Val's Cafe



  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,206

    Hi ToniFrog, thank you so much for the fotos of the bikes going for auction, I like the one far right at the back in the first foto. Oh, and I’ll take the 911 too. Always loved those, although I’d have to drive it via proxy coz it will probably do the same to me as Loanda’s mini.

    Sucré is much better today thanks for asking (and everyone that asked too) just the slightest hint of inflammation left but if you didn’t know him you wouldn’t notice, does that make sense??

    trammies are the only meds that work for me. Tried everything else.

    Hi Reshmi, Loanda loves that bath.

    Hi Toady Hi Dashchund.

    Oh and hope the fete went off ok despite the weather.

    we went to the next town so Sucré could play in the sand park, and have MacD’s for lunch. I went on bike, not going in that car ever again, and dodged the showers and

    im getting quite good at that, probably get soaked next time I’m out now I’ve said that.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Toni toady Joan and Keef

    how are you all today?

    im enjoying the mxt hangover etc, as it were, so v behind on messages and so on, sorry about that, I’ll catch up gradually,

    just wanted to say I did do something constructive this morning- I wrote a little poem about VC,

    the title is Morning Creativity

    Early morning, when the rest of the family are sleeping, I wake and write things down

    sometimes I also have a leisurely cup of tea in a comfortable dressing gown

    with no one to bother me, no one to shout,

    no one to fill my mind with insecurity and doubt

    I consume a nice sweet biscuit, the genre is Rich Tea

    then I sit and chat online with my Val’s Cafe family

    so there it is lol

    Hi again Toni

    mums bs is ok thanks but her waist pain is still bad and she is in absolutely terrible mood - everything is my fault today basically

    she still went to the Corrupt Hatter’s Tea Party lol

    no could stop her 🤷‍♀️

    i haven’t even had a shower yet so I’m just off to rectify that

    hope you’re ok Joan?

    Keef I’m glad your son is getting better

    toady please remind me that I owe you some royalties for mentioning Rich Tea lol

    ok bye for now everyone tc xx

    ps bills looking for new employment it seems? Lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,605

    Hi all 😊 head is not too happy today & didn't sleep that well, so will keep babbling to a reasonable minimum 😉 have a horrible suspicion my head is less keen on screens & being online these days, doesn't bode well when one is are already making do with it as a life substitute 🙄. A day or so off would probably help I will try it (one day).

    That's a super barn frog, glad it went as well as could be & was not an awful washout (or a 'fete worse than death' as my dad would probably say 😊). Great totals! 👍️. Glad you had a nice run out to the car show too, that Triumph is indeed a little belter, can see why there would be oohing & ahhing. It would of course turn out fine today 🙄 typical. Got some washing out and so forth & was a bit more productive than yesterday. Of course I have a drawer (drawers) like that 😄 with cracked watering can rose, absolutely. Keys are cool so I don't call them clutter. I have keys from old family houses, places I've worked, keys from old flats.. in fact keys I probably shouldn't have anymore 😂 & some lovely large old ones. Not sure if postie is regular or not I don't often see him 🤔 parcel has been moving along today; has to go to France so the odd day won't notice, it was just the let-down. Good luck in advance again for whenever your auction is - I always bid at the end - hope there aren't too many me's about🤞.

    Hello Joan, I haven't seen Mr B today but Mrs B was there, I will look out again later when I have another potter round. Being fine and a Sunday all the motor mowers & strimmers are out 🙄 hope you are having a good day yourselves. Supposed to be light showers today, light rain tomorrow; not sure how they square that with forecasting heavy rain from midnight til 7am 😕. Hope not too bad where you are.

    Hi bosh, feel free to have full creative rights over the Rich Tea theme 😂😂. The local shop ones were rather small pale imitations of the real thing actually 😔 but any port in a storm. Your Dad was still frying at 10pm, gosh almighty, whatever for 😱 in that case I hope you definitely did get a bit of quiet time this morning & not just in the poem, & also while family were elsewhere at the CHTP 🎩 😄 (assuming your dad went too). Good luck for LA visit and hope mtx day has eased well off by then in case jelly baby & cheese concoctions are being passed round. Monday has come round quickly 😱 I don't think I can allow it to be practically August, especially as I will probably have dr & vampire nurse type things then 😕. See you next visit :) xx

    Glad everyone ok today keef and little one very very nearly himself. I like the morning tea pics, even if (I gather) you have had the mugs foisted upon you 😄. Have a good evening 👋 x

    Love to all xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Thanks toady have a good night tc xx

    ps pic of an Israeli synagogue xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230


    What a day!

    Will have to be brief today we are off in about half an hour to Oxfordshire to get the Figaro's soft top replaced. It's raining! I suppose at least that'll test it!!! Also the repaired radio is going back in too.

    I have already taken extra pain meds it's going to be along day.

    Profuse apologies for the naff post😳

    Hope you are all as well as possible expect some seriously boring pics after this.

    Hope LA isn't too disappointed with his holiday weather Reshmi!

    For now Keef look at this!

    The Fete has raised over £1000!

    Take care everyone!

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

    ps Hindu temple Nepal xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) thinking of you. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) i hope you have a good day. We have rain we want warm weather.

    Barbara (()) thinking about you and Mr B (()) love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) Penelope looks lovely sorry about the pain you will have going to Oxford. That was a good amount of money at the fete. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend(()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) sorry your mum still has the pain around her waist (()) I hope she can get help for it.

    Keef (()) Have a good day. I take Zamadol it’s Tramadol it dissolves in your mouth. I’ve had others they stopped working the same. Love to everyone.

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,605
    edited 24. Jul 2023, 12:12

    Hi all 👋

    Hope frog is getting on well with the Fig errands after that ludicrously early start 😮. I was having a cup of tea at that point having been kept awake by the buckets of rain (something somewhere is making an annoying loud plinking noise, apparently somewhere in (empty) next door's back garden so no chance of anyone stopping it, unless I shin over & do a bit of detecting myself 🤔). Then went back to bed til 8. No birds out they clearly hate today. Not much happening with me, have just been trying to fix up blood tests, some hope! - the system is now impossibly complicated with endless prompts to go online and do everything. The basic message that comes over is please get off the phone, oh and please have your blood tests done at the hospital 🙄. Just go away in other words. Great total for the fete and if there is any cake left over I will take it off your hands 🥧🍰 will have to have al fresco tomorrow 😕. Any update on the village 'tealeaf' situation or is it sub judicae 🤫. Hope your day is going ok anyway and nothing the painkillers can't handle :) xx

    Hello joan, there are no birdies out today but I saw Mr B last night. Hope it will brighten a bit & for you too. I don't know if it's going to warm up ever I daren't look 😔. Which day is your neighbour arriving? I have to have a grocery delivery tomorrow can't say I can be bothered to put my mind to it 🤔 prices in the supermarkets should be coming down a bit so they say. Have a good afternoon :) xx

    Hi bosh, ordeal by nurse receptionist for me today 😫 even compared to last time it seems to have got worse. I know it's Mon morning I don't mind hanging on the line I just hate the endless recorded interruptions telling you go online, & do you want a call back? & if this isn't the option you want press whatever, and on & on 😕 and then couldn't get an appt anyway. Grr. LA visit will be under way hope it's going well so far 😬 and your mum is having a better day. Maybe you fitted in an early walk. At least the visit doesn't clash with Weds so group should be possible for you. Have you seen that our friend Elongated Tusk (to paraphrase elephant lady baby 😄) is busy spoiling 🐦️, the man is a pest 🙄 why can't anyone leave anything alone when it's ok as it is. Have a good afternoon not too hectic I hope🤞see you next time :) x

    Waves to keef and to anyone passing 👋 kettle is on ☕️ xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Toni

    how are you?

    I think that the cheese will suffice thanks lol

    the cheese monster is coming about 4.45 pm - ish today

    mums pain is gone and bs is ok too 🙏

    yesterday was horrendous - no one let me sleep when tired 😡

    just got a few things to before arrival of the dairy king

    bfn tc xx

    ps bills cooking 🤢

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    👋toady Joan and Keef

    How are you all today?

    mum had really bad waist pain yesterday so she made sure I suffered with her,

    I really didn’t get the sleep I needed until quite late night , she was also obsessing about all of us getting LA’s room fully ready

    anyway thank goodness she’s feeling ok today, her bs is ok too thanks Joan and toady

    LA should be here in maybe half an hour to an hour’s time.

    I think we’re going to the cinema with him tomorrow- i really hope my stomach can cope with cinema food, I’ve been eating all sorts of rubbish just to stay awake, anyway maybe I can partially fast if the worst comes to the worst- what fun 😡

    ok I aim to post again later unless “Why? - pad” runs out of charge, bye for now everyone tc xx

    ps Malaysian mosque xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,206

    Oh what a pants day, my favourite guitar amp developed a fault, my computer went wrong and some unknown third party has hacked my wifi, plus it’s rained all day and my pain has been so bad I resorted to using my wheelchair to pop into town, in the rain!

    nice pics ToniFrog. Hope the new roof is waterproof

    hi to everyone.

    really fed up!

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,206

    Hey Toady, u are correct about the mugs, but at least they are a decent size, and I leave the bag in for a decent brew sometimes.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,206

    Oh and the other 2 both have colds now with Sucré sneezing every five minutes, obviously the suspected allergic reaction was the start of his cold, and Loanda gets EVERY cold he has only much worse. I am usually lucky.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,605
    edited 24. Jul 2023, 19:55

    Heavens everyone what a day 😕 frog only has to leave us to ourselves, well since the early hours, see what becomes of us 😱

    A wave and some moral support to bosh in her hour of need 😬 one day down one to go (later start than I thought today), hope the cinema trip passes swiftly & uneventfully, cream crackers to hand if you need plain food & some bona fide rich tea will be here tomorrow if you can hang on 👍️

    Sorry about your woes keef, talk about 'it never rains' 🙄 the tech gremlins have had it in for you today for sure, ugh. So sorry family are sniffling away, get well soon all and hope you do only get it mildly🤞preferably not at all obvs.

    Think I'd better put the kettle on again - any requests - tea, lemsip, herb tea, hot toddies, I might have one myself to face ringing the surgery again tomorrow 😣

    Have as good a night as poss everyone and a better day! xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Oh dear toady

    what a day indeed!

    requests - maybe tea and sympathy biscuits -

    well on second thoughts I could just do with some coconut water please

    i had to eat junk food in addition to “normal” cereal in the morning just to find the energy to leave the house

    yes we need Toni’s guidance indeed

    hi Keef sorry you had a bad day too

    good night everyone hopefully things will be better tomorrow

    bye tc xx

    ps I know hygiene is important, but that’s a bit extreme lol xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,206

    Interesting reading about the latest covid strain arcturus, (can’t sleep) symptoms now include conjunctivitis. So I guess that’s what my two have. Will go get test kit later in case they’ve infected me as well.

    Oh, and I’ve repaired the guitar amp. I get more done at night when I’m meandering from one thing to another than during the day. These old valve amps need constant care, bit like me.

    So if I’m not dying of Covid tomorrow hopefully I’ll get some guitar playing done rather than bass for a change, until my hands give up anyway 😁

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230
    edited 25. Jul 2023, 05:35

    Got home about 8.40pm last night soooooo tiring! We went to the pictures and actually had a nice day. Lovely Vegan lunch too.

    Morning Joan how are you and Sue doing today? Are you both well? Have you got an appt to see someone for your scan results booked? Home now thank goodness and very happy to be here. Hope you have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi. When I googled the nearest cinema yesterday I discovered we were only about 16 miles from you! If I'd had a car I could have come to see you! Picked the wrong time to go to the cinema, being school hols so we ended up seeing the Barbie film! I thought it was a bit rubbish in spite of reviews saying that it was good for adulks too.

    It was a long day indeed, but today I will take it easier. How about you though? How are you? and is your Mum's side less sore?

    If you go to the cinema don't eat the food. Just have a drink that's what I do. Yes partially fast that's the answer.

    I hope LA settled in ok and you get some time for yourself over the next few days. I'm sure his Lordship's room was just perfect bless you Mum.

    I hope the cheese lorry I sent arrived in time.

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Keef, I do sincerely hope that you do not catch Sucré and Loanda's 'cold' Sneezing can be painful for us lot😕 I also hope they are ok and coping well. Gosh what if it's COVID? The Dr who lives opposite and his wife got it a bit back they were both quite rough.

    The roof looks fabulous I am well chuffed no leaks all the way home, but not allowed to open it for 48 hours now so it stretches just right. A total of 3 bikers gave me a wave and a thumbs up over the car yesterday. Why do bikers appreciate quirky cars so much? Honestly they really do seem to.

    Well done fixing your amp I am very impressed. You can get a lot done on a sleepless night I have to agree. Hope, if you aren't infected, you manage some 🎸 playing😊

    If you are still 'clear' you'd better get your nurse's outfit on😂

    Morning Toady. How are you? I hope the Chinese water torture from next door stopped in the end?

    Poor Birdies I do not blame them for hiding inside.

    What a wet day it was yesterday! Chucked it down all the way there so we went to the pictures to stay dry when we came out it had stopped so we were lucky. Went to a cafe for a cuppa and checked on my ebay bid...all good.

    After that we actually had a look around the town then had a very leisurely lunch before going back to the Fig shop to see how things were going.

    All done I now have a working clarion radio which I can also answer the phone on and play my audio books! The roof looks fantastic.

    Slow journey home more rain...but then the best news! I won the auction! No-one else bid so I got a total bargain😊

    I believe Sleek was at yours sulking because mummy 'abandoned' her again? Hope she didn't eat the rich teas?

    Take care everyone

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,206

    A bleary eyed Good Morning everybody. Managed a couple of hours sleep after 5am. But the dishwasher is empty and I’ve caught up on the washing, so now I have a pile of wet clothes rather than dirty, is it EVER gonna stop raining??!!!

    wppl as head is on verge of going nuclear so no more typing for me atm.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) thinking of you and your carers (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) I hope you have a good day today. Our new neighbour move’s in on the 27’th. I hope the drips have stopped next door. I hope you can get an appointment at the doctor’s today. We have no heating it should be fixed tomorrow.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) Did the journey to Oxford cause you a lot of pain (()) That’s good Penelope has a new roof a car to be proud of. We have no heating they are coming tomorrow to fix it. No I have not got my results yet. Have a good day (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I like coconut water. I hope you have a good day. Love to your mum (()) I hope she feels better now (())

    Keef (()) sorry you have a cold (()) have a good day. Love to your wife and Sucr’e (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,206

    hey Frog, I think the reason you get a wave from us bikers is because you are in a car you are enthusiastic about, one which is a nice change from the masses of sad people driving generic grey boxes, kind of like a four wheeled bike! Welcome to the dark side lol.

    neg covid test but I feel awful.

    hello everyone thanks for the kind words. Will read everything and post later or tomorrow.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Keep doing the tests Keef.

    The Dr in the village who had COVID recently said some people are testing negative.....

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Toni

    the tiny tyrant is running us ragged

    hi toady

    sorry you had n receptionist ordeal

    more later I need to sleep

    bye tc

    ps is this Bill’s snack?? I hope he’s not pregnant lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Joan

    how are you both today?

    im very tired but ok thanks

    mums ok now thanks but she slept badly and had low bs in morning- but not hypo

    we went to cinema with Lord A

    have a nice evening tc xx

    ps rather oddly coloured Mac n cheese lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,329

    Hi Keef

    sorry you’ve got a bad cold

    i hope you feel better tomorrow

    bye tc x

    ps I’m doing a Toni now, putting calorific tempting food on here lol - but it’s my nephew LA Vulcan mind - melding again