Val's Cafe
Keef missed your post, soz - quiz only runs Mon to thurs so next stop tomorrow, well 1am. It's just a ridiculous american thing, they get it US time of course so it's only the likes of us that have it at silly hours. Not to mention lots of US based questions so it's a miracle I answer anything 😂.
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Morning ❤️
Welcome back @mig
Lovely to see you. How have you been?
Morning Joan. Yes I take the tablet with ginger squash it hS a stringvtastevhides the eggy taste! I did at least meet puss he was in his basket ready to go home. Hope you and Sue are doing OK? ((())) xxx
Morning Keef
Photos to follow for definite. 👍
So glad your head is easing.
Will post later after I've fed Lucy's cats. She's home today so this will be the last time for a bit.
Have Anda and Sucre gone to Nan Nan's? you will feel a bit sad, but hopefully can be selfsih a bit and look after yourself and maybe make some more music.
The song was great I really enjoyed it so much do I played it again yesterday. Its on my laptop now.
Take care. ((()))
Morning Reshmi Thanks for asking I'm not too bad so far Ihad a rough day with my back yesterday we were out in Paul's van and came back on the motorway - less turns. I put the heated seat on it helped a bit and took and arcoxia. Much better today fingers crossed
How are you doing today? Your Mum is doing well - has she got a date yet for the colonoscopy? Do I keep asking that? sorry if I do.
Oh dear me LA another party! He seems a very popular boy. Even if he does have some interesting moth-like behaviours 😁 Bless him. I echo what Toady said - I bet the Mums were all glad that was another party over with!
I put my vest back on yesterday it helps a lot 2 jumpers that would do the job too😊
OMG how adorable is BR sharing his fruit and sweets with LA to diffuse trouble!
I'm glad you wrote a good poem and it did you good 🤗 Your mojo is definitely back.
Yes being in peace and quiet at times does all of us good. You are very patient with HV very patient indeed.
Take care today ((()))
Morning Toady
Do not get eaten!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!! That cartoon wasn't you was it???😣
Oh dear me all very quiet in your shop is it? Move about a bit yourself we do not want any 8 legged creatures doing building works on you. as our friend Reshmi would say 'Ookey'!
I do that overtired bit too sometimes. I get a bit hyper before my motor runs right down. Hope you ahd a good sleep overnight and feel restored.
Sleek enjoyed herself yesterday in fact so much so she slept all afternoon here. Vi is flowering? Wow try to cultivate some babies wouldn't that be lovely. I'm so glad you have some toms we have loads here still🙄 No runner beans for me this year sadly so I will just have runner bean envy here..... Hopefully I will get flowers on P's honesty next year🤞I am parking on her drive this week while ours is redone - this time properly.
Blimey a whole wardrobe down the stairs go you. You are ok though? I am glad because i read about a ldy who got stuck under hers trying to get it out. She had to call the fire brigade....😮Toads do not like people in their houses so imagine that!
Have a good day!
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Good morning everyone
wppl x
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) love to you and your carers (()) have a good day.
Toady (()) we had thunder and lightning last night. Did you the plants have had a good soaking. Good luck with whatever you do today.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) have a good day (()) love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) I’m sure your drive would be done well this time there could not be two like the last one you had. That’s good you’ve found a good way to take your tablet. We have our flu and Covid jab on the 30’th. We had thunder and lightning last night. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day. Love to your mum (())
Keef (()) how are you feeling today. Sorry Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (()) going again the weekend’s go quick.
Mig (()) It’s nice to see you. How are you. I hope it’s a good day for you.
Julie (()) How are you.
take care
joan xx2 -
Hi all 👋
Well the wardrobe is now in horrible bits and down the stairs and unlike it I am in one piece 👍️ thank you frog, no I did not want the fire brigade or any other service the last couple of nights with it stuck on the landing 😱 I did have to tell myself strictly not to have an actual fire or a funny turn because no-one could have got in 😬. For a minute there it was like a ROSPA information thing 20 different silly ways to create hazards in your home 😂. Anyway only its horrid splintery remains to get rid of now, it was a truly horrible thing neither a proper piece of furniture or good honest flatpack. I feel better than I did yesterday anyway so that's made the vital few % difference to clearing up & restoring order. Glad Sleek had a nice afternoon nap and hope you are both having a good day, it has rained a bit but not too bad and a glimmer of sun at the min. Will go out now to check on the birdies as there were none around this morning, very very quiet. Glad to hear P's honesty is ok so should be no problem now going on to flower 😊. I have one extremely tiny sunflower, didn't help that people kept going on about fieldsful of them all year it seemed wherever I looked 🙄 😂. I see that 'Pale or Wimpy' want to stuff thousands of houses on the airfield site near RHS Wisley, but it's alright because the benefits "significantly and demonstrably" outweigh any harm - say the developers themselves. 😠 If Wisley can't stop this sort of thing then what chance the rest of us 🙄. I also see that the drivemen cometh back to yours, omg 😬 very very good luck with it! Hope family are well, or better, as applicable :) xx
Hello joan, no we had nothing like that here 😮⚡️ it did say thundery showers for yesterday but there never was a thundery bit 🤷♀️. But yes enough rain for the garden, it's so quiet out there today 🤔 have seen robin and a pigeon or two but no so much as a sparrow apart from that. Have a good afternoon - I had an email from a company to tell me it's 'only' 100 days until Christmas 🙄 only, that's a third of a year or near enough. Don't be silly. Talking of silly, I told you the hosp had moved my next August appointment by a week, I had another letter today and they've changed it by ten minutes 🤨. Love to both :)
Wave to everyone else back later 😊👋 xx
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Hi again 👋 all quiet here and boredom has set in slightly haha so I have just called in to put the kettle on and leave these 2 things: An 'anytime' mini birthday card for bosh (because I don't know if it's been or not yet, but as I quite understand if you are vague as to the date, this is for whenever & then I won't have missed it). Hatty for obvious reasons and a fancy but low GI dessert 😀 xx
And a music link for keef, just for something to post - you may know or may not know or like the band, worst can happen it will pass three & a half mins 👍️ x
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Hi Toni
how are you today?
did you enjoy the vegan hot chocolate I virtually prepared for you? Lol
mum is ok thanks
im sorry you had a rough day with your back yesterday
im glad you’re feeling better now
my mum wants to have colonoscopy this month but it hasn’t been arranged yet
she has a hospital face to face appointment tomorrow with gastroenterology - she said it’s just a routine/ checkup type appointment
Thanks about the poem etc, that’s very kind
yes thermal vests are definitely good for the cold
LA refused to let BB apply the nasal antibiotic ointment near his nose - due to his nosebleeds - he said “you’re overdosing me” - but he got scared when mum threatened to phone his mummy and “retracted his statement” you could call it, lol.
Yes BR is the peacemaker of the family lol.
yes peace and quiet is great, extremely rare, but good, lol
have a good night Toni tc xx
ps seems like a bit of an insalubrious leisure activity there lol xx
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Hi toady
how are you?
thanks about the moth / LA story
also what a lovely card!
thanks so much for that
is someone eating you like a cough sweet in that illustration?
how very ookey 😱
the other day I went out of the house and got a spider web entangled in my hand and hair!!
i also thought the spider was on the side of my head but luckily it was just a leaf, so I left my house at a speed of warp factor 86 or something similar, lol and didn’t look back.
my foot and leg are still bothering me, not constantly, but I’m not doing the longer walks and most definitely not walking to WR but I have the rheumo checkup on Monday of next week, so I’ll just mention it then
very well thought out card by the way 👍
im a bit tired now so I’ll just say good night toady Keef and anyone else who’s still about tc xx
ps those unfortunate cows, they have to close their own gates now apparently lol xx
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Hi Joan
l have lost track of my messages, sorry
but hope you are both ok
mum and I are ok thanks
have a nice night bye tc xx
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'night bosh 👍️ hope you don't get as many rheumo appointment rearrangements before next week as me, such as moving the appt time by 3 minutes or something 🤨 and that they have some helpful advice for your leg &c as it's a shame for you not to do the WR walk etc. Enjoy your shorter walks anyway especially now it's better for you & not hot, try to avoid potential spider on side of head incidents 😬 always so nice when something turns out not to be one, such as those twiggly tomato stalk bits, though they can still give you a fright. In turn I will try not to be used as an old man's cough remedy if I can help it - ookey indeed! 😱 Have a good night and good luck for your mum for her appointment, are you going?🤞 see you tomorrow anyway when I am in :) glad you liked the card you can always have an official birthday too of course, like the Queen 😊 (can't still really think in terms of the King) xx
night all, sleep well 😘 xx
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raining here so far......
Morning Joan gosh thunder and 🌩 lightening! are the dogs ok with that? Just rain here and some sunshine here yesterday. Hope today is better. 30th for your jabs? Good the sooner the better. Have a good day ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi how are you doing? I am fine thanks just going a bit steady with my back.
I hope that the gastroenterologist is happy with your Mum he/she might be able to speed up the colonoscopy maybe🤔
Have we missed your birthday?
Just in case I am attaching a calorie free cake for us al to share in the colour purple especially for you
The virtual vegan hot choc was lovely always is thanks😊
Hahaha! LA is funny at least he clearly still has respect for his mummy if the threat of a phone call was enough to make him co-operate!!! He's not so tough really😉
Yes back in our vests never mind it has to be done. I might need some new/extra ones in January. When my self-imposed ban on buying new clothes for a year is over.
I wouldn't really want to catch more than 3 children anyway😂 would you? One is more than enough. 😅great pic!
Have a good day and take care hope your sister needs a night out again soon so you get some peace......
Morning Keef
Hoping all is well and you've just been busy in teh bunker
Sending some ((())) and virtual pain relief.
Morning Toady
How are you today?
We have a daddy long legs here somewhere I am to scared to catch it. Not like sp****s no I just don't want to hurt it.....
I am so glad to hear that your wardrobe did not block the stairway. access or ingress, for any length of time. That you did not require any emergency service and it is now downstairs in splintered pieces. Even better you are in one piece! Well done actually that's a good job well done.
Ah Charley's wife isn't well now too so possibly she has the dreaded bug😕
We also had sun between heavy showers yesterday. No time for the garden here.
Are you serious? Houses on Wisley? What possible benefits are there? Honestly?!??? Yes if the RHS can't stop it who on earth can? That's why I let the moles in our garden and don't call pest control after all it is us who are stealing their home!
Hope all wildlife are ok and appeared yesterday in your sunny spells? Sleek is coming over later with a new packet of jammie dodgers we are both trying to dodge the bloomin tarmackers😒
Have the best day you can
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) love to you and your carers (()) and family (())
Toady (()) sorry your appointment has been changed you might get another appointment with the time changed back. Have a good day I hope you haven’t got any bruises from the wardrobe. Yes that would have been like Frank Spencer every one at the door trying to get in.
Barbara (()) and Mr B (()) love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) Sorry Charley ‘s wife has the virus (()) have a good day how is the tarmac coming on. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) Sorry about the spider. Love to your mum (())
Keef (()) how are you today (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Julie (()) thinking of you
take care
joan xx0 -
Good afternoon Toni toady Joan and Keef
wppl xx
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Hi Toni
how are you?
im not too bad thanks
mum is at her appointment now
ill post again later
but look- according to the net this is possibly the world’s oldest cat flap in a door of Exeter cathedral the cat was paid to catch vermin - but does that include spiders, lol?
bye for now tc xx
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Tote bag anyone??
I am still about just battling the pain and bit low so staying off web. Just quickly checked my emails and thought this might make someone laugh here 😁
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Hi Joan
how are you both?
ive got a stomach ache but otherwise ok thanks
mum is ok too thanks
doc just repeated that she needs a colonoscopy but the date’s not been set yet
have a good night tc xx
ps pic is a kind of well in Rajasthan, India xx
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Hi again Toni
sorry my stomach is feeling decidedly “dodgy”and I’m feeling a bit weak to be honest
nothing much happened at mum’s appointment, doc just repeated that she needs a colonoscopy
sorry I think I’ll leave it there for now
I hope you have a nice evening/ night bye for now tc xx
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Hi toady
how are you?
im afraid the dodgy stomach has returned
everything else is ok
sorry feeling a bit weak
but here is gothic- style pic for you
good night toady and also to Keef and anybody else who’s around
bye tc all x
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Hi Toni
just forgot to say before thanks for the cake
but my birthday was a while ago now
my fault for being “obscure” lol
ok good night again tc xx
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Hi all 👋
Just a quick one from me too before bed, there is a definite air of keef's glamorous horror movie victim about me today, not the glamour bit just the screaming 😱 neighbours in again twice, so that's another horror movie trope, the sinister air of something that is creeping ever nearer 😬 plus I am on the brink of having to commit to a set of builders omg. Hoping to hear from frog that the tarmac is a roaring success and there are some exemplary workmen still out there, just to give me something to cling onto🤞. Did I mention that my landline is dead and my broadband slow? I have reason to believe this means I have a 'dis on one leg' of the pair of wires 👖 as we say in the trade, and the internet is managing with the other, just about. Hopefully this is definitely a their end of things problem not my internal wiring; either way, I have never read an account of someone having engineers out that sounded anything remotely like fun. The odd thing is this is only since I had the phone unplugged during the last run of internet problems, I can't think it's connected, but it's a jolly odd coincidence as well 🤔. Hope Sleek kept her paws very well away from the tarmackers and thank you v much for sending her over with the JDs 🍪, she was a little beacon of cheer, as weather was also horrid - strong winds on the way tomorrow - eek. I did spot a mousie or two in the sunshine yesterday but the birdies are totally quiet. I have been out & secured anything that might blow about and with a bit of luck it's not for too long. Hope not too bad for you tomorrow either. Sorry to hear Annie is unwell too 😟 get well soon to her. Love to all and if my internet goes off again & I'm not in then you know what it is. xx p.s. is your daddy long legs safely out of the house?
Hello joan, I do have a few bruises here & there nothing to write home about. Now I just have to tidy up after myself and finish the odd jobs I was in the middle of when I started. Yes you would have got a good episode of Frank Spencer out of it 😂 very glad I did not require 'Dr Mender' (I still laugh every time I think of that being their GPs name, I don't know why it's so funny it just is and the way he says it I suppose 😂). I wouldn't be surprised if I get several more appt changes yet 🤨 it's all next year, I can't imagine what could mean you have to move something by 10 mins all this time in advance. It's the computer doing it I suppose, the machines are taking over.. 😬. Have a good day not too bad weather I hope :) xx
Hi bosh, hope you feel better and have an ok night, thanks for the hello and will see you tomorrow, all being well with the internet 🙄. I love that Exeter Cathedral cat, I read a lovely story about a church cat once that I will find & post. Glad your mum got on ok no news no change other than what was said already 👍️. Take care, 'night xx
'night to keef, I love the bag the artwork in that is amazing 😀 so clever. Chin up hope tomorrow is a bit better day xx
Love to all 😘 xx
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it's still windy!
Morning Joan how are you today? Is Sue still doing well? no sign of the tarmackers so far although we were told Tuesday or we'll see eh? Annie is quite poorly Charley is now recovering thanks ((())) for you and Sue xxx
Morning Keef
I loved the bag I'll order me one 😉
I do hope you are more yourself today sending some extra ((())) for you and
I hope it helps xx
Morning Reshmi
I am so sorry to hear your stomach is so sore ATM not good I hope it feels a little better this morning. Ooops about the late birthday cake but we can eat it anyway? It's safe for our stomachs.
I hope the gastro will push for your Mum's colonoscopy at least.
The world's oldest cat flap looks great. Cats are pretty good with mice, but in my experience sp*****s they try only once - Kari thinks maybe they taste yuk???🤢
I'm off to the foodbank this morning, but walking with my sister first.
Take care and feel better soon.
Morning Toady
How are you today?
All is well here Annie is pretty rough but Charley is on the mend at least.
What is a tarmacker? 🙄 Never mind no sign yet but who knows whether they'll even turn up - it is the same ones as before.
Day 1 they should only be removing the old naff tarmac so Sleek's paws should be ok. After that I may keep her inside. Or send her to yours maybe?
So you are having interesting internet issues🤔hmmm.... that's odd partially ok but not. no I would not like engineers in my house if it's avoidable. Hopefully it's just this weather *she says optimistically *
Oh no the neighbours there twice? That is getting a lot more frequent. You are ready more or less? Well you'll never be really ready will you?
This is next door where the noisy neighbours are. This is where you need to be and they can hoppit! Our bungalow is nowhere near as pretty probably built in the 70's and identical to my other neighbour who is lovely.
Take care Toady foodbank for me after my walk with my sister.
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) Take care in the wind. Love to the carers and your family (())
Toady (()) sorry about your internet (()) The weather man says it will be warmer next week. Have a good day. Don’t try anymore tricks.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé.
Toni (()) yes we are well thank you (()) I hope Annie soon feels a bit better (()) enjoy your walk with Kari (()) has your back calmed down now (()) I hope it’s not the same tarmac men you had before. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Keef (()) I hope you feel a bit better today (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Reshmi (()) I hope your mum has her appointment soon it’s worrying (()) have a good day take care (())
Julie (()) have a good day.
take care
joan xx0 -
Morning all, Ive been quite well been having rituxamab (sp) infusions which seem to help but my feet are now deformed have had special shoes made really help a lot ,my hands are bad too not much pain but they're but fingers are bent out of shape but i still have full use of them.I am now 4 years in remission from the lymphoma I have one more year of check-ups before I'm discharged, life goes on .
Im trying to get used to the website its a lot different to when i was last on.
take care all Mig
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Hi all, just a quick one to say thank you for wishing me well.
I skipped the osteo and acupuncture this week. Just felt too rough to go. I just keep feeling down, like all i have to look forward to is more pain. I’m trying to stay positive and really do lots of music but it’s hard.
I am moving the piano (electric thankfully) back into bunker from lounge as I think it will get more use, and I’m running out of things to keep Sucré entertained in bunker so that will be a big thing he can do whilst out there. Honestly it’s the first word out of his mouth in the morning, “bunker daddy??!!”
Just off to do dinner now.
Hunters chicken with roasted veg and potatoes followed by homemade apple crumble. Sucré will no doubt help me make the crumble up, must remember to scrub his nails first. I don’t know where he gets the dirt from sometimes.
laters everyone. I promise to read back over the posts properly.
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Hi Toni
how are you doing today?
nasty stormy weather over here
I didn’t go to the group due to the weather
just did the normal morning walk
stomach seems to be getting better thanks
but nighttime will be the time when I really know if it’s settled as toady knows too lol
Mum is in a big mood about something, not her health, as I’ve asked her about that, could be dad being his glorious self, I can’t ask anymore
dads birthday was on Monday, he was 83, I have him some socks lol, it’s possible that there’ll be a meal out in MH on Sunday to celebrate, my mum says I have to attend no matter what state my stomach is in 🤷♀️
however is possible it won’t be happening as someone could be coming on Friday to do some minor handyman type jobs, I’m not exactly sure of the specifics, but mum said if the person does the jobs, Sunday meal will be cancelled, I hope so
naughty LA is ok as far as I know, not overdosing on nasal ointments or cupcakes lol, well to be frank I can’t be sure about the cupcakes 🧁
BR has just started drama club apparently, so a thespian, orthodontist and human rights activist already it seems, well, he’s very active in the field of LA’s right to jelly babies etc at least haha.
Don’t worry about the cake, please eat the whole thing to remove temptation lol
hope you and K have a nice walk and the food bank goes ok
Spiders - i haven’t sampled that delicacy myself - I must ask bill, spiders and shrimp in thousand island dressing was his favourite breakfast in LV hotel lol.
I think I’ll leave it there getting a bit tired.
have a good afternoon Toni bye for now tc xx
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