Val's Cafe
Quick post, apple crumble anyone. It’s only in the microwave coz I have a small kitchen and ran out of room doing dinner 😁
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Doing dinner has absolutely finished me off today, that and Sucré pulling me over by accident earlier. So I’m off to bed for an early night. xx
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I’ve posted this lol three times in different places blame my tablets and just me being me somehow it saved to drafts so hopefully I’ve posted it in the right place now!
Hi I’m so sorry I’ve been away from all you lovely helpful people for over a month. I think the last time we talked I told you I was going to be referred to the Rheumatoid Arthritis clinic & my GP has done the referral but I’ve been ill firstly with shingles, then my lymphodema in my legs started blistering and I’ve had about 4 cycles of antibiotics and had to keep my legs up. To tell you the truth I’m exhausted I haven’t been able to have a blood test because I keep getting the reoccurring leg infection and on top of that for about 5 weeks I’ve had a really long lasting viral chest infection. Sorry if that sounded a bit poor me I didn’t mean for it too!
I was wondering if any of you had any experience with the DWP I had to fill out a massive form well my brother did as I can’t write very well now what with the massive pain in my wrists and hands. Anyway it’s to do with putting my money up? So I don’t have to have constant doctors notes. I’m a bit nervous to tell you the truth they instigated this it wasn’t me wanting more money I think it’s to see if I qualify. We photocopied my long form and I’m going to have a copy of that with me (I’m having this over the phone and they said it could take 20 mins to an hour well I’m not going to be able to hold the phone for that long so I’m going to put it on loudspeaker because that’s the only way I can do it! I was just wondering if anyone had any idea how long it is. It’s happening this coming Monday between 1pm and 4pm (meaning they can ring me at any time between then). They don’t know I’ve had shingles/nor that my lymphodema has turned into cellulitis and that I’m bandaged completely on my left leg with antimicrobial stuff etc nor that I’ve been on antibiotics for ages. Because I’m his all happened after I had filled the form in. Sorry this is so long I always find honesty is the best thing so they do know I’m waiting for an RA appt but not that I can’t even have the blood test because I’m too poorly to have it done because everything would be skewed with the infections in my body.
Just any experiences you would like to share (you don’t have to go into detail) I also suffer from ME so I’m a bit worried that I’m going to mess my words up but I think maybe telling them at the start that I’m nervous and because of my ME I get brain fog would be a good idea?
The pain from my RA is still very high so if any of you lovely people have had any experiences (it’s not PIP) I would love to hear them.
Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings I hope you are all as good as you can be and I’m sending lots of love to you all.
Love and light to you all ♥️
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Sorry Toni and toady
no more energy left
good night everyone tc xx
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'night bosh 😴 xx
keef have literally just made custard, so yes to any spare crumble please 😊 have a good night xx
Jewels never mind the extra posts 🙂 I'm always leaving things in draft etc, main thing is you've caught us all up with how you are 👍️ - just to confirm is it PIP or not for your phone call? Yes explain up front is a good idea and jot down anything you want to say, the added things that have happened since you filled in the form can only help confirm you aren't fit as a fiddle (not a nice way to have to look at things but with the DWP it sort of goes with the territory 😔). Sorry you have so much RA pain too, I have faith in you getting your camera back once you get a little further down the diagnosis line etc, from personal experience coming from swollen knuckles & not being able to bend fingers to where I am now 👍️. xx
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Morning Everyone ❤️
Joan no!!! Poor poor Pepper! Poor Sue she must have been terrified and you listening to it and being unable to help! I hope Pepper isn't scared to walk now and there's no lasting damage? I'm OK don't worry about me. Hope you both are too ((())) xxx
Reshmi I'll try the goo! Looks like what I used to love soya option please.
How are you today? And your Mum?
Goo means 💩 in Bengali! That's incredible I will be very careful where I use that word now! Gosh mo never tell LA small boys love talking about the grosser bodily functions don't they?
So you survived the belated birthday meal in MH I hope your poor tum has coped ok with it too?
Take it easy see you later ((()))
Morning Julie
Sometimes our posts do in up in moderation. Usually they restore them for us when they come online but by then if we've done another maybe they delete the duplicate?
Sorry to hear you've had such a rough time ((()))
Please don't feel obliged to read all our posts back just join straight in.
I think 'they' have realised that constantly reassessing people fir PIP is a waste of time and money so want to make those with long term conditions awards be more permanent. A good thing. However if you can I'd still have someone with you for yours. A witness and support and extra memory for you Good luck ((()))
Morning Keef
Did you enjoy your croissants? I am going unhealthy today with a belated Sunday breakie you can choose whichever items you fancy!
I hope you're OK after the fall courtesy off the wee'un. The apple pie looked fabulous 👌 spot on
Take care ((()))
Morning Toady
That's a scary post.
Oh 👎
I think as you say when things are safer get out there when covid (and flu) are rife be extra ⚠️ cautious.
I am glad you have been getting out when you can. Sleek likes to go into town you know....she might come
My friend whose wife died she git told by one friend that she mustn't act like a hermit! So we've renamed her house 'The Hermitage ' that do you?
Yes lots of tidying up for us ready fir next year ib the garden. I hardly got outside at all yesterday much to my disappointment. Where dud I go wrong?
I was already told by her Sleekiness that you both so nearly fixed the computer! Frustrating eh? 🙄🙄🙄
Hope today is a good day((()))
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) love to you and your carers (())
Toady (()) we have our Covid and flu injection on Saturday. Thank you for caring about pepper he has bruises but he’s alright thank you. Have a good day with out any problems (())
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) I hope your are all right with your pain (()) Thank you for caring about pepper. How is Lucy (()) and Winnie and Minnie getting on (()) The Hermitage that’s good. Good luck with the work men if you can call them that. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) I hope yesterday was not to bad (()) love to your mum (())
Keef (()) lovely apple crumble with custard. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Julie nice to see you back sorry you have been so bad (()) I hope you have good news soon (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Good afternoon Toni toady Joan etc
leaving for rheumo check up soon
wppl xx
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Good luck bosh 👋 and to @Jewels1973 for the phone appointment, I hope you don't have to hang arount til 4 👍️ xx
Everyone else see you later 😊
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Hi toady Toni Joan Keef
hope you’re all ok?
im ok thanks just shattered and boiling plus covid jab tomorrow morning!
what fun, lol
wore velvet leggings to hospital as nothing else suitable was clean lol
i feel it’s time to wage the bathroom war haha
mum had low bs but is ok now thanks
LA was eating his lunch with gusto yesterday Toni and also “helping” BR eat his how ookey and greedy
bye for now everyone tc xx
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Hi all 👋
It's nosegay Monday again for me so it's quick gulp of tea and back to it ☕️. Here is today's spi**r story, with pic for those not bothered by them (nothing ghastly, just a speckedly garden type). Went to go out the back door this morning and the aforementioned web was strung all across the doorway 🤨 pic is slightly deceptive it looks further away, but it was just right there for me to walk into. Spi**r in hair was avoided by carefully moving one strand of web & sidling past, by the time I needed to go and hang some washing out later it had been reconstructed - I more or less limbo'd under but unfortunately the wind disturbed it I think because having the door open doubled the draught. I checked later and he'd redone it a 3rd time, didn't have the heart to go out again so the washing will have to be retrieved tomorrow before Storm Agnes gets it. Probably by me going out the dining room window 😂 more Frank Spencer (don't worry not as bad as it sounds, very low sill). Not the best quality pic (no bad thing probably haha) but you can see enough to appreciate the work in the web, Robert the Bruce & all that 🕸️.
Hope all's well with you frog, Sleek has been here yes but she stoutly refused to help with any nosegay listings, because she's not daft 😂 she did say she would help with any packaging but as there was fat chance of that - as she well knows - she had a very easy day of it 😂. I will remember that she likes to come shopping 👍️ I will get 'out there' sometimes I daresay for some ninja shopping but I think the nice indoors bits and the going in cafes for coffee & cake are 'off' for me realistically, I mean no cake is that good that it's worth a dose of something nasty 😕. So yes there will be a touch of the hermitage here too, I know people say you can't live like that but again, it's a judgment call - but in your friend's case I realize people would worry about her isolating herself for different reasons. All the best for Wednesday's storm weather they have upped the warning across 10 or 11 hours of high wind instead of the 4 or so in yesterday's forecast 😬 hope everything will be ok at yours. Have a good night :) xx
Hello joan, same to you & Sue about the bad weather this week and hope the storm doesn't affect you. So sorry poor Pepper has some bruises 😔 I expect you made sure he had something nicer than some flea & worm tablets, for being brave. All quiet here today 👍️ hope you get on ok with your jabs when you go. Have a good day take care both :) xx
Hi bosh, well done getting through all your stuff and the hosp too 👍️ velvet leggings, oh I say, I think I need to 'up' my hospital appt wardrobe game as they say 🤔😄. Hope it all went well and you managed to win the bathroom wars too or at least came a dignified second🤞. Jab tomorrow as well 😬 not the best week but you will at least have got a lot of stuff behind you that you won't have to do again. Beautiful daisies 😍 oh daisy chains and sunshine and skipping about in meadows eating flake bars 😧 come back, summer! 😄. Have a good night as poss must go and list a few nosegay items for my ungrateful watchers 🙄. Wish me luck or there will be no rich tea bics around here 😱 bye for now :) xx
Love to keef, and Jewels Barbara Kitty mig and anyone who drops in 😘 xx
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Hi Toni toady and Joan
im sorry the day became really bad just now, massive family row and I’m just tired mentally and physically
there are a lot of people on here now, which is nice of course, but sorry if I don’t have the energy to always address everyone
rheumo nurse said I’ve got some tender areas on left foot etc but not a flare up at the moment, they may increase methotrexate dose, but not yet, I got a bit flustered and forgot to mention the pins and needles sensation I sometimes have in my foot but never mind.
I hope everyone has a good night bye tc xx
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'night bosh & sorry about the rows 😔, don't worry about replies you know no-one minds 😘 tc xx
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thanks toady
I only wore velvet leggings as I couldn’t really find any other leggings and I knew they’d look at my knees lol, i also don’t like dressing up to go the hospital lol
have a good night and remember to avoid the stitching hour and don’t have nightmares, as LA said an anteater exists, but not an aunt - eater, but grandad - eaters may be “a thing” and he was scarily non - committal about toady - eaters!
take care toady xx
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Tea anyone?
Cant sleep again. Went to see mum on bike Monday morning and have had lots of pain since getting home. Was in bunker from about 4pm after a laydown and drugs and i think my new guitar from Warwick has a faulty pickup so I will need to replace that, not too difficult but just annoying and expensive but they can give up at anytime, the wires inside are very thin.
the croissants were lovely thanks Toni I cooked 4. 2 chocolate and 2 plain and I had a plain one with cherry jam. I was set on going to a posh cafe with real coffee but Anda said we had croissants in freezer so I baked them.
hi Dashchund the apple crumble went down a treat, don’t even try getting between Sucré and his pudding.
on the subject of goo and it’s translation;
when in Spain I made a few mistakes with the language
I asked for a knuckle sandwich - cheese and bone are very similar.
I asked for a large spit roast penis - yep ‘pollo’ pronounced poyo. Get it wrong and you’re not asking for chicken.
and the best one of all, via social media I wished one group happy new @rsehole. Again año is year. ano is the other one. Have a good laugh at my expense 😁
there are some more but not wanting to seem a complete linguistics moron i will leave them for another time.
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Hi Reshmi, I always get flustered at the docs. I make a note on my fone before i go of everything I want to cover whilst I’m in there. That way nothing gets forgotten.
Hope family stuff is all blown over today and you all have a good day.
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Hey Toady, I think I would have swiftly relocated spider, call it a compulsory purchase order but I like my doorway spider free.
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Is it contrary to the Apple Crumble Regulations (I forget the year they came into force sorry) to eat the left over crumble cold, straight from the fridge, in the oven dish it was cooked in, if so I plead guilty 😁
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Well bunker is tidy now, new mic wired up too. Going to try going back to bed, might have radio on, find something boring about political stuff on R4, that should do it.
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Six posts in a row, beat that if you can Reshmi 🤪xx
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Morning Everyone ❤️ storm Agnes I'd coming!
Hi Joan how are you both? Is Pepper OK? I was very worried to hear about the poor little soul😔 the Hermitage yes very 😁 the 'work men should be back weds or Thursday...apparently......🙄🙄🙄 ((()))xxx
Morning Keef get the kettle back on please! I've had a rough night too still I've given in now and am up.
Absolutely it is 100% legal to finish crumble cold from the fridge. In fact I think it's paragraph 3 subsection 5....or is it paragraph 5 subsection 3?🤔
Well done finishing the bunker that certainly wasn't easy was it but worth it.
I bet you feel better for visiting your Mum mentally even if the ride caused you pain ((()))
Glad you 😉 the croissants. I love them happily I can get vegan ones now a lot though are all butter. I have mine with naturali vegan spread and marmalade.
My goodness your Spanish language errors could have got you into a fair bit of trouble 😐 😅😅😅
Morning Reshmi How are you today?
Rheumatologist appt all done for now that's always good. Ypu can mention thd pins and needles next time.
Glad to hear your Mum is OK in spite of yesterday's low bs.i really hope HV has blown over.
So Mr LA has been helping his little brother ear his food has he? He certainly is a chip off his Daddy's block isn't he?😁😁😁
Take care ((()))
Morning Toady
How are you this erm lovely morning?
Sleek wouldn't help with nosegay listing? Oh dear but as you know she loves packing parcels adding the odd pusskin hair to you pet free and smoke free items!
She's a rather good ninja 🥷 puss too you know if you need her to make stealth purchases in town?
Perhaps avoiding cafés at risky times is safer. This one is 100%safe and always will be.
I am usually pretty OK with sp****s of the garden variety. Those hanging webs though! They get you every time!
Yes my friend needs to start eating better and get back to some sort of paid employment. She resigned from her job and needs to do something she is only just 50. But I am going to get her a sign made for Christmas with The Hermitage on it. She'll get there I'm sure.
Well better batten down the hatches hadn't we? Storm Agnes (who sounds harmless) is nearby.....
Take care Toady.
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) love to you and your carers (())
Toady (()) I hope you have a good day with not too many problems (()) have you had your workmen yet.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) Sorry you had a bad night (()) I hope tonight will be better for you (()) I hope the workmen turn up tomorrow. If they had done the job right in the beginning they wouldn’t need to come back now. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) Sorry about the row (()) I hope you have a good day. Love to your mum (())
Keef (()) I hope you feel a bit better today love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Julie (()) have a good day take care
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi Joan
how are you both doing today?
mum is ok today thanks
thanks about the rowing, it’s finished today
im ok thanks
had the covid jab, big queue though
have a nice afternoon, bye tc xx
Ps Tuscany Italy
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Hi Toni
how are you today?
mum and I are ok thanks
I had the covid jab today, long wait though, leg was hurting, i sat down in chair for part of the wait
mum is ok at times but is erupting sporadically
her colonoscopy is on 18 October
LA is the only non - Italian member of the mafia brotherhood according to bill lol
my arms hurting a bit now from jab but not too much
bye for now Toni tc xx
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Hi all 😊
Sunny & quite calm & pleasant out there, the lull before the storm 🤔 they have recanted slightly on how bad tomorrow's forecast looks so we'll see, probably put all the nasty bits back by then and a few more besides.
Not much going on with me frog, did you get in the garden today instead? I have just brought a few things in, or into shelter, can do no more then we'll just have to see - Agnes sounds quite harmless as you say but is obviously a nasty old thing behind the scenes. I'll settle for just if they rein the rain in a bit (that was unintentional) the forecast has gone from heavy to just 'some' so fingers crossed. Hardly tarmac weather, isn't that handy for them 🤨 probably best all round though they that don't do it in silly conditions. No birds around still but lots of butterflies 🦋. Mr speckly was not there today but I did have a money spider, in my hair where else, so maybe Sleek can go on packaging standby after all - will take my chances on a little cat hair or 2 but nice to know there definitely won't be a Woodbine butt in the parcel 😄 no biccie crumbs either hopefully, but that would probably be me actually 😬. Sorry you didn't have the best of nights 😔. Have a better one tonight I hope, love to all :) xx
Hello joan, nothing much to do today, so I started a little project (to do up a tatty little cupboard) but so far I have failed to budge the screws holding the door on, they are annoying little brass one and the slots are worn so you can't get 'at' them 🙄. No workmen for me yet they are not due as such, hopefully will fix up an idea with them soon of when, probably Oct. Have a good day and hope things ok in your area tomorrow🤞xx
Hi bosh, glad HV has simmered down a bit. Hope you feel ok after the jab, annoying about the queue 👫👬👭 (v much doubt they were all holding hands but anyway 😄). Have your mum & dad had theirs? Glad rheumo nurse didn't have much else to say of any significance they must have been happy enough with your bloods at least I guess so that's good. Hope you can have a word with them another time for anything you didn't mention. I was dreaming of cats and neighbours last night, the latter are at least as scary as toady-eaters if not more so 😱 but apart from that not too bad a night. I missed all the tea and cold crumble, typical 🙄. Look forward to you picking up the challenge and making a run of 7 posts, you could cheat with one sentence chopped into bits a bit like William Burroughs (about whom I don't know much but he did that sort of thing). I found this on the net from another writer in 1920 -
Take a newspaper.
Take some scissors.
Choose from this paper an article of the length you want to make your poem.
Cut out the article.
Next carefully cut out each of the words that makes up this article and put them all in a bag.
Shake gently.
Next take out each cutting one after the other.
Copy conscientiously in the order in which they left the bag.
The poem will resemble you.
And there you are – an infinitely original author of charming sensibility, even though unappreciated by the vulgar herd
quite interesting 😊 (we the vulgar herd would appreciate you of course 😄 but a poem for VC would be superior to this method I think 👍️). Have a good evening :) xx
No spider today keef so he has moved himself on, but yes it would have had to come to it today, there's a limit to how much jiggery pokery I'm up for in to get out of the house - of course if my side gate wasn't on its last legs I could just go out the front door & round the side 🤔. Didn't really want to enforce a CP order though because of the risk he'd rally some like-minded neighbours for a sit-in 😱. Glad you got the pickup fixed even though being awake isn't the best, hope your day has been ok. Can't speak any languages so I've never wished anyone an embarrassing happy new something 😂 hopefully I'm on safe ground with "Me gustaría un poco de crumble de manzana". xx
Love to Jewels and anyone passing, excuse long post, just me failing to be crisp & concise as usual 😬 xx
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