Val's Cafe
Hi Toni
how are you today?
That’s a nice dosa pic
I’m ok thanks
glad your stomach is ok 👍
mine is just about ok at the moment thanks 🙏
but I am of course waiting for my consultation with the gastric oracle later on tonight lol
i somehow managed to lose one of my hats today!
it was windy no doubt, but I also may have got a bit flustered dealing with the spare jumper / coat removal situations that are involved when going to the town centre lol, not the end of the world by any means, but it was a 5% cashmere one that wasn’t itchy, but no doubt I’ll find an equally nice one given time 👍
mum has a backache, as I’ve mentioned to Joan, sorry not trying to be being rude, just not repeating too much as a bit tired
But it is improving so that’s good
I actually sent the message last night lol, just so I didn’t forget
the cultural do thing is actually on Sunday
I don’t think EF are staying over, I hope not anyway
yes BB must be proud no doubt
here comes the bite, that’s a good one lol
when my sisters MIL visited, she told LA and BR some legends about Krishna as she’s quite religious, so later on LA asked his mummy if Krishna is an alien, because he’s got blue skin, how funny lol.
Group was ok thanks but I didn’t stay for long as I didn’t want to risk eating pure rubbish and aggravating my stomach again, also nasty M was there and she completely ignored me as usual but never mind.
I think I’ll stop there getting a bit tired.
Have a nice night Toni and take care xx
ps another random internet pic xx
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how are you tonight?
my cunning plan is to write a proper post in a few mins
i may need some mini twixes as fuel please or possibly some giant ones lol xx
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^ Help yourself from the micro office mini twix designated storage area 😂
Hope pain levels settling for overnight keef🤞. Nice of your ebay seller to give you the free return, and good that you found a suitable old cable 😊 love boxes of cably bits, I feel sorry for tidy minded people who chuck out old tech & spares etc. as soon as they get new stuff. I may take that to extreme, who can say 😉 x
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Thanks toady
hope the hospital call / letter is ok
im tired and my stomach is complaining in moderation but otherwise not too bad thanks
mum has backache but otherwise ok thanks
I didn’t walk much today as I didn’t want to get too hungry and eat pure rubbish
pretty tired though really so I’ll say good night toady tc xx
ps pic I found online called “Breathe”- breathe and smell the flowers or something like that xx
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Morning everyone
Joan I couldn't find your post yesterday glad you are ok at least. Oooh a double decker plane I went on one once, but upstairs was only for 1st class so i didn't see up there. Was it fabulous? I've been washing up with gloves on and an elastic band over the wrist of it! Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx
Morning Keef
I cut my finger on a broken glass. No idea how I did it really I mean I've been clearing up broken glass for years! Ah well. It's looking good though shame you weren't around because it was my right hand and I am not left handed!
I am so glad you visited the family and enjoyed a spag bol even if you are suffering for it now I hope rest will help a bit ((()))
No blood test? How infuriating. Have you managed to rebook? Could be that bumpy ride over there started your neck off more than the ride to see Sucré and Loanda you know.
Morning Reshmi
How are you this rainy morning? I hope not too bad. Gastric Gods/oracles please be kind to our stomachs.
Sorry to hear about your Mum. Where did she try yoga? She is too independent for her own good if she won't let you help.
I love love love the 🐜 poster it's just brilliant isn't it?😂 The Buddhist pics are just lovely too so very relaxing to look at.
Oh no not a good hat🙄 typical a non-itchy hat. You know I really only have two which are that comfy I would be gutted if I were you😕
Nasty M was at the group what an odd person she is. Best ignored by you too but I expect you were your usual polite self. Good you went anyway even if only for a while.
I had no idea Krishna was an alien!!! Oh my gosh. Imagine LA thinking that! Mind you you can see why. Oh gosh.
Right the 'do' is Saturday. I hope for your sake they don't decide to stay over, EF that is.
Morning Toady hope you are well (ish) today?
oh dear me. I do see what you mean about the delightful colour combination in the room. I too would have my roller out bad bones or no bad bones I could not live with that!
Right hand I'm afraid Toady🙄 it was right little finger I am definitely fairly well out of action. Do I get out of washing this bird's nest for a bit please? Am I excused?😉 I know what you mean about paper cuts (this one needed 2steri strips) they are horrible things! Kari says no gardening for me for a bit not worth the risk of infection😔
The landline is off again? How annoying I bet it's back on later🙄 Just check Sleek isn't pulling it out of the wall to 'help' you out. By the way she had a good look at 'Mummy's paw' and sniffed worriedly bless her. I got one knot out last night too.
She is a great 'Soup-ah Vizor' isn't she? Yes quite assertive when she gets going bribing with cups of tea and biccies/doughnuts. I think the sooner it's done the better. Good luck Toad 🤞Have a nice day.
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) have a good day love to everyone.
Toady (()) My hair is short. you can’t tell people themselves days you see someone with long hair and it’s a man. I heard on the news the age you can smoke from is 24. Have a good day go careful up the ladder (())
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) sorry that must be a bad cut (()) you take care. They say it will be hot on the weekend. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) sorry your mum has hurt her back (()) you take care has well (())
Keef (()) that was very infuriating going to the hospital and them not having your notes (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Julie (()) I hope you are not in too much pain (())
take care
joan xx1 -
My lot are off to Cambridge today. I was supposed to go and meet them on the bike but i just can’t be bothered due to too much pain. I’ve done some gentle exercises this morning and already wishing I hadn’t.
a few years ago i would have had two hours surfing by this time of day. Now I’m lucky if i can surf the web lol
oh well at least i can still play guitar. Polishing up on some more SRV stuff this morning. That is where I struggle now is finding the concentration against the pain to learn new stuff, but if not playing starts to get stale very quickly
just having a coffee whilst stretching out on floor, only instant im afraid but i have lots and it is Kenco in a posh tin if anyone wants to join me. Might even play you a song.
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Toni, yes you are probably correct about wheelchair starting off neck more than bike. Out of all the things the chair and the car are the worse two.
iv given in and had to lay down again now. Neck hurting jus too much to play and making me feel sick. I’ve left my amp on as being valve it takes about an hour to warm up first thing in the morning before it sounds any good, so i can go back out. Some home players like me leave their amps on all the time but I’m too cautious with fire risk for that, although once or twice I’ve forgotten and left in on over night and it has sounded fantastic the next day. Apparently valves were designed to be always on. Anyway i am rambling and feeling worse typing so wppl
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Good afternoon everyone
wppl xx
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Hi all 👋
Coffee please keef 👍️ I'll have a song next time if I've missed today's session.
I'm out of the painting corner for today (yes I thought you'd like the colour scheme frog 😄 there were even worse offenders than that at one time 😱 probably all just set to come 'in' again but not here they're not). One coat but it's a start and no more purple 👍️. Your poor hand, awful that that's the faults of others 😠 I deduced wrongly, thought that as a right-hander you were probably doing something with the right so that the left would be the one in the way of danger. Worse then that's it's your right, so hampering 😔 yes definitely no nest-washing, strictly off, and definitely no garden. Poor Sleek checking you over, district kitty nurse style. Hope she was satisfied with things. I don't think she's being unplugging the phone but it's a good thought and of course easily done 'accidentally' 😉. Hope everything else ok with you and have a good afternoon :) xx
Hello joan, I am down off the ladder for today thank you 😊 I'm better up at the ceiling level than the floor level, I can't crouch so it's more annoying getting down than going up! They aren't high ceilings so it's only a step up the stepladder. Having a teabreak now and won't do much today - I have booked in all my various deliveries for this week, groceries, post, medication etc for tomorrow to get it all over with so that will be fun 😬. Should be sunny for you if you go into town, have a nice day :) xx
Quick hi to bosh and hope you are ok today not too tired stomach better etc. I can only think of one thing the hospital might want to ask me about an appointment but don't know why they haven't written maybe to offer me something short notice 🤔. Can't help it that I missed the call so I won't worry about it now, it won't be anything important thanks. Sorry about your hat btw 😔. Have a good afternoon :) xx
Hi again keef thanks for the Kenco very welcome after painting. My rollering doesn't improve much I have to say but next coat I will be adding the secret ingredient and am expecting great things 😄. Interesting about the valves I didn't know that, well I did that they need to warm up but not the effect that has on the sound. They are such cool looking things no wonder people make them into lamps &c along with all the other industrial style stuff edison bulbs etc that are everywhere (some better than others and I don't trust my electrics enough to mess around with anything non mainstream⚡️😕. Hope you feel better for the lie down 👋 xx
Bye all probably pop in later for more tea 😘 xx
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Hi Toni
how are you?
That’s a nice umbrella picture
My stomach isn’t too bad at the moment. Thanks
I had an unorthodox lunch - diet of soup followed by R Brek and I think it helped me that I avoided cheese and cakes completely earlier on in the day. Didn’t really really have anything too sugary either at that point and my stomach has thanked me for it 👍thanks for asking
Mum didn’t go anywhere to do the yoga. She just did some online yoga, but unfortunately even though it felt good at the time later on she was on in more pain than previously
she was letting me help in the end, but only quite reluctantly
She seems to be feeling a bit better today👍
I read that you cut your finger- are you okay now? please be careful 🤗
I’m glad you like the ant pic etc thanks
Thanks about the hat. I did actually find a spare hat when I searched the cupboards but it’s not particularly clean. I will do a delicates wash, goodness know at what point lol, have to ask the all- powerful ants when is the auspicious hour to use the washing machine lol.
Ordered a spare hat anyway, because hat - losing as you implied is not a very nice experience lol, but the 5% cashmere hat so completely sold out which is not particularly helpful. I’ve got a similar looking one from a different company at a good price, but as for the potentially itchy nature of the hat time will tell - or again I may ask the insect - related Delphi Oracles lol, maybe bribe them with jam to obtain a favourable prediction lol.
Yes nasty M was her usual glorious self, you’re right I don’t take it too much to heart but find it a bit annoying that she didn’t speak to me at all. She just started a conversation with other people so I didn’t get the opportunity to either greet her or to ignore her really. However, I was already late going to the group because it took a long time to leave the house without waking anyone up and so on so I didn’t hang around for long and also I didn’t really want to be there when she commanded us to all change seats to accommodate her fussy self to be honest.
The brownie I bought the other day was really nice it was from Cost A packet and it was one of those warm brownies which I didn’t realise at the time, but I’m steeling my mind because I don’t want to enter into a RR - type brownie addiction that would be most remiss of me lol.
Yes the Krishna thing was very understandable and amusing lol, it’s just mythology at the end of the day no one really takes it seriously, at least most people don’t but I have heard that Bill’s mother did think when he was younger that he was a kind of version of the male Krishna, so literally thinking your son is God - no offence she’s a nice lady but there’s something seriously wrong with that lol.
The do is actually on Sunday, but don’t worry I often lose track of these things myself lol.
BR is not well however he’s been vomiting and was feeling shivery, my mum thinks it’s a virus, so my sis is looking after him with BB’s help believe it or not, he was sick in the morning but hasn’t vomited recently which is good, so whether the Sunday visit will happen at all of course depends on poor BR’s health- bless him.
I think I’ll leave it there for now Toni have a good afternoon take care xx
Ps another Zen pic xx
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Sucré won’t leave my side again now he home. They had a day out today and as soon as he got home he was bunker bunker bunker. We sat at the piano and he hugged me for a full ten minutes. Then he asked to play my fretless bass and strummed that for ages whilst gabbling away telling me all about his day. He is growing up so quickly.
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Hi Keef
Thats very moving about your son, they do indeed grow up fast. Good that you’re doing your stretches, I’m not a big coffee drinker but I appreciate the offer, have a good / ok night, take care x
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Hey Reshmi, I certainly would not have indulged her, and would have kept my bum firmly planted on my chosen seat 😁.
I’m terribly in confrontational situations and my brain never seems to come up with a retort until ten minutes later and then I’m like i wished I’d said this that or the other. Strange I was never like that in my old job. I guess i miss having the weight of the law behind me lol.
Still, i guess you could stay put next time, if you are so inclined, only a suggestion, and certainly not a criticism. I take a dislike to people who seem to think they need to organise everyone else.
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Just listening to Anda reading bedtime stories to Sucré. He so tired he was just starting to get grumpy and violent. Actually had to raise my voice, hardly ever had to do that. 😳
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Hi Joan
how are you both doing today?
thanks about mums backache, she said its definitely getting better now 👍
I’m ok thanks just a bit tired
have a nice night tc xx
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Hi toady
im not too bad thanks, a bit tired but not unnaturally so, stomach seems to have settled now thanks to r Brek, soup and a temporary bout of self control lol.
poor BR not too well unfortunately, seems like a stomach related virus
mum is more or less ok at the moment thanks
have a good night toady tc xx
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Just a quick 'night all, sorry there are various poorly or grumpy littleys this evening 😔
Bosh hope BR feels better soon & it's something or nothing🤞sounds like EF visit may be no go 🤔. Hope you have a good night, soup & R Brek sounds like a pretty good combo actually, nice & bland. Look forward to hearing about the new hat and its hopefully non-itchiness 👍️ see you tomorrow :) xx
night to keef, aw that Sucré was so pleased to see you and affectionate & chatty, hope he settled down ok tonight, sounds like just the overtiredness 😴. Hope you have a good night yourself too 👋 xx
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Reshmi, love that photo of the scent stick burning.
night everyone x
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Hi Joan yes it was a bad cut, but it will heal won't it? Are you off into town this morning? If it's you posing Sue hello! Hope you are both well. Have a nice day ((())) xxx
Morning Keef yes please I am very happy with instant.
Is there anything you can do sort of power breaker wise so that it's safe to leave your am on overnight/permanently even? Just a thought.
I'm so sorry yesterday was a rough day for you and very much hope today is a bit better. Lying down is sometimes all you can do. I had my plates made up yesterday ready I will post a pic when they arrive. You will LOVE them i promise!
A firmly kind raised voice when a child gets overtired and ratty is not a bad thing at all (especially as he clearly adores you hence the 10 minute hug) You are being a very responsible parent Keef Sucré will benefit from it in the long run. Helps Loanda too having you around. Glad you enjoyed his bedtime book yourself 😉
Morning Reshmi how are you this morning? I'm very pleased to hear your stomach is happy with what you fed it yesterday. Also good news that your Mum's back has eased. Maybe she just did a bit too much. Glad she let you help at least a bit. Mum's eh?🙄
Another dark start here soon the clocks will be going forwards doesn't that make it a bit lighter???
I hope the hat washing goes well with the assistance of our small insect related Delphi oracles🤣 and maybe teh new one which looks the same will not be itchy. I find a lot of them are I'm afraid, but we still need them don't we?
Hmmmph! I am very glad I don't have to encounter nasty M. You realised of course that she is actually a subtly controlling person. Next time I know I would walk in, smile and say to everyone 'Hello hope you are all well - can't stay long just wanted to see you all' and skim my eyes over her. I feel sorry for her family be they all have to do exactly what she wants.
Oh my goodness BIL is a God? No-one told me that! well no wonder he can eat anything he wants😂 What an odd lady his Mum is.
I am so sorry to hear BR is poorly. I hope BB doesn't catch it though nor anyone else or the event will be off this weekend (SUNDAY I think I will remember now) for all of them. Probably it is just a bug going round the nursery🤞
Love the Zen pic beautiful.....
take care ((()))
Morning Toady
I'm glad you are out of the 'naughty corner' for the day. I expect you are right that those 'delightful' colours will soon be back in vogue! That combination though? Not here either!!!!
Yes a nasty cut my own fault really in a sense lucky that it's my little finger I suppose. Could be worse. I wish it would hurry up and heal life is too busy for injuries. No garden for me and it's going to be a nice weekend too😔 Sleek seemed happy enough but gave it a very thorough sniff bless her. Glad she didn't think it needed a wash though. I got half a knot out in her fur last night.
Landlines are easily unplugged by small cats who want all the attention for themselves. Saying no more.🤐
It's milder this weekend so hopefully you'll see the animals😊
Take care
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Good morning everyone
wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) have a good day take care
Toady (()) you will be busy over the weekend. Have a good day
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) How did you manage to dress your fingers with your left hand. I’ve rapped kitchen towel around a finger. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (()) is her back feeling a bit better.
Keef (()) sorry you have so much pain (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Julie (()) have a good day
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Toni
how are you today?
welcome to yet another glorious methotrexate Friday!
im feeling distinctly ookey as you probably are yourself? never mind🤗
I ate half a choc bar then saved the rest for around mxt time - such self control - unparalleled lol
mum is ok thanks
BB is helping with BR again
BR seems a lot better now though, he kept some normal food down
I don’t think EF are descending on Sunday
Thanks about nasty M, she was late as she was buying the whole of “Text” by the look of her shopping and was wearing yet another new coat, I almost said, “ Buy something useful please, we need beds, dosas, hats, polyfilla, r Brek and all sorts of things in VC - thank you very gloriously much” lol
ok I’ll go now didn’t get to rest
bfn Toni tc xx
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Hey Toni, guess who cut their little finger today. Yep, caught it on my wood saw marking a piece of wood for cutting. It’s a long term project I started in the spring. Loanda asked for some new planters so I thought I could make them from scratch. I’ve been too rough lately to do anything but today I thought I’d have a little go and before I knew it there was red stuff all over the plank 🙄
bound to be somebody else now, 3’s and all that so be careful everyone else lol.
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I can hardly move again now so I think i will have to re-evaluate getting Loanda’s dad to finish them off for me. Very frustrating.
Although Loanda has just reminded me it was her dad that cut all the timber to my requirements and all I’ve done is screw it together. I’d forgotten that, and thought I’d done really well getting to where I had, forgetting the cut finger 🙄
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