Val's Cafe



  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Hey Toady, I understood it. 😁

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 23. Aug 2023, 05:13

    tea anyone?

    Well I don't know about you Toady and Joan, but I'm feeling quite left out no-one has stolen any blood from me for a good while. Just normal meds bloods and then only one vial.

    The tea will do us all good anyway even if it's only to replace the fluid.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Toni

    how are you?

    thanks for the tea

    do you want some of my blood? would that help? Lol.

    Don’t worry the nhs leech was very good at her job yesterday

    Ive been reading Balzac and he described an unpopular and evil character as an anthropomorphic mollusc lol, so snails etc have feelings too apparently lol, LA would probably agree, he says snails are beautiful and so is mummy - oh dear 😂

    ok bye for Toni tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 23. Aug 2023, 06:06

    Morning Joan how are you doing today? Is Sue well? No more injuring herself driving into things I hope? I'm glad the dogs are well - if you lived near us they would maybe swim in Tia's pool! It's going well she's very happy thanks for asking. My neighbour is lovely I think sometimes a bit of different company does do you good☺️ ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    I hope you are feeling ok today and SV (stomach Vesuvius) has eased. Well done all those vials of blood, but a good taker of blood (phlebotomist) is a real help. I prefer the one where they use the vacuum vials then you only needle the one needle.

    Why do they say 'sharp scratch' stoopid it stresses me I just want them to get on with it.

    This really made me smile: “A leech by any other name would be as draining” - or did I get that wrong"? Brilliant you really do have a way with words.

    Glad to hear your Mum's pain is easing. I agree though I would want that colonoscopy before I'd relax too.

    BR! Well that's a good habit to be in - teeth cleaning but 5 am is maybe a tad excessive😁 do we have a budding dentist in the family maybe? That's a good profession to be in.

    Ok we are femails😂 probably results in more (vegan or otherwise) spam yup always does.

    Foodbank today for me after meeting my sister for a walk round her park which is near the foodbank.

    I hope you have a really good day take care ((()))

    Morning Keef

    Good luck today with your results. I noticed on your thread that you suspect you may have a chest infection? I hope you'll mention that and get that sorted too? Infections of any kind can muck up your bloods too causing extra white cells and higher inflammatory markers. Fingers crossed for some answers. Or at least a referral to a consultant.🤞

    Probably you are wise to avoid your bike just now until you know a little more or the pain is under better control. Glad you watched the MotoGP though😊 Also I think pacing yourself while you are in pain is absolutely the right thing to do.

    So you have sweat which trashes your guitar strings?! Wow I didn't know that at all. Good luck changing 3 lots of strings

    Never worry about not replying perfectly none of us mind we all do it!

    Take care

    Morning Toady How are you today?

    I had two men here hedges are trimmed. To be fair they have been coming for years and do next door first so I have warning. There are a lot of hedges to cut, but it's done now for a year. Well that's not true there's a tree which needs shrinking which will happen in October.

    I'm off to the foodbank this morning looking forward to that.

    Well done Postie not showing off with the heavy parcel, but where are your parcels???🤔 I agree i always want mine straight away too, but other people don't rush so much do they?

    Talking of orders - what do you think of this?

    It's beautiful l think. We found it in an antique shop in town on Sunday and I've been scrubbing it ever since😊There are two old thermos flasks which were very manky so I have ordered two replacements. It is 1950/60's. I want the flasks NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    12 bites yes and I did not see the midges land so could not have 'taken them off' Nope those trials are not for us maybe for 5,000 quid? Probably not! Only one left itching now so much happier. Can I ask what would you be wearing? I mean they'd want plenty of tasty skin on display surely and Inverary isn't warm is it?😮

    That beach cat looked well -chilled didn't he?! I don't think you get midges on beaches do you?🤨 I do get bored on them after a bit but if the café-crew were all there to chat to I'd last the day. Plenty of tea refills and some jammie dodgers a cat to stroke....

    Sleek pulls a great stink face! She will be more than happy to sneer at your 4 car neighbours. 🤣 She says she's on her way over while I am out this morning. I have a pic on a whatsapp of her cross face when the men were doing 'her' hedges yesterday....she was NOT impressed.

    I hope your day is a good one.😊

    Right better get something done!

    Quick wave to Julie if she pops in.👋

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) love to your carers (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) good luck with your buying and selling (()) I forgot Monday is a bank holiday. Have a good day.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother’s girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) yes sue is well thank you. I read yesterday cats have to be micro chipped by the time they are 20 weeks or you are fined £500. It did not say about older cats. Dachshund’s can’t swim. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) you will soon make that blood up I think. You did well love to your mum (())

    Keef (()) the time will fly by fixing your string’s. Love to Sucr’e and Loanda (())

    Julie (()) have a good day we care about you (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Morning everyone. Thanks for the tea Toni. I am enjoying my first cuppa sitting in bed with R2 on.

    i can change a set of strings in about ten minutes so it won’t take long. Got two new sets out yesterday evening ready. Three in one day is a bit much, even for me lol.

    i going to have a totally self indulgent day today as it’s my birthday (54 in case anyone interested). I am looking my age lately, think I might treat myself to some botox, as my osteo also does all that stuff.

    i also need to get my backside in gear and sortout about getting another pet. We were set on a dog, but I’m thinking a house/bunker cat may be better as it will probably tolerate being in the bunker with loudish music better. Although Anda is allergic so have to be a breed that doesn’t shed. Okay, i am in babble mode, pills have obviously kicked in, I’ll shut up and go make some music. Tunes of Blood anyone lol.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Hey Toni, Loanda would LOVE that picnic set. She loves a picnic. We cheat and go via greggs then to the park. It’s not my favourite thing sitting on grass/picnic blanket as it sets off my ocd for hygiene but I tolerate it and lately i been in chair anyway.

    Do you have one of those little racks for the boot of the Fig to strap the basket to? Very popular with MGs and Spitfires. All held down with vintage leather straps. I used to have a bed roll on one of my Harleys that was secured like that. Looked awesome and was great as a back rest too.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Happy Birthday Keef!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I do indeed have one of those racks to put the picnic hamper on. We love picnics too especially in one of the cars.

    Oh I love them on the back of a Harley such a fabulous sight😀

    Well done spoiling yourself today, but will you get teh last guitar re-strung I wonder 🤔

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    OMG , thank you so much. Lovely chocolate cake my favourite. 😁

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Only got my new Warwick guitar restrung. Found couple of minor problems which I fixed at the same time. Still sounds awesome.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603
    edited 23. Aug 2023, 17:06

    Hi all 👋

    Trying to spread myself a little thinly today so it will be more of a pitstop than a sitdown - I hope those teas are a per person serving frog, 7 cups doesn't seem a drop too much 😄. Even with Sleek's help I am fairly busy so goodness knows what I would have done without her 😽 but I regret that '4 car Charlie' over the road was cutting his hedges as well today AND the council were cutting the verges, so I'm afraid there was quite a bit of muttering under a certain cat's breath that if she wanted silly noisy beggars she could get those at home 😳. Sorry if she comes home grumpy. Hope food bank went well & anything else you've been doing. 1 small parcel arrived today, 1 seller I contacted yesterday (parcel was returned to them by RM will send it again, yeees was it indeed 🤨), the other I will have to contact today. Yes of course you want your flasks noweoweow 😂 that is very nice 😀. I am not a picnic person but as a 'thing' it's lovely, and I like the teaware pattern (what is it made of?). I do like stuff in cases and cases in general. I am editing pics for nosegay at the mo, not my favourite bit unless they go very well, & they aren't, so 5 grand for some midge bites is quite tempting today 🤔 they would have to make do with a rolled up sleeve 😄. Glad to hear things are going well for Tia btw 😊 hope everyone else well, & have a good day, or its leftovers anyway :) xx

    Hello joan, nice day again today. Bank hol, oh no 😱 I forgot too or rather I hoped it wasn't so near. That might scotch a few things for me post-wise 🙄. Thank you I am trying to get a few new things up for sale as some have same been going round & round for a while - I was going to say 'people are not spending', but they do on some things if they want them, expensive trainers & watches and that sort of thing so there is money out there. Not to mention what good could be done with what they keep spending sending yet more stuff into space, especially the one that crashed into the moon this week, what a waste while we have people like Toni helping at food banks 🙄. Have a good evening both of you :) xx

    Hi bosh 👋 just re-reading your yesterday's post. V glad the blood tests weren't painful, if you don't get a lollipop for 5 tubes then that's a pretty poor show tbh 😔 tut. At least your pink hat would have toned in very tastefully with what the shakespearean leech was taking, I rather like pink & red together myself, even if opinion varies on whether they 'go' 😄. Funny you should mention slugs & snails etc, I had a cartoon I wanted to post partly for Toni's benefit as I keep grumbling about the ones in the garden, but it would tie in well with the general mollusc theme. I'm sure mummy was absolutely thrilled to be mentioned in the same breath as having the same level of beauty as snails 😂 well they do have lovely shells, credit where it's due. Will post pic later when I find it. Hope your mum is having a good day, have they any idea when they want to see her for the 'oscopy? Hope HV not too bad today and EF all well, BR's 6am teeth cleaning is all very admirable, but in bed... 🤔 interesting! Have a good evening hope your stomach more settled than it was. xx

    Happy birthday Keef 😊

    (too obvious...? 😄)

    Hope your day is going as well as poss 👍️. I wasn't sure where the topic was going for a moment there, skim-reading this morning, when it went from botox to backsides 🤔 (it's an idea though!) Sounds like you need a blue-eyed, white (often deaf), very short-haired cat. Don't know how well they get on with vibrations though. Shame that Loanda is allergic, but not to dogs at all I take it. Talking of which I have to go out front and brave the dog-walkers in a minute 😬 perhaps I'll get lucky and it will just be Tintin from a few doors up (nothing like Tintin, probably about 70s but has small white terrier), he doesn't really speak.

    Catch you all anon 😘 xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Hey Toady, not too obvious at all, very nice, black strat too just like my mate Eric, perfect.

    thank you. Two cakes in one day I am lucky.


  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    I don’t need botox in that area, the last pair of jeans I bought had ‘bum lift technology’ written on the label 😁

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Happy birthday Keef

    my own birthday is not far off but I won’t divulge the details online, just to be safe

    hope you’re having a great birthday with your family

    bye tc x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    im not too bad thanks

    I had a takeaway today, so lots of protein etc, so think must have made the blood up by now but thanks for asking 👍

    mum’s not feeling too bad today thanks

    I hope you have a good night bye tc xx

    Ps Pic of Wat Chalong Temple, Thailand xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603

    Slug humour 🐌

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Toni

    did you have a nice walk with K?

    how was the food bank?

    thanks about mum, she wasn’t feeling too bad today thanks, but her b sugar did get a bit low during the day, but she realised that before it became a hypo and it happened when I was there and I helped her by giving her gluco - zade etc and thankfully she was ok in the end 👍.

    BR could be a dentist, very possible, lol, his language skills are very good too, once mum asked him what he was doing on the phone, he replied, “ I sit on mummy’s lap, I smile”, aww bless.

    Stomach Vesuvius seems to have withdrawn thank you Toni - at long last, lol.

    I had a nice takeaway today including a really nice mixed fresh fruit juice, the food was sort of like McD’s but from the local cafe so nice and fresh👍

    EF are coming on bank hol Monday - so I need to purchase a new back from nosegay, I’ll ask toady for a list of recommended suppliers lol.

    Ok getting a bit tired now, have a good night Toni tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi toady

    how are you?

    Mum says she wants to have colonoscopy in September but date not booked as yet

    yesterday my right foot was hurting a lot due to sleep position but mainly due to climbing lots of steep stairs trying to find that stupid tiny hospital!

    Had to walk too, so by the time I got home I had to take the pressure of the foot for a while

    so tired now so I’ll just say good night to you and all the beautiful snails lol

    good night toady and everyone bye tc xx

    Ps snail -esque tea cosy lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Morning everyone

    A quick hello from me will be back in a mo taking my daughter in law into work for 7.

    Grabbing one of those cuppas thanks Reshmi and is there any cake left Keef?

    Toni x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Morning Joan. Tia does have a little Dachs who swims would you believe it? I'll ask her to take a photo next time she's in the pool. She was overweight but to be fair she has a life jacket on with a handle for Tia to hold, but those little paws go and her tail wags she loves it😊

    I'm glad to hear Sue is doing well. I agree all cats should be chipped all of ours are just in case we lost them. Love to you both ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef

    here you go

    There's my car with her rack on the back. Couldn't find one with the actual case on....I'll take one next time it's on hers is wicker and has pink straps.

    I hope you had a good birfday yesterday? Bum lift technology? 😮what is that about?🤣

    Morning Reshmi

    I am very pleased to hear SV has eased off😊

    Thank you for asking I enjoyed my walk very much. Today is Kari's birthday so I will see her this afternoon again. Foodbank was just the right side of busy and there was enough food thanks to Saturday's fundraiser and collection.

    Aww I am in love with BR!!! That was a huge and adorable sentence. Dentistry is an excellent profession he could do worse.

    Well done giving your Mum some gluco-zade in the nick of time. Glad she is doing better with her stomach.

    That lunch out sounded lovely and probably far healthier than MacD's.

    It will be good to see EF this weekend - does that mean your sister's MIL has gone home🤞 I bet she hasn't, but really hope she has. Will LA have time to stay one more time before he has to go back to school?

    I wonder what you will find on nosegay? What might Toady suggest? could be anything you know😉

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Toady

    How are you today? I managed an hour outside yesterday. Today looks ok too, but I could be rather busy it's Kari's birthday she will be 26. If you know what I mean same as Paul. She's coming over this afternoon with my niece-in-law and I am taking them to the antiques place where we got the picnic hamper. The plates are local china (Threntham).

    I agree...boxes and cases are just so exciting. No sign of my flasks yet....sadly😕 to be fair i think it will be Monday or Tuesday. Really? RM returned a parcel? Yeah right nosegay seller!🤥 Well done though doing your photos.

    Sleek was absolutely in-cat-descent yesterday when she got home. Everyone it seems is hedge trimming now and you know she now 'owns' your house too garden and probably the whole road at least? I tried to explain that we all have to wait for the birdies to nest so we can't do it until after then...

    £5,000 is enough to have one arm bitten maybe. Ok maybe. Not £100 though nope no way.

    Have a good day

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope everything is going okay for you. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) I hope you have a good day. The weather man said it will be a fine day with a few showers. Our neighbour still hasn’t moved in.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brothers girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) Do you know Monday is a bank holiday. Happy birthday to Kari (()) good luck at the antique shop. That’s nice a little Dachshund that likes water. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Keef (()) Happy birthday you enjoy yourself 🎸 playing music I remember Edd Stewart from R2. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda Poodle’s don’t moult.

    Julie (()) thinking of you

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Nice pic Toni. I can really see the attraction to that car, she looks lovely especially in that setting of the camp site.

    i have no idea what the BLT is. I just liked the jeans and they fitted nice and got the nod from Anda, obviously the most important thing. I did ask her if they made my bum look big lol, we have a laugh at such things as I’m so skinny.

    i will see if i can find a pic of my last bike in Portugal at one particular place I stayed. Similar vibe to your pic. Strange how some fotos just resonate like that.

    Anda just popped out Halloween hunting so taking opportunity to lay down as my pain is really through the roof today. I was up at 3 as Sucré had a bad dream and woke us both up and that was it, so i was in bunker finishing off the string changing duties. Paying for not resting now.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Hey Dachshund amd Reshmi and Toady and Jewels.

    thanks for all the birthday wishes for yesterday. Had a great day blasting out some tunes.