Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    👋Joan Keef and Julie

    good night everyone

    sorry too tired to write anymore tonight

    bye tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 27. Aug 2023, 05:21


    Well we had hail yesterday hail in August!!! Luckily we'd just got home!

    Morning Joan l am so glad you went into Wilko's must go in while you can I hope the staff were ok. bless them😕I bet Tia's shop has chocolate drops for dogs. Poor Pepper I bet you got something though. Love to you and Sue. ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you today? All is well here I am really in need of a day of rest but Paul wants to go to Silverstone classic. We will leave here at 7! Still he'll take the fold out chairs and maybe I can take a flask of coffee (decaf) 😊 There should be some of my Figaro cars there at any rate.

    Glad it should be possible to tweak your Mum's meds to sort out her acidity.

    I hope you're not to MTX hung over today?

    I'm sure you're doing your neck exercises, but it sounds really sore ATM. I hope you can get some rest ((()))

    That sushi dragon is totally impressive. I think LA would like it.

    Enjoy a restful day today if you can before tomorrow's visitor invasion.

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Keef

    I hope you are feeling a bit better today. Arcoxia (AKA etorixocib) is one of my meds too. I find it really helps after you take it for a few days. I do not take it every day just when I need to usually for a while then I stop it if I can. It's a Cox2 inhibitor anti-inflammatory and should be reasonably gentle on the stomach.

    I do hope it helps🤞

    Today has to be better I do so want you to enjoy your time with Anda and Sucré ((()))

    Morning Toady how are you this lovely day?

    Yesterday was actually a success! There were only two tiny showers. There were plenty of marquees up and of course it was in the grounds of the community centre in the next village, so we could all have retreated in there if we wanted to. Kari's, Lucy's and my vegan food was cooked separately by a lady for our village too.

    That was us lot - me looking a bit rough I'm afraid. and Kari invisible as you can see the sun was out then.

    However about half an hour after we got home the heavens opened. Hail! In August (yes the curse of the bank holiday!) it was incredible then such rain it 'flooded' outside instantly. I walked through from the extension to the kitchen and rain landed on my face. Oh dear a leak again. All dry now the shower was quite short lived thankfully.

    Postie should card you that your parcel is in the recyc bin in my opinion. You could have poured a load of tins and glass on top by mistake!

    Let's hope the chaps turn out to be perfect for your job(s).🤞

    Today we go to Silverstone (Leave me alone Paul! I need a quiet day at home really) but will take chairs. I am wondering about my flasks with soup in probably in this weather and a blankie - waterproof🙄

    Sleek is here - she is usually quite impressive with weather and comes in before it rains, but once or twice I've rescued her and she runs in shrieking! I love it it's so cute. She is good at putting shopping away because she is a tad nosey😉

    I do hope your toms ripen soon - is it time to chop off as many leaves as you can? Our tropical fish have been enjoying some cucumbers of mine. I love watching them. I really hope your daisies get their day in the sun. Looks ok so far today....?

    take care and if you can enjoy your garden.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) love to you and your family (())

    Toady (()) have a good day. September is usually nice weather I think. They will be getting Christmas things in soon.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) have a good time at Silverstone is Paul going in a race. They say the shops are closing because of people buying on line so they think putting a tax on the online shopping would stop it. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Keef (()) i hope the new tablets are helping you (()) love to Loanda (()) and Sucr’e (())

    Julie (()) have a good day (())

    Reshmi (()) i hope your neck feels better now (()) yes changing your mums tablets would help her (()) take care

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Toni toady Keef and Joan

    how are you all?

    nice cool weather outside, inside I’m in the pre - bank holiday cooking sauna - somebody help me!

    toady can I stay inside your nice and cold rich tea biscuit cupboard as a very temporary lodger please? I’ll pay you anything you want - well as long at doesn’t exceed 20 p - that was my reduced choc money lol.

    I’ll see you on the other side of Bathroom Vesuvius or whatever that battle is called I expect

    bye for now tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603
    edited 27. Aug 2023, 16:12

    Hi all 😎

    Quite nice, well on & off, if you're trying to look on the glass half full side - don't need those sunglasses though that's for sure 😔.

    Glad the bbq was spared by the bank hol gods frog 😀 in fact it looks more than half decent in your pic 👍️ as do you. That wasn't supposed to sound like such a lukewarm compliment 😄 genuinely you look fine, shampoo-advert hair and everything - 'rough' indeed, nothing of the kind. Hope the same can be said for today and you are not being blown around with a combination of wind, open top cars, or the back draught of the racing. Hail, good heavens, it did chuck it down here but only the wet stuff. (0% chance of that, said the forecast, at the very time it was doing it.) So sorry you had a drip that = a leak! The 'all fixed now' leak too I assume! Oh noes 😱. Thank you for reminding me about the tomato leaves, I will do it this very day 👍️ totally forgot about that. Not much doing with me today but I will try and have a walk tomorrow if it looks nice. Have washed a couple of curtains (dry clean only, but what the heck 😄) and started painting the insides of that window. I can manage without Sleek she can have a quiet Sunday. Yes she was quite interested in my shopping, I daresay she reported back on the 'catberry's' chocolate fudge cakes & the notable absence of green leafy veg 😳😂. No nice bank hol post for me yesterday, only 2 routine drs letters 🙄 the recycling thing is an in the porch box rather than the bin itself, leftover from the system we used to have, I put junk mail in it til I top the bin up. But yes I could have been even longer finding it & a card would be better, I'm sure he probably bought ordinary post that day and left that on the mat, which would have confused matters further. Well all should be quiet til Tues, hope you have a good Monday and that Paul is enjoying today too :) xx

    Hello joan, I've just read that another buyer is interested in Wilko's, would be good if they can do something, these people promised to keep people's jobs but you can never tell can you. Yes Sept looks quite nice as far as I've looked; no way am I thinking about Christmas 😱😱 but you are right unfortunately, they will be shoving stuff under our noses whether we like it or not 😕. Have a good Bank Holiday hope it's sunny for you :) xx

    Hi bosh, the rich tea bic cupboard is actually nice and cool as it happens, and quite spacious I expect an estate agent would call it 😄, as it's a cupboard/larder under the stairs affair. If I clear a few boxes out of the way you would be comfortable in there for a bit, well as long as you stay up the non-slopey end, otherwise you'd have to stoop and that's no good. Sadly there are no actual rich tea bics in there at the moment, but if it's decent tomorrow I might go to al fresco in person of all things, so that would sort that out. Sorry the cookery heat is building up, it's ironic I'm at the 'too cold for my liking indoors' stage already, we may just have to swap and have done with it. Is it just the Monday? no-one's staying over are they hopefully. Then when do the family go back? Hope your mum is not stressing over things anyway🤞. See you next visit 👋 :) xx

    Thinking of keef hope things no worse atm and preferably better🤞xx

    and love to everyone for the Bank Hol hope all as well as possible 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi toady

    thanks for the new digs lol

    mum is getting stressed because dad is upsetting her, as usual

    cooking heat is still going on unfortunately

    no one is staying over this time

    al fresco in person wow that’s good👍

    While you’re there, could you purchase a substitute brother in law for me please?

    I promise to reimburse, still a 20 p budget though unfortunately

    have a good evening toady take care xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Toni

    how are you?

    the neck pain was caused by bad combination of iPad and fan

    so by the time pain started it was too late to neck physio unfortunately

    im boiling here like it’s 40 degrees yet my neck is cold and im wearing a scarf from time to time

    I had a good morning walk thanks

    but tomorrow dad said he may create a Kitchen Vesuvius by cooking fried rice at the crack of dawn apparently - give me strength

    today was quite good energy levels - wise thanks Toni

    but I’m getting a bit tired now

    did you have a good day out?

    any spare cheese - please send it my way, or LA could bite me - ookey

    ok bye for now Toni tc xx

    Ps LA’s cheesecake lol xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 28. Aug 2023, 05:44


    Clearly it has rained overnight here still very wet just now Typical bank holiday weather.

    Hi Joan how are you and Sue? Paul wasn't racing just looking at classic cars and watching classic cars racing. There were a couple of very heavy showers other than that it was ok. Saw 7 Figaros none pink. All newer owners so had a good chat to them Tax online shopping? There's an idea. I think some younger people are getting less able to socialise. VERY odd society now. ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef

    I do hope everything is ok with you. I am quite worried that you are still struggling. The optimistic me is thinking maybe you are having a good family weekend.

    Sending ((())) and🤞

    Morning Reshmi

    Is he up Big babu? Is he making his rice and a racket and some dramatic KV?

    So important to prepare for the invasion of the EF and EF's EFs.

    How are your neck and your energy levels? Sometimes it is too late to fend off a bad neck with mere exercise and rest you're right.

    Are you going to be able to cope physically? Are they likely to overstay their welcome or are they more polite than that?

    LA's cheese-cake😋 wow that looked actually very appealing. I wonder whether he'd share? BIL will probably pinch a slice or 6 anyway!

    Emptied the fridge for you for LA.

    Hope the day goes well ((()))

    Morning Toady

    It's wet out there - no puddles on any floors at least so roof is holding up....

    How are you?

    That does happen 0% chance of rain indeed! It's chucking it down!😃 at least not a hurricane like when Mr Fish said a 'breeze'!

    Did you de-leaf your toms? I did a bit back hence probably my ripe ones. Fingers crossed you'll catch every ray that way.

    Sleek did nip over did you see her? She was bored without me as I was out. If you had any tins of fish in the cupboard you might need to restock also jammie dodgers.....sorry. She reports back on all your shopping catberry chocolate and all. She is a bit of a gossip, but her heart is in the right place.

    What a day it was yesterday. We went in Paul's van at least. I saw 7 Figs and 1 Pao. That part was great as was my vegan burger. Saw some lovely Frog-eyed sprites too. I adore them. Paul was disappointed by the lack of Fiats (yawn!) and we saw not one single Beetle! In the end even he had had enough he was cold I think. I kept my coat on all day hood up.

    I wash relatively 'normal' sized curtains which say dry clean too. The only ones I get dry cleaned are the heavy ones that I can't possibly manage. Hope yours still fit the windows. Get Sleek to iron them for you.

    Aha it's an old recycling box in your porch. Good idea. I have two bins in the house - have had since before we had kerbside recycling like you a halfway house to going outside. Makes life easier and if it's clean recycling why not? No postie today all quiet.

    I will also go for a walk today I think in a bit even if it is still raining. See you and Reshmi out there unless she is busy entertaining their guests....

    Take care

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) love to everyone (())

    Toady (()) I read don’t throw orange peel away I put mine in the food bin. Have a good day.I heard on the radio a man wanted to buy his little boy a 99 ice cream it was £7 pound.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I’m sorry you had the rain (()) that’s nice you saw some figaro’s. I hope you have better weather today. I heard on the radio a man payed £7 for his son’s 99 ice cream. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) i hope you have a good day how is your neck now. Love to your mum (())

    Keef (()) I hope the tablets are helping your pain (()) love to Sucr’e and Loanda (())

    Julie (()) thinking of you

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Toni toady Joan Keef and Julie

    how are you all doing today?

    im not too bad thanks

    mum is stressed about guests but otherwise ok at the moment thanks

    please help yourself to some early birthday cake before LA and Bill arrive and devour it all - ookey 😱

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Hi all, Toni and Toady thanks for the concern.

    Things are not brilliant. The inflammation side of things has obviously kicked off big time as the pain from the soft tissue is really bad, worse than the osteoarthritis. The new drug is helping but is turning my emotions upside down as watching Up with Sucré yesterday made me cry and although I am a very emotional person (another throwback to life in the force) I can normally make it through that film okay but not yesterday. He obviously knows something is going on with me coz he keeps hugging and patting me and when i pick him up he really squeezes me. He hasn’t left my side all week from when he came home Wednesday. He even had his afternoon nap next to me yesterday when I went for a lay down to try and rest my body. He only has one now and again these day

    I probably take a break from posting for a few days until I have something positive to share Thanks for all the well wishes

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Keef

    sorry to hear that you’re not well at all

    take some rest don’t worry about posting at all right now

    bye tc Reshmi. x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Toni toady and Joan

    sorry for not answering properly

    had a bit of a day really

    LA got in a massive mood because his icing consumption was restricted by his mummy

    BR suddenly wanted to have a bath!

    I was forced to eat some very stomach unfriendly food if I’m not feeling ookey later on tonight/ tomorrow I’ll be extremely surprised

    mum is in a mood but ok thanks

    have a good evening everyone bye tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603

    Hi all, love to everyone, had a bit of a Bank Hol rush on nosegay (what counts for a rush by my usual standard, 3 things at once haha), unfortunately I'm not done yet as have to pack a largeish parcel tomorrow too but not a ton weight one this time thank heavens. Had already had a longish walk following a not best night so a bit tired anyway.

    All replies will therefore be pending next visit look forward to seeing you all then 👋👋 love to frog, joan & sue, hope your stomach behaves bosh xx

    @Keef take care the kettle will be on permaboil here as you know xx

    night all 😘 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 29. Aug 2023, 05:16

    That's where we went yesterday Biddulph grange gardens so pretty and had a decaf soya latte and even better shared a vegan curried cauliflower pasty!😋 My stomach is holding up well no worse than usual!

    Morning Joan how are you both today? I hope all is well. We had two vegan choc ices on sticks and it was £6 for both. Wonder where that 99 came from🤔 I hope it was the best one his son ever had. Have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    I had a tiny worry that LA might 'show off' a bit yesterday with your sister's EF being at yours. Mixing families up will have been a lot for a little boy i think.

    Did BR get a bath?😂

    How are you today really? I hope recovered from the day yesterday. I imagine it was really quite hard work with all those people and that's before all the food that would have been consumed. I'm sure BIL helpfully ate a lot of it😉

    Is your Mum ok too? I bet there was a fair bit of cleaning to do once they'd all gone🙄

    Maybe today you can just have your walk, no battle of the shower and a restful peaceful day ((()))

    Morning Keef

    Absolutely no need to reply. Look after you for a while. You need the rest I think until things get under control. I hope the GP has a plan for you for what to do next. Maybe a referral to a specialist ideally a rheumatologist.

    Sucré is a sweetheart looking after his Daddy.

    Take care see you soon. As Toady said the kettle is always boiling here so pop in whenever you can and do NOT feel you need to read back just let us know how you are ((()))

    Morning Toady

    Oooh! You had a rush on yesterday on Nosegay! Hope things are under control now? Big parcel done?

    We had a lovely morning at the above national trust garden. Then I spent the afternoon in my garden. Transplanted my hydrangeas into pots in a more sheltered spot in the front garden, before half the village came out to tell me that we had a power-cut.

    It affected 38 properties (most of the village) of which we were one.

    Then they came and 'fixed' it. Down to 12 properties affected we were NOT one of them!! they were back on by 4am we were back on just in time to do dinner. I had actually already done it using the gas stove so we were fine.

    Well done having a longish walk that will do you good and might have helped you sleep last night.

    Hope your day is good.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

    ps mysore temple India. xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) love to you and your carers. Have a good day.

    Toady (()) Have a good day. I hope you don’t have any problems with your parcels this time. It’s getting dark by 8 00 in the evenings now.

    Barbara (()) have a good day love to Mr B(()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) that’s different a choc ice on a stick. Sorry you had a power cut. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (()) you are doing so well.

    Keef (()) thinking about you pain wears you out I know (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (()) how are you

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603

    Hi all 👋 just a welcome pitstop, I think one more cup of tea and I might just make it through the last knockings of packaging. ☕️

    V relieved the internet has settled, it has been a fiddly couple of days enough without it flicking off every time I try to book something in or message a customer. Nearly done now and the box gods have been kind to me too & the right things found themselves the right packaging 👍️. I was very glad of Sleek yesterday frog, as it happens, I forgot she would be glad to come here as 2nd best option with while you were out 😄. We had some jammie dodgers and played a few rounds of Woodland Happy Families. Her heart may be in the right place as you say (you do make her very funny; it amuses me no end 😂) but she's certainly competitive isn't she 😮 and had a very particular gleam in her eye collecting the Shrew family 🤔. I expect she was glad to be back in the bosom of her family although I daresay the Nat Trust outing was met with a rather narrow 'what, out again?' look. How lovely going to Biddulph 😍 I remember drooling over pictures in glossy Sunday mags years & years ago, gosh, you were probably in short trousers. It is the different zones place isn't it, I'm not muddling it up. Sorry you came home to a power cut though, glad it was not long enough to worry about fridges & freezers etc, I hope. Poor other people though. Lucky it wasn't longer and while you were out for the racing too, that would be typical. I expect there was a chill in the air there on Monday, it is creeping in 😔 I have never heard of a frog-eyed sprite but I will go look, large headlamps I imagine! Right, best go finish up - I am trying to buy something off nosegay too and getting exasperated as usual by all the 99p-to-something or other pricing, impossible to actually search by price. Have a good day tomorrow looks dryish? Love to all :) xx

    Hello joan, parcels all fine so far, whether they get a move on in the post remains to be seen, after a Bank Hol. My father wouldn't have paid that money for an ice-cream, I can say that for certain 😄 when you think of ice-cream vans you just think of children going out with a few pocket money coins don't you, not a walletful of notes! Even at ordinary prices I expect vans are quite expensive enough. Mind you I think I've had ice-cream about 2 or 3 times all year, it's just not been that hot, so probablyhasn't even cost me £7 all summer! Yes the nights are drawing in 😬 oh dear oh dear. Have a good evening :) xx

    Hi bosh, hope things not too bad with you today. I didn't go into al fresco in the end, I did walk that far but it looked quite busy and I didn't fancy it. BUT I did remember that I have some rich tea fingers in the cupboard squirrelled away, so we are saved 😂. Glad your temporary digs were satisfactory even without many mod cons and satellite tv etc. Hopefully things are quieter back at HV today and no-one cooking at all hours. Hope your mum is in a calmer mood too after all the busy-ness. Btw sorry I failed to shop for a new BIL for you, I will keep that particular item on my list in case I see something suitable 😉. Any chance of getting to group tomorrow, it shouldn't be tooo hot I don't think. There are nasty black clouds over me at the moment actually, I hope they aren't planning anything of noah's ark proportions, not what I could do with this evening. Amazing pic of the temple, the older you get the more it just makes you think how on earth did they build these places, as well as just wow how beautiful. The work involved, just incredible. Have a good day tomorrow whatever you do 👋 :) xx

    Love to everyone here & not here 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    I managed to get some proper sleep at long last

    mum is in a mood but ok thanks 🙏

    Been having a bit of pain in right foot and leg, I think it’s resting in the spare bed with new mattress, also gets worse with inadequate rest / sleep and gets worse if too cold, anyway seems to be generally improving so I’m not contacting rheumo nurse right now.

    no BR got no bath but my sis put some water from bathroom in a flask and told him he could have a bath in it when he got home and little BR was happy with that - bless

    LA got in a horrendous “strop” when mummy limited his icing intake, my goodness

    he also pretended he’d got his head stuck in between two beds so that he could get sympathy and rest without BR, i told him BR is his brother and he should share the bed with him sometimes, he didn’t like that lol

    BR was wearing a suit that bills mother had bought him, my sis said it looked like he’d just got back from work, I said it looked like he’d just got married haha

    Poor Bills mother has put on even more weight recently, my mum said she’s also got some sort of fracture but the surgeon said it wasn’t safe to operate.

    mum got stressed understandably but I think she’s glad it’s over with in a way.

    sorry Toni Im going to leave it there for now

    have a good evening Toni tc xx

    ps this is the only al fresco field that LA has not left fallow, seems a bit dangerous though lol xx

    👋also to toady and Joan xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Hi all, things are settling down a bit. The edge has definitely gone off the new pain but unfortunately the side effects are bad, so I won’t be able to take them full time. Maybe just pop one when I need to, in any case will be back on to doc tomorrow.

    I showed Anda the pics of the river and the window Reshmi, she loved them both, thank you.

    Will post tomorrow if I feel okay.

    Thanks to everyone here for looking out for me and keeping the kettle on. x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Morning everyone will be back in a bit taking my DIL to the hospital for her work.

    Keef do tell what your side effects are with the arcoxia I don't have any at all just mouth ulcers.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Morning Joan. It was a magnum a raspberry flavoured one we had one each. Very nice. All well here now after the power cuts could be more today though as half the lane is up and it's right outside our bungalow. Take care and have a good day I'm off to the foodbank later ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    That Temple is just beautiful.

    Glad your Mum is ok, if a bit moody yesterday, hope she is more herself today🤞

    You are doing the right thing with that foot/ankle/leg resting when you can. If it's gradually improving I think you are right not to contact the rheumy nurse too. You have had a hectic time this weekend with all the visitors and stress surely must have affected quality sleep.

    Awwww! BR wanted your water from your house! Bless his heart❤️ and him in a suit like a grown up man so cute I bet. I can certainly imagine LA having a strop when his Mummy said he'd had enough icing. Oh dear me and pretending to be injured so he didn't have to share a bed with his brother! Tut tut!🙄 Your sister was clever taking some of your water for a later bath at home.

    Poor BIL's mum putting more weight on and not being able to have surgery. That's not good so she must also be in pain😕

    I thought the farmer's field picture was really funny - he must have a lot of idiots walking over it damaging the crop. LA is quite right to leave as many fields as he can fallow good for the environment.

    Hope your day is good and take care ((()))

    Morning Toady

    The sun is out here! Honestly it is!

    Here's a frog eyed sprite for you. Don't you think it's adorable?

    Ah yes Shrews I imagine back in the day Sleek would have been 'interested' in shrews😏 Luckily now she sees the error of her ways and sticks to tinned cat tuna instead, 'crunch' and 'sweets' (cat treats). The odd Jammie dodger goes down well too. She is quite competitive and does get very cross if we go out 'again' Bless her you are a very good 2nd best place to be. I think she still checks in on Kitty at night to make sure she's ok.

    She's on her way now:

    Oh no! Have the police clocked her?😣

    She really is a character in real life honestly she is. Last night she was lying on a chair-back and Paul was calling her. You could see she heard him (ears twitching) but pretending to be asleep. Don't know as l blame her if she was comfy.

    Yes Biddulph grange is fabulous lots of different zones really gorgeous. Loved it. Couldn't manage all the rocky climby bits but managed most of it. It's so well maintained and designed - you would love it. I wore a coat with a hood and my walking boots it had been really wet. In 'summer' (remember summer?? Sunshine, heat that sort of thing?) you could definitely to a David Bellamy explore in full safari gear😁

    Well done getting parcels boxed up without too much trouble. I expect Sleek put a paw on to hold it in place while you got the tape? Perhaps the buyer had a free cat hair?

    Hope your day is good and you can buy whatever it was you were after from Nosegay. So annoying🙄 Any sign of your wildlife?