Val's Cafe
Morning all. Waiting for the doc to call. Thanks for the reminder Toni, I hadn’t forgotten but didn’t think it was today.
Head/neck just bubbling away on 1 or 2 atm. Hopefully it will clear after a cuppa.
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Doc rang. Blood test all okay no cancer markers.
xray showed the wear from before which I expected but also deformity of femur for which i need physio. Very common with athletes, and as I was always active with Kung-Fu and later in life surfing I guess I can blame that.
so all in all not bad news. Thankfully 👍
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) Thinking about you I hope you are not feeling too bad.
Toady (()) I hope the workmen come today. Try and have a good day. Have you seen the new Royal coins.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) How is your tarmac. Have you seen the new Royal coins. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) sorry about your mum’s shoulder i hope it feels better soon (()) have a good day
Keef (()) that’s good your leak has been fixed. Have a good day love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Julie (()) thinking of you have a good day.
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi Toni toady Joan and Keef
hope you’re all ok today?
I’m not too bad thanks
toni I know, almost mxt time on Friday 13th - ookey
mum is ok now but not before
sorry need to wage bathroom wars and then inject witches brew / mxt
very glad you don’t have cancer Keef
more later bye everyone tc xx
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So i took my two out for a celebration lunch as Friday 13th is a special day for us in October. Unfortunately I only just made the short walk from the carpark to the restaurant as I have the worst ever back and hip pain I’ve ever experienced. We were going by bus so I could take my chair but I changed my mind at the last moment and we took Loanda’s car.
Lunch was nice and I got a free coffee as I complained about the first one as it was just hot water.
oh and the bike is leaking. Oil all over the shock cover again this morning. See foto
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Christmas Frog Toni??
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Hi joan
how are you both doing today?
im tired after mxt but otherwise ok thanks
mum is well at the moment thanks
I hope you haven’t seen any spooky cats crossing the road this Friday the 13th lol
have a nice evening bye take care xx
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Hi Toni
how are you this evening?
im not too bad considering our friend mxt and totm are “visiting” thanks 🙏
mums shoulder is ok at the moment thanks but she had low blood pressure around lunchtime, I got her something to eat and she said she’s feeling better now, it is worrying though
we don’t have any wheat bags right now but I will ask her if shes allowed to use them thanks 👍
Thanks about NM - no need to apologise- she’s definitely a very “difficult” character- no one carries her drink in this group though, we know her too well - Howe she’s very much a pale blue teddy bear compared with my dad though - but then most people are lol.
if there are some genuine anxiety problems going on with her that I feel I’ve not picked up on, maybe she should just wait until she’s fully ready to go out because no one is constantly going to say, “oh yes Nasty M, we’ll all willingly play musical chairs so that you can sit near the window, I just hope you don’t see poor Sleek crossing the shopping centre, as Sleek and her owner don’t really need any bad luck today” - or words to that effect 😂
The babies sound really sweet, I remember when LA was a baby he clapped when he ate granny’s special minced beef curry and said, “mm nice” lol.
yes LA will turn ok, thanks, he’s better behaved when he’s not with his naughty male cronies lol
a funny thing happened recently, mum was telling LA that a Dino lives in our dining room, it’s a large - ish toy leather dino, but mafia gangster don’t need to know that lol - and he believed her! He asked if its face was larger than his brother’s and granny said yes! My goodness, poor BR, he doesn’t have a T rex - sized face. So I think Toni, we need to inform the scientific community, mothers, grandparents, aunties and presumably the lice as well, that dinosaurs are extinct apart from in one particular Reading dining room, if you see the dinosaur amongst the dinner plates, please approach with caution and do not feed him / her a breakfast of Blearios are dinos aren’t vegetarians according to palaeontologist LA, although this may just be a strategy to hog as many breakfast Blearios as possible lol.
I didn’t go out today but thanks
ill go now as fish is being fried, its like a fried egg sandwich for the senses 🤢, I do like eggs but RR’s baguette looked greasy rich and horrible, no wonder he’s absent from time to time probably raiding the pharmacy with GI Joe what with their communal diet of chocolate, fried eggs and bananas lol, have a nice evening Toni and take care xx.
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Hi toady
how are you my amphibian friend?
I feel I’ve lost track of the toady - related messages, sorry about that
I am currently enjoying totm and mxt simultaneously
I ate an unladylike amount of vegan chocolate cake as a result - don’t tell GI Joe about that please - I bought it from “Betsy” once before a long time ago, it is of course full of (brown) sugar but last time at least I remember it didn’t upset my stomach, it’s the one vegan dessert type item that hasn’t to be honest. It’s a bit expensive but nice, too nice, I wouldn’t have had the courage to buy it if I lived alone and knew I’d be the sole cake - eater as it were.
I hope your evening is going ok toady bye for now tc xx
Ps this painting was called Le Flaneur - or La Flaneuse technically I guess - by some, it’s by Camille Pissarro and called The Little Country Maid. xx
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good night Toni toady Joan and Keef xx
just another elephant pic in honour of LA’s old pal xx
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Hi all 👋
Lovely to come in and read everyone's posts this evening after a bit of a grotty day (not a good night, especially with all that rain; and a bit more hoohah today with workmen who were/weren't/may still be coming 🤪), nothing dramatic but am not up to much this evening so will cut off to bed & hope for better tomorrow.
I left Sleek somewhat to her own devices in the kitchen frog, not un soup ah vized of course, but you are quite right she does know where everything is including the kitchen cupboard contents, so she may have been a bit creative with what went in the muffin mixture 🤔. Harvest festival been & gone, oh dear, time ticks 😱 have a good weekend and will be back anon hopefully (no the men have not been paid, never fear. I know it's hard from their side as well juggling jobs I think they are probably doing their best, ish). Love to all :) xx
Hello joan, no workmen today but I didn't really want them, it did rain quite heavily. A weekend in between will be nice. I saw the coins yesterday, they are quite pretty I suppose.. the oak leaves are a bit of a hark back to the old threepenny bit. I'd rather go back to those and silver sixpences etc., much nicer. Not very flattering of the King, are they 🤔. Have a good weekend yourselves :) xx
Hi bosh, I'm just as behind now with messages, we will have to make the best of it 😂 glad you got the nice 'agrees-with-you' cake, I would pay more too for something I reliably thought wouldn't upset me 👍️. Hope your mum has a better day tomorrow and you are as ok as poss with the totm mxt combo 😬 I will catch up properly when I'm next in 👋 thank you for finding that lovely pic 😊 xx
V pleased to hear about your blood test results keef 😊 have a good night hope the back & hip ease up. Any consolation that the oil leak is a leak after all and not 'human error' with the anti-corrosion stuff? No, probably not much 😣. Happy Fri 13th to your spooky family 😘 good skeleton; 5' 6" you say, we could share clothes, it probably takes a bigger size though 😂 xx
Love to all, night everyone 😴 xx
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Morning! I managed to communicate with Barbara yesterday all is well the only problem it her eyes but she sends us all her love and asked after everyone xxx
Hi Joan I hope you and Sue are ok? The tarmac is holding up - so far so good I think. Fingers 🤞 No I haven't seen the new coins are they lovely? I bet they are they do such a lovely job at the mint don't they? At least it's dry today. Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Keef
Oh yes that is definitely oil that is just so annoying. Can you see that mechanic again? was it Jason?
Glad to hear the Dr was happy enough with you and your bloods were all clear I was pretty scared a bit back there. Right so that hip isn't right? Physio can help though? That's good. When your hip is 'out' it can certainly affect your back too. I am sure you enjoyed your sporting activities in the past so hopefully it feels worth it? Personally I think it is sometimes just bad luck ((()))
Hope you enjoyed your meal out in spite of the extra pain it caused.
I love the Christmas Froggies! I want them all!! They look like they need a good home here with me!
Take care ((()))
Morning Reshmi I hope you aren't too bad with TOTM and MTX hangover. Hope your Mum is ok today. It is a worry but she has you to look after her at least.
Gosh yes I hadn't thought of that NM is nothing compared to BB on a bad day. You can easily cope with her. Good to know the whole group have her sussed and no special treatment is given to her. If she wants to sit by the window she should get there earlier! Ignore me I just don't like nasty people. No need for it as you say the group would know and see if there was genuine anxiety.
Babies are adorable I agree they really are so innocent and sweet (that quote you posted LA saying 'Mmmmm...nice!' is just so cute! Shame they grow up and mix with naughty mafioso boys! Still they all turn out ok in the end. Sleek, however did give the foster babies wide berth!!! Se doesn't want her tail pulled apparently!
OMG!!! I didn't know there was one (and only one) Dino (with a head bigger that BR's) left on planet earth and it's in your own dining room!! Wow!!! I think they are vegetarian so of course they can eat Blearios. I think you'd better order them form Al Fresco though because you might need more than any strong independent woman can feasibly carry on her own. Unless...🤔maybe you can borrow an elephant to help you? Loved that pic btw.
Eggs are good for you they never used to upset my stomach before O was vegan, but honestly RR must have the strongest constitution to be able to cope with his random diet🤢
I think it's dry outside so we can safely leave the house today!
Take care ((()))
Morning Toady what a day yesterday was! I needed the Ark to go and feed Lucy's cats!
My friend (the one whose wife died recently) came over here to help me with a clip I needed put in place for my Figaro's car mats yesterday. We were very lucky (Sleek probably said) to have some homemade Vegan lemon cake courtesy of a lady in the village. All because I took her elderly dog a walk and fed her on Wednesday! How kind don't you think?
Sleek brought me home a vegan blueberry muffin from yours. I believe she baked it herself. She told me she was trying to make some for when your work-persons return and to 'Fatten Arnty Todey up a bit'. Not bad I thought. I'm sure she tidied up after herself?
I hope you are recovering nicely from all the disruption sending some ((())) your way.
I am making boiled eggs and soldiers for everyone this morning vegan option is available....(lemon cake)
an idea for Loanda Keef?????
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Good morning everyone
wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) have a good weekend. Thinking of you.
Toady (()) Have a good weekend. We had a lot of rain yesterday. Go careful.
Barbara (()) have a good weekend and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) I hope you and everyone are alright (()) have a good weekend. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good weekend love to your mum (()) take care
Keef (()) That’s good news no cancer (()) I’m sorry you still have oil coming out of your bike. Hacve a good weekend. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Julie (()) have a good weekend
take care
joan xx0 -
Is it coincidence that it’s the first property cold day here and my pain levels are high??
thanks for the egg cup idea Toni. We currently have an egg cup cauldron that Loanda uses to keep cotton buds in on the bathroom shelf.
supposed to be taking bike for inspection but can’t be bothered. I also have some extra sound proofing for the ‘live’ side of the bunker where the speaker cabs are, along with all the ‘junk’ that is in storage, but just can’t get motivated to put it up today. I was surprised just how much sound spills out through the roof. I might put up some more on the walls as well.
Sucré currently refusing to change our of pj’s and is banned from bunker till he gets dressed.
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Been listening to Jeff Healey band whilst we had lunch. I am a sucker for a sad song. Lost In Your Eyes had me in tears, so much so I couldn’t eat my mince pie, and I LOVE mince pies, in fact it’s the only thing about Christmas I do like lol
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can’t remember who said it now (sorry) but today is looking like an apple crumble day.
Loanda has fitted the extra sound proofing in bunker 👍she is a diamond. Will test it out later to see if i can let rip with the valve amp and Marshall speaker. Never had a complaint, but I hate people listening if I am learning a new song. My tiny little house is detached, but it’s in a busy area and there are always people around outside, not so much in winter, but it is a price you pay for being in the High Street.
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Well i may have helped with the sound proofing just a little. I’ve absolutely done myself in. Pain everywhere. What an idiot. Laying down whilst dinner in oven.
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Hi Toni
how are you today?
mum is ok today thanks but I think she’s worried about the colonoscopy which is understandable
I am tired and a bit fed up with the cold but ok otherwise thanks
helper elephant that’s a great idea
I agree about Dinos diet, but unfortunately this one is aT Rex! How scary.
sorry I’m not reading back properly today as too tired and also cold, the problem currently is that my room is a furnace and cold room is as cold as Nasty M’s soul lol, so I’m wearing thermal socks and so on, but stil the temperature isn’t quite right.
You’re welcome about the pics
J the organiser is of course a nice lady who does a lot of exercise but her diet isn’t that great, she only eats what she finds tasty like very large amounts of cheese, I asked her if she likes to drink coconut water and she made a very surprised face and replied, “ No, I only eat and drink what’s tasty, I like coconut icing on sponge cake, but I don’t like the taste of coconut water”, oh well, whatever makes her happy lol.
I heard someone else say recently that she hates the taste of coconut water, but to be frank I don’t agree with that at all, it doesn’t taste great, but it’s fairly bland don’t you find? Nothing much to hate or love I would’ve thought, warm coconut water tastes bad in my opinion however, in the summer, when I drank it post mxt I’d always put some ice in it👍
breaking news, mum told me that LA went to Theo’s birthday party today and I don’t know all the details yet, but apparently he was so naughty that his mummy told him that unless he improves his behaviour, he’ll be banned from all future birthday parties!! Oh dear ookey behaviour indeed 😱
im wearing the thermal leggings now so that’s helping with the cold 👍
I hope you’re having a nice evening Toni keep warm and tc xx
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Hi Joan
How are you both doing today?
mum and I are are ok thanks but mums worried about her colonoscopy
have a nice evening bye tc xx
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Hi Keef
sorry you’re having a day of bad pain
I think cold definitely makes arthritis worse, it does in my case anyway, so does the damp.
I hope you have a better day tomorrow.
bye take care x
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Hi toady
how are you this unpleasantly cold day?
my dad has some cultural society summit dinner or some such rubbish today, I had to shout at him to get his winter coat, I don’t even know if he listened in the end, honestly he’s so exhausting.
you’re welcome about the pic 👍
im not too bad thanks
mums worried about her colonoscopy, she’ll have to have only fluids before it, poor lady.
LA has misbehaved in the extreme at latest birthday party!! I don’t know the details yet, but his mummy is thinking of putting in place a complete party - going ban. My goodness, it must have been bad behaviour- maybe he copied Riley and licked an entire cake - well better than licking a snail or a T - Rex I suppose lol.
im in the cold room in thermals so I won’t write a thesis
I hope you have a good night toady with no calls from the “android phone” in the stitching hour lol and take care xx
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Hi all 👋 literally just a check-in, did not sleep well last night and like you all am feeling the cold already, ugh 😱 just need to get my head down the next few days and get through this household stuff - I checked the loft after the heavy rain and there are still problems (which I knew, they weren't exactly going to have cured themselves 🙄) so am probably have to go seamlessly into having the roofman back straight after this. Sorry if I'm therefore not around as much for a day or two, if I get a burst of energy I will be in as soon as poss 😘.
Love to everyone and thank you for news of Barbara frog, she knows we're thinking of her too always 😘 xx
'night all, sorry so short, take care everyone xx
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Morning Joan how are you today? The carers too. Have they all had their COVID jabs already? Today we are off to meet up with Paul's sister and brother in law and his Brother and sister in law for lunch. Our 2/3 monthly meet ups to make sure we don't lose touch. Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Keef. Gosh you were busy yesterday weren't you? Please send Loanda up to Toady's to soundproof her walls! I am so pleased it is all successfully achieved. No-one can hear now you can play to your heart's content.
How funny was Sucré refusing to get out of his PJs?🤭Well done both of you sticking to your guns. Not easy when they are so adorable is it? So Loanda already has an egg cup cauldron? What a good, more permanent way of using it too.
You can sort the bike on a day when you feel more up to it.
I think it is 100% right about weather and pain. have I shown you this before?
I ended up listening to that Jeff Healey band song🙄 it was lovely and yes we need a large slice of apple pie.
I really hope today is easier for you. Could it be that the days without Loanda and Sucré are starting to get to you maybe?
sending extra ((()))
Morning Reshmi how are you today I am feeling ok although my stomach isn't great this morning. Probably my own fault l made a simple vegan korma last night for dinner and ate far too much😳
Does your Mum have to drink that medi-prep before her colonoscopy? I mean she's diabetic how does she keep her Blood sugar stable? I am hoping she's had some advice from the hospital. Of course she's worried I know I would be too in her shoes ((()))
The Dino in the dinning room is a T rex😮be careful Reshmi - unless he is tame?
I have to agree with you. Coconut water is actually pretty inoffensive. It tastes of very little to me. Especially cold I will try it with ice next summer. So the leader J, is another cheese monster like LA is she?!
I hope you can get comfortable in one of the rooms today. Yesterday was pretty chilly and we had trouble with our portable thermostat thingy. The batteries were going then it stopped so no heating could come on. I changed them and forgot to change the timer. So in the night it came on! I think I've sorted it now fingers crossed. Thermal leggings are a good idea that will help.
Oh dear me something happened did it? At Theo's party? Oh LA😕 That's just not good. Mummy is all powerful and you could have a life-time ban if you do not change your ways. Was it more cake licking I wonder🤔I bet it wasn't just him though. It will have been the influence of the whole mafioso gang.
Take care today I hope it's a good day for you all ((()))
Morning Toady
Oh dear me. Sleek said you were 'Eggs or stid' I thought you had an exorcist for a bit and was going to see whether Keef's Loanda could help. She (Sleek not Loanda) will be over later with some soup and some fresh bread. She has been baking here and the bread is really rather good. Not too many hairs in it at all.😉
Seriously I am so sorry about your roof. I understand these ongoing problems as you know it happens here too I hope you can get help. Please don't worry about us too much just call in for a cuppa and a rest.
Barbara does indeed know that we are all thinking of her.
Take care rest when you can and do what you have to. Love and((()))
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good morning everyone
wppl xx
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