Val's Cafe



  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    2am cuppa tea time.

    still no headache 😁

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228
    edited 11. Oct 2023, 05:17

    Morning everyone

    Morning Joan how are you and Sue? I hope you are both well? Popped in to see Tia yesterday to show her my new numberplate. She had a gorgeous dog in the pool and I had missed the cat again!!!! Still no news on Paul's Tilt test I must nag him about it. Take care and have a good day if you can ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you? Don't worry about my wrist I'm ok better be it's the foodbank today!

    I bet your Mum loved those crackers I like olives too they are good for us you're right. Not all flavours some are a bit salty you're right. Well done going into town.

    Oh dear me how do we get a certain young LA to realise that us women are equal to the male population 🤔 There must be a way....we can't have him talking down to his Auntie Mima like that can we? his head teacher female? If so maybe she could be a role model - someone in his world who is female and in charge?

    Group today I hope the weather stays dry for you. It's going to be wet here. Supposed to be walking with Kari that will be fun in the rain. I hope RR is there and on form making you smile with his wild assertions🤞

    Oh my gosh that pic is just so Nasty M🤭 hope she doesn't show up this week.

    Toady is a hat secreter? Honesty whatever next?!!!

    Take care ((()))

    No headache Keef wow! that's good news.

    Bloods done now just your Drs apt then on Friday. I am pleased maybe you are ready to see 'someone' about it. I do hope so because maybe an operation might help. I bet the blood results will be back too.

    Awww Sucré will have loved seeing his Daddy. Very good reusing a pre-loved toy like that. It doesn't matter to children does it where it came from only that they can have fun with it😊

    Your mood is going up!!!

    Plates all fitted - took your advice see pics in PM thread.

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Toady

    How are you? You rarely say. I hope just very tired because of the 'inn true daz' and that once they have left today you can and will rest properly ((()))

    Sleek is bringing Jammie dodgers over later and will be there before 8. She says she'll let herself in (she has her own key now?) and put the kettle on.

    It will be worth it Toady it will. I am very proud of you for coping so well. To make you feel positive our drive is holding up well to cars and Paul's van so far👍️

    Take care Pic of Frog/Toad don't you just love it when he puts his jumper on?

    Some breakfast

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,319

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) Have a good day. How is your pain.

    Toady (()) you will soon have the house to your self again. (()) take care.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I’m sorry Paul (()) had not heard anything about his tilt test. That’s good having the number plate fitted. The carers said yesterday they saw a Bully dog kill one of those little dogs. You are doing a good job at the food bank. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) If you spray by the front door no spiders come in. Have a good day love to your mum (())

    Keef (()) Have a good day I hope you feel a bit better today (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (()) I hope everything is alright have a good day.

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hey Toni, any pancakes left I am STARVING!!!! ???

    its been a battle against the pain day today to play some guitar music had to give up and lay down at one point coz the enthesitis felt like it was burning a hole in my back i have got a little bit done though

    unfortunately one of the brand new BMW shocks on my bike is leaking oil from the spring adjuster 🙄 luckily they have a 2 year warranty

    I was undecided when I got them whether or not to go with BMW ones or Ohlins which is the industry standard aftermarket for race bikes and as my other GS had the BMW ones and was comfy I decided BMW

    I’ve been on to the dealer who was supposed to call me back today with availability and guess what, well still time i suppose

    flippin’ bikes, always something. Still it’s only a bike, I can cope with that just about.

    It’s only done it coz it’s almost paid for now and it’s tempting me in to buy a new one

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601
    edited 11. Oct 2023, 16:10

    Hi all 👋

    They Think It's All Over, only no it isn't; called off for rain 🙄 which was forecast as a certainty yesterday, so one could argue I didn't need to get up early again and then be told this 🤨. Ah well, I had a shocking night's sleep, and as it's my biologics day and it also turns out they wouldn't have been done in part of a day, then it does give me a break til what I presume will now be after weekend. Discretion forbids me to tell what Sleek and I have been up to instead of making builders' tea & generally getting in a flap, but it may have involved watching 👁️player, eating the jammie dodgers ourselves, & possibly a mid-morning nap. This all counts as working hard & helping however, so if she that's what she tells you, it's perfectly true 😽. Hope all's well with you, did you get rained on this morning with Kari? It actually cleared up quite nicely here after an early burst. How are the steri strips? Never used them so I wouldn't have any idea really, but in my mind's eye they would maybe 'wear' off? 🤔 or not, hope you came up with the best option. Plates looking good! 😀 even if you can't do figures of 8 on the drive yet, and well done on the Golden Ticket! Super 😊 new plates and a prize, Penelope will be preening. No more news, won't be firing on all cylinders til this is done, but yes I'm doing ok thank you, (give or take the usuals; tiredness to one degree or other etc), usually too superstitious to talk about the nuts & bolts of how I am, they were happy enough at last rheum appt that will do touch wood, ta for asking. Super frog jumper yes, should I relearn to knit myself a stripey one? I know I can come to you for the sewing-up 😄. Hope foodbank went well, have a good evening :) xx

    Hello joan, no house to myself yet, sigh 😔 will be a while as they now have to come back next week. At least I will have a tidy house after this as I kept doing chores to pass the time while they were here haha. Bit dull & drizzly today nowhere near as wet as they said, mainly I'm grateful to have had such a good dry day yesterday, when it's not what you expect for mid Oct really. Have a good day tomorrow :) xx

    'Lo bosh 👋 hope you've been having an ok day and a good walk to group and/or any shopping or cups of tea you may have had if at all. Plenty of hair grips but it's mostly calmed down here maybe it has for you too. Just wet 🙄 and still will be hanging about for workmen next week. I am definitely somewhat Rich Tea'd after yesterday; I love appropriating biscuits for tiredness metaphors, something Humpty Dumpty would have approved of 😀😄. Hope family ok today. You surprise me that broadminded little BR is sticking up for gendered clothing 👚. It reminded me of this, about Dave Hill of Slade & his stage clothes "It all started when I bought a woman’s blouse, actually. It was bright yellow. I’d wear this for a laugh. Of course the band [said]: “You can’t possibly wear that!”. I went onstage and all these people were smiling at me.This bloke said: “Eh Dave, that’s a great shirt you wore tonight. Where’d you buy that?” I said: “It’s not a shirt. It’s a woman’s blouse!" Shirt, blouse, it's just bits of fabric really 🤷‍♀️. I did get to sleep before the stitching hour last night thank you but it sort of went downhill after that, woke up a couple of times and then at half 5 and my phone told me it was 22:44 😮 no idea. Nearly as ookey as your 'not sure what time it is' nap, hope you have not had any more of those or squashing your face into the pillow. Interesting about Baudelaire btw thank you, v educational 😊. Have a good evening :) xx

    Hi keef, sorry about the BMW shocks, there is as you say always something 🙄. Hope they did get back to you.. or maybe tomorrow.. eventually.. same here waiting on workmen. Glad you had fun with Sucré and the garage anyway, bet you get better service there. Did you read about the guy whose electric car did a 'Speed' on him and trapped him in it at 30mph? I would love a self-driving car in theory but in reality 🤔 I think not. Have a good evening v good luck for Fri appt in case I forget 👋 xx

    Love to everyone & hope @Jewels1973 is managing xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,319

    Hi Joan

    hope you’re both well today?

    thanks about the spiders I’ll try that 🙏

    have a good night tc xx

    hi Keef

    sorry haven’t had time to read posts properly today

    but I hope you have a good night tc x

    hi toady

    sorry about the shocking night’s sleep

    everything more or less ok here thanks

    mum is ok

    I went to the group which was good thanks

    had a nap in cold spare room with thermal leggings on 👍

    To be fair BR’s mum likes her gender normative - or whatever the current term is lol - colours of clothing etc - oh well never mind I guess haha.

    sorry for short message - have a good night tc xx

    hi Toni

    how are you today?

    I’m glad you’re feeling better

    my foot was hurting a bit but not quite as bad as previously- you’re right, damp makes it worse sometimes

    yes LA may need a role model I will put my thinking cap on as it were 👍👍

    Mum is ok thanks

    RR was there but was busy stuffing his face

    NM said hi - how magnanimous!

    hope the food bank went ok?

    a little poem I wrote first thing this morning thanks

    Poem for VC called Morning in Mima’s “Wonderland”

    So Morning has come around again 

    Physical sluggishness is the curse of both arthritic women and men 

    I search my pillow for lice, but they have speedily emigrated 

    I consume healthy, porridge and water until my stomach is sated 

    Thankfully I’m awake before the family start it’s bickering 

    And I calmly drink tea (or coffee) without worrying about seating arrangements or nasty M’s snickering.

    Have a good night Toni i should have time to write proper messages tomorrow tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hey everyone, it’s raining 😳

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Oops, meant to type a bit more than that lol.

    off to bed. My little family are all back safe. Sucré near enough flooded the bathroom at bath time.

    ive just got the faintest headache starting so hopefully some sleep will stifle it.

    hope you all okay. Reshmi did i see it was group today? Was Miss Bossy there?

    catcha all tomorrow you lovely people. x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228
    edited 12. Oct 2023, 05:45

    Morning Joan. That's terrible if the dog wasn't on a lead no dog should ever be off a lead. That dog who attacked Pepper wasn't a bully though was it? Thanks about Penelope's new plates. I am really pleased. Have agood day love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef Plenty of pancakes available

    I hope the sleep stopped your headache in its tracks? You've done so well lately.

    I'm so glad the family are home😊 Bless Sucré nearly flooding the bathroom! Why not you're only little for such a short time.

    Oh dear not good about the bike springing a leak. Did they ring you back? I hope so. Right so all paid for nearly....what were you thinking of doing with it next then? It's the same with cars always something, but in a sense that's part of the fun of them. I think I would have gone with the BMW ones too being more comfortable.

    Any plans for the day with Sucré and Loanda? Pumpkin picking maybe?

    Morning Reshmi how are you and your Mum of course? I do hope your foot has eased a bit in the warm damp and cold really do make things worse don't they🙄

    We need to think of lots of positive intelligent successful female role models for LA....I'll start with the women in his family You, your Mum and of course his own Mum who is very successful isn't she more so than BIL??

    Nasty M said Hi! Woweeeee! I am sure you politely replied. I don't know how you put up with her. RR looked ok? Eating is normal for him so that sounded reassuring.

    Great poem as usual.

    I hope today is a good day and you get that little bit of time alone to drink your drink in peace. Take care ((()))

    Morning Toady I am the same usually say I'm fine unless things are pretty dire. Everyone is pleased with me too even if I'm not!!!! Keep on going I think. That's my plan anyway.

    I wouldn't be happy a reprieve maybe but it's there lurking they will be back probably next week🙄

    It was fairly obvious Sleek had enjoyed herself she had biscuit crumbs all round her mouth and her fur was all stuck up like she'd been asleep.... I also think she must have left her reading glasses at yours? She's wearing her old ones here now

    Incredibly busy at the foodbank in spite of the weather yesterday. Yes Kari and I did get soaked then the sun came out! Then it rained all day but not too badly.

    Thanks Penelope is indeed preening! Get her. I have sent off to the Fig club for a valuation because after the paint job should there (Heaven forbid) be an accident I would not get enough to replace to the standard we have now.

    Yes knit a striped jumper! I will happily sew it up for you🤣 I might buy myself a stripey on one January the 1st! I actually can't wait. Would you believe another two pairs of knickers have holes in now?😕 Best not to get run over this side of January...

    Hope it is drier today have a good one.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Headache back. ☹️

    not too bad atm. I’ll try some neck stretches.


  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,319

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) have a good day and your carers (())

    Toady (()) I’m sorry about it raining and the workmen have to come back next week. Have a good day if you can (())

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) how is your finger (()) Jacky’s daughter’s flight on the double decker was cancelled. Have a good day (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (())

    Keef (()) sorry about your bike having an oil leak. Have a good day if you can love to Surc’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (()) thinking about you (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601

    Hi all 👋

    Feels like Saturday 🤔 but then I would be a bit all over the place. Workmen texted today that they will be with me in the morning, which is forecast to be just as wet a day as the one they turned down 🤨🤨 so I quoted back at them that they said they wanted a nice dry day and anyway hard lines I can't do tomorrow. Not in so many words. Well you have to draw the line somewhere, just would suit them to fit me in I assume. No doubt it'll be a freak lovely day tomorrow now and awful all next week 😄 ugh. Yes it will be lurking as you put it for a while yet frog but one day🤞. Not doing much today except for a bit of housework, I know I've reached peak untidy in the kitchen when I start standing the tea caddy on the toaster as there's nowhere else 😂. Might do some baking tomorrow when I've cleared up so could Sleek bring her pinny please? 😊 she can pick up her specs 😄. Hope all's well today at yours, good luck with the increased fig valuation, and yes don't get run over 😬 I wondered if making your own clothes is acceptable under the 'rules', but underwear would probably be for the more advanced dressmaker! Have a good afternoon, is there any upcoming village business, harvest festivals etc I assume 🍎 :) xx

    Hello joan, never mind about the workmen I'd certainly rather they were working in the dry and concentrating 😬. I'm all out of sequence with my replies sorry, you asked if I had other walls to paint, yes one more in that room but a shorter wall so I will panic less about the paint drying too quickly 👍️. Hope you & Sue are having a good day and that it won't be too wet for you for town if you go tomorrow :) xx

    Hi bosh hope your day is going ok, will probably catch up with you later 👍️. I suppose it's quite good that HM said hi to you, perhaps she's thawing? 🤔 Glad your mum is ok at the moment, hope any naps you have had were good ones, I had a better night's sleep so I'm a bit more with it today. Have a good afternoon 👋 :) xx

    Hope the neck stretching is working keef and things are otherwise as ok as poss, not awash in bathwater or suchlike. Any apple crumble in the offing? have a good afternoon :) xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,319

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    thanks about mum and I

    im ok thanks 🙏

    but mum has shoulder ache again unfortunately

    have a good afternoon tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    I went for a ride to see mum, in the rain. I don’t mind the rain. You have to be really smooth and plan your lines when the grip is limited. Modern tyres help a lot too.

    Jacob, the best bike mechanic i have ever known outside the police garages asked me to clean the oil off the shock adjuster and take bike in, which i did. No leak now, at all, whatsoever. I use an anti corrosion spray, which neutralises road salt and nasty stuff like that. Wash bike. Spray stuff, wipe off. Looks like i perhaps, maybe, slightly possibly, may have not got the wipe off bit absolutely spot on 🎃

    so anyway keep an eye on it and if there really is a leak, then it will come back.

    as far as the head, I thought my head was gonna explode when i got home. I laid down and did some fairly aggressive stretches and cracked neck once, and it’s all but gone, but it’s a pretty dangerous way of doing it after the advice from my osteo, but anyway i was desperate and it worked. I don’t want to be laying in bed when Sucré is home.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,319

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    nice pics

    I’m not too bad thanks other than totm, so a bit tired atm

    mum has shoulder ache again unfortunately but she only told me after i grilled her about it

    you’re right, she’s so fiercely independent that sometimes it’s hard to discover the truth and to help her, she even did the laundry without me knowing otherwise i would of course have done the whole thing myself 🤷‍♀️

    well she’s resting now so that’s good

    yesterday I did something which I haven’t done for a long time, I got chip shop chips, but with no vinegar mainly as mum can’t have too much vinegar, but it wasn’t too evil as we all shared one portion, tasted so nice though, prices seem to have increased however, if I’d got fish I may have had to sell LA’s Lego collection to finance it lol, only joking of course, please don’t tell him, I don’t want the mafia after me requesting dessert lol, I’ve not made tiramisu before haha.

    Yes nasty M said hi and I of course reciprocated, but I didn’t want to go into a massive chat about how she seems to never wear the same clothes twice or whatever lol, but luckily a lady called Tina was there, who is quite friendly so we chatted a bit about covid jabs and this and that with nasty M in the middle wearing a very glamorous top that might have been more suitable for that mafia aunties’ awards dinner or some similar prestigious event lol, that I did not comment on 😂.

    LA does indeed have a headmistress, he likes her and obeys her but isn’t really directly involved with her much unfortunately, thanks for saying I’m one of the role models etc and yes my sis is more intelligent and qualified than bill, she also of course is doing well professionally although bill earns a bit more, so yes good female role models all round, although though now I think about it he’s really looking down on everyone these days lol, but I’m sure he’ll grow out of his mafia - influenced ways given time 👍

    RR was eating some kind of hideous fried egg baguette, it make my stomach ache just looking at it ookey

    he seemed in good spirits to me

    not sure if I’ve answered all points but I’ve tried

    i hope you are having a nice afternoon/ evening Toni tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,319

    Hi toady

    peak untidy - I like that expression lol

    i didn’t have any time loss naps thanks lol

    otherwise I might have to ask the littley mafia gang for a spare tardis and even if I were to pay for it by cooking homemade pizzas, all the cheese in the world won’t erase the taste of the missing oregano that “Larco” stole from the spice rack as Shakespeare used to say, according to W***pedia anyway haha.

    glad you had a better sleep

    nothing much happening here really either other than poor mums shoulder ache is back

    totm for me so tired, but not in as much pain as some months thanks 👍

    although that can of course change at any moment

    eye is starting to heal thanks 🙏

    I was slightly worried that if certain parts of it got a bit more swollen it might look as of nasty M had punched me in the face lol

    Nasty M was with a lady called Tina who mainly goes to the other group, who is polite friendly and jolly, so I think T is a good influence, as opposed to NM having been left out of the freezer and on the kitchen table too long or something similar lol.

    Its good you’re controlling the builders 👍

    I hope you’re having a good evening toady tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,319

    Hi Keef

    how are you?

    im glad that the physio stretches help

    i know what you mean, sometimes the painful stretches do help

    yes nasty M was there but her friend was a good influence so she condescended to say “hi” - lol.

    have a good evening tc x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,319

    Hi again Toni

    I forgot to mention that yesterday I had a controlled amount of Fruit Bastilles as I call them lol, sorry to bring back those memories of the French Revolution Marie Antoinette lol, and found that they are vegan friendly these days, which is good to know haha.

    Bye for now tc xx

    ps some appropriate art

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Excuse the mess. This chap turned up today.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    And yes it is full size. About 5’6”

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,319

    Good night everyone

    heavy rain weather warning tomorrow in southeast anyway so be careful, stay home and enjoy some cake - dresses - no calories or calorific temptations lol, toady is sewing 🧵 tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228

    Morning everyone

    Morning Joan are you and Sue venturing into town today? It's raining here but quite a bit warmer and I suppose we don't get rusty in the rain do we? What a shame Jacky's daughter didn't get a trip on the double decker plane. Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef how is your head? A few gentle neck stretches is good, but gosh aggressive ones sounds risky. I do understand though that you want to enjoy your time with your boy. GOOD LUCK today at the Drs will be with you 'in your pocket' as we used to say on the forum years ago🤞

    There's an orange pumpkin skelly in your house! A skellINGton should I say!!! Love him!

    Maybe it was excess use of anti corrosion spray on the bike? Maybe....time will tell good that a mechanic you trust is happy with it anyway.

    Was your Mum ok? No more falls? Very careful steady riding in this weather yes I can see why. I went out in the Fig too and picked lucy up from hers to come play with me and the foster babies yesterday afternoon.

    There had been a bad accident on the M6 (3 trucks) so all sorts had blocked the roads so off I went on the sneaky back roads. No problem 😉

    Hi Reshmi I hope you are well today and your Mum of course too. I am find as well until know why🙄

    I am sorry about your Mum's shoulder. She is fiercely independant but there isn't much you can do really. will she let you warm her up a wheatbag to put on her shoulder? If she hasn't got one already that is her Christmas present sorted. She probably is denial that she is getting older. I think we all are except littleys like LA and BR and Sucré.

    I do also have fruit Bastilles I quite like the red packets. I take them on journeys and an emergency one often on walks in case I need a drink. Isn't it great that they are now vegan?

    Good for you rising above NM's behaviour and chatting to Tina. That is excellent 😉 She should see for herself how lovely you are. Blimey she spends a lot on clothes maybe she thinks she's 'too good' for the group - RR's fried egg baguette won't have helped will it?🤢. Does she not realise mental health affects anyone of any status mafioso or otherwise?!🙄We don't all have people to wait on us bring us our chairs and cups of tea. Bad Toni stop it now!!🤭

    A well maybe the headmistress, being somewhat aloof from teh children is a good thing. LA will respect that distant powerful figure. Exactly he has lots of great strong women role models in his life. Maybe you're right is a phase. He is s lovely boy and will turn out well with you all around him. So funny too!

    We had the babies here yesterday they were adorable. One is just sitting up and adoring clapping games and row the boat that sort of thing.

    Hope your day is a good one. If you go for a walk hat and brolley required.

    Morning Toady

    Sleek is ready and waiting

    she absolutely adores baking just shakes her off outside afterwards will you? She also is pretty helpful with housework I expect by now she knows where everything is. Please do remind her to pick up her specs. She can't read so well with her old ones.

    She's after one of those dresses Bosh posted pics of yesterday now🙄

    Erm yes not over-impressed at the work-persons attitude either you've had enough for one week. They'll be back (you haven't paid them yet have you?) and at a time which suits you a bit better.

    I've definitely been doing 'repairs' which is ok under the rules but draw the line at getting my Mum's sewing machine out. That's if i can even remember where I put it! Chundies would be tricky too don't you think?🤔I'll just have to keep on top of the washing.

    Harvest service has been and gone (more food for the foodbank) but we are doing an 'Advent' event soon a bit of a crafty thing book sale etc.....

    I hope it's an ok day and you get the kitchen clean and get baking. Please bring anything to the café later😋

    Breakfast anyone?

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,319

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx