Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,323

    Hi Joan

    how are you both today?

    im a bit tired but ok thanks

    thanks about the spider

    yes the waiting for mum’s procedure is bad - thanks 🤗

    I hope you’re both having a good afternoon

    bye tc xx

    ps pic of 600 year old clock in Prague xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 20. Sep 2023, 16:03

    My Figgy is home for good now. As you can see they have arrived and started the drive so I've tucked her up inside under her cover for the next week or so. The cover is closer to the pink in the first of the pics the one when I'm inside the garage looks peachier.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Chrome scuffs look good. 😁

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    I love that little car, she looks like she has a character all of her own.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,323


    how are you?

    hopefully not a day for a spider in one’s tresses?

    a problem that can sadly affect gardening toadys, bungling bosh(e)s and lady baby princesses?

    will post again later

    need to give my neck a break

    bfn tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,323

    Hi toady

    sorry I’ve got a blood test tomorrow

    almost forgot

    so had better get organised

    have a good night toady Keef and everyone tc. xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,602
    edited 20. Sep 2023, 22:04

    Hello all 😊

    Just a quick hello (they never are quick, but whatever); tired this pm & will be glad to get to bed. Not much to report, internet behaving itself thankfully, but will still have to brace self for the idea that 'things' may well have to be 'looked at'. Annoying because I'm busy tidying one end of the house in case of workmen, I didn't plan on tidying the opposite end as well - I'm not even tidy at both ends, given that my hair needs a jolly good wash 😕. Not that nice a day, was it, but actually neither the rain nor the wind were as fierce as I expected and all calm now - sun even came out for 5 mins later on. Garden so quiet though, is there much bird activity at yours frog have you noticed? Any tarmackers today?! Sorry, I thought that from saying you & Sleek were hiding they were actually there that minute. I hope you can draw a line finally sooon🤞. No-one next door today, thankful for small mercies, but no I will never be ready, you said it 😬. I could just about manage in a property your neighbours' size 🤔😂 so really I think it is the best plan all round. If only! Sigh. I will have to make a few more ebay sales first, my shop bell has still not jingled once, I think the clapper has fallen out 😮 either that or I've turned the closed sign round by mistake. Hope it was a good food bank morning and a nice walk with your sister, not too wet etc. I've noticed a sharp upturn in emails telling me to stock up on winter remedies, give us a chance, I'm still clinging to the dregs of summer here 🙄. Let's hope toads do not catch on again as a remedy 😱 even if taken with ginger squash!! Love to family, have a good day and do send Sleek over if needs be 👍️. Will be posting a cat story I mentioned to bosh below you may have come across it before. xx

    Hello joan, and Sue of course, hope weather not too bad for you, yes there are some definite sunny days coming up if you can trust what they say 🌞 would be very nice, too dark & dull to see what you're doing today. I have not been up to anything silly today but I wouldn't be me if I didn't have some sort of half-baked scheme on the go 😄. Have a good night :) xx

    Hi to bosh 👋😊 no spiders in tresses today thank you although I have been in the loft again, so there is always the chance that there is and I just don't know it 😱 I haven't exactly spent much time looking in the mirror haha. I was storing some more boxes of stuff away including a couple of boxes of old toys, teddies & the like, some going back to my parents' era - can't think what to do with them. I suppose they should go really but then they look at you accusingly 🤨 silly when they are literally bits of fabric but what can you do 🤷‍♀️ sentimentality has a lot to answer for. Sorry you may have to go out on Sunday 😬 I have some excess workmen that I could send over, that way I wouldn't have to face them, and I have such a long list of odd jobs that you could potentially deploy this tactic again when required in future - win/win 😂. Did you get a walk in today not to group I assume as you haven't mentioned. Here's the little cat story I said about - clever kitty, although they probably tell this story very differently in mouse history books. As to wartime spiders, who can say. Have a good day tomorrow with or without R Brek to get you going. late edit good luck with the bloods :) xx

    Good to hear your news mig, 4 years clear is brilliant 😊👍️ and glad the infusions are helping. Same here as to knobbly hands but usable, that's the main thing. Hope you can find your way round I'm still not used to it all either and can't find a few things but as long as I can find the cafe kettle ☕️ :) xx

    Sorry you're feeling down keef, any news of the mainstream medical appts or have you deferred those for now, if so sorry to bring them up but they may lead you somewhere so hang on, it's not set in stone how you are at the moment🤞. Hope you have a good night as poss and I bet the apple crumble was fab 👍️ is Sucré more of a jerry lee lewis on the keyboard or a gentle plink up & down the scales 🤔 xx

    Love to all, I'm off, half asleep 😘 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 21. Sep 2023, 05:57

    Morning everyone

    Morning Joan yes unfortunately it is the same tarmackers as last time they are having to put it right for free because they did it wrong last time. Yesterday I managed to stay out until they'd gone. Today will not be as easy🙄 I ahve lots to do here so will have to stay in. Got some cows milk yesterday so will be able to give them a coffee/tea and a biscuit. Hope All is well with you both? ((())) xxx

    Mornimg mig I know it does seem very different to how it was before, but it's still pretty lively. I'm still here Dachshund and Stickywicket. Barbara's eyes (macular degeneration) mean she can't read our posts anyone but I can tell her you are back she will be so pleased.

    I'm so glad you are doing so very well after your lymphoma and are not in too much pain with your arthritis even if your hands are misshapen now. Fingers crossed (excuse the pun - not intended) that the rituximab really helps you.

    Now you will get on very well with Keef here in the café his wife Loanda loves Halloween!

    Take care

    Morning Reshmi how are you doing today?

    My stomach got me up the night before too, but not last night last night was better I really do hope the same for you ((()))

    It was dreadful weather yesterday Kari and I got soaked! Never mind we still went out like you for our walk. Then I had to go to the foodbank then the pharmacy and by the time i got home the tarmackers had done for the day! Yippee!

    I bet it was your Dad upsetting your Mum is usually is. Well I very much hope you feel well enough to go to MH to celebrate his are pretty good at choosing sensible options foodwise anyway I know that. Are you telling me you actually want a strange man in the house doing jobs?!🤨 mind you I can see the advantage😁

    The cake will be fed to our tarmackers I might slip a little 'get on with it' potion in it if I can find some!!! Maybe they can have some of BIL's holiday starter🤢

    Aww BR a little thespian he is truly a multi-talented little boy! Just imagine you will be able to see him perform (between his amnesty campaigns and orthodontic work) on the stage one day!

    Take care today ((())) Ps good luck with your bloods I had mine yesterday too.

    Morning Keef!

    Gosh you have been rough not to even go to osteopathy or acupuncture😕 Hopefully things will settle again to manageable levels soon. Nice of you to thank us but there is no real need it's what we all do here.

    Apple pie with a small person's help😍aww lovely. I bet they all enjoyed their dinner.

    Good idea moving the piano and how adorable Sucré wanting the bunker with Daddy💖

    Doesn't the Fig look great? I love the scuffs too they brighten up the sides and protect the new paintwork. Last night I whipped off her cover as I read that you shouldn't cover them when they've just been painted. Apparently it can damage the paintwork😮 I didn't know that did you?

    You are spot on she is full of character I love her so much. I know older cars are trouble, but if you look after them and service them it's fine isn't it?

    Have the best day you can ((()))

    Morning Toady how are you doing today? It's a much better day than it was yesterday I think. Same here I actually saw some rain and it was when I was driving the Fig home! So I had a bigger beam on my face.

    Oh dear yes I do think you must brace yourself for potential invasion of your home from both ends keep on tidying like i will be today. I will be trapped by those tarmackers and well you can see in the pics of Penelope they are here. Woe is me. Tea and biscuits anyone? Sleek will no doubt be over at yours I was hoping she would do waitress duties, but I think not. Her paws need protecting.

    My sister says no one is buying ATM it's all very quiet. Paul says no-one has much money we are all struggling and fearing a winter of high energy bills ....I hope your nosegay shop gets busier soon fingers and paws crossed.

    You are right very quiet in the garden where is everyone? Is it that they are battening down their hatches ready for autumn/winter? I am ordering my bird seed and fatty ball stuff already.

    What a lovely, lovely story about Faith the Church cat! Thank you for posting it I think it's just lovely. Sleek reckons she is a distant ancestor of hers🙄 yeah right!!!!

    Must go I am parking my 'normal' car Dudley on P's drive with permission from her daughter.

    Take care

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,243

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) Have a good day love to everyone (())

    Toady (()) It gets dark a lot earlier now. Have a good day (()) I hope the internet behaves itself.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) have a good day. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) good luck with your blood test (()) your Figaro looks good with the cover on her. I hope Annie (()) feels a bit better (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) good luck with your blood test (()) love to your mum (())

    Mig (()) It’s nice to see you (())

    Keef (()) How are you feeling today (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (()) I hope everything is alright (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,323

    Hi Toni and toady

    im ok thanks just a bit tired

    mum is ok too

    b test went ok

    more later xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203
    edited 21. Sep 2023, 14:56

    Anda bought these boxers to cheer me up. Can’t beat a bit of sponge bob!!!

    Toni, I would think you would be safe with the paint by now. It would be 90% hardened when you picked it up from being sprayed. I bet they ovened it anyway.

    there are so many false claims on the www in forums etc. i very much doubt you would damage the paint with a cover unless it was still wet lol.

    i was going in the mini to visit mum as we were all going. I made it to the end of our road and gave up and went back got changed and got my bike. I can’t do the mini when I’m like this. Too much pain. Mum was okay today and my sister is with her this afternoon too so she well sorted for visitors today.

    I still need to catch up on all the posts so don’t get cross if I’ve missed something please. 😁

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Hi Toady, the apple crumble was a hit. I must admit to finishing what was left at 1am. The rain was of biblical proportions and i was worried about the bunker roof leaking so i went to check and all was well thankfully and i deviated to the kitchen once back in the house and finished a portion and a half of crumble and very nice it was too. I dont cook with any of this reduced fat or light sugar rubbish either. Proper butter and proper sugar 😁

    Sucré if very gentle on the piano until….. he isn’t and then gives it a good hammering which I don’t mind too much.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Oh I should add, that wasn’t anti vegan about the butter it was anti low fat stuff that my mil insists on cooking with. I hate it. If you’re gonna have a pudding then have it with the bad stuff in it or dont have the pudding lol.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,323

    Hi Keef

    Sorry that you’re in a lot of pain today.

    That apple crumble sounds very nice,

    I know what you mean, dessert is indulgent by its very nature, I have baked very healthy cakes in the past, but if I had had only those types of treats I probably would have ended up having massive fudge brownie - binges or something like that like one of my friends used to.

    I had a routine blood test for lithium/ bipolar today and then just did some minor shopping in the town centre.

    I hope you have a good / tolerable evening.

    bye take care x

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Hi Reshmi, oh I like the sound of minor shopping, I’ll have to introduce Anda to that, make a change from her very major shopping lol

    I did roasted chicken with potatoes and roasted carrots and broccoli tonight.

    ive got doughnuts with custard lined up for pudding, one of hooligan’s favourites.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,323

    Hi Toni

    how are you this evening?

    mum is ok health wise thanks but in a big mood about something.

    The handyman person is changing the wooden floors downstairs, but not coming upstairs, so it could be worse.

    Sorry your stomach was bad but glad of course that it’s good now

    mine seems to be ok now but I must admit when mum got angry with me today i got upset and maybe ate more roughage than I should have done, I had controlled myself well up until that point, oh well, I’ll just have to wait till the nighttime gastric oracle of Delphi informs me of my fate, or something like that, lol.

    Oh dear, sorry you and K got soaked.

    The handyman type person is not too bad actually, he’s done some work here before and he’s quite efficient and professional, yes it will be an intrusion indeed, but at least we’ll have the upstairs to ourselves.

    Slipping a potion in the cake, how very “ Carrollian” of you, I love it, toady and Alice will definitely approve lol, don’t worry I’ve got some spare potions stolen from the QJL, shh don’t tell anyone please.

    Thanks, yes, I’m sure BR’s play premieres will be happening soon haha.

    Or alternatively he could be the next Dr Who! What will be his signature snack I wonder? I think Dr BR’s alternative to fish fingers in custard could be jelly babies floating in Calpol, I did try to tell the esteemed 2 year old time Lord that Calpol is a medicine and not a gravy, but it didn’t go down too well lol, no Blearios for breakfast me when I visit MH, oh no, if I’m lucky I’ll get a Lego sandwich, sounds almost as bad as Bills starter indeed 🤢.

    I think I’ll stop there for now

    bye Toni tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,323

    👋 Joan and toady

    aiming to post properly soon xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,323

    Hi Toni

    sorry forgot to mention that my bloods went ok thanks, just lithium and the normal arthritis ones

    have a good night tc xx

    hi Joan

    how are you both tonight?

    my bloods went ok thanks

    mum is ok thanks, just a bit moody, but I think that’s just about the workman coming tomorrow

    Have a nice night tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,323

    Hi toady

    how are you?

    I managed to read most of the cat story, that was very interesting indeed, the maternal instinct of the cat, how lovely.

    mum and I are ok thanks

    yes I must admit I fortified myself with r Brek this morning lol

    workman changing downstairs floors is coming at 7 am tomorrow morning so whole household has to be up by then, how tremendously ookey

    bloods were ok thanks and vampire nurse was not on duty thank goodness

    I hope that if you’re awake doing embroidering during the stitching hour, no little accidents with the needle, as the vampire nurse hasn’t had supper yet! Oh dear

    on that slightly ookey note, I’ll say good night and take care toady xx

    ps some kind of opera- related staircase xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,602

    Hi all, just a quick sign of the register as it were, so you know my internet is not mucking about & I'm ok, it's been one of those days & have got a bit late to post so will roll a proper visit over to tomorrow 👋

    Love to all and good luck everyone expecting tarmackers, wooden floor men and any other ookey intrusions, and may the gastric oracle of delphi be kind to us all 😂 and if any other deities would like to do a good day's work for once in helping with people's aches pains & tiredness then that would make a nice change too, or at least sort my spare laptop's BSOD issues & make the tea, the list goes on 👍️

    See you soon everyone, have a good night 😘 xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Hot chocolate anyone?

    can’t take anymore pills yet so hopefully it will get me back to sleep, although i do like listening to the rain and the odd car sloshing along the High Street.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Hi Toady, I have deferred for now with the docs. I still have an xray next month on hip but the rest can wait. Just can’t be bothered. I have hygienist at dentist today and would be cancelling that if I hadn’t already done so once.

    on hair washing, you mentioned it, i don’t have any so quick shave of the scalp and thats me sorted, but Loanda has very long hair which I still manage to wash for her, one of the few things I still manage to do for her, and God knows she does enough things to look after me and Hooligan so hair washing and cooking her dinner is the least I can do.

    Rain is picking up. Might have to go to bunker. Sounds great in there. Bit like your camper Toni I would think.

    Its getting a bit of a risk parking on the grass at mum’s we’ve had so much rain. Bike stand is beginning to sink even though it is designed for sand by those clever BMW boffins.

    gonna try sleeping again. If I’m still awake in 43 minutes I’m going to make space in bunker for the piano which is going in there later today.

    night all

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 22. Sep 2023, 05:29


    Morning Joan guess what? Those men didn't turn up yesterday I am fuming, just fuming. I know they aren't getting paid much because they are rectifying their previous mistake but still. I reckon they went off to do a 'paying' job. 🙄 Don't they realise that we all want it over and done with? Thanks Penelope loves her pink cover. Keeps the dust off and she looks cute even under there. I hope your day is a good one and you get into town ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you today? Did you stomach cope with that extra fibre? I hope so.

    I'm sure your Mum is just like me doesn't enjoy 'men' in the house either, even if they are lovely good efficient etc. They are still there. Good you had upstairs though. I hope you had enough privacy? Glad to hear your bloods went ok. Fingers crossed they'll come back good.

    Oh gosh what will our friend have to eat at MH for breakfast? No! Not a lego 🥪 I suppose all teh cheese will be gone of course😣

    BR loves calpol does he? They all do it has to taste nice for when they are poorly i suppose bless him. I can see him as a future Dr Who yes!! He would be great plenty of experience saving himself and others from his Blue-bear stealing big brother.

    Yes a potion - you have some spare? Thanks just leave it under the biscuit tin in the kitchen...thanks. Not a word will I utter🤐

    You posted some gorgeous pics yesterday thanks for those.

    Well you take care and have a good day ((()))

    Morning Keef.

    How are you today? I hope you had your spirits lifted by the ride to your Mum's on your bike. Glad to hear she is doing ok and having plenty of visitors too.

    Love the pants! Oh gosh Loanda is clever coming up with that idea. They would cheer anyone up wouldn't they😁

    Sucré is enjoying the piano is he? That's good we must nurture potential musical talents. Can he sing? Does he enjoy singing? I bet he does with you as his Daddy.

    You finished the apple crumble? Good for you! I bet you enjoyed it and why not? I also cook with the 'full-fat' version of vegan margarine too and 'normal' sugar. Don't worry I didn't for one second think you were being anti-vegan! I know and agree with you low fat spreads just turn to water when melted🙄 Not suitable for cooking at all.

    Thanks for the reassurance about my bodywork on the Fig😊

    Never worry if you don't reply to someone or miss something none of us are like that here.

    Take care

    Morning Mig if you pop by I did rely yesterday. Hope all is well and you must also not worry too much about reading back too much just come in do a Miggy hello and chat to us with your news😊((())) xxx

    Morning Toady how are you today? Today didn't sound easy for you energy or busyness-wise.

    All is well here Lucy has the dentist again today. She is having that extra gum work done to recover her teeth from the chemo again this afternoon.

    This is classic and wonderful I have to quote:

    "......may the gastric oracle of delphi be kind to us all 😂 and if any other deities would like to do a good day's work for once in helping with people's aches pains & tiredness then that would make a nice change too, or at least sort my spare laptop's BSOD issues & make the tea, the list goes on......"

    That really made me smile.

    Take care

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,243

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) Have a good day. Thinking of you. Have a good day.

    Toady (()) That’s good your internet is behaving itself. Have a good day.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your family (())

    Toni (()) Yes to your tarmac men your job was nothing they wanted a job that they got money from. Wrong I hope they don’t hurry your tarmacing to get to another job. Have a good day (()) love to Paul (()) Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day you are doing well (()) love to your mum (())

    Keef (()) your shorts are good (()) you are good at house jobs. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Toni, I am concerned about the work you’re referring to. Was it tarmac work on your drive? Did the workmen have Irish accents?

    Did the work take place as a result of you booking it or did they cold call?

    Sucré does enjoy the piano. We do several games whilst his attention span can cope. One of which is play a note sing a note hopefully the same as the one you’ve just played. He normally gets it right.

    He is being a bit difficult lately in general. I don’t think living between two homes is doing him any good. I think he is torn between looking after his dad and spending time with nannie where he gets to be the centre of attention all the time where as here he isn’t always.