Val's Cafe
Hi Toni sorry just remembered your question, yes the littleys do go to nursery in the holidays. Tc. Xx
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Hello all, 'twill be briefish.. haven't got through everything I wanted today but it was nice enough out to excuse dropping my chores to get in the garden & do some tidying up.. and feed Mrs B about 20 times, she is practically tapping at the window for me so I don't know if she's 'eating for two', or three, or four but she's certainly putting the food away. Anyway lots of other birdies and activity, and 2 mice today, so are keeping themselves away from cats somehow✌️. I hope you maybe got your planting done frog 😊 or something outdoorsy, anyway, in between sorting clothes. Can be an advantage to be ruthless if you're made that way but I've inherited the family clinger-on gene, well you can all tell that from things I've said. Would you be left with nothing if Lucy sorts yours because she's ruthless (when it's someone else's) or does she have 'opinions' about your wardrobe, surely not. I think I will be ok with the birthday card, I'm not so late that I couldn't order one (Prime) so I didn't have to fall back on the firms you mean, I just would have liked longer to not do it in a hurry. I'm so sorry to hear your friend has had news you would not wish her to 😔 life is not the jolly fun certain people try & paint it, is it. Have to take our good news where we can get it I suppose, like Kitty's imminent move :) Good luck with the tree planting too! xx
Kitty 😍 oh what good news, you will be planting up pots to look at from your wicker chair in no time at all 😊🌺🌼🌷 and I will look forward no end to it, & hearing more about everything. xx
Hello joan, I had to spend half an hour to Healthcare at Home because the online chat option was off, I could tell they were trying to shift people into using the app - and that there were problems with it 🙄 so like you say you do rather need a phone and it will soon be a matter of not being able to do without one really. I use mine a fair bit but quite a lot of it is not for choice when I think about it. I much prefer the laptop. Love to you both & the dear dogs xx
Waves to Barbara 👋 sorry no interesting news just chores and gardening. Today I collected a small spider in my hair from bending down near the shed, it was a 'regular' I had seen in that spot so I had to take it back down to its home 🕸️ it was a little Cross Orb-weaver spider, it probably was cross to be dragged away from its web in some silly woman's mad hairdo 😂. Love to everyone 😘 xx
Hi bosh, still a bit stuffy and sticky isn't it, I am going to go & have a quick bath but sadly I will look nothing like a water nymph 😂. You've done lots by the sound of it sorting out drs and bloods, booking a hair appt and maybe going to the group tomorrow 👍️, that's more than I've done and I haven't even had a burst pipe. Good luck with it all and see you tomorrow sometime :) xx
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******Sorry to have to post this everyone**
Warning upsetting content
I can't believe I am having to post this to the café I had hoped it would be many many years before any of us had to face this again after we lost Aidan, but
I am very, very sorry to have to let you know that our dear friend @Mike1 lost his battle with cancer. We all know how much he was suffering with the treatment.
We do not know the ins and outs of his passing but @Lilymary did some detective work and he has definitely gone.
Mike was a good man, a man of few words, he was dealt a tough hand, but played it well. I know he was someone we all valued here as did the main forum.
Can we all raise a glass to our friend
Mike we will all miss you very very much, you are no longer in pain and I hope up there eating your Cornish breakfasts, egg banjos and making your dioramas!
May you Rest in Peace.
Toni xx
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Hi Toni 🌺extremely sorry to hear about Mike will post again later🤗xx
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Good morning everyone
Toni (()) thank you for telling us the sad news about Mike (()) I did wonder if that had happened he will be missed. I will raise a glass to him. It’s hard to believe at least he won’t have anymore pain he can now rest peacefully.
Toni (()) and Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Kitty (()) have a good day as you can. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Barbara (()) have a good day love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toady (()) It looks like you might have a little family arriving soon.
Reshmi (()) have you got your results of the blood test yet. Love to your mum (())
take care
joan xx1 -
I will also post later not up to it ATM😓
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So very sorry to hear 😔 thank you and for the word of advance warning. I was truly optimistic, I really was 😟 but things being as they are all I can say is I am glad Mike will be out of any further suffering. Love to all reading xx
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Hi all so I’m still posting though of course if people feel too sad to read and / or respond i of course fully understand, hi toady 🐸(and Toni too of course, but I can understand how deeply you must be affected Toni…I’ll leave you to grieve) went to the group today grumpy dad lift one way and bus back, went early so avoided lunchtime crowd👍), was good, also avoided buying chocolate even tho the choc bar was calling my name “ bosh no calories no fat no sugar high iron content just like eating a cabbage 🥬 “ lol.
Dont worry toady 🐸 no one looks like a water nymph lol, apart from LA’s growing collection of lady baby friends of course, lol, bit worrying really just as well they’re too young to read him story books otherwise Auntie goddess mima may become redundant, by the way BR offered a whole plate of his biccies to his granny, well more ordered her to eat them rather than offered he said “Take it! Take it!” , bless, now you won’t catch LA sharing, at least not v often, lol, yes was humid indeed yesterday, nasty and icky indeed, Hope tonight is better for us. Xx
hi Joan how are you? I’m ok but v tired thanks
Tc all. Xx
Ps pic is of some of my nephew - teddy bears having a nice tea party. Tc. Xx
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Thank you for breaking the sad news Toni. I know the regulars at Vals cafe had a special friendship with him, and I know from one of his posts that he really valued that, particularly through his ordeal with the cancer treatment, but also through knowing that there are people out there who understood how arthritis affected his life so badly. He was free with his friendship and sensible advice, and willing to share a laugh. We may never have met him, but he will not be easily forgotten. Let’s also hope Vixen soon finds an equally loving home, Mike will have hated the thought of her being alone.
RIP Mike, you’re one of a kind. Xx
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Hello all, I shan't write anything tonight under the circumstances, but thought I would just post a peaceful little dove from my garden; for a good part of the time that Mike was posting I was not here so this is hardest for others, I know, thinking of you all xx 🕊️
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Well this is tough sorry folks thought I'd be back yesterday, but decided to try to keep busy instead.
I managed to get hold of @Turbogran on facebook to let her know the news. I also got hold of Barbara and Kitty so they know.
Right chin up everyone Mike would want us to keep the home fires burning - the kettle is on
Joan it's very very sad, but as you said Mike isn't suffering anymore. How are you and Sue doing anyway? It certainly doesn't feel like July does it with this odd weather. 🙄 Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi That was such a shock even though I had started to fear Mike was really ill at least. having been through it with Lucy and so many children dying I knew it was possible. Thank you for your sensitivity 💖
Do not be fooled by the choc bar it is nothing like eating cabbage😂High fat high sugar high calories no fibre and no vitamins😂Choc bars are seductive....
Don't worry about LA and his ladybaby friends he may like their company (and the attention no doubt!) but no-one can replace his Auntie Goddess Mima.
Well done going to the group you did well coping with a (grumpy) lift and the bus back. I hope, and am sure, it was worth the effort and you felt better for going.
Any funny LA stories to make us smile today?
Toady that is a lovely dove thank you so much for posting and being so kind yes Mike meant a lot to us here and I like to think we meant a lot to him too. He'd had a tough life, but kept on going God bless him.
I took Kari to pick up her car yesterday which was something good - pic to follow. She managed to drive it home and park it on her tiny drive. She was extremely nervous, but so happy and will drive over to see me tomorrow.
I also spent some time in my beloved garden always therapeutic as you know yourself.
Love of course to Kitty and Barbara. I traumatised Sleek bawling loudly, but she's recovered now.
Lilymary thank you so much for letting me know so I could break the news to us all here. He was your friend too don't forget so some ((())) for you. Thank you also for saying how much our friendship and support meant to him. This place (VA/the Cafe) is/are so special. Take care and pop in whenever you fancy a cuppa.
Right well I think we'll have an egg banjo today in memory of our friend Mike
(vegan option available of course)
Will go off now and find a pic of Kari in her new 🚙
Bless her💜
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Good morning everyone
Thank you Lillymary (()) for finding out about Mike and giving Toni the sad news.
Toni (()) Thank you for posting the sad news. He will be having a good talk with Aidan.
Kari (()) looks like you. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (()).
Toady ((()) that dove is a lovely colour. Have a good day.
Kitty (()) I hope everything there is going has well as it can. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Barbara (()) I hope everything there is alright have a good day. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Reshmi (()) did you know that dark chocolate is good for your heart it’s what it has in it. That was good going to your club. Love to your mum (())
take care
joan xx0 -
hi to Toni🌺 Joan and toady🐸 hope you’re all as well as can be expected today? T I did mention a BR tale yesterday though I believe it involved biccies scroll back 😀, really tired today walk and haircut so I will answer properly later on sorry about this take care everybody, xx.
Ps pic is purple witch poss a friend of LA. Xx
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Hello all, I'm so sorry you, or we, have lost a friend in Mike. I was beginning to fear the worst after not hearing from him for so long, so on a hunch I googled Vixen in the cat rescue centres near him, and she came up, and the write up confirmed her owner had passed away. I do hope she finds a lovely home soon, Mike would be heartbroken that she's separated from him. She needs someone to spoil her rotten the way Mike did.
I was having a look at his profile and found a picture he posted of himself in his biker days, so I reposted it on Ellen's "Mike1" thread. Do have a look. It's a good way to remember him. Looking at this photo we can understand why he felt so frustrated by how his condition limited him, but he certainly had some good memories to keep him going.
My hip's STILL work in progress, I had a steroid injection into the tendon in my groin a few weeks ago - it's helped a little, but it's not a cure. They're going to do the gluteal tendon too - the radiographer who did the ultrasound scan and injection said both tendons were in really poor shape, just from wear and tear. At least I'm not in the terrible constant pain I suffered before my operation, it just hurts when I lift my knee, and I still have a lot of muscle weakness as the tendons are so rubbish. It's odd how this only kicked off after the operation, even the surgeon wasn't sure why, as he said they "hadn't done anything to that bit". At least I can walk on the flat ok, it's just hills that challenge me still. Perhaps I should just move to Lincolnshire!
Toni, thanks for breaking the sad news so gently, I knew you would find the right words. It's funny how the loss of someone you never met can affect us so much.
Toady, thank you for the dove, that was a lovely thought.
Love to all of you, keep the kettle boiling and the biscuits to hand, we'll raise the next cuppa to Mike xx
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Hi everybody which of course includes Toni Joan and toady I will indeed raise a cup of tea to Mike , but onto lighter subjects now, Toni the last few days any daytime after exercise etc has been interrupted by the GPs phone calls nice how they leave everything to the last minute isn’t it? Also So great when they just ring the phone once and I’m expected to answer be awake and alert and the rest of it anyway i won’t become Miss grumpy, lol so today walked after haircut so I was boiling and tired (time of the month too) so I had nice hot shower and I managed to rest and thank goodness for that, joints skin and mood feel so much better 😀.
Hairdresser Took his time doing the cut and also he decided to styled it with a few curls but it was actually quite nice so that was nice 👍, of course when I came home I washed it out as soon as I could all those scented products aren’t good for us to T don’t you agree?
must admit I had a cheese sandwich today because I’ve just got a bit fed up of the whole thing and my stomach isn’t bad all the time also today was not methotrexate Fri etc so that’s one good thing, however After eating it stomach seems more or less okay tho as we all know what happens in the night is another thing 🤢, but don’t worry Toni it’s just one sandwich I haven’t become a cheese monster, not yet, lol.
also mums Stomach isn’t quite settled last I’ve heard so what exactly is going on is anyone’s guess… One of the friendly GPs no sarcasm there okay maybe just a little bit lol left message yesterday saying stomach is fine according to the tests and that she was just trying to find out how I am.
I can’t say I am not yet it’s not 100% oh well at least there’s nothing serious going on so that something.
I’ve got another blood test on Monday but at least I’m not having the daily blood test deluxe luxury experience lol.
hi Joan how are you today? how is Sue? yes you’re definitely right dark chocolate is good for heart even though maybe not so good for the skin and teeth unfortunately, how’s the weather? here it’s become a bit stuffy but temperature is not too bad relatively speaking hope you both enjoy the day take care.xx
hi toady 🐸sorry I haven’t really been sending proper messages recently been at the mercy of the GP phoning at unholy hours at least in my opinion lol, i had some much needed rest today though, how are things going with you? Managed to go to the group on Wednesday even though it meant a grumpy dad lift one way, I liked the experience even though it was quite sad because a friend of mine there who also has bipolar is in the middle of getting divorced and her husband won’t let her have custody of the children even though she is definitely on the mend now oh well at least she’s being positive it’s definitely hard what some people go through those isn’t it? when others don’t understand their mental health problems?
toady I found out at hairdressers today that customers who get the hair coloured by the senior stylist are offered a choice of fancy hot drinks *various types of coffee or tea) and also a plate of biscuits very nice biscuits like the Lotus Biscoff and so on, lol, it’s a good job I only get a reasonably basic haircut there isn’t it? my goodness I don’t need a hairdresser thrusting a plate of biscuits in my face I do that often enough myself ha ha anyway I don’t really go there for a drink so that’s okay I probably got could get one if I asked for one I’ll stick with your tea if that’s okay with you lol. Hope you’re having a nice evening? take care. Xx
Hi again Toni just wanted to say love the picture of K and her car, also BR has a bit of a temperature unfortunately mind you he may have improved by now haven’t had latest update from Sister The Great hope you’re having a good evening take care of yourself bye for now. Xx
Like I said I’ve washed out my hairstyle now but this is a pic which has an element of the bosh Bob though of course i’m not saying I look like this actress or any actress for that matter lol , also a funny grandma joke I found online take care everyone. Xx
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Hi all
I'm struggling yo type all go into one
Thabkyou Lily Mary and Toni fir letting us know about Mike..he was a proud ex soldier and was in the falklands if I remember right..bless him and I also hope Vixen find a loving home RIP Mike xx
Will pop back tomorrw
Love to all and thankyou fir keep mentioning me even though I'm absent most of the time xx
Barbara4 -
Hi Barbara
nice to hear from you, no worries, you take care of yourself and have a good night. Tc. Xx
(Ps pic is poss book for LA) xx
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Hello all, I hope to write a proper post tomorrow but like bosh have been trying to sort out appointment-related stuff, involving phone calls to & fro and someone having to email someone else, and maybe call me back today.. (but not) therefore tomorrow.. and so on. Nothing significant I hasten to add but my head is a bit twizzled up until I know what's what as I have rather used up my capability for this sort of thing over the years and don't seem to have much left now as I'm sure you all can understand. Love to all and if bosh would like to read me Tea with Victoria Rose after LA's turn then that would be just the thing about now, a nice little simple world with plenty of tea ☕️ wouldn't that be nice.
Thinking of you all and see you soon 😘 xx
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Good Morning everyone
The kettle is on
Thank you Lilymary for all you did it was so appreciated I could tell Mike liked and respected you too bless him. I just saw the photo and remember it well. He did have a full life a really full one.
I can't bear to think of Vixen it breaks my heart as he wouldn't have wanted that I do know. We can send her a gift so i am thinking about doing that on behalf of us in in the café.
Sorry to hear about your tendons I wonder whether they actually got damaged during the fall that triggered the need for your hip replacement🤔Or whether teh poor things had been holding things together a lot longer than you realised. Either way i am glad you are so much better now at least if not able to climb hills. OUr village is flat come here😁
Morning Joan how are you and Sue today? Yes you can certainly tell Kari is my sister especially when we talk or laugh! What a lovely thought Mike and Aidan chatting up there☺️ ((())) xxx
Barbara well done for posting we all understand how tough it is for you with your eyes.
Of course we think about you too every day.
It is so sad about Mike, cancer is evil needs eradicating 😡
Still I am sure he would have preferred it to be him rather than Elliott.
Reshmi I found it! BR really has a sweet nature doesn't he? Sharing his biscuits with Granny like that even if he is a tiny bit forceful😉 Sorry to hear he was a bit off colour I hope that he is ok now little ones can run temperatures suddenly then be over it in days unlike us lot who can feel rough for ages.🤞
That is a cute haircut and I can imagine it would look lovely on you (Bosh bob!). When Lucy started her hairdressing training it was at Francesco (posh hairdresser here). This was when she was still on her cancer treatment, but had avascular necrosis in her hip and a collapsed shoulder (later replaced) they used to give everyone those biscoff biccies. I think they are vegan, but will give them a miss.
I hope you enjoyed every bit of your cheese 🥪 I would think your stomach should cope ok with them occasionally so well done☺️. So far tests have come back ok for your stomach? Have they done any scans? 🤔 very odd and Mum's tum is still a bit off too. It's either something genetic or that water. If it's the water maybe you'd both recover in time?? Drs must not think about us waiting for their calls. It's quite (very) stressful isn't it?
That book for LA looks just adorable I think he'd love it and BR definitely would with his sweet nature. LA likes anything that Auntie Goddess MIma is prepared to read to him. It won't be long before BR will enjoy listening to you reading to them. As for eating Grandma I will be extra careful with my punctuation🤣
I heard from Kitty yesterday she was really struggling to know what to post after hearing about Mike bless her. She has read all our posts though. Take care 😺 Kitty. Sleek is bringing you some choc ices over.
Morning Toady I am going to bob a pic of of my toms turning orange! Yay!
I also harvested the initial peas (will plant more now) yesterday and the huge cabbages both are now washed, sliced, blanched and in the freezer for chomping whenever. So there is space for the broccoli. I also dug up one of the garlics but felt it was still a bit small so plan to give them another week. Onions are drooping nicely.
Have you managed to sort out your appointments yet? I do hope so and that Mr and mrs Blackbird are 👌
Also I would happily listen to Bosh reading that lovely book and imagining a world that simple and sweet☺️
Breakfast today is going to be porridge because I for one am COLD!
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) How is your breathing now I hope it’s a bit better. Have a good weekend. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Barbara (()) that is so sad about Mike and vixen I hope she gets a good home. Have a good weekend. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toady (()) I hope you get things sorted it can be very frustrating. Have a good weekend
Toni (()) that’s so sad vixen going into a cat rescue centre. It makes me mad to think all the money they spend on other things like going up to the moon when it could be spent on things that need money like curing Cancer. Your tomato plants look good. I’m sure Mike said he had another lump on his neck. Have a good weekend love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good weekend it’s nice to have your hair cut I have never been offered biscuits or tea. Love to your mum (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi everyone hope you’re okay? I’m okay just very tired will post properly later
I just thought I’d share this image with you all online pizza wedding dress apparently only slightly photoshopped don’t tell bill he’ll sign the divorce papers ha ha! Bye for now. Xx
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A tree full of hearts for Mike.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hello all. Hope all as well as possible today and thanks again everyone posting info about Mike & to Lilymary letting us know the position with Vixen 😔 I rather thought arrangements had been put in place for her but possibly these were the arrangements, given that he perhaps couldn't line up a home for her himself. I do hope it will be a v. short term arrangement but of course the right home later is better than sooner. Let us know how you get on with the gift situation frog. Hope you are doing ok and thank you for the pictures, lovely to come in this morning and and see those beautiful toms :) there is nothing like that warm greenhousy tomato-plant smell is there, and you never forget it either. I have been for a nice leisurely watering session & a bit of a quiet think, having thankfully sorted my telephone business out - I have managed to arrange for my next consultant appt to be by phone, I really was not sure they would go for it as it is quite a while since they saw me - I am so, so relieved I don't have to go in person. Simply deferring the inevitable I realize but tbh at the moment I will buy any time I can. I am still not sure how I will get to future (new surgery) GP appointments - maybe should get a small or folding bike for emergencies - first-glance reviews are the usual horror stories of poor workmanship, pedals falling off & rubbish tyres, heaven knows what you have to spend to get quality. I always rather wanted a bamboo bike - not cheap either! I love the pic of Kari, do tell her I admire her no end & happy motoring 👍️. See you again soon for any more news, I am waiting now for the Healthcare at Home van, having asked for the morning and being given 4-6pm.. as I mentioned, they are trying to shove the app at people, don't get me started on that. In the meantime I am internet shopping, and may well buy another pot (in fact bougth some pits & pieces yesterday) because well, life is short 😔 and it's only money, and what the hell. Love to all xx
Hi bosh and (to go back a bit) don't worry whatsoever about short messages or no messages, especially as you've been at the mercy of the GP telephone will they/won't they/when will they ring business, me too, it ends up being 5 mins on phone & half the day waiting about (and can't do much else with the time) doesn't it, v. wearing. I see now thinking again that the Tea book was maybe meant more as an example of the LA lifestyle haha than one to read to him, but we'd like it read anyway, I believe it has sandwiches too so what's not to like :) 🥪 hope little BR is ok, and everybody else not too bad today. I like that hairdo! if they did anything like that to yours then it sounds like a good cut/style. I'd rather have a good cut than a fancy drink & biscuit, that's for sure. I once went to a 'salon' & had the same stylist as at another hairdresser who I deliberately hadn't gone to that time, to avoid this person 😱 needless to say I wasn't assertive enough to walk out & cancel. (They weren't awful, I just didn't like what they did & they couldn't deal with my type of hair). Well done for having an okish time at the group and yes, that is sad & unfortunate for your friend, life is tough 😔. Stuffy and a bit horrible today, hope it's not too bad where you are. Have a good weekend (better than last week's!) xx
Hello joan, yes I get very cross about the money spent on space exploration too and actually even if it didn't cost anything I object to them going up there and interfering, we've made enough of a mess of this planet 🙄. My phone calls are all sorted now thank you they were very helpful to me 😀. Hopefully can have a quiet weekend, you too, and love to both xx
Lilymary sorry you have problems with your tendons and that it is a bit of a mystery too with a question mark over the what & why, because we all like to know what's what even if it doesn't change anything. Yes the fens do rather sound like the place to be haha, if I took up cycling again I would probably need to join you! although with no hills there would be nothing to coast down and where's the fun in that. 🚴 All the best with the hip xx
Right, well that sounds like the van so I am going to post and come back later to wave at Kitty and Barbara - have a good afternoon everyone 💕 xx
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Hi again, excuse the various typos from before, & also on re-reading hope my hairdresser story made vague sense, could have been clearer that the person had left their job at one place and gone on to a new one (possibly a business they started with others, not sure) and I didn't know that's who it was when I booked. They also spent part of the time telling me they had been styling models that day for a fashion shoot at a nearby hotel, and how pretty certain of the models were, which was just terrific 🙄😂. By the way Mr and Mrs B are fine thank you for asking frog still no news of what their plans are 🤔 maybe she is just going in her nest for peace and quiet, don't blame her! Oh and the second 'by the way' is that in the time it took to take in my delivery and come back to my online shopping things had sold out & been chucked out of my basket, so much for trying to be cavalier with money 🤨 couldn't give it away.
Anyway hello to Barbara and sorry things are difficult 😔 I will rummage up some more garden and birdy pics soon or anything amusing-ish to save reading my posts, which will not have much in them anyway 😘 😘 love to you & family xx
And hello Kitty, what a lovely picture, hope you are doing ok all things considered sorry the cafe is not a happier place at the moment 😔 take care and hope things going on alright with your plans xx
Have had too many late nights lately so will take myself off & be good, have a good weekend all xx
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Hi Toni toady Joan Barbara oh my goodness what a tiring day didn’t even post properly sorry about that thanks toady I remembered what you said but apologising is very much part of my nature but thank you lol 😄 Toni Hope you had a good day i’m very much exhausted tho haven’t really done much at all I think time of the month and methotrexate is definitely a nasty combination 🤢, hello Joan I see about the tea and coffee etc thing I think that’s a good thing after all haircut is a haircut it shouldn’t be an unhealthy trip to the café 😂. I think I’ll sign off for now as I’m half asleep already, good night everybody or as good as Poss in this heat. Tc, xx
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