Val's Cafe
Morocco, one of the places I SO wanted to visit but never got there. For me it was from the bike perspective, obviously, as the Dakar rally used to go through there at the start and there are lots of desert trails out into the Sahara.
lovely pic as always Reshmi.
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Hi Toni
how are you?
thanks about the poem, I’m glad LA and BR don’t really drink undiluted squash by the bottle, but that’s not for want of trying lol.
thanks about mum, yes she’s very brave
Thanks about the vile symptoms thing, not to go on too much about it, but my totm began today and I told my mums about this and the symptoms - keeping details v vague of course - so things a bit unclear basically, but it was so much better than last time, that’s definitely true 👍
Toady is right by the way, LA was being v bossy and headmasterly, he said BR wasn’t allowed anywhere near his bed, oh dear, poor innocent BR.
yes you’re right maybe LA is just growing up, but he did ask his mummy to help him make a video for elephant trunk expert lady baby saying that he missed her and that she was a good friend, aww, but in a half a minute’s time his mind was on baked goods, as they say and he shouted, “Where are the cupcakes?!”
That’s a good idea about cheaper gemstones, also less acrimony in case of LA’s potential divorce of 2 wives, but who am I kidding? Two wives indeed, he’s on his way to collecting so many spouses that he’ll have to store them in his holiday destination Slough - or “Slug” as he calls it, then when slug is full, I guess it’s Reading, he could keep them in the park - the local bakery may run out of cheese sandwiches, but I guess no one’s marriage is perfect, lol.
im tired but ok thanks, have injected our dear friend/ enemy mxt 🤢
I still feel a bit nauseous sometimes after injecting it, but it’s nowhere near as bad as the tablet form for me👍
how are you doing yourself today on mxt Friday?
I’m very glad your car is ready👍
bye for now Toni have a nice evening tc xx
ps my dad doing DIY? No he’s far too lazy, that may involve getting up off the sofa lol xx
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Hi all 👋
Got up to put my beautifully packed parcel out for postie this morning, only to sit here til the final '4 o'clock last faint hope he's not coming is he' realization 🙄. Have had to take the stupid thing up to the PO myself (hasn't been picked up from there either, didn't think it would be, but better than sitting here, just) and am in a steaming bad mood 😠 will be back when I've got myself out of it, whenever that may be. Like Maria and the littleys I am trying to think of a few of my favourite things, but it hasn't worked yet.
So sorry it's dry today and wet tomorrow for you & the fete frog, but it would be, wouldn't it 🙄. Hope not too many events will have to be foregone. Sorry about your neighbour too, bad luck 😕. Thank for the news about Barbara, thinking of her too of course (& wishing her troubles onto someone else in a very unchristian fashion). Love to all & love to Fig - I forgot you were an early bidder - hope it works for you🤞back with a proper post next time xx
No joan, so it's one of those not quite right cafe days all round, shall get straight tomorrow I expect definitely need a good pot of tea after today. Love to you both :) xx
Hi bosh, I love the poem and those are fantastic favourite things 😂 beats warm woollen mittens any day! Thank you for posting it made me 😊 though I had to look up the Lord of Misrule. I'm not quite in that league today but I have bought a packet of Rich Tea from the local shop, so that was a (very) small recompense for being dragged to the PO 👍️ all is not black with the world if you have a rich tea bic. Own brand, so I may be speaking too soon. Hope your day is ok; more tomorrow when I've simmered down 🤨 :) xx
Hi to keef, and yes please to songs, if you decide to 🎸. I did once nearly buy Hallowe'en teatowels from TK Maxx but restrained myself 😄 I do have skull eggcups though.
Love to everyone 😘
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hi Joan
how are you both today?
did the scan go ok?
you both tc and have a nice evening, bye xx
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Hi Keef
how are you today?
thanks about the poem
feel free to write anything you want on here
mania is definitely a part of bipolar, yes
thanks about the pics
that’s interesting about Morocco
I hope your pain isn’t too bad today
have a nice evening take care x
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Good morning toady
Sorry I got too tired to send you a post yesterday
how are you today?
im not too bad thanks
mum is ok thanks
have a nice morning
bye for now tc. xx
ps Lake District pic xx
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Morning everyone
wppl xx
ps Istanbul in the morning xx
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Todays spider’s web mug 🙄
morning everyone.
i was an absolute complete idiot yesterday. I mentioned about hunting for Halloween Decor, well I wasn’t feeling brilliant, understatement of the week, but didn’t want to disappoint Loanda, or miss out on time with Sucré, so rather than taking my bike to Cambridge I went in Loanda’s car, a snarley gribbler Mini Clubman, and OMG did it make me feel ill. It’s a much softer ride than her last one, or maybe just better damped, but it shook me around over the bumps until on the way hone I was crying, and that was with her driving at 30mph everywhere despite the traffic behind. Got home, took two tram, which I never do anymore coz of the side effects and went straight to bed at 3pm. I have told her I’m never ever going in it again even if someone dies, it’s the middle of winter with 3 feet of snow and I have to organise a funeral, I’m still going on my bike! I managed to get up and cook some dinner, read ‘cook’ as boil a few veg, microwave rice, and put chicken kiev in oven. Then to make a bad day even worser, Sucré starts sneezing and rubbing his eyes later in the evening and has a full on allergic reaction to something….
Now I can cope just about with the emotions sorting him out with first aid (highly trained, thanks to my old job), on a good day but last night I just couldn’t so after liquid paracetamol and piriton and lots of cuddles he went to sleep and I took two more tram and literally cried myself to sleep. My lack of emotional control and general depression is also thanks to my old job, a job btw I absolutely loved. So all round a day to forget, and I have literally just realised I don’t even know if Loanda found any halloween swag either.
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Not anyone I know but could easily be our fete this afternoon if we hadn't decided on a barn!! It's raining already and set to allllll Day!🙄 I'm sure it's July?
Morning Joan I'm hopeful that it was just that your post didn't 'send' again and not that anything is wrong. All well here although it's raining and will rain all day and it's the fete. So typical isn't it? Anyway I hope ypou have agood day ((())) xxx
Morning Keef😊 You can call me anything you like! Most do call me Toni some call me Frogmorton and some 'Frog', but you can chose😊
How are you all? Was it wonderful to have them both home? I bet it was. Ok now you have to go Hallowe'en hunting and planning. I think Sucré might get into it this year - he's old enough. You married on Friday 13th? Wow that's great not been unlucky in your marriage at least!
I am supposed to be receiving a raft of photos via email. They were taken at every stage of the process. BUT she is home and safely in the garage here. She looks fabulous! I am so chuffed, I have never seen her so shiny - even inside the little boot and the bonnet. Waxoyl everywhere too. The final part happens on Monday with a trip down to Oxford to have the roof changed. It's bought and here waiting in parts . As you know it's a soft top and potentially a bit leaky atm.
She is driving beautifully I took her around town and got plenty of smiles and waves parked in Asda next to a Ford Pop(ular) very elderly and had a car chat to the owner..... you know how it is.
Have a great day!
Morning Reshmi how are you? I hope your Mum is doing ok too?
I've never been to Morocco either, but the pic looks inviting.
Interesting the vile symptoms definitely linking to hormones. Over time a pattern might emerge and maybe some sort of hormone therapy might be possible.
Why is it that small children like their squash so strong?
makes your eyes run thinking about it!
That is actually so sweet LA wanting to make a video for elephant girl (a little girl he was at nursery with who left, Keef if you are wondering. She knew a lot about elephants. More than LA although I don't think he ever admitted that did he Reshmi?). I knew he loved her bless him.
He is a proper little ladies man! I think the cheaper gemstones is almost certainly a good idea with teh very real possibility of multiple spouses😍
Poor BR banned from the bed is he?!! One day he might be taller than LA who knows?
I do my MTX not long before bed and Sleep off what I can which helps. Today I will eat a lot of savoury and just ignore it if I can. Does the nausea hit straight away in an associative sort of way or later on with the injections?
Ok what is that man trying to do? Build a wall of nails to hold back the tide? King Canute is he?
Hope your day is drier than mine and a good one.
Morning Toady how are you today?
What a day it is so so much rain my Figgy is staying put in the garage. But it's lovely to have her home. She looks incredible. Still no-one else has bid, but they could be being meanies and set to try to swipe in and whip it out from under my nose😕
How naughty of postie. I would also have ditched it at the PO even if it doesn't go off that day better than it looking at you reminding you every time you see it.🙄
Favourite things - not easy in this weather is it? Erm.....Mr and Mrs B soaked maybe but in your garden your birds😊 The Mousie family. Your garden which is loving this rain even if we don't.
We have moved the Fete to an e-nor-mouse barn still on the same farm. We all got soaked in the process, but it actually is warm and dry loads of space, but can't do clock golf and one other thing can't remember what though.
Wish us luck.
Take care
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ToniFrog it is then!
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) love to you and your carers (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) I hope you have a good weekend. Sorry about your parcel. We went to town yesterday sue tried posting but she had a problem with it. Are all the little animals alright.
Barbara (()) that’s good your are having help with your eyes (()). Love to Mr B (()) and your son (())and Niamh (()) (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) That’s good news you have your Penelope back she should have everyone looking at her she’s a car to be proud of. We went to town yesterday Sue had a problem login in.
How is your lovely neighbour so sorry they are not together (()). Good luck with the bottle stall.Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (()) have a good weekend.
Keef (()) How is Sucr’e now (()) have a good weekend Hope your pain has calmed down now.
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Dachshund, he is a little better thanks. Took him to visit Nannie Babbs this morning which he loves coz the care home staff treat him like royalty and spoil him rotten. I went on bike, but even the short ride there was almost unbearable. To be expected after yesterday’s shinnannagins.
Got home just as the rain started so bike still clean which is a big win for me as I don’t have to clean it and endure the extra pain that causes.
oh, I’ve just remembered the washing is out……..
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Hi again toady
how are you?
the house is a bit of a war zone already I’m afraid, I’m hiding upstairs
mums got some pain in her waist from stretching in the wrong way but bs is ok
I just wanted to say thanks again about the poem, i myself only understood half of the Lord of Misrule reference myself, I had to look it up to check, lol, I also have a disorganised way of writing and thinking, I used to worry that maybe I should be more systematic in thinking, note taking and making, but at university my good friend Carys who was undoubtedly a mega - brain and got a First, showed me some of her own lecture notes and they were so chaotic that it was like the GP had handwritten a year’s worth of prescriptions in one go fuelled solely by haemoglobin shots and gluco - zade, lol.
Rich Tea biscuits are indeed great things, I agree, pity about The Post Office Incident, as Agatha Christie once called it, lol. I hate standing in queue at my local post office too, not that I’ve done it for a while, but it’s especially bad in warm weather, it’s extremely stuffy in there for some reason and someone always engages in a bit of Barney with the cashier about stamp prices, this, that and the other, lol , like why does it cost so much to send an elephant to Maidenhead, LA’s getting really bored, Lego elephants do not make great pets, or something equally arbitrary, haha.
ok I realise I may have gone off on a couple of tangents there and not answered properly but am feeling tired with totm at the moment, so that will have to suffice for now.
hope you haven’t got too much rain?
ok bye for now toady tc xx
ps found this nice old post office pic online xx
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Hi Joan
how are you both doing today?
mum has some waist pain but her bs is ok 🙏
im not too bad thanks
hope you both are having a good afternoon
bye tc xx
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Hi Keef
so sorry to hear that you had such a bad day yesterday.
how is your son now?
The poor thing, I’m very much an “allergic person” myself, in fact my eyes are itchy right now, the eye drops my optician recommended are rather expensive and I think I must enjoy using them too much, lol, as I seem to go through the bottles too quickly, at the moment I’m experimenting with some cheaper medium quality drops, not sure it’s working though.
sorry you had to take so many tramadols yesterday, how are things today?
bye for now, take care x
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Hi Toni
how are you?
mum has a pain in her waist due to some bad stretching I think, unfortunately, but her bs is ok thanks
LA is visiting again on Monday for 2 days
also my parents are going to some kind of tea and catered Indian snacks affair at NHS queue- jumper’s house tomorrow if I remember rightly, her younger son is paying for it, lol, so at least it won’t be mouldy al fresco biscuits from skip, or something similar, because Q-J’s husband is a renowned miser, haha.
yes it’s very rare that LA admits that a female knows more than he does lol
BR is indeed very tall for his age so you may well be right about their future heights too
I agree seems to be a hormone link, despite b test result and poss hrt in future I don’t know, but the main thing is that I dealt with it and it was only about an hour of feeling extremely “out of sorts” instead of 2 or 3 entire and terrifying days.
For me the nausea seems to very soon after injecting the medication, that’s right.
I walked well prepared with umbrella, hat etc and luckily only got slightly wet thanks.
ok I’ll stop now as totm plus mxt hangover may be getting the better of me 😂
bye for now Toni tc xx
ps who knew that lettuce was fat - free?? Probably not the physio lol. xx
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Hi Reshmi, Sucré improving thank you. I’m a bit grumpy, but to be expected. At least I’m able to do a better dinner today. I do like to feed my little family well when they here.
Hi ToniFrog, shame it’s raining or I bet you would be out driving Penelope.
Hello Dashchund and Toady and everyone else Ive forgotten.
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Hi again toady
breaking news - bill is making ice cream!! 🤢🤢
please supply the antacids!
bye for now lol xx
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Hi all 👋 gosh it got late quick today, and v little to show for it 🤨
Hope everyone went as well as poss at the fete, maybe there was a glimmer of sun? but I don't think there was one here, only less wind maybe than forecast. Shame about the clock golf & 'the other thing', and of course that doing the moving in the first place meant getting wet 🙄. Finally nipped out with a bit of bird food late afternoon but didn't hang about. Thankfully no trekking to the PO in this - parcel seemed to get off to a slightly head start than if picked up today, at least. Postie's effort today was to not post a letterbox-sized incoming parcel, & instead take a pic of it to 'show' attempted delivery - ie a closeup in his hand, could have been anywhere 🤔😂. Favourite things, well thinking of 'when the dog bites' gave me a daydream for a minute of Lexi & Pepper having a little gnaw at postie's ankles, one each, that cheered me up 😄 sorry postie, not really 😘. Hoping for a finer day soon for us all, glad at least Fig had a little spin & some admiration, & you had a car chat, how nice 😊. I heard a trailer today for a piece on woman's hour about a woman documenting all her possessions, took her 4 years I think 😬 can't find now when it will be, but while looking for it found another bbc article suggesting humorously that you may have too many things if: you have a drawer full of keys that open nothing, some string and the cracked head of a watering can.. if anyone approaches it you shout at them (who, me? 😄) also you have a spare everything, a reserve, and a spare spare. 'Rather than pack to move house it would be less stressful to burn it down' 😬 oops say no more. Have a good Sunday :) xx
Hello joan, sorry Sue's post did not 'take', say hello for me anyway 👋. Birdies etc are all well, still have a dove that's a little raggledy round the neck feathers (they have quite nasty fights 😮) but he is ok, will see if I can get a pic. Too damp to do much today & it's quite dark tonight by 8pm, not a nice thought 😬 🌖. Have a good Sunday :) xx
Hi bosh, thanks for the nice post, I love tangents 😀 quite happy to have new stuff to read don't worry about replies (which after all is one's own news recycled, with editor's notes 😄), talking of note-taking - do you write & rewrite much before you finish a poem - & how long beforehand? Yes it would be a comfort to find a megabrain's notes weren't super tidy. Love 'The Post Office Incident' that would definitely be a Miss Marple 😊🧓. Asking about how much to send an elephant haha 😂 reminds me of one day in a different PO, I was behind a woman annoyed about her parcel of porridge sachets costing more than they were worth to send, hoping they'd count as large letter 🤷♀️ and a man trying to post bicycle handlebars that he'd only wrapped in that black cling film with a label 😂 they sent him away. Luckily was no queue in this local one yesterday thanks. All the offices round here are in shops now, not like your beautiful pic, 'O Post Office of my Dreams' 😍 they should all still be like that. Sigh. I've just spotted mention of QJL in your post to Toni 😱 and LA too eek, at least if you aren't going to Q-J house tomorrow you'll have a bit of quiet time to brace yourself for Mon. btw sorry there was some HV-ness today; have a good night, hope your mum's ok from the bending awkwardly🤞:) x p.s. ooh just seen the icecream 😱
Hi keef, sorry your day yesterday sucked 😔 Toni will be sorry she only missed your post by a whisker this morning. Glad little one better today, hope you rescued your washing; tipping it down out there tonight 🙄 . Have a better night x
'night all 😘 xx
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Hi Dashchund, thanks for asking about Sucré i missed that earlier.
he is better, than he was but still not 100%. It bugs me as to what it could’ve been
gave him another dose of piriton before bed. I went up to bed straight after dinner, which he didn’t eat much of, and then a bit later i heard him asking for cheese. He does love an individual small block of chedar. He is so good at taking medicine. I say do u want some more medicine and he just says yes and goes and waits in his chair until i come to him with the spoon etc.
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Thanks toady - yes those poor post office staff must be very patient, lol, dad is frying a whole load of stuff, I’ve no idea why, he’s STILL frying, sorry for caps, getting a bit sauna - like in here 🤷♀️
have a good night toady and everyone tc xx
ps dragon bath apparently lol, a little bit too scary for LA and BR maybe 😂 xx
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Hi everyone
wppl. xx
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Good morning everybody. Today’s mug 🙄
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Morning everyone!
Today is wet again, but not as bad as yesterday
Setting up the barn
Loads of people came to the Fete anyway! I will give you the figures later.
My stall emptied completely I know we made over £130.
Joan well done getting into town. Tell Sue not to worry she couldn't post - it happens to us all. Hope you had a nice lunch in your café. Lovely neighbour(her) got home last night on his birthday but only just😊 ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi I do hope your Mum is feeling better today she needs to be on top form for the arrival of the tiny tyrant tomorrow. Has the cheese been purchased yet? Ah I see it's just being loaded on the lorry...
Aha so you feel nauseous very quickly after the injection. For me its a few hours after the tablets so I can get so sleep quickly. You probably don't have enough time to get off do you? Hope you feel ok(ish) today.
It's a bit drier here at least for this morning so I will go for my walk soon.
LA really does not like admitting a female knows more or is right when he is wrong! Mind he probably wouldn't admit if BR was right either😂 but maybe in future if BR keeps growing?!!
So the parents are going to Q-J neighbour today are they? (for Keef Queue Jumping neighbour got her covid jab early without any health condition when covid was rife - tut tut) Let's hope they enjoy it and you put your feet up.
I'm pretty sure lettuce is extremely low fat and calorie, but it's just not that filling or tasty.
Your chaotic thinking is actually not a bad thing at all, it's the sign of an intelligent person ☺️
One of my eyes in particular is not at all happy with the pollen count. Oh well those little bottles do disappear very fast I agree.
BIL's recipe for today is erm...well....I think I'll swerve this one🤢
I hope your day is a good one ((()))
Morning Keef
How are you all today especially Sucré? I hope his allergy has backed off. I wonder what he might have come into contact with🤔 sometimes you don't find out. You must have seen some sights doing the job you did. Most distressing, but you know many many lives were also saved because of you.
Even if he was poorly it was lovely to see a pic of the little chap.
He loves cheese too? So does Reshmi's little nephew LA. What is it with little boys and cheese?!!
Oh dear dodge that car if it exacerbates your neck. There is no point in suffering when you can get places without suffering so much. Who on earth would volunteer to take trammies? Gosh you must have felt rough. I hope today it's just back to 'normal'.
I should have been out in Penelope (not in this weather!) you are right. Instead we went to a car auction up in Runcorn before the Fete in the afternoon. I took some pics for you:
the star of the show that one was. Love the reg no.
Hope you all have a good day and some hallowe'en stuff was purchased.
Morning Toady How are you today?
Wet here again, but way better than yesterday.
Not a glimmer yesterday just rain rain and a bit more rain. They did an incredible job with the barn as you can see. Hay bales were stacked up on the open side to keep the rain out and us all snug. It was amazing.
After it was all over they did a BBQ for us 'workers' I took the cadac up and some vegan burgers and bangers for the limited number of vegans. The farmer was quite impressed how they looked at least. We didn't feel left out either.
My stall sold out and I think we made over £1000 although I may know more later I hope.
Naughty postie! (Go Lexi and Peppa!) is he your regular? Yes the parcel will have a head start being already at the post office I agree. Anyway it wasn't looking at you reminding you all evening!
Oh dear me I have that very drawer!!!!!!!!!!! You do too tell me it's not just me😂 It would take me decade to document all the rubbish I can collect. I must get back to my Swedish Death clean soon....
Right better get dressed the morning it the least wet for a quick walk!
Take care😊
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) Have a good day and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
That’s good the parcel went ok. Have a good day. How are Mr and Mrs Blackbird.
Barbara (()) thinking of you and Mr B (()) love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) That was good youhad the barn for your stall. That’s good you had a good amount of money. I’m pleased your neighbour was home in time to on her husband’s birthday (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day (()) love to your mum (())
Keef (()) Have a good day all of you. Is Sucr’e feeling any better (())
take care
joan xx0
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