucy did she fainted in Promark we thought it was the change of medication for the epilepsy but it was actually cancer what an shocking time that was. How are you doing how is your pain at the moment? Love to Sue ((())) xxx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,248

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope you have a good day is your breathing better now it’s colder. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) have a good day how is Mr B (()) and his hip. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) have a good day. I hope the weather not too bad there.

    Toni (()) sorry you have breathing problems (()) we had rain over night. Thank you for asking my pain is a niggle all the time. Sue is well. Thank you for saying about Kari’s car. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) sorry you have a burst pipe I hope it is fixed today. Love to your mum (())

    Mike (()) have a good day we care about you and vixen

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,340

    hi all I’m back inside of my home / witch’s cottage now ha ha pipe has been fixed thank goodness no kitchen flooding really need to have a shower will post again later take care. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,608

    Hi all, well what sort of funny weather do you call this 😕 rainy and really quite blowy out, keep just nipping out to feed the birds or tie a plant up and then giving up and coming back in. My honesty is certainly not as far on as yours frog, that looks the business 🤩 hope they go go go for you. Yes I can see why you'd think the window stuff could come off, I was going to say well will it doa ny harm, but I suppose the toms themselves will want max light will they? Sound like everything else is doing super, peas already! I have v faint hopes of my broad beans I must say to look at them. My emails did not get written and if I hang about here they won't get done today either, as I should make a call later too. Oh dear well maybe just one more cup of tea and a Jaffa Cake before I start (it so happens I have bought in bulk, help selves 😉🍊 is there a vegan equivalent actually? Sorry your chest is not the best at the moment is that the humidity. Meant to thank you for the covid info, I don't use the app or keep that close an eye on the figures anyway, which is why when I checked I couldn't make much of them - I mean I assumed and my local area ought to know case rate per 100,000 better than the BBC but I take your point about the testing. Oh well just stick to avoiding everybody until inifinity I guess 🙄. Hope your day is going ok even if it's not the best out there. How lovely to be on friendly terms with the ponies 😊 and I am totally determined sunflowers will be at the top of my success list next year so I will take my lead from your farmer's fieldful 🌻 so that's a promise to myself. Btw ebay v quiet but have just installed the latest app and there is a £5 off offer for some, no min spend, maybe worth checking xx

    Bosh has surfaced, that's good 😊 all well that's the main thing & no damage. I will rent that nice witch's cottage off you anytime just for the bookshelves 📖 though it does look a bit spidery 🤔. Hope your week less eventful and hope you're having a bit of a rest and catch up. xx

    Hello joan, weather horrible actually 😂 but there was always going to be a reaction to that heat, hopefully will settle in the middle somewhere soon. Hope you have had a good Sunday xx

    Love to Barbara and Kitty and hope things ok as poss with you both xx

    Teapot still nice and hot from mine for anyone calling ☕️ xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,340

    Hi Toni 🌺toady 🐸k Joan and Barbara! Just a quick message today, not done my neck physio yet, thankfully burst water pipe sorted out with relatively little fuss, my dad knows a dishwasher salt delivery man who is a plumber who alerted him to prob, local water company was phoned, my mum and I went to EF’s castle for day, apart from some back pain enjoyed day in general, but didn’t manage to have a shower as we left in such a hurry, taking minimum stuff, dad dealt with workmen etc, back of kitchen cupboards have been harmed apparently, tho i I couldn’t notice it personally. Bad smell was coming from sink, my mum said this may be source of our tummy probs, contaminated water! I think she def has a point, I must remember to tell GP this

    Toni I’m v sorry to hear L fainted, is she ok now? I like Kari’s car 🚘. Thanks for patience potion lol. Kids were lovely, brightened my day, although I had to read LA “C and the Cheese monster” book a few thousand times lol, so I’ll def ease my sore throat with toady’s 🐸 tea thanks toady lol. BR requested a cuddle from me and wore my “ladies flat type shoes” bless him lol.

    yesterday night was v hard tho Toni as my legs got so cold in car as I didn’t even have time to pack warm trousers or a cardigan, got v stiff and exhausted, but I feel more like a human now thank you though, if not a cheese monster lol. Think I’ll leave it there for now, more detail later. Tc. Xx

    hi Joan thanks, we are all ok now thanks for asking 😀, how are you and Sue? Tc. Xx

    ok my fellow cheese monsters bye for now and thanks for your kind wishes. Xx

    ps pic is my new thesis subject apparently lol. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,340

    Good night everyone, may your water pipes stay secure and your gardens be fertilised with the best of manure. 😂. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,231
    edited 25. Jul 2022, 06:54

    Morning everyone!

    Looks like it rained overnight again🙄 still overnight is better than in the day so😊

    Kettle is on

    Mike if you pop in we are still checking in daily in the hope we'll see your name or a 'Mike like' and very much hoping you are doing ok ((())) xxx

    Kitty me duck how are you doing? I think your phone back pocket called me yesterday but you weren't there. I expect you also have this rain and then a bit of sunshine, but it's still very warm😥 Good job you got your summer outfits isn't it? Sleek must be at yours she's not here ATM and her broomstick is missing....

    Joan a 'niggle' you say? I think you play down your pain as long as it's not getting any worse and you're managing. My lungs are a bit better today I have been doing my breathing exercises properly and steam inhaling @Kitty will know what i mean. ((())) to you both xxx

    Morning Reshmi who is safely back at home! I am so pleased for you what a nightmare that was🙄It sounded like it was very very rushed and a bit scary. Your poor legs getting so cold and no shower.

    I'm so glad the boys entertained their Auntie Mimi😊The little 😇 (mostly) how sweet BR having a cuddle and wearing your shoes! Erm how is your throat today after the epic Cheese reading marathon? Kids eh? I remember that stage it is cute but hard work and they notice if you try to rush or skip a bit too don't they🙄

    Please don't worry about Lucy fainting in Primark Joan was just remembering how her cancer started so it was years ago. Interestingly though she did faint when she had covid so maybe that's her warning sign? Thank you so much for caring though .

    Wow what if your Mum is right about the water😮 can it be tested maybe? Gosh Bosh. Your Dad impressed me there getting thing sorted so promptly and efficiently.

    BTW I loved that little ditty about our pipes and garden it really made me ☺

    A restful day ahead for you and your Mum might be in order today ((()))

    Morning Toady how the diddly are you?

    All is well here except I nearly fed Paul some WORMS!!!!!!! yes in the blueberries on the tree🤢luckily I went to take a pic of them for you and spotted them. Ooooh! shudder!

    Ok you agree so the shading stuff comes off today! Lead me to it....

    I am sure your broad beans won't be long now with all this rain and intermittent sunshine they will be swelling up nicely. I am going to plant more peas I think we are not too late now. Onions have flopped just waiting for the stems to dry out and there will be more space and what about some purple sprouting broccoli for the spring???

    Jammie dodgers that's what i have instead of jaffa cakes they are vegan😋 I think you can get a vegan version but now so nice. Hope you got those emails written after your cuppa?

    My lungs are improving I am making an effort with my breathing physio and steaming. Things are on the mend I think I was a bit worried incase it was an infection as that is a risk, but all good I think🤞

    Ebay is quiet, Kari says Etsy is quiet and i think the forum is too....everyone going on their hols maybe? £5 off - ooh might just nip over and buy me some purple sprouting broccoli seeds🤨

    Back from ebay bought purple sprouting broccoli and beetroot seeds.

    Right a quick wave to Barbara if you pop in I hope all is well. I am going to do some HOUSEWORK!! I know I know unheard of, but it's cool ATM and really it needs doing🙄😉

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,248

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope your pains and aches are not too bad. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) How are you feeling (()) How is Mr B’s hip his he pleased with it. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) have a good day the days go so quick don’t they.

    Toni (()) that’s good you are feeling better. Yes I know about steaming putting your over a bowl of hot water with Oblas oil in and a towel over your head it clears your nose and your head. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) that’s good you are back in your house. I hope you and your mums (()) tummy ache goes now have a good day.

    Mike (()) how are you we are getting worried love to vixen

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Hello all, I have my laptop here at the hom with me andd it's lovely to see all Reshmi's lovely pictures and Toady's wonderful plants in their full glory instead of squashed up on my phone or iPad. Jonathanhas been a tower of strength as far as my techy needs are concerned. He has set me up with a new mobile,as well as helping me with my sulky laptop which has been complaining about being switched off for so long.

    Reading about Toady's plumbing exploits makes me think of our problems here in the home. The ceiling collapsed and they almost had to move me to another home. But they made my room safe, and I'm stil ensconced in my huge room at the top of the building.

    Anyway, I have to go down to prepare for dinner, but I'll be back to tell you of more of my exploits. Love to all. XXXXXX

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,340

    Hi toady 🐸how are you doing today? My stomach is not hundred percent again but otherwise ok thanks, but low on charge tho, I understand about some garments not being too arthritis- friendly, when my leg was bad I could only wear light baggy trousers even if I was freezing at least you don’t have to worry about avoiding woolly clothing though 😀. Have a good afternoon. Tc. Xx

    hi Toni 🌺 how are you today? I see about Lucy that’s good that it wasn’t recent 😀, yes maybe it’s a kind of trigger - sign. Sis was stressed out when we visited, she’s been overworking again 🙄, but she was in a good mood in general rare and unexpected but good lol, bill was ok too thanks apart from drinking his body volume in naughty fizzy sodas but not my place to comment of course I’m just an innocent Auntie goddess Mima 😇 lol.

    my mum actually did the main phoning regarding water company etc, dad lost his cool, quelle surprise, lol, anyway he did stay behind and made sure things got sorted tho, so that was good 👍.

    did it rain during your walk? Not during mine but cloud was grey though, bit like my hair after pipe debacle, lol, maybe water could be tested you’re right, will have to think who to ask. Throat’s not too bad thanks lol.

    better go now Toni charge is low, you take care, remember no worms in the casserole please, only joking, lol. Tc. Xx

    Hi Joan how are you? Thanks about the house, our stomach aches have returned actually but thanks for asking, not sure of cause tbh. You and Sue take care. Xx

    👋Barbara. And k. Xx

    Ps pic is of witch’s familiar etc, still one of the few creatures that’ll scare LA into eating carrots 🥕 lol. Tc. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,340

    Poem for VC - Company 

    My legs they ache,

    My smile is cracked 

    On fruit and jelly I have frustratedly snacked

    My life is not exactly action - packed 

    But I enjoy my morning oats

    And the way my nephew on me he lovingly dotes,

    And the fact that when I attempt to wax lyrical 

    That my Val’s Cafe pals will not be too critical 

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,608
    edited 25. Jul 2022, 21:47

    Hi all - later than intended - could do with a couple of hours back all along the line today, but slept fairly well which is what got me off to a late start so I suppose you pays your money etc. Nothing much doing, it has rained on the 3 occasions I set foot outside, and stopped dead in all the bits in between so I left it to it in the end. If I have assisted frog in buying some seeds then that's my good deed for the day, well yesterday, I suppose I will still have to do today's (not remembering a friend's birthday, and poking round on the internet now for a card that will get here in time, counts as the opposite! bad me 😳). Glad you bought something nice 😊🌱 and hope everything comes up all the better for being 'free' 💷. I get on terribly with beetroot but I will keep at it. Is it really not too late for peas? Oh good. The broad beans I have doubts about are not at the swelling stage, my concern is they are not going to pod at all after the flowers drop - I had this problem last year but put that down to blackfly. We'll see though, it's not conclusively 'all up' yet, and anyway the flowers have been pretty. Hope not too damp for yout today, have a good day tomorrow, and may all your blueberries be worm-free (they're not the ones we had in Friday's breakfast are they? 😬 oh well too late now 😂) Hope the housework was as much fun as it sounds, I have been turning out clothes which is a bit depressing, because am I going to put weight on & fit these assorted 'like them but too big' jeans again, or not 🤔 well at least I know the answer to the 'am I going to be 20 again & suit these other things' pile 😂 xx

    Ooh bosh that was a bit of a drama and a half then, what with the dishwasher man as an 'extra', and an asstd cast of parents and water board people, glad it was no worse! but I would definitely have my suspicions about water-related stomach problems, although the thing is, would you be able to get a useful water sample now things are fixed 🤔. Well if you all feel better that will be its own sort of proof I suppose, and I certainly hope you do it would be great to have an answer that all fell into place💡. Glad you have been able to get back & use your own facilities & into the right clothes etc, horrid to be cold in the car. Yes definitely glad jumpers don't make me itch btw, grateful for that quite right, a friend has come up in nasty heat rashes in this weather not nice at all, I get off lightly in that line. Hope you have a quiet week no surprises, well no nasty ones anyway, things can go too far the other way and be tedious as you allude too in your cafe verse, very relatable. xx

    Kitty lovely to see you, what a watery-themed week it's been, v glad you could stay where you are 👍️ my vital tool for all plumbing is my trusty King Dick spanner, a good friend over the years 😊. Pleased you have your laptop and look forward to more news 😀 xx

    Joan the time goes far too quickly, I have at least 3 medical things to sort this week, just re-ordering prescriptions & phone calls etc, but I have been putting them all off so now they are still on 'the list' 🙄 but like Toni I have done some housework instead even if I didn't get to hang my washing out as planned 🌧️. Have a good night :) xx

    Love to Barbara of course 😘 xx

    and all regulars/visitors xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,608

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,231

    Morning everyone ☔ here again 🙄 must be the school holidays😉

    I've put the kettle on

    Mike I hope you are doing ok we are all here still checking in on you daily sending you our love strength and very best wishes ((())) xxx

    Morning Joan thank you I have things under control continuing the lung physio and steaming and Kari's linctus. Do you have rain there? We seem to have had it for days now with sunshine here and there.((())) xxx

    Morning Kitty wow the ceiling collapsing is just not good! I'm so glad you didn't get 'rehomed' and are safe up in your huge tower.

    It's all go at that place isn't it?

    Jonathan has been an absolute brick so very supportive and helpful while all this has been going on. Maybe he can chase up the bungalow for you? Anita too has been a 🌟 bless her with all she does for her beloved sister.

    Enjoy your laptop it must be bliss after the phone they are good but not that good!!

    Morning Reshmi I hope you are well today and that maybe your tum has settled down a bit? I suppose the Drs have tested 'certain things' if you know what I mean so they ought to know if there was a bacteria in your stomach🤨 definitely no harm telling the Dr about the plumbing issue.

    I am glad to hear EF were nicely accommodating and you weren't force fed any pancakes or fizzy drinks😁BIL can drink them himself. Innocent Auntie Goddess Mima says not one word🤐 just thinks it😉 Ah and to think I thought your Dad had come into his own with the pipe crisis, but really it was your Mum who sorted it all out!

    My walk was in the dry but gosh it was threatening to rain the whole time! Such odd weather we have been having isn't it? Do the littleys still go to nursery in the summer holidays? they don't close do they?

    Loving the poem it's great about sums up all our behaviour, but especially you! Of course your cafe crew will not be critical. We not a critical café crew - we love poetry.💖

    I promise to keep my specs on and check for worms🤢

    Morning to you Barbara if you happen by....what weather we are having. Wet and warm like my coffee I keep forgetting to drink it hot. I hope you are all doing well. I am on edge today my friend who 10 years ago had breast cancer (you probably remember her I was best woman at hers and my other friends civil partnership) is having tests they have found something....I hate cancer. Time it was sorted out😡 On a more positive not have you seeen much of Niamh yet? ((()))xxx

    Morning Toady where is the sun? It keeps waving but not staying out? My weeping willow arrived yesterday! It's a beautiful specimen. We are away soon so am debating planting it out as the area is a bit exposed....hence the need for a tree or two....

    You did do me a favour 3 packets of seeds!!!!!!!!!! Happy days and in fact the ideal weather for planting thereof....if I can only dodge the rain showers like you every time I set foot out of the door🙄I do hope you managed to get a card off ASAP I think the two main companies should get your card there in time, but will cost you more. I know Joan used to use the online cards can't remember the name🤔they were beautiful , but I could never set up my account with them so gave up.

    Don't worry about Friday's breakfast those blueberries were from Tesco😂 I only had handful from my bush as it's fairly new. Get your peas in A S A pea! Fingers crossed then for your broad beans there is still hope. I love broad beans so much - the taste!

    I am turning out Lucy's clothes today enough housework for the entire week. I need to do mine too. It's tough 'letting go' of stuff you loved when you were (a tiny bit) younger isn't it? Too big and too small (but I love them) it's a tough process hence me doing Lucy's for her rather than her doing her own. She can do mine. Maybe not i'd be naked!

    I think it's time I got on really it's actually not raining ATM!

    Take care everyone😊

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,248

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) It’s lovely to see you on here (()) that’s good you are safe you don’t need anymore happening’s do you. Have a good day. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) how are you have a good day love to Mr B (()) and Niamh (()) and your son (()) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) we were saying about people that could not use a phone or a computer how much they are missing out. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) I know I look at my clothes and think I like them but I have not worn them for a long time they mount up. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day you don’t need anymore happenings. Love to your mum (())

    Mike (()) how are you we care love to vixen

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 26. Jul 2022, 13:43

    Here for my second day, with the BEST news ever. The housing Association got back to me today. My bugalow wil be ready either at the end of this week or beginning of next week. My Social worker will take me to look at it, and decide what furniture I can take from my old house and what carers I need. Hereis my bungalow before any work was done on it. Imagine me sitting in a wicker chair in that porch.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,340

    Hi toady 🐸 how are you today?

    Just a quick one today hopefully not using voice control, glad you liked the less than Shakespearean drama i related lol, heat rash is indeed nasty, i personally find covering up legs and arms completely can help. I’m not too bad today thanks doc is still analysing my stomach , just one blood test this week (lithium) so thank goodness for that! Lol. Yes something in the water 💦 could well be a poss, but Ive had enough of receptionists etc for a while, may wait for test results first, have a nice afternoon toady, Tc, xx

    Ps pic is water sprite apparently lol, don’t tell the doc haha. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,340

    Hi Toni don’t worry I’m still here popping my head in the café from time to time today ha ha

    just haven’t really had a minute to myself dad was about to go and invade the bathroom for several centuries so just finished shower wise

    had a blood test today but with a nice friendly and professional nurse nice pleasant young lady so that was good

    and I am trying to go to the coffee and chat thing tomorrow unless the heat wave starts early🤢

    i’ve just about managed to dry and brush my hair Tony and I think that’s more than enough beauty treatment for the day for me lol

    Really looking forward to my haircut in two days time 😀

    today my stomach is not perfect by any means but docs are doing another stomach analysis so time will tell I guess

    maybe half a cup of tea for me tomorrow at the coffee and chat or even just some kind of still lemonade at the very worst not becoming a Coca-Cola addict like silly billy 😂

    throw away old clothes that’s a good idea I’m not much of a clothes buyer but my wardrobe is a massive mess because guess what? dad is dominating that too lol okay try not to rant here 🙄.

    No walk Today because of the blood test but never mind it is odd weather indeed I’ve got some rough patches of skin in addition to normal skin problems very annoying really oh well we can’t do much just wait for season to pass

    mum stomach is aching a bit too I think 🤢

    glad you’re walk went okay I think I’ve got to go now because otherwise won’t get any rest before the whole family goes Vesuvius to coin an expression lol, I hope Lucy and Paul are okay? and that Kari is enjoying her new car? bye for now Toni take care. Xx

    hi Joan I’m ok thanks mostly mum has tummy prob. How are you? Xx

    Ps pic is second water 💦 sprite lol. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,340

    Hi again Toni 🌺

    I forgot to mention thanks so much for liking my poem I know that no one on this site would be too critical just needed a good Rhyme really lol okay I’ll disappear for now waiting for the next lava flow ha ha take care. Xx

    Ps just a simple water pic, not that I’m obsessed or anything lol. Tc Toni. Xx