Val's Cafe
Hey Toni, sorry you had to witness the cat incident. But good you were there to save the poor little chap. Well done to you.
Just got in. Sucré didn’t want me to go. Felt terrible leaving. Had tears dropping out the bottom of my crash helmet as I was getting on the bike.
Loanda said he was fine after I went as was soon asleep. She says he wants you to stay because he thinks you’re lonely at home and wants to include you in his good times at nannie’s house. I hope she is right and its not because he misses me.
off to bed. Knackered and in pain.
night everyone x
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Hi toady
sorry you had a grumpy day
yes mefiez is a good one, I used a to call my A Level English teacher Mephistopheles so everything connects as Forster almost said lol
crapaud - that’s a good word too thanks
I am somewhat cream crackered or digestived/ rich tead please delete as appropriate lol
im glad the spell was of some use, see you tomorrow, good night toady tc xx
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Morning Joan how are you today? Thanks for asking yesterday I took the dressing off of my finger to let it properly dry out. Only thing is what do I do with the steri strips? Do I have to pull them off do you know?🤔 We thought we'd go back and see the cat's owners next week give her (it was a girl) a chance to heal a bit. My car got a 'Golden ticket' at the car show! Take care both of you ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi how are you? I am ok too much walking/standing about yesterday for me, so today will be a gentle walk then more restful day.
Glad to hear no HV that will help your stress levels a lot. Good. Ah so your Mum's shoulder is playing her up but she isn't sharing it with you let's hope it stays better then.
That is brilliant! BR thinks only Mummies can wear brightly coloured clothes how cute!! Naughty Daddy wearing Mummy's clothes take them off! I think he doesn't realise that Mummy would, in fact, be swamped by anything of BILs!!!!
Now thanks LA that's something I didn't know about! lice is the cause baldness amongst men😮wow! I am also in hiding with you and suggest Toady treats all Polyfilla the same as controlled drugs - in a lockable cupboard. This is truly terrifying😁
That burger sounded nice as did the juice your stomach tolerated it too? That's good.
Some great pics there Reshmi thank you. Take care and have a good day ((()))
Morning Keef
What great news that your tyre stayed inflated. Hopefully problem solved.🤞
I am so sorry you felt so sad leaving Sucré behind, tears dripping out of your helmet😒 I am sure it's just that he misses you and worries about you and loves you. All good sweet things. Sounds as though he is easily distracted though and you should try hard not to feel bad.
Hopefully when Sucré is a good bit older and can look after himself more it will be safe enough for him to stay with you when Loanda has to work. For now though safety first and it does enable you to be a little 'selfish' (not) and be able to rest when you need to. You are doing the right thing.
My car got a Golden ticket at Bicester scramble yesterday. 'Spotters' are posted at the entrance to point any special or interesting cars (which are not already displaying) and send them inside to the display area! I was so chuffed😊
Morning Toady how are you today? I hope recovered from overdoing it???? Sleek said you were 'Missiz grumpee pawz'? Other people's gardening noises should have ceased by now it's a week day.
On the subject of wildlife, last night we were sitting down it was dark/dusk just over I heard the birds warning call no idea why. I went out and had a chat with them and all settled down. Maybe a passing feline Sleek hadn't seen off.
Thank you for keeping everything crossed for that poor little cat I do hope she's ok. We will call by next weekend to see her owner. She was definitely alive and cried out to her owner when she got through the bush to her so there was hope.
Well done digging over a border. I have removed the plaster not sure what to do with the steri strips? Peel them off too?? Not a pleasant idea, but maybe???? I want to join you outside though😕 My friend brought some more surgical gloves which can go under my gardening ones so maybe soon.
I can hear Sleek looking in the cupboard for jammie dodgers. Yes she's found some so all will be well for you soon. I had no idea that Dr who ate them. Well I never!😁
Take care. I have watched a few more Toad and Frog tiktoks🤗
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Good morning everyone
wppl xx
ps limestone caves Lebanon xx
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Morning all.
Wow, golden ticket, very well deserved Toni 👍 very pleased for you.
just dragging my aching bod out of bed to go make a coffee. Funny we always have tea when we all here, on my own invariably it’s coffee 🤷♀️
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) Thinking of you (()) have a good day.
Toady (()) I hope you have a good day. The weather man say’s it’s rain on Wednesday afternoon. Have you finished the painting or is there more.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) I remember leaving steri strips on till they came off. That’s good it’s getting better (()) I hope the poor cat is not too bad. Good your car got a Golden ticket (()) was that best in show. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) I’m sorry your mum is in pain (()) you take care.
Keef (()) How is your cut getting on (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Julie (()) have a good day.
take care
joan xx1 -
Got a call from docs this morning asking me to go down for that missed bt. So that’s all done. Doc wants to see me about hip xray results, probably means my leg is gonna fall off or something. Can’t be good if they want to see me.
was just have a little guitar practice and my hearing is playing up in right ear. 🙄 really bad tinnitus almost deaf. Always something. Fed up. !!!!!
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Hi Dachshund, finger is okay thanks, healed enough to play, at least, until my hearing started playing up.
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Hi Toni
before I reply properly, a little bit of creativity lol,
Poem for VC called Mima’s Monday
6 clips in my hair
Because it’s windy and yet warm in October- how is that fair?
Still my Barnet doesn’t really stay in place
I choose not to tell the hairdresser, to avoid potential disgrace
I walk quickly in case the lice attempt to attack me from outer space
I don’t wear “mummy’s bright clothes” i stick to safe grey and blue that are dark
And I see more spiders near the door than accompanied Noah in the corners of his rather cobwebbed Ark.
ps pic of lice’s intergalactic transport lol xx
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Hi again Toni
how are you this evening?
i must admit I lost track of time and thought it was only about 3 pm lol
i hope you had a more restful day today?
your poor back
thanks about mum, I think she’s feeling better today 👍
I’m not too bad thanks 👍
yes I must remind toady to lock up the pollyfilla, good idea lol, I think it also needs to be refrigerated lol
the veggie burger was nice thanks, I hadn’t had one for a while, I controlled my greed and didn’t have too much of the fresh fruit juice and luckily my stomach accepted that this time 🙏
nothing much really happened today, other than me temporarily losing track of time, lol.
I was watching some old British sitcom and some colleagues of a lady who knew nothing about computers tried to convince her to give a speech to rest of the office saying that there’s a real apple inside every Mac lol, I think they may have met Big Babu 😂
I hope you’re having a nice evening and are resting properly Toni take care tc xx
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Hi Joan
how are you both doing today?
my mum is feeling a lot better today thanks
im not too bad today thanks 🙏
I hope you both have a nice night bye tc xx
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Hi toady
how are you?
I’ve tried reading back but all that’s registered in my tired brain post SV - Supper Vesuvius- is flaneur, personal insults about hair loss and lice lol, it is a good job nosegay restricts its lice - related feedback, i wholeheartedly agree lol, I was vaguely aware of the word flaneur from uni days, but perhaps not as aware as i should’ve been, but my degree wasn’t literature- based, that’s my excuse anyway. A term originally used by Baudelaire apparently, can be used to describe a great observer of mankind- sounds a bit like LA really lol.
Cats can sometimes make the most horrendous noise in the night I agree.
How was today? Too warm? Not warm enough? Could I borrow some hair clips please? only joking
i had a nap and when I woke up it was almost 6 pm but for some reason I thought it was only about 3 pm! Oh dear, how very ookey of me
i also seemed to have bruised my eye when I pressed my face into the pillow when trying to sleep but that happens sometimes, nothing like a black eye situation thankfully, otherwise I’d have to join the mafia gang, I may have learn Italian in Tuscany first though, living on a diet of just pasta and lice, on second thoughts I’ll decline the privilege lol.
have a good night toady take care xx
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Hello all 👋
Literally a line, I have early doors workmen tomorrow at very (very!) short notice. Not the best timing I already went out today for a rather too-hot walk into town (trying to be the big I am, 'no I am not too tired, see?' 🙄). Just finished a late night cleaning session 😱 . Wish me luck and I will be in tomorrow. I hope! 😬😄
Love to all 😘 xx
P.s. am also covered in a trillion flea bites, ain't life grand 😂
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Hey Reshmi, that cave foto was stunningly awesome.
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Morning all, tea and biscuits anyone??
Hellllooooooo!!! Anyone else here???
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☹️ Humph!
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I'm here Keef I will have coffee please! Soya milk thanks!
Morning Joan my car didn't get 'best in show' none of them did. Maybe it was just to acknowledge that it is lovely and special I think. Thanks for the tip about the steri strips I will leave them on until they fall off on their own. Hope you and Sue are doing ok? ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi How are you feeling today? I hope well and that your Mum is too.
My back is easing off a bit thank you - now it's my wrist? Honestly! So annoying isn't it this Arthritis malarkey?
Great poem lovely to see you writing them again. 😊 It's perfect 👌
Gosh I am a bit scared about those ships containing lice all men must beware!!!!!!!!! LA didn't say they would affect women did he? So I think we are safe enough maybe🤔
I hope Toady has (or can get maybe from nosegay?) a lockable fridge for the Polyfilla - safety first of course.
Weird that you lost so much time yesterday. Mind I can do that when it's been a busy day. Yours must have been even though you thought not much happened.
Everyone still ok at EF's no more sickness bugs? If so they all did incredibly well not to catch it including Big Babu.
Take care yourself ((()))
Morning Keef
How are you doing?
Did you see the Dr about your hip or have you made an appointment? Maybe it's ready for surgery now? In a sense that would be a good thing. From what the guys who've had theirs done here say it really really helps with the pain. YOU could do with some help with your pain.
Well done getting your bloods done.🙂
BTW I drink coffee all morning tea all afternoon. So more than happy to have a coffee with you decaf though (both) and soya a bit yuk if you're not used to it, but I am.
Have a good day Keef and don't overdo it. ((()))
Morning Toady how are you today?
Our flea-bitten friend. You need that stuff from 'fetch a bone' quite urgently. It's not cheap i'm sure about a tenner comes in a pink can and you can buy it online.
Cleaning in the evening? How will you sleep after that? Mind you have no choice if you are having workers in first thing. I wish you all the best. Sleek is bringing over the packet of custard creams left over from when the tarmackers were here. She will also support you while there are 'inn true daz' in the property.
By the way I am using the drive! Straight lines only no turning on it (our idea not their advice) for at least another week.
Take care
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Good morning everyone
wppl xx
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Hey Toni, and everyone, well I feel better mentally than yesterday, was very down, missing my little boy but we had a great afternoon together playing with his new hand me down garage with ramps and noises and flashing lights. I think I liked it more than him. I picked the guitar up yesterday and literally could not play I was missing him so much. Better today. Will have a guitar day and pop over this evening.
Yep bloods done yesterday, and booked in for Friday to discuss hip and blood results. It’s my 3rd day in a row with no headache. Woohoo!!!
see my advice about fitting your plates Toni?
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I hope everything is going alright for you (())
Toady (()) Good luck with the workmen I hope they do a good job. Have a good day (())
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) I’m sorry you have pain in your wrist (()) that’s good it’s left your back. How is Paul’s tip and tilt test going (()) your Penelope is the best car. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) That’s good your mum is feeling better (()) and you’re doing well. White vinegar keeps insects away or peppermint oil. Take care.
Keef (()) good luck at the hospital (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Julie (()) thinking of you.
take care
joan xx2 -
Hi Toni
How are you?
sorry about your wrist I hope you feel better soon 🤗
I went to the town centre today so I’m tired but ok thanks
mums ok thanks, I bought her some olive crackers from Cinnamon Barks, she likes olives bless her
I’ll write more later
bfn tc xx
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Hi again Toni
glad you’re back pain is easing off a bit
Thanks about the poem
Yes, you’ve got a good point there and LA said that the lice only affect men but even though he doesn’t say it directly he seems to think that us womenfolk or maybe not that bright. He likes to talk down to granny and Mima and sometimes even mummy- oh dear, I still remember the times he said, “ mima, you’re very silly indeed for believing that dinosaurs still exist everybody knows that they’re extinct go back go back to school mima - or words to that effect” haha.
I’m a bit tired at the moment but generally not too bad thanks
mum is feeling okay thank you
I’m planning to go to the group tomorrow, unless the weather mutates into something akin to methotrexate broth with the side of olives lol, are you an olive - fan? I can eat them if I really have too, but personally I find them salty and horrible, I don’t mind olive oil though and of course that’s very good for us.
5% cashmere replacement hats are still sold out incidentally- I blame toady the amphibian hat queen for that one lol.
i hope you get to rest a bit
have a nice evening Toni tc xx
ps found a pic of nasty M lol xx
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Hi people 👋
Just a pitstop for tea, no better not, heaven knows how many I've had today (usually a 2:1 ratio with coffee btw keef) - have had the 'inn true daz' here since 8 til gone 5 and will have to come back tomorrow, dread words 😣 should be here for much less time but it's the getting up, ugh 😕. Am shattered and off to bed early, it already feels like the middle of the night - thank you for the custard creams and the moral support 👍️ see you after the finale. Sorry I'm so behind 😔.
Thank you joan the work is going ok, I think, no-one ever really does a job up to my standards 🤨 I'm not sure anyone does these days but it will do. Have a good day tomorrow :) xx
Quick hi to bosh and will catch up properly soon 👍️ have a good group day if you go :) xx
Have a good night keef and yay to 3 days without headaches make it 4 ✌️
Love to all 😘 xx
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Hi Joan
how are you both doing today?
thanks mum and I are ok👍
that’s good advice about spiders thanks🙏
there’s only one spider and cobweb though I just exaggerated for the poem lol, I would attempt the vinegar/ oil but it’s quite a large one 😱
but luckily it’s not too near me right now
i hope you both have a nice night tc xx
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Good night toady Keef and everyone, try to get to sleep before the witching hour please, or at least the stitching hour - depending on toady’s embroidery skills lol, take care xx
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