Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Keef

    BR is only 2 years old, he remembers his holiday in Portugal and has decided it’s better than nursery lol.

    Portugal sounds nice, also went there a long time ago on a family holiday but can’t remember it too well.

    sorry it’s a bad day for you pain wise hope you have an okay evening take care x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Toni

    how are you this evening?

    yes I slept a lot better last night thanks and also had a nap post - walk, the walk was difficult this morning and I felt a little breathless afterwards but recovered fully after the nap thanks 👍

    how is Lucy feeling now?

    EF minus bill were meant to come on Saturday for overnight visit but LA has a fever unfortunately, so visit will depend on his health 😔

    apparently LA wasn’t really banned from football for naughtiness at all! my sis discovered he’d made the whole thing up, he was pretending he was Lorenzo! The whole sports - banning incident happened to L and LA saw fit to assume his identity as a little prank he played on his mummy lol, that cheeky monkey 🙈.

    To be honest yesterday and earlier on today I was eating and drinking any rubbish I could find to deal with the stress / tiredness, poor mum she said she was so happy when the nurse gave her some tea and biscuits after the 24 hour fast, bless her.

    I hope you have a restful night Toni take care xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Hi all - still awol technically while I recover from this week and gear up for what's next, greatly assisted by a few hundred buckets of rain this evening and one of my mobiles dying, taking my ability to get into certain apps and paypal etc with it 😫 argh.

    So just a quick hi, love to frog & family and hope Lucy is ok and maybe it will not be 'it' 😔🤞bad timing, not that there's such a thing as good timing. Yes Monty Don's garden as a specialist subject, that's a bit more like it 😄 I got 4 questions right by luck and earned 4p 😂 xx

    Thank you joan, the roof people will be partly a matter of how quick they can be and how soon I can be ready to face them 😬 not keen on having anyone indoors will just have to shove them quickly up the loft, keep well away from them & wear mask. Have a good night, love to both xx

    Bosh that tale of LA is secretly very amusing, what a little machiavelli 😉. Glad HV coping ok, all hail tea & biscuits yesterday for coming to your poor mum's rescue & gluco-zade for helping you today 👍️ have a good night. Oh talking of biscuits I love jammie biscuit bunny so much 😍 just adorable, that could almost make me feel kindly disposed towards jumpers haha. And I've been looking again at that lovely moonlit pic where all the water is where it should be, in the sea, not falling on my roof 😬 xx

    Hope family all keep 'vid-free keef and may you have a day of less pain & grumpiness tomorrow. xx

    'night all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Thanks toady

    you almost felt like wearing a jumper, my goodness lol

    sorry about tech and roof problems

    i hope you have an ok night

    good night toady and everyone take care xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228
    edited 20. Oct 2023, 05:47

    Morning Joan. Yes my friend was probably saved by those dogs you know. Without them she would have had nothing to live for and that's the truth. Lovely little things they are. Hope you and Sue are ok. Are you braving town today? It's raining here ((())) xxx

    Gosh look at that frog flaunting itself on the front of Frogue Reshmi🤣

    I'm so glad that your Mum is ok that is really all that matters bless her. I bet a cup of tea an dbiscuits never tasted so good😊

    Your sister must be so upset about Lorenzno-Mafioso and his influence on her boy. Well you all must be. Good job i suppose that sensible adults are intervening around him. Hopefully the loss of things he enjoys will make him think again. Right so it was LA playing a trick all along????😮 Kids!!! That boy is too bright for his own good!!!! I am sorry he has a temperature though and hope he gets well soon.

    It's time you saw them all what a shame they can't come.

    At least BR's protest was understandable! In this weather I will come with him!✈️

    Lucy was not offended at all. She quite understands. Her COVID test was negative thank goodness even though she is quite rough. We have to make her hot lemon with lemon juice honey and soluble paracetamol because the real stuff interferes with her epilepsy meds.

    Thanks for asking she is still rough but benefited from a day in bed yesterday. Back at work today.

    Did you win the battle of the Bathroom? I hope you don't feel light headed today after your walk. Hopefully it was just the stress of the day before.

    Is Toady licking all the Jammie dodgers??🤣

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Keef how are you today? I hope a bit less 'grumpy' as you put it. Did Anda find anything of interest in the supermarket?

    I hope you got some sleep and your pain is under some sort of control.

    Little Sucré is probably proving a good distraction at least.

    Have a coffee

    Morning Toady

    Did you see our 🎭 puss is trying different doors in the hope it isn't raining that side😹 She says she's coming to see you later as she's 'board' here. I hope you haven't licked all of the jammie dodgers?

    I have got all lugs out of her fur by the way, every one😊 and her new brush has arrived. At least it will keep them away now.

    Oh dear your poor little phone. You must buy a new (old) one asap😣

    Lucy did not have COVID!!! I am pretty certain too as she clearly had plenty of whatever virus she has yesterday. Enough to trigger two pink lines not one, but all clear. Thanks for asking.

    Well I'd better get something done. Hair-cut for me today🙄 woe woe. Sleek is snickering

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi everyone

    wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope you are alright. Take care (()) love to the carers (())

    Toady (()) sorry about your phone (()) I know how you feel about people coming into your house. You want them to come and go has quick has they can. Have a good day

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) That’s good to know that Lucy (()) hasn’t got Covid. Yes your friend is doing well (()) the little dogs saved her life. People do not realise what good an animal can do to help they stop you being lonely and they are some thing to love and care for. I hope you have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I bet your mum was smiling when she had the tea and biscuits (()) and you feel relieved has well (()) have a good day take care all.

    Keef (()) How are you today (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (()) have a good day.

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hi everyone. Clear head but lots of pain today. Staying local today so we’ve done library and greggs and Sucré has just ‘helped’ me make an apple crumble although I am on a very short fuse atm and he did end up winding me up, but it’s in the oven so all well.

    I think my enthesitis pain has over taken my osteo pain now, I seem to have it everywhere. Back to docs next week I thinks.

    Loanda like the pumpkins Reshmi.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317
    edited 20. Oct 2023, 14:59

    Hi Toni toady Joan and Keef

    how are you all today?

    sorry to hear about your Enthesitis Keef

    Hi Joan

    Thanks about mum, yes she was even smiling when talking about the tea etc

    hi again Toni

    how are you on mxt Friday🤢?

    I had mine a bit early due to cleaners etc, but starting to feel a bit ookey again now

    yes LA seems to be making up all sort of things lol

    BR said, “We just eat chicken, chicken, chicken!” Lol, just don’t mention tuna to your mother please BR.

    the EF are still coming, LA has recovered

    Lorenzo is seeing school counsellor.

    oh my goodness Toni, the EF visit, my foot and leg still hurt a bit, I hope I don’t fall

    hi toady

    how are tech and roof related matters today?

    bye for now everyone tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Hi all 👋 just a quick waterlogged wave 🌧️

    That night was a bit cruel, just rained solidly, was constantly torn between trying to block out the noise & get some sleep, & daring not to in case I heard ominous drips and ought to be awake 🙄. How is your roof frog, I would think if anything would test yours it would be that, unless you were in a dry 'pocket'. It did deign to stop for 5 mins here & there but it's off again now 😕. Lovely day for a haircut 😱 and yes I'm sure Sleek jolly well was snickering, and with good cause, after all she's been through on the wrong end of a comb 😄. Glad Lucy is a bit better though it sounded nasty 😔 hope she's over it enough to have not felt too horrid at work. Yes you know me, I will probably be poking about in the cheapo nosegay outmoded phones dept again 😂 false economy & asking for trouble no doubt but I don't want just one good one, eggs in one basket etc. Love to all, have a good weekend :) xx

    Hello joan, hope it wasn't too nasty where you are. Have left the roof man a message will chase him up Monday, expect he will be busy with all the other silly fools that have left their repairs til bad weather 🙄. Yes fingers crossed they can be in & out quickly, once they've had a quick look in loft to help diagnose problem I should be able to poke them outdoors again asap. Have a good weekend :) xx

    Hi bosh, my tech problem took all morning involved a million chatbots, live chats, reinstalling stuff, fetching code numbers, verifying myself, loggings in, secret pass codes and on & on 😱. All that to get into paypal, it's like a modern day jason & the argonauts or whoever it was & the labyrinth, only worse, they didn't know when they were well off 😂. The roof will have to hang on til I get someone in now, it was plinking in the attic a bit & the gutters weren't that happy because it was such an awful night, but I'm just thankful I'm not in Scotland wrapped in a blanket in a school sports hall or something 😱 poor people. EF are back on then I see 😬 oh dear, still Saturday I assume, I hope everyone is definitely well enough. Good luck with it & hope mxt hangover not too bad. Beautiful pics 😍 would swap places with that little squirrel, what more could you want, never mind silly influencers & lifestyle trappings &c. Have a good night as poss see you soon :) xx

    Hope things not too bad with you this evening keef and your head stays clear🤞sorry pain mucking you about though 😕 hope it settles. Apple crumble leftovers welcome, I confess to having had a shop bought one in the freezer for weeks and I haven't even had the energy to cook that, so any cookery on a not brilliant day is an achievement if you ask me 👍️ xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201
    edited 20. Oct 2023, 18:36

    Oh Crikey Toady, I never even made the connection between the weather last night and how you must be nervously hoping the roof was okay. I am the same with the bunker as I’ve had one or two minor drips in the new side that was done during lockdown. Now when we have rain like last night I am always a little wary, there are a lot of expensive speakers in that side. But that is only painted felt roof, not like a proper house so if you survived last night, which after all was a really proper test, I think you can rest safely that it’s all okay. It was horrendous here at one point but I resisted the urge to go and check mainly coz I would have been soaked.

    i did Chinese chicken dishes tonight with mushroom stir fry and noodles and rice. Actually got Sucré to eat some even though he kept asking for apple crumble. In fact he is the only one that had any crumble.

    anything savoury has to be liberally dowsed in mayonnaise or ketchup and now his latest one is soy sauce. I’m sure if I had chilli sauce on my food he would say he likes it too.

    funny story, i reached for the light pull in the bathroom the same moment as Loanda’s hand came around the door frame searching for it this morning and our hands touched and she joking said ‘Oooh did you feel the electricity pass between us, there is still a spark in our relationship!’ And i replied ‘No, I’ve got my Tenns machine turned up too high!!!’ We laughed for ages.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Have to be quick for crumble left overs, if I have a restless night it will all be gone by the morning Toady.

    I feel really bad if I don’t manage to cook dinner for my two. I get myself through by telling myself i have 3 days to recover. We do resort to take out some times and we have the best kebab house fish and chip shop and pizza place all rolled into one at the end of our alleyway from the high street. If I’m bad he even brings it to the door. And Sucré loves their chips, no one else gets a look in lol.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Thanks keef, unfortunately it's not a case at this stage of 'will it come in', it's more how much, & is it anywhere it wasn't doing before 🙄. It just needs sorting, the annoyance is this was one of my done & dusted jobs but I suspect it was never the right fix, rather than it's reoccurred. Gah. Water in is just horrible and like you say about your bunker + equipment, once you are unsettled, you kind of stay unsettled - it'll take a lot for me to sleep 100% easy even after any work. Don't blame you not going out for a recce, I was up the loft with a flashlight at dawn (well, my version of 😉) that was bad enough. Glad you didn't have any in especially if you were messing about with electricity in the bathroom 😱😄. Interesting about Sucré and his will eat savoury (if drowned in mayo) type tastes, he always seems happy with vegetables unlike some, was there ever a veg he hated or was he always ok. Can't remember when I last had chip shop chips! Ta for crumble - can supply own custard :) xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    He’s always been okay with veg. Boiled broccoli and roasted carrots are his favourites. I have to cut the carrots lengthwise though and he likes it if I pick a long one up off my plate and make out it’s alive before I eat it, has him in fits of giggles and he then eats all of his, but he insists on using his fork.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228
    edited 21. Oct 2023, 05:40

    anyone fancy helping me start on an ark?

    Morning Joan how are you doing today? Lucy has turned the corner now and is feeling quite a bit better bless her. I have to agree with you about those yorkies - they saved my friend's life for sure. She would have gone under otherwise. Those little faces trusting her and loving her dragged her through. Take care ((())) XXX

    Morning Reshmi How's the hangover? I am o....k.... well I'll survive anyway. Long day ahead as there's a quiz tonight at the community centre.

    Wonderful to hear your Mum was actually smiling yesterday. It's all been quite traumatic for her.

    I am pleased that LA is so much better and they can come. You must miss them, but will need to be very very careful not to trip you are all ready in trouble with your leg.

    Maybe there will be a chance to talk to him about his 'friend' Lorenzo. I would be interested to hear how he feels about his miscreant schoolmate. I am sure he is being influenced by L and given time to think knows half of what L does is wrong. Good job L is getting some help - I bet his mummy is lovely and very worried too.

    You'd better have some chicken and some cheese ready!

    Have a lovely day, but take care ((()))

    Morning Keef

    An apple crumble is ready???? I bet you've used best butter too? Sucré will grow up into a very useful man if he can bake! I bet it's all gone now though😕

    Well done staying local. I love greggs vegan sausage rolls. yum😋. Did you know they donate left over food to the foodbank at the end of every day here? Isn't that lovely.

    I'm sorry to say I must agree you need to get to the Drs and get some effective treatment. Maybe see a specialist now. You've been patient long enough.

    So good Sucré loves veggies and you know, if you feel rough tonight, have chips from the chippy! Why not? Once in a while it does no harm at all.

    Love your light switch encounter! You two are hot stuff!😅

    I hope teh bunker was watertight? We have two potential leaks one in teh kitchen between the extension roof and the old one and this side door, by me now, all depends on the wind direction.

    Take it easy today ((()))

    Morning Toady

    Yes what a day for the hairdresser's it didn't stop all day long not at all nor has it stopped yet, but looks gentler? No water ingress here. I think we need the wind to blow a certain way maybe so feeling quite lucky. I hope you are still watertight too? Sleek was funny - kept trying different doors and finding it raining there too🤣

    I am not complaining though 3 people have lost their lives so I am very grateful.

    I get my mobiles from nosegay too in general. The one before last is what I get. For two reasons: 1, they are stupid money new and 2, its much better for the environment. Old cars old phones, much better keep 'em going as long as you can.

    Sleek's new brush has arrived and seems quite good. She was actually purring yesterday when I brushed her! That was the cutest cat snickering picture yesterday wasn't it?

    I don't think I will be planting any lettuce in my greenhouse any time soon Monty! Really when did he film that?🤔 It's rained here 3 days running!

    Hopefully you got some sleep last night. I think we are ok. The rain is supposed to gradually ease off. Sleek will be over to yours later. Her mackintosh and sou'wester are on the radiator. Galoshes by the back door.

    Take care

    Ps got some great vegan bacon here. La Vie yummmmmy! They had it as the Vegan food festival and I found it in Sainsbury's (the only place currently selling my vegan butter).

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Toni

    how are you?

    EF not coming as LA has fever again unfortunately

    bye 👋 for now tc xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good Morning Everyone

    Kitty (()) have a good weekend take care.

    Toady (()) That’s good your roof has not leaked with all the rain we’ve had. Have a good weekend (())

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) have a good weekend. Love to your son (()) Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) That’s good Lucy’s feeling better (()) That’s good Greg’s give the left over food to the food bank. Good luck at the quiz to night. Have a good weekend. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) It’s nice your mum (()) is smiling again (()) have a good weekend.

    Keef (()) when I was small I used to drink vinegar. Have a good weekend love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (()) Have a good weekend

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Morning all.

    Yes Toni, absolutely the best butter, Lurpak, was going with Anchor coz of Johnny’s advert but they didn’t have any.

    Chilling in front of youtube music with a fresh hot brew this morning. Sucré refusing to get dressed again (Paw Patrol pj’s) so is banned from bunker until he surrenders.

    We listened to Peter and the Wolf again Thursday. We were sitting at the piano when he asked so I played the first few bars of Peter’s theme, and as I reached to open iTunes he played Grandpa’s theme almost note perfect. I was amazed. He has only heard it twice.

    Bunker watertight so far 🤞thanks.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Dachshund, vinegar??? Don’t go giving him ideas now!!!!

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    im not feeling too bad thanks, just a bit of a sore throat

    thanks about mum, yes it was so nice to see her smile again 🙏

    the nurses and doctor said she was a lovely patient and was free to come for a colonoscopy any time, my mum said that that was very kind but she wasn’t really so fond of colonoscopies that she’d come for one anytime, at least not voluntarily lol.

    have a nice afternoon bye tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Might have posted this one already but song of the day is Heroes (yes The Bowie song) by Andy Timmons. The full length version has a wonderful guitar solo at the end. Imho it is as good as the master himself, I would say better but my sister would lynch me.

    i just laying down to rest my back before i do dinner and played it and remembered how awesome it is and thought I’d share.

    Andy Timmons was amongst many other things the touring guitarist for Olivia Newton John.

    i only found out about him fairly recently and he is probably the most virtuoso guitarist I follow now. Very technically skilled but also plays with wonderful feeling and the two don’t often go together.

    sorry i am rambling again, my subject I guess. 😁

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Sucré has started telling us each day when it is dark. He makes a big thing about it. Makes me smile every evening.

    he has already asked for apple crumble for pudding. There is just enough left for one.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Don’t worry Keef

    I like to ramble too, could do it professionally lol, that’s sweet about Sucre and the dark, LA likes his puddings and desserts too, in fact left to him I think he’d eat very little else.

    have a nice afternoon / evening take care x