Val's Cafe



  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Reshmi, oh right, red faced now lol 😂

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Hi Toni , yes osteo today Nicole, and she is a lovely lovely person. I dread her saying she can’t treat me anymore coz it isn’t helping but I guess i know that for myself when it happens.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    im glad you’re enjoying being with your lovely neighbour

    I’m feeling a lot better today thanks

    Yesterday was really bad I brooded a lot, not dangerously, but I just didn’t feel good mentally or physically

    mum and dad are ok more or less thanks

    ive got some kind of physical health check up “ordered” by mh team tomorrow

    nice and cold on early morning walk but not Lapland temps lol

    have a nice morning Toni tc xx

    Ps bills Parisian breakfast- low - fat version lol

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Joan

    how are you both?

    I’m feeling ok today thanks

    Mum isn’t feeling too bad at all at the moment thanks

    my sister’s mother in law is visiting her and rest of EF

    she kindly bought a nice sari for me, but I don’t wear them lol, I will give it to mum

    Have a good morning bye tc xx

    Ps pic about avacado, Toni knows why it’s funny lol xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Well it is a nice looking avocado 🤪

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Toni, you would be very welcome here to dinner, any of you would be, this cafe has kept me going on more than one occasion being able to chat 💬 on here to fellow sufferers.

    it would however cost you a ride for Sucré in that lovely car of yours, with the roof down 😉

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi toady

    how are you today?

    it was a 2 hat day recently

    ill explain later when I’ve found some energy lol

    bfn tc. xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203
    edited 21. Aug 2023, 16:36

    Sucré in that Batman baby grow I mentioned. He is still 4 days premature in this photo, down from 2 months. He been home about 10 days when this was taken.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi toady

    basically two days ago I had to wear 2 hats but not simultaneously trying to emulate your unique style lol,

    but first weather was cold enough to demand the winter hat, then all of a sudden Toni the weather goddess’ face was wreathed in smiles and the sun came out requiring strange pink sun hat favourite headwear of RR - curiouser and curiouser indeed lol

    This morning I was determined to walk in the morning before the lava flow so I didn’t even brush my hair and just pulled it Mad Hatter - style into ponytail with a hairband so bright a pink that even the ELT Lady Baby would have thought it too young for her - oh well, needs must and all that, lol.

    i have some kind of physical health checkup appointment tomorrow.

    was today more eventful than yesterday for you?

    have a good evening toady tc xx

    Ps I think this hat is almost an ood - am I right?

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603
    edited 21. Aug 2023, 21:19

    Hi all, sorry I never made it back last night, it will pretty much be an IOU today as well 😳

    Have just finished packing the heaviest item I had up on nosegay (aka ebay for the uninitiated) - half my body weight, I realize that's not saying much haha but still, what possessed me to list something so hefty 😣. Have had to do some very interesting manoeuvres even to get it into the porch for postie, lifting is out of the question. Now will have to watch him skip down the path with it under his arm I suppose 🙄.

    Thanks for the lend of Sleek frog, I will fill you in tomorrow on the day's doings. Bag me a sunlounger on our cafe beach, I could do with a sitdown, well liedown. Haven't had much outdoor time today and it started getting dark early, what is it doing that for 😱😱. How are your bites & would you like to volunteer for a paid trial to face eight hours of midge bites at a hotspot, to test a repellent? 'How much' was my first thought 😂 for £100, maybe not 🤔. Have a good night (and breathe!!) xx

    Hello joan, I was just going to ask again about your neighbour, so that answered my question. Is she able to come & go a bit at a time because she hasn't given up her last place yet? Mine over the road were out in force this evening, tinkering with one or other of four cars 🙄 four, it's ridiculous parked on a front drive, I don't think there are even four of them in the family 🤨. Have a good day tomorrow fine still I hope :) xx

    Hi keef, hope the osteo went well. Ugh to dog bloke in your story 🙄 no shortage of his sort unfortunately, & it's always par for the course that people who aren't bothered about their dog being a nuisance will react like that (or worse) to being told about it. At least the ones I see are all well behaved - though there's one Alsatian I cross the road if it's in the front garden, I want more than 4 foot of wire fence between me & it 😬. Great little pic of Sucré I remember you telling us the back story of what an amazing lockdown baby he is 😊. Have as good a night as poss xx

    Night to bosh, I will absolutely be in tomorrow to catch up properly. These are all great hats 😂 and yes the Ood!! brilliant! I know someone who has taken up knitting, or started doing some again I think, do you think if I got them the wool and a pattern... 😄 maybe not, that looks to me like it involves 10 needles or something. Have a good night and glad you've had a better day than yesterday 👍️. Mine's been a bit disorganized but ok otherwise. Good luck for the checkup tomorrow, is it early? Will call in & see how it went and if the pink hairband made a repeat appearance :) xx

    Love to all, & hope Julie is doing ok 🤞xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Hi Toady, yes osteo went well, if a little quick today, feel ever so much better after treatment thank you. She stuck a needle right in the centre of my pelvis pain and it has really helped, she really nailed it. Having said that i am awake coz of the pain but at least I managed to get to sleep.

    I have been following the MotoGP but have lost interest as I haven’t been riding my own bike so don’t even feel like vegging in front of TV and catching up on the Austrian round from the weekend. I am back to being a bunker dweller and only go out if i have to due to pain. It’s much less stressful.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203
    edited 21. Aug 2023, 23:12

    Great hats Reshmi. 👍

    if u find any energy can i have some please???

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 22. Aug 2023, 05:28

    Morning everyone 😊

    Morning Joan. I agree my friend has done very well. That's lovely Jacky gets to see places properly with the other staff☺️ Are the dogs doing ok? I had lunch with my lovely neighbour yesterday while her husband had a well earned day out. Between me and the carers he could relax. She is such a lovely lady. ((())) xxx

    Reshmi how are you? Hope things are easing a bit today.

    Hormones are such powerful things. I remember when my brother had hyPER thyroidism and he was hot and sweaty all the time, thoughts coming frighteningly rapidly and heart palpitations. For the first time in his life he had to admit he knew what it felt like to have his hormones affect him.

    You and I are real ruminators ((()))

    Hope the check up goes ok. I'm so glad they are looking after you properly.

    I loved that restriction on crime sign, it did make me 😂 the criminals will be so annoyed - not!!!

    Oh no BIL!! That breakfast! Think of your cholesterol, your waistline, your heart!

    It was ok first thing for a walk I agree, but the nights are still a bit too hot for comfort.

    Take care and hope your day is good ((()))

    Nice Mug Keef

    Put your red face away we have so many acronyms and made up names for stuff here you'll soon learn them all.

    I hope you will sneak out of the bunker at times and at least go and polish your bike. Perhaps a teeny tiny weeny ride just round the corner won't make things worse??? Maybe? Obviously you do know your body best. I mean you did do a lot before you went to the IOW!!

    I'm glad you have such good support with the osteopath, Nicole, yes you'll know when it's no longer helping.

    Awwwww! That gorgeous pic of Sucré as a baby! The babygro is cute but he is far cuter😍 My eldest, Charley, was two and a half months early too so I know exactly what you and Loanda went through ((()))

    He would be very very welcome in my little pink car anytime bless him roof down of course!

    Hope today is a better day for you.

    Morning Toady How are you today? It rained last night not this morning so all good here!

    Oh yes do watch postie skip of with the little parcel🤭 Well done packing it up.

    We have a sunbed each on the café beach no question of that and alcoholic/non-alcoholic cocktails all round. Beautiful fluffy towels to lie on....Sleek has her own of course.

    and plenty of cups of tea!

    How much to 'test' their repellent? £100 quid for 8 hours erm I think not😲 Only two out of the 12 of mine are still itching. the bruises are fading too so much better ta.

    Had a good night! I breathed all through it was fine. Hope that was a bit of a one-off. I was worried it was my lungs getting worse. Thanks

    Hope your day is a good one☺️Sleek is en route....

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    good morning everyone

    Will be leaving for my appointment at 10.45

    wppl xx

    pics of Gadisar Lake, Rajasthan India land a hat for Keef

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Mmmmm, warm for the winter the hat is, with this one the force is strong.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope you are has well has can be (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) My Dad used to say nothing has queer has folk. Yes I can see the postman walking down your drive thinking why do I do this job. Have a good day I hope the internet does.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother’s girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) Have a good day (()) Your neighbour seems lovely I bet she love seeing you some one different to see. How is Tia and her hydro i hope it’s going well (()) The dogs are well thank you. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) good luck to day (()) love to your mum (()) i hope she’s feeling better (())

    Keef (()) lovely photo love to him and Loanda (())

    Julie (()) I hope you have a good day (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Got pins and needles in left hand now. I hope it’s not going to stop me playing. Came on about an hour ago, and I haven’t done anything different to normal. No loss of movement of anything but doesn’t feel very nice. If I had to choose one thing and only one thing I don’t want arthritis to take from me it’s my musical ability. It can have the fit body, riding motorcycles, exercise and sex, I just don’t want to loose my music. TBH it’s taken most of that list already lol.

    feeing a bit down today, might ride over to inlaws later for dinner. Steak and chips tonight ive been told. Bike could do with a run.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Pins and needles gone now thank goodness.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Toni

    how are you?

    what an ordeal!

    the place was hard to find, almost gave up

    they took 5 tubes of blood

    i should’ve charged them! lol

    mum is ok thanks

    I just need to go into training as engaging in bathroom combat in 30 seconds lol

    bye for now tc xx

    ps so apparently we’re femails, does that mean more spam or less , I wonder? Vegan spam of course lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603

    Hi all 👋

    Well I'm tired & cranky so I'll skip me as a topic of conversation, apart from a quick plea for tea please - any cup, any mug, straight from the teapot if necessary 😂. How are we all this afternoon?

    Postie made it out of the house & into the van with the little parcel frog, he did have the good grace to look like it was a decent weight and wasn't tossing it lightly from hand to hand. He was supposed to bring me an actual little parcel, too, but no 🙄 that's 3 things I'm still waiting for in the post. If everyone posted their stuff to me off as quickly as I do to them, the world would be a better place 👼. How's things with you this afternoon, no rain here that I know of unless it sneaked some in overnight - nice & sunny. Glad you had a better night 😊 and I trust your lungs feel normal, for you, since. Did you really have twelve bites, yikes! I never had more than 3 or 4 at a go. No wonder you don't fancy the midge trials. They did say in theory you shouldn't get bitten too badly as someone will 'take off' any midges that land (was a bit dubious what take off meant), but tbh I don't even fancy 8 hours hanging about in Inverary 😄 not when I can lounge around with that gorgeous beach cat. That's the life 😍. Sleek arrived safely thank you ready for hiss duties if I go outdoors in a bit. That tabby yesterday reminded me of finding out about cats' 'flehmen' response, when I was a new owner, but I had never heard (til I googled it again now for spelling) that it is commonly called cat sneering among other things, so if Sleek wants to have a sneer at the 4-car household for me &c that would be v handy & save me a job 😉😂. Oh dear they are probably ok people really, I will get my comeuppance one day I suppose. Hope your neighbour enjoyed his day out and you your lunch with his wife 😀. Well done your friend for Sunday, she is doing marvellously, but blast the meanness of life derailing her plans for this stage in their lives 😕. Have a good Wednesday, any plans? Love to all :) xx

    Hello joan, yes the postman probably could have done without that parcel 😄 the only blessing it wasn't in the pouring rain, I wouldn't thank you to be a wet weather postie. He's probably sick of coming here in general as there is something to come in or go out most of the time 😳 there will be a few more in a minute as I have just done some shopping; the internet went off twice while I was trying to get through 2 different checkouts, I think it was trying to tell me something 😮. Have a good mid-week :) xx

    Hi bosh, 5 tubes of blood 😮😮 gosh you probably wished you hadn't found the place, that's a lot. Sounds like they have mega vampire nurses there, ones that have mutated from the relative small fry of your gp's. I hope they're happy with their haul 👍️ I think 3 was my max ever. Any hats today? The weather is a bit random have to say. How is the news on the EF front? No difficult atmospheres & clashes I hope 😬 perhaps mum-in-law has mellowed out a bit since earlier days of handing out unwanted advice etc. Oh dear a sari that is sort of unwanted, shame it wasn't something useful & nice for you. Hope I haven't missed anything last few posts - not doing much today myself, mostly looking all round the house for an item for nosegay that I'm sure I haven't already sold 🤔 can't find any records or emails to say so, but can't find the thing either, grr. I could do a bit of scrying or whatever if my ooky gothic properties were a bit more advanced instead of beginner level 😔. Hope you have a good afternoon, or an Ood afternoon, sorry I know I will use that one time too many 😄. Bye for now hope you make your blood back up nice & quickly :) xx

    Glad the pins & needles have gone off keef, to stay off I hope, they are not nice. Also good that the osteo did help to a degree and you could get some sleep, well hopefully a bit more than when you posted at midnight. It was tea at 3am for me. Have a good time at the inlaws if you do bike it - can understand you can't get into the MotoGP at the moment. With me it's cycling, I never liked the competitive stuff even pre-RA though, but I especially begrudge people going round & round velodromes &c now when I can't have a tootle round somewhere scenic myself & appreciate the outdoors & cycling for its own sake not just being 'best' 🙄. Have a good/ok/minimal pain afternoon xx

    Love to everyone 😘 xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203
    edited 22. Aug 2023, 19:12

    Decided against going out. Too tired to be riding. Hey Reshmi, they only took 3 tunes of blood out of me, and she was so quick, blink and you miss it. I wonder how long it takes to refil that amount of blood? Bit longer for you with 5.

    Played quite a bit guitar today, more than I have for ages. All 3 guitars now need fresh strings as I found out a long time ago that some people have string killing sweat and Im one of them 🙄 worse on an acoustic where you really are relying on the string to sound good, and you can’t just turn the treble up a bit to compensate, but they beyond that now. So job for this evening.

    ive got through the day with play a bit sleep a bit. Not a great way to live but necessary i think till i get my results tomorrow and figure out what exactly is going on. Definitely something as I’m not normally this bad.

    Time for a cuppa and a bit of MotoGP I think, although probably fall asleep watching it.

    Hope everyone okay. I must admit to being a bit lazy with individual posts today. Sorry.

    promise to do better tomorrow.

    i was gonna correct the ‘tunes’ of blood mistake but decided to leave it 😁

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi toady

    how are you today?

    yes a lot of blood, but the phlebotomist was no vampire nurse thankfully 👍

    4 out of 5 times I didn’t even feel the “sharp scratch” at all - a true professional!

    wow just throw in a few boxes of free lollipops and this lady could rescue the NHS single-handedly - as long as Dr LA signs off on the idea of course lol

    it was sun hat time but a more subtle shade of pink than the hairband that ELT lady baby rejected lol

    but you’re absolutely right, no one feels full of energy after 5 portions of haemoglobin or whatever have been extracted by the very nice and professional NHS leech, lol, because as Shakespeare once said, “A leech by any other name would be as draining” - or did I get that wrong? Haha.

    however my stomach was upset, so I just bought some water and very light biscuits and got the bus home, but it was quite a walk to the nearest functioning bus stop, so by the time I got home I was full of molten lava, but due to weather and stomach conditions rather than the usual HV or indeed Kitchen Vesuvius causes 👍

    Mum isn’t too bad today thanks, she said her stomach has settled a bit

    but of course it’s only after the colonoscopy that we’ll be completely reassured

    in other news BR has started brushing his teeth in bed at 5.00 am in the morning lol, well I guess everybody needs a hobby.

    Ok getting a bit tired now

    bye toady tc xx

    ps real Indian chai in clay cups, not from café eyebrow plucks lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603

    There must or should be a band somewhere called that or at least a metal track surely✌️

    Best of luck with the blood results and as always no worries with individual replies, or (speaking for myself) reading back, unless sufficiently bored lol.

    'Night 👋

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    good night everyone else

    sorry so tired after leech - draining and sleep - draining weather Vesuvius

    bye for now tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603

    Oh rats, out of sequence again so there I am making no sense 😄 sorry bosh, didn't see you in the middle there, will catch up again tomorrow. Hope you have a good night & feel less tired and 'drained' 🧛‍♂️, glad your mum is not too bad at the moment :) x

    night again all 😴 x