Val's Cafe
Hi Toni
how are you this afternoon?
due to cleaners arriving late yesterday I had to self - inject mxt late, so didn’t have enough time to rest properly and have been feeling extra groggy all day, I somehow walked in the morning, because it’s just so stuffy in my room early in the day and I didn’t want to go to cold room and move about too much as I might wake up mum who gets up much later than I do. I’m glad I did it but have had less energy than normal the rest of the day.
mum is ok thanks, but i couldn’t stop her cooking - well with sisters birthday I knew I couldn’t win that battle - still she could have done a bit less - well at least I tried.
thanks about BR, yes he is amazingly clever, he once said something like if LA fell down in the bathroom ( that if if mummy had agreed to switch off the light) it would make him happy! Oh dear - but in his defence, it was probably after a fraternal jelly baby - related argument or something similar lol.
ok I’ll stop for a bit as I’m still feeling the fatigue left by a lack of LA’s medicinal T*cT*cs to steal toady’s phrase lol.
bye for now Toni tc xx
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Hi all 👋
Boy it's windy 😬 keep going out to check things & fasten things & rescue things, hope the horrible black circle of 40 wind speeds is genuinely only over the next hour, like it says. Hope all's well with you frog, the rain certainly was coming, mostly lashing it down in 2 minute bursts whenever I went out. I know I harp on about missing cycling, but I had a thought today, that actually when is it ever nice enough any more?! 🤔 I think I actually had the best of it back then, so that's a small comfort. Ish. Glad you had a little Beetle convention of two with the village lady and are in a better driveable position after the adjustments 👍️. Yes if you couldn't even speak to 'our mutual friend' the mobile network, then that does say it all 😕 I still call them TMobile to myself anyway, back when life was simple and my early phones better than any I've had since haha. Internet still fine, I think the router is blameless, myself; we'll all be going off the PTSN system one day so I guess that will tell me something, nothing good I expect. Do you have any signal boosters/extenders sort of thing? I definitely don't get a good wifi signal downstairs on the PC (the router is upstairs). I had a couple of extended shopping spells online yesterday so it might have been better for me if the signal had gone off (not in money terms, just time). Have amused myself over the last couple of days tweaking 'the' spare room so that it does a turn as an office-y space for now, as nothing is happening next door yet, rather pleased 😀. How is your spare room, and how is the Swedish Death Clean in general, or have you backslid to a Swedish Slight Sort-Out 😄. Look forward to a pic of Sleek, dare I suggest that treat puzzles sounds like the very thing for a certain person with possible gout 🤭. Well enough trivia from me, have a good Sunday & love to all and best to puppy too :) xx
Hello joan, hope things not too windy or awful for you, dying down a bit here now hopefully, otherwise the bin will be over next no doubt, being empty at the moment 🙄. Will have the weekend off thinking of builders and get back onto it Monday morning. I've been reproaching myself a bit at times for not getting on with things, but at least I realize now that it probably wouldn't have made much difference, I would still have fallen foul of the same problems with people 🤷♀️. Have a good Sunday both :) xx
Hi to bosh, sorry, I didn't technically wish your sister a good birthday yesterday I'm still a bit out of synch this week even though I knew when it was. Hope she had a good day and your day today is ok so far, hopefully some of it was not lamb curry-infused 😱 and that you can have a quiet Sunday. What did the littleys do for sis's birthday, any special singing dancing or artworks etc. I was reading about all the Lego that was lost at sea off Land's End in 1997, I don't remember it at the time, 5 million pieces apparently, have been washing up ever since. Terrible waste, I expect LA and BR would like a nice rare dragon like these 🐲. More later if I have anything to add 👋 :) xx
Hope keef had a safe journey, definitely wasn't travelling weather yesterday but worse since, so if you avoided this that's something, truly horrible today. Lovely pictures 👍️ have a good Sunday :)
Love to all 😘 xx
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Hi toady
sorry the winds were so strong
I did fully intend to write more after my last message but then I got distracted by various things and then realised if I didn’t try and have a nap now I’d probably get so exhausted that I’d fall into the Reading tornado and end up - well if not in Kansas, than at least in cabbage territory 😱.
Actually winds were not quite as strong here thankfully, though at one point it was both hot and windy like some kind Desert Mad Hatter’s Sand Dune Party or something like that I guess lol.
No worries about my sister’s birthday, it’s a lot of things to remember I know, I only just about manage to keep track of it myself haha.
Thanks about the lovely dragon, LA and BR would love it I’m sure.
Lands’ End I didn’t know about that, that’s a shame.
I think LA and BR gave their mummy perfume and chocolates, though whether it was more a chocolate box containing a sole uneaten chocolate - is something only the gods know, but which the almost - all - seeing mima can guess lol.
my day wasn’t that great really due to enforced late methotrexate - taking, but at least I got some rest, that’s true, no lamb - infusion though, for most of the day anyway, good point 👍
I'm about half a sentence into Balzac, I sometimes wished I lived in a nice clean library with only a few nice people like yourself bothering me occasionally for the odd medicinal T*cT*c, lol, not that I have any in the cupboard, maybe some medicinal milk, so that you don’t have to go to your doorstep at 3 am? Because it’s not just Lego dragons you have to be careful of in the stitching hour, yes those dragons are terrifying but they certainly know how to embroider and I don’t just their bosh - like tendency to embroider meagre facts into tall tales 😂.
bye for now toady tc xx
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Hi Joan
how are you both doing today?
thanks I’m ok today just a bit tired
mum is ok too thanks
I hope you both have a nice night bye tc xx
hi Keef , hope you’re well
good night everyone xx
Ps pic of toady and her pals flying about looking for haemoglobin - infused insects - hush, don’t tell the vampire- nurse lol. xx
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Hello everyone. Well my bike is clean again and the holiday washing is done, well mine at least. Feel a bit lonely now on my own but I’ve had a good day pain wise which was a surprise after yesterday.
yes Frogmorton it is Essex. It’s actually part of my old stomping ground from when i was a motorcycle cop and wouldn’t have been my choice to live here as I dealt with a lot of nasty stuff in this area but it’s just where we ended up and i actually quite like it now my mobility is poor with everything literally on my doorstep.
how are things coming with the fig?
Reshmi what a lovely name. I love unusual names, well I would wouldn’t i being married to a Loanda and a son called Sucré Lucien.
I just dropped the fone on my face falling asleep laying in bed typing this lol ouch!
hey @dachshund @toady
bound to have forgotten some one…….. sorry.
night, catch you all tomorrow
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Morning Joan I'm very glad you got to the café I bet they were pleased to see you in there. Gosh India, Germany and Vancouver! Jacky's daughter should enjoy t while she's young don't you agree? I would love to go to India it's on my bucket list. Charley and Annie's puppy seems recovered now. Fingers crossed and thank you ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi you left your MTX rather late? I hope you feel much more yourself today.
Lamb curry oh dear me very smelly I wouldn't cope with that after MTX well probably any day to be fair🤢 definitely a red ➕ from me too!
I think your Mum loves cooking for other people and of course your sister's birthday is a special occasion. I hope she has had a lovely weekend BTW.
Well I expect BR had a point that time no doubt he and LA had had a brotherly argument or maybe LA had stolen yet more of BR's cuddlys and he had none left😉 They love each other really and always will.
Well done doing an early morning walk - I have been doing the same partly because it's been drier then too. Very considerate of you going quietly so your Mum can continue to rest.
Are you really reading Balzac and the tiny seamstress? Shall we set aside a quiet corner here in the library?
Take care ((()))
Morning Keef. All safely home and the bike spruced up I see. All the washing is done? You did well with this weather I expect you had to dry indoors or your washing might have blown back to the IOW!!!
Today we are off to an aircooled car show locally luckily and will take the beetle with us.
No news on the Fig, thanks for asking, I will chase tomorrow as she should be ready Monday or Tuesday so fingers crossed for me.
Essex is ok I enjoyed my time there as an adult and also lived there as a child. This house is my 24th move I think though it might be 25th. Might just be the last!
Reshmi's name is so pretty isn't it? I like Sucré too and Loanda as well. Well all have unusual names in our family come from having a Hungarian father and French mother suppose!
Have a good day!
Morning Toady. How are you and how is your garden? The weather!!! Sunny and windy one minute then lashing down rain and thunder the next!
What a day yesterday! Everything is everywhere outside! Sleek was running around trying to hold stuff down bless her I told her to leave it and come inside for a tuna latte in the warm.
I hope all your wildlife found suitable shelter.😕
Are you remembering the old Nokia's? They were at last reliable weren't they? Mind we expected a lot less of them. We certainly couldn't message on here using one could we? I am dreading them turning off our landlines if they actually do. Time will tell.
I don't have a signal booster no although I did at the old house (it was much bigger) and yes it actually did help, but I could take a phone call there too🙄 Stop moaning Toni!!!
Your tweaking of the spare room sounds great. Well done, I'm sure it can revert to a bedroom should the need arise. Oh dear me😳 my Swedish death clean has been temporarily put on ice sadly. Life got far too busy. Will get back to it soon I hope.
The puppy seems recovered thanks for asking.
Have a good day if you can I will be driving the Beetle, badly no doubt to the car show today it's only 3 miles away! I can do it now although maybe only in 3rd gear🤣 I will try to take pics of us there.
and some of Sleek's puzzle treat things..... do they do them for grown men with possible gout🤨that's a thought!!!
Take care!
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Good morning everyone
Sue bought a birthday card for a neighbour the joke in it said what musical instrument is in the bathroom. A tuba toothpaste.
Kitty (()) Love to you and your carers (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) have a good day. I hope nobody knocks on your door today.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) Yes Jacky said some people from other countries can be very rude. Have a day at the car show. I remember the Nokia you can do more with phones of today there was no password’s then or Face ID was there. Have a good day. I hope you hear about Penelope tomorrow good luck. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) you are doing well with the injections (()) love to your mum (())
Keef (()) have a good day how old his your dog. Love to your family (())
take care
joan xx0 -
hi everyone
good afternoon xx
wppl xx
ps golas are a kind of ice lolly type thing in India but whether or not a certain search engine stole their look - I’ll have to ask IT expert and general know -it - all LA, lol. xx
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Hi Toni
how are you today?
you’re right about my sister she’s very glamorous, so I’m glad the necklace met with her approval lol, I of course didn’t reveal it was £2.60 fake gold from “this family my goodness do they pressurise” shop - Reading Rhyming Slang again with a bit of help from the web (whether it’s toady’s own personal web I’ve yet to decipher lol).
ok so that was a tiny instalment, as I think it’s an instalment day otherwise I’ll get nothing done
👋toady Joan and Keef
will post again later tc xx
Ps another toady - inspired dragon lol xx
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Hello all, I actually managed to line dry all my holiday washing despite the wind, I only nearly lost one T shirt, it was down to one peg but nothing actually blew across the garden.
Our little dog Diego, named after the Sabre Tooth Tiger in Ice Age, is no longer with us, he passed away in 2018, at the age of 13.
Loanda and I are now ready for another, and Sucré likes dogs and plays with one of our friends dogs, or rather she plays with him.
The short list is down to Chihuahua, Mini Pincher, and Sausage.
Hope you’re feeling better now Reshmi.
Feeing very low and very much pain today so short post, sorry to lump all my replies into one. I’m so tired of being in pain.
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Hi all 👋 nosegay listing weekend for me, so 'twill be briefish ⏱️
Hope all having a good Sunday 😊 it is Sunday isn't it (looks doubtful) I'm still not 100% this week frog, hope you have 'reset' yourself & are straight now 😄. Weather not brilliant but less terrible, I should think so too getting Sleek to abandon ship. That wind 😫 didn't lose anything that I know of and I'm sure all birdies tucked themselves well away. To answer your previous question, no sign at all of the B's actually nesting this year, when they take food it's for themselves I haven't ever seen them 'gathering'. Who knows, maybe they are reacting to the weather &c in ways of their own 🤔. I have been in the micro office today sorting some nosegay stock & taking some pictures in there, I'm all set up with a little coffee machine complete with individual sugar sachets & creamer pots, the whole 9 yards 😂 little things amuse little minds etc. I never had a Nokia, no, I wasn't interested in mobiles as phones, only when they got more useful to me for the internet and texting etc. I had various little Tmobile phones, and Android ones after that, each more annoying than the last 🙄. Hope you enjoyed your 'Beetle drive' today 🐜😄 (is that still a thing at village or WI do's?) and the show was good. Roll on Penelope 👍️ :) xx
Hello joan, no-one has knocked on my door today and I hope they don't either, for their sake 😉😂. Good birthday card joke I have heard a lot worse! 😂 I hope your neighbour had a laugh (and a good day 🎂). Weather not all that, but at least the noise of that wind has stopped 😣. Have a good Monday :) xx
Hi to bosh, glad to hear I qualify as one of the 'nice people', hurrah 😀 yes we need a lovely library, Toni's cafe corner looks very nice but it's not quite big enough to get lost in, is it 🤔. Good luck with the book I have nothing whatever on the go atm so three words is still three more than me 👍️. I hope sis did get more than half a choc but I expect your suspicions are not unfounded 🤨. Much less windy today and the 🌪️ did not whisk you off to Kansas or worse so that's all good 👍️. I have not had to fall back on grudgingly paying the milkman's prices lately - that sounds a bit like paying the ferryman doesn't it.. let's see, father the god of a dark region of the underworld, mother the personification of the stitching hour (I love that!).. it does fit 😱😂. Excellent use of embroider by the way. Have a good afternoon and thank you for the lovely dragons 😊 xx
Quick wave to keef and very glad to hear you've had a reasonable day in pain terms 👍️ good to be pleasantly surprised. Have a good week :) x
Love to everyone xx
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Hi Keef
sorry to hear about your pain
im feeling better now thanks
thanks about my name, it’s an Indian name
is your wife French?
very sorry about your dog, I hope you have a better day tomorrow
bye take care
Ps more translation humour - a heavenly repast lol
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Hi Joan
how are you both tonight?
thanks about the injections, I’m tired but ok thanks
mum is ok too thank you
i hope you both have a nice night bye tc xx
hi toady
glad you weren’t blown away to Kansas
thanks about my poetic efforts lol
yes Val’s Library, that’s a great idea lol, I’ll ask bill to finance the gold and leather bound first editions, but whether he can find a first edition of “Peppa Pig goes for a blood test at the hospital” is highly unlikely haha.
so I’ll just have to go instead tomorrow, there must have been a last minute cancellation, so I got an appointment, how exciting, will they provide me with a therapeutic cheese sandwich though? That’s the ultimate question lol.
have a good night toady tc xx
ps another failed translation or a note for the milkman / vampire nurse hybrid? 😂xx
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Morning Joan. How are you and Sue today? I love the card Sue got! It's very funny 😊 Can't wait to find out about my car I need her home. Gosh yes no face recognition nor fingerprints with the old Nokias. Have you been watching the tennis? Hope your day is good ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi I hope you are well today?
Glad your sister loved the new necklace you got her. To be fair you chose it because it was 'her' not because it was on offer. She doesn't need to know!
Yesterday I went to car show with Paul a VW one and there was a Peppa pig in one of the campervans. I thought of LA of course. 🐽
BIL can provide the leather bound books yes that would be lovely. We can provide a chair for him with a foot-stool for his gout in exchange.
I love the Go-gola business name great idea. I bet they are Vegan too?
I think we should safely manage our walks today all of us it's set to be a lot drier.
Take care ((()))
Morning Keef. I am so sorry yesterday was such a rough day for you. I do hope you had a half decent night and today is a little better.
Well obviously Joan is a sausage dog fan she and her sister have one each. She can tell you all about them. I really think bringing up children with animals is so good for them. Sucré will love him or her.
I am very pleased to hear that you got your washing dry and none of it ended in next door's tree! The wind was actually ideal but here in Staffordshire we got intermittent rain showers too.
Have a steady day.
The car show yesterday was great dodging showers not so!
Morning Toady how are you? Feeling an more 'normal' yet? I am ok pretty well thanks for asking.
All nosegay listing done? Gosh just reminded me I might have one something......checked yes I have! It's a Japanese tax disc which came out of a Figaro so hopefully authentic-ish. All pay-palled now.
What a lovely idea an office at home with all the gear. You can actually set yourself work hours and leave it behind too when you close the door!
🤔 maybe the B's are just happy together now maybe even enjoying being Grandparents? Who knows😁I'm kind of glad because you aren't on cat watch this summer.
The weather was a lot better but still tricky to risk going outside wasn't it with the showers.
The Beetle drive was good. I drove there let Paul drive back but my neck and back are complaining today. We saw some lovely vehicles so well looked after. Had a vegan pizza which was great and a decaf soya latte too.
No Beetle drives recently but we did have one at least once since we moved here.
Summer Fete on Saturday though welly wanging, hook a duck, cakes etc....
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Good morning everyone xx
wppl xx
ps Blame LA’s Vulcan mind meld for p pig pic lol
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) love to you and your carers (()) and Anita (()) and Val and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) that’s good having a little room where you can have a coffee machine when you need it. That’s good nobody knocked on your door over the weekend (()) have a good day.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (())and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) I hope you hear today that Penelope will be coming home today (()) that’s good you enjoyed yesterday. How is your friend and her little dogs doing. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (())
Keef (()) sorry you are in pain i hope it soon starts calming down (()) we have only had sausage dogs long haired are better tempered. Have a good day (()) and your wife and son (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Wot does wppl mean please?
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Bad head day today, nerves in neck must be compressed again 🙄
happy birthday 🥳 Reshmi
where was your car show Frogmorton?
I did the Aldham rally a few weeks back and took Sucré. My best mate was showing what I refer to as the best bike in the world - a 1967 Triumph TR6C motorcycle. It was imported from USA in baskets 😳 and rebuilt from the wheels up. Basically everything on it is new apart from the chassis plate. A fantastic bike. Why do the old vehicles especially bikes, have so much more character than the new stuff?? My 2011 BMW is about as new as i wanna get.
thanks for the message @toady i guessed our posts had crossed in the wifi somewhere. Bit better today if i could just shift this bad head. Makes me so angry that I lose so much time resting and not doing anything coz i feel bad.
Right can’t type any more head thumping
love to all.
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Hi Keef
wppl means will post properly later
sorry you’re not feeling well
bit tired will write again in a bit
bye take care
ps more odd translation lol
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Hi all - late again, thought I had better have a walk this evening while it's dry for 5 mins - ought to aim for one of joan's beautifully succint type posts (what are the chances 😉).
Made it into the garden for a bit frog 😀 tidied up a bit and checked on the mice etc, they've just had supper 😄. There is less catwatching yes, less little sitting ducks aka chicks to keep them away from anyway, I still check whenever Mr B or Robin sounds the alarm. Not much of interest going on gardenwise, how about yourself, anything doing especially well? Yes the doll's house size office is working, maybe I'll even keep it tidy! I should of course be in the downstairs office proper, which seems to be full of boxes 🤷♀️. Well done on your auction, I hope you outbid someone and put their nose out of joint haha (charitable). Oh a lovely Summer Fete, super 😍 love hook-a-duck 😀 please stay dry please stay dry! Are you 'manning' anything or can you stay on the 'right' side of the tea & cake counter 🍰. Have a good day tomorrow :) xx
Hello joan, you can't have too many different tea & coffee making facilities I say 😄 there will be 4 if I ever get my downstairs back room sorted, that's meant to be sort of an office really. I think my coffee machine was a free gift from a catalogue once haha. What people pay for kitchen gadgets just leaves me speechless - I saw an indoor electric pizza oven thing today advertised for £799 😮 never in a million years! Have a good day tomorrow, love to both :) xx
Hi bosh 👋 I hope the short notice bloods went well! PP goes to the phlebotomist, yes it doesn't have the makings of a bestseller does it 😬 unless as one of those 'get children used to nasty ideas in a cheerful story' type things. Anyway will stick to one of bills first editions one with a happier ending with a bit of luck. Hope the rest of your day was ok, I must get off to bed shortly myself so if I miss a post of yours while typing I'm afraid I'm going to post & not look back, or I'll start wandering off onto other tabs if I stay online.. and it will be the stitching hour again before I know it 😱. Hope all are ok and mum is well🤞. Have a good day tomorrow if you do the WR walk - Bye for now :) xx
Hello keef, the waste of time is what gets to me the most too I think 😕 that, & knowing there is still a better me underneath all this, eg if you could live 'by steroids alone' I would be 10 times the person, well 5 anyway & that would do. Hope your neck goes easy on you tomorrow and you have a better day (when are family back?)
Have a good night everyone 😴 xx
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Hi Toni toady Joan and Keef
how are you all?
sorry I haven’t been on here properly today
just feeling sluggish at the moment really
lot of pressure at home, my mum doesn’t always realise I need to rest sometimes, so there’s constant pressure to keep going even though of course we arthritic people can’t always do that
bloods went ok thanks
it was actually my sisters birthday Keef but thanks for the good wishes
i hope we all have a better day tomorrow
good night everyone tc xx
Ps pic of Kerala backwaters in India
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I reckon the drier days are coming and we'll soon all be moaning that it's too hot!
Morning Joan. Penelope is looking fabulous and is almost ready she has her clothes back on and should be home in a day or so. She's just got to be polished up and valeted and she'll be all mine again☺️My friend is doing ok she's just back from a week's holiday with her sister and the dogs. The little one sprained his leg but he's ok now. He tends to overdo it on the beach. When is your appt? Love to you both ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi I hope you feel more rested today?
Older people think us 'younger' people should have more energy than we do have with our arthritis. It's largely invisible to others unfortunately. Not a lot we can do except remind them gently that the advice is that we should pace ourselves.
Love the balloons yesterday even the Peppa Pig one😊Go LA 😉
How is your Mum btw? Is she still doing well?
That photo of the people in the boat is just lovely gorgeous. I'm sure it's harder work than it looks of course but to us it looks idyllic.
What day is it today? Ah Tuesday are you doing the WR walk or are you going to the group?
I am at the hairdressers this afternoon, but it's with Kari so that's fine.
Take care ((()))
Morning Keef.
Is the headache actually your neck?😔No easy fix I do hope you feel a little more comfortable today.
The car show was brilliant! Older vehicles are definitely the very best a agree 100%
On the subject of Triumphs... Paul has a TR4A I think '66 it's gorgeous - red. Your friend's bike sounds amazing😮. You could actually work on vehicles of that age not like these modern cars which are all wiring and need an electrical engineer to fix!
A lot of people took their kids to the show it was a proper family (enthusiasts) day.
We visited my Figaro yesterday she is almost ready to come home 😊The chap doing her said he could have added fairy dust (sparkles) to her paintwork, but he knew I wouldn't like that. Too right! Figaros should have flat (shiny yes, but flat) pastel coloured paintwork.
Right better get on Take care.
Morning Toady how are you doing today?
The weather was way better yesterday so I managed to get outside too which was lovely. The moles have been busy again though oh dear me! Trying to dig up the two trees I planted last year!
I am changing where my veggie patch is although Paul thinks I shouldn't.....🤔 It's where there are flowers at present, but I think it would be better for veggies. I think veggies look nice too don't you?
I always check when I hear a bird alarm as well, but I am lucky Sleek isn't bothered about birds, but having her here keeps other cats away. There are one or two farm cats who walk through the field bit every day, but it's just a walk through not to hunt.
Glad Mousies are all well☺️
Unfortunately I am running a stall. The 'bottle bag' stall. Sealed bottle bags (donated and pre-used) containing a bottle - could be champagne or could be water could even be tomato sauce! Who knows?
I'll try to manage to take some pics. Especially of the hook a duck!
Glad you love your little office. The downstairs one will of course be full of boxes! What else?😁
Hope your day is a good one.
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Good morning everyone
wppl xx
ps Degas xx
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Hi Joan
how are you both?
im doing well thanks, went on the WR walk this morning 👍
mum is ok too thanks
I hope you both have a nice afternoon
bye tc xx
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