Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    mum has calmed down a little bit

    dad is out at the event

    I went to town centre - minor shopping again

    LA coming about 7.30 pm today

    D - Day - esque preparations are in progress

    im ok so far thanks

    more later

    bye tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi toady

    how are you today?

    I liked the big noise pun, very appropriate lol

    im just about ok thanks, I may have missed a post as it’s been so hectic here today i haven’t had a chance to read through everything so sorry about that

    i am however definitely having a better day than yesterday thanks

    LA is coming in half an hour’s time potentially ookey!

    LA is of course not the problem- the innocent Machiavelli lol

    its just mums panicking again, “ put his heater on at this time, bung some food in the air fryer at this time”, “ breathe in at this time, exhale on Thursday night after the visit” ok, I am exaggerating a little bit lol, also my mother doesn’t say “bung”, that’s just me of course haha, I can’t vouch for the avian form of Mrs B lol

    i could write more but I have a tight schedule which be could be delayed but I’m hoping for a semi - dormant volcano today.

    I remember you or Toni saying something about a good nosegay sale? That’s great, caviar infused tea bags for VC then?

    ok I have switch the portable heater on right now otherwise the gangster’s granny might have a tantrum- warning, please don’t publish this on the internet 😂.

    have a good evening toady tc xx

    ps some original art by LA xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 24. Oct 2023, 19:08

    Hi all 👋

    Ooh, tired today 😣 not the best night but not bad either, felt ok in the morning and started quite a few jobs, then it 'came to get me' 🙄 have had an afternoon sleep and will cut off early tonight. Was having an al fresco shop but have put it off for now, I'm ok not down to short rations (but I might have a borrow of something from the cafe's biccie cupboard 🍪). Hope you had a good day frog, dry & passably bright here, nowhere near as cold as yesterday. Glad you saw all those lovely deer, squirrels & asstd birdies 😊 yes we have to enjoy what we have. Spotted a mousie today so I think they and Mrs B must have travelled back together from their mini-break 😄 lovely to see them. Mr Speckly has departed, which does make it easier to get round by the shed, but I rather miss him haha. Nothing else happening here, haven't decided about the phone the auction is a way ahead and has been round before - this usually means 4 people will bid now 🤨 - we'll see. Hope you have been in the garden maybe, I just managed a bit of pot tidying & sweeping. I meant to ask, are we having a go on the trampoline before it comes down? Could I, that is the question 🤔😄. You mentioned vaping, ugh yes a v negative thing, has been nastily and irresponsibly marketed, not that that is unusual ofc 🙄. We did have a certain period of ignorance is bliss in the 80s I guess, sigh, a price for that unfortunately but as you say you can only worry so much & do what you can. Love to all, have a good day tomorrow :) xx

    Hello joan, don't worry I don't have noisy neighbours (well the one side still aren't in yet), I was just sympathizing with Toni as hers had had a party and left litter 🙄. The plan is for me to win the lottery & buy them out so I can move in next door 😄 well you never know. Hope you & Sue have had a good day. Yes it was an odd summer, some people say to me it was very nice but I didn't think it was up to much and it just wasn't consistent. Very hot one minute then windy or rainy, not a nice long warm spell. I was drying linesful of washing no time ago and I suppose that's not normal for Oct either. Winter coats 😕 oh dear must I get mine out, ugh I suppose I must. Thank you the garden has more life in it again this week there are mice as well as Mrs B 😊. Love to both :) xx

    Good luck bosh with the approaching (in fact any-minute now!) incursion of LA 😬 glad you got out for some nice little bits of shopping. Will see you at some point during or after the visit :) xx edit: ooh missed you whilst typing, just to say good post 😄 like the in real time reporting of the visit, and bung some food in the air fryer (but not in those words) is very funny, hope your poor mum is not too fraught ofc. I don't think you've missed anything of mine, nothing of any import anyway haha. Yes there was a small tinkle of nosegay coins into the till, have also just been asked for my best price on something, there is a certain sort of person who does this always in a very fake matey way, then wanders off without a thanks anyway when they don't get their own way. Oh well, plenty more orange fish/customers in the fishtank (one hopes 😬). Take care glad you've had a better sort of day :) btw I picked up the hint about the tea 😉 kettle always on as you know I may not be having al fresco but fear not tea is in plentiful supply 👍️

    Hope keef's migraine has pushed off 😕 hope you're taking things easy. xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Toni

    how are you this evening?

    I am running on naughty food as it were right now LA preparations are still going on but I haven’t been eating rubbish all day long. You’ll be pleased to know I’ve avoided cheese though to say have avoided dairy and sweet things completely would be wrong. The day started out nice I went to the town centre Cost A packet for a change and didn’t eat anything that bad just toast with butter and jam and I drank some tea. Of course it wasn’t as long as nice as the tea that toady makes for us here in VV - hint hint - only joking.

    Mum is in a better mood thanks she said she was having some chest pains yesterday I didn’t realise that at the time, the thing is sometimes she just doesn’t tell me what’s wrong. Anyway she’s okay now thank goodness

    Dad is in a bit of a strop but that’s nothing new really, he’s been outside most of the day which was a kind of blessing I have to admit.

    They have raised a lot of money this time, just for themselves really, so nothing particularly great, I always think that they should give some money to a proper charity but they’ve only done it once over many many years, which basically shows how selfish they are, but I wasn’t going into a massive rant about this at this stage in the day ha ha

    So I went to the town centre did some minor shopping as I call it which was nice and I did walk a bit on the way back, but the foot isn’t quite what it used to be. Your right compression bandages are generally a good idea but my feet tend to get a bit itchy so I’ll see how it goes 👍

    I think I have to stop there it’s only because I’ve got 1 million silly tasks to do that gangsters granny has ordered and if they are done even slightly incorrectly then I can feel via the lava flowing out of the very floorboards as it were.

    How is Lucy doing?

    okay better go now Toni bye take care xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    im tired but ok thanks

    mum’s feeling good today too thank you

    yes it can be busy here during half term and things like that

    have a nice evening bye tc xx

    hi Keef

    sorry about your migraine

    have a nice evening everyone bye tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 25. Oct 2023, 05:31

    Morning Joan how are you both today? There's been trouble in the village two people have fallen out big-time and I am friends with both🙄help!!! The deer were beautiful. I feel so lucky whenever I see them. I'm glad you are warm I shall tell Barbara that your heating is working ok! ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef I am so sorry you are having migraines so much. I think there was a new lady joined the forum yesterday who has neck related headaches and I thought of you.

    I hope you are coping ok and able to just rest and take your tramadols when you need to. Sending ((())) and the coffee above.

    Morning Reshmi how are you doing? Well done going for a short walk yesterday.

    Costapacket Toast is ok I think and tea not at all unhealthy. I expect all the cheese will be needed for LA. If you had a naughty treat or two with all that's been going on I am not at all surprised. I had some vegan chocolate myself. I had to go to a village planning meeting yesterday evening which is very tiring for me.

    That picture is just fabulous how sweet is LA! Is it a dinosaur? with maybe a smaller one on the right??? I expect the tiny tyrant is in place by now so no more resting on 'his' bed🤭 Be careful where you step and put some earplugs in at night😉 Bless him he will really lighten the mood. I bet that was why your Mum was much happier yesterday.

    It's good that the mammoth event raised so much but gosh to not even give a percentage to charity is a bit mean. Still at least your Dad is happy for now and peace is restored. I am so glad it is over too it has been a bit much.

    I hope you got all the jobs done to Gangster's Granny's satisfaction last night and the arrival of the aforementioned Gangster went very well.

    Take care and take extra care of that foot around small objects left in dangerous places! ((()))

    Ps LOVE the cat family pic!!!!

    Morning Toady I hope you are ok today? Energy levels low Sleek said you were 'tyred' and she slept on you to make you rest. Let's hope you can head it off at the pass. You never know.

    I failed to get outside unfortunately although i did do some browsing for wallflowers.... I went to the foodbank with clothes donated by the village and popped in to see Kari. Had a dental check up (all good) and then well sat on my rear really as I had a village meeting at 7 which is late for me as you know. Oh I also started doing wordles😣why?!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Aha so mousie had been away with Mrs B! There you go they have come back now as the kids are on half term next week maybe😉

    Probably for the best that Mr Speckly has gone wherever said people go when the weather gets a bit iffy, I bet you do miss him though. Better when you can see them I always think.

    Of course we'll have a go on the trampoline before we give it to charity

    Sleek goes on it now.

    You are probably right about the phone but maybe (hopefully) not. You'll need one soon.

    Have a good day and take it easy.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) have a good day and keep warm. Love to your carers.

    Toady (()) good luck with the phone. How is your leak now. We haven’t seen our neighbour she has things delivered. Have a good day.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) sorry about the people in the village falling out. Soon they might be the best of friends I hope so. It’s not nice falling out with someone. Sorry you went to bed late. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) Have a good day take care walking if there are little toys lying around. Love to your mum (())

    Keef (()) Have a good day I hope you have less pain. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (()) thinking about you.

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hello everyone.

    Reshmi, Anda loved that foto of Wednesday Adams. I forwarded it to say good morning. Hope things have calmed down with you.

    They home later. Sucré went to his great uncle’s yesterday. There is a lot to play with there including quad bikes and electric scooters etc. he comes home babbling on about it all.

    I was up at 2am, tea and pill, then gave in and got up and dressed at 4 and went in bunker. I can’t sleep due to pain. It’s hopeless. I did 3 lots of washing as it was cheap rate and took them to the laundromat at 7am to dry it all. Decided to walk to Greggs at 8 for breakfast. Big mistake. Should have gone in chair. I had a guy in Greggs ask me if i was okay as i must have looked terrible I suppose. I do look like a panda with black rings around my eyes due to lack of sleep and pain. I can’t take any anti inflammatory medication with the tramadol as it really affected my hearing. So I will just keep on like i am. Had flu jab yesterday.

    Toni they have a poster up in Greggs saying about donating left over food at end of day so i will ask if they can stock the food bank here. It’s down that end of town.

    one thing of not sleeping is i have been looking at guitar equipment. I never make wish lists but i have this time and i am up to about £8k so far, and that’s without any actual guitars 😳

    hope everyone okay. Will check in later. Thanks for the coffee earlier Toni 😁

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Toni toady Joan and Keef

    How are you all this evening?

    hi Keef

    thanks about the pic, I’m glad your wife liked it too, Wednesday Addams is great isn’t she? Unapologetically morbid haha.

    Hi Joan

    how are you both today?

    my stomach is a bit unsettled really, but otherwise I’m tired but ok thanks

    I am being careful with the toys on the floor, thanks 👍

    hi Toni

    how are you?

    how was the village meeting?

    LA is not that noisy at night actually, which is good

    I think you’re right about his pic, but I haven’t managed to ask the artist yet as we saw the paw patrol movie today and that’s his current obsession

    GG is in a big mood, partly because my stomach is not ok at all today 🤷‍♀️

    My leg really hurt yesterday in the night as I couldn’t rest when I needed to.

    sorry Toni I’ll stop now as I’m too tired.

    👋 toady

    have a good evening everyone tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 25. Oct 2023, 19:35

    Hi all 👋

    Not quite so 'tyred' today frog, at least avoided that dip I had yesterday, and got a few things done 👍️ and it was bright which helped a lot. And the nap yesterday with Sleek of course, better than a weighted blanket 😂 not to suggest she is a weighty girl of course, heaven forbid I would make a personal comment (see later in post..), just that lovely heavy sleeping cat weight. As you know 😊. Anyway I mustered myself to ring the roof man, and after the quite a few years since he was last here, pre-covid, what did he remember about me? My charming smile, lovely manners, beautiful home? No, my microscopic thinness 😒 please people, keep your remarks to yourself 🤐. I go through life hoping to make nil impression on people, this is just the sort of thing I hate 🙄. Once this lot have been & gone, no more people for me thank you, it's all I want for christmas. Hope things are ok with you and that at least even if the village meeting was late & tiring it was productive, and harmonious.. so sorry the rift is ongoing 😔 sounds like a both sides digging heels in situation 😕. Glad your dentist check up went well 😷. Doing wordles you say, how about the 'connections' puzzle from the original wordle people, says me leading you even further astray heh heh. I shall try to get in suitable trampolining training 😂 I'd be alright on the up part I think, it's the coming down again bit I'm worried about. Cats are much better designed in that line. Have had another potter & tidyup and it was bright enough to nearly finish the part-started coat of blue (a la Barbara) on the shed. Next stop must tidy garage. Did you see about snails getting in postboxes & chewing the post? 😂 I knew it was a bumper year for them. Have a good night :) xx

    Hello joan, thank you for the prompt about the roof it nudged me into going & ringing them rather than putting it off a bit longer. They will probably come & have a look next week. Could have done without the comment he made about my being a very very slim lady as if that stuck in his mind above all things, for all people know you aren't a bit happy about it yourself (I'm not!) so should just err on the side of caution. Anyway personal remarks are just not necessary full stop. Hope you have both had a good day it was quite nice here 😊 my phone auction is not for a few days I am still thinking 🤔. Hope your neighbour is ok even if she doesn't get out & it's partly her own choice not that she isn't able. Have a good day tomorrow :) xx

    Hi to bosh, I will reserve chat for when next in and things are a bit better / not so much going on, LA visit, and less than good stomach etc 😔 sorry about that and that your leg was troubling you yesterday for lack of resting it. Not much news anyway will catch up with you in the quiet cafe corner soon no excess people allowed of any sort. Hope you sleep ok as poss 👋 xx p.s. I was listening to a sci-fi audiobook last night and partway through they mentioned that the planet's inhabitants worship a 'hideous' toad god, so even in fiction I'm not safe from insults 😂😂

    Personal remarks for you as well keef, must be the day for it 🙄 much rather people didn't. Glad you got some errands done at least, wish I had a nearby laundrette I used to live over the road from one I really liked it 😄 I put a bit of washing out on the line as it was bright but not a breath of wind, when you want it, so stuff just hung there limply. Sorry about the Catch22 with the anti-inflammatories, I hope you get a better night tonight. I like your style with the wish list especially the punchline that there are no guitars on it 😄 I'm too miserly to make lists but maybe I should think bigger✌️ xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 26. Oct 2023, 05:28

    Morning Joan I hope you and Sue are well today. I got to bed earlier yesterday at least. I'm afraid one of the people in the village can fall out with people for a very very long time - years! Honestly it's very silly. Ah well. Take care of yourself ((())) xxx

    Cup of coffee for you Keef

    I am so sorry you are struggling so much at the moment. I can see a pattern though so with luck it might ease back again in a day or so. If not I honestly think it might be time to go back to the Dr for a referral to a specialist.

    It was a good idea to go to Greggs to make it easier than preparing your own food but maybe not so to have walked. Well spotted that your Greggs might help their local foodbank. It works so well at ours not a spot of food is wasted 😊

    I'm so glad Sucré had a lovely time at his uncles bless him. Quad bikes and electric scooters indeed! Can I come next time too?!

    That wish list does sound huge - but you know why not?!

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you? Yesterday you couldn't rest your ankle/leg so is it ok and no not your stomach too😓 bless you that's a lot to contend with. I hope your Mum's BS is ok too and everyone's temper.

    Ah Paw patrol is so cute! I hope you enjoyed the movie too?! His drawing was actually rather good i thought. I hope it has pride of place on the wall. I am very glad to hear LA sleeps well and you don't need earplugs - that's something at least.

    That Wednesday pic/joke was spot on and made me ☺ smile thank you.

    Take care no rest when you can ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    I am glad you didn't have that nasty 'dip' in energy yesterday. You do right to rest though you can't really fight it can you? Sleek makes an excellent (very light) weighted blanket I agree. Except when she's on your bladder😂

    Well I am glad you contacted the roofer - what is really so long ago😮 - but how rude! Would he have made such a comment of you had been 30 stone? I rather think not. He would have remarked upon your hair or your lovely eyes 😝

    I hope you get your wish for Christmas some peace and quiet from home invasions or the need for home invasions.

    The meeting was productive - it's about the Christmas market we are planning in the village at the beginning of December. The row will continue i fear for some time. 🙄

    We have had snails in our parish notice board eating the notices! Aren't they incredible. Shell and all and the gap is tiny no more than a crack?!

    Well done painting the shed Barbara-blue hued. I am sure hers is also still blue such a lovely colour. You've done loads more than me already. I think it's time a got cracking really. It will not be today nor Friday and of course Paul is around at the weekend. Lucy wants to go pumpkin picking on Saturday too🙄

    That's what I fear on teh trampoline the coming back down🤔 Things might not end so well.....

    Have a great day if you can😊

    this ready brek should please Reshmi (stomach permitting) and Loanda too😊

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Thanks Toni 🐸 for the encouragement and understanding.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Bad head still bubbling away.

    Sucré has cough/cold so will do ‘Vid test later. He just wants his dad and is currently curled up next to me in my bed whilst I’m drinking tea, listening to R2. He loves the radio on, actually he normally asks for the bomp bomp song, which is his version of the bass intro to Purple Haze by Hendrix but it’s a bit early for that, even for me.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    The clocks go back on Saturday

    Kitty (()) I hope you are well. Love to your carers (())

    Toady (()) you would never think to say anything to anyone who visited you ( you might think it ) that’s rude. Have a good day good luck at the auction.

    Barbara (()) have a good day and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Reshmi (()) you are doing so well. Love to your mum (()) his feeling happier now she has L A there.

    Keef (()) I hope you feel a bit better today pain wears you down I know. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (()) I hope everything is alright there.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Joan

    how are you doing today?

    thanks, my stomach is ok at the moment, but I haven’t eaten anything remotely “heavy” at all yet, so I guess time will tell regarding my stomach issues but thanks for asking 🙏,

    as for domestic issues, dads cold is worse today, we’re hoping it’s not the pneumonia returning, we keep telling him to go to the doctors, but I’m not sure if he’ll listen.

    mums bs is ok thanks, but she’s getting very stressed about the LA situation as he’s being quite naughty sometimes.

    I hope you both have a good day

    bye and tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Toni

    how are you doing today?

    thanks about the pic 👍

    thanks about my leg too, what happened was that it was too hot to sleep in my room at the time and mum had become obsessed with LA’s “shrine”, so even though the little Lord wasn’t due to arrive for many hours, there was a ban on resting there, also I’d walked a little bit more than some of the days, so the situation wasn’t good.

    mums bs is ok thanks 🙏

    so yesterday my stomach wasn’t good before the cinema, which I did enjoy thanks- very cute as you said- so I said to mum that unfortunately the best thing would be for me to stay home as there’s no way I should be eating McD’s afterwards like LA likes us to all do, but mum got in a huge rage and even though I ate a plain sandwich beforehand the film etc lasted so long that I ended up having a bit of the McD’s basically and also there was pressure to have some, i should’ve stayed strong and just got through the hunger pangs with gum or something like that, which I sometimes do, but I made a wrong decision and also felt pressurised, my stomach got worse and there you have it.

    Dad isn’t too well, his cold is worse, possibly pneumonia, we don’t know yet, he’s at the doctors right now, hopefully nothing serious, he’s been wearing summer coats or whatever again - so frustrating .

    I only saw the artist’s work digitally im afraid.

    he said that dinosaurs eat human Blearios for breakfast lol, I tried to purchase some from al fresco, but there was a product recall going on, organised remotely by their product control manager Elephant Trunk Lady Baby in Bangalore! Good job she’s so on the ball really, I saw Lolenzo’s mum trying unsuccessfully to purchase the offending item for her junior mafia clan, so she raided the shelves for shrimp porridge instead, I told her to leave some for Sleek, but did she listen 🤷‍♀️- I can only say “Mamma Mia” lol.

    I almost had a fall yesterday Toni, it was raining and mum was getting in a tremendous panic, the plan was for me to get a plain ham sandwich from the shop before the cinema, as there wasn’t much suitable food at home and she was going on and on saying there was no time, which wasn’t accurate to be honest, anyway, so I was walking fast in fear and there was a slippery area just outside the entrance to the shopping centre and I slipped but somehow managed to not 100% fall at the last minute, it was a kind of shiny flooring, it reminded me of the hotel floor you fell on once, poor you, that must have been so scary, anyway it didn’t happen in the end thankfully, but it was a difficult day really, in so many ways, but LA is having the time of his life, so that’s main thing really lol.

    He did however do something very naughty today, he didn’t want to practice phonics with his granny, so he kicked her in rage on her stomach and she was in some pain for a while, but both parties are feeling better now 👍👍

    Dads temper is continually volcanic, but thanks for asking.

    I hope you have a nice morning Toni bye for now tc xx

    ps Sleek’s angry cousin maybe? Only joking xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Keef

    how are you? Hope the covid test result is ok? Poor Sucre, I hope you both feel better soon.

    bye for now tc x

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hi Bosh, yes negative thanks. We had a laugh about me sticking something up his nose and said about not putting anything else up there.

    unfortunately he jarred my back earlier by accident and i am in considerable pain atm

    prior to that we had a tidy up in the bunker and refitted some of the soundproofing that had come adrift and fixed another piece that I reach behind to turn the power on that has been bugging me for months but I only just came up with a solution to stop it falling down. So it’s all tidy out there now. The wheelchair has been relegated to living in the yard. It was always a squeeze to get by it both on foot and when i get the bine out and I had a temper tantrum about needed a bigger house (imagine Bazil Faulty you won’t be far off) and it now lives in the garden. Cold will probably do the batteries in but I just do not have room, and the wheels are frequently dirty which I hate having inside without cleaning so now I don’t have to worry.

    this has turned into me rambling on again…..

    love to everyone, check in later. 🤪🎃😈

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Toni

    thanks for the R Brek very tasty if a bit scary 😱

    bye for now

    here’s some Halloween porridge lol

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi toady

    how are you?

    very late reply to your gastric question lol, yes raw stomach definitely upsets my stomach

    I had some porridge with milk, sugar and sweetener just now, it really tasted divine like the equivalent of Bill’s 6 foot long Blood - way sandwich as the vampire nurses call it, in order to avoid a brand name haha, as I’ve been careful with food due to stomach most of the day, hopefully I was careful enough, but as you know it’s up to the gastric nighttime Delphi oracle to make her decision lol

    house is unbelievably warm, BB has the flu unfortunately, but he is milking as it were, he said he couldn’t reach the remote right next to him in order to switch on LA’s eternal animations of the canine variety, LA hit him at one point oh dear, but you can’t of course always expect a littley to act with propriety, ok I’ll leave this waxing lyrical digression for now lol.

    LA has gone home now taking all the sweets and Dino toys he could hold on his little hands aww.

    He was also very angry when I suggested that Alana ate three pumpkin for her morning repast lol, he actually poked my legs with a blunt pencil! Oh dear, what will ex - colleague /artistic Halloween ghost Van Gogh say? Blunt pencils should not be instruments of warfare, wise words indeed haha.

    Ok so no reportable windfalls from the nosegay tree then? Oh well I may be able to misappropriate some lobster - infused tea bags from bills household soon, who’ll enjoy drinking them I have no idea, an appetite suppressant maybe?

    sorry I tried to read back, but I only got so far with it.

    have a nice evening toady take care xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 26. Oct 2023, 17:30

    Hi people 😊

    Once again an almost quite decent day out there, yet this week was supposed to be horrible. Well it did rain for a few mins but thiose were the few I wanted to go out in, so that figures 😄. Don't worry I haven't really done that much at all in the garden, honestly, frog, it is very small bits here & there. Lots to cut back (buddleia..), & tidy, won't all get done I'm sure. And not a thing planted. Mostly have been tidying the area that 'tactless tiler' will probably need to get in & put ladders. No he wouldn't say anything about a larger person and if I went to the door now and were several sizes larger since then, you would practically see his mind whirring wouldn't you. The thing is quite a number of reasons to be thin can be health related, so really it could be totally the wrong thing to say. Would you say it to a thin man, too, ofc.. 🤨. On that subject, the nosegay banner of gifts for him & gifts for her is going round; why am 'I' having a tealight holder and 'he' is getting a turntable? 🤔 Ok there is some better stuff under the category when you go there, but an awful lot of pink horrors as well. Hope you can get a bit of free time in among family & other stuff & pumpkin picking etc 🎃 . So the snails really are everywhere 😱 yes they are very persistent, and resilient too. Sometimes find one in a dry dusty corner of the garage etc that you think is an empty shell and they start moving. Have a good evening & love to Sleek (yes, very good at being at her most settled when you would like to be 'excused', I remember it well 😄) - she set off today before I remembered to ask for news of Kitty, is there any? xx

    Hello joan, hope you've had a good day 😀. No I wouldn't comment on anything about anyone's appearance, we all can't help think things automatically like if someone has a large tattoo or is very very tall, but best not say anything, even if you think it's a compliment you might be putting your foot in it. Very mild today have hardly had the heating on yet 👍️. Hope it's dry if you go to town tomorrow. Clocks! ooh thank you I must remember. Love to both :) xx

    Hi bosh, sorry you very nearly fell near the shopping centre (why have such shiny tiles, something a bit textured would be better 🙄), it's such a horrible feeling for that split second when you think you are 'going', glad you saved yourself! Hope things fairly calm at HV today and you can please yourself a bit more food-wise. I love your tale of al fresco and the human blearios 😄 all very funny indeed, not sure how you keep your sense of humour as well as you do at times with naughty littleys around (very bad to kick 'GG' 😠) and 'grown-ups' not wearing their winter coats &c but I admire you for it. Hope your dad definitely has nothing worse than a cold🤞. Take care see you anon :) xx edit: missed you by 2 mins! so in the meantime the littley has escalated to kicking BB and poking aunties with blunt pencils 😱 whatever next, oh dear. I see your dad does have the flu rather than anything worse not that the flu is any picnic ofc, even one with cheese sandwiches, hope he gets well swiftly. Glad you had some nice porridge 😊 good luck with oracle. Not just me with the spinach then. Nothing of mine to read back I'm sure we're caught up, or as near as makes no difference, as they say. Nosegay possible-customer-chap is having a think, will report back. 👋 xx

    Glad you hit on the solution for the tidied up bit of bunker keef 👍️ good for you 😊. I was faffing with a very small project earlier & mostly getting cross because it was not going well, and I was rushing it too, so I was annoyed at myself for that. Only a small shelf for under the sink, a bit of bad measuring and a snapped fretsaw blade later it will 'do' I suppose. Yes bigger houses please, more storage more elbow room! Temper tantrums, sometimes you just have to. Sorry Sucré gave you a knock 😔 glad that the test was ok and hope you both feel better soon xx

    Love to all kettle on ☕️ xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Many years ago I had a lovely little guitar amp made locally in Essex, and it was my first proper all valve amp. I can remember the first time I ever plugged in and powered it up. Expecting it to blow the windows out of my then music room. It was however a sweet sounding amp and not that loud, as amps go. About a year later I traded it for a bigger and better one, that turned out to be not as good, and I went back to the store to get it back, (sound familiar?) and it had gone. It was end of line when I bought it and i never managed to find another. Until a few years ago when I found it’s larger brother in Ipswich, that turned out to be faulty, then 6 days ago I found the exact one on eBay and I just won it!!!! I fell very smug and happy. Hope it’s all okay and as per the description.

    Head has calmed down a bit too.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hey Toady, not just a shelf, but an under sink shelf. I can only dream of doing anything under my sink these days. In fact getting to the plug for the dishwasher is a challenge.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    It isn't remotely how it needs to be (the shelf), it needs the supports and remnants of the old one taking out and starting over, but it isn't going to get it. All I had to do was cut a bit out so the ready bought shelf would sidle around the p-trap. Getting down to anything is not my favourite thing either, there's no bend down or squat (I so miss that..), it's get down on the floor or nothing. Not a pretty sight or the getting back up, but just glad to be able to do it at all as it's only the meds that let me. I love happy ending ebay stories 😀 pending it all turning out ok, I really hope it does 👍️.