Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,322

    Hi Joan

    how are you both today?

    mum is more or less ok today thanks

    im not too bad thanks

    my leg is slowly getting better thanks

    have a nice night tc xx

    ps funny sign lol xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 3. Oct 2023, 05:53


    Morning Joan I hope you and Sue are well today? So your neighbour is friendly enough when you go round but maybe has agoraphobia or something like that if she can't go out. That's tough. I hope your day is good. ((())) xxx Oh Lucy got a new job at a jewellers she was so unhappy at the nursery - not the children the boss.

    Morning Keef

    I have news! I have done something a bit mad - bought a fabulous personalised number plate for my Fig!!!! It's fabulous I don't know whether I should say on a public forum though, but it's perfect. I got it from another Figaro club member. Now to have some plates made up. How and where do I do that????

    That sky over Essex was rather spooky I bet it would suit Loanda perfectly.

    If ever you want any food in the small hours do just look in the fridge

    it's always full. Though your snack sounded rather lovely!

    Glad you got into the bunker. I do remember the story about Stevie Ray Vaughan that man could play the guitar couldn't he? So very sad, he wasn't the only one who died was he? Sorry it caused pain after you played on only one tramadol. That's a shame.

    Paul listens to Ken Bruce on the new channel. Popmaster was his favourite (he thinks he is very clever does Paul!!!) they used to have radio 2 on at work. He hates the adverts though with a passion🙄

    Thanks for the coffee Reshmi

    That was just what I needed - decaf with soya milk. How are you today? Glad to hear your Mum is ok if ankle deep in lava....

    Glad the jab aches are all gone for you too☺️

    Ellie! Nooooo! You cannot express your deep affection for someone by biting them😣It just doesn't work like that🙄 I bet they end up married!!!!

    BR really is delightfully inclusive though isn't he the sweetheart. Let's hope he stays that way. LA is a Mafioso Mobster these days? hope it 'just a phase'!

    You'd love the foster babies - neither of them bite yet though let's hope it stays that way.

    Oh dear a Big Babu Bathroom Battle is it? I hope you won? If not we'll see you back from India sometime soon.....?

    Take care what are your plans for the day? ((()))

    Morning Toady hope you are ok today?

    You are right about weather varying from town to town although I can usually warn Kari when it's on the way to her!

    FedX? oh yes we have trouble with one of the drivers here who has, on at least 2 occasions, chucked his paperwork down the lane!! What a mess for us to pick up😠 Glad you 'rescued' your delivery although I also have no idea how you do the signed release malarkey which would be useful for the future🤔

    That's what worries me about the birds - the migration ahead with the babies being so young! The Church must be too cosy?

    I hope some painting commences today what colour were you thinking?

    Oh dear sorry forgot about mentioning Autumn and Winter in one post😏 will try harder in future....hang did i just do it again?

    Sleekipaws is on her way to collect her kiss and tell on my for combing out two lugs yesterday night. Still I think 6 to go. They are loose, but she hates being brushed.

    Hope your day is a good one!

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Hi Toni, a personal plate for the Fig will make it feel more like yours, and also blur the age of her, both good things. I bought a private plate for Loanda’s mini when I got her that earlier this year, it has 666 in it 😈. I couldn’t be bothered with faffing around getting plates and just paid the company to do the transfer and supply the plates, but I was just being lazy because I’m sure you can do it all on line at the DVLA website.

    as far as getting the plates you can get them from any motor factors shop, I think even halfords do them but you have to be able supply proof the plate belongs on that vehicle like the V5 documentation or transfer docs. I have got bike plates from ebay before and just emailed the ebayer a photo of the V5. I have never had a private plate on my own vehicle but i used to get a slightly smaller plate on my harley because it was side mounted and the original stuck out too far.

    Fighting off a bad head again this morning but I have to go down the town as i have a very urgent birthday card to post.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,243

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) love to you and your family (()) and carers (())

    Toady (()) we have the sun shining the weather man says it will be warm on the weekend. I hope you have a good day (()) the leaves will be falling soon.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I bet you were pleased when you saw that number plate was for sale. That’s good Lucy has got a different job (()) good luck to her. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) love to you and your mum (()) you are both doing so well (())

    Keef (()) have a good day. How is your neck. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (()) have a good day.

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Hi Dachshund, head/neck is middling today thanks. Not playing guitar, but not in bed either so hopefully I’ll be playing some music this afternoon.

    How are you today?

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,322

    Good afternoon everyone

    wppl xx

    ps east London graffiti xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    I’m sure my iphone is spying on me. I keep getting emails from swiftreg now !!!

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,322

    Hi Toni

    How are you today?

    I went to the town centre today

    mum is ok at the moment thanks 🙏

    The bus took a long time to arrive but the weather was not too bad and it made a nice change, I even had a brownie, but definitely not for breakfast and as a “one - off” lol.

    LA and the rest of EF are coming on Sunday as there’s a religious cultural society thing going on and also LA planted a pumpkin seed with BB a while ago, or something like that and it’s grown into a big green pumpkin now and LA will come to reap what he sowed, oh no that phrase could inadvertently cause offence sorry, well to gather his pumpkin anyway, not yellow thankfully, otherwise toady would have to call food standards for us, lol. I’m not going to the event, too much noise and overcrowding, I’m not sure if mum is going, if she is, it won’t be for too long.

    You’re welcome to the coffee Toni 👍

    Ankle deep in lava, I like that phrase too, lol.

    Today was much better than yesterday for me thanks, mum also went out today with dad, mainly just to have a coffee outside and I think she enjoyed the change, but the problem is that it’s difficult going anywhere in dad’s company for long, as he resents it and gets extra grumpy as his favourite thing is wondering about on his own lol, looking for luminous magenta cut pumpkin pieces in the al fresco reduced veg aisle, something like that, lol.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Ellie becomes a biter of the bridal variety either haha.

    Yes LA is as naughty as BR is goodnatured these days, well generally speaking.

    Thats nice about the foster babies.

    Yesterday luckily BB wasn’t already in the bathroom, but when he is, travelling across continents is indeed easier than fighting the Big Babu- related Bathroom Battle, or Quadruple B as some call it lol, either a powerful battery or a certain 5 year old I believe- could in fact be both lol.

    So no travelling to India today, but I can’t be sure about tomorrow lol, if I do go I may fetch back Elephant Trunk Lady Baby for a visit, I think someone needs to tell LA off about shouting on the road and teddy - pinching - he’s not going to listen to mima 😂.

    I didn’t do a great deal in the town centre, mainly “minor shopping” but it was enjoyable thanks.

    Also I walked after the trip out as i sometimes do and the foot and leg pain is greatly improved thank you 🙏

    im not attempting the WR walk just yet but I’m relieved that is getting better.

    Maybe we should get ELT lady baby to bring us some dosa, what do you think?

    how is your stomach these days?

    today mine is ok, at least it seems to be, yesterday wasn’t so good but I maybe ate some wrong things

    have a nice evening and take care Toni xx

    ps pic of Edinburgh xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,602
    edited 3. Oct 2023, 19:59

    Hi all 👋 have had a stupid day full of irritations interruptions and mess-ups (some of them even my fault, hard to believe I know, but there we are).

    I also washed my hair, spurred on by Sleek being brave & good about having her knots combed out 😉, which is more than I was 😣 so all in all I am not fit company, I will just say hi & see you all tomorrow 😘 xx

    GR8 PL8 frog 😊👍️ Penelope will be thrilled. Hope everything else ok with you today. More painting prep today, maybe tomorrow 🤔 we'll see. Have a good day :) xx

    Hello joan it is definitely autumnal here today 🍂 but yes there are a few nice warmer days at the end of the week supposedly, do hope they don't take them away again 😔. Have a good day, love to both & Lexi & Pepper 🐾 xx

    Quick hi to bosh hope things ok with you & everyone - Mamma Mia 😄 that was very funny. Hope there have been no more biting incidents, as frog says, that's definitely not 'amore' haha, or is it 🤔. Sadly you're probably right that LA will pick up language very fast, pesky youngsters & their super learning brains 🤨 lucky littleys. See you soon have a good night, that was such a lovely painting you posted yesterday 😍 xx more chat tomorrow :)

    Hope you got some playing in as per the plan keef & fingers crossed head/neck keep the right side of middling for you, have a good night :) xx ps found myself looking at gothic doorknobs (part of a vague probably unwise half idea to paint an old wardrobe) I have been got at by Loanda 🦇 hope all well with family & you got your post posted. Amazing sky pics! 🌫️

    Love to everyone see you soon 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,322

    Hi Joan

    How are you both doing today?

    Thanks about mum and I, we are ok today thanks.

    The leg pain etc is getting better thanks, I went for a nice walk today 👍

    I hope you both have a nice night tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,322

    Good night toady

    I hope tomorrow is less hairy for you as it were, I do so hate having a lot of hair, enough to drive anyone to distraction, I think if I’m fortified by a sufficient amount of R Brek I could cut it for you, but I can’t guarantee that you wouldn’t end up in looking like a bald eagle as opposed to your “tawny owled self ” as it were. Tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Hi Toady, I am not glad you had a day of frustrating bits and pieces but I am glad that I am not the only one who has those type of days. Got quite a bit of playing done despite feeling bad. Had an annoying buzz through my speakers at one point which turned out to be a brand new cable which I will probably need to return to eBay, although by the time I have paid the cost of posting probably won’t be worth returning 🙄

    I love your gr8 pl8 reply. Wish I’d thought of that 😁

    hi everyone. Neck started to hurt again so off to bed. R2 blues show on catch up and 2 tram so should be asleep before I finish typ

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,322

    Hi all

    I’m not trying to confuse anyone, I’m just sending a morning post in advance in case I’m too busy tomorrow with group preparations etc, so good morning in advance or good 2 am cup of tea in advance Keef , or toady hide the mini twixes or “it’s time to put a hex on whoever invented predictive text and monolingual autocorrect” or something of that nature lol.

    ps village in northern Morocco xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203
    edited 4. Oct 2023, 04:08

    4:59 Bosh, I’m late today 😉

    Have a good day and hope group goes well x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 4. Oct 2023, 06:02

    Morning everyone

    Morning Joan I hope all is well no post from you yesterday. Good news our Wilko is reopening!!! Yippee!! I have sent the group a PM I don't know if you got it? Love to you both ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef I am glad you're late it means you hopefully slept a bit longer?

    I am certain our phones are spying on us yes they actually hear us say things I once mentioned something super-obscure and got news feeds about that very subject for days🙄 Don't trust this AI!

    Glad you managed a bit of playing yesterday at least.

    We were supposed to be going up to Yorkshire to stay with some Figgy friends Thursday night and eat out up there at a Fig restaurant, but bless them they have COVID so that's a no for now.

    Ah well such is life....

    Hope your day is good.

    Morning Reshmi Thanks for the early early-morning hello!

    Oh gosh a cultural society group 'do' That sounds a bit stressful. I hope you are not now thigh deep in lava🌋 😥

    You will do well to stay out of it, but how adorable that LA has a pumpkin to take💖 bless him. I bet BB has been telling his cronies all about it and will be so proud to show off his Grandson and his (not yellow) pumpkin!

    Are EF staying or are they coming just for the day? It will be nice to see them I hope. Little BR being sweet LA being his entertaining self. You can see Ellie marrying BR? I can hear the music already 'Here comes the Bite...'

    Pleased do get ELB to bring some dosa that sounds lovely! My stomach? Seems ok today not yesterday who knows what it will be like from day to day. I hope yours is ok?

    Well done going into town and having a brownie. That little treat (not for BIL-style breakfast) will have done you the world of good. Buses do take forever I think sometimes they miss one out and really it's teh next one you catch🙄 WR can wait for now this week is going to be busy enough with the event today.

    Hope we hear from you later but no pressure if things get too busy I hope you get some rest in amongst it all ((()))

    Morning Toady how are you? I very much hope today will be a better day for you. Sleek said she 'soup ah vized' your hairwash? Well done for that dreaded job👍️

    My bro is coming over later to help me with a little Figaro car job and the foodbank this morning so a busy day ahead for me.

    Glad you like the number plate it's perfect isn't it? ( I liked GR8 PL8!!!) I was never going to do it but there it is! I couldn't resist and Paul has treated me for Christmas (probably birthday and next Christmas too!!!!)

    Take care many ((())) for you.

    Ps did I tell you I cut my fingers on Saturday? Really badly needed two steri strips and multiple plasters to stop bleeding. So no gardening for me for the foreseeable 😔

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,243

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()). How are you I hope you are has well has can be (())

    Toady (()) How long is your hair. I hope the painting is not causing you too many problems. Have a good day love to Mr and Mrs Blackbird.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I did post yesterday. Jacky’s Daughter has been to New York and this weekend she is going on a double decker plane. Sorry you cut your finger’s (()) no washing up. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) that’s good your leg is not hurting so much (()) love to your Mum (())

    Keef (()) that was lovely photos you took of the clouds. Have a good day (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (()) i hope everything is going alright for you (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Went for blood test. It’s the bumpiest foot path in the world up to the hospital and quite uncomfortable in the chair. Was there 15 minutes early only to be told that the surgery haven’t put me on the system or done the paper forms and the phlebotomist isn’t allowed to do them so no blood test for me today.

    bit grumpy now tbh.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203
    edited 4. Oct 2023, 10:54

    OMG Toni be careful with the knives or whatever you were doing. My first aid skills are quite good thanks to my old job but I don’t wanna be using them on you please.

    Hope it’s healing up okay. 😁

    covid ruining plans again!

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,602

    Morning all 😊

    Well the landline has gone off again, even though it was working yesterday long enough for me to get a mystery call poss from the hospital which I'm not expecting and don't know what is for 🤷‍♀️ good luck to them trying again anyway, they will have to write, in a proper manner 😉.

    Also have to rearrange HAH who turned up yesterday & missed me, I hadn't seen the texts as I wasn't expecting them. either. Sorry you have been performing your own healthcare at home frog, ie first aid, yikes! Nasty 😔 hope they heal quickly fingers are the worst til they do, even a paper cut or blister in the wrong place and suddenly you can't operate properly - even compared to arthritic fingers. 🩹 Left hand I assume? Sorry to hear about your Fig friends too, oh dear, just when you think it's safe to go back in the water &c 😕 cases in my area standing at 'n/a' but hospital admissions etc up, the figures aren't anything you can go by are they. V glad you didn't visit them just the wrong side of them coming down with it. Pleased to hear about Lucy's new job, that sounds super so glad she's away from the nasty boss 👍️. Hope food bank went ok today & the Fig job worked out. Painting is progressing I have cut in a line around the ceiling & so far down just to check how any filling looks optically, can't always tell til it's covered, then it should be full steam ahead. Given that the neighbours turned up yesterday when I had got up on my ladder made one pass with the sandpaper and sung one bar of my accompanying painting playlist, the sooner it's done the better 🙄. Yes glad to have got hair done for now, Sleek made an excellent soup-ah-vizer, mainly consisting of stopping me backing out and 'maybe tomorrow'-ing 😄. Have a good afternoon 👋 :) xx

    Hello joan, the painting is not too bad I just have to be happy with the fact it's not going to be perfect, doesn't really need to be, it will still be a big improvement. One wall to go in that room once I have put everything back and can actually get at it. My hair is middle length I don't want it long particularly but it has spells of falling out (the RA or the meds or both, not sure) & I daren't cut it short if it gets worse it would be more noticeable 😬. This way I can wear it up & weave it into something like a bird's nest 😄. No sign of Mr & Mrs B or most of my birds they have obviously gone to do seasonal things of their own, we'll see if they come back as it turns colder. I had to look up what a double decker plane is. Love to both have a good afternoon :) xx

    Hi bosh, ooh you're good going into town yesterday and group today, I will have to have a walk in the next couple of days I have slacked off again 😬. Thank you for the goodnight and the lovely owl, oh if only we could have beautiful feathers instead! Problem solved. And being able to turn your head 270 degrees wouldn't go amiss either! Hope group is good and everyone ok or at least news of people. I love that LA has 'grown' a pumpkin, that's great 😍 well done he will be proud of it, I would. Glad you don't have to go to the 'thing', that's good I hope your mum will not be overly worried about that or by the EF visit side of things and you too by proxy so to speak. Have a good afternoon not much other news will have to finish painting and then it's my turn to go down the al fresco reduced veg aisle, well virtual, or pay the midnight milkman's organic fruit prices - 4 pink lady apples for 3.60, 2 ruby grapefruit for £3.85 😱 not unless nosegay suddenly skyrockets! 😂. Bye for now :) xx

    Keef am so cross about your bloods paperwork 😠 as if gearing up for this stuff isn't bad enough. So sorry. Did you have something lined up for Thurs? or was that it. I'm having to sort out meds delivery, ever since the company were taken over it's a shambles you used to go through online chat fix up delivery day, end of. Now it's anyone's guess when they actually want to come 🙄 basically because they just want to force you onto the app. Sorry about the speaker cable it was the day of the hissy speaker then, because my cheapo bluetooth one I got off ebay turns out to play through bluetooth mode fine but not usb or sd card, which is what I bought it for. Buy cheap buy twice but I never learn 😳. Thank you about GR8 PL8 haha, not original as it turns out Have a good afternoon xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,602

    p.s. frog you asked what colour paint, white! not going through all the trauma I had with hint of this and funny shade of that I had with the micro bedroom/office (Wilko paint as it happens.. interested to hear about your branch) - also for the record any talk of polyfilla was not an endorsement & is not what I use in fact.

    Did I mention the ceiling is a peculiar lemony ochrey nasty colour? 😬 sufficient unto the day, walls first, cross the ceiling when I come to it.

    Kettle on 😊☕️ xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Hi Toady, yes the cable saga continues. I was experimenting with a different amp/speaker setup and I ordered about 5 cables and then realised this morning that I still didn’t order the right one, then I went through my box of cables I had from the band days and I already had one lol. Anyway the ebay chap has kindly agreed to do a free return which is jolly decent of him.

    buy cheap buy twice indeed. Will remember that.

    blood mix up was annoying. Doc has tried to ring but i was sleeping.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,322

    hi Keef

    Im glad you got some more sleep today.

    That must be very frustrating about the blood test.

    have a good evening take care x

    ps sign by a librarian with an overactive imagination possibly lol

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Hey Reshmi, how was group?

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Took a ride over to see my two as they have an extra night away due to plans to see friends. Nannie made a lovely spagbol. Unfortunately the ride has done me in again. I just went to get some tram due to the pain and realised from my timer i’d already taken the evening pills when i was out. Lots of pain in that case. ☹️☹️☹️☹️

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,322

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    thanks about my leg

    thanks about mum

    im not too bad today thanks, just a bit tired

    mum has hurt her back, not sure how exactly, maybe the mattress

    she did some yoga but it made it worse

    im helping her a bit although she doesn’t like accepting help

    at the moment though she says her pain is a bit less

    have a nice night tc xx

    ps just a random pic I found when I looked up Zen Buddhism xx