Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,321
    edited 22. Sep 2023, 11:05

    Good morning Toni toady Joan and Keef

    builders /workmen started early this morning not sure when they’ll leave

    went on a quick walk, partly to buy some post mxt chocolate- but I’ve already eaten it oh dear

    mum is ok now thanks Toni but her bs was a bit low this morning

    its quite cold in here as heating was reduced as builders said they were too warm 🤷‍♀️

    my throat is sore

    I must admit I had some toast with butter before - I blame that Keef lol

    ok I’m going for now before my legs freeze off lol

    bye for now tc xx

    Ps Dunluce Castle Northern Ireland xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Oh yes I fully accept the blame Reshmi, and anything else anyone wants to blame on me, pile it on I can take it 😁😂😉

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    I have lost count of the number of times the lovely people on here have lifted my spirits 😁

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601

    Hi all 👋

    Cold today, actually cold, still rather grumpy and not achieving anything 🙄. Typical that while I wasn't in much it's been fun fun fun here, interesting chat, plates of biscuits, novelty underpants, cake, doughnuts toast & butter you name it 😫😄 such is life. Oh well maybe someone will rustle me up a hot chocolate and a leftover biccy if I'm lucky. Frog I am so cross for you over the tarmac 😠 yes they jolly well do know people want to get on and get things done but hard lines to whatever isn't in their own interests. Like joan I am also afeard they will want to rush job it but surely in the end it's less hassle for them too, not to be dragging it out. You'd think. Fingers crossed but I am on pins for the next update 😬. I've had some fairly dark ominous things to say about 'AI' and the rise of the robots but tbh robot workmen are starting to sound like a very good idea. Hope you've been able to arrange your other things to do around it, and that Lucy got on well. I'm still faffing about with this laptop and generally just making things worse 🙄 nothing interesting going on otherwise. I was insulating the loft last night or rather mentally doing it instead of sleeping, which doesn't help of course, something to think about though maybe when (if) I am ever sure there are no leaks up there. Hope you have a good weekend🤞:) xx Oh btw the gastric oracle was good wasn't it, Reshmi coined it I loved it & just ran with it 😊

    Hello joan, yes the internet is ok I am just busy making a hash of 'fixing' my other laptop. I am alright with tech if things I am doing work but if I can't get anywhere I lose patience 🙄. It certainly is getting darker, I went to the postbox last night and I'm sure the ground where it's a bit muddy on the grass verges felt hard & a bit icy, that can't be right surely 😬. Hope you got on ok if you went to town, have a good weekend :) xx

    Hi bosh, hope things are going ok with you, it did sound fairly disruptive especially being early 😣 but not coming upstairs so could be worse you said, too true, 'upstairs' is a whole other level of workman horror 😱. Hope your mum is less stressed if they have got on with things, and that you are feeling not too bad as well even if you have got your mxt and chocolate the reverse way around 😄 just saying to Toni how brilliant the gastric oracle of Delphi is, yes there is no escape from its verdict is there, usually at 2 or 3am in my case. I did sleep ok last night though I was too tired to do otherwise I think, so no embroidery for me 😂 . It certainly is cold today, you're right there, I might have to resort to more than one clothing layer, which is a dreadful turning point of doom for me, the end of all things summery (cries). Nothing interesting happening with me, may go to the postbox again later (excitement); hoping for a dry day so I can maybe get to a shop for a change. Glad it wasn't vampire nurse btw and hope they're happy with their tubesful 👍️ have a good weekend quiet hopefully :) xx

    Hi to spongebob 👋😄 ooh a personal hairwasher, lucky Anda, and very long too, lovely. I hate mine (I could of course just cut it but it has spells of falling out and I don't fancy a motheaten look, at least at the moment I can do something with it albeit a bit random at times 😄). Hope the dentist went ok if you made it there, I understand the putting off of the other stuff sometimes things have to find their own time. Did the piano get moved? hooligan (great name) will like it being in the bunker as you say 👍️ have a good time with him sorry about the difficulties 😔. Definitely yes to proper buttery apple crumble, not to mention making your own is brilliant imo. Sorry to miss early hours hot choc, even slept past the quiz for once - could've had over £2 the other night, just imagine, but it was brutal questions 😫 no chance. All the best for the weekend xx

    Love to everyone, Barbara, Kitty, mig, anyone passing ☕️ xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Hi Toady, no I had another migraine start about an hour before i was due to leave, and felt really rough again so I cancelled. I will call Monday and apologise. I will probably get charged but it would have made no difference I couldn’t have got there if I wanted to.

    Yes, I felt slightly better this afternoon rolled down the High Street to get supplies for dinner and my two help me move the piano when we got back. Sucré has already had a play whilst dinner is cooking. He sung three notes and got each one spot on first time, he lost interest after the third one but I think he may have perfect pitch.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,321
    edited 22. Sep 2023, 21:35

    Hi Toni and toady

    sorry for not replying properly today

    it was a bit of a nightmare to be honest, the thermostat seems to have mutated into a sentient being so the whole house was boiling and the workmen were working right next to it so no adjustment could be made, some issue with heating app too - you get the general idea lol.

    yes toady no choc -related self control from me today unfortunately

    toast and butter was at cost a packet, I womanfully resisted the jam

    thanks about my gastric oracle idea lol

    I also try to get excited about mundane walks for example walks to buy some freezer bags or whatever lol

    Hi Toni

    lm not feeling too great actually, a bit more nauseous than normal, but hopefully I’ll feel better in the morning, how was your mxt - Friday?

    have a good night everyone bye tc xx

    ps Spock couldn’t control his choc eating urges either - oh dear xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601

    'night bosh 👋 hope you feel better tomorrow will reply further, hopefully the thermostat will have become inanimate again and stopped getting ideas above its station 😄 as to apps, ugh, nothing but trouble. I like 'womanfully' btw, and you know what Alice or rather the White Queen I think, says about jam, so maybe tomorrow. (I googled jamjar emoji as there seems only to be a honeypot; somebody once started a petition for there to be one, which garnered 9 supporters 😂 good old internet.) xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 23. Sep 2023, 05:14


    Exactly Joan. Well they are supposed to be here on Wednesday or Thursday of next week. we'll see eh?. It would really only take them a day to do once the start it bearing in mind the hardstanding is already there from last time. Ah well. Did you have a good time in town yesterday? ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you 'sans chocolat'😕 better get some more and get your mum to hide it!

    Glad to hear she is back to normal except for her BS.

    Kari had a sore throat yesterday too bless her I do hope you will both be ok.

    I know that Keef keeps bringing 'best butter' in here - he's a bad influence😂. Mind you I used to love it myself too pre-veganism.

    Builders will get overwarm they are doing a physical job to be fair. I hope you managed to warm up the house after they left. It was cold yesterday our heating came on and we actually left it on! First time though.

    I love the Castle in N Ireland beautiful. poor Spock....woe no chocolate!

    Thanks for asking yesterday was find it's todays MTX hangover I am definitely not 100% Ah well a vegan sausage roll for me today hang it!!!!

    Take care and stay well ((()))

    Morning Keef. How are you today?

    Don't worry too much about us. We had the whole garden done 2 years ago - raised beds put in, all made accessible and so on. Our usual builders (local) did all that but they don't tarmac so they used a tarmacking firm. Unfortunately the tarmac didn't set it properly. So for that last 18 months we (with the support of our builder) have been in battle with them to convince them to put it right. This means we have our builder between us and them. They are a genuine firm, but like a lot of workmen these days rubbish!

    Is Sucré being a bit challenging atm? He 3 if I remember rightly? You are possibly right if Nannie is spoiling him and running around after him when you and Loanda are trying to also be firm. Very difficult to sort out, but there's every chance he will turn out just fine. 3 is an age where they are 'trying it on' a bit thinking they can do everything and testing boundaries they get frustrated. School will be in his future soon and is it near you and Nannies? Changes ahead. School can wear them out a bit and inject some routine, being one of many etc so 🤞

    So Sucré can hold a tune? (Well a note for now) That is excellent! Bless him.

    Keef people in here lift my spirits most days too😊 such a simple idea started by an old member @valval who just said let's have a café. I think I was one of the first if not the first through the door. Unfortunately cancer took her probably 8/10 years ago.

    Thank you so much for saying it helps though that's lovely. Take care ((()))

    Morning Toady How are you today? All is well here. Lucy had the 2nd of her special gum treatments post chemo. I must as Mig how her teeth are after hers. Bet i forget knowing me. My day was good and I managed a walk with my sister too.

    We have had two quite good days haven't we in a row and next week is set to be pretty good too. How long before we get frosts though🙄

    As for our tarmac men well they've been dragging it out for 18 months since we all noticed it not setting. Our builder has pages of emails with promised dates which came to nothing. He is fuming with them and thinks they are lucky we didn't take them to court. Will try to remain calm in the face of adversity...😠 I will honest!

    Sounds as though your day was somewhat frustrating yesterday. Sleek says she will 'have a look' at your laptop.

    Up to you really....

    Loved the gastric oracle. So funny thanks to you and Reshmi!

    Well do your best to enjoy the day and take care. Sleek is on her way later with her tool kit and 'paws of power' maybe some Jammie dodgers too....

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203
    edited 23. Sep 2023, 08:30

    Hi Toni, I see now you’ve said it was a reputable firm, maybe they just got the mix wrong?

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,243

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) Have a good weekend love to everyone (())

    Toady (()) I hope you have a good weekend. I hope your laptop behaves its self and you can fix it. I hope all your little friends are well.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) are well. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I hope your tarmac is fixed next week. That reminds me of the program on tv where things were done wrong and the men had to come back and finish it. Was it Dominic some one. Have a good weekend. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I hope the workmen have gone now. Love to your mum (())

    Keef (()) when people ask are you alright I say no I’m half left. Have a good weekend love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (()) have a good weekend.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,321
    edited 23. Sep 2023, 11:13

    Good afternoon everyone

    wppl xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Bunker piano installation is complete. Was a mammoth task coz a lot of stuff had to be moved but Loanda did most of it. Spent last hour with Sucré listening to the orchestral edition of Peter and the Wolf and playing along on the piano with the different themes for each character. He loved it, although did need a quick break when the wolf ate the duck 😳

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601
    edited 23. Sep 2023, 18:04

    Hi all 👋

    Behold, I have been TO TOWN 😊 sorry I didn't ask if anyone had any errands or requests first, the sun came out and it was a bit ad hoc. I have mini twixes if that helps, or some galaxy, bought expressly for Mr Spock 😄 no cake, sorry. I did think it was going to be a bit of a damp squib trip because the first 2 shops I went to didn't have what I want and that was as far into town as I wanted to go, but then I thought hmm well it's not too far to sidle/Sidl into 'that' store and they turned up trumps for me 👍️. So the cheering up effect of the small purchase worked its magic once again, happily. Not too sure how many more decent weather walks there will be the chance for as well as low covid figures, they are edging up here 🙄 so I was glad not to have a failed trip today. Hope you have been doing something useful or fun with the good weather frog, I'm not sure how good my next week's forecast is but today was much nicer than I expected. Even got another coat of paint on the front windowsill. Am going to settle down now for another wrestle with the laptop, I was more than happy to let Sleek loose, I mean an expression that purposeful and (I presume) her own set of custom tools, bring it on 😸. Between us we have undone the mess I made whilst trying something, so now just the original problem to go 😄 if I need her for phase 2 I'll shout up. Have a good Sunday and I will ask about the workmen next week, I know those 18 months of email type situations only too well, nothing gets you that time & frustration back does it 🙄. Love to all hope you had a nice today's walk with Kari not sure if you do certain days together or most/all. xx

    Hello joan, I am sort of making progress with the laptop 🤔 at least I have stopped making things worse fingers crossed 😂 some more stuff to try. Can never understand why the internet isn't more help with this sort of thing, you can find your exact problem described on forums but it either leads to a dead end or the people asking wandered off before finding the answer. Computers should just tell you exactly what's up. Hope you had some nice sun, it was really nice earlier, I did go into the garden but there is just nothing about, haven't seen the mice even. They say birds visit gardens less in autumn because there are plenty of seeds berries etc, so they prefer to venture back into the countryside for that, but I would have thought very regular visitors like mine might just stay where they know there is reliable food 🤷‍♀️ who knows, we'll see if they return as it gets colder. How are the foxes? I love 'half left' by the way 😄 good answer! Have a good Sunday, love to Sue :) xx

    Quick hello to bosh will probably see you later too 👋 I did get to town and bought some boxes for organising stuff and some fruit & veg, I nearly bought some clothes pegs but that might have been almost too much excitement 😄. Hope things not too bad with you today, I'll have one of those lovely cups of tea please 😀 little gilt birds on the handles, how pretty. You would have to be so careful with them! better keep them 'for best'. Hope HV ok, both its structure and its inhabitants 😬. Bye for now :) xx

    Hi keef, I didn't see your yesterday's replies, one of those page refresh oddities 🤷‍♀️ sorry about the migraine but glad you were able to get on with the piano moving. Yes no duck-eating wolves for me either, no Watership Down or Bambi or Animal Farm or any of that, no nasty realities of life thank you very much 😫😉 . Great that Sucre is so good at play a note sing a note 🎼 will be second nature being around music for him, like yourself. Hope all well today hope you are getting some sun. xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,321

    Hi Toni

    how are you tonight?

    please excuse the very late entry into the cafe was catching up on sleep and other things that were disturbed by yesterday’s wooden floor - changing debacle, well it wasn’t a complete debacle to be honest, the workmen finished the job in one day and even put things back and cleared up apparently! However we couldn’t go downstairs at all, apart from me sneaking out for a morning walk, so food and drinking water were quite restricted, bathroom battles took on a new intensity so I didn’t even get to have a shower, but I did indeed survive lol.

    Dad had his birthday on 18 September- have I already mentioned that? Sorry I can’t quite remember now, actually i probably did, but the celebratory meal out is tomorrow in the Maidenhead vicinity so I really hope the aforementioned gastric oracle of Delphi gives me a favourable forecast tonight- how potentially very ookey indeed.

    im glad you had a nice vegan sausage roll Toni , sounds great👍

    beware the yellow pumpkins though, LA told mum that they’re poisonous lol, he said that you can eat the green and orange varieties though thankfully, so remember next time you’re given a yellow pumpkin spice soy latte at cafe eyebrow plucks, you can claim a full refund, I’d spend the vouchers on a few nosegay hats 🎩 purchased from toady herself lol

    mum is ok thanks

    ok I’ll leave it there for now

    I hope you have a nice night Toni bye for now tc xx

    hi Joan

    how are you both?

    mum and I are ok thanks

    workmen left yesterday evening/ night thanks

    hope you both have a nice night tc xx

    ps pic for Toni lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,321

    Hi toady

    how are you today?

    you went shopping in the town! That’s really great 👍

    Galaxy bars for Spock, good idea to placate him with chocolate, you most definitely need to keep on the right side of anyone with a Vulcan death grip lol,

    mum and I are ok thanks

    A compulsory meal out tomorrow - I hope my stomach behaves

    then rheumo routine hospital appointment on Monday but at least that’s in afternoon- so I’ll have some time to breathe lol , maybe 5 nanoseconds lol, can you increase the warp factor please Science Officer toady ? Lol

    ok - before I forget , a tiny poetic offering from myself, thanks

    Poem for VC called Methotrexate Injection Has Yet To Reach Any State of Near Perfection 

    “Inject methotrexate”, they said, “It’ll make you happy,

    One syringe in the leg, quick, easy and snappy”.

    Yes, I agree that it’s far better than tablets with gastric complications, 

    But still not really the most pleasant of my medications,

    I still feel nauseous and my mood is none too high,

    And things smell and taste different,

    Like the steak in the pie.

    Ok I think I’ll go now toady as am aiming not to go to bed too near the stitching hour lol and my embroidery sewing talents are pretty laughable to be frank.

    👋good night toady Keef and anyone else who’s around right now take care xx

    ps pic reminiscent of ELT lady baby / aka one of LA’s old pals xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601
    edited 23. Sep 2023, 21:49

    'night bosh, very quick wave, and to wish you luck with the meal tomorrow in case I'm not in beforehand 👍️ compliments about poems and flights of fancy to follow as I too must to get to bed before someone makes me get out an embroidery hoop ✂️ 🧵 😱. Thank you about the shopping, it's been very much online shopping lately if at all so I must say I headed towards actual physical goods like a moth to a birthday party tea table 😉 xx

    Have a good night everyone 😘 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Morning Everyone ❤️

    Joan let's hope it does get fixed this week fingers crossed 🤞 I remember that programme was ot rouge traders? Anyway how are you both? ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef

    How are you doing?

    Well done moving the piano into the bunker that is exactly where it should be.

    I'm glad Sucre 'got' the musical personality of the characters. He may well go on to be musical or at the very least to love music👍

    Yes I think they got the mix wrong but their attitude putting it right hasn't been very helpful. That's what narks. They reckon you should turn round a vehicle on your own drive! Even a tiny light one like my Fig left marks! In the summer it melted again.

    They are supposed to be putting something stronger down this time🤔

    Time will tell eh?

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you today? I feel much better. Actually enjoying my decaf coffee this morning.

    Oh gosh no wonder you were exhausted emotionally and physically I should think being trapped upstairs with your parents. I Hooe you aren't too dehydrated. Not goid after your MTX at all🙄

    Right OK. It's Bi Babu's belated birthday bash is it? (Please note the extended alliteration) in sunny Maidenhead indeed. We I wish you and more importantly your stomach the very best of luck.

    I shall pray to the deity too on your behalf and am sure Toad is doing the sane.🤞🤞🤞

    Right mo yellow pumpkins shall be consumed in this house I promise. Gosh no. To be on the safe side I will didgeridoo eyebrow plucks

    Take care and good luck! ((()))

    Toady went to town?!!!

    Well done my amphibian friend! How long ago did you last go? Was it 2019? Covid figures are rising here too I'm afraid although it's not as potentially life threatening fir us lot who knows?

    I walk with Karo Monday Wednesday and Friday. So no walk yesterday or tomorrow I will go on my own. I don't mind I enjoy my audiobook and my own company.

    Sleek was quite proud of herself Toady. She loves tinkering with all thinks electrical. Dud she unplug it though? I hope so bless her. Well done both of you for getting back only the 'original ' issue left to resolve😉

    I didn't do much actually. Some washing and cleaning that sort of think. Indoor plant watering....erm dare I say it pottering😂

    Hope your day and stuck in the middle purchases are all 👍 good.

    Sleek is on her way.....

    Croissants anyone?

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,321

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Sorry Reshmi I’m going for the croissants and marmalade over the glass of pink goo, maybe I’ll try the goo tomorrow 😉

    Have a good morning everyone.

    Wppl 🤪

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,243

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) Love to you and your carers (()) have a good day.

    Toady (()) I’m glad you managed to find something you wanted in town to make it worth going. When we went on Friday the shops were getting there Christmas thinks in. Yesterday I went to the vets to get flea and worm tablets. Sue took pepper for his walk we had our phones linked then all of a sudden I heard sue screaming and pepper making a row there was a dog on top of him a man came and pulled the dog off he was lead on the ground holding him down while sue got a way. It sounded nasty. Have a good day.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son and Niamh (()) and Your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) sorry if you have pain (()) have a good day (()) I hope Charley (()) and Annie are feeling a bit better now. I said to Toady what happened to pepper yesterday. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) that’s good your builders have gone (()) have a good day love to your mum (())

    Keef (()) I bet that took a lot of energy moving the piano. But it was worth it in the end have a good day (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,321

    Hi Keef

    Don’t worry pink goo was just for aesthetic purposes.

    I can’t compete with Toni’s calorific offerings haha.

    by the way goo means p** in Bengali but no one should tell LA that lol.

    I hope you have an ok day, I’m off soon to eat a very stomach- unfriendly meal i have no choice about

    bye tc x

    ps another Spock for which I blame toady lol

  • Jewels1973
    Jewels1973 Member Posts: 58

    Hello everyone I did a massive post last night about 2am in the morning but I don’t think it posted! It said a moderator would have to ok it I posted it in the hello section

    Firstly I hope you are all as ok as you can be snd I’m so sorry I haven’t been on since the middle of August I’ve had shingles, then my lymphodema started bleeding cut a long story short I’m in bandages and have to have my feet up at all times I’ve had three lots of antibiotics and the flipping thing won’t stop oozing. I’ve had to go to the Practice Nurse to get everything changed every Friday and I’ve got a virus that’s lasted for a month plus of course the pain from the arthritis and because I’ve been so poorly I haven’t been able to have my blood test so they can refer me to a Rheumatology Appt. I sound healthy don’t I!!

    I was just wondering if any of you lovely people had had not a PIP Assessment but they’ve asked me to fill in a massive form and I’ve got the telephone appt tomorrow t sometime between 1pm and 4pm it’s something to do with putting my money up and to see if I don’t have to have doctors notes anymore. I’m signed off till the 26th November anyway they are saying it takes between 20 mins and an hour on the phone so I’m going to have to put my phone on loudspeaker. Just was wondering if any of you had had an appt like this and how long it may be.

    Missed you all very much and I really hope you are all ok.

    just thought I would share one of my photos when I could use my hands properly this ones about 5 years ago I do miss my photography but let’s be positive and eventually I will be diagnosed and then I can maybe use my hands again.

    lots of love to you all. Julie xxxx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601
    edited 24. Sep 2023, 16:30

    Morning all, oh all right, afternoon 👋

    Not anybody's idea of a nice day really & blowing quite strongly so I had the best of it yesterday. I have been to actual shops a handful of times lately frog, it's not so bad as since before 2019, but it probably is genuinely a handful - mostly this year when the figures went way down in my area, & over the summer. Certainly stayed away all through the worst of it. I don't haunt the news pages but if I wanted to get seriously depressed I can't think of a better couple of sentences to do it than these from today's bbc article - 'The reality is that most under-65s will now end up boosting their immunity not through vaccination, but through catching Covid many times' and 'There's a good chance that once every four or five years, we're going to have a bad dose and we are going to need to go to bed for a few days, otherwise most of the time, for most of us, I think it will be OK.' No thanks 🙄 that potential state of affairs is about as far removed from anything I'm prepared to put up with as you can get, so looks like it's jolly old isolating for me on & off for pretty much ever, unless something changes radically 😕. Blast covid for so thoroughly mucking up the few things RA didn't already take. Wonder if they'd have me in a remote monastery? 🤔 can't fancy a nunnery 😄. Hope you are having an ok day, with or without any pottering, have you got much to do in the garden now for 'the season after autumn' can't bring myself to say it, any particular pruning & moving of stuff? Sleek has been helping me with the laptop again and we thought we'd got somewhere this morning, but not quite 🤔 so annoying. Yes my purchases very satisfactory ta and am currently having a reorganise here & there, fun of a sort, haha. Bit too much of my 'next season' clothing looking fit for the clothes bank unfortunately not the least interested in shopping for more. You're spared that for a while longer. Love to all and as joan said, hope Charley & Annie are on the mend now. Have a good new week :) xx

    Joan, poor Pepper! How awful 😟 poor thing so scary for him & you all. Hope he's ok, what a shock. Did the owner say much or was he just doing his best to manage the situation. Hope Sue ok too, love to everyone 😘. I cross the road if I see any dog I'm not keen on the look of even though a big dog can be fine of course but you don't know them. Yes I was pleased with my shopping thank you and I did see some christmassy things, ugh, tried to take no notice 😱🎄. Looks very windy tomorrow hope not too nasty your way. xx

    Hi to bosh who is somewhere away from the home planet having compulsory celebratory foodstuffs 😬 or possibly on the way back, hope it's all going as well as possible🤞. Excellent poem yesterday (the title alone 😄 I love), 'it'll make you happy' haha, funny how easy it is to be cavalier when you are on the other end of the injection isn't it 🤨. Anyway hope mxt has been if not pleasant then at least manageable for today. Good luck for tomorrow afternoon too. Glad the workmen finished up on the day, I would not have liked to be marooned upstairs at all, there's usually something you forgot you wanted before it's too late & you can't go down. Everyone happy with the work I hope. Nice to see a reminder of ELT ladybaby, how are the littleys at the moment? The thing you said the other day about LA retracting his previous statement (about the antibiotic ointment) was v funny btw 😄. I may be making custard later which I mention for no particular reason except train of thought from BR about possible custard alternatives for his stint as Doctor Who, post-drama club. See you anon :) xx

    Hi to keef 👋 hope things as ok as poss with you xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601

    @Jewels1973 I have just spotted your post 👋 so sorry about how things have been since last post, what a horrid few weeks poor you, it's so frustrating that you can't have the blood test 😣 I do do hope the lymphodema settles down and definitely that there will be a window of opportunity to squeak the blood test in and get the ball rolling🤞. Hope family are as ok as possible too at the moment. Sorry I can't help with the PIP query but there will be someone on here that can I'm sure, hope someone sees it before your telephone appointment. Beautiful picture and sheep 😍 lovely to see them in that setting the dear things. Take care & all the best xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,321

    Hi Julie

    nice to hear from you

    sorry you’re so poorly

    had pip assessment but only for mental health

    personally I found it a humiliating experience for v little money that didn’t last long

    bye for now am en route tc xx

    ps Istanbul spice market xx