Val's Cafe
Morning everyone
I've put the kettle on
Morning Joan
Hmmm yes maybe curing cancer would be wonderful honestly it is difficult, but they must find a cure one day surely. I will organise a gift for Vixen for now and see whether we can find out when she gets rehomed. Sending love to you and Sue ((())) xxx
Kitty I love the tree all that love for Mike so thoughtful. Just perfect. Sleek let it slip that you had posted bless her😻
Reshmi OMG!!!!!!!!!! that pizza wedding dress! did the bride work at domino's 😂 I agree do not let BIL see that please we do not want LA and BR coming from a broken home over fast food do we😉
I hope you feel a bit more yourself today not so tired, but I doubt if given two issues MTX and time of the month conspiring against you. I hope maybe tomorrow will be better for you. It is in your nature to apologise I have noticed that, but also a gender issue I notice a lot of us women take the blame if things go wrong well I do and Kari does. Hey maybe it's our upbringing a bit too🤔
It has got warm again I am very tired too it's a bit much isn't it? Let's hope for a breeze at least although I am not seeing one and it was 18 degrees at 4.30 am this morning does not bode well for a cool day. Still it will acclimatise me to our imminent motorhome trip across France. Help!
I just found out that since Brexit you can''t take a lot of food into EU countries. Luckily i should be ok as it's animal products they don't want brought in so I think I'll be ok fingers crossed 🤞
Have a good day and be kind to you💐
Barbara if you call in I hope all is well with you and yours.
Have you had a summer holiday visit yet from Niamh? the weather is picking up you'll be able to get your pool out soon.
Toady I am so glad you said that I thought Mike's sister said she'd have Vixen. Maybe we misunderstood. I am absolutely devastated about her losing her Daddy and her home she won't understand will she? Oh I am upset. I wish Sleek was friendlier because 100% she'd come here, but after a year and a half we still heven't got her to even slightly tolerate Winnie so I think not.
I will organise a gift so that the rehoming place know how much we cared about Mike and Vixen too I will let you know what I can send. Of course I will let you know. I have also put feelers out in every direction to see if anyone want's an 'only' cat I rather think that is what Vixen is.
What a shame you 'lost' your shopping, but maybe the money will come in handy for something else? I think it will! Not sure what yet, but something better will come along👍️
Mr and Mrs B are keeping quiet are they tight beaked🤐
Well done getting your appointment online this next time. All being well things are improving as far as the virus is concerned and next time you should feel less unsafe. GPs actually want to see us on the phone so no problems there🙄
What about getting a 'decent' bike. I have a fold up bike I got it from the local bike renovation place and Paul is going to get me a battery for it too just for emergency use. It's good for my lungs and such FUN! Problem is my lungs don't let me go too far. It's a 'sit up and beg' type I will have to take you a photo.
Need to wake Paul up he wants an early start today!
Aidan's breakfast:
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) thank you for the lovely tree. Take care. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Barbara (()) I hope all his well there. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toady (()) I thought Mike’s sister was having vixen he said he had everything worked out in case. So you could have some baby birds soon. I had a Doctor video me he could see me it was to do with to much calcium in my blood. Have a good day.
Toni (()) thank you for doing all you can for vixen (()) I do remember his photo on his bike I’ve tried to find it but I’m not sure where to look for Ellen’s page. I used to have a three wheeled bike it had a basket on the back. His Kari getting on ok with her car she’s brave.
Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) how are you getting on with your new insoles. Love to your mum (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Toni 🌺toady Joan Barbara etc hope you’re all doing well today?
I’m not feeling too bad right at this moment thanks even though this morning I was fully shattered I was just about to wash my face in the morning and I thought I’d rest in the cool room bed for 5 mins next thing I know looked at my watch realised I’ve been asleep for two hours oh dear must’ve needed it though
I’m doing a relatively quick message I hope otherwise I’ll be stuck with my head in this iPad all day long with nothing achieved lol.
hi again Toni apologising gender and upbringing def a complex topic I feel, but I do agree with elements of your viewpoint def 😀.
Sorry to hear To that your daughter became so ill while she was training to be a hairdresser but she’s doing well now and that’s good in every way and I think that’s def the main thing 😄.
hi again Joan not doing great with the insoles actually finding them really painful so much so that it’s like a torture wearing them at home to practice so I think I need to concentrate on the physio at the moment but tbh I’ve been in feeling a bit too weak to get into it properly but it’s def on my agenda as it were thanks.
Hi again Toady 🐸that must’ve been embarrassing about the hairdresser experience ha ha don’t worry to be honest I think very few people would’ve cancelled and walked out I certainly wouldn’t have lol anyway at least you don’t have to go there all the time so that’s a good thing 👍,
tc everyone. Xx
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Hi all just at tiny poetic effort from moi lol, two things to be aware of LA is obsessed with fish fingers and he wanted a sugar rush as he thought it was a type of cake, although he’d already consumed several thousand cakes already that day…oh dear. Tc.xx
Sugar rush or time to hush?
Lucozade - fuelled frustration
Toddlers are ruling the nation
High - sugar cakes are the issue
And whether that’s a fish finger wrapped in your tissue
Or gold foiled wrapped chocolate money
More appealing than sacred manna dripping with honey
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Hi all, not really that warm today but a bit stuffy again, sort of.. managed a reasonable walk this morning and it rained after that so I was fairly lucky. I realized at one point having exited a turning that I was keeping pace behind my neighbour the rest of the way home, aka the Cat's father, ooer 😱 bit of a narrow squeak. Not that I enjoy being on iffy terms or would have been funny with him, but nor did I want an accidental run-in if I could help it. Anyway have not done much else except some ebay stuff, and potter out with the birds.. spotted 2 Mr B's today, so will have to see whether that was a quick foray by an outsider and doesn't lead to any trouble. Hopefully this is not part of the tight-beakedness.. or infidelity on Mrs B's part 🤔 ! A few pics below frog, from the last couple of weeks, though mostly of the 'things that might be something one day' sort 😂 - a maybe broad bean, a hopefully definite tomato, the first of the twigwam sweet peas (there's a sunflower stem in the extreme top right corner🤞), and the hopefully now sturdy cup & saucer vine, vining away for the second time. We'll see what comes of these things haha. I may still buy the pot, it was some other things that went out of stock, I'll see if I can reconcile myself to it being worth getting the fewer items. Bikes, well, I can't see me spending much on something I won't be using in the 'proper manner' - young & a 25 quid bike being my ideal, not the other way round (I know, I'm awful but there's no telling me I'm afraid 😉). Seriously, I wouldn't be able to take it up again realistically, it's a matter of whether it would be worth having one as a fallback for emergencies or even just to occasionally knock a few hundred yards off a trip. Dunno tbh, hence not worth forking out (fork, cycling pun, ho ho). Hope things going ok with you today and the 'imminent trip' bit is going like clockwork. xx
Hello joan, yes a 3 wheel bike with a might not be a bad idea, I'll add it to my list of things to consider 😊 I'm glad my doctor's call is only on the phone I don't think I'd be very good at video! I worry there are things that will be brought in like video / facial recognition for banking online &c and that's the only way they'll let you do it, it sounds like a recipe for things going wrong. Have a nice Sunday xx
Hi bosh, I know the feeling when you have a rest before doing something and it turns into a sleep 😬 always a bit weird to find how much time has gone by. I'm always falling asleep in the middle of listening to audiobooks on youtube and I'm sure I'm concentrating but then you suddenly realize you're halfway through something totally different 😂. Sorry I keep telling you not to worry about posting haha, I know when I'm typing it I've said it before! apparently I can't help myself 🙄😂 but I do know where we're at with this so won't need to get into an apology loop (I do that, too). Hope everyone family etc not too bad today, it's a shame the insoles are not 'wearing in' nicely; hard to know how long to persist and anyway not easy if they're uncomfortable. No I certainly won't be going to that hairdresser and it was a long time ago so they won't be young or have fab hair either by now, not that I would get any satisfaction out of that of course 😉). Have a good Sunday and hopefully less tiring xx
Hello Kitty hope you're well and I'm glad to see Sleek has been to-ing and fro-ing with choc ices (the cheap little own brand ones I buy have shrunk to a pack of 6 for the same price as 8 - cheek! 🙄). xx
Waves to Barbara - couple of pictures of things sort-of growing in the garden, & not exactly smothering the twigwam 😂 (I haven't forgotten I promised to give a patch over to wildflowers and see what comes up, hopefully will be something to show for it not too long hence👍️). Love to both, & family 😘 xx
and hello to anyone else reading or calling in 😊 xx
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Baby beans and tomato
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Sweet pea 'Matucana', and Cup & Saucer vine (second time lucky!)
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For Joan:
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Morning everyone
The kettle is on
Joan I remember you said you had a 3 wheeled bike I wish I'd seen it. Kari is doing ok gradually getting her confidence back bless her. She is brave after 8 years. Hope you are both ok? Hoe teh extra calcium is at least staying the same not getting worse? ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi I loved the pic of the teapot with lemon tea. It just looks nice and just peaceful 🤗
You must have been so tired to 'lose' 2 hours like that. Do you feel better for it? I hope so and that today you feel even better.
I would love to be able to say 'no' and stop blaming myself, but I think I am stuck like this now. Never mind eh we are doing 👍 ok.
We are just so very very grateful that Lucy is here, alive and well. Gosh yes that is totally the main thing and all that matters.
Sorry to hear about the insoles I am sorry to say they can take a lot of getting used to 🙄
oh that poem🤭cake is the problem! Undoubtedly what can we do? Eat CABBAGE😂Thank you so much for posting.
I hope today is a good day for you Here is a nice comfy bed if you need an hour
Morning to Kitty if you pop in I expect you must be getting excited about the bungalow
I found you a lovely chair for the front.
Ooops Sleek has pinched it!
Morning Toady Oooh imagine being right behind the neighbour! I had to go to my neighbours yesterday and two of their yappy dogs attacked my boots they undid the laces. I reckon they'd have bitten me if the neighbours weren't there!
I LOVE your pics! I could see the beans and tomatoes! They are there and there is plenty of time yet for them to grown and ripen too☺️ All will be well I am certain. I shall post pics of my two new trees in later. The new cup and saucer looks strong and healthy (long may it last) and the sweet peas are gorgeous colours! I can see the sunflower stem! Welll done☺️
Hmm to buy or not buy the pot...chances are you'd find something else to buy if you return to the site😉
How are the plans for the imminent trip going? Well they are going at least time is😫 Help!!!!! Paul is obsessed with holidays. I am ok with it especially in the motorhome where I am comfortable and safe. It's things like getting meds ordered early and doing battle with receptionists🙄
A bad thing happened. My ocado order I got the time wrong PM instead of AM as you know I am in bed for 7.30pm so Paul was all ready. It didn't arrive😯 Very odd indeed what happens now I wonder🤔
I will add tree pics along with one wearing it's watering vest so Kari doesn't need to worry if the weather is dry while we are away.
A quick wave to Barbara how you're ok up there and don't have this ☔ some summer holiday for por Niamh isn't it?🙄
Has Mr B given up his crutch outside yet?
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Two new trees and one wearing his self watering vest in case of dry weather.
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Good morning everyone
Thank you Ellen and LillyMary for the time it took to get the photo of Mike he will be missed and vixen.
Kitty (()) have a good day and your family (())
Toady (()) have a good day is there two mrs b’s has well.
Barbara (()) I hope everything is well has can be there. Love to everyone (())
Reshmi (()) with my insoles when I sat down in the evening I had them I did not move my feet I just got used to having them in my shoes then I left them till the next day don’t walk in them till they feel right for your feet. Love to your mum (())
Toni (()) I will never forget that happening to Lucy she was so strong and determined so she got through it thanks to you and Paul and Doctor Tim. Lucy deserve’s a medal.
Thank you for all you’ve done for Mike and vixen. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Everybody pretty tired right now hope you’re all okay? will post properly later, xx
ps I’m contemplating sending this pic to bill lol. Tc xx
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Hi All doing a from memory message today I’m afraid
hi toady 🐸 I’ll try and limit my sorrys lol, that’s unfortunate that you often have this dropping off to sleep syndrome as I’ve called it lol but I suppose the good side of it is that is your getting the sleep even though not when expected there is nothing worse than real insomnia I have experienced that when not mentally well but thankfully those days are over 😀.
hi Joan how are you today? I have been wearing my insoles in the house as instructed but it was very painful and I think physio would help me more at this stage when I get my act together ha ha but thank you. Xx
hi Toni 🌺how are you? I did manage a walk today thank you without slipping off into a massive unplanned nap lol , LA isn’t feeling too well unfortunately he has temperature and stomachache so my dad is going to look after him tomorrow morning mum’s not going because she doesn’t want to catch another stomach bug on top of the one she may already have👍She’s Being very sensible and thank goodness for that because she isn’t always when it comes to the grandchildren tbh, thanks about the poem, nice pics I am making myself stop here sorry about that T take care and bye for now.xx
hi to Barbara xx
Ps Another instructive pic for bill ha ha do you think he’ll get the message? Tc all xx
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Hi all, Just a funny good night meme looks like L.A.’s lady baby friends are misbehaving again lol. Tc. Xx
ps forgot to say before Toni toady et cetera that BR has recovered 😀👍. Tc xx
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Hello all - me and the internet are not friends today 😣 it has been off & on and off & on, mostly without warning while I was saving ebay drafts (and not having copied to clipboard as I go - apparently decades of the internet isn't enough to teach me this one simple lesson 🙄). So I have had enough wrestling with it for one day sorry and will hopefully have better luck tomorrow🤞 in the meantime, if it will let me, here's a female Gatekeeper butterfly - there were two on the oregano for ages today - and I will see you all tomorrow.
Pleased to hear little BR is better 👍️ and hope everyone else as well as poss, love to all & have a good night - someone keep me some breakfast under the grill and hopefully I will be in at some point, otherwise Cuddles the cafe cat will be in luck 😂 xx
Gatekeeper butterfly, also called the Hedge Brown.
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Morning everyone
The kettle is on
I heard from Kitty yesterday a bad line neither of us could hear each other too well. She's struggling a bit with one of her hips (I get that!) but doing well zooming with her congregation which is just lovely❤️
Morning Joan I think Lucy is just feeling so lucky to be here and well. Her flat is almost ready and if her broadband is working as it should be tomorrow I think she'll want to move in. 😕 I'll miss her very much (and Winnie-cat) but she is entitled to live her life. Good old Dr Tim yes he was so good with her she was scared but she trusted him so much. As for you and others here - what would I have done without you for support? I won't ever forget it. ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi I hope you are doing ok today and can manage your walk and physio.
Oh those BIL pictures you are so funny! They are just so spot on for him😅He needs instructions like that so much😅chances are though he would do this
Now the one of the girls drinking reminds me of Paul, my Paul. When he was little he lived out in the sticks a village with maybe 30 houses (ours is huge has at least 80!) his Grandad had a keg of cider a bit like this... with a tap
He and his friend decided to try some aged about 7. All was ok until they couldn't turn the tap right off and didn't know what to do. So Paul lay underneath drinking it in panic ending up quite drunk. No punishment needed the consequences were enough😉
Funnily enough he does still like cider.
I am very pleased to hear BR is much better but not that poor LA is rough now😕 Good your Dad will be babysitting without your Mum you two can have some peace together. She is being sensible there. Fingers crossed LA feels much better very soon.
Morning Toady I love the 🦋 the gatekeeper it's lovely 😊was it in your garden? Poor Paul got stung (I think because I had to remove the sting) by a 🐝 (poor bee too😒) ice and antihistamines needed with him he reacts badly to all bites and stings.
Did you not get back for your breakfast? I only ask as cuddles looks very full
I can rustle you up some more no problem though
Bloomin internet! When it works it's fabulous when it doesn't though it's a nightmare🙄Typical when you had done a lot of work😣Let's hope it's better today.
Right I had better get something done the Ocado order (sent this morning after the other day's debacle) won't put itself away will it?
Love to you Barbara if you are able to call in👋
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I’m sorry you are having pain in your hip (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Barbara (()) I hope everything is alright there (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toady (()) sorry about the problems you are having with the internet it can drive you mad but you miss it if you haven’t got it.
Toni (()) I bet Paul (()) never did that again with the cider. Good luck to Lucy (()) and Winnie in their new flat (()) love to Paul (()) sorry about his sting ) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi toady 🐸how are you? sorry to hear you’re having Internet problems hope its get sorted soon Thanks indeed about BR it’s great indeed that he’s better, Hopefully LA will improve significantly today 👍.
Hi Joan and Barbara how are you both doing today?
Hi Toni glad you liked my pics I enjoyed yours as well ha ha, that’s is a funny story about the cider oh dear, I won’t see apples in the same light again 🍏lol.
I had half a walk today had to go to blood test basically after walk my dad dropped me near Costa but I was very good just had tea and buttered toasts sometimes I don’t have the energy to walk back after the morning blood test but today wasn’t too bad even though of course not a whole walk prob because I had some food when I was really hungry which always makes food taste better don’t you think? ha ha, much better than snacking in front of the TV or the iPad just for the sake of it that’s true😀.
Thanks about the physio I need to really get going with the foot / leg physio I think but first I have to work out exactly which exercises to do because tbh the sheet orthotics gave me wasn’t that brilliant but the doc Jo web physio exercises are much better I’ll sort it out and choose a time when I’m less tired and also I was will attempt to get a GP physio referral at some point but not today I just want to give the receptionists a miss today Toni lol.
my hairdresser is good but he’s s driving me to distraction I think he sees himself as a hair prof and keeps on trying to give me homework like “You must use conditioner always not optional buy go to shop after appointment buy it now” etc, oh my goodness T the last thing I need is hairdresser pressure as well as Dr pressure and blood test pressure and everything else ha ha so I’ve looked into maybe buying some baby hair conditioner spray or something like that to use occasionally lol, daily use just isn’t happening, sorry king of coiffures, may have to tell some white lies…yes that’s bosh in the corner with a very big Pinocchio style nose😂.
I’m not feeling too bad today thanks Toni, tho there was a HV situation last night really not good but at least that’s over now. Hows Your day going so far? did you enjoy your walk? bye for now Toni and everybody else take care. Xx
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Hello people 😊 I just made it in for breakfast thanks frog (well, some of it, let's just say Cuddles and I came to an arrangement 😂), I was glad of it too, having incinerated my pain au chocolat by leaving my mini oven on 'grill' (I hardly ever do that!). Internet seems relatively stable - no idea what was up 🤔 also 'connected no internet' message I can understand, but I'm always mystified by it saying 'internet access' as if nothing's wrong, etc. Then you don't even know what to try. Anyway, I got back to the listings, on the horrible new ebay listing page, quicker finished the better. At least I got online in time to see all the overwrought breaking news bits that our something team has won something or other (yawn) - even my mobile provider offered me free data so I 'wouldn't miss a thing!' - how about a couple of free texts or phone calls instead, for those of us that couldn't care less 🙄. (This isn't arthritic spite btw haha, just never been a sports fan at any time). Not sure where I'm quite at with replies today so will just skip between bits & pieces - lovely trees frog 😊🌿 don't they look healthy & happy there, they look super in position. Nifty watering thing, too, have never come across those. Is that your compost bin in the background? hasn't he got a nice face 😂. Yes that's my oregano and nibbled hollyhock the gatekeeper was perching on 😀 and my honesty of course. Did not go out and do much today though I should have. Ooer, nasty little yappy dogs, have they actually got a bit of a bitey (or looking like they would) reputation locally? You don't need any more puncture wounds now Paul has already had a sting, eek 😬 hope he's ok. Oh the cider story, well isn't that just what would happen with the tap, you can't get away with much in this life. Poor souls they must have been horrified. Glad it hasn't put him off 😂. Lucy's move is very much in the offing then, ooh v mixed feelings. Have a hug :) xx
Hello joan, yes that is the internet in a nutshell! I'm not that good at problem-solving I just get annoyed 😬. Birds are all fine today, there isn't another Mrs B so it's not 2 pairs, I'm not sure where the next nearest pair would be - if I see a quick glimpse of a blackbird at the front occasionally I'm not sure if it's the same Mr B or not! she did chase the other one off so maybe that was the end of that. Quite nice out but overcast and a bit 'heavy' feeling. Hope you have had a good day :) xx
Hi bosh, hope HV not too bad today now, bit tiring and stuffy isn't it, my internet is ok now but I was definitely glad to click 'sleep' and have one myself haha. To be fair when I drop off for longer than I expect I do probably already know I need the sleep, it's not like I randomly go off for chunks of time maybe just underestimate things sometime. The hairdresser shooing you along to buy conditioner, lol that was amusing, at least they weren't trying to sell you stuff themselves people usually stock stuff in my experience & do a sales pitch; some spray in stuff sounds like a good idea 👍️. Have a good night :) xx
Love to Kitty, sorry the naughty hip is being a nuisance hope other things as well as possible 😘 xx
and love to Barbara & Mr B as always and best to family :) xx
'night all xx
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Morning everyone it's raining ☔
Kettle is boiling
Kari is braving her second journey over here this morning☺️
Morning Joan. I think Paul was off alcohol after that for quite a while🤭 He still likes cider now though. It's a 'country' thing i think. Remember that song 'I am a cider drinker' by the Wurzels? If I can post a picture of his sting I will ((())) xxx
I had a message from Kitty which I missed yesterday I hope she'll be in today💖Are you surprised that they haven't put Faye off corrie on HRT like it or not her bones will be shot to pieces!
Morning Reshmi you did well walking back from the blood test that is enough of a walk I think. Extra good behaviour is only having tea not their delectable hot chocolate 😉 Pat on the back for that. I think I do well too picking Lucy up from work and not having a maccies every single day. Let's hope neither of the boys gets a job there (or any other fast food establishment) when they are at college!
Good idea to find some foot exercises which suit you or ask for a referral to a physio, but can totally understand you not wanting to encounter receptionists again too soon🙄
Your hairdresser only wants you to condition your hair? Mine wants me to put hair masks on mine and then condition after that is rinsed out!!!! Heaven save us from the hair police😁I see no harm whatsoever letting yours believe that you have taken his advice. AND listen to him insist your hair is much better because of it too🤭🤫
As for eating food when you are hungry not just in front of the TV for the sake of it is much much better it tastes better I agree 100% Tell BIL!
Sorry about the HV situation I hope there is little to no lava today ((()))
How are the boys? All recovered I hope?
Morning Toadster how are you today?
All is well here. Yesterday I cut off all the heads from the HUGE purple poppies for drying. They can go in door wreaths if I get round to doing any this year....I have harvested about 3 million seeds.
Cuddles certainly looked like she had her share of your breakfast. I will get you some 'real French' pain au chocolat soon en France😋No incineration needed.
The trees have been lucky so far as there has been plenty of rain too. The garden needs some shady areas and trees we have only one and a lilac and they are together. That is indeed my smiley composter you spotted. I 'Windy miller' it most days and it can produce compost in as little as 14 days. I can mulch all my beds now that I have some beds to mulch😊. I just went back to see I had missed your honesty - there it is!!!! Coming along nicely.
Next door's dogs certainly have a yappy reputation, but no-one apart from me actually braves setting foot on their land. They have leads on when they walk them. Seriously I I had had sandals on I think I would have been bitten!
Poor little Paul stuck underneath the tap drinking cider until he was rescued drunk🤢
I am feeling quite sad it is getting near for Lucy to move out. I know it's right and necessary, but still 😔
Forget that Toni all is well you have my holiday to look forward to!! I am going to fill a bucket later with water and 'drown' my baskets before placing them in the shade.
I do hope Barbara manages to pop in today we haven't heard from her for a good while.
I like to know how the girls are all doing as well as Mr B and Barbara's brother too.
Love to you Barbara
Back in a sec hopefully with a pic of Paul's arm red and swollen after his bite.
apple and cinnamon
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Paul's arm after the bee sting. We should get it under control once he is back home. He is working in Aberdeen. This always happens to him but it is a bit scary.
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I hope your hip feels better today. Have a good day. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) have a good day I hope you don’t have any more problems with the internet.
Barbara (()) how are you and Mr B (()) doing. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) yes I remember the wombles of Wimbledon people say pepper looks Iike one of them. Lucy (()) is probably a bit worried but excited about moving to the flat. When is it you go to France. Have a good time. That’s nice Kari coming to see you (()) Paul’s arm looks sore (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) I wonder why the hair dresser did not mention one of the conditioner’s they sell. Have a good day and your mum (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Everybody!
will post properly later - Gothic cup of tea today in as*xual colours. Tc. Xx
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Hello all, I've just got back up into my loft after having a delicious dinner of Haddock in sauce with mushy peas followed by mousse. The laundry lady has just brought my cean washing back' I always check it becauae with 60-odd resident things ike ocks get mixed up and occasionally I find a vest that is obviously not mine. They have initialled all my clothes so it doesn't often happen. Our lives revolve around meals, and drinks.
I am hoping that I will get another call from the housing, as now my bungalow is ready they should arrange for me to go and sign the papers and collect the keys. my social worker has said she will take me for that, as she wants to see the bungalow and discuss what carers I'll need.
love to all XXX
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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hi toady 🐸 I see so you don’t have completely unexpected hours of sleep fair enough yes weather still a bit nasty indeed I’m hoping nasty weather ends before Sept but I doubt it somehow 😄. I’m not too bad thanks atm yes hairdressers can be odd indeed bye for now toady bit busy take care Hope you’re well. Xx
hi Toni 🌺 how are you doing today?
Paul’s sting looks nasty indeed.
LA is well but now BR has a temp both parents are babysitting will be back in about three hours most likely.
Group tomorrow as that’s of course depending on the weather and my stomach
I must admit overindulged as my mum made that nice but heavy flaked rice cashew nut etc thing again anyway will have to take things as it comes I guess
my lawyer transgender friend sent me an email recently which was really nice as she’s too busy with various problems most of the time
I did tell hairdresser I’ve got sensitive scalp so he didn’t pressured me to buy the shop products which is good but he didn’t seem very keen for me to go to the supermarket straight after the appointment on a conditioner hunt I politely made an excuse and told him that wasn’t happening ha ha
hair masks etc I couldn’t be bothered to be honest but it’s good that you do that sometimes if that’s your kind of thing 👍
my sister once grew waist length hair because' a stylist asked her to - what?? Odd lady lol.
I did walk this morning thank you T the physio I’ve been looking at bits and pieces of physio online but I just haven’t felt up to doing it properly with the heat and everything else but will get my act together relatively soon.
my post - walk nap wasn’t interrupted by shouting and rows etc today so that was the main positive for me 😀. I think I’ll leave it There for today T - oh yes funny picture at the end of my messages. Tc. Xx
hi Joan how are you today ? yeah I know what you mean about hairdressers I but I think he doesn’t go on about the shop products because I told him I have very sensitive skin scalp etc but he does seem to want me to go to supermarket straight after the appointment to grab a conditioner I didn’t do that tho made excuse but it is quite strange ha ha, For me at least even sensitive skin conditioners can upset my scalp so I mainly use baby products when it comes to hair, can you use any shampoos etc? or do you also have to use the sensitive type ones too? How is Sue doing? I hope you both enjoy the afternoon take care. Xx
👋Kitty and Barbara. Tc xx
ps funny hairstyle meme lol, xx
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