Val's Cafe
Night Reshmi.
Night everyone. x
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Morning everyone
Morning Joan hope you are both well? Yes it will be a tough day for my friend but she'll get through it. My sister is doing very well yes i am very proud of her☺️ Enjoy the rain - not 😓 are you out this morning?
Morning Reshmi Hope you are doing ok today headache all gone and of course your lovely Mum is ok too.
Hope your Dad's cavity is all good too. Life is an extraction for him! Brilliant!!!
Never worry about posting late to me as long as you are ok that's all that matters.
Loved those flowers you posted to Toady so so pretty.
Rain is a-coming that's where the headaches are coming from grrrr😕
Morning Keef
Roof was down but I didn't hit the motorway! Never thought of that cleaning method!!!!😁 Quite effective I'd think!
How are you today?
Well hemp who would have thought?? That's great actually much better than plastic for the environment. Glad the speaker is back where it belongs now. Sucré is a great little helper.
That veg all chopped up is just up my street I bet they loved it too😋 Stir fried or oven roasted that is the question?
We were all a bit brief yesterday weren't we?
Making the most of the last decent day for a bit maybe🤔
Poor you Toady the internet can be intermittent here too with bad weather so fingers 🤞 for you.
The garden needs the rain just remember ((()))
See you all later
a treat for us all
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Good morning everyone wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) have a good day and weekend love to everyone
Toady (()) I’m sorry your internet has gone When we had BT it was always happening. Now we have Virgin. Have a good day and weekend
Barbara (()) love to Mr B (()) I hope everything is going alright take care. Have a good day and weekend (())
Toni (()) yes the garden needs the rain to help the weeds grow. It’s a good job we don’t grow like that. Jacky daughter has a week off. Have a good day and weekend. Love to Paul (()) and everyone.
Keef you are a good cook. How many Trams do you take a day. Love to everyone have a good day and weekend
Reshmi (()) you are doing well love to your mum (()) i hope she gets her results soon (()) have a good day and weekend
Julie (()) have a good day and weekend
take care
joan xx0 -
Morning everyone.
Between 5 and 8 Dachshund depending on how easily I give in to the pain.
i did used to think there was a correlation between dose and migraine but there isn’t, I have had bad head days when only taking 2 tram the day before.
they are a cure all for me. Sort out my IBS, depression and pain to a certain extent.
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Hey Toni, that was for stir fry yesterday evening but I normally get requests for roasted veg, especially if I am doing carrots.
which has just reminded me, need more olive oil.
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Hi Toni and toady
how are you both today?
im entering mxt land after my shower ookey 😱
everyone’s more or less ok here thanks
bfn tc xx
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Hi people 👋
For some odd reason my connection's better today with the rain than yesterday without 🤷♀️ not 100% so I'll keep putting in draft, but better than seeing that awful yellow triangle coming up every other min. Rain not as bad as they said either, it's supposed to be not nice at all some places, half a month's rain in a day and all that sort of thing. Rain for garden = lovely weather for slugs & snails unfortunately 😕 I left a plant out mere minutes after dark the other day having meant to bring it back in, nipped out to rescue it, huge snail sitting in the tiny pot with the remnants of my little seedling literally in its mouth, looking guilty. Almost funny. Almost 🙄. Hope your garden is benefiting anyway frog even if you swerved into other jobs yesterday, & you are having a good day. I'm afraid I am entirely unmoved by 'but toady, england are in the women's football final' 😂 no sport for me, no competitive sport, no us & them (especially now that all that means is who's bought the best players), no well done ladies, not interested full stop, it will all be banned when I'm in charge 😉. But hope your friend enjoys it of course, each to their own, and that her day goes as well as poss. The paint was not going nicely yesterday so now I've been stopped by the weather I'm itching to get back to it. The blisters weren't dramatic thanks (can't manage with gloves, so awkward with peculiar hands/fingers). So instead of painting or online stuff yesterday I started an offline job on an old laptop, requiring the command prompt, only to find my keyboard has gone peculiar since last using it and the slash keys &c don't work. You can't win! Plenty of solutions for that none applicable to me apparently. Ugh 🙄.
Hello joan, the internet is still a bit dicey today but working for longer at a time. The worst is when you want to start something that can't be interrupted, it just puts you on edge. I know it's not my provider's fault it's generally very good, I think it's to down to wiring etc, I get a crackly line sometimes too regardless if I'm with one provider or another. In any case I would never have anything of Richard Branson's, can't stand the man 😉😂. I haven't sandpapered all my skin thank you it's often my knuckles not the surface of my fingers because of the way I grip, I should wear gloves as Toni says, I find them awkward. Hope you haven't had too much rain or wind. Love to both :) xx
Hi bosh, hope your headache is better than yesterday, and you don't hang about in mxt land too long🤞. Glad your mum isn't feeling too bad too. I will pop in for a better chat when my internet is stable, it's actually just gone off again 3 times while I've been typing 🙄 so irritating when it's unreliable you're just hovering over it nervously waiting for it to go again. So will post while I can and turn off, sorry to cut short.
Also just a very quick hi to Keef, Julie & everyone, love to Barbara and Kitty too of course, and anyone passing. Will be in the corner with the kettle on (hopefully that still works 🙄), probably whacking my router with the cafe ladle, and muttering under my breath). Take care all xx
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Hi Toni
how are you today?
thanks about the flowers pic
Mum isn’t in too bad spirits today thanks
dad is still “enjoying” his lifelong extraction lol
i have a slight headache at the moment actually but nothing like yesterday thanks
yes I think it was bad yesterday due to approaching rain very ookey
EF are ok as far as I know thanks, but my sister’s mother in law has come to visit from India, she’s a nice lady but unfortunately she is extremely overweight and is finding it hard to walk around the house, I believe bill is looking into getting her a wheelchair, bless her.
The headache I had yesterday was massive, couldn’t even eat supper till a lot later on.
I did manage to sleep after mxt so that was good
I hope you are having a good afternoon Toni bfn tc xx
Ps waterfall in Coigach NW Scotland xx
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I rang the help line today. Lovely lady answered my questions. Apparently it’s not uncommon for osteoarthritis to lead to inflammatory arthritis. Also I now know that my migraines are caused by inflammation flares.
had bloods taken today, Sucré came in with me. I told him it was just to check my blood was still red, Christine the vampire nurse showed him the files she’d taken and he went ‘yep, red!!’ Like all was okay.
been resting most of today as had busy day yesterday and just felt really tired and full of pain today.
lovely foto bosh.
Loanda’s raised flower bed has really flourished this summer with all the rain. The cocaine plant has really got big. (It smells of coke hence the name).
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Hi toady
how are you doing today?
my diabolical headache has gone thankfully 👍
I only have a slight headache at the moment thanks
oh dear Internet problems ookey indeed
all is more or less ok here thanks
mum isn’t in too bad spirits today 👍
hope you are having a good afternoon / evening
bfn tc toady xx
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Hi Joan
how are you both today?
Thanks I’m not too bad thanks but I had a massive headache yesterday
mum isn’t too bad today thanks
shes had some results which were negative 👍
but she needs to have a colonoscopy
have a nice evening bye tc xx
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Good news on the negative results Reshmi 👍
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Sucré has moved on from ‘bum’ it’s now ‘mummy’s boob’, no idea where he’s got that from lol
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Hi Keef
how are you feeling today?
the veggies look great
I also tend to somehow make a massive racket when I creep about in the morning trying not to wake people up lol, like banging my leg into a chair lol.
im not too bad after injecting methotrexate thanks
but yesterday I had a headache that just wouldn’t go away for hours
how is Sucre today?
have a nice evening take care x
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Hi Reshmi, glad your head is feeling better. I know what those bad heads that last for a day or longer are like.
Sucré good thanks, although I think he is getting more difficult to entertain the more advanced he gets. He is so clever. He had a life size skeleton puzzle the he used to need help with. He built it on his own this evening and would not allow us to help. Unfortunately it’s been one of those days i just wanted to curl up and rest and he wants to be near me all the time. We did get some time in the bunker just being silly and having a laugh. I sometimes think he thinks he is keeping me entertained and is like “okay dad, I’ll show u once more how the pliars work then u do it on your own!” Lol
after my chat with the helpline I understand more why i feel rough and what causes it. Lucky i have such an understanding wife.
off to bed now. x
Good night everyone. Chat tomorrow. I have some new mugs for mms 😳
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Morning all
Washer on already - a busy day ahead for me.
Foodbank collection at the local shop then fundraiser tonight at a pub. That will be especially hard work as I'm normally lying down by 9🙄
Morning Joan. How are you and Sue? Did you go into town yesterday? the rain here wasn't as bad as expected luckily we don't grow in the rain or we couldn't shower😁. I hope Jacky's daughter has a good rest. I imagine she needs it with all those odd shifts she must do. Hope your day is good ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi. How are you feeling today? Headache gone or MTX hangover? MTX land is here. Still never mind we all cope don't we?
Is your Mum ok and Mr Extraction? I'm very glad all test so far are good for your Mum, but a colonoscopy is a good idea, I think, in the circumstances.
What about EF are you seeing them soon? Sounds like it might be a while if your sister has her EF there atm😕 I just feel like LA might be due a holiday with you soon am I right? A wheelchair might be a good idea hope he gets a good strong one though.
That waterfall pic was just beautiful - nature at it's best😊
Hope your day is a good one take care ((()))
Morning Keef
Nice mug😊 Enjoy that cuppa
Erm ok Sucré has a new word (s) 🤭 bless him. Lucy's version of the same was titty. Aren't they the funniest?!! So worth having in our lives. Very clever too doing a big puzzle independently like that. Don't worry about him getting bored he just needs to spend time with you. You have your voice and brain even if you are struggling physically. Remember you are the best parent for him because you are his parent and you love each other.
Very very good taking Sucré with you while you have your bloods done. He will have no fear if Dad isn't crying👍️
If there is any inflammation it will show in your bloods your CRP or ESR will be up. So a very good start there. I also rang the helpline at the beginning of my arthritis journey. I bawled. They just made me feel so much better. So kind.
I love Loanda's raised bed full of hallowe'en stuff as of course I would expect! What is a coke plant - artemisia? Does it flower? Is it a herb garden she's got??
Morning Toady
How are you today? I am ok managed my walk late yesterday - dragged (almost literally) Paul along it was dry but very very blowy. The rain was way less than we expected here too and didn't affect our connectivity either.
Don't you just hate technology when it doesn't work?🙄
What a thoroughly naughty snail! At last he looked ashamed, but honestly! the audacity. It's as though you put your precious seedling there for his tea! Reminds me of the 'Mating' pair of spiders I found once after moving a small unit. They looked as though they put their hands over their privates!!!!
I do know what you mean about gloves well at least 'proper' gardening ones. I have spent far too much time researching them and end up just wearing big ones or getting blisters.
By the way my 'bites' grew to about 3 inches diameter and are now starting to itch less leaving a bruise behind! How about yours?
I will look forward to the day when you are in power and all sport is replaced by recreational gardening!! Monty Don will not be sold for extortionate sums to Real Madrid's horticultural society though will he?
I hope your day is a good one and painting can resume. Sleek is ready and waiting.😸
Quick wave to Julie if she pops in👋
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) Have a good day. Love to the carers (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) Have a good day. I hope your fingers stay away from the sandpaper.
Barbara (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brothers girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) I hope you won’t feel too worn out this evening (()) Sue went into Marks and Spencer’s yesterday she said they were clearing the shelves it’s a shame. Love to Paul (())
and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Keef (()) you have some lovely mugs. Sucr’e is a good little boy how old is he (()) love to Loanda (()) have a good day.
Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (()) that’s good she has some results back (())
Julie (()) have a good day all of you.
take care
joan xx0 -
Morning Toni, it’s just a general garden of dark flowers, although was a bit late in the year to catch the flowers. I think the cocaine plant is some type of herb. If you rub it between your finger and thumb and give ‘em a sniff it smells of coke (the fizzy drink!). She also has an after eight mint, mint plant that smells of well you know.
the garden is her domain, so long as I can get my bike in and out I leave it up to Loanda what happens there. We have no grass to cut thankfully.
did you have rain in the night? I was waiting for the storm, but we only hd rain ☹️
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Good Morning Dachshund, Sucré is 3 in November. We having a puzzle day that’s turned into a Brio Railway day. One of the girls at work gave Loanda a big box of Brio and I’ve added a couple of battery powered locomotives and he loves it.
how are you today?
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Cheeky little monkey!
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