Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,344

    Hi toady

    I’m ok - thanks - we’ll sort of

    i mentioned to Toni about how the peri menopause is really getting me down, specifically the fact that although I’m as*xual, as you know of course, I’m now “thinking uncharacteristically” to put it politely, like I did when I had MH relapse, it’s not quite as bad as that but almost really.

    mums ok today - so that’s a good thing 👍👍

    only had a twinge of headache today thanks

    yes didn’t need hat but still hot in certain rooms 🤷‍♀️

    Yes RR’s opinion is golden lol

    Yes literary emails are only liked by amphibians and Mimas I know lol

    Yes CS must be a difficult job

    No nothing tomorrow apart from the dreaded mxt but I usually take that in afternoon so not so bad👍

    Glad you like the pic

    to be honest the pm symptom I mentioned feels so similar to madness and also not something I can talk about ( as in not Internet, actual conversation) that things become very difficult, I live in the kind of Asian family where nobody talks about certain things or the lack of certain things ( a bit vague but you can fill in the blanks as it were).

    my room is still a bit of a sauna today

    LA’s birthday party will be the meeting place for lots of naughty little boys it seems but toads are also welcome so long as they don’t beat me at football⚽️

    but if they do I will reward them with a kale and custard cheese cake in French onion gravy - from wart - rose not al fresco.

    bye for now toady tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,344

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    I’m not too bad right atm thanks

    yes I remembered to drink lots of water thanks 👍

    B test went ok thanks

    mum is ok today too thankfully 🙏

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,611
    edited 4. May 2023, 20:33

    Hi again (quickly) bosh, just to say I sympathize about your difficulty talking to family, mine were never a family for 'actual conversations', name a topic & the more difficult it was we probably didn't talk about it. Good that you can talk to us & I'm sure you're doing the best thing in saying to yourself these are different symptoms, in their own right. Toni mentioned looking into hrt, & I've always had an idea that having soy in my diet over the years helped me.. there is some science around it ie plant-based phytoestrogens, but like most things there isn't a consensus on the subject (& no-one wants to do the equivalent of the well-meaning 'have you tried this or other half-baked suggestion for arthritis'😱 🙄) but maybe something else to look into. Sorry you are finding the symptoms trying 😔. Hope mxt afternoon is not too ooky. Glad EF are ok, planning is starting well ahead for LA's party, it seems naughty little boys get so many invites they need to organize their RSVPs and social diaries super early 🤔 all of the mafia element too, maybe, oh dear, well don't forget that you have the 'Cafiosi' behind you if they give you any trouble 😄. Have a good night as poss :) xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,344

    Hi again Toni

    sorry mum has gone mad with the heating

    so I’m sleepier than bill after he’s eaten a whole saucepan of biryani😂

    So no more instalments today

    have a good night tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,232
    edited 5. May 2023, 05:53

    Morning Joan those panic attacks were very scary luckily I have them under control now. Funny you should say about watching for Harry to turn up! I think that's what we are doing😁I am so upset for Bill really he's had enough to deal with already in his life bless him. Ah well nothing we can do apart from hope for teh very best outcome. Hope you and Sue are at least ok? ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you doing today? Recovered from the hospital trip?

    Nature is playing tricks on you with this peri-menopause trying to get you pregnant before it's too late. Quite clever really of nature, but not good for you ((())) Sorry to say it was many years 7 maybe is about right but for me it came on in phases. Sometimes it would seem to ease right off and I'd think it was over then sneak back. I'd say it tapers off. the last couple of years weren't too bad at all.

    I can imagine how frightening it is as a lot of the effects are so similar to when you were so ill. Just hold on to that thought - you are on Lithium and you are looked after really well on it. It's safe because they are looking after you with your regular bloods.

    How's your Mum doing? (I see putting the heating up too high!) and your Dad - has his tooth eased off for now?

    So RR realised nice M was in need of some kindness. That's good. I didn't think she'd have lots of money bless her, but as you say not realising that and being 'sensible' is evidenced by her giving some away. Let's hope she stops feeling upset about it soon - she might not if she's another worrier like we are though.

    Love the pic of the cat and the girl.

    Are you seeing EF this weekend?

    Morning Toady! Hope you are ok today?

    You've got me singing that song by a certain disgraced Australian singer. It was definitely a tad busy at yours yesterday!

    It's raining Sleek keeps trying to dry herself off on me. She certainly was sitting amongst the cabbages and peas!!! Not this morning though today she went to her usual place which is fine.

    Work Hardo never show me things which are out of stock I have to actually press a button to ask them to🤔 very odd maybe your button is already pressed??? very frustrating that. Al Fresco have indeed let me down but more so when the order arrives with non-vegan subs🙄Still I can't expect the picker to read every label like me can I? I hope you managed to locate your missing items though elsewhere?

    Yes poor Charles will remain outside all summer long for Best Kept Village Community. Blank face, jug ears and all! Not a single cocoa tin lid in sight😂

    Oh my! How dramatic and attention seeking is that? Heating up a nail🙄 just showing off that!!!!

    I know let's hope Bill's new chap does ok it such a shame on Bill after all he's already been through.

    Take care ((())) xxx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,249

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope you have a good day today with no rain. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (()) have a good weekend

    Toady (()) I hope you have a good day. I did not realise it is a bank holiday on Monday again. Sorry you are having problems with your parcels I hope it’s soon sorted for you (()) have a good weekend.

    Barbara (()) I hope everything is going has well has it can. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (()) have a good weekend

    Toni (()) yes it’s so sad about Bill’s partner (()) life is so hard at times. Has your migraine gone (()) have a good weekend all of you I did not know it was another bank holiday this weekend. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I know how you feel I was on Marplan and Libreum when our mum died of cancer. Have a good weekend (()) love to your mum (()) I hope she is well (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,611

    'Morning all 😊

    Quite a decent start to the day but a bit huffly. No rain yet though unlike you frog, so no damp cats using me as a towel 😄. I knew you'd know the comic song 😄 I randomly picked that piece just because I found the pea article interesting, I'd forgotten pea shoots as a spare salad thing, will try that myself. Lettuce is coming up really well, better than anything else, so far. No new seedlings, no new types yet, I mean. The Work Hardo was a non-food item (it was all I wanted actually), that may have something to do with it. I couldn't find the 'don't show out of stock' button 🤔 but in any case it does say in stock in search results, when logged in; just stops me at the checkout. Can't be helped 😔. Hope you will be having a not too busy weekend - I am just doing odd jobs, might get round to some arch prep, might not. I mentioned to bosh, wonder how are you finding the non clothes buying, now that we are a third into the year (omg 😱) I must really embark on another sort out. Good luck ahead of time with all the party & cake businesses, hope everyone well and Lucy has finished the antib's or nearly and things are ok. xx

    Hello joan, quite a lot of things are still running on the Bank Hol, I have a delivery coming, and Healthcare at Home offered me that day too if I had wanted, it's just certain things I suppose. Post services are back to normal thank you 👍️ I had a parcel picked up this morning hoping it will get to someone in good time. I am just looking at the local election results hoping my local MP will lose his seat 😬 😉 have a good day :) xx

    Wave to bosh 👋 see you later, heating not going too supercritical at yours I hope🤞 💥🔥 :) xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,344

    Hi Toni

    how are you?

    yesterday night I was feeling really low and crying as I felt I was becoming a person that I don’t recognise or approve of.

    but today I had a frank talk with my mum, obviously I didn’t tell her everything, but we agreed that I have to continue to monitor my sleep really carefully and at the first sign of any significant sleep loss setting in or of my realising that I’ve no control of my behaviour and feelings anymore we contact GP and ask for mental health referral as a matter of urgency.

    I was reading up a bit on peri menopause and I’ve learned about certain things related to peri menopause and I learned that exercise can help, which stands to reason now I think about it, the more tired you are the less time you have to brood on things in an unhealthy manner.

    I didn’t sleep that well last night but that was because mum had used the heating to turn this house into a Hawaii beach or something like that lol.

    I walked this morning and rested /slept afterwards and felt so much better for it thanks for asking. 👍

    Yes I’ve recovered from the hospital trip thanks🙏

    I see seven years, that’s a long time, but the main thing I fear now is becoming mentally ill again, but you’re right I have to take things one day and step at a time, it’s all I can do.

    I’ve been thinking again about all sorts of horrible things from the past, like once in the hospital I was a victim of a kind of s** - related assault, but I’ve tried to put those things to the back of my mind now.

    mums ok today thanks despite the heating debacle lol

    dads toothache is ok thanks but he’s brooding about all sorts of silly things again

    Yes you’re right about nice M, she in fact borrowed some money from her dad and then gave it to a lady who - allegedly- didn’t have any money for food- but she must have had something because she was a resident not someone living on the streets for example, oh well at least she didn’t give all her money away 😔

    Thanks about pic

    we’re seeing EF on Sunday- I must remember to pack cheese sandwiches- sliced cheese not block of cheese lol

    How is L doing these days? Is her boss still being v nasty?

    bfn Toni have a good afternoon

    bye tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,344
    edited 5. May 2023, 17:56

    👋 Joan

    👋 toady

    wppl xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,344

    Hi Joan

    how are you and Sue doing today?

    Im sorry about what you went through after you lost your mum😔

    I’ve worked out now that my mood swings etc were prob the “monthlies” which is a relief, but I just got worried as I don’t usually have those extreme kind of feelings anymore 👍

    but thanks so much for caring 🤗

    my mood has started to get a bit better now

    mum is ok today thanks apart from the usual arguments with dad

    i hope you both have a lovely evening

    bye tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,232
    edited 6. May 2023, 06:10

    Morning Joan yes migraine all cleared up. How are you feeling this morning - looking forward to watching Harry? I think quite a few will be as interested in whether he is there as the actual ceremony! Yes we have yet another bank holiday on Monday 🙄Take care both of you ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi I hope you feel ok today.

    The weather has certainly picked up for the big day. I made some of my bows for the village 'do' tomorrow. Here is a pick of my car when I dropped them off:

    The peri-menopause is when I started walking. Also when I gave up caffeine and got an easy yoga DVD to do here at home. You are right 100% about that and well done confiding in your lovely Mum. Just a thought though- do you see anyone still? You know like a CPN or anyone like that? Your Mum is now ready to help you spot anything worrying and you are monitoring things closely that should hopefully reassure you. This forum helped me a lot:

    I can see why you fear needing to go to hospital again you didn't always feel safe this is not good. I hope by getting as active as you can you can get through this. My own sister was 'lucky' she got through hers in about 2 years beginning to end, but did up her meds with medical support of course.

    I am glad your Dad's toothache has eased off...for now! He will probably always brood about something else that's his nature.🙄

    Oh dear poor nice M I hope it wasn't a great deal of money and I hope it was a 'give' and not a 'lend' because i doubt she'll get it back. I also hope her Dad is nice like her and doesn't want it back.

    Lucy is trying really hard to keep her head down at work - my only worry is that she has maybe had one or two seizures so stress isn't helping. 4 months to go and if it hasn't improved she will be out of there. Thank you so much for asking.

    Loved the pusskin pic! It looks like Lucy's Winnie when she is cross!

    Pack your sandwiches for Sunday at least those boys will make you smile.

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Toady

    I am doing absolutely fine with the lack of clothes.....buying!!! Not had anything new although I am off to Luxembourg soon for the car rally in the Figaro and there are T shirts we all have to wear so Paul bought them. Not sure if that counts?

    Yes pea shoots there are so many we can try! I love shoots in salads. Paul prefers some fruit in his🤢I do not like mixing sweet and savoury.

    Your Arch! Oh dear we must sort ours!

    Look at this lovely passion flower

    It needs a home.

    and look at Sleek again this morning


    Aha the work Hardo item was non-food. That might have had a bearing.... The out of stock item is sort of the other way round. I look for something I've bought before and can't find it them it says 'search in out of stock items' and there it is and I can't have it 😕woe.

    Last night I did a murder mystery for Kari, My Bro and SIL myself and Paul. It was very entertaining! It was a game I bought pre lockdown. They all had characters and had to dress up in outfits it was set on a ship in 1920. My bro proper hammed it up! He was Ace Berg! Came in his suit, dicky bow dangling and a glass of apple juice (whiskey) in hand. the murderer was Kari who was Inez Cent an aspiring singer.

    Started at 6.30 Pm and was all done and dusted by 9PM so perfect for me. Paul cleared up so all good. My kind of night! In bed by 10!😁

    I think the weather isn't too bad at all for the bank holiday weekend.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,249

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope you have a good day thinking of you. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) have a good day i hope everything is in your order when it come’s. Did your councillor get knocked out. We have rain.

    Barbara (())Have a good day (()) you have so many worries (()) we all care about you (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) your car is lovely. I’m sorry Lucy has had some seizures (()) yes she’s best from there (()). Jacky daughter is flying to Bermuda on Monday. Have a good day (()). Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi Have a good day (()) don’t worry (()) love to your mum (()) is she well (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,344

    Hi Toni

    how are you?

    im feeling better now think it was totm symptoms got out of hand 👍

    thanks for your advice 🤗

    bit tired

    bfn tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,344

    Hi Joan

    how are you both?

    thanks I’m feeling a lot better today 👍

    mum is a bit tired but ok thanks

    hope you both have a good day

    bye tc xx

    👋 toady xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,611
    edited 6. May 2023, 12:49

    Hello all 👋 lovely day for.. well not much really.. but could be worse I suppose.

    I expect your Charles has had at least a sprinkle of rain today frog, not sure about HRH himself, haven't looked at any news or footage yet but I will later. At the moment I'm hovering over some parcel tracking, my local DO has developed some sort of mystery hold up just in time for my rather important 'customer wants it for Thursday' sale 🙄. I have a tracked 48 parcel that set off on Tues that is moving, so it's a slight mercy I have something else to track, to gauge how behind everything is, if you see what I mean. Can't do anything about it anyway 😬. Glad you had a fun evening last night 😄 your sis did the deed, eh 🧐 well at least you can all sleep safely in your beds now, especially those of you going at 10pm. You aren't finding 'going without clothes' too bad then 🤭 at least you aren't among the people answering the door to election canvassers in the nude 😳 seems to be quite the thing apparently, I thought at first they meant people doing it on purpose to be provocative as a protest or something, but no, just 'ordinary' people sauntering out of their garden sheds &c. If it did frighten off your local candidate it might almost have been worth it, the same old poltroon got back in, here 🙄🙄 ugh. Probably ok (just) Paul having to get you the t-shirts - as a gift maybe? - don't know what the rules on that would be but I expect can sneak through on a technicality 🤫. Fruit in salad, you reminded me I used to have orange in a green salad with a nut cutlet thing, but that was back when I could digest nut cutlets so I'd almost forgotten 😄 nothing to stop me doing it with some other accomp. Well I don't suppose we'll get much gardening in but at least Sleek has watered for you 🤨 have a lovely weekend :)

    Hello joan, my shopping was all fine thanks, the only thing I couldn't get was just a non-food thing didn't matter too much. I have parcel troubles again though 😬 ones I've sent, I spoke too soon saying RM seems ok again now. Will just have to hope for the best🤞. No such luck getting a change of councillor (I said MP didn't I silly me, wishful thinking because I'd love them to be out too) - same person got in again by a decent margin, more fool local voters 🙄. Hope you are both having a good weekend and it's fineish :) xx

    Hi bosh, just a quick hello, I'm glad you feel confident that your mood swings etc are hormonal it's one (small!) consolation that these things are 'cyclical' it gives you something to observe and keep track off so it's a bit of reassurance. Hope you have an ok weekend & well done talking to your mum 👍️ nothing happening with me apart from the usual, I will have the kettle on plenty of times over the bank hol weekend ☕️ you will probably be glad of one if the kids are in the offing 😱 xx

    Love to everyone, hope Kitty is as well as possible and Barbara too, and any passersby 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,344

    Hi toady

    sorry I’m not ignoring you, I’m just trying to quieten my mind down a bit today.

    mums not feeling v well, v congested and sore throat etc, but not problems with b sugar etc, no fever.

    we are meant to go to MH tomorrow

    not sure yet tho, depends ok mums health of course

    on a lighter note I ate a banana and threw ice cream in the bin👍👍

    good fruit that - great for oestrogen 😀

    ok bfn toady tc xx

    ps a badge for you and I lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,611

    'night to you too bosh, no offence ever taken if you post less, just wave vaguely across space & time somewhere out there, that'll get to me 😊 more important you look after yourself 👍️. I made banana muffins myself today (not v sugary, and with oats and flax seeds in) so great minds.

    'Bye for now may go for a quick walk myself am trying to have at least a little one a day, so as not to be such a letdown to you & Toni's example🚶‍♀️

    All the best if MH goes ahead🤞:) xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,232

    How cute is that Good Morning King Charles!

    Well I think he had a fantastic turn out in spite of the weather I am very pleased for him and the family. Also very pleased Harry made the effort to come all this way even though it was his own son's birthday.

    Morning Joan how are you today? It's the village party this afternoon. This morning I am helping with the titivating. How fabulous Jacky's daughter flying to Bermuda! She is certainly seeing plenty of the world isn't she? Love to you both ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi I am so very, very glad you are feeling so much better.

    Not good that your Dear Mum isn't 100% though. I do hope she is well enough to visit EF, but safer not to go all round if she is really rough. Is she the sort of lady who will lie down and sleep if she feels ill? 😕

    Loved the Snoopy pic😊 gosh yes there was a fair bit of rain yesterday for the King's Coronation, but so many people turned out to be there. Amazing. I went to see my friend who lost her wife. It was extra tough for her as the 3 of us watched the Queen's funeral together the day before she was admitted to hospital so it felt too similar.

    Today is our village coronation party let's hope it all goes really well and stays dry.

    Love to you and your Mum ((()))

    Morning Toady

    Oh dear delivery issues. There isn't anything at all you can do. if the item was sent in good time and tracked it is just in the hands of Royal Mail. Fingers crossed though for you.

    I didn't watch the Coronation either though I have seen plenty since it looks as though it was done beautifully as only our country can do. Some lovely photos of them all although I confess I did spend quite some time working out who some of the lesser known 'Royals' were! The red white and blue flypast was amazing.

    Luckily I have not been forced to wear nothing yet! Still happy enough to wear 'old' clothes most of which are fine. I think it's really about not buying for the sake of it and wearing clothes just two or three times before them going in landfill. I hope Paul buying the official T shirts is ok😦I would think so....

    I had no idea we had so many 🔞 'nudeys' in the country😳 Poor candidates!!

    Nut cutlets can be very tough on tums for sure. I swerve them too these days. there is plenty of other veg/vegan food out there which is far kinder.

    Kari (AKA Inez Cents) was safely removed from the premises by My brother and SIL. Sleek came to bed with me in order to protect me anyway.....

    Have a good day today I hope you get outside. We are actively 'sourcing' an arch it's urgent now!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,249

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) How are you feeling (()) have a good day. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) I hope your parcels can be found. Labour got in here knocking the Conservatives out. Have a good day (())

    Barbara (()) I think about you and your family (()). Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) your friend was pleased to have you there you both have so many memories love to your friend (()) i hope you have a dry day for the street party (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) Have a good day I hope your mum feels better today (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,344

    Hi Toni

    how are you?

    I hope you have a nice village coronation party

    the neighbours in my street are mainly too stuffy to anything like that unfortunately

    thanks I definitely am feeling a lot better, totm still going on but with just the normal symptoms now 👍

    the mood swings etc did make me pause to reflect though, I think I need to start eating a bit healthier, main prob is dad though, it would be easier if I lived independently in some ways, for example dad keeps a lot of fruit right at bottom of fridge where I can’t reach, I’ve told him off about this and he’s moved some apples but not all of them, these relatively minor but exceedingly irritating things he keeps doing really wear me down at times, I’ve bought some foam ear plugs to help block out noise when I’m tired after walk and trying to nap in daytime- but when a gorilla roars even the best ear plugs won’t really do the job🤷‍♀️

    mum is a bit better thanks Toni 🙏

    im so pleased about that yesterday she was so ill, I haven’t seen her looking that upset for a while

    shes still v tired though understandably so she’s resting today and we’re not going to MH, which is good.

    Sorry about your friend who lost her wife.

    I think I’ll go for now

    bye Toni tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,344


    👋 toady

    wppl xx

    ps pic of nasty nhs queue jumper neighbour lady doing her beauty routine 😱lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,344

    Hi Joan

    how are you and Sue doing today?

    mum is getting better today thanks 🙏

    hope you both have a lovely day

    bye tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,611
    edited 7. May 2023, 16:27

    Hello all 👋

    Jolly nice day, pretty perfect in my book in fact, not too hot & just slightly overcast, about time too. Have been beetling around in the garden frog, playing with troughs for salad, bit of weeding, split some heucheras, used some of the free chive seeds, ect ect. Took my arch out so far, marked the position, took it back in again 😄 it's a start. Watched the lovely pair of doves and Mrs B of course. I thought you already had yours, but no I see you're still looking 🤔 hope you see something you like. Everything is certainly growing now isn't it! One spell of warm and things are off, even some late seeds. My replacement pots arrive tomorrow and things are just waiting to hop into them 🌱 I'm wondering if by any chance they've written off the substandard ones & will let me keep them, as they would still 'do' for something, rather than them take them away & chuck them🤞. My parcel that set off first is still moving even today, so I really hope the other will catch up but it's a bit of a nailbiter 😬 why is it never something unimportant 🙄. Hope you are having a nice day hopefully the weather is spot on for you too, for the party. Btw I'm sure the t-shirts for the rally are within the spirit of the thing, no worries 😊 the whole point is as you say, to address the disposable attitude people have got into with clothes. I have things I've worn for 20 years I expect, unfortunately I also have things I've had for 20 years and never worn, like a silly toad.. have a lovely Bank Hol 👋 :) xx

    Hello joan, hope you're both having a good Sunday 😊 it's so nice here. And quiet, don't know why more people aren't out gardening etc. One of my parcels is nearer where it's going to now but the other hasn't moved, it's not lost probably just still at my local sorting office which isn't brilliant for something that should have been delivered by now 😔. Fingers crossed; the bank hol has got in the way of course. Another one in 3 weeks 😬. Have a good Monday :) love to the dear dogs too xx

    Hi bosh, glad to hear your mum feels better, sorry, I meant to say something yesterday. Probably good that MH visit is off as you say, all things considered. Hope you have had a walk & it wasn't too warm, obviously you weren't at risk of tripping over trestle tables & chairs full of jolly street party goers, same here - the odd union jack around, that's it. Thought I would at least hear sounds of back garden barbecues and whatnot. Have had 3 walks in a row myself 😀 hope it doesn't turn too wet so I lose the continuity, ofc some rain is acceptable for those who need it 👍️. Nothing else going on with me, I should have taken a leaf out of QJL's book today and done something with my fur/hair as I'll have to answer the door to a delivery tomorrow, oh well dragged through hedge backwards look is due a comeback, surely 😂. Have a good Monday :) xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,344

    Hi toady

    how are you?

    oh my goodness what nasty weather

    well for me at least

    went on a walk today but I admit this was enabled ( now thats an over - used word, isn’t it?) with gluco - zade - not ideal

    mum is getting better thanks

    LA had a massive tantrum today so his parents took him and BR to soft play area lol

    BR is getting a new storybook about the mole’s spectacles, let’s hope mr mole doesn’t need expensive varifocals lol

    banana muffins sound good to me

    sis has hired a part - time cook to help her at home and bill is now eating some form of potato - bread and chicken biryani every day - triple ook 😱😱😱

    BR calls himself “R Baby Pretty Baby” lol

    my hay fever seems a bit worse today, not sure why, pollen isn’t extra high I don’t think, must be one of those unfathomable mysteries only LA knows the answer too, I haven’t even eaten any pollen - rich cheese sandwiches recently lol. I’ve been good and had hypoallergenic tuna.

    not really been watching anything new, just a sitcom that I’m used to but not particularly great

    theres a Korean drama I watch sometimes on NF called The Good Doctor about an autistic doctor which is quite good, the prob is of course concentrating on the subtitles when tired or trying to “multitask “.

    do you like subtitles? Or does it depend on the language?

    are you into the coronation - watching side of life?

    im not so keen but my mum enjoyed a lot, so I’m glad

    we might be seeing EF tomorrow

    not sure what’s happening yet

    bfn toady tc xx

    ps I think the pic may be the book - loving fish called “memo” who plays football with me - apparently! Lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,344

    Hi toady

    sorry forgot to refresh- not a deodorant reference lol

    good night and don’t collide with any trestle tables or giant monster - sized coronation cakes lol

    tc xx